'5 51m Fm FMFF .. . . FF FF FF. FF FF FFTF Lak?- . Dan?: No. $51.7? Type-FT {Tam (38th warped: 32': feei. FLEET aw and. 21354.4 TFFT: Liam was Wil'i??f GFQF 2T8 GFFL. warm (Tamar EFL Heme: FLT: TTLF. Water TL: FF: TFLF TL: draught madman a The: FT TL: .bF. 1.: The dc Tm F.- The. 5:333wa FLLThis TFF LLFF. Dam The. FTF: LTT FILL-LL: FLT-FF. The .FTFL: LL: FT: vTaCkTT?g The:?Tyr. EFF-F FLT-L FLT-W ng FT TTLF Fight Tit-1F LT: gramme .FL-FTL: FLT-FF Ff LTFF: TL: FF 30 TL: The Liam- TIFF remains law That. The Ff WERE FF: Fats-F war-F. FT. TT LL: way Fppmach TL: FF FT TTLF TILT LLTI LTTIF TIL: FLFL TL: TFTF- The 8 ATS FT TL. FF: The Sp?iway Fa TF TL: :23an The WELT-3F .FLTF T-TTF TTFF and Large: away Tram TT-LLT The The at _w WFF {Ty- '3:th aTa?ff?C L. FF.- LL: 2933 - FF FF T-LLF: FT ET. 4273 5; TF FLT FT- F. 0L: FLTF LTT safe-Ty and a by I TIFF I ING- {Tate-FT FL: fat I I T720 5 FLT-FF TLFT 0'1? -35.-- he BARE REESERWEER ata- {imp??ii'on @Mmsandfen?mm - down theiadder-r i . ff?- Eiduring'fha Juan-e: 201.3 Mr. Fraem?an rapca?azd the: @?perated ahead at" an MWD raiaase- {Imam-gm fin Juiy 2113154. There; werem-appreciahia seeps: ?mted due-m the. haw ream-{wir- Ee=ve3i.. 'ti'rmugh ?the fa rack- $9.333 bei?w -E-he? bemh- an? 'ihye: awe-22f- right grain was wt: {mi-ad, . Thwa- ?rg nae Emitti?Beit?a?$n at ?his daft-z and is: judged :?zecassaz?y at; this tima. 1.2262212 {ram 191%} BWR 128' I Nameof-Nam- 2mm 2 my, @133} Nadaef'i?e] dawnssi ream {age $132353 1mm 3' WNW at)? the ii?wnsineamz. face, ins; true-tum arid dis No cl $11331 Lo; RESERWER STEWUS 3: S. I at?. hargje??' channei irw-NFL 333:2: INT 3131:?: No1: mk\\ 3513:1313: 63:1..130131113 3:35-11:13:- GF WATER REESE-REES DIV-1.31.311: {313 SAFETY Cd? @1123 33331311? $131235. 13:1 riff/{37' 3/ Name-9113:1111 Lake'H-eme: . Dem 110:. (3.0111111: rRiVersifde T213301 D3311: 13:31:11: "Ty-pa :31 8131-1131133: .. . II -I I Gated generate evemour we}: Water 135. 1.33; 3 feet; (21:35: and 2235.8; :3:-3:31 beiew dam. may I I WT: 023'?" Surface Eieva?nn Gage (Sm?iway (?13 Gaga 135?) 1:1!33111::1 1313113111313: {31:31:31}; 3313:: mid 3:11:13:- 2:19:11 $113111: has: 1:311:13: 13.121. 1.1133 3:111:1u11d111g 11111313131: (39313313113333 M11131: 131831111311 8:311:33: 1:113:11: 01391321101 ?11:3: Lake 1:31:13: M-WD 13333311113: 1113;131:911 13:33:11:ch 11.111315111311333:- '??eedmmenda?mw'e: 3333111131313 Ta 1:311 3 T1313 1111311131 31311313 3111311311011 11:33.5. 121.133: 0119:3311; 61:31::th 1391101111011 Emm??y?? From 11131111013111 11113311331231: 3:11:51. 1:11:33 1:131:31 1113-1133111. 1:333:131213. app-:3::13n::nces are judged: 3:31:13 1313:1191 1:31:31: 33-3.. (31333311311311: 311-11 {31313111131115 I 232.3311}. . T1133- 315110131 90:11:31: :31'1113 :me?eam- 1:33:33 3:33.. inspected 1::3ImI1he 1:13:13: 3:331 and was: 1:1 3511151313101?): 3 319:1: and the 'iengstanding 111.1110: was. 11:31:13.:31.The 1:113:11 ares: 33:11:: - there: 33:11: 119131311313 3:133:11 9131111911113: 11131311111: The aged'aongcreie (30131119113817393?:31:21:16 :11. 