FILE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURC ES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTI FIED STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Type of Dam Earth 20.4 Dam No. 6-34 -----------~ Water is County _M_o_n_o_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Side channel weir spillway crest and 35.4 feet Type of Spillway below feet below dam crest. Weather Conditions Sunny and mild (50° F) Contacts Made Ben Butler, Minas Sirakie, Ian Keller, Charnpreet Dhillon , Jim Cambell, and others with LADWP Reason for Inspection Periodic Maintenance Inspection Im porta nt Observations, Recommendations or Action s Taken 1. The emergency gate needs to be fully cycled and the tunnel inspected . 2. The latest instrumentation surveillance report needs to be submitted. 3. The valve and gate were fully exercised during this inspection. Conclusions From the known information and visual inspection, the dam, reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use. Observations and Comments Dam The crest was well aligned, level and the asphalt appeared to be in excellent condition. The upstream rip rap covered slope appeared to be in satisfactory condition . The downstream slope is covered in beneficial grasses and small shrubs. The abutments appeared stable and the groins showed no evidence of erosion. No objectionable vegetation was evident during the inspection as most vegetation on the dam was sprayed and removed . All bait stations were in place and stocked with bait. No evidence of rodents was present at the time of the inspection. Spillway The spillway approach, control section, downstream chute and tunnel were clear and unobstructed . The concrete surfaces were in satisfactory condition, with only minor cracks and spalls. The spillway tunnel was not inspected during this maintenance inspection. Outlet The low-level outlet is equipped with a -valve and a gate. The operation of these valves is determined by water deliveries and power generation . These valves appeared to be well maintained and in good condition . Both were fully exercised during the inspection and performed smoothly and without incident. . An agreement was reached to inspect and cycle the gate 20% every year and a 100% every five years in DSOD presence. An inspection of the tunnel occurs every 10 years and was scheduled for 2016 however; citing personnel and safety concerns, LADWP requested that the tunnel and the full exercise of the emergency gate be postponed until proper training has occurred, addressing the inspection safety concerns. LADWP will notify DSOD when they plan to perform the inspection and slide gate operation so that a thorough inspection can be made at that time. Since full cycling of the emergency gate will occur in the first half of 2017, and the gate was not bumped or partially cycled so to maintain a good seal on the gate. The emergency gate was Photos taken? Yes cc for X No Owner/Book Inspected by Date of Inspection Date of Report E. A. Wulff @ 10{ -z.7j '" 10/4/2016 -----------10/2712016 -----------~ DWR 1261 (Rev. 10/09) Sheet - 1 - of - 5 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTll-tED STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ _ _1_0_/4_/_2_0_16 _ _ __ Observations and Comments last fully cycled on 11/16/2011. Seepage There were no signs of visible seepage on the downstream slope of the dam, either of the downstream groins, or the toe of the dam. There are three dewatering wells (well #93-1, well #84-1 and well #84-2), just downstream of the toe of the dam, which have been repaired. All of the wells are now housed, have wiring, and plumbing. All three wells were operational at the time of the inspection and appeared to be successfully lowering the water level below the downstream toe. Pump Depth to Water (ft) Pumping (gpm) 84-1 56.9 26.6 84-2 12.4 4.3 93-1 71.3 35.3 There are four regularly monitored seepage weirs at this dam. All weirs were found to be well maintained and running clear. The weir readings during the inspection are as follows: Weir Type of Weir Seepage (cfs) Main Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 3.0 Tunnel Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 0.8 Toe Weir 90° V-notch 0.5 Toe Extension Weir 45° V-notch Dry The Main Weir is located 0.5-miles downstream of the dam and measures the total flow from the other three weirs and the dewatering wells and the natural runoff. The Tunnel Weir measures the seepage flow into the spillway tunnel through weep holes. The Toe Weir and the Toe Extension Weir measure seepage and are relatively constant. Seepage measured at the time of the inspection was normal and within historical limits. Vegetation appears to be well maintained around the Main Weir and upstream of the Main Weir. Instr. The instrumentation report for the 2014 calendar year is overdue. The last submittal, dated November 23, 2015, for the time period from October 1, 2012, through December 31, 2013, was previously reviewed when it was submitted and with no concerning conditions noted. