5:151:55?551411555515. 5125555555 551511151? SEPARTMENT WATER RETTQU-RCES: SAFETY DAMS.- GIT: BRETT-T TN STATUS: Name 515:5m L55- 5.5m 515642?15 551-151}: T1155. 5T'Dfam . . Type 51? 555.151.1531. (3135.5 5115-6555155 5355555! WaTer' 15 158 44 T551 b51551 555115531 55551 555._ 3:63.44 Teet- DEW-W dam 511.555 Res-155511515151 85115555: 1021 5S MSL Weafher 13555155115 CT 551' $1555 5'55 5.551 55515515111555 133-555 P11155355 (3515511115 515555511 W515 5555511'15111155551511 95115515 M515T555555 2251 5511:1515 {3555111155555 5555515155555555 51? 5.51.1555 5555 T55 555551155511 5T 5 T355 55 355555 555 bypass 515515 1155115551 5T .555 T515555 T55 5515115511 5555515155 WiTh' 55101555555 (31551551 20% 55:5. T3555 5551551155 T55 5155555 5T 1.155155 55151515555115 15511115 55551- 555555155 T55 551551251105 15.: 55115515 5.57155 55151:: T5T55 T55 5555512 .555 TOW 5555555115 T255 515512 11115115 15551155 55 155555155 5.5555 T55. 1:11 551555 5151511555555 1555513555 55115315115555? 55555515- 5.55 25.5115. 5513151: 5555 555:1 Waited}. T55- 5525 T5 ?51155 5151-151 5:513 T55, 5251115555551 right: 51:111555555155 51.155555 155555 5551' 1-5.5 T55 51111111151151151111515511 115-115- 551: 55.55 :1555555 55: 15555555: 55555;: The: 55571 555?155 15555155 5 3555255 15555:} {55: 311535.15 3555151155 Fira T515551 55:15 5515555 :51" 5555f The 55515555 The 51111551 55555 T5 DSQD if 55555115 55555 55111-115 5555 1551 5515.15" The' 5515: 51' 15555155.. "The: {25551515512515 513-55 155555 .525 the-1.55551111555T 55511-5155 551555555111 511551- 155155: 55.5 115T '15. .55: 555151555 The 515:5 51115551515 55.115 555551255 555 5.5155: T155 55555555155 c5mpTeT5T55 559551111 5111151555511 WET T15 155111.155. T55 E5: 5111151155 5551511155 5. repiacement T5. 5: 155.15 accurate system 1155155551115 T155: 5555595 5T. ?155. 51511115555515 T55, 5155' 551 15515155 111155.515 55 55555T55E5 replacement F1515 112-15; 5115.15.12 5551515555 5115' 111555! 1555551355, 111-55515, 15555155. 51:15: 5.12 5551155555555 515: 3115555. 5.55: T51 55.555555 55555155555 511-5: 555115555; ?3515; T525. 5:15-55! 5511515551755 55555155 in ?555-4155 5155-51 1113555515 5255.5, ?55155 W55 E5155 1'5. 'Ti-s 5:55. 5- hummocky 5555515555 55.5 T55 5515-5 311155 50111155555111 515.155: 555' 55 51555 5T 5555 15555111555 555' 55555155 1-11 55-515 5555111511 T55. T55 abutment 55555155 51.555 5555152515155 5555-51755 55:1:mz5'T Th5 55111155555111 right: abutment 5551555 5.51.1555: 531 55555515": 555111351 .5513! 5.15 55:55 15551155 5-5 155115555 5.115.115 T55: 515551.15 . 1 {5 11155551 by . 5111 1-1-5515- 51151555555?- x. 159 Date 51. I55555115n- ,[33812916 .1 . . 5515351: 555511. 5513112131? "151 .5155" 511.551 51" 5 INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT .ED STATUS Name of Dam LOS Padres Dam No. 642-4 Date of Inspection 11/09/2016 Observations and Comments Spillway Outlet Seepage inspection (Photo 1). I requested that the right abutment and the shoulder of the crest be restored to their original grade, to which Mr. Rudolph agreed. Vegetation control along the upstream and slopes was overall good. Due to the seepage conditions at the toe, vegetation growth is aggressive and the owner needs continue to control the growth in this area, as well as the woody vegetation that is reemerging on the slope. No concerning rodent activity was observed. The floating weir project associated with the alteration application filed on February 8, 2011 and approved on October 30, 2015 has been completed. The floating weir attached to four piers embedded into bedrock and the pipe installed through the spillway?s concrete ogee weir appeared in good condition. The reservoir water level was low and the Behavioral Guidance System?s floats and steel plates were partially lying on the ground of the reservoir (Photo 2). The approach, control section, and exit were clear of concerning debris. The concrete comprising the ogee weir, invert, and channel walls appeared aged and in serviceable condition. I walked the entire spillway channel. The panel joints to both the invert and walls appeared adequately aligned, and the weepholes were dry and clear. No distress or instability was observed in the concrete that comprised the structure. Repairs to th_ upstream -gate have not yet been completed as requested during the previous maintenance inspection. The gate is in the fully open position and the owner has scheduled to complete the repairs by July 2017. The is leaking, and the plywood against the stream?s embankment continues to provide erosion protection. As stated in the previous inspection report, the -valve is scheduled for either repair or in-kind replacement. Mr. Rudolph did not know the schedule for the valve replacement. All of the outlet valves were cycled during this inspection, and they all operated satisfactorily. The face and upper groins were dry. Long standing seepage was observed along the lower portion of the left groin and near the right groin contact with the toe. The left groin seepage is collected and measured at the Spring 6-inch Parshall Flume, and seepage measured by the Toe 6-inch Parshall Flume. Seepage from the Toe Flume is pumped into the channel. Although the Spring Flume was dry, I could hear water flowing beneath the large boulders that lined the area near the flurne. The pump associated with the Toe Flume was not operating during this inspection and the flume was inundated with water (Photo 3). The owner is currently designing replacements for the Parshall Flumes with