{?ame of Bani. (5563191163; ?ne. bf'??am Exam? 4? sm7rs-w:czxumam AW RESQURCESAGERSY RESQURCES SAFETY a? WSPECTWNE SEA-M RESERVGERE STETUS I ?Emmy- ?h35$ta stairiiway-Grasmnu . I . . . .teat. heif?w: Wagarjs I :a?bsw? wag-2mm {9&3 Staggii W?aihar Cm?i??naWHJ-m and sunny- . mamas. Ma?a cam Ly, Mathemee-si?, Sean Murphy; Steve m:th eta? :R?'eason- {gr ?eafiadit: M?iin?ger?anaa ?at: dag-m cf3$t,- 32m partant?hsem?iimgy A's naiem?- $133!: reports, 99% ism} mans-w: .r?habi-iitatath?e? has. in wait Eartha appmmate mew}? mznaitims te- take. the. autlat an: car. same-sea. We mamas-tad- th?a? trim the? vagetagti?on behind the right waif. in: midi-?56m wa- mater: fh?af wag-g: hates. 235 an #13 right win-way waif were dry: and "requastedtmati PGSEE check. it: see what: mesa weep dram Gamiusiang me i-h? 'i'rzifmma?hn Md #33113! inspreetian. =ths- dam,. resairvai?r; and the ?pgu?tenan-ces: are waged. safe first" cantinsue?: we. :Dbserva?g?s afmi The damstream face; Visible parties-m: an? aim. gaffe-am crest, gm area, and abutment gag-tam aapyesairedi :9 be it: :safistfacmry?cand?ificn: with ma evi?eme, af- inartabi?t; cir- distifezss: {see P?drain-age?areahadbean repaired; if: additian, had-bean- ;remwed'fmm fhe. upstream face. The. Gig:- in. the: safest magi near-"the ie?labuimant' appeared Sim'i'iar'tei premw and. agraakiihg ailang "the: crest mad 'notad' ?in the): ?st did mt .a-ppe-arm have. P-GSAE swan-3.7m- Eameythe ?f?St and a parti?n {if the fairest . Vagie?taitim mniml'was :e-xse?ant; and no :s?gns an? wars mated, a: me. ?p??gway approa?h, wane- ciaar and The: 3109 team. was?: in giasa and i??ia?h .5 Raise: no; Efis?iifeas. What aware-ta Spii?way mute.- Vegata?m wag cia'ate? was; away {mm the. chute. We: that irim' 1?th vegaiation ba?ind the" right. spi?way WE: ancii? d-etarmi-ne what-the w'e?ep. Mia's- on the: right spimway-Wau drain. N. gig?? . . .. .. Larimtzw mm- inspacte? by Date; ofifihspac?an Data of Regina: Phctasz-faken? YES EEG ccsfor I MR 152-631 {Rex-s. mm; Sheet- 1. pf mm mm- mam" QAM $9375 STARTUS {Beam miegsf .in?g?ea?eu {Ehsmatibsns anti mm 9:281 {teas-.- mum's;- Tif'ze .vaim? was. men? The (mat. came-is. 13;} mare-d 1:3: be. in gas?sfa?w- asnc?-t?iah, As. Mad 93% ?ian$= 2m mhabi?me hut hails; {a wait {gr {he agprw?'afa .rasewmir mm?ims- i-Gv take {ha @226? Qf'sewimd N33 $35333 signs: a? geepagge: were; mama. an the d?wnweam me. Tha- We. mm at; the? me"- weir was. gram-m" weir raga apgrtaximatai}? {21.4 {292. The; S?apafg?was i'msirumenfai?ma: {wig-dam m?sristsafsu?my Thaxms: tweak inssijmmaraiaziian ream was: receivad Ami: 1'1, 2:31 If and gowm daftagaihiaraci-thmugh 29:15; Suwey Manament?s: Sumeij are. taken cm a. ear a?ez majar 9: survey . Wag taken in am and its?? hex? si?he?u?e?' in 2&8? {iai'ag- indina?EE-?s. {hat ma?amaais. ware Within histmzi'c hes-ands arid ramain beiew Twas-mid and: amen Maia . mama; g??iemwt: 32.1 anti the: makimum ?ari?e??tw ig ammxi?ma?t?iy Saamg? Waits: Thane appears it} im- n'c: i?Gf??