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 11 survey monuments, 42 observation wells, 3 dewatering wells, and 4 seepage weirs. All readings and measurements were within the thresholds and within historical ranges during this reporting period. The instrumentation at Long Valley Dam is judged satisfactory, shows the dams performing satisfactorily, and no new instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 5 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlhED STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ __1_0_/4_/_2_0_16_ _ __ Photo 2 - Looking at the upstream portion of the spillway structure. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 5 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlhfD STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ _ _1_0_/4 _/_2_0_16_ _ __ Photo 3 - Looking at approach section of the spillway. Photo 4 - Looking at the rip rap covered upstream slope. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 4 of 5 I INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlt-it:D STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ _ _ 1_0_/4_/2--'-0_16-'----- Photo 5 - Looking upstream at the downstream slope and dewatering well enclosures. Photo 6 - Looking at the upstream slope and the spillway approach from the right abutment. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 5 of 5 FILE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTI ON OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTI FIED STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Type of Dam Water is Dam No. 6-34 County _M_o_n_o_ __ _ _ _ __ Earth - - - - - - - - - - - Type of Spillway Side channel weir 18.9 below feet spillway crest and 33 .9 feet below dam crest. Weather Conditions Partly sunny and cool (40° F) Contacts Made Ben Butler, Francisco Rangel, Miguel Munoz, Jim Cambell, and others with LADWP Reason for Inspection Periodic Maintenance Inspection Important Observations, Recommendation s or Actions Taken 1. The -valve and gate need to be fully exercised during the next inspection. 2. The instrumentation surveillance report is overdue and needs to be submitted. 3. The remaining two dewatering wells are now on line and appear to be successfully drawing down the water level at the toe of the dam . Conclusions From the known information and visual inspection, the dam , reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use. Observations and Comments Dam The crest was well aligned , level and the asphalt appeared to be in excellent condition . The upstream rip rap covered slope appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The downstream slope is covered in beneficial grasses and small shrubs. The abutments appeared stable and the groins showed no evidence of erosion . No objectionable vegetation was evident during the inspection. All bait stations were in place and stocked with bait . No evidence of rodents was present at the time of the inspection. Spillway The spillway approach, control section, downstream chute and tunnel were clear and unobstructed. The concrete surfaces were in satisfactory condition, with only minor cracks and spalls. The spillway tunnel was not inspected during this maintenance inspection. Outlet valve and a gate. The low-level outlet is equipped with a The operation of these valves is determined by water deliveries and power generation. The -valve appeared to be well maintained and in good condition. The -valve was not exercised during the inspection and will need to be fully exercised during the next annual maintenance inspection. . An agreement was reached to inspect and cycle the emergency slide gate 20% every year and a 100% every five years in DSOD presence. An inspection of the tunnel occurs every 1O years and is scheduled for 2016. the gate was cracked and then returned to the fully closed position. Mr. Butler stated that crews plan to plug the emergency tunnel and do an inspection as well as operate all valves next year. I requested that they contact me so that I can participate and observe all valve operations. The emergency gate was last fully cycled on 11 /16/2011. Photos taken? Yes cc for DWR 1261 (Rev. 10/09) X No Owner/Book Inspected by Date of Inspection Date of Report E. A. Wulff 10/20/2015 12/9/2015 ~ \z..