a more accurate system to measure the seepage at the toe of the dam, and am working with the DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 Of 5 .5 DAM AND RESERVOIR IN IED STATUS Name of Dam Los Padres Darn No, 642-4 Date of Inspection 11/09/2016 Observations and Comments owner for an acceptable replacement. The slide debris from the surficial rock fali slide that occurred in December 2014 in the left abutment above the outlet works has been removed and concrete K-ralls have been installed to protect the valves from further rock falls. The area of concern appears to have stabilized, and the owner has scheduled to complete the stabilization of the slope by the end of June 2017. The dam and the reservoir?s watershed are located within the July 2016 Soberanes Fire incident. The fire did not damage or effect the operation of the dam. The fish collection and bypass system has a floating debris boom that is designed to collect and contain floating logs and debris. The owner needs to contact DSOD if post-fire debris flows affect the safety of the dam or reservoir. Instrumentation for this dam consists of survey monuments, observation wells, and seepage measurements. The most recent instrumentation submittal was received on April 26, 2016 and covered the reporting period through December 2015. Survey Monuments The dam has six survey monuments that are located along the crest and the surveys are scheduled on a biennial basis. The last survey was performed on December 28, 2015. The survey data included a long-term plot since 1992 and a 5-year short term piot. Historically, the vertical movement has been minimal over the 20?year plotting period. Between the 2013 and 2015 surveys, a maximum vertical heave movement 0? occurred at Monuments 3 and 4, and Monuments 1 and 5 showed similar behavior. Lateral movements have historically had oscillatory movements of 0 .02?ft (0.25-inch) from year to year. Between the 2013 and 2015 surveys, the maximum movement of? (.36?inch) occurred at Monument 4, and there appears to be a slow and slight defiection trend on all the monuments. Since 1992, the total maximum deflection has been approximatel_. A crack in the spillway that wasmeasured in past surveys using reference nails could not be located by the owner?s staff or the new survey company that performed the 2015 survey, and the report stated that a continued effort to locate the nails will be made. Historicaily, year to year crack movements have been negiigible. A different survey company performed the 2015 survey, and this could explain the observed changes in the vertical measurements. Continued monitoring of the possibie heave condition is warranted. Overali, there are no concerning trends or abnormal behavior indicated by the survey data. Observation Wells There are four embankment observation wells installed into the slope. The tip elevations of Test Weils 1 and 2 are located at El. 947 and the tip elevations of Test Welis 3 and 4 are located at El. 936 and El. 937, respectively, and these tips are located Within Zone i of the embankment. The wells are influenced by both the reservoir water elevation and by large rainfall events. The water surface elevation readings during 2015 continue to follow historic trends. The observation well water levels have remained consistent during the 15- year plotting period, and ignoring the short?lived iarge spikes, are at or below the assumed phreatic surface deveIOped by G.W. Dukleth in 1953. Seepage Flumes The dam has two 6-inch Parshall flumes; the Spring Flume measures seepage at the lower left groin, and the Toe Flume measures seepage at the toe. Sheet 3 of 5 533333333 1. .. 3332.333 ??iggwmaxm 33331 3&3 3233133 Name of mam- Lag. Padres- am No. 64.31-4- Di'if?': ?finsgea?mn 8 absewa?ana and {Emma-i333 . m. the-$333331. {33$ seams-:3 33:13 33:33.93 3 ?iabfezs' a?cia?y 333;.an far 2-8351, a 33?year 32:131er mat; and a 3?year shaft term?; phat; Sur?ng the 3-015 reparigmg peri?mi._ the maximum 3m! reem?a? at the. We: Hume was 2:455 gp?mx and" 31%- maximum regarded ?aw a? ma Spring ?ame was gym; ?aring the regretting; pariagi {rem January 2611?). Dagembef 3-81-53, the maxim-um at'tha: and 53.3 gym, reaped-Iii?miy. 331:2 ?ames. appear mm infiggemed ?ay-fh'e ,reaemsiif?g wa?em?evat?pn and {3333333331 3353 (337233333313 53:3 rats-aim 13:95,; rain eve-mfg, The measure-? gin-ring the 9035 femrting garii?zi is Wii?h?i? his-$333} mar-ma. The: {Miner is. currently ci?agig?i?g Ia. regal-agema?f far the Farah-aft? fiumas, and mark with: 313 answer far an, agaegiabm mp?iawmem. ?m??35?ma - 35m avaiiabie .ifng?umemtaiim data in?iaates the. 913m: my-fmm?gng mien: The existing i'rxsiramzema?an email their. mania-rim frequ??cy' are i?tis?iigjed suffimieni at this; iime. wit? warki. with We: swam in ramming ii'ghes ?umas mane. 3033;237:313: maamm-aea?paga at Etha: dawns'tream feta eff'E'ha dam ~13 . ~33 y-wa?; sang-ed by 9853333238?! .sz (rev.} .. $1339.: 4 3345;,? ,Wg 23/ W, Symem . g" 3 3? If 2' Sheet 13mm$z Dam-No. 134M 5. EA Gate;- ij- inspection ?1 1f99120i?l6 33AM. RESERVQER. EN 352?: rag. 5?th 3 A View a? the 3?03 Fin-me ?inundated Wifh water; I 6: . 'Lacw?l 33333331423325. .. .1 Ii :P?hotr: .2. A view-Q? the {mates and 335.653- piate?A: 0f the: Bah-av-iara! Guidance: mam-.3333 Pad-res: DWR 12$ ?say. STATE. ETE EAL: 333333.333: ETTEETTET - . ETE- WETEE EE ETETETETT QF- GE STATUS Name; FEETTEE {Tam 333-. 53235 Cami}: TEE-E . 33:33 ET SET OETEE WEE End {33323an TEST. .55 I I .. 