NAN 33333333333333.3333333333 33333-33333333333333 \m 3233: WATER NEQOURCES- 2% 1333333 9N 33F SAFETY 33F 33333333 33333335333332.3333 QF DAM ANN RESERVWR 3N NTATUS Nan-133:3 Dem- 1.3333 33333333333333 333m 3-33..- 333?29 63-23333 Nevada 33333333 3333.33) 33:333- 333333333) mesa .. .. INtherfirs-gI' 3331-5. 3333. 3;}er II ?33333333333333.2333 ?355 332333.: II I II 3333333333333. 333333333;3203333333333. 3333333333133 3:33.33 .. Con-33333332333333.3333 Eng 33333 Aw, 833.333.333.333333 Era-:3 Fewer;- 3?333333333 W333333 33333333333333.3333? PEA-E 3m 33 ANtiNng-Taken 3333333333333 3333333333 332333333. 33333333333 3:33-3:33 3336 dam was 3333333 333335333313 3333.92- 333-333 3333:: 3.3333335) 3333233333 333 333.3: 33333333333333333 333333 333 33333 333.333.3323 33333733133139 3333133333 were unsuccessful "33333 33333333 was-333333333331 3333 3330333323 {3053333233. PGNE 393333333 33:: 333333333?ga333 333.3.) 37333333333333) 33333 vaive- 33.32333 3233333303833 3335:- 333333333ary repairs Arrangaments 333,333 3.33- 3'33 made 33:) 333333; cycle 333.3 3333333 3:33 33333? 33333333333333- durmg the 33.333- mspectmn DISQD 3333333 be: 31333333333 if 3333 33333333.. meeds 3.33 3233 33333303333 as; 333-) 33333333633333.3333 may 333.3 33333N3333c3 Meantenance 33333333 .33) 33333 upstream 333m- ware 333333332an 333333339 this 33333383333033 in; an 3333:3{3 33:) 3333333333 see-page 333303333313th 323233338333 concre3e 336mg 333333333X products were being 3.333333 3.33 $33.33 3393333233 333333333 33333 damaged 33333533333333 face 333233335 33333 333 evaluated in 3333-3236 ms?umenta?a? subm33ta3s PGAE nee-<33; 3:33:133333333333-03033335: {3333332303 wepage 3'33) I33333Id33wns3ream 3.33333 33333353333133 E33333 233-333 3333333333 313-: 20333; .333 3.3333313333333333. 3333333333339 3333333333333 33- aur??r??y- 333333333 3:33.3133333333333. Framing 3332333333 33333333333303) 33333- 3333333- 3nspe-333333-33, 331A dam,- reaervaisr. and 33:33 appurtenaanws 333333333333 3:333 133:)- .333333333333 33333.. ?bsewamns and Comments {DI-3mg A3632 Nam 3 walked 3:33 32mg 333.8; 3:33.333 3.3033333333333333?: gram staircases 333323 33133 (3331- The. 3333333333333 face 3333-33 in 333333333333 A crew was {3333333333-33338 333333 spa?mg 333mg 33-333 upstream 3333333 dawn I33) 33133. resawmr 3333333 A33 333333333333 3333333 33.33) 3233333 333'- 33333 333313313333 32333.33 abutments 33:33: 33333333. appeared 33> 33% 93339333553333; 53335383393333; T373333 WQFKI 33; 033333333 3333333333233 and: I mamtenance related 3333 33333333333 sewage N33 apphca?nn was. requgred The flacieII ?(he 333-3333333336 by I II . i?g?i 3333:2332? 338- )3 333 3333.33233333333 N3). -2 3:3 - 93.332332333333333)? . . 5933733301 33:33)). 03333333763833.3333 33-33333 33333333 3333232933333 3323 ?3 33333. 3333312333233?: 303)) I 33.33.3333 ?3 24 14111351511111 1.51.1113 1N. 1.1.111? STATUS- 1111111111 11121311111 1.211111. S?amdi'ng 1111111111111, 13.11%? 13111:: {311111.91 1.1211 133. Sbsewatmns 11.1111. (11111111111111: 313111111111 {111-113131- $111612. .111 111111? 1111:1311: $911131. W111: 131123111131 cracking 111.1111 spa?wg 12113361111313 11116131111111 11.11: 1111111111111 11:11:11,911: 1 1133 .351 :11: 13.113.311.1651 1:111:11: 11111-1 11131111161101: 11131111.: 2111':- 13:13:11 2 1.1111211311131111 11111111111111311. 1111;111:1111: dampnem 1111:1121 31111111ng 1.: 1113:3111-1111:19119 1511:: 11111111111 1:111:19 1111111. 321.111.11.51111111?1 1:11.1de 11:11:1111151311111111 11.1.1118 1:111:11:- 1385:1111: 11.11:. 1:11'1118131151111111 11111111131113 3.113133111311111 13.111111: .1211: 13:11.1 1.1111131111113111311 1:113:11: 1111: 31:11:11 @1118: 11131111111131 31:11:11?: 11-11: 1:11:11: 1:11:31 32:11:51.:111111153 1.116. 1152181133111 face 1:11 1111:: 1111111- 811111 1111;11:11- exmb?ed 1-10 Sign: 1311118116133 121': 111313111111: T111: 111111111111: . surface: 11.311311131311211}: 3:111:11 111.1171. Vege?ta?m 1:311:11: 11123 $111311. 111111111111 1311:! (111111.31: 13111: 11:91:: 1:111: 311.121.13-3111111 1111111111: 111:: 111 1-11.15 11111.: Th1: 11.121111111111111: 11:11:11 13.13.11 3131311811111 11: .1311:- 111'111111'111 31:11:. 111111 11111151; Vegata?m 6111111111 111:1: 91:11:11. 3111111111: 1311111- (1111:. 2,1 111:. 11111113111111 11:11- 11:11:11 31313-0111- 11-11153- 11111- 3311:: were: :11 "11.1: 111:- 11:11:11 :16111'11111?1 an" 1111:1111-1111:11111111 11-1 $111131: 1:11-31 ?217.11: Cm??mte 1311' 11111111111 TQQUTTQS 5111:1111161: .111: 1:11:11: 111': 3:11:11. pas-1.1113111. 11111111161811 (31:11:13.3: :1 11111111113311. 1111111. 11:11:13.. 1111211111111: 11911111111116 1.111111151123111 yea: 3.1791111: T111: 1111111113311. 