-i??iihg :32: athezmisa a?vem?e seepage trends; art-this gm?: {imcmiaug?sz in 3333, attack gaugas Ware. insiaifad an ma n?ha? masks- art-me am} right: - mast-gate amhmagas, These" @333 mama ware removed Wh?? the: 'cmarete was repaired 83:13 wart 83sec: an the sumi?ad instrume?ta?an rem?; the: {jam 932%?me satisiamriiy; Na ad?i?ongig ins'tmmeniaiim ise ?a?gm?i?mamaw at this time. Shag: 22? z? v.35 EWM 5N 35E: mama mmar'a wc?mu? mam. Ms; W91 2-13 {State insiziaet?em '1 :31er 1-2521: {mm mm): Shea-=2: (Egg. -, 35373? Nama Fifmia- Sgssii?way' {2&1 ate" m. was; S?ee't 4.. af- STATE I I BEFARTME NT WATER REBGURKEES 3r? 6F BEAM ANU RESERVEKR CERTEFFEQ STATUS. Name mam MQ?-lmd II II I Imam II I Emmy. Igha?a Typaeaf mam Em}: Type mt- gamma-y. Cam-rate: .ah-ma. gates; y?a??irzif? . I uf?g?i I 35me Is?iilwayc?iegfa?ci. {asset Weat??Eef-Cm??ia?s Ra?me and mid Sa?fa$t$ Ma?a {33:53. Murray, Ma??hew Jas?pm at a: {Fags}; R?k?w??r Meif?ianame .immrtam Qbmmatiam, gig?ms mm. Yak-an 3% mam-? in me wasng in-spa?ian rag-arts: sfiil mans t0. rahabi'iitaia has tic; wait f?=r=fhe {mama-sir it: being- mm the, smiimy, ardar ta make. its the stream :rekiease's, bar-me- it'he. ani?iet n32?: be.- taken out of SE?Wi-?ai, Sinisi?ar prexzmus- yams, we mama. a dip- .ih {he} amsima?i at. we taft- ?abutmle {gee mam-sag. We 3:250 nested a pram-m in the. mag that suggesigd samta ?3133in gmmememLITW-Q (saws; of survey- mai'iasmmd be. ins?a?a?i me an" east: gide {3f- ih-e mad attire-$5 the $99.96 3mm mam-tar the dip- in the was: mad {at magma-?t Sam-iussi?ns Fr?m ma: @3an ?n??rma?m and ?Ema: inspeat?m. the. dam, '{esfem?ia am the appu?enames are judged 3233?s: far-wniinuedi ma; . . face,_ vie-Ema germ-mm m. upstream- faae.,_ abutment mamas; and ME arm ware. it: aa?sfa?w?y gamma-?a: mm?ziem "We did mtwm-k?m graiimss aiming this. irmmc?m due in .hafmr?aug- cam-:iitio. {213m asimiiar tie; ?rewigu-Srgaam wa a dip. it:- the arias-i ma?? ai-tfhe: 39ft. abuimam {See gamma}. We ass-<13: misci- franwersa madam Whitih was. mi mated? in mamas Enapac?cns, in; {has .exiat?ng inn'gitmiima! c-fa?k-piaf?em ii'nzthamard.; TEE-suggests- same miinm-mtaviamamt'haa We; .reswmmesnd?d midi-?g- Ma rams mf- sum'efy miss; me- at: eaah $163: the maxi acrms ?xa- dig-Md area, we manimr {?533- ?183 "Er-3' We: crest mad farmwement Vegetation can-{r35 was aaiigaci?w; Na mien: aeiji'vity was;- mated; agi?wag. "Tm Sammie; .spi?way appraa?h, :31th any} chame? wem wear" and umbs?tm??e?j am g?peare? {a 33.9- in? 353%?me sim'crturai ma?i?mi with widema ?33" ms?tms? Gr mavezment. ma: ?533 baa-em was in; and int-fast. appeared Vagetat?qn dow?$iraam. a? and abngsid'e the chute was; weaned? away; ima- spi?iwaio- gates zaggigja-af?di is baa.- if: safisfactary simi?wa? madam as 'vi'eward frigim \xe Cm: zn-speaiedby' Rr? Emi?zs- I I N123. Baiegf-msgec?m; II far II :QWhaffBock I Basie 0.1? Rammgig/ta? ma 1225.1 mev._ Sheer a? -- Mama-:12? i3a:m'_ Ms?l?gd we; RESEEVWR miE? Na. I wags-?23326 {Bate-cf insgeafim 9?339W8ii 91:15 mi mafia: QWR 1336?? "The yams-was wan ~a??xa i9 make" Yaqui-fa ?na-sfre?am Magma. The owe: matmis. aga rte-arm te- he in sa?gf?asimi; sandman; . 