5.535333- .. Idam Eras: Weather?503333330333 TEETEE RETTETT WETET Regs-ET: TE- 333333333333 TE TEE ET TTETT E3315 system ET 3333.5 TT-TE WET-T TEE. ETTETETTETT 3333 3- 2033 End 1y ETT ATTETLTET SET-3T3 {3.3T333 EETEETETETT TEE E335 T353 .20 -T 5 ET T33: TTEEQE ETTET. TE. The VET-TE. T335 23E TEETTEETEET February 3:53. .2935 The ETTEE- ETETETEE TEE ETETTE .ETTETE 253.3 TE: TEE. TETT- ETTETEE- TTEE and ETETTETETTE TET. EEGTEET TEE 335m further Tail 533333333" TE TEE RSQGESTEW mammary TE- mm and 313333 TE 33033335333335 33.3.3333 ETTETTEE. windy and T33 TEE TEETT TEE hE-El 5- TE EETTETEETEET Th3: 53333333?- EFT TE new TIT-TEE SETTET ETTEE TEE TTEETT T. TEE. TE TE-ETETTE The. 332353 T333335: accurate TE ET The: TEE ET TEE dam, and 330m with. TEE ewner TET E33 TEE (TEE-33E TEE TEE-T TEE-TE- 53? 3:333:33 TEE - TE TEST 0239303333 and 3533: TE TIT-3E. .ETEET. ET: 603331335?:an E. REE-TEE 33333 33333333332333 during The EETTET-T.TTETTETT TE The-Tr OTTQTITTET $33.56. I I E. SE The 5353' TEE dEm. . . End ETE-LTET The. dam. E335 ITETCTETETT TEE :3 EAR-ET 3 . En? T-ETEETTET TE ET TT 333ng 313.3 3E 333W TEE ETTETEETTET 33 (33:33. 3333193 333' INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN ED STATUS Name of Dam LOS Padres Darn No. 642-4 Date of Inspection 1 1/03/2015 Observations and Comments Dam Spillway Although the graded crest appeared stable, the recent construction activities for the fish bypass system have caused minor damage pot holes and wheel rutting) to its surface. I was informed by Mr. Fraser that the low sections in the crest will backfilled and compacted with suitable material after the project is completed. The visible portion of the upstream slope was littered with large rocks and had a hummocky appearance and the slope was lined with riprap. Both the upstream and slopes appeared in satisfactory condition with no sign of loss of grade, sloughing, or instability. The left abutment appeared stable and the groins and toe area appeared normal. Pedestrian and recent construction activity has caused minor damage to both the upstream and right abutments, near the left spillway wall (Photo 2). I requested that both surfaces be restored to their original grades after the construction project was completed, to which Mr. Fraser agreed. Vegetation control was good along the upstream and slopes. Due to the seepage conditions at the toe, vegetation growth is aggressive, and the owner should continue to control the growth in this area. Minor rodent activity was noted along the shoulder of the crest, and I requested Mr. James to increase rodent abatement efforts if the activity increased. The approach, control section, and exit were clear of concerning debris. The concrete comprising the ogee weir, invert, and channel walls appeared aged and in serviceable condition. The panel joints to both the invert and walls were adequately aligned and no distress or instability in regards to the spillway concrete structure was observed. The work associated with the alteration application filed on February 8, 2011 and approved on October 30, 2015 is nearly completed. A floating weir attached to four piers embedded into bedrock has been installed at the approach to the spillway as part of the fish bypass project (Photo 3). An 18?inch diameter fish bypass pipe had been installed through the spillway?s concrete ogee weir (Photo 4) and is attached to left spillway wall for approximately 150-ft, and then exits through a left spillway wall penetration (Photo 5). The inspection of the installation and grouting of the bypass pipe through the spillway was covered during my September 19, 2015 construction inspection. An attempt to cycle th_ gate was made and problems were encountered with the the outlet controls. It appears there was not sufficient pressure to actuate the upstrea gate. Mr. James agreed to repair the upstream - to its full functional capacity. An unauthorized outlet modification was observed during East year?s January 21, 2015 inspection which consisted of connecting a modifie_ blind flange with a gate valve just of th valve. As requested in our letter dated February 13, 2015, the flange and valve were removed. As stated in the letter, no modifications may be made to the dam or its appurtenances without our prior review and approval. The is leaking and a piece of plywood has been placed against the stream?s embankment to provide erosion protection (Photo 6). According to Mr. Sheet 2 of 10 INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN ED STATUS Name of'Dam LOS Padres Dam No. 642-4 Date of Inspection 1 1/03/2015 Observations and Comments Seepage Jenkins-Warrick, the - valve is scheduled for either repair or in-kind replacement. All of the outlet gates/valves were cycled during this inspection, and they all operated satisfactorily. The pipe penetrates the spillway structure and the pipe discharges into the spillway channel of the ogee weir. An upstream gate controls the flows through this pipe Although this high?level outlet is not required for DSOD emergency drawdown requirements, it was last cycled during the November 7, 2013 inspection. The unencased siphon pipe which was installed over the left spillway wall and along the right abutment was removed during the fish collection and bypass system construction project. It is anticipated that the Owner will file an application to install a new high level siphon pipe in the near future. The face and upper groins were dry. Long standing seepage was observed along the lower portion