1111111111111 11:11:111'111711, $117111 {11311111311331-11 11111111111111 1:11:11: $111111?: "111.11: 1111-1113-1151 11113311112111: gate:- rsaatings appear-1213111.: 1:1: 1:1. 3.2111313113113111 11111111111111; 1111:1113: 11.13. 119111: 11111123112311.3111: 11513111131111 11111313111211: 91:11:13- ?311:1 111111111111? 13.121111 1711113.. cans'1a'182111-1: 311.11 '11::1111111g 11111111. . ammaah. 1113111161 1815111111 2111121 11111111311931? 13111111111: 111-3131311311'311121 11111111111111.1er T111: 5111111133,: 1:11:13: 111111111121211a1111: 1111:1111 1:111:11: 1.11.111 111111 1111. a: 13:11 111111-11: 111 1.11.8?? N1. 11.11: 12111121111: 31.153511: 1.111113311111111: 1:1: .11.: 31311113131111}: 13122171111111.1911: - .11111111 1111111: 13111-1111 51111 1.5 110111111116111131? 51'" R1111: gate-11131. 15:1 T111: _11:11.111:.111:11.11111y 1351111151111 131111111: 1111-11 1113;391:1191: The. 11:11:: 11:11:13.1:121 1.11:: :11. -:1:1:1111: 1311111111111: 11:11 11:: 11:11:: 111:1: 1111:1113: . 11311111111111.1111. 15:11:11: 1111:. (31111113116311? 111111111311111111gf 1111: 11:91:16131112111 1:11:11: unsucces?m T1311: 11.141131113111111: 1:021:11 1.111111111131111211113111011 111381-13 11:11.1 1111181119.:11: 1.1111 1.111113111111111 1:1? 1113;311:1191: 131301) 11111111 1.11: 1:11:111113 11.11111: 112111: 11618113111138 regimes? 31313111331161: may be I :eqmred 11:11 51811111111311}: Typmai 31:11:19 1:111:11 11.111111: 1111111111111: 111:.- absawegi 211111913111: 11.111111131193111 1.38:1. m. RESERVIQTR. TN. E313 STATES 11am Lair-Q 1111-. QQEQ .111 11111111311115 TQTT Q1 TQQ T1113 TQ Q1 WQQS WQ :56. WQQ TQQ weir- 131111211 111111113; TQTQ .- Weir ?1?34 5% 12111112311: 111113;.- .1.- WQTF ??1??3841 QH QT glam}? were. 1111111111112. 11.11111 11113113. TQQ 111111. WQQ 1?84? (1'13 was 11111191 1111111 Q: new. 111117-111 Q1QTQ 31'fo wing wait 311 were metailQQ QTQQinQied 3111135111:th TQQ T111 TQQ iQ-w- 1Q {1113- 13"er TQQ- 1111:1198 $11 111; QQtTierQ. QQW- was 3%thqu The QT .EQQ. This: iQ T311- is. measured Q1 W?Qir TQQ QT 1QQ- Q1 111111193 TQQ {11411111 1QQ .ng 1111111 111an TQQ 1" ?81111111.- 11813-1 QF 1Q 1-1111 weir ITQIQ 3Q QT 1.1111 13:1" QQ ij. Q1131 1111111111 3111111 TQQ TQQ- 111w- 1Q QQ. QTEQQ 1Q Q1 The TQQ we} 3r 1.111111% 11133111211111 QQ 1Q E31111: 111. Q1113 ?33m: {11:11: were. observed {3116315121 rQQemQtr iexre! de was 1711211 water TQQI- IQQIIQ-1 Q1113 Wen IYB 15:53 WQQ MG?ifGiid stages QQ: 1111th 111' 1311.11? 1QQ1 few This TQ QQ Q1111QQ. Q71. WQQ T834 3:1" if}. Q1 TQEQ: Q3211 11111-115; TQQ I WQQ QQ QIWQIQT ?1in 2916.1311erng 1111112111. .1131?; 11111111 131111.31 II :11 figs??20wa ?amine. . .. cawumam ammo. .EE w?k?hm am 0% Emgwg?w am?. Egan. Ea, E0 ?33 A. ,n Hagan gm. ?my Ema ?magma a . mz?q Eda. m. .mm?wmam 33 E8 33% ?gamma. 53w. gamma .. xmwm?cm mam a 5/4 m?ww ?mm? gnaw ?gamma, m. E, yam. mm. Ea. mm??mw 2mg. a m} gym. ma. . magma Ema am Emmym?mom 4.0.3 0.2a. iwm?m. Findlay)?; . W/M?f?z?xz??my mama Em: 4mgmm?m?mm ?an. 59% Mammy,? m. ??mmym? ?aw ME m0 m?w?030. Ammgw . .. if. W. a? (V xV/WahW/mm/w .. . .. . .. ??xwy .. . Af?iu.U.uun..w/ magnum gm?m ?mam a. 54. AWE. $63. 253 .. 2. . . 7:71:15535 . . STATE OF CAMPER-NM FAUFORWA NATURAL RESQUHQ ES. AMA 13? WATER 5:87.131} REES . .DNIESEEDN OF SAFETY OF DAMS- 61321311311111 AND-RESERVEUIR 1N STATES 11111111.; :11 1111111? 1111111, 81111111113119; ?51:11:11: 1111 9? ?2,1 scurry Nevada .. 13111391111111: 11:11:21, Gravity, 13111211111 1111311 11.1 31211 way _Gatee and 8111111eg5 111-?1111111113. 2: _?11111?1 3110118 5131111111131 1311:1511; and__ ?13. 5 feet Adm 6111111. 1111115111111 6011111111115 ?verqeet. epri'nkii'ng and 1111111119 Contacts Made 12213 8131111131 Andrew Fieher' Tyler Rey- and 0111.13 Heecock with PC3835. 11111131111 111-r 11111111: 11111 Annuei Maintenance 11131311011011 31111141 the: 11611111131519.1811: 1311511111111 Arch 13.1.1111 MMere r1111 ebse?e?idurmg "(111$ inspeetren The-Me 00111111111115: .1116: meted h1g1 er reverts;- 21.11131 ?eed 11121191111111111111 1111 111111111111ed by $313815 131311111111ed eiese 11111111111er .31- high reserve-ire. 1M warranted and. any change 111 neede 113 he 1111111111311 1'11 1mmed1a1e1y W131: 1312311 53F 111-11111: arch 1:111:11 11:1 115116135: 5111;11:111- 11? 1e 1111111112111 12111111111111.1111 11M 31 2016 .3311 mere 16111311111 reedmge can be: 11111111111111 N11 31111111111011 MMrequrred .1111 11115 111111.11: as 311111111 111' Area: Engmeer AMpe1 Ordoubrgren s: emerl 1'11 dated 121165 20:15.5. 11111111111311111 111111121111 reapizazce the 1111111111 1111112016.. Weir exhibits: 1:111- in-ere'a'eing trend ever-131313: 1011111215113 111111.11: with the; Tee-mes with: 11111 11117111 discussed? 11110111:- 1111115111111 111.