\'3. \\? ' - - - - - -- -- -- Sheet -1- of 4 INSPECTION Name of Dam : DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CER", jED STATUS Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ _ _ 10_/_2_0_/2_0_1_5_ __ Observations and Comments Seepage There were no signs of visible seepage on the downstream slope of the dam, either of the downstream groins, or the toe of the dam. There are three dewatering wells (well #93-1, well #84-1 and well #84-2), just downstream of the toe of the dam, which have been repaired. All of the wells are now housed, have wiring, and plumbing. All three wells were operational at the time of the inspection and appeared to be successfully lowering the water level below the downstream toe. Pump Depth to Water (ft) Pumping {gpm) 84-1 74.9 33.2 84-2 30.3 22.5 93-1 84.7 44 There are four regularly monitored seepage weirs at this dam. All weirs were found to be well maintained and running clear. The weir readings during the inspection are as follows: Weir Type of Weir Seepage {cfs) Main Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 3.1 Tunnel Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 0.9 Toe Weir 90° V-notch 0.4 Toe Extension Weir 45° V-notch Dry The Main Weir is located 0.5-miles downstream of the dam and measures the total flow from the other three weirs and the dewatering wells and the natural runoff. The Tunnel Weir measures the seepage flow into the spillway tunnel through weep holes. The Toe Weir and the Toe Extension Weir measure seepage and are relatively constant. Seepage measured at the time of the inspection was normal and within historical limits. Vegetation has been cut and removed and appears to be well maintained around the Main Weir. Instr. The instrumentation report is overdue. The last submittal, dated December 10, 2012, for the time period from October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2012, was previously reviewed when it was submitted and with no concerning conditions noted. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 11 survey monuments, 42 observation wells, 3 dewatering wells, and 4 seepage weirs. The instrumentation at Long Valley Dam is judged satisfactory, shows the dams performing satisfactorily, and no new instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 4 INSPECTION \ Name of Dam Long Valley Dam DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT ED STATUS Dam No. 6-34 ---------~ Date of lnspection _ ___ 10_/_20_/_2_0_15_ __ Photo 2 - Looking at the upstream portion of the spillway structure. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 4 INSPECTION Name of Dam Long Valley Dam I DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERl ED STATUS Dam No. 6-34 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date of lnspection _ _ _ _1_0_/2_0_/_2_0_1_5_ _ _ Photo 3 - Looking at the rip rap covered upstream slope. Photo 4 - Looking at the downstream slope and dewatering wells at the toe. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 4 --- of 4 FILE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Type of Dam Long Valley Dam Earth 25.8 feet Dam No. -----------~ Water is 6-34 County Side channel weir spillway crest and 40.8 feet Type of Spillway below -Mono - - - -- - - - below dam crest . Weather Conditions Partly sunny and cool (50° F) Contacts Made Charnpreet Dhillon, Minas Sirakie, Reason for Inspection Mark Mackowski, Jim Cambell, and others with LADWP Periodic Maintenance Inspection Im portant Observations, Recommendation s or Actions Ta ken 1. The instrumentation surveillance report is overdue and needs to be submitted. 2. The remaining two dewatering wells need to be brought online as soon as possible to help draw down the water level at the toe of th e dam. Conclusions From the known information and visual inspection, the dam, reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use. Observation s and Comments Dam The crest was well aligned, level and the asphalt appeared to be in excellent condition. The upstream rip rap covered slope appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The downstream slope is covered in beneficial grasses and small shrubs. The abutments appeared stable and the groins showed no evidence of erosion. No objectionable vegetation was evident during the inspection. All bait stations were in place and stocked with bait. No evidence of rodents was present at the time of the inspection . Spillway The spillway approach, control section , downstream chute and tunnel were clear and unobstructed. The concrete surfaces were in satisfactory condition, with only minor cracks and spalls. The spillway tunnel was not inspected during this maintenance inspection. Outlet The low-level outlet is equipped with a -valve and a gate. The operation of these valves is determined by water deliveries and power generation. The -valve appeared to be well maintained and in good condition. The -valve was not during the inspection as it was fully exercised during the 2013 annual maintenance inspection. An agreement was reached to inspect and cycle the emergency gate 20% every year and a 100% every five years in DSOD presence. An inspection of the tunnel to the tunnel plug occurs every 10 years and is scheduled for 2016. The gate was cracked and then returned to the fully closed position. The emergency gate was last fully cycled on 11 /16/2011 . Seepage Photostaken? There were no signs of visible seepage on the downstream slope of the dam, either of the downstream groins, or the toe of the dam. There are three dewatering wells (well #93-1, well #84-1 and well #84-2), just downstream of the toe of the dam, which have been repaired. All of the