of the left groin and near the right groin contact with the toe. I requested aggressive annual vegetation control in the toe area and to improve the drainage of the standing water near the right groin/toe contact. The left groin seepage is collected and measured at the Spring 6?inch Parshall Flume, and seepage measured by the Toe 6-inch Parshall Flume. Seepage from the Toe Flume is pumped into the channei. The following seepage was measured at each of the Parshall flumes: Spring Flume 0?inch, dry Toe Flume 0.125?inch 2.3 The seepage flows were clear and these values are consistent with the reservoir?s water level during this inspection, which was low. The seepage is typically larger for higher water levels. The Toe Flume is aged and in deteriorated condition. I observed that not all the seepage in collection of area of the Spring and Toe Flumes was being captured. Mr. Jenkins-Warrick informed me that the accuracy of these flumes is in question. Manual measurements using a 5-galion bucket and stopwatch show the Spring Flume is overestimated between item-130%, and Toe Flume measurements are underestimated by 10%?20%. Due to my observation of the conditions at the toe of standing water near the right groin, seepage not being captured by the flumes, measurement accuracy issues, and the deteriorated condition of Toe Flume, i recommend that the owner investigate replacing the exiting flumes with a new and improved measurement system. If the owner decides to modify or replace any of the measurement devices, DSOD must be notified and approve of the changes. The slide debris from the surficial rock fall slide that occurred in December 2014 in the left abutment above the outlet works has been removed and concrete K-rails have been instailed to protect the valves from further rock fall (Photo 9). The owner is currently acquiring the necessary regulatory permits to further stabilize the slope; this work is considered a maintenance activity and no application will be required. Sheet 3 of 10 INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN ED STATUS Name of Dam LOS Padres Dam No. 642?4 Date of Inspection 1 1/03/2015 Observations and Comments Instrumentation for this dam consists of survey monuments, observation wells, and seepage measurements. The most recent instrumentation submittal was received on May 5, 2015 and covered the reporting period through December 2014. Our comments relating to the horizontal movement time?plots, providing a cross-sectional view of the darn with well locations, and modifying long term plots to facilitate the interpretation of the data in our November 11, 2013 instrumentation review has been adequately addressed. The instrumentation report is well organized and provides a thorough and careful engineering evaluation of the data. Survey Monuments - The dam has six survey monuments that are located along the crest and the surveys are scheduled on a biennial basis. The last survey was performed on September 10, 2013. The survey data included tabular data since 1960, a 20?year long-term plot, and a 2-year short term plot. The data indicates that vertical movement has been minimal over the 20-year plotting period with insignificant changes. The lateral movements over the same period appear oscillatory and movements of 0.02-ft (0.25-inch) from year to year are typical. The magnitude of these movements are non-concerning and within the accuracy of the survey. There are no concerning trends or abnormal behavior indicated by the survey data. Observation Weils There are four embankment observation wells installed into the slope. As requested in the previous instrumentation review, the reports included a cross-sectional plot with well tip and surface elevation locations. The long?term plots were also improved in terms of and interpretation of both the short and long-term data. The tip elevations of Test Wells 1 and 2 are located at El. 947 and the tip elevations of Test Wells 3 and 4 are located at El. 936 and El. 937 respectively and these tips are located within Zone of the embankment. The wells are heavily influenced by large rainfall events. The water surface elevation readings during 2014 continue to be consistent with the assumed phreatic surface deveIOped by G.W. Dukleth in 1953. The observation well water levels have remained consistent during the 16-year reporting period with no concerning trends being noted and the phreatic surface is assumed to be at a safe level. Seegage Flume The dam has two 6-inch Parshall flumes; the Spring Flume measures seepage at the tower left groin, and the Toe Flume measures seepage at the toe. ln the report, the seepage data included a table of daily readings for 2013-2014, a 16?year long- term plot, and a 5?year short term plot. During the 2013-2014 reporting period, the maximum flow recorded at the Toe Flume was 49.4 gpm, and the maximum recorded flow at the Spring Flume was 18 gpm. During the reporting period from January 2010 through December 2014, the maximum discharges at the Toe and Spring Flumes were 134.7 and 539 respectively. Both flumes appear to be influenced by the reservoir?s water elevation and the spikes in the data appear to be reiated to large rain events. The measured seepage during the 2013-2014 reporting period is within historicai norms. There are no concerning trends or abnormal behavior indicated by the seepage data. The report listed the following deficiencies with the existing Parshall fiumes; 1. The existing flumes are not accurately recording the seepage. The report compared manual measurements with a 5-gallon bucket and stopwatch with staff gauge heights and tables for both the Spring and Toe Flumes. It was found that flows calculated for the Sheet 4 of 10 DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT STATUS Name of Dam LOS Padres Dam No. 642-4 Date of inspection 11/03/2015 Observations and Comments Spring Flume from staff gauge measurements was 116%?130% greater than the measured flows, and the flows calculated for the Toe Flume from staff gauge measurements was 10%-20% less than the measured flows. 