31 ?g mg?tieici previmwm 918271313rehabilitate-_vahzag bu? 33-535,. m- wgii? iQr f?e res-arsr?ir is: syi? {game the. uu?etj ?an (mi- sf gamma, i N9 visime aigns an? seepage-were nmeci cm face; The mrma! we. $eepage. mm, at me me Weir, was; meg?m; {he st'a? @3339 read. ift}; ave-r me; 613.?- vwmim- wait mama E3: . typicaiz f?ffhi? weir. See-gagge-wtumes a?ppaamd iypizea.?.. fie-water wag Gives? with evidence: $e?iiment. T??-iun?ei? weir was. m5? but. Mil haze awe: hangar, Th9; airman: 07f mar-emerging {mm tha tunnel. mama simiiarm imimmemtatian: at? this. dam magistg eff seapggxa {haze-en suisvey' manumanis, mar;- resaryair- and Me}- auiamazed resei-?i?dir :ievei mmumng Thaw net}. piezametars. at thiia; The imimrma?a?m rep-mi was: magma} .an?p'rii Est-3'1 and. aware data :Q-aibared mm ugh" Euways. are; taken- ;m a yam" gym! The last Was; cam?i-afe-d' 2:03 gamma the 263.3 5mm- dfa'ta s?a'ws: ft?i?a't m?y?menis- ware-- wifhin mam-inf Mums. and remain Thrash-em am: Ra?-an Law-51$ Hista?mal ss-e?iameni $13633 than (1.1. ft, and ma?mum de?es-titan is 3,63?- if, Ne. new dam-was submitted at This mm, Thaw.- ?a?gkp?iaz?s it} be as .imima?ing afhamiise- adizersa wag-age. trends. 5% {his dam Siam; gauges New: Engaged an cracks; at {hes ie?maa: and righi-?mwt-gaie a-nmmagas in; 12-61 to. man-Eta Sig?ailing Gang-?ex Thaw gaiugas ware: mi read in 22:13-15; dug war-Ear safaty macama man's-m this: awning in. 281%.. ?33 sad. the submitiedi data, this dam is gamma-?ing satisfacmriw 98$ mired 31mm, We {mam-mended arming m: news: wway Haifa .aazah .sizie' cf the; mad, moni?m {he dip in "the crest- mad-far mmamem. Nit: {Ef?e-r 'instm-meznia?an is judged mace-saws: at this time, Shae?- 2: {3f my?? ham *2 .?lmm? Em??amEnnis: . . ,xx H, . luff/l .. . .112/12ww?a. m- mummam?mn Ea. mm mm.me ma?a. Em. E. mama {mm m2 m%?%mm 13me Ea?m?c? . . 20.. Wyn/?n??m?r/ . .. 3.. . 3% xr/v I ex 3. 7y?! . I 9/ ?we, a, wax.1. z/v/ 2/ . . .. . 441,.? . 2x4, . 9 . Emma nan ma?a Rm.? 3233m m? 5N SERWHEQ Nemgaf'?am Qam?b. ?1223 ?aw-of inspecting SEWER 3.525;? ?aw, 3.532399}: ish-E?Qt 0f.- I I I I I 33mm :31? I ?sfx?JFQEi-Nifkj NATURAL Rasse-?maa I RCEES ISMSEGN OF. SAFETY #559: STEWSS I) A II Nam-e afgil'iamm'?m?ud . .. .. Qam'Ne, I Comfy Ei?a?ig WW @1539? . . I Type: af-Sgai?i??qagg" chum w}_gmag I I I water-$3. -- me: - abQV-a - ?Iii?piuwa??ra?sii-amd . .?f'eaiz. be:ka 32:33:: szrasi{mm "ms-?e Stm?hzmin .t-Jsa?san {WQEE'fi-iafhy Emma.er insye?i??h - - imm?am?hSa-Wa??m, ?r ?etiens ?i?afimn I .88 {3:333:31 praviwsig ?ii? Mam jig}- Emma, big? has. {a wait fair a??mmiafe msamak ma?i?mg. it) be awe Eta-"tam tha? mufiet 3:331 afgew?ica . . . Pram We; ?nes-Wm ithfarmafinh. am visst :inshemiim, miss-dam, .resame'if,. and the appmma?ms are judged. Safe- Grantham. .?-bsewa?an-s and. ?3 Gamma-2%- Earn Tm dawasfream face} Mamie. partians {sf upstream azhutme'?f immacis, ti:st are-23?; and cerest ?a?fisfa mm await-Egan with m- ezvigjmae- a? ar'diaimsg.. mm?xw bath. ?aws-imam grains-z m3.