- be 1111.11: .111 111111 11111111:- ?behind' 11111 11131111113111- We were 1111111111111 the: FAME 11116111111112.1111 an 31112111 11211811212111.1911 01-1-1111 1111111161111 311-1111219111- 113111:an 311121 emme 12111111119611 areas. were. tau-1:11:31, 1111121 111133115.- fare: planned 101111151- 8111111111151. Meegage 111-1111111111111 accepts?1.11111 11311111. 11111-111111111111eri 11.111311- mer?mrihg 111-11:1 1131111 21111115111111: 3.111111% 13 1113113111311: We Fewest-ed. '10 be 11613.1 11111111111111: 11:: 1111111111111 11111111.. 11111111111111.111-11111110 1131.11111- 1111- verve 111-111 Meme. esse?ieted. 1111111 11151 111111119 11111 1113:1111 inepecti'en A11 11111111311119 1:113:11 11111111- gatee and ?eehbeards 1111111132; Mgm?cam 31111111 11111111113 1'55. 1.11111111- deveMpment 1.1M 2818 Our cemmenis 1111111 be 31111931119131 M11171 3 Standard {311111131 119. Preoedure 11:11 the: gates 1.11111 fieshbeerd 11111111- be ?11131111111111 by September 3112018 ?rst-11111111131111.1111; 51111.11: 11113? 11111111111 11.111111113115011 1111: 11am. 'resemp?irt, and 1111 11111921111111111 191:1:1111111111111 1.11111: 11111111111115 an?l Gamma-1118' Mama 1 11:11: 11111111 11 3111111311111: 1191112 11111111111111?00111111115 The: 1311110111111 ereqt; appeared 1n - 11111131111111.1111 1.111111311111111 The: 11215111 1112111 12111111131113 111-{he upstream face and fer-3951111111911 .1111 signs-111? distress er 11151211311113: T1111 face appears aged-1111111 twice}. 1315111111111 damgness . A. Mangney 11:11 1? 2111.111111111111 T. 111111111112 1.1M z3; 11111112111111.1211 Mes :1 No --.. [3-313-11111151'16a111111 112Ti2-3-1:6 1 11131111 01111131186111 Beta :11 1112131111 131-1912111116] 11"?3?1?11 {11.1111 1.11:1 1111-1111; Sheet 1. 1.11? 8: m. JAM. AND RESERVOIR INSERT mug? STATUS .. .. . . @429 Data . .. . AIEWEQ ?35 .- -. . and QAmmAntA Apaiimg freezes-AMA NA abmrmA! were natAA. 8mm; . grAiAA and remaiAA. satisfactory Th remams in AahszAtAry candifm? . Aam drama amund 0f the drain . if): at AA PAAE. the drains ALA Eth? AATAA AA AWAAFAL The: semi-Ans at; bath Af AA Agnes of distress: NA .9?th dam. AA: AA spi?wsay . The AArtaAnA Af'thA: upbfream face and AAwnAtream ijAA showed AA signs Af' distress .Ar hAEAmg Lip WAN At this No rebar 9r ApAiimg The WSEbie {:30ka Amman AT thA dAwnAiream was int'AAE. .AAhtr?A?i- Amt}. BAA: (M12). TAA and- The Af- {Aquifers AH .gaiAA AA ApAn Camber 1 .And AAEA dates REE-STE W355- A variance the? Avior- 31-0 May 2 SA Aprii 20163 requested QAEAA were fui?y men during {this mspectmn The iAft thrAA QATAA ware; releasing .Apifi'i way ?aws the Apxiiway AAr?fArmmg Adequateiy TAA AAntrAi AAwnAtream unobstructed The 3AA . 5. in. which is year am AHA, The mAjAr Ate-rm 2AA: in 199?. Ep?gf?jach,; And unobstructed. were in n. with; AA: AA ni?AAht 'Cfa?kii?ig. Ar . Thefe is A: Ape; that bifuerAtAA: ASA thA that A i With a gate 'thai?t' is- TAT inAirA-Am ThAvalvAA wssrA 1AA: in: GUT AA 1132512612.. AA: during 126i xije'V-i. Sheet '2 8. 33335333563353.3- .33333? {33333 {33. ?55333. 3.313 sum-?3 {3333333323 ?33 {32333:- {333333 83535333333533 . {Tam-N33. 33'34229 313.3333 {33" 33353355333333 {35353333335335 and Comments 3nspec?35n T335- 333-33353. {353353335 33553:! ?3313-3333 {3313335323 {3333333333333 and 33:3 ?33333- 533335533335 aviary yams PG 83E was 33533335 The 3333-3331533. 5333-3533 ?333.33 {33533833333333 ?33325 533339.552; 3333333333333. {?33333 agreed 3353. {3353333. arrangemema-wiih ?33.5- 33333333333 {he {?33335 {333535335375 ?3.33- a: Tartar ?3535. Ami: Dam N33 sewage 33.3.3335.- 333355533333 ?333? {?335 55333333353335 {5335' ?33? 33mg ?33?3 33gb: g{?33{3 ?33 {.3333 335333? was.? 53333333133333 3.3an 33:13 {33333353335353 35ft gram T3333 ?ow 333 {neaqured 333 {30333333333333.3333 35?3 ?33333 YB- ?35:3" {3333933533 33323333: {mm: the? 53533333 53335 wee-33 {333353. T3333 {533533333333 .aaepaae 333333.33 333333.35 333333-3333 33133-3. 33333353333533: 3.533333 3333433. 5F (?3333 533333533) ?3355 3333333 {33533: YEASG {32333353. {33333533933335- 3 ?33333 ?33135. 3333333.): 3383331533; 33333333533} {3.25" {93-3333- 333333.33- {?333qu {?33 {3?3 ?335- YBAEG and {?34533 333333333 3333335533335 3:333 {33333333 Thagage .at-Wai3: {333.333.555- 3:333. {9333333333335 .333: ?33.33. 33333333- {?33 late.- and 3335 33.3533 3333:5333 nee?dad 33333 {5553. 33.33318333235333- 2553333:5{3 33.533323333333133 55335533353355: {?53333- {3.333.333 {?32 {1.33333 33133335533533 {Ea-?33333 3233' ?33 53333.33 {3533-333 {333335.3333333333333 33.333333333533333- 33333?355 ?3.33 ?323.33. 33313333333. ?33333333?3? {333333.333 {3332;333- ?e?333?31g? {33.333333333333233 3333333333: {3335333333335 with {he {33333533333333 ?33333. ?33333? {155553-5353' {5.5533355 The ?35:53:55333333 33.3.3333 3333332333355 333 ?3333 {?3333 33353135533533. {533033; is 3551335.. T3333 33333.33:- {3333335333g was 3333:3533. {?333.33 ?333.33 {333533333 {?33333 3333333333333 3333333333 {he??333.35 55333333333533 3.3335,. The 33333333333333 333333-3333 {33.313353333332333g {3.3333335 333.333- .355.335333355. T333 333333{ 333. 