2. Not all the lower left groin seepage is being captured by the Spring Flume. 3. The Toe Flume is in poor condition. The report recommends the replacement of the Parshall flumes due to the above listed deficiencies. I concur with the recommendation that the fiumes be replaced with a more accurate measurement system, and I will work with the owner for an acceptable replacement. Conclusions - The available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing adequately. The existing instrumentation and their monitoring frequency are judged sufficient at this time. I will work with the owner in replacing the flumes so they more accurately measure seepage Sheet 5 of 10 6%3 ?zm, WK Enema? ram. vm?am . . . . .mmaza. . mam. ?savages A. A . 5/ w, zg/VV 2 .. 02Emmy?m a? ?gm. ,amuw. EE mama m? a, 3. . mw?wwm?. w?m?w mm. ?mm?w ?mum mm??gm?mw 235 $023. POM. . . mw? ma?a? .mmwm?. ?magma/gnu . 363. my ?ag. 9? m3. gamma Ema ?m?mma mm .mwm maxim? @3430? 3m ?g .meme 2am, ?mum mw?q?mw Emmamc? Ema. . 0an mamb. 0me a $33: ?aw?gm n? Zip/?g. G, 005$an 863. mama? a: 5 .DWR 933% a; 353;} Sheet of Phat-c3: 83. A. View a? 2m mega. {733545833 i ry gab-3332383332? 3338?} its: 883 9833333? {mm 3?88? mfabie 243?? 4" r, 'z f: 7 nix/3 41/; J.- .u Lu r' 7 201:5.- Date inspeniibn; 12.5.0 mam N83 5333; as? Dam L833 5388333235,_ 8424 33383 335% RESERVQER "53 as? . . . $3 asaasasasjasaasa $3 $5 {ii SAFETY {ifs DAi-?sii-SE ii?sii?i'FiE?TiC?iisi saasasm Lass Racism Baa-ass ass-.as. @425 . . saunas sagas ass {sans . Gaga-.as Was aasai Sagas-asses Waaiasa-ia iaasa ism-sass.- . sagas .. .. . .. sees: . hQi?W crass; assassi asasasi . . . . . . . Macias Hagar Has s'isasaa massag asiisassas ?ssi IAia?i assess-sass as; Annuasi is]? asaas?aasasaasasas inaasasaiasm (?sis ?Faxiaasas' with 2 LL asisaas aaciaiasai sic: iisas . assaii a3 arias (Lassa: ass? {he -- asiiasias has 'isaasas aasdaacasd Lia's - pia?sas This assasaisiacaiaasn sis "ia'sas mass aasmasiss .bas'i: iisas biiasai ?ange: Lama-3L iszas rammed Lias' sasaiasaas fasii daawaiaswss asi iisjas iassaaiasvasi autiasi i was iisas' mamas assass- .ias asas asasasisas-(s .isass?isaas masiai aasg asiiasgasas Lias iisas dam ass appuaiansnaasa as amasii siiasias isasa asasasass iaai: an ass ias?ii aisassaas iisas dawns-imam ssiasaia'as asisas'a'ai was. fasei as? the: aiasa'ss The side amass asai. inapasasi ii'saa saiasiy as?? :iisas embassiamaasi but at, aiamagas i1 as. daswassiseasm ma?a-3 LWasriaa: i3 i reassessed iisa assassasa res-isms asii?assa aiasisaass sis-(sass aha. (stat-1&3 Wasaiaa asi'aisii' sass. sass asiidasa This; is .as. assaiasiasasaasass asasa-i asas as i aha; as Lia ii- air cisaasgasa: amass-sti?e dam, i' ass-scamsaasai ifise as?iasaa'aasiasasl aiasis'gg' si?sas. aiasass crass-i. T?asas. usaiaasas- gate. mas-663 ias isa's assassiasai iisei isasxi' Inspection ise praise-is- so 0313 as the gas-fa.- 3isasia: isasissiasi and. iasa: Lass aaisaLsaLsass'sai mamas: iisas asassai. assassitsisie time aiiasa Lassiai iLaa-se. aiiSat-Laaseai its asuai'aisi iiass-iseasiiasas .iasasasii. 315386 is} isas the as-(ssai iniaaim saith as iiasaiiasgs avails? surface. as magma ass-sci bass-alas This as'asisiiasasiiasas? sass '1i aaiasiieasas pass? acme-ma.- awarding; as :a'a'ssisgasas pisse. assisiasis isms. 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DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT STATUS Name of Dam LOS Padres Dam No. 642-4 Date of inspection 1/21/2015 Observations and Comments the ?Toe Flume.? Mr. Jenkins-Warrick identified a location along the lower left groin where seepage may not be captured by either weir. Clear flows were observed emanating at approximately 1?2 gpm. The location is of the ?spring flume?, and flows disappear into the face rock. The condition is not alarming, but needs to continue to be monitored for changes. The following measurements were taken at each of the Parshall flumes: "Spring Flume? 1?inch (~18 gpm) ?Toe Flume? 5/8-inch (~11.3 gpm) The seepage conditions are considered normal. The owner has questioned the accuracy of the flume measurements. The neck of the ?toe flurne" actually measure-; past inspection reports have also reported this fiume to be less than 6- inohes. The owner inquired during the inspection about making modifications or changes to the seepage instrumentation. I requested the flume measurements be verified with a bucket and stopwatch and recommended if no significant difference in measured seepage is evident conditions remain as is. If the owner decides to make changes or modifications to the seepage instrumentation DSOD needs to be notified and approve the changes. instrumentation for this dam consists of survey monuments, test wells, and seepage measurements. The most recent instrumentation submittal was submitted with an owner?s letter dated October 8, 2013. The submittal was reviewed in our 1/6/2014 inspection report and found the dam to