- wages: wera The gig; the; meat mac: 3.11.8 amim-ani agmamd- similar in preuiWs vissitsg ?2 mated- m? widenxse: 0f mammem Kiege?atim mum? wage exce?em; mama rm Pariah: activity, Thea :SQ?Evaxay aggrafach,_ mam} aestiicnz ?3h??i?g and ami' ?we, $.03 mam-waS-im zp?aw am imam; 3L mated apparants-?immwai 683833: in the; w?ar?te- The; Vigibza ggigimay grain-$5. appeared aiem~.. vegma?m: was diearegi was-3% away mm- the. chute, The sagsi??imy amearw in Saf?ssfamry siruni?uta? can?ifiarz, Gage-"t The ?saws: was agar? 33.5% mam .zequ?ssad .Enagitream m??mses. The amimjis aggzea?ad ?er sa?sfaazmy war??w: As; {amt-ea. pmwm?m 111$ OWHIEF pi?am$- "13:3. .iiehab?itate- iha-_ va-ixxei but has EQ- wait. it)? msammr agndi?m'gs 72;) $3.135. ame- i? tea-kg an: (if g?jgm- afme-gaga aq?e? cw; the 396366.: a? :afkmg; me, gamma: mi?agcig, ?f-hea a?ua'i' mg aeegagga gg?a?'i was: mega-em; {he toeweir- read: Thawnnemwmam-.3331 ?$aepaga Mum-at: hat?h. Emmi-ans. was typieai: {ha watar was? dam with avide?m wig-edimnt fransm?? image-wed by Engsxakm? {Ea-te- af'insmciim . . 63-23- mg- Gate of?egms?i 35 am 1126? (Rev; mm}. Sheet 1 .. 3 333EQ-STATES Name {sf'i?a'm mew I 3?:3523 Safe: .05? {mamma- 5- fi?s?srg I - madam- sum-1.333% (if gamma?waits and a;an The .mmsti'ram?t imimmama?an rg-pmzwas- rammed an: May- 201-4?, and tihmzug-h Denambeir 2:3713; Sigma}! Mogaw?e??s: Suways-ara dime-on a Bats}. Mm 1th 253.13 swag-miQO that {he?aamz gem-aims stable; Risa! m?aemantfia?a? mamas! and ma?mum mam-ta! maygme-ni is; apps-"eximataiy it. i3 iinteregiing Ew: mate. maxi-the..- dam mama: fit was the {33:16 rag-pamzsei m: inwar gage iav?'?s m? gamma due ii} ?39m; - dame-am d-ifferant .Seagepagg mfg: Sewage Crack gauges have; been Mamie-d my"; hat-:3. m" ?the ?anks; sat-the"- ia?umast. am ?ghiwest- gate-- as prexariaasiy? "The-?3312: was mat gnawed in this .mpmt,_ 13:33:36 am: the whmi?e? ?iafay ?the ?am' i3 Ne ad?i?mai iagsimmantatim judged. n??essary at this time; i251 12mm 2 . fw- STEVE ?x3? DEPARTMENT WATER RESQU QF SAFE-TY EAME NSPESWGM 8AM I W/x/gz f/ 155? 2?4? Ai 79:45:44? .I army; /4 .4, 7/729??! 3'25; aim/W #251945?- QamiN-a,_ 9345-253- Emmy S-b??i?ai {if-Dam Ema Type GEE-pilng Concreferahmegw! gates . Watariia . feet: I. $33353: is?ieai?ejr Qasd?i?ng Saki} wag-gm Mage' Ray Magma. dassigangieizg Smiih, dxzm-Ca??l??r?mw F?s'het; Rae-ma?a i?nsm??iiah imgm?am ?hsewa?gmgf Raisins: Yak-Te a Vegetatiis?. ?amed from the-{Ga area: as: reque?ted 93% ski]; mans is rehabii-i-tata th_ valve; him has; it). waitxfar-ihe reservmi'r :camd-i?ans: m: be: state tt} take: the. glutiat mi. of :aeswice. (inm-igsi?ns: athe- and via-um .iinspezz-?szng {ha {vi-am, :ESer-mir; and ?ne amu?anamw am-jzudg-ad Safes far mn?m-ad mate. ?hsem?q?s and. Tim d?awni?siraam Ease-k visible- pqr?ms af the ups-imam. {36.3% abutment?