1:13. 21131311211151 :e?abutmenfs are. 3133111111; 3:11:21 erackmg 13:11 appearm :emain 1:1 serviceabie 1313113111101: The abutment: were 3213:3131 33.1131 1.1-: 3:113:11 0:311:111101: Mr. Freeman 31:31:: 3:11 13139:: 31131113133131 rammed 13:33 :31; 11-32331 1111:1183: 11:13:11 31:13:11,133: madman: The. dam and :3::3117111311333 1'13 c1112 rewrgen: 93:13:11.1: .313 1: appears. 113115113633 removed 1131:3113-1331:1301111113 c1311: This: rage-r1301: 1333:1333 surf-310:3: Mayatim Was": law the: 113.63 3:311:33 upstream 131.133: :31 111:: 3:111:33: 31113133113331.1313 1331;333:311. T11213- 31131122193631. :13 11113- spii?Wa-y- 31:31:: 3111111111133}: 1313.3111133331331 :31- Qrbetrue?en. The. 31:31:33: mama: 3133111133331: remain 11:1. $133331 13.131111211113111, The aside-1:13:33: 61613331333113.1131: :11 aged 131213.111: The: 931es-rwere 1111113; [611116316111 3.11:1 010.81: 1303111011 (11:33.3:- 31:5; raised They 13:31:11.:1ue; :11. 330331133111 8311131111131: The 3:111 1131:3132 9:31:33 3:17.13. 111311113113: 13135-131631: 11:15:19 {38015) 11131313 1311:3113. 11123131133113.1311: manpower: was 31113331113 3x33136133: The. gate: 1131111911.:1131113133311311 911.133: :eceived 1:13:31- 111111.53 rain? The Sewer-13:11:31 :11. E1. - was. 1:13.: succeszsiu?y 311:1 11:11:: 23133131131: 13311311131 :1 :?311 1:31.13 313111 31:31:: 1.132111% 21.1.1 Amazed-1:1 ?1he-m'ar1iuai 131333331113: 1:33: 13:31:3- - upper: 133133113131. is by- means-13138: 1:391:13: :33: 1171:: 313121: 1:11:33 3:131 reg-1:13:33: 1:113 1:333 13.1333113131- 1133135335.. LHIMQWQ- 3:321. had :3'3111133. 1:31:31}: 11311113131111: .3111:1 311113111133 3:311:11 111:3: 1313:1317-1131:13 11:31:31.3: -3 13:11-11:31 3113111131 3313113133 11:: 311111.113; 1:1: 1:111:13,- 21321512399131513311333113331, :Msi. Reamer: apereied ahead 91:31:1-53111111121 30.0131: and: 1:1 Sewage There: 1:33:13 11:3 apprecmbi: :3:-3:39 31:31:11: due :13 111:: 1:313: 3:33:31 11:31: level T1313 1331;131:331 geepade 1:321:11: 1.11:1 faundatmn 11-3131: :3:-ear: 13333111311113 13:31:13.1: 3311 the 1:31:33: 11:11-13: 91:31:31 was: 13:11:131331; inspected :13: I 31.511133; 11131311311332: 3? V93 NE: Bate-.013: 11151323131191: 3:313: :13: 033119118091: 13313:): Rea-11:13: 9131121201 13.1121: 1-231 1:11:11. 1:11:39: Sheet ?1 of 3 ?magma?? a? a; yam $mewa ?z amm?zmm m?gm ., a? EE @6me (Smumamaw . mam ?a?gm?m ?Ham? 4 ?5me wwim 33. @3933 w?mma my? Em mam?. .2. .72! a was?. 1m?? $3 923..me Hag. 833. . mama. 3. b3 . Enigma vi Dam ?WM/Wf/?gg/? my. ,7 . r, 13ng 123:1 gram. 1.5;qu W33: ?3 .13; . 