be performing adequately. Several comments regarding the owner?s instrumentation submittal were listed in our last report. The owner has been working with DSOD to address these comments and submitted a draft report for our review during this inspection. Pending our comments on the draft submittai the new instrumentation report needs to be submitted in a timely manner and annually thereafter. During the inspection, the owner identified a location of a recent landslide approximatel_ of the toe of the dam, and left of and above the outlet platform. The landslide slope above the platform was approximatel_in vertical height. Evidence of past rock fails existed, but the main occurrence reportedly happened in mid?December 2014. The slide does not cause a safety concern to the embankment of the dam, but can potentially damage the pipes and valves. There are large rocks located on the outlet platform as a result of the landslide. The railing along the platform prevented the rocks from damaging th? pipes and gates. The owner had concerns of the rock falls last summer and had a consultant, Pacific Crest Engineering Inc, visit the site on July 28, 2014. The consultant?s report on the landslide hazard is attached with this report. The owner is investigating options fer stabilizing the landslide slope and investigating a means to remove the fallen slide debris. This work is considered maintenance related and will not require our review or an application. I notified the owner that future occurrences related to the safety of the dam need to be brought to attention immediately. Sheet 3 of 6 55.9% a?mam I rl/rr/rl/lr I VNE 3. 3mm mem dz. ES. @333 m3 ma?a mm? 2? maimwmm a? ?g mg mg?m?gmw mas? ma: R?'?r?mmza cam mam amm? Name Gfi?amI Les F?g??res I II I I - .3891 53.3-- 54m?; {3an Iii} 53.5333383? I I 7 1?2 5 \xi\"nglEff-grain,- wh?zch diggipaies mic: {?mismsireaam face rag-K .. am; 15251. Shag: i? . SEEMS SE2 is? QN SEEKERS: SN: RES-EQURSES FIN BEVESED-N QF ENAFLE SF BAMS EDEF ANN EN. Name. FISENEESS ENS-NEE F3351 REGENESESNE Type Type .GQSS Weir and; CENSENENENE 33 .6. fee: ENSEGEN SESSESIES 5E5 ESE-E .. beiew GEE-ES: SENSE. . Ems Eager Huber: SENSE Amer} ESE-SE: ENE-SS: EQE 35:31:36 ESE: F?eimdm ENE ASEESENS TENS EEN ENE. EENS TENSF SS EN: the 23:3 EENSEESSEESEN ESQENEE ENSE: NE: ESEESES. EENS SEENS FEE-EESS WEE-E NE: ENE: SENS-ENE: ESE- SEEN: d: EEN Er:- be EE: ESSENEE ENE SEN EESEN EE ENSEE and? has SEN ES ENE: dais: EENES- SENSE SSENSSEENS EENS SEENS SE: was SEE-SE EENE: ESE: NSSEE SSE: the: ENE EENE: ENSEEN. TENS SEENS NE: SENSE SSESSEESEENE cause: damage EE: FESEN: EENS- EEIENEEWN: and dam. and SEE appurtenances: safe ESE: SENSE Egg) The SEENSE: grave ESE: SESSE. SENENSSESEE uniform Stank: and in TEES EENS SENSEESSES NSENS was. ESEQS SEES had 3; Nilmm?aky? SE: .SEECE SSWEESEESNNEN: SESNNS. NNESS BSEE: the upsiream and SEENEJSS appeared EEN with ENE: Sign bass SE grade SE: EELS E: SENSE EENS: SENS. SSWEESEESSEEN ESE: SESS SppSaESd ENSNTEEISE. VSQSESE SSNNEESE was SNECSEESNNE and ENE: cmcemmg was. 0:93:9de TENS and. SSE: were: clear SE de'bEES. TENS ENQSE and ENSEES ages! and EN: serviceable TENS ENSENSE Ea SENSE :th E-ENNESEE SENSE NEESEES were SEESENEESEENEN SENSE-ESE: SENS ENE: ENE: EN: ES SSENSENES- SEESSESES . A-EE SEN: ENE EENS- VSENESS fun-NE ENNENESEE. TENS war-NE and were upstream ENES was EEC-.1712 SNEENESNE SS.- mt NE: Em: flaw EENSE was being :SES-zase'd EENE. ENS Name: The 'UpS'Ef?am was East: SENSE SE: in {3.8.0173 the: 25" 29:2 SENEE ES SEE Ema: ESNSE SEN: SENENNES SENSE ENSEE: .SNESESEE {Eating NE Enspeated' ENE BEEF {$31133 E1 ngg?sNaggn-N: NE: .NSES SE .E . 31:33 {3?3 3 if, 3f?? . . . i? SEEN: OWENSE Beak SEEN: a: -. EE EE. DWR ESSE SENSE: a: INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam LOS Padres Dam No. 642-4 Date of Inspection 1 1/7/2013 Observations and Comments Seepage previous year. There is also a outlet pipe The pipe penetrates the structure and the pipe discharges into the spillway channel of the ogee weir. An upstream _gate controls the flows through this pipe and is attached to the concrete spiilway structure at the approach. Mr. Lignefelter fully cycled this slide gate and the operation went smoothly. The owner also makes fish releases from a siphon pipe, which traverses over the left spillway wail and along the right abutment of the dam. The pipe has the potential of rupture that could damage the slope, and an alteration application filed on February 8, 2011, which includes proposed work consisting of the construction of an interim fish passage with a floating weir surface collector and a bypass conduit. This project is currently on hold and no start date has been scheduled. The face and upper groins were dry. Moist conditions were observed along the lower portion of the left groin. This seepage is longstanding and is collected and measured at the Spring Flume. Seepage measured by the Toe Flume. Seepage from the Toe Flume is pumped into the channel. The following seepage was measured at each of the 6-inch Parshail flumes: Spring Flume 0-inch, dry Toe Flume 0.25?inch 3 The seepage flows were clear and these values are consistent with the reservoir?s water level during this inspection, which was low. The seepage is typically larger for higher water levels. Mr. Lingenfelter discussed the installation a gate valve in the overflow pipe connecting the depression at the Toe Flume with the pool in 2010. The -valve replaced a- valve that tended to leak when the pooi was higher than the