wells Yes cc for DWR 1261 (Rev. 10/09) X No Owner/Book Inspected by Dateoflnspection Date of Report E. A. Wulff 10/7/2014 10/31/2014 E.1 10\-;, \,4 1 ' -----------~ Sheet - 1 - of 5 INSPECTION 0. DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT. iD STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ _ _1_0_/7_/_2_0_14 _ _ __ Observations and Comments are now housed, have wiring, and plumbing. Only one well (well #93-1) was operational at the time of the inspection. The reading on the pump read 29.4 gpm and 93.1-feet distance to water surface. The other two dewatering wells (well# 84-1 and well#84-2) were not operating and were awaiting the final electrical work. The final two dewatering wells need to be brought online as soon as possible. There are four regularly monitored seepage weirs at this dam. All weirs were found to be well maintained and running clear. The weir readings during the inspection are as follows: Weir Type of Weir Seepage (cfs) Main Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 3.0 Tunnel Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 0.8 Toe Weir 90° V-notch 0.4 Toe Extension Weir 45° V-notch Dry The Main Weir is located 0.5-miles downstream of the dam and measures the total flow from the other three weirs and the dewatering wells and the natural runoff. The Tunnel Weir measures the seepage flow into the spillway tunnel through weep holes. The Toe Weir and the Toe Extension Weir measure seepage and are relatively constant. Seepage measured at the time of the inspection was normal and within historical limits. Vegetation has been removed and appears to be well maintained around the Main Weir. Instr. The instrumentation report is overdue. The last submittal, dated December 10, 2012, for the time period from October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2012, was previously reviewed when it was submitted and with no concerning conditions noted. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 11 survey monuments, 42 observation wells, 3 dewatering wells, and 4 seepage weirs. The instrumentation at Long Valley Dam is judged satisfactory, shows the dams performing satisfactorily, and no new instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 5 ( INSPECTION CJ , DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERl . Name of Dam .=o STATUS Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ __ _ 1_ 0/_7_/2_0_ 14_ __ Photo 1 - Looking upstream at the spillway entrance structure. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet _ _3_ of 5 _ INSPECTION v. DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT. Name of Dam Long Valley Dam .=D STATUS Dam No. 6-34 - - -- -- - -- -- Date of lnspection _ __ _ 1_0/_7_/2_0_14_ _ __ Photo 3 - Looking upstream at the spillway structure and entrance to the outlet tunnel. / . ' ,:···. · , " ·" '· ' .. ' I ' ' ' •. Photo 4 - Looking at a spa II on one of the spillway buttresses should be repaired. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet - 4 -- of 5 INSPECTION L. DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT:. .=D STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Dam No. 6-34 ---------~ Date of lnspection _ __ _1_0_/7_/_ 2_ 0_14_ _ __ .. .. Photo 6 - Looking downstream at the dam slope and dewatering wells. \. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 5 of 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS FILE INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTI FIED STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Type of Dam Water is Dam No. 6-34 County _M_o_n_o_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Earth Type of Spillway Side channel weir - -- -- - -- -- - 26.5 feet below spillway crest and 41 .5 feet below dam crest. Weather Conditions Partly sunny and cold (35° F) Contacts Made Charnpreet Dhillon, Francisco Nigel, Miguel Munoz and others with LADWP Reason for Inspection Periodic Maintenance Inspection Important Observations, Recommendations or Actions Taken None. Conclusions From the known information and visual inspection, the dam, reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use. Observations and Comments Dam The crest was well aligned, level and the asphalt appeared to be in excellent condition . The upstream rip rap covered slope appeared to be in satisfactory condition . The downstream slope is covered in beneficial grasses and small shrubs. The abutments appeared stable and the groins showed no evidence of erosion. No objectionable vegetation was evident during the inspection. All bait stations were in place and stocked with bait. No evidence of rodents was present at the time of the inspection. Spillway The spillway approach, control section , downstream chute and tunnel were clear and unobstructed. The concrete surfaces were in satisfactory condition, with only minor cracks and spalls. The spillway tunnel was not inspected during this maintenance inspection. Outlet The low-level outlet is equipped with a -valve and a gate. The operation