4' "pm{51' I I 3mm. iris?: mm mm tree-am- dam time we may stru?mg. ma. the i Dam we, Data of Easy-matings Eff $1.891- SERVES - 45? .07? main?zunuu? 3 r? CAL. $333533:on 2222222: $333 532222 22L WATLR 2222022222 A AMAW QF 33F: {3.32333 A3333 ATAVQS 52:22:22: Dam L222 2222223 22:21: :22: .2:qu Rwars?e Type a: Dam 53322::2nry 9:22:32:- Tygen: Gated 02:22:222 2222:2222?- 22:22: 323222.232 1-5 :22: 32323333? 2222223225: 22.5 . 23222 b83322: 22:22 2:22: 2:272:22: $292 {322332220 {52.222- :35} FF 2:222:22: (22:22:22.2:23 Lme 22:223- 2:222:32: 2:32-2:221222222 Mite-:2 32:22:21 W232: (32222.2: f?dr- 2.23:2 Heme: 332235222 222222202. P222252 3322.2222222202 32222222222222: (33222222322222, Rmememiaimm 2222' A2332222 3 2:22:22. 2 3:22 2x20222223 2.2223222: 22:22 2:22: 22.2.2: reinfercemer?t {2:222:23 22.222731222222232: 3:22 2:232:22: 22:22::- .22222 :222222 with 2 222223222222. 2 Th'e': 2:232:23226 52:: ?22:32 c.5222: 222362332326 22:3: 3:232:22: 32:2: 2:222:22. 33:22:22222 22:2: 21:22:22.3 before 3:22- 2:2222223222 expiaining 25:22-22:22 Heme: {3:22:22 :23 93222322212 22:22:: 2722222232; 222222232 2725123233222 32:2 :22: 2.22.2. 222222322222: 332:2. 3.22:2 2:222:22]: 2'2 22:22:22 2: 2:2: 22:22:22-2122233532: 2:22: 2:222: 2:332 2:32:22: 22:22 2222222222 22 22:2 2:222:21 2:2. 22:22:25: 22222 22:22:: 22:22: 22:22an 22222 {22222322 ?:22 22:22.2 had farms-5:222:22: b22222 32:1: 3: 2:23 222022222232: 0222:2323 (3:22 {:22 2222222: :22 3:2 Jar-2:2 22: 3 232:2: 222:3 F223: 2:12:22:an222 ramrgeni gmwih :23 F2: 2.223222%: 22:32:: 3:62:22?: 2222222222: 3:2 F35 3223 3:22:22 2:22:22. {lanai-2:232:22 5:21:22: 2:22 3:22:22 2222222222: 222:: 2.32:: 22:22:21. 5222;222:222: :22 22:22: 2222:2222?: 22222322222222 2:222:2222 22:32- .2222. 2222:2223222. 2:22. 22222222232 ?35222: 37:22 23212332 92:22:: 2:32:12 2223:2222: 3222.2. 2222 5:12:222322 33:22:2222 2:32.22 3:2 22:22.: 32:2. :20 2:22:33: 25:22:: :22? sfructmai 22222212222332 2322:: 22:22:22.2 abutmenii?: are. 222222? 22.22:; and crackmg 32:22 2:22:22: :ema'in' in sewiteabie {22122333322 T222 abufmen?zs are: 2:23:22 2an :22 geaa' 202222222222 .33: Freeman 22:: 'iiF have: ?2222? 2212222223 2-2: 22:22:32.:2 32:12:30,222: 22:2222222: 22:22:22 (32.222 2:213 2:232: :2 2:2: resurgsm growth 2:2 2: appearg 2233:: 3:222. $2202.22: 1822:: EL: :22: 3mm {:22 32:22 Th2.- :222:2::2.i: 22:22:22 22:32:22 212223322 was 3.22:: 222021922 that. 3:322 222:1:2 upstream 3:222. 22.: 2:22 . 2223:2222: structure 22:22: 22222222 {3312232- ~23 :2 Agpmach :22 2222132223: 222:: 22:32:32}: 2:223 22:22:22 21:32:- 22? 2222223222222 T222 (222:2: warmth 23:22:22.1:2: 2322;222:222 :23. 2222: 22223222}: 222222;: 2:2 2:222: Qaadi'fian 37:22 01:32: :22: 222222222 were 3:2 2:322 322:2 22w29222 :2 sandman E22329: :22: 2:22 2223322223,: Q2222 2:222: 2.22:2. 32222:; 2222:2222: :22322 were 3:22- 2:22 2.22:3. 