- seniagts,. {pra- and mess: magi. appearasj to be. in?. $a?i$$aietarysimcturai madman with: evidence ef- ar Passi' repairs: emaim ?rm the arrest at {he sigh: aibutmam? mintag?isseem' to. be hmiding Lip-waif. Mq-niimring vari'au? <21?an mus i m?ii?uesmwm newnragf :{?raaking was; wider-3t?; The-dip- En the; are-sf read: sti?e ie? abutm?m awe-ami- is. my pfeviezug- Visit-s; E. Wi?esn-Ee- a? m-wame?ic \faQa-ia?m aamri? was ex?e?aai; and i?mgh 3% {?332 Wares rammed, {a?zsa?ie? a?isfi?g 331$ i?mgaetiun.. i mied m. .achiseti'ty: The szii'iway swim? seat-3m amaze, and dawns-{ream charms-E wer'a ?588? and? - - umb?wate?, TEm-i?g b.an was: in mace; and intact mist} n0? {ii-straw in the: mast-rate s?g?iilfway wafer The wish-{e sgai?way drains- appeared wear; Vegeia?c?- was {:?earad was away {mm {ha ahmaa. The. agaiBWay gates appearad it}. be' in gsatisfamary'strucfgurai sandman. mews {went}? mime-d iifsa- gates. arid m?ny tlh?- ?s-su?sr?- swim ?uiy 255? gaie- impes?m'z- rewrt; Same examine-rs: were: mach meme-d. my future waMati'aw; Page-E win has premium-g "a scheduig :er that mark in near fi?igxt??, mmbina??tm Wit-1*; the ??zuai Efeai?zage m3- #3553865. was reisaasing 31.1m- the river- {553% men), . Tab-e ?ag-?91 mam-s: smeared ta be ?m ?this: Sig; was; in.) {a?aahi-fiia?i?' vaiye-, bufi bags {a wait 'er W2. magma-ir- mn?itians; {a be same in We: the; Gut afsamim. 1 I I I w; 131? {awe-aim byPhi??si?k?t?' Yes 3- {Eater 5 39-:er I Gwnerf?mk. {3:313 I ?3334535933; e?giv-i - s" {swa- 1=2a-1- (Rest. $55133} Shaw 1 .55 - Name mama M?m?ui?i INSPEGTIQNE ANS. IN I 1:23 Date of 1123-328514- 1??25?1; mm mates? an :dewn'stneam fat-ta gr eta-?g {ha abutment The: .1999: SEW-age .area. wag gresent; the ?99 weir're'ad 6,325 ft, The: tiara-ma: weir read? 9.28 . 369923811365 Wists-me atihofh Slamming. was typiic'ai; the water was cigar-with madame ?fisedimem transport; - at" this dam magma; cf sewagewai?s am: survey manmems, The. may}: {apart was rammed: on? Am? 2:01 and gave-rs: data; gamered th mug-h December $583.2, Surmy M?f3u??8??8sf' .Sum?ya .a'ra dame-on a Eiryiear Rafa-{rem me 23:13- be_ presented: in the ?ex? ins?umm??im report. genera-S, the dam: has. as}: {Ix-wed- .mua? (Sign 5- - gime Surveys- began. Sew-age Wefrs: Guarai-ise?page Wanda remain martian man a: resem?ir .rag'atsiian. ?ack gaugas have ham in?ated an '1wa {Bf-the"- QFEGKS eat the .i'effwmoataa?d rigim?m-aat- gate amhwages, as previousiy discussad, The gauges- w-i'ii he read quarteriy, 3% {he data w?i ha: preseni'ted in the mast insirumanfatian reparf. {SQ-seed an? the submitted cilataz? the ?am is; perfemings s-a?iisfame?iy; N30. addi?onai' :inismsme?taition is. judge? necessary at this tit-318.: Wam- Gawns?raam {ages f. yam wa??dwm $3 $9 3:4.me ?w?m 03mg. . Baa . . ?mmawi . . Mum?. 33% mm.? @3me .me mas-TE SELIFGRMA OF ES (If? SF SAWS 1N ?a W/ngra aw Name-vi Dam MaG'IGsudi Dam;- $3423- izeunjty Sha?ia a? Dam Earth 61.? Wilma? Shute'?ai?l? 