depression at the Toe Flume thus creating an erroneous flume reading. According to Mr. Lingenfelter, the -valve prevents the backflow of water into the Toe Flume, and the accuracy of the seepage readings have improved with the replacement of the- valve. instrumentation for this dam consists of survey monuments, observation wells, and seepage measurements. The most recent instrumentation submittal was dated October 8, 2013 and covered the reporting period through December 2012. Survey Monuments The dam has six survey monuments that are located along the crest and the surveys are scheduled on a biennial basis and the last survey was performed on September 10, 2013. The survey data included tabuiar data since 1960, a 20?year long-term plot, and a 2-year short term plot. The data indicates that verticai movement has been minimal over the 20-year plotting period with insignificant changes. The lateral movements over the same period appear oscillatory and movements of 0.02-ft (0.25-inch) from year to year are typical. The magnitude of these movements are non-concerning and within the accuracy of the survey. There are no concerning trends or abnormal behavior indicated by the survey data. Observation Wells Of the five original observation wells, four are reported and they are located on the slope of the dam with Test Wells 1 and 2 located near the crest and on the left side of the dam and Test Wells 3 and 4 are located near the center of the dam. The observation well Sheet 2 of' 6 33353333333733.3333 @335 33333333335513.3333} 3333 {35333333233533 33353335523 Dam L035 33533233193 D5m N0: @4524 D3335 .53 33355533333333 3.137332333933- 6335535533055 53333 (35333333333335 c3535 3333333333553 5' 535' 3335 .333 3353353 3550333355 3333' 128- '32, 3'33- 535.53 353354535: 53353: 53333 5' ?Wear 513333.33. 353333 5353. T335 53355333533333: 35533 3535' 533-5533;! 5-3-55 3333.233355- 3335 333:: 5.3333 533335335 5333335313333 '35. 3335353 33:: 3353533333335 3335: 351533.533 333233 3323' 35335 55553335153355 and 33335-333353 3335' 33333553313: 5' 3335-325 T335. 3533513553333 3355533533333. W533 333.03: was 33333353333 53. 3.13353355333555555 333 333.51 3333333333533 p.353- 55335333555 5.53:3 33133533553533.3355 3353.5 33513333553: 33155333335. T335. W533 553-1553553355 35355 335533 333 3:325 33335333353533 5:333 533333533355. ?it-35.555335253133325 533-33355: 535' :5 355.333 53553353355535: 333333353333:- 3?33353 353.33 53353335 53:33 .535 5333353335355 33533-3333 33535. 335555335335353553 3'33 3315;553:35333535. T335 .5553 33353353335333.5503: 55335333353 533533.35 333333333315 5:23.531 3.3353335 33333333 333.533- 333335333533533 353353.555 5335 53.5553 5553333553 33353335 33.3 333.5 333.5335. T3235- 33-3-5535 33.3 33335 33555333533533 W585 5313333333.. 3333;133:3335 3335 55.335355 233335 3333333333 3.33:5 embankment 5335* 3.33.35 53055553335353 3.3353335. I555 35553333555553: 533-3335 T5153 33-25-335 '3 5'55- '2 5513;533:3359. 3.333335 33.35335 .3333 3335' 531$$Qilj3335 tip-5353353332335 333' T5153 31335335. 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Um? a? mm. gamm?mmgm man. 333%? 3m 93mm ?maqm?mg Q33. am35.5 N. 3m pmanmm? mama. mum ?63 En. mg?m? 7/ w?m $3 35353 i, my a a a Maww?mm??z Q, mbm? ??sz ?mm ?maw??mw m?y?am imam. ow Ema ram. Ema 1mm mm? ?mm. m? . .. 03%? 3mm. cg, 38$? DWR 125: gram 10:99} Names 53.? Dam Padres: '6 ZERSFEK a Wain-5.. The-Tag: Hume's: was; adequaie?y cigar-9W gg-eta I .. 7- .r a Igg??fiy?/?f?151'? (fr .- ?Ly-2- x2?? 222?? A23 If.? . a! Dam 2N9. 542:4; .. Shae? AER-NE 3N. jg; gig/Mo Date .qf- 5.. 0f? 1:3? {inn and. m-eas?u?ng appmx?imaireiy :3 gpm: 0? Seep-age, ?313511155 7?5 5517 1. 37TH PEQF- QAHEOIRNILR . (?31.35; 535151 50151555 KERTATER 15155551131113.1213 33151155510112.3021? S1511: {31: {33911111757 ?11.13 131313117111 1131-1111231 11111 257151151113: 5151:1715. 01111121111 . 1.13:3 13513155Baa-117115 542-37 4 3511111317 5110111515); 11113-5 511351-11. 13-51111 I I I I I II 71.11115 1.315131111111511 0511517515 111-1511. and 1.11.115 II 111157.151 15 112' 1551 51351.15 1.1311551: 51.551.511.11 17'1551- 1351515 55111-511551. ?55555 111555 D5171 13515111511517 1351171 15111.1 551115111111 5111715115511 1111151151 {35117113511}: 11557-511151: 12171511511111.1171 13111111151.15151111511251155 11315115511511. 1111-13-5. 1715111 555115.115 T511511. 5137111111115 15 1.1555111 1117151111511 55513555 51111575155111.1515? 551115 51.1751 51:15 1113171571 55555515 1-711 57555151755111251511511 511.571 111-5 .551 15.175 315.5175 1115151115 511.511.71.13 1.15115 ?1115 5111-31. 5111' 1111751557755 111: 51.511555 115511515 1.35 551117555511 11171115 115311;. 55.151115111511511 511511111151 $115.11 1.51751? 111711.57 13151.5 175115117211}; 711751.11?: 2? 1.5 5 5551.15 1'51 15115715751711.1511 51151 5551:1555 C1515 17175555152135 171351511555 11111175: 11.5111. 11771511111171.553151'1511 51113111111351 5151715 511.111 .1115 15255-151111: 11111.5 5113;15- 511555317- 1317511151551. 55 1755-1155155 111 1.11.13- 15151 11151315511511 1751351731. .1111 5115151151151351155115711 111511 5711.135-131555-78. 21171-11. 1115111555. 1311355555. 5151711 5511515171115 571- 11115. 55115117551155 51' 5:11 111151-1111 51.111555 137-51155151- .5115 .5 511135.55. 551715.111 T1115 51313115511511 7511.11. 551117555 11551 5511551115 reg-1311111151115 51.131715117131135 1111111511 1.11511 5115 571.5111; 11-15 111311171 5713111155111 51111.5. 1:15-15. 111513.155 1.57 1-151 5555555 51155151111115 13.51.1715 55.1155 55111555 113' .1115 55511151155111 15755- {15551115151151 F1515. 