33335 5333335333- {33333. 3333333? 35335355333333 75.533335? 3333333853. 3.5 333333353333; 33 {33533.33 {5033333335 ?33. {3333 ?333: 5:333:55: {3323835- 333133333: {33333333335 3335 333533 ?333. ?335. F3333 ?33 2333 5 ?35. {Mme 3335-335" 333' required: 35333335333: Sewage 33533333330333 at ??335 {?3333 were: mE-Sked {33,3 FESGWGIT $333335: ?33 ?33.33 Taft- (gate 3.333333 133.35 aesepaga 53335333335335 were. ?33335??6?3 ?33 33333. far 3333-3 and {@333 cancmie gravity 55.3333555- {333. 33-38- ?33333 Dam-33- 553353333353 ware- 3333353333533 ?33 3.3 .735: {333333. 53333333332333 gza??3 ?333 533-3333;; 33.333 {33333335333333 cracks 3.33 ?23335 {tantra-{e 33:33:53.3; N5 333333.33 33333533333932. {35333333333335 were {33353333355 $35333: Na? seepage 333335 observed 33333- {:35 {333335233333 35333 ?333? gmins 3:333- ?3333: ?33353. Tin-?3 qgepage 3353333335323 33-3933 ?333 ?3333 {?33 55333533335353 ?33535. dunng ?3333 ?33353 3333333 33333355333355 333333 {33.33 . 333535333 33333335 msmtarmg ?3333: sewage- 332- 333-325 33355313335. 3-3 33333353335 dunng 333mm {ea-?33353: 35338333; {and has 33.52% {3532353533335 3353335533 .3 and .8 33323333. The: 3533333933,. {333333 33333.55 by 15E. Sewage 3333333 ?335 {?3333 {333323 {33333333353335 measure? 3333 ?3335 ?333" 33. {33333333. 33353333.. T335. 3.33.3335- ?3333 {33352-333333 aieng- 33.333333: 33.3333 '03" ?335 {cckf?i The. 353353333339 {33.533333633363333 3333333 rewarded {33' 3333-3333 3333:3333? ?3u?333-g 33333- max-35333333 Wash: 3383-1533? {333333?3-333333333 2. 032 {5358' ?33333} . 35E. 3533? {?335. 33:33}: ?32? ?55.55 ?33353} 5 {?333. {3383373. 3333333? {333333; ?35533 {33333333335533 ?333 333333;. {33533333 during. ?3333 33333.5 {33.333333- 353533395 but 5333333333: {3333:5333 {?337 ?3333 33333333333333 5f {?53333 3333313. {333333333335- {35333333333333.3351 ?33? 5.33733333333 C1533: 2533333333533- weir' 333333.335333-555335 {ma {?53 Sheet 3 ?33. '8 .w?W m- JAM RESERVED-KR 1N. "?111.11 STAT-US: 11 11111131111111: . .. . . 3.11-1.11 .111..- . 91-2-39: Qheervahene and cemmente D8113. 03.1- 11135111311111: 5121126113 ?1115 1" -3 . 11111311111115.11115111 2517 s1m<31111e tn$trum$nt$11$$ at 11113-115111. 1.211111311111- 111 same-11 111-0113111111111133111111 1115111.. 111$ 11911111351133.11111111'11511. with an 111111111134 8- 15115115111811 5115 29.5,- :25111531 1131111935 11$. 11311151112131 11:51 3213:3135 Survey 11.113111111151115 Survey menumeme are 153$$1e11 $111119: 111$- crest- ?1131? $5131: 131531111 $131311 euweved every 53311-11113 The Amh $1111 {515121121111 Dame have monuments $11-$11 $11311 311133133 51111111112111 Dam has 5:3 11111111111113.1115 Menument 511111111111 begamn-15355' The 1511131? menumen?: $111115y- was 13111111111155 13131 Seepage 1511119 11111101151111 1-11 111$ $1.1m 113353111113 were 111-165. $111131: Arch 13351-11 $1135 111111.313 $111113: Roek?ii Barn Weir readings ?began in 1554-1111111 excephon 311:1 Weir- I 151-1 11111113511? was eetabiasheci 1113 25-11 3Th-e3 10111111111119 evaluation 111115 1111111- 1:113 $51111 war . "11161111511513 Seepage peaked 111{ A31 313131 2015 $1111 centmues 313$ 111111111311: 1111-111? change$ 111-11125 resewmr 16111311 Seepege peeked $119. 11331131113 ?1'11 2335153. Seepage trends centanue 311:: 1111111111- ?uctuatmne 311111113 the re$$wo1r 1111111133 $111.11 1111101111 past: trends? IWezr The 1111:1311 measures- e$e$e$e3 311313.111 111$ 31151121111151 draims behind 111$- 11133111135111 11-15-1115 Th$ weir? 113$ seepage 3 313'1'11111331'5'355315 20132 seepage measurements peeked 11313111113115 335511111111. Sine-e 2511-2? swarms-zed rates- have. been: 51131111111113 Seepage peaked $313 51:23 $111113 11: 2555 23033-131.- $11113 313131 2131-5-azh131e115 mammum $31? 13 '19 1311111 1131.355? measured However 31115553 11111111111111.1155 unrehabie 115$ 1111313111 11151:" $11$110$$mg $31 n-eariy 3551339113113: as 3d31$cu$3ee$ $12111e3 i A ?new weir has 5111511111135 15-313 031115113111 111111.113 he cempi?ate?. The: 141111111 1111111131111 111' be? 11111111111111.1111 1:111 31111121111211. $1131.15: year $.11 11113175181215.1115 11151111139333 $35311 be made. . 11-1 seepage 1111111311 1.5111111111111511: he 11111121111131 111111115 behmd 1116-1111131: eheierete 111313e331 111313111111 ?131131331111 151$ 151515 P8513 performed 3:13 ROY scheduled {$13 11-15111 summer N53 eppiscetmn 31113 11111111111113.1111 1111111115 cene1dere$ mamtenenee reiated .Ai 11111-31 1111111: seepage rememe $13 ecceptabie Seveie but 11111111311331.1115 $1$z$$3m131111$1m$ $1111 - Wen? YB. 11:18 Seepage peaked $13114. $113111 13113 21315 "Th-31$? 