21:22:33 2122223222 {ti-22y 2:12 inwemd 3:2 mam hem} continue: 22 2122222522213 Gangi?ijma. {3:21:22 :33 {3222222212 32:3..wew 2223:2222: :3 0.23:: 2:222:29? 25232: 3222222222: 23:23:; (32:22.: FF Theswa?mshed 3221:3232 2:12:22 2:223, 3:322 :2ifz2 232:2 2225:2222. 2232: 33:22:22.2 22:23 32:2 2:222:33 2:332:22 2:222 5:22:22232622 expiammg 222- Heme: 23:32:22 {232222222 322:3 @2223}: 222222;: 2 . 2:22.02:th 2.2-- :22: 2:22: 2:222: 232222 the {ak? 3:32:22: 2 22:22:22 222222: 22:32:22 2:222:2022 2:22;: 212w: 1F: 3:32 I impacted by . . A2222 K232322222: 3 222222-2222? 2.22 2: 23:: W. 222:: 54:23:28?34 22-2-2: 32:22:22: 82:23:- WF {22.22- 223222222 25:24; F2824: 2323323}; giggiid :2.er :22: 222:: 22:22:23: 23:22:22: f3] LL: 5- mm: Name {If Dam {ma ?ew Qam?a mafia 53f; {341523320 4. {lbsm?va?msgm? {lain-mews water 3,1633 {aft far isisiigaiim, so: we tinted t9. {ma?a-51 vama- wara?a?: mi?ng this inspeatimn; The i'tzswaxz- waf?e: at E1, - was: 1.33%. aumjezg?uiiy and apemm? {timing 3. inspmiizan We: pan-e} {3:72 tha- dam wast in. June 2813.. szieas ?xes- manuai aperamr far.- me 334%?) mm, as. we? Iag- {ha- age-spar w?e? - i3 avaii'?abie hy- n'aeja?s. 2:17:52 Eiaci?er {he dam flan-a and requireg i335; use a? safety ha.me$s$es._ $4532? safety hag-masses: and skimmed dawn the.- lad-dar ?zz-{he upgaarz- wit-13m:Eik-ammsiiy- amsraied it during ma. Jana 28-13 inmm?m, Sewage Theta {ar fewar-ihan the: tmicai' numhars {15383952359313 dawmtream faae mar? iiacuma?ted during}: magmas. i?ngpgatims: dug It} the {aw resarwir sew. 3:3?in mied an ?it-e aim. 'ffaesswa? ?993de abme the: hawk near the {aft gram seepage?hmugh ting: faunda?an rack was man bee-20w ?3353: ham-zit: at the: Emma?- I Wm; is; r'm? i?n?rum??ti?tim at. this: exam amd mam-:1 i3?i1?gad .ai'fhis' zime, tax-*1 ?an want-i=1 {at-3w ?heze?. '2 *1 mzm?majg 1. .ng gm my. mm?imw ??x-gum ES. 20.. . .- magnum-Egggame. m. gamma am? 2. r. Sigma-FM?? mwm? @33me ?am LLF -- W- QF QF 8W5: {353* 53L Name of'?am 3.. ELL Ugh" :84? Type- 01? Dam GrayLLy Type of. Gate ?st-?mom" We? TI :7 {Lei and TBBL . L. Idam aresL. Weather L. Hear and I Contacts Mitt: L: Fmeman 83m); Lakes: The Lp?iway 932:3 Light side as. the The Left an L1 sp?iway Wang LL33 besan Lemoved ELL Lmqueswd Liming premeus 3. wasdy vegetatmn (Liming L33. dewmfwam Lamps?L dam and Lptiiway 4-. Repair Lhe amassed {emfamement member near Lemar the: F3333 LL33 and. Law-L. 33-3 333 LL3- 2332333 3338- LL33. and The 3L {mail and Langsianqu crackmq anpeared Ln: Latssfactar; candg?nm havmg and smaii seating that L3. apphed The Law. 93m. was inapeLLaLL the. bench LL33 LL83: diam The face. appeared with The mamm?y waif and The IgL-aut 3?33.an intact The parapet LyaL Ls an BELL and n3 abutmenie 2?;ng and in having areas was?: Lana-5L .abutments are $333 and wera. viewed bench, The appaarad .STahLei and. in; 9933 333.; Pt'aeman La: Lemme the,? wot-LL33!? away 33an LL13: and LL- 373.33. Liz-thL-LL he 33ch. m?ant was: BELLE-WELL at; 333- {Lam and $33332.