of these valves is determined by water deliveries and power generation. The -valve appeared to be well maintained and in good condition . The valve was fully exercised during the inspection from the fully open position to the fully closed position and then was returned to the fully open position . The valve operated smoothly and without incident. An agreement was reached to cycle the emergency gate 20% every year and a 100% every five years in DSOD presence. The gate was cracked and then returned to the fully closed position. The emergency gate was fully cycled on 11/16/2011. Seepage Photos taken? cc for There were no signs of visible seepage on the downstream slope of the dam, either of the downstream groins, or the toe of the dam . There are three dewatering wells (well #93-1 , well #84-1 and well #84-2) , just downstream of the toe of the dam, which have been repaired. All of the wells are now housed, have wiring, and plumbing. Only one well (well #93-1) is operational at the time of Yes DWR 1261 (Rev. 10/09) X No Owner/Book Inspected by Date of Inspection Date of Report E. A. Wulff ~ 10/9/2013 1/23/2014 \\'Z-!>\\~ ' ' -----------Sheet -1- of 5 INSPECTION OF- &JAM A ND RESERVOIR IN CERTIF-.-u STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ __1_0_/9_/_2_0_13 _ _ __ Observations and Comments the inspection. The reading on the pump read 48.3 gpm and 84.9-feet distance to water surface. The other two dewatering wells (well# 84-1 and well#84-2) were not operating and were awaiting the final electrical work before the monitoring well housing and appurtenance work is complete. There are four regularly monitored seepage weirs at this dam. All weirs were found to be well maintained and running clear. The weir readings during the inspection are as follows: Weir Type of Weir Seepage (cfs) Main Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 3.0 Tunnel Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 0.8 Toe Weir 90° V-notch 0.5 Toe Extension Weir 45° V-notch Dry The Main Weir is located 0.5-miles downstream of the dam and measures the total flow from the other three weirs and the dewatering wells and the natural runoff. The Tunnel Weir measures the seepage flow into the spillway tunnel through weep holes. The Toe Weir and the Toe Extension Weir measure seepage and are relatively constant. Seepage measured at the time of the inspection was normal and within historical limits. Instr. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 11 survey monuments, 42 observation wells, 3 dewatering wells, and 4 seepage weirs . The last submittal, dated December 10, 2012, for the time period from October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2012, was previously reviewed when it was submitted and with no concerning conditions noted. Only one dewatering well is operational. The water levels were measured and a drop in water level in two nearby observation wells . Once all three dewatering wells are online, pore water pressure at the toe of the dam should show a significant drop. All survey measurements were within historical norms and appeared to be following established trends. The instrumentation submittal The instrumentation at Long Valley Dam is judged satisfactory, shows the dams performing satisfactorily, and no new instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 5 ( INSPECTION OF- i.JAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlf-,_J STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Dam No. 6-34 - - - - - - -- - - Date of lnspection _ _ _ _1_0_/9_/_2_0_ 13 _ _ __ Photo 1 - Looking at the upstream slope and rip rap. Photo 2 - Looking upstream at the spillway entrance structure. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 5 INSPECTION OF- a.JAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlf-, _ .J STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ _ _1_0_/9_/2_0_1_3_ _ _ Photo 3 - Looking upstream at the spillway structure and entrance to the outlet tunnel. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 4 of 5 INSPECTION OF- a.JAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIF-, _ J STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Dam No. 6-34 ~---------- Date of lnspection _ _ _ _1_0_/9_/_2_0_13 _ __ Photo 4 - Looking upstream at the downstream slope and dewatering well housing structures. Photo 5 - Looking at the downstream slope and the dewatering well housing structures. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 5 of 5 _ FILE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Long Valley Dam Earth 27.3 feet Name of Dam Type of Dam Dam No. ~~~~~~~~~~~- Water is 6-34 County Mono ~~~~~~~~~- Side channel weir spillway crest and 42.3 feet Type of Spillway below below dam crest. Sunny and cool (40° F) Minas Sirakie, Mark Mackowski, Solomon Abebe, Charles Parkes, and others with LADWP Reason for Inspection Periodic Maintenance Inspection Weather Conditions Contacts Made Im portant Obse rvations, Recommendations or Actions Ta ken 1. Repair bait station on the downstream slope, near the right groin and toe, and fill accordingly. 