15321111111311-111911e1 1.3111511111115595 . 1511513121511 $11105 139.811; 11-13We11'er $1 Eese- (10111113111111 11111135131 readmge measured 11111113111311- 31335-51 11-1111- yeare end $111111: $111111; 111$ 3111311 abutment were? redirected 1-11 Wews "1'15 15G $131121. 151-1.. The seepage 00115111111191 151113111 311111131111 the. acceptehie 11911513 ?133131313. 13011111111615 $113136: 11151111511119.111- warranted Weir. 3?15. 12511.- S?eepeg'e 1111511331111.- $1 219111311 131213 251315..?T3131e 1111111: 12111111115115 1'11 1151111111121 1151111111 31.11.511.211 5 11581115115115 With 11.111111 31111111112111 1111111110391 $111111 4.- 111- $3 13$. Namaof Sam {3831. Na; $3539 ana m" msgw?an 4372325 ?3 8 'ahsawa?c-ns .an {2631;213:325 The seepage mn??ti-ans at the' dam 25in: mi a at *E?his mm, ?ai mati?ti?d? muse maniitm'ing is? war-Tania. the Ag?a? {1am is .uin?ersimd and swam Ega- be yania?a? by?e?amhes? 2511-32,. s0 maya-??abie mamma- can be-ta?an. The imgam?s {3:3 i'eakage measuremen?zs at. {sh-E weir due in this wax: and ?ne upssitream amaze: repairs mama-d {at $2.33. meals- 3m: be {iiscusses? in fume. imimmwt?a?m Tm in?mmantaiih?' .?ssjudgm i?i- baa a?iequaza, w?h {a Wei? Whi-ch is; schedmecim be repiamed.\ QWR 1.2731: mm}- 51mm <31? 8- 75 m3. mg?. mama . {aw . . Shae; . M- . astieam-?gm?f 2' My?, a? msij??j} 9? 97% .u/x .-..I w; i ?If. i ..- . ??gfgf/mgf/ - -, I I, . (Z. ?aw/51,94{Essie 4:27:123?18 Wm. #Siia?ga?idi?g .gsiexm'fe . mm; N0. ma?- A5155: Ra??mma am?: $32129- a: 99% zm?mmam Ema. . . . .. ?0de 20., murmm mama a ?m?wgm . . f/ . 5 . x. may,? ?w?am?wgm??uma ww?w. am mam? rigid. SS3 ES ESTA EQE QAL SS S. 1 NATURAL RESOURC S- .1 DEPARTMENT CTF WATER RESDURCEA SS OF SAFETY SAMS- BEAM ANS TN: STATUS NET-1111 QT {lam Take SQAUTGTAQ QT Cam VARA Smmiy, Rack?!? TT A5 81.111113188 M11111 EZTQ EQQ 1131? PGAE TQT- TMQQETQQT QT ?{3an dry QQ any changes TQ DEED y. '1?th WQTT YET TQF QTTQ weir QT. The FEAT: T-Q QEQTTQ. wiTh Q11 Q1 Q11 T11. AQ T11 (1111* .T-Q. 2014 PGEE. TQ us. when are 1111- That we TQ The 111111121TZT-TQ 1Q. TQ QT Then To. Trip T1111 dam T1QTQQ. 1112111111 :11 ATE had. 1:11an TETTQ QTQ QQTQ TQT 11.111111111111111 AEQTT. DQTQ Tijw WETTKBET The TQQ anz- QT- The (Tam. T1111 1:111:31: QT TQQ The: was in: QQ QTTQ 111111111 QT- dam? T111110: QTTQ 11:: {3111115 .QET higher QQT 11:13 QTQ-QQ QT. ATT 1113111111! TQQ Q1111 TQQ 3. TQ TQQ QQT- T111 T11213- TATE-T The: QQT QT TIT-1Q. QQTT TTQQ TQ TT1Q QTQQ 111:1 TT1Q TS $.11 by A 12* $11.1; TATE- x. N9 5328321315 VQTQ 132111 01" 9111111111- . mm. 1.251: {1111, 1:01:11). QT {11" QNB 111111-111 Q1111- 1311111. 11.11.11 ESQ-Q 111' CQments S?iifwaf 2) gates TQ-Q 1111- 1Q. '13 11111: QTQQ QET 1Q QQ ?11?1 Q1112: 1111 QT. Q1: TQQ- Q1111 Q1151 The: TQQ TQQ- QQTQ. and 1'11 surfaces QT- TQQ 51311311113131 piQrQ Q1135: and T111 1111111111111 Q1113 11011111111113111 Q11 1Q QQ 11}; 1111111: N11. Q1 111111.111"- WQTQ- 111TT1Q: QQ 111111111111 T131: ZQQ :11 9111:1111: 151311111 11111::de TQQ TQQI: Q1113: TQQ 11111171 111191111" 1111131111 made 1111- TQQ 91111111111111. 111131-1518 WSTTETB TQQ 88:11,: QTQ 1113:! 16111131115 T11 AT: TQTQ 1Q .1111 WQTT QQ QT 6:11-1:91 111111111111 TQQ 11:11:ka 11111111111 QT- The dam. QTQQ 1'11 13111113111111?: and showed QT znstabzl 1131 distress was and was; 111;: QT The qtructure QT TQQ Q1111 QT. The 1:111:11 was 1'11 1:111:11 thm?cant QrQkag Q1: and 11111331711 and A by: TQQ: 1131 15111111111 TQQ- 111153111111. T111 11:13-11 11111- 1111111111 QT NQrma: prachurQ Qtorm Ts. TQ Q1: QQTT :way 931%: QT ?rst Then TQ .1pr Q1113: QT- TimiQ Q15. (111111: T111111 QT )2 In. Q11 Q11 1111-11111- i-n 311 The: ETQTQ. WQ.1-Q- 111 111.111 T125T2Q-T.21, Q1113 QQTQ by. 1-th TEQQT 13111111 11211-1: 11111:: 1111131111 . 51111111 2 Q11. 9: 3:38 "8333533?! 153335.553.- 3335. 8733:7138 "33.33.333.33. 333333 83338333 3333333 333-. STE-5- 3.23.333.333. :33 3333;333:3383- 5539338 5.- 3.33:3: Comments See .3 .1: 32.3.33 me: 3:38 gig-3.333 This: 3333333333333 may 3333:: been 373-33333: due 3:3- 33: 3333333333333 33333.33 33:33.33: 333:3 333a add3t:e:3 :33 same seepage 3.33333 3333333333333 y- Through the: entrance Hewever 33- .f documented 33333 :333e' :33 3.33:3 3333;333:3- 3e333eezng 3.33:3 33:3. weir we: 3:3 3:3:3'eege eceurec'y =33 33 3333.33. 3333533333333 3.33.3333. me. 3:33de 3333333: :33: 3.3335. 83335. We}: have; she-e333 maceumte Gee. 39233333133333 333533 13:33:: T3333. deemetreem 3:33-33- :33 333:: 3332333 333-3333 wee 33333:. emept 3333?- 33333333333 3.333 333.33 3:333:33- 3-13-4333 :33 333:3: 3:33- Tet: 33:333. :33 333:3- Taee and 333333.. 3:33.333 3333. The right. emie 333? 