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AF WAEER SAFETY AF INSFEQTEON 3F ANA RESERVQIA IN STATAS Ai??am. Dam NA. 584 (Emmy A1F Qf' . . .. At? its; 5 fez-AT Amway crAAtA 1A . 3Q Tee: ?3336le dam crest. 53%? .imAmtAAt. Ar Taken 13 WATT mam?iamet? TAAI f??aw'?g Ar This} TAA bush AA d?W?Ait??am Amin- the. entrance Qai? not AA pmvmus AA Removes EAA minor wAAdy 2. TAA 1-6 2834 the AA TAA was. Aid AA 3 The {At theiA' 2-2836. the TAfArmatAn A?d AA dam. TEAAWGTT AAT-A ?3151' safety AA ITAA AT the wrap upstream and IiinAA dAwnAtrAam unafarm And A Aans?fAciAry The upstream {i?wnsir??am Astra-am B?paamd abuimAAtA Appeared AZAATA TAA AA. with AA maiAA WAS the; A m3} The: bush A: {$3th ?at rammed as requested mag: MATTQFEE the with ITAA ApgtIWAj agreed AA. the Image: ,ath. NA. r?dem TAA- ?sh?ni?ei and. Af' was. in Attached AA AAPAAIA The cemprismg The iA the cansretA wquAA?A retammg the fight and AA EA G??ditmn SA: gig; jg??xifgg n- 33! .. . . 1 Bil-T V?gie-F 3? Yes 3.5: 9.3351315 Acafm gig?Remy; @551. A. E: 3AM REQSERVGER STATUS Name?{EE- {Jam MGSWEEA . . . Dam N9. 58:4 Bate Ensgm?ea 5' and Z. The TEES Edam: {s {mama E: mare {Se-Em: J-{me- 23. mamarandum {{Ez ?ies. Tw: {Epafrean_ g3: upsimam a: {Ea-"Estmk WEE: Eh. Et: - {Estraam Ipawemousa ?(he ?am: the ar? {?ameter bypaw {:Epe fee-{E55 a. valve: wauid be {if upsErea_ ga?ie HERE 3: {weaved wail mamEamed and @356 . .E :Esc: mike?{E an: {Eze- E0: the Hawaii.? yams, and m: net: any {35511333315 Ema: IEEQE ?and they need. {yaw meet DSOD :3 annuaE cyuimg gate {Er-as;- East January SEE-7E5 and Eh: was; EasE waf?e: {En Am: 30 23:5 {th upsneam {33:9 and :{Egpewun a A: in: Eh: {En E-EE, 28E: {sewers were: {emavmg {Ewing {swam {he {Ewpags pipe-I were: 3E3: replaced the {he {he Eh: {he {m'screte (PhaEs: M: Cachran {afarmed m: Eh-aE :nms?gme d?tarrmne {:{Eurw mmsiure The: {Eme- NEE seepage {Er eEE'cEance seepage was: grams. and. {Emma-{mam area: Em. emf: {Em Thaw-z: {sf {he {Earn {Emerhause- {he {ax-Erase. an: not. be {wage-{Em see-gage, . MED {hes {Em-saw:- Becambe: Maxed Falls was. .p-E'Ee {egg-Era: EE- {sewage was? at {his {Ear-E: {Eye survey {Eanumer?is {he {reg-E. {he {jam which. {are surveyed aver-y. years-E. The; {apart Nawmbw wag {ubmst ed 9013.3? 13.2531: TEE: mammum between the" 20363.5. and 2:31: surveys was: BREE: mahes) accurred ESE 2G {wag?3:36. {awards Ehe: .Eeft abutment) TE prawded EQEEQ: {term a: set?ament GEE-E E2: {Eat :93: yea: TEES- mammum sings: 0. SETS: E: has EE. near maximum the; {Eam "The: Es: {magma {aways Ear: {{EE-{ewed {Eat-{E {Jam :3 ad??uat?fiy. TheEefqre. Eha and their Erequemy smegugzigad suf?cient a: {his :35: ww .. 2 a: mb??am Emma. mm w?k?cm. Em?w omwm?. ?mm?mmn . . . . . away?? .mm? .9..me E3333 ff/rz/ {xi/x a. nan/V? rainy?! game. e. am? am?m mm WEE ?mm. mwwm?mm .mmvammw, .z .353. my. gig. ?am?mm .33 ??33 3mm?. gm. ?mu mama .m?mwm 3 Mg. 3% ?g mm. .?mmd?mm. .71. 