STATE OF CALIFORNIA . . CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY I I I I 1 I DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Lake Curry Darn No. 14-000 County Napa Type of Darn Earth Type of Spillway Unlined Open Channel Water is 1.8 feet above spillway crest and 8.2 feet below darn crest WSE 378.8? Weather Conditions Cold and cioudy Contacts Made Brian Vanciel and Makar Sokol (City of Vallejo) Reason for Inspection Periodic inspection Important Observations. Recommendations or Actions Taken The owner submitted a letter dated June 30, 2016 with a plan to repair or rehabilitate the outlet system. The plan includes removing unused valves, installing an upstream control valve, and investigating the need for additional maintenance repairs to the outlet pipe. DSOD accepted this plan (DSOD letter dated August 12. 2016) As part of the proposed plan, the owner?s private consultant cleaned the outlet pipe and the tunnel, and found the outlet pipe was in satisfactory condition (Photo 4). The consultant also evaluated the outlet pipe for corrosion and recommended no mitigation. The consultant's findings are acceptable for now. The owner should invite DSOD to the next tunnel inepection. According to the submitted plan, the owner will use the same private consultant to repair the previously observed spelling and exposed rebar in the spillway channel floor, which is acceptable. The erosion gully noted on the spillway side slope needs to be repaired, and the storm water pipe at the top of the slope need to be extended into the spillway channel to minimize further erosion (Photo 3). As requested in the past inspection reports, the following items need to be addressed: - The structural repairs to the radial gates recommended by the owner's consultant in 2004 should be completed if the owner wants to use the radial gates. The radial gates remain locked in their raised position. . An annual instrumentation report needs to be formally submitted to DSOD, and it should include an engineer?s evaluation of the data, long-term time plots, and short-term time plots spanning 1 to 5 years. Additionally, piezometer data needs to be plotted as elevations rather than depth to water, and the seepage data units need to be confirmed. Conclusions From the known information and visual inspection, the dam, reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use pending restoration of the upstream controls in the tower to satisfactory operating condition. Observations and Comments Da_m The visible portions of the concrete-lined upstream slope of the dam appeared to be satisfactory; no misalignment or visible concrete deficiencies were observed. The slope of the dam also appeared to be satisfactory with no signs of slope instability (Photo 1). The dam crest appeared to be uniform. Vegetation control was excellent on the dam embankment. No significant rodent activity was noted. . . - e1 11 Inspected by Yogi Pirathapanm 1' Photos taken? Yes No Date 1/24/2017 {ff/?3 cc for Owner/Book Date of Report 1/30/2017 DWR 1251 (Rev. 10109) Sheet 1 of 4 Name of Dam Lake Curry a. ?am No. 14~000 Date of Inspection 1(24/2017 Observations and Comments Spillway Seegage DWR 1261 (rev. 10109) Sheet 2 0f 4 The spillway approach, control section, and channel were clear and unobstructed. An inspection of the spillway channel invert was obscured by the spilling water. The radial gates remain locked in their raised position. The structural repairs to the radial gates recommended by the owner?s consultant in 2004 should be completed, if the owner wants to use the radial gates. The spillway side walls appeared to be satisfactory with no concrete or structural deficiencies. Run? off water from a storm drain pipe at the t0p of the spillway side s 0pe has significantly eroded the s 0pe (Photo 3). The erosion gully needs to be repaired, and the owner needs to pr0perly extend the storm drain pipe into the spillway channel to minimize