- The. a L5 Manama? Mamienanr?e 21.33%: 33335 during their and opwaied The 2" ?1 gafe the Lil-gm Lida bean {waif-ed as .mspecism The. Lpnroach averpour $8.63 mantra: channei gum Limiting an; Lew Th? Lam-Ln? 313- and shan?d far deteriorauen and repaired 333033 3} Theta was an are-La Lur?aw waiting and. 0f the; Lana (31? 3 133353? {Llama-LL}. This ans-La: Lem-L LL L33 The -- insLLe-c-L?d by WELL 4:933; 33591;:sz ?31 FLT-9393 133.43?? Yes 3" NO: I {39535?2013 II mm Cmnen?eid omega-LL {3533.1 {2313 3 L33, 33% it. .8: UWR 123:. Laws-Ly); Sham LL LL- Nama- aff; Dam: Lam Hemeti (3222 mm. aw; Dam 28.11? Dam 3f {aspen-?lm U?f??if?m 3 and ?pmmen?g - ga?mpriising the. omm?gr weir? can?i?m. The. pane-1' }2?2i'nt3 For hath the; invert and waifs warez: aiignedl With my $359?! 91? a; The. vag?a?on had bag-2*: kept 133% at Sea-.51- fimfee? fret-m the. sir-mime? .i'n-ciud'ing the. channel wa?iis. Mr- Fregman agread {ha-$311M mine tree: gaming near that am Off the; sight- sp?ilway wanna} wai?i {53'th Ema-(2115c: ma?a-Lie: 130'- keap- waa?'y vegata?m- {mm-me ap?iway?ia anaemia armature. The: Outlet} 331-3222327173 gawk-3.132 {If an upper E?ininch (EL gate varies. and a iqwer E'geitmh- (EL. 42455mate waive. The. fewer-mm: has an eke-352522932253 actuate? and teammaiwparatad, The, iGW?i? valve was- fully cyciad an' eigecftriraai pane} iamted an the (32.332: {22:21: the: .sfaffm?y 332332353: the upper game. whitish ?t?imbihg $9th a: fetid-a? attaa?e?- it} madam. and mas-nua?y agaezra?mg the. waive: agar} and Hawaii Bath capara?ws want amass-{My and no prabliems were eamuntereci, Mimr $523-$135: were; mated grist-Ii 3033125. Of the masonry bio?ksz arid fh?- 5313?. the dam. 'Tha-gmins. faraway-y- swap and have. Essmibiished mam. gyms, and nit-hear wage-?cat?sh" The seepage thervedigiuriing this inspec-iio?n- aways-nan: . {sunsetming and u-n?changgdias- acmparad 'ta maxim-:25: in spen?ma There-.23- inasiruman?atie-n-a: {madam and name isjudge a: t-h-is??-me. i I I t. DWR 1326.2: {rem-1819.9} :Shaet '2 .93? 24- (my. Ph-csta Mama if Qam Lam. Hem-at At: A I. aw Smwing the iypisal i 0333 I I am Ni): {3r meg: WE Qk??ha? ?7 I. Kim. ma 31135383397: face, Data of insiaeciior: {321935203713 Eetxea-?E 333-3333333333 3 33333 33333 3333333333333. .33: 3335-3333333: 3333;333:353 Nam-:gamma, 8-517 Date. of 5333 {3333! 233?? 3 . Fiat-:30 The-red armw paint is: a32st-ad' 53336:; mi?n?omamentcn the :msiream {raise 318833238. $33632 that is 3r: 3:333:33 a? .rapair, 3:33, 3:3: 33:33 33,3 P333133 '53 The 3333333 pin-e imam-at is; 5336;33:333ng asiabiig?ati' near 83333: ?ght-35333113333333! channeil 3333 336.53.33.33. '30 be; remmia?z, DWR 1-2163 33.213093); $3193? 4 93 4'