33333 nee: the" entranue Sewage 336339 the 33333. 3337:3333. was 3333338333 :h'iehezr the-33 333' erexeeus years 3.3.33: 333' The . 33.3 :33: 3ese33'33 The seep: 33:33: 333:: geiiew 3333333333323: 3333:3- 33333333-3333: appear 33:33:33: 3.33:3 reserve: -- :33'3he-rgg313? 3333133333: 33:33:33 succeespfuity 3333333933395 3323 33333 :3 33:3 323333333333 3.33 3233. 333:3; 33:3 ienger 33:33::- 33:33:33" 3.33:3 entrance threshele There 533 333333: 333333 33:33.3. 333339 333:: 33333 @3333: eta-333mg three 3133:3333 :33 3533.33 333:3 :33 33333 concrete ere-h den-3 3333333333 were 33333.3 3.33 333333333: We: 33833-53?: {3853? 33133333333335}: ree? :33" ~T$?3g33333 Wei: 58: {3133-3333333 33333333333333}: 3:33:33 3131323333333. 3:3: ~33- 35:33:31 . 33:33.3 5-H 33 33:33:33): 33.333: 3133' ~33} 31183:? T3333 33333333 '33 ee- hzgher 3333.33. 1333333333 33333:: 333 the 83:35 reserve: eiewetzen 33:33 38:33; 33:33 3333! 333333133 The?: 333533333333 3333339333 333:: Wet: Y8 3333333333 333:3- :33?e33333ue 3:333:38 333933 33:33::- bentmue meme: 33:33:: :33 "3?84. 5F 333.333.} 333:3- new 33.33.3333 33:23:: 33- mete?ect :3 3333333633 33333333 :3 mew 8333:: 3333.3? 333:3: 33:33.3. need 3:3. 33:3- e$3eetehe8 8333333333 3333:3333333333 3:33:33: 333. apeeme? 3:3: 33:33:33! A: 33:333-333. 3333 3333:; 333333: 33:33:33 be 33:33:38 3233331333333 333:: sheet meta! 33303563338833 330333333 the series :33 ladders running dawn the {3233' e3..::te :33- 33.33333333333-33a333 A333: 3333:; 333:3 grains :33'33333 wee; fee-53:33:33 3.353 gate. 33903333333} 33-33333 The 33533338333333? 9.33333 3333333": 9mm .33 The: 33333333333 33:33.33. 'we3e A :3in seep: high: 3333 3.33:3 .eft 3.33.3333: 33:33::- 333:3 3333;3333:e3e 33333333339 333333333333e 3333 appeared .333 .3 3:33:33: :33 3.33:3. 33:39-33:33: 3333333333333 333933 3. 3.3333333er ~33 .8 933333 333' :Tee: 333333. ?ew. 333-33 33333333333 The seepage Te 033333333333 3:31 231833313383 eta-3353333333 336338 33:33:33 agreed 3:3 3333333333213 The. .eew 3336333. 03336333333333 3.333353} 333.33 8333.38 3333' 3.33:3 53:3. report ei33'yi- changes 3:3 3:33.033 Immediately T3333 3:3; new Jreutji-ne. practice during. higher reserve: stages The 33:33:33- 33:33.13: tee-:33 3:333:33 333.33 333139333- 30333.3333: 3:333:33 wete reed .3333 33333333333: Wei: 3?83533 3333:3383}: {3233- :33 ?3'35 9:31-33. Wet: {93:33 33333333333}: 3333'- :33' ~33 3333.33- The 33:33:" 3333833335 333333333 higher 333333 3333333333 31333.3 31:3 333:3 high. reserve: 539333333333 33.33.:- 333.3333 ere .3333: 33333313333 3333-333:- . 1.11- BAM 11311110.- RESERYQIR 1N STATHS '1?151115 515.5111 L555 3115111511111: 55.1-11.1 115.. 352:5 13515- 11.1 1113115511511 5112913131 5 05551115115115 5135' {3511111151115 1115311; 1115151111511151151?1 55n51s15 5.1. M51111: survey 11151111515155 (15.1.1- 55511 51135111 N55. .5115 51:15 1-1115 5555555 1115115- (111-155 5.1 1115' 1'55:- 51135111 N11- 1 3-115 11111.1 51' 1.11.5: 1135' 51' 11.35111 N13 31 T1151 1515.51: 5111311111151 11115.5 11.5.1155 11.15.1513: 2331. .5 5115 5121115155 11.151511511111111. 135.1155 1111-1115-2314 5551511115: 31551:. 311111511 M51111m5n13 1115 111551- 1555111 51511111115111 survey was 1351151'11155 1'11 21151. 5115 111555115 11115-25- 115111 11151111515111 55111.51 '13 511515.251? 855115115 11115-155 511115 11911111155151.1155111: 55551152115 11155551551555 555.1155? .51 173? 5.13m; 1-1-11 2.1.115 1111.111: 51.12 51151595. 115w. 5'1 5:9 15-11111;- Th'15-15115 5111111111: 111-5: 5:515:51 rang-5: 1111-11115- 111511- 5115 13. 1151151515111 151111 1:15:11 1511-5111135. 11111511: Y3 15E m51111515 55555535 11155511151111.1515 13551155 51' 1-11-41- .gpm_ 1'11 A5111 2515-1111-1111 131-1; 5115155511511: 51." 1.1.5 513-111 This 1.51.15:- 111111111111 1115. 115111151 1.511.552 151-11115.- 11.1511 511.515 55115151551153: 55511555111135 1.571515 11355155 in 111.5 51.111511111111151 15.1 11.1-5- 5151-1 5.5m 51-115 5515515 5555595 1115-111 11-15? 855-1313513 111555111511'151115-11551155 51535 9.5111 11.1. 15131111 313111.1- 111111.11. 2339-13111 111111511 15115: 1111111111 :11'35- 115111151 1115113111351 151.155.13151115 515551131 111515551115 51151? 1115' 15.515555 115111 5 111131555- 5511" 51-1115 25135 51' 111.5 13-15151 111.111.1511 3117511 0:115 11551515515511535551-151 111515555 55555515111155.1715 5.551115131511 565E: 1155.535 15 5511111111515 1115111151 211131111 5151113111513: 5111115115. 1151111 51551 111151115 11151511513151.15111511 111115 5. 5511! 13.5.15. 555511115 1.1: 15. 5111' - 1115115- '11151- 55513555- 115.5 51511111255 hewever 1111151111511: 1515515555 51151115115515 wepage 9 11:51:15 1351111111155 1111111151" 15555111351155 511:5 1.555115. may 1'15- 111511511155 W511: YB 11151111515 55513555 1117-5111. 