further erosion. The visible portion of the energy dissipater structure was clear and appeared to be satisfactory with no structural or concrete deficiencies. The outlet pipe consists of a 24~inch cast iron pipe housed inside the concrete?lined tunnel. The tunnel was not inspected during this inspection. According to the owner, the tunnel interior is in satisfactory condition (Photo 4). The owner should invite DSOD to the next tunnel inspection. The multilevel gates in the tower and the 24-inch gate valve are in0perable. Water release is made through the 18?inch blow-off valve. The owner submitted a letter dated June 30, 2016 with a planto repair or rehabilitate the outlet system. The plan includes removing unused valves, installing an upstream control valve, and investigating the need for additional maintenance repairs to the outlet pipe. DSOD accepted this plan (DSOD letter dated August 12, 2016). All valves used for emergency drawdown need to be fully cycled annually by the owner and in presence every three years. No signs of seepage were observed along the toe, groins or through the visible portion of the slope face. Instrumentation at this dam consists of survey monuments, piezometers, and tunnel seepage measurements. The last instrumentation data was submitted via email on 22220163 and was discussed in the past inspection report. No unusual conditions were found in the latest instrumentation data. As requested previously, the annual instrumentation report needs to be formally submitted to DSOD, and it should include an engineer?s evaluation of the data, long-term time plots, and short- term time plots spanning 1 to 5 years. Additionally, piezometer data needs to be plotted as elevations rather than depth to water, and the seepage data units need to be confirmed. The existing instrumentation is considered adequate, and no additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. Based on the submitted data and my observation during this inspection, the dam performance is judged satisfactory at this time Name of Dam Lake Curry uam No. 14-000 Date of Inspection 1/24/2017 ?ix Photo 2 The radial gates were locked in the open position. The cracks on the spillway bridge abutment need to be monitored (circled with yellow). DWR1261(rev.10l09) Sheet 3 of 4 Name of Dam Lake Curry uam No. 14-000 Date of Inspection 1/24/2017 . . - - Photo 3 The erosion gully on the spillway side slope needs to be repaired and the storm drain pipe at the top of the slope needs to be extended into the spillway channel. 1 . ?ii- Photo 4 The outlet pipe and the tunnel interior were cleaned by water blasting (Photo was sent by the owner via e?mail). Sheet 4 of 4 83A TE OF CALTTOHNTA (CAL NATLRAT PEROURFER AGEING . T1LPRR111RR1 1111-" WATER - WR 111111 2811:1151 1:11.: RAFCTY OF 1111111111 . CTR TITF TAT CRATE 121R UR Name-111?- Lakegu?'y . . I. . . I..I..I.I.I MaType-1111311111 ERTTR 1711;111:1111. CRT-1.1111111: 0111111 TR I I I . . ITRRTI I and .- I I I 1111111111 111111111111 and warm I (301111111111 B1TR11-VR11R1RT Tim L11111R1111R1111 31-111 RT 1R1 [napewon TszR- 1.1T and IRTRR RR. 111' TRTR 11111.11 T1111 T11. T11 TR R1111 1111R1TR T11 RR T111 011111121111 TR RT The 311R TR :111'11?1111diz1g TR RUTTRT 13111111131113. 1.1T 11.1113 TR-b'ar 11111-1111: 111.111 RR 11111111131 TR T111 RR T131 The; T11. 2004. 11:33 21?2212'13'16. FERRET T11 be: Tarm'aiiy TR 11111 af?ne and; and. Time 1131013 needs TR 13R RR R11 TTRT-R 1.111TTR Reed TR T1211 me The RRTT VTRURT anspecmn The dgam and RT 111R jungd RRTR T111 11-13-11 pending QT .TT1 TR. R1113 T1211 RUTTRT R1111 RR '11s 11s ERR-11.1 111:1 RT 1:11 TIT1R RT The remains T11: 11-11 11-1 Mina-r was grewing: T11 T611311 jcsTEnTjR. ?111111 TS annually by The: QWTTET-TT. RRTTITTRT - g113:i11R-, and TRR-WRR WR-R T3RTT-1 31113 TRR T11R11 {Townsh R3111 RncT. . RT TTITR was T11 Rf wiTh 11111111111 RR 1.111111111T 1111111111 RihannRT TTRR gmwing T11 The 12R The owmer. The Rpiziiway 1R remain 111 Their 1113611 TT 1111- I II T. 1 Take?911?? T93 I UT: 2! ?2835 RR 1? 