1.117151111511111 15151111511511 5.115 515551 11-15. 1215511511.. 11:15: 1.15111. 155517711557. 57115 5711 51313111155511.3555 515.11.155.55 55:15. 7.1.51 51311111711155 1.155. {11155155115115.5511 1311351155515 1315117153 515171111517 1515151111. 1517-51. 511131111 M?mdwumu 51355557111211'11511: 55111' 157555. 5511151155. 115-5155551 1115155111111. 51-7 515117.555; ?-1115 171131513 11511551155517 15755 1511111111511 3151315 51111111151711- V5551511511 5511:1151 5.55 5.51311. 1111117111151 15115-1711 55111113111 5155 55555155. I T1157 513111115111 55131 551.11 55511571 5551.155. 51-1121 55511151155111 51155115151515 51551511711 1.111513511115155 T115- 175551 1.1511 1555 5131111151 5.11 17151.5 5111.1 1115 5511151511 11155 111511-155 1175111 51.5115 1.11157 1.51.1 511.115 1-511. 575.1 11515 .1 1111511. Th5 {7511517515 1511151555 in 13.555 5511511155 11111111. 115 5155111111; 51 511511111131 575755711155 {311.1151 T115 11135117513111.5515 11-1115 5'11 1.15.1155 5552551751511 151.111- 1115 _511115115-5515 15211.11. 511515171 111. 7571755571155 .5111-1155-1?21112. 11.11111 11.5 517511151115- "17115-55155 5115111511155 517.5 1.1151755 1.311 1-115- 551115-17 511111.113! T1715 513511755111 551.5 17155 155.151.1515 571.1 1"12120 1.2 5.1.111 1711.5 55111115115511?? $515.11. 5115 . .. 11175131351551.3531 1 11171713151155 511-1151- 31 132. P115115: 1.2115111 1?53 15?; 1111-..-.-- 13515 51711153551151 21912511 111555 55151: 13111151255511 . 1351.5 5111555711 21211121113 1.1115115 1311511.251711151115551 7- 131113517 ?1 01 4 "i DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Darn Los Padres Dam No. 642-4 Date of inspection 2/6/2103 Observations and Comments Seepage valves were last cycled on 10/12/2012. There is also a pipe at the spiliway. The pipe runs under the spillway section and discharges into the spillway of the ogee section. The outlet is equipped with an upstream -gate, which is reportedly regularly cycled when the reservoir is below the gate. The owner also makes fish releases from a siphon pipe, which runs over the left spiliway wall and along the right abutment of the dam. Previous reports have noted the difficulty of access for the siphon control and the fact that a pipe rupture can cause potential damage to the face since the pipe is not encased. These issues are being addressed in the aiteration appiication filed on February 8, 2011, which includes proposed work consisting of the construction of an interim fish passage with a floating weir surface collector and a bypass conduit. No seepage was observed on the face or upper groins of the dam. Live seepage flow was observed along the lower 1A of the left groin. This seepage is collected and measured at the "spring flume?. Seepage measured by the "toe flume?. Seepage water from the ?toe flume? is pumped into the channel. The following seepage measurements were taken at each of the 6?inch Parshali fiumes: ?Spring Flume" 3/4-inch ~12 ?Toe Flume? 7/8-inch ~15 These seepage measurements are consistent with measurements taken during past inspections and are considered normal. Instrumentation for this dam consists of survey monuments, test wells, and seepage measurements. The most recent instrumentation data was submitted with a cover letter on September 12, 2012, for calendar year 2011. Survey Monuments: The dam has 6 survey monuments, which are surveyed for horizontal and vertical movement. Surveys are scheduled for every 2 years. The last survey, in 2011, was reviewed in the 4/25/2012 inspection report. The data reportedly showed the dam to be very stable with little or no movement. The next survey is due in 2013. Test Wells: The dam has 4 test wells. Data for 2011, continued to follow historical trends and mirror fluctuations in reservoir elevation. The wells continue to be influenced by precipitation, as anomaiies in the readings are observed during the winter and spring. Excluding these anomaiies, the well data continues to foliow the assumed phreatic surface developed by G.W. Dukleth in 1953. Seepage Plumes: The dam has two 6-inch Parshall flumes, as described in the seepage section above. Both flumes continue to fluctuate with changes in the reservoir elevation. in 2011 seepage ranged from 9 to 67 at the ?toe flume? and ranged from 4 to 54 at the ?spring flume?. The recorded range is consistent with data measured since 2009, with spikes in the data believed to be influenced by precipitation; however, the ?toe flume? data has recorded a higher average annual reading over the last two years. The average annual readings appearto have increased from approximately 18 to 36 gpm. As stated in the last inspection report, the ?toe flume? should continue to be closely monitored for an increasing trend and the increase in data needs to be addressed in the next instrumentation submittal. I Sheet 2 of 4 ?2 mm; QER Marne-51:53am Lissa $431; Date: 253$"; 33' {Jabsmvatia-m: .23;ng gm: term time mats; rangihg mm; 12 ?at; ma nee-a it} abs Emmet: this: may: Eastmmanta?m guiami-tta'i aflang with {fax-3 time ?bres-amt submitted? The data. indiaatas Eh aft ma dam. can?fnxge-g "i13- m-rfmm sai?isfaetm?iiyg ?we. @ka is; Zia bsa magnate, "and additiermi iimtmmemai?an is amazed. necewau .31 Ms $756. DWR 1.2m 1.6mm:- Sheet 3 (if a: mm?w?mm??zm . U35 ?93m? ?mwm ?me imam, .mmw? ?ham .mu.ma.wmm 5mg 26. mmnm? 6me cm. mammnmoan: om. f/ ,w . .. (I. .59. I. 3:3.an Emmi ?a??mmg mam . mama. Em: ram .mgm Em: .92m $3 35% wing?. Am. .3 m.