1.11.5- 151.1: gram 5111.15 51511 111155511155 55513555 511111515511- 13551155 51123 513111-1171 15111111 2514 11.1111 51.1 average 11.511115161313111. ?11115151'1511111111111 11115115111151 15.1395 1-5155 13111115551119 1111511 YB '1 513 8555555 53555515515515 peaked 5.1; 1313111 1'11 13513111513; 231-11 11111111 511' 511151595 11511- 51 13.5"- 315113. 11115 21511.5 11111111111 1151-11151. 151.195 1151*- 1111-5 1115.11 5115 1'5. 5511111515111 111111.11 135551 11:1:- 51111113511, 15115115111 551555.55: 11511115- 5.1355151: 11511112315135.1115 dam 5131355115 15.: .135 13511511111111; 1.11511 'f 11511151151 1-5 my- 1551151? 11-151 111' 5131215 2.6115111515551135 15.11511 5.1.1115: 1 15111131115131 ?1?13. 15F 5111111511115 1115135511511 (?-135 gpm) 15. 11.1.51. 1511' 11511.1. 111.15. 5.511.151 55115111 5111115111 .51. 551111111155. 15'11'1?1515'5551 111111111151"- 1111155119'511511 5111.1; 111111.11 1211.1 1-11-1111. 11111131.. 511551 .4. 11.12"- 5 $25 .bzm ?mm?i?m {wag gamma. wma 3a. mwaww m?mo?umwvw?w?w .. m?wmmw?.wwm?mng wag 2a,, amm?ma. mag 38% ?gap w. .w ?ag. mg? m? a. aWR-mm gm; 183251?3} Sheet: of 533353535 Data: at imam-ting}; V'Namezacf Dam'_ Lag?'S?auiidii?Q. . Dam No; 97339 mm mm 1N5 away?1&9 ENSPECTIQN Uzi? 33AM MB RESERVOW CERT INF-39 ?at?-o?hwec?on: '?f?igg?g?i? k7 ?as; . {mm 126$ {hem mm: 83386? . .. . . . . . m' x: I II 57222223-52222-2223322?: I I I 33.22 ?cg 3332232 :3 332% R?ng?: 3 33343223333 {3324242233 3133232322343 232423.233: 343323? 32E 23424 '3 2.2322325332242223. 2232:4224 4222.212. 2223 322422.235 243233322343 2432243: 933322224ng I 2:33.31. 93229 E33335: I 222333424- 23233 32233:: 2222223,. {323322.22 223323.222 2mg. 32' 33222333 (3.32.33 322:2 23.232323232324253. ?43232223: 2242.5 . . 22332;- . 323432223 332222432:- 32332-333 . I 7 I II-2332 I 23.3.2623" 333322-33-333333223 3an 33223 {232722522323 2.4333 22.3222}: L3 2223223233 22222212223) 22222222223333; E323 963E I 223.3332: 2432 23323332233 22322234222: 2423222232232233 2'3323332232?2 2222' 22:3 2:23.222, 92333422372232.2322. '2233323233223322333 32 43223233 T323322. A3 32E 333322 by E223 2232322333 233333 3E3 1223432212 32322 24 22224 23238455 was. 23 32333 325E 323222337; 3323.3. 33223;- 322232. 32323 W323: 3' 22.2522. 23-332 223sz 3 meEmged pause! .243. 3; 2332.222 232222233213 $33233 3'2 2223 dams E32323- 2:233: {2222: 42. 3222233422 233432: 333302 2'3: 22323222232? 32.2 323223222232 333233223 32333 22.3223 23:22: my dry. 22'3- 3.2232 2'3 2223224222 3233; Cha?gaa 2232;233:2223an 2.3 23223232212 T2223 92332233 93333 '23 2333323 2233- E33423: 3 202222213 3233:3223?: 232733332323 33.2233 22232:; :33323322 2333.23,. 2332343323222 E22 23322323. 32222 23232233223 2333 323332222; NE: 3232222 3322.322 323.3 {233222322 223333332": 522323 3 3:22: {3.33 22-23;- 4222224 222232223. 23 F2233 32222 224323.22 2:16; 29:24. 3222322 2'3: 232383} 23323322332232: .32 222:- 934333 22.323323222232232: 532232332 2222323622223 323.2322 222.322.2322 32' 223333 NECK 23232333 23232 2423222?8-432123223322223333 :22 22:3 3323 ?3322223243232231 2423322 {33323223} 23 3233223222234 3223 232323332 '2 233333 23:2 2233 2:22:23: 232323 2:3 2332232333 23:3: 32223.22 323.: and; 3322332232263 .33 2223:2322 22:. E322: June 9 {224 E32232: 2' 3.22:2. 33233 :32 22 83222-3; 32.22.22 23. 222322223 222.23 22233333322 222232 2323233an 2223. 24.322 23 2432232223222 232? 333232 3:333:33 33:3 2132" 2:332:23 332332323 2332:2222g3 9322322232333 '23an 2.223- 242232323 2222323232232: 3223 24.3332 2223233422322; 2223- 3332., 2333223322; 3232 722-23- 33322272323322433 3213-2333332 332-3 222:: 3232222232233. .2233. 0233323322333 $32.23 Somme-3:323 4.22323 2332223222223. 22 2233. 323-2323 232322223223. .32: 233222 23333- 3332333: 22:3. 3329223 32? 2223232322223- 32-32323333. 3232223323 3-2 21223. 3:332: 2333 22: 33222323323273- 332222222?322 3223.. 2223. 223222.23. 22:323-22g222; N3 2232:: 3233223 23323 222323222 322:2 2333323228.? 2332352333 2432:3- 223232-2253- 2222' 243.22. 2. 23323353233: 222222.32 323322 23:3: 2323322233- 2223' 333:2- 22322.33 22:33:23 (32322323223 :32 2233. 332322422332 23233. 32' 2223 33:22 3322-2232 '33 22:3: 233332333qu 333222229 3223 crack 2229: (2333322 23;; 223333? 22-2323 3322322. 223333 23323322323 2223232323 .323 2223.2 22343223232322 32.2 332323 2223223322: 232 E2223 22323 2322.2- 23.222 2:33.222 '23 2:23 3:332 33.332.32-222. .2223 22322223122 33322.2n-g 332222222233 W3 44232332 222.3.- 2233:2223- 223232 3343222333., 222.3 23.22? 332332333 2:3 22-23 33222332 322322 333 32332433 3'22: ?22.23.- 23' 3229-2323;: .2332 32323222232232 3-22.22 23223522223223: 24223222 2222132233 22-23 3:32:32 {3323222332234 323:3 2222223232 232,222.32 up. 2.33.2 223' 32gn3 .32 32322333. 2222333 2232-33. ?223323.