111. :11: for I Date ofRep'RrT I I I Lg;- 1111111.126111111..11111191 TI MET 1- v, of Dam E2553 . {Earn TEE Emmi-5E Date 01? . Qba?wa?ms ?251.63 525E: ares 12:3 be m- than {he shauic? Edam-as swam-a: {$325523 E5 3555 @2155- ann'n?an?ed E33: Em Emmuiian?: in 25554.. here: 55313555215 Change E5 Em Em an. @353: are The {35555: are {span Eh: - {32:53 waive {32253221331 wake: E5 rep-Emmi}: 353521555 freq Ear Emit) V3523 Greg?k. The. was. East fulirg? ER. :22? piE'eaamEE can vaEng, waive Ef?e BEE?ineh cast Eran pipe W55 mum it) be E0 pear can?iE?ime. ESE-s sEaEed in cur prev?iaus .5355 E5 55 returned E0 an 3255512: pipe-E needs Eu be. Em: The pipe remains para-3355255 at. 5155 EEma. ME. Vanda satatad {Emma the Enspec?tian the (35:31? E2 aware 9E the that Es needed- the dam. and: is waiting- orEiE funcii?n'g the pm?eet. NE.) sewage was swerved an the E252. grain-s: as? toe dam. Tm Emmi. . Sewage was inspected. Na were at {Earn seveniaen survey 28mm a?d "funnel seep-age meaguremema. Th2 GEE-5E was sumeEtEE-{E via far amend-23E year 2515. 50553.5 the awn-Eat" E232: 62mm! EhaE :suhmi?itais new ECE be Eubmi'?iad E0 off?ua. inciude EE-EE. enginee?a amng with E-angEtErm and showman time {25:23. SEErvey aumays ??fma?y {32553525 hiannu?a?y. Eat?'22: $55an was performed an 45211281 5. hmizm??aE and Emma data wag Submitted dating bask- - 203-5, EEG tima ma?a. The. yam EC) year mavamfenia 3333352? mEnEmE?, Eggs: in the and E333 war- in that mange. E's; in the: dam since. 2.589. E5 E-nc-Eudie and 3310524: which an him-rim! data. Piezamefars: Piemmetars A, and. C3 {mum-{Ea m3 useful data, {5351?}an mm mm?mctad sEErEaica SSQESS and are unssuitasbha Ear {mg-mm monitm?i'ng. The-3E be: abandmed, E353 data Ehas? was summiimd. and 2 ear-Es Emmi-ad 53mg; 5122 fame 5E Eha dam! pi?zem'emm 3 3:35 5 2555265 in the .abiu'Emzem. Data Eubmit?cedjfm Eh-a piezmmieters is may fair maEandiar year .2515 If. appear-s Ehe data. Es graphed as. a depth Eneaaumme?ni each and appears ?20 {has ch-angz'as En- TEE-Es: data; a; 5 range Em" each- N0 can tits-E madEE with the. avaiiabie need is E'he- 52m an e-EewaEE-m, an. dam, and pic-E5 2332322552315 '3 55333299 EEeas-uremmfs: Tunnetiseepag? E'neasurenaant data was. Ear 251-5. TEE-ares 035250109) She-3E m? INSPECTION =tar" DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Dam Lake Curry Dam No. 14 Date of Inspection 2/11/2016 Observations and Comments appears to be a mistake with the units used on the time plot, as data ranges between 0-2 which does not correlate with the historical conditions observed. The units are likely meant to be in gpm. The reported units need to be confirmed. The tunnel seepage measurements do not appear to have been included in past submittals and measurements are not reported in annual inspection reports; therefore, no long-term evaluation of the data can be made at this time. The data does appear to fluctuate with changes in the reservoir level. Future submittals need to include a long- term time plot with all historical data and include short-term time plots spanning 1?5 years. The current instrumentation network appears adequate and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Future submittals need to include anengineer?s evaluation of the data, long-term time plots which include all historical data, and short?term time plots spanning 1-5 years. Additionally, the piezometric data needs to be plotted as an etevation and the seepage units need to be confirmed. Sheet 3 of 4 Name, . . . . Emma. {Date 91? Image-stint: 221:"? 112936 1. Exampia afS??iE?hg 'ahd' Ema-id: rem: Tti?er?d'?n the gym-12m (rev. mag} . Sheet 3. 37:: .3374 $533233? 033N353: [3356233333353 313.. 