'Wa?iter?s .. .8 wee-ti .?ibmfe smiiwaysregitm . . fbai?w; wary:- 26%;38 Waaii'?ar and mid: Comm?a mags. ?am- Chumhin at a} - - Reagan in?ga?g-ztim. Periadic mainmname- impe-c?gn 93 nd 2.1.9: upstream gate. .exemisg. aim? :ortanir?hsem?ans, "The an?fgiaie' contra-Isa were resen?y repaired arid return-ac; for aga?rafi?n. "Thei- gate was. my sycigd. during this. with m3. diffiicuitiea ?ansimsiians Emma. the. :i?famatim. and Wis-gag} inspection; the dam}. ragga-main. and the: appg?gnames :are'mgiged safe fer- con?nuad ems-e; anti Qam.mem? The face-z Visibia pm?an? at? me. um?eam 'faae; ares: mad, abutment contacts? and we. area. is}. be 'satisifsasctozry St??i-?tu?ai canditi?an with m: amidenaes 91f" i?nsatabii?ity er .diistxesgsz. "if?ranisversva Erackiihg aft-he. size-sf zr-aad. appeate? similar is p-r?y-ibus vigit? Mm?eri?g ?f'se'vera} swarm-1g nieaf-t?aila? ahufmentzaw?ared Vegataficn acnimi was; asatisfjaatmy with mtg-23? minam muf?n-e wark needed to. {emanate- smiaiiz frees: aithe fee of the dam l? minim? m- md??t- act-twitan the: ammnkimem; The :ap-pmach, mantra! gamma: and downsi'ream charmer. were meat- and unobstru?zed; The {09 Mam-was- mace-43nd ,intagt, The: igghaam' meas- ret'aimgimg a sigmme i agma'tinf deb?s? washed into. the: timing the- heavy rains Writ-an Shari-jam mama mat had: a?i-read-y- ?ick-mailed: a large; ammuni of- material int-:3- 8 ?aa'rfiay' cave. far disgasa?i in the gaff-31$. and a??i?te? (Ks-mire; mach-meg:- apgaeared tabeii?- saris-facter send-Egon. The gate. was: agar-3: awmx?maiazy 1 Mi. gin-?at The autist' mama. appeared ta bejn satisfaciqziy' canditii?m, The . were recently? impair'ed'ansj: returned'tzc magi-icing, This: ate W88: {any swim. during this limspeatian With me dif?cmi?es; The mike: wag shared and. making, as asuai; New 158*: the miner has raw {fa-spewed YES N0 Gate ufaimsga?ibn may mars-?30k: . Data. eff-{emit . .. i . {Rem-19m?) Ewart. :21? *3 Named {Liam WSPEACTKW RESERVWR IN ?am NED. Date ofingpec?mg "IigiT-E?ig-?ziz; . hsemgm-S and C'?mm?nt? See-g age; as??ab?gha? upstream comm mm Qu?et, they may; to rapa?ir??m? EPar-i-afthat warrk mating ithi'ea-vafve in . The-?sh bypass: was: {?agging a sma? mas-uni Gf waits: it: the watgr'?owmg' thmugh he gammy. muted nits sighs 53f seepage an the; dawmsirream face as? in {he abutment. Canasta! ?aw war the $6.53 wait was mega-wed at" {3.4.5 fat and ms: ?aw ever the; fume! weir wag. measared 23*: 343.333: How Eh ba?h was. dam and typica? far We 1933mm. anti time; 91? year,? me weir gates were unabatm Grad, .iinstrumantatitm arm-is. We? smpagej wars and an array 0? survey The mag {meat i?sztr?agmema?m reportwasirgcegiyedan May 2813,. and reviewed in the jamming?: {apart dated. 853412-013 Base?i an. the :submi?ttred data; the. embankmem perfarming sa?sfaicimri?y, Ne- 'insimmema?m His judges? at this: ?ing. :mwa- 1:251, grey; mm. nmm??mw .. ..?gmn zmmumumgmaz? . .. .. . 0mg Manages..- ., ,2 .. . ?ay/Haw? xx. . ?1,qu ..X/fmj; . . If)? an}. I517. grin,? #722; . . .m?m mnm? SEE. RESERVE-3R 3N Rama: {if-{mm- :Mc?'imd $381.2 I awaizasi 10:39} Siam: a? I. ?mwmm?wz m2 ?inmw amwwa .. . .. .EBZQ Ema. mm Swamnma: .. . 74,3 33.33 M. A H. ma?a. as mm. ammnm?x?m amm?mm?. mama? 33% Mag 3% my..me a.