- 32:323- 22233232'333 333233 I 3.223223 22.23- way 2213232 23322-3 32 2.223 2.35:2 E3323 2.2 233: 22232332333 :32: 32:22:: at 233222. 322331;. 23222322 23' 332' 2332-3332342 23;: 92.. 92522422224223!" 2234233223244? 3'33 32 N14 23323-3223333232 I 5823224 243222 . 33:32.: .- {32222332283322 I 233233233332. 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DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 5N 5% (SF SAFETY 0F- BAN-TS CTF: 58315532 AME TEN CERTIFTEB STWTUS Nat-55 nit-T551: L555. I I ??15m N5. 97429 F5555: N55555: T555 555m VAT-TA Grawty, R55k . Type 5:551:55. (35:55am F155h555r55 . II 555:5: I15 589 T5515 I 55355: 555515552 .4 . . $53-$35? . 55:55:55: 5:555 K555 2:255:55an WT PGSTE II 55555:: 55555? 5T5Tnt5nance important {35555555555 R555mmendaii555 5r 555555 T5555 {3:5555 5555 555 at T5- 5:55 5T 55:55- 55:55 55555555 :5 I55 uneven 55.555 555 In5xi T555 55555.. PIGSTIE 55555 {5 5555: T55i' 9:55:55 35- 5:51:55 155- 5555:55 :55 5.551: 55:55 521? 55:55 51:5. T55 5555: fT5w- 55T: 5T: T55 595?: 5555555 T5 T5. (555 T5 .5 5r5k5n r5565 555' at- T55 555 of ?55. 5151r5)555 555:5 5555515 5:555:51? 5:55.15 155555; This 5555 55.5.55- 55 dnr5oied i=5 a 5555- channet :5 T5. 5515.5: TIT. 5:555 T551 T755 55 .555: T55. 5555555 T555555: 55:55 - steps Bra-1:55:55 5555555 55 Th5. 5555: T55: t55 55? 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'5r5b'5m55T5:5T55_ 5.5555 5555355555 5551:5555: 555555.- 55:55. 555 5555 555:5. 555mg 5555T5T 1555555555 T5 n5w15'5fing 555T: 5555:5555: ?55.55 (55:55 Tn {55- 5555555 :5 :55 5T55T1IV555T5TT55 55555! 555 exneiient 5:555:1? 5e 55: 55555155315- =55 555mg I55 5:55 and 55:35:55 55 55155555 55' 55t555r5555 T55 535555 555 55. 5f the: . . 555% 55:55:15: . 5 505356555 - T: 5555:5555? 3455. . NO: . 55:5 5T 55555555 18338520112; .525: 055558555 I 53515-55555 1255:2012. 5W 55.551. :5 .5555. :25: {555.2 15:55:- 535551: .0: a. 10F DAM RESERVOIR 1N EQERTH WEE-ESTATES N01110: 0f Dam Lake 80011101119 . N0 13000111010110. . 113137913912. {300001000110 ?01111- {301110101110 17301101 01110512111 1011-10110. 0110. .3 021' IL Vegetation 001111010100 0x00110111 T0010 111100 110' 01110101100 0'1" 10000100110111! T110 001111111011 ?10010000 00111101 01111011110 000. 13101111110110.0111 0110111101 011010 01001 0110 un0'00110010d 000101011 11111-110111 1110110111. 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"1254- 9.0111- W0i?1 $131353 6112411111311 10010110111011: 100-. 111" 112013111: 1111011001011. 1011'?: 01101-011): 1001:1- 0107001111 0110-1100-10011110100011110 01010 0.010 110:1-0000001012111001100111 11171110110121,- 0051'1'101: 00100-111 1'00 1011 00111010111 00000001000 1101001110:1110000100.. 100.00 110000- 11'1' 0011001 111510: 0011011100. 8000000 01111011110110 11101130 100-0000010111 10 00 11001101 F0100 00101 001.110. '00 1.5100101 00111110 10-001 01111111010 .. (301111108 0011' 110110 V1010 1101 0110111010 was 1.1110111101111110 01111010 I011 bath 0005 111 - 10001010110110 1000.100 030101110 1-0.0: 0011011101100-. 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N531 5.111111511151155 .5515. 11.155 511-5111111511 151' 11111? 15111515111111" 5-11 5111111515 1511.51 1:15.155: - T115- 11151.11. 1555.111? 11151111111551 511111551 11.1155- 1151115111155 1111. 5115125137 511-11. 21115 115-15 111155-- 1551511511 11-11111.- 11151155111111 151313.11: 5515131 1.121105. N11 1111111111511. 5115511111115 11115.15 11131511 Th5 1151.1 51.111111111725111 5.5111511 1'5- 51-15111 25.13 . 51.11115 1111511 1115.115 been 51555 1-111- 111515551115 531511115 13551111115 .51- 1.511 3,155.15. T115 111111.551 15515-11151? .111 5135.1..1151?1? 211-1 11.131151 11.111511 51.15. 5115111111511 11.11.53 111515555 .5511. 1'15- 511111311155 1-5- .1115: 51111111111151 1.1511111131111511 . 11:51:11 1115- 551151515 55111-15135 1115.111 .111 .1115- 31111111511 11115-5: 151311555111- 511111115555 in 2513-31 15.5 1551155155 1:11 3315111132115- 1115115511511 1511111115 111.5- 115555-113 15-11111-13- 51.! 1111511155 11-1 - 1.11:5- 11:531111511111115111511511 511131111115 11-1-1115 51155555 115115- 5511115555 1111111351? 11115511551151?: 5115 15.13.5115. .5151 be 1551151115111. W511 YB 1.513 1115111121115 5551115135 ?11111.11 1.115 [511;- 111.1115. 1.1.1 1115- 5.11111 55111.15. 2.511 11155511155 55513595 55511511 51"? ?3132 511555111115 1115-5511-1311 11115511515131? 3:551:11. 11115- 51115151 1.5515. 11.151 1515111115555 15-. 5115115 111551.. 11111511 5.11.5 5115111111511 1111111111 11155511115 5115.11.15 5.111111111115113 1115155111 1115511111 55511555 51-11115 1115 .11" 11115- 555115511 1.151111 51511111111155. 111111151: 1.111155115511511 51111.- 15135115 111.51;- 55 1115115111511 1111151135 115-H. 11155 1115151155 51.11.1111- 155.- 51'135111. 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