2. Submit overdue instrumentation data. The last data submitted was through September 30, 2010. Conclusions From the known information and visual inspection, the dam, reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use. Observations and Comments Dam The crest was well aligned, level and the asphalt appeared to be in excellent condition . The upstream rip rap covered slope appeared to be in satisfactory condition . The downstream slope is covered in beneficial grasses and small shrubs. The abutments appeared stable and the groins showed no evidence of erosion. No objectionable vegetation or rodent activity was evident during the inspection and bait stations were in place and full . One bait station was broken and needs to be repaired. Spillway The spillway approach, control section, downstream chute and tunnel were clear and unobstructed. The concrete surfaces were in satisfactory condition , with only minor cracks and spalls. Outlet The low-level outlet is equipped with a -valve and a gate. The operation of these valves is determined by water deliveries and power generation. The valve appeared to be well maintained and in good condition. The valves are cycled regularly and were last cycled in DSOD presence on 9/1/2010. An agreement was reached to cycle the emergency gate 20% every year and a 100% every five years in DSOD presence. The emergency gate was fully cycled on 11 /16/2011. The spillway tunnel was not inspected during this maintenance inspection . Seepage There were no signs of vi sible seepage on the downstream slope of the dam, either of the downstream groins, or the toe of the dam. There are three dewatering wells, just downstream of the toe of th~ dam, which have been repaired. One of the wells is currently housed (well #93-1) and the remaining two wells (well #84-1 and well #84-2) have the wiring and plumbing complete but no slab or housing. Mr. Sirakie stated that they will have the remaining two wells slabs poured and houses constructed by the end of 2012. Inspected by Photos taken? Yes cc for DWR 1261 (Rev. 10/09) X No Owner/Book Date of Inspection Date of Report 10/30/2012 1/7/2013 Sheet I INSPECTION 01 uAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlhcD STATU S Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Dam No. 6-34 ---------- Date of lnspection _ _ _ _ 1_0/_3_0_/2_0_1_2_ __ Observations and Comments There are four regularly monitored seepage weirs at this dam. All weirs were found to be well maintained and running clear. The weir readings during the inspection are as follows: Weir Type of Weir Seepage (cfs) Main Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 3.2 Tunnel Weir 36-inch Cipolletti 0.3 Toe Weir 90° V-notch 0.5 Toe Extension Weir 45° V-notch Not flowing The Main Weir is located 0.5-miles downstream of the dam and measures the total flow from the other three weirs and the dewatering wells and the natural runoff. The Tunnel Weir measures the seepage flow into the spillway tunnel through weep holes. The Toe Weir and the Toe Extension Weir measure seepage and are relatively constant. Seepage measured at the time of the inspection was normal and within historical limits. Instr. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 11 survey monuments, 42 observation wells, 3 dewatering wells, and 4 seepage weirs. The current instrumentation data is overdue. The last submittal, dated December 13, 2010, for the time period from January 1, 2008, through September 30, 2010, was previously reviewed with no concerning conditions noted. The instrumentation submittal The instrumentation at Long Valley Dam is judged satisfactory, shows the dams performing satisfactorily, and no new instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. Photo 1 - Looking at the upstream slope and rip rap and the spillway entrance. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 5 INSPECTION Name of Dam Long Valley Dam o~ uAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTll--.cD STATUS Dam No. 6-34 ~---------- Date of lnspection _ _ _ _ 1_0/_3_0_/2_0_1_2_ _ _ Photo 2 - Looking upstream at the spillway entrance structure. Photo 3 - Looking downstream at the spillway tunnel entrance. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 5 INSPECTION Name of Dam o~ JAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlhcD STATUS Long Valley Dam Date of lnspection _ _ _ _ 1_0/_3_0_/2_0_1_2_ __ Photo 4 - Looking toward the right abutment at the paved crest roadway. Photo 5 - Looking toward the right abutment and the downstream slope. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 4 of 5 ( INSPECTION O. DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTlt-.cD STATUS Name of Dam Long Valley Dam Date of Inspection _ __ · _1_0/_3_0_ /2_0_1_2_ _ _ Photo 7 - Looking downstream at the dewatering wells and future well housing structures. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) 5 - of Sheet - - 5