3.5.3 ?aw. 49.3w. mag? u. 5; mm lug-Sh E?Eii?'s 33f ihzs-m??m: :1 swam 3:82:39); STATE. QF II *5 WI CALIFORNIA- REQDURCES AGENCY DFPARTAAFNT WATER. QAQAQAQAA QA-AAQ- INEPEGTAQN SF 53AM RESERVQER EN. CERTIFIED STAIHS Name. I. I . I NQ: Marip?WQAQAAQ . . 4.9- . -AQQA.I..I I I I I 1399? I. beiQaanQm CIQQA QAAQ CQAQAQQ EJHQAAI With Named AQA PQAAQQAQ MQA I Immrtant Qr QQAK QQAQ. Aha were durAnQ. TAAQ and. Aroma-ms were Fer anwQ and dam and the. judeQ QQAIQ AQA - and IQQAAIQA This. was scheduled to the, QLAAQA. during scheduIQd Qt. 5 $352. powerhouse. WQAQ pQrAQAmi-Qgi the; QQAAQIAQAAQQ of the II I I TAAQ QQAIQA m" QQAQQ Q. -. which expands AQ Aurbme QAAQ QQAQAAQA AQI AQQ bypass QAQQ Q: VQAAQ IQQAQ and. VQAAQ with AQQ bypass; QAQAQQ needs AQI AAIQ- cyciQd AQ: {3860?s oycimg rQqueranAQ AQA QQ: 3ng QAI- VAQAQIQ DDFAIOHS Ah_ gate QAQQAQQ motor I. drive Qtht; and: QQAQQAQAQ appeared in: ngQ'd "and welt: :iny tih-Q. AQQ the - gate was VAQAQAQ and the: Qf' the QIQAQ As: II Qbscured structure TQQ bypass?gate than 2 ayes Qd: AAQAQQ WQQ and A: was. Au. .Ay. again. -. TAAQ Qf AQQ AQAAQ and. QAQQAQQAQ . Th? WQQ Qy. I . IVBIQIAIISFI .I.I Ag N5 {Bate I. . .I II 1255323 II QQAQA . .. AQAQQA . . .I '82 ?$33.2 w??zm ?z 9% .wgaw .Zm?m gunmagnm?ww? . . . .. . meZD. .mw? 0me 0232mm? 4 Mmm?m Mm y/?izhr/WNMU? Ayn/f $3.96 A, yam?. om ?n mg?mg?? mm @me M033 nm?mwm ?mmw, 0% a? :2 m?am? mm. a mzmn?mm #me ?ma?w?m Em?wuowmma gmm?m? . . . . bag. 20. 333% .M mam; Am mg.? a? 2, $3.53 m. a . \st 3 31333332331. 33111333333113.3333 Em 32' EN GEPERTMENT WRTER 1853088131.?) 8.- 1333111511313 <31- <31 1333.313? 1' NW TNSPEQETQN $1883 AN Di .REESEREQTR 1N Name: <31 Earn 135.3231: N113 ISMETTEESE @338 331133.131 EETTI 11172081: . I Type :31. 5331111211333 {15.111138 {353-1311 81151111191 II . Watu 13. 4.8. 11381131318313.1111? 112381311118. II .28 8 I 11-3331. I 138113113! II ?11.11.1111 1:33:31..- Watger 5113313311311; 3115:1131 . . 3313313313132.333331333361333 333321 13331113 . . I Law-33mg 3133133103313 E11311 3333-11 131313.33 11.13.11 333113.13. 51.133311131333311 1111111111333 13213131<1 irngartant {31359333211133.1335 Recammeneiatmns 333' 1.6110333 Taken 1. Remave 1131.: bush {33313111313 E31133 dawns ream: 33133.3 1133.3 entrance @3112 13.1111 <31 113a ap?iway agee weir 333313.31. Arrangements weir-<3: 331.1363: :1<3.w31ness113<3 c331 1313.3 1131:1138 upstream 91111135 33311 33311331333113 11331311111 Banger 111111318 the 31133131331113 31393318111131.1111 51313111133133 .313 DEcamEe-r .32. (mtrumentatzon 31313133111131 was 3333131311311 13-13 Marc-h 1 331111131?- 11313331831331 13.131331333- 51313313111331 .133: 9315311311111. 131333<21<<$1<3<33 $392133. 1.1113- 11316313331133: and 311331.131 1113.373e311113. 11311 {3&1?115. 1133-1733311: 3331.1 11'31?33333133'163333111131 are 313dgad-sa113- 1031:333113'3313332 use. Ghsewaiiunawami'13833131193313 @3111 . The 3533131111 13331311 1311331 was 1631-61.. unifgrm 31311113: {9331311. The viz-3112.13 33331333311313 rip