1: - 3N. RESWUWCEE 33:33:33: mm. {3:33:13 3333333332333333?333 0.33: 333333.333: ANNE 3N 333N533W3E Nameaf {Dam 3:333:65 ?urry. . [23:32: 33:3._ ?333433333 . {90:23:32 T33): {Sam 33?: 3333 33:32: a: 53:35:1way 33:35::33 Qpen 3.33:: :32: e3 'Wastm' is. "3&8 We: 355.3339: 0385321313 353 33383 22.3.33 {23:33. {33381133132533 355.1? Cmdi?m?s Wcid Wari??n?w 31:13:33": 23:33.3 23m Lindermanin-{Sityef 33233333333} 3m 32:53: 0:33: :33: 3:1 Ra: :smremaatmm 33me 3:33:33: 33:: 1:23:3233 remmW 133:: 3:33 imaging item: 33:: :33 3:25 33:: :32: c'm?imi: :31 333:; 3:39:31wa 33:: {3:333:33 3333:: The cs: 5331:: pig}: and ii:- mam}:- W3 mitigated 303? mn'ag?m T332: stamina: rep-air 3:3 3:3me 53:39.33 33:: {3:33:1":3:333:333333333 in.? 23.333: 1:31:33: 2: 33:: we: want: gates. 331': aws'Wr 53:33:23: yes-2m: 9:331:33: a? 3:39:33:- 33:13:: the: 3:239:13: i'nfm'ma?cm and :isual 3n:13::?3?:3n. 331:: 423-33313, and the appurtenanca: W'FE-judgrad :33: 3:23: can?nuezi use: pea?c?ing (11313:. (30333303: in 333:: 3:31:39: {3033:3'3333333 an: 9:323:33 an :maqatron far 3332:: 91333:: @3333? ate-2:33:33: WW3 Q?mme?m @333 The @3333: an: <33 13:: cancmEWui 333:0: mammam amp: ?3373ng Sim-p: :ppmama 3: We: with 33:: Sign: {3.3 :3 3335333233.: {P33::to::3 and .2). The: 33:21:? was: "1333': :33 and. unifarm; mam-5:35:31:simmtumi :33 germ-fete da?de?aie: were 33:33:13. ?if dam crass-.3: {3 appeared 3'0 be uniform; Vezgataii-m: was Wmiien: {3:13 333:: (3:37: 3:30. :igni?cam 2mm: activity was note-:3. gm-i'tiiwag Th: apmeh waver! ?22:31am 23.1333 3123;333:333 war: 53:32:: anti umbc?m?m gate: mm: 33- 30:22:: 3.319%: :2:in The?: 3331226333333 repair the- 53:33:: a: recammandm by 3.33:: {33:13:33 waa?ian?: 251.3823 Whamd 33:: mmwe?d 3333:: owner 33:33:33 '333_ gem: The. ans: 233::3n3bfie: shank: L3: maimaimd {3:13:33 1:33 upma?an. ?333:: energy 12:33:: 32:33:35 3.21:3: warm aw??ammy with 31:: :33mc3urai daf'ici: . ?31:33:: {Phat-:3 Guile: The: Gutiet 333:3: {33333533838 :33 a ?3 (3:333:33: 33:332'613 p333: hammer: {midis 3h: mnm'aiie-uiined aware-3,. 333:: :7 as. {31331- Wmciod (33:33:33 3333:: ?333:: 9:33:- :3 3(3W?3z?a 23:33: Warm 3:3 3mm 33- :33::t'at3m3. 3:33: 3:33: waive: 333331: 0:133 :33- :3 :3 39:32:33: The: mam: 33:33:33.: 3:313:33: the: 1333:33333h3 530333393: :33. 53:30:: 23:: 3333333303332 T33: 0:333:33 pip: 3333331215213: 333:: 333nm: praWurmed: 33:33:33?: .03? the: down-stream {3:333:39}: 3:33" the 03333:: pipe. dawnsia'e-a'n: @3331: 30:13:: Wit} 3:3- :33 333:: resemgir. {impacts-3:3 by 399.1% Pirathapan YES '33 NC) 1:32:33: 533.395.3235: ?32 393203 '4 3'0: ?33253: 321%: 923' Rem-3:3: A '3 5.323 ?3 {13ghee: 3 3 3:1 . . 11'1"" 11111? $1111 11111111111. 11111111111111-119 - - .1"s111111' ?111s1s 11?11 11111111. 11111111111 11111.. 1111111111111111. 111.111.1111 ?101111 11111 11111111111111. 211111 111121111111111'111 11111111111111.1111 (11:11:15.1 and 1111 111191111 111111111. 111111111 115111111 1111.111: 11.11.11 Nam-? m" Sam away- ., . ?Ix 1261' (rev. 10109:! x. \?xt?i xv a I ?3 52MO. ?14433-3 Date. oi'insnemlor 95559: 5.955515595515155 5555519999155 559'5955555. 9955555355 DEWRTMEENT WATER 9532995525399. 1351555353115 5:311? SAFETY OF DAMS 13'? $5433.55 951.153 MESEMMWM 1M QERTEFEEM951912115155 99551555555199 1.555159123555555 1259555 5115-5. "19 {1139 51955.5511159'M35199112955511y Type-of E59555 561535-11 51551959851111.1559}; (30115559153 0139-11 95195151911115- Q3493 15'159191'1'9 4 4 1991' 131611531515 991151.591. 959 91 999 195-41991 535351915155 99555 9r991'. 5591115993,! 921915. .177 L1. Warn-55595 09559511515551 599511,: with 5:55:19 999395 :51 199' 15159915 - 1395159959 M9559 M9112 5559151551 ?-1559 M9555 Wii5h95?953999 955515151; 5.119151999915951= 55.555955 5'95- 55 9. 19955955 P955995 9 11519591999515. 551299995599 15515995555515 {15199199155999 99995959999551.1999 95 99519559 T915955 1?99. 9551995 99519195 51595551? 9959 595199?959 59951959959. 1 955953599 1151.1359599 59 95.51955119- 1119595599 955959915955 9511-59 995195 9359595159 9 '159 9915599 :9 9155151 59 5991959959 155in 51.551551559551599 529519555951 53959591119 519155 519119959 5519599955951 9.551191 51.599 55955599 2159551 1915259- 53995 9999515951.. 9.99151999- 9519599 959 9519995919155 19- 15953,! 1595919959 99 9119 959555191519 91199 5.9159191999559599 539559-999. T559 19.1.5995 .9599- 91199159 1:19 199599911555 95591559599 995:1 5115951: 99.155999: 59 5991999 999' 59 5995959 99559535955 {95959951951 9'51 21519-53199 55:1 5119- 9.9995199 91" 99519-9 5:9 5555991999 5915-9599 5519' 9519919 91? 5951999955 9955991991519 95.51195 5:155:19 1115111 9999:5159 5599959. This 5-9 9999959155,: 95551991- 99 5.119 1559995911559 - 99511-5959 919-99 5119. 9.551591 51.1519: 559-9155119359 9599955515599 9111511 5999515955 11999. The 955555155591 151599191-116-99199 59519591999999 by 55:19 95559959 9999-9159921 1.55 129054 519.159- 991 51:99:51: 53511119195955 Th9 9-95991' 999 99511-919 19199195555593: 5999555199959515'1. 91.5.5 11-99 5595 99511. 91929599595 9-959 919-99 25111191 15159555199 Mr 1359599 51195 911 99159599919199 9551199199199 9951?; 9911559511; 999 599-9519915599 599-551 19519?195511 (911' 9159159919 9959.) 9519 9519595999 (55559 5195,15: 15. 1.5595551) data-199599955199 5'51 99151515597595.1991 9- 9599515991 5951-11919 95951915151111 9'51 999.199.951.99- 915915595599 95 5519 99559555559515.1995 1'99 9991' 99 5519199199 19151159 5559555559951591199 5195151593115 ?1219559 9:59 519 5199.5 991919519199 99555551595554.1919 59955559599959. ?179.9. 19591 91999155919115 91? .255 99519-959 9955919919535. 5299915595999- 55959551919591.5191 55159591915951 9.519 1519.991 5511599955951 1519 99551.. 5999515915.,95195559 9999559999999 9593159999 99259 5935' 99515151999 5.599 5199935519 5995959559995 5519- .-.. 95.51195 99915959 59 9915959919535 9995955559 99519115951 955.9 $.33 92,3592 x95} 91$? 1519559555955 55:55- .15 5511 15191159.. 5 P5155599 59:59:55?? i110 U959 51:15 59999-911911 21'- 5.1125535125211411 9 1:5 .5 1:215 ?1 cc 5555' 6199955139959 511959 9595551951; 28 M95951 :2121155 91555155291 555.95. 5551.99} - $515591 5.59-5- DAM AND RESERVOIR lN .ED STATUS Name of Dam Lake Curry Dam No. 14?000 Date of inspection 27 March 2014 Observations and Comments Dam The visible portions of the concrete armored upstream face, the crest, face, and the abutment contacts are in satisfactory condition with no indication of surficial distress or instability. The_ upstream face liner is in relatively good condition-for its age, and appears to be free of significant structural defects or deterioration. Vegetation is kept out of construction joints to help prevent the upstream liner from lifting. Vegetation controt along the crest, face, and groins is excellent. The unarmored portion of the embankment is covered with ankle tall grass and other low ground cover that provide protection against erosion without hindering inspection and monitoring for seepage and other defects. Rodent control is quite good and I did not see any signs of significant rodent activity. Spillway The spillway approach, control section, concrete chute, energy dissipater, and channel were clear and unobstructed. Tule and cattaiis have been cleared from the spillway entrance and from within the stilling basin at the end of the spillway concrete chute. The structural fixes to the- gates recommended by the owner?s consultant in 2004 have not been completed The gate hoisting machinery and cables appear to be well?maintained. The current design storm, prepared in 1982, is for a 35,000 year return period producing 13,142 (~773 sq mi) from the 17 square mile drainage area. The spillway capacity is 6,328 which is less than the peak inflow. Total freeboard is 15 feet and residual freeboard for the design storm is 2 feet. Freeboard is satisfactory. The owner believes that the - outlet control gate valves are inoperable and so no attempt was made to cycle them during this inspection. I directed Mr. Brown to perform a thorough evaluation of the outlet system and to devise a plan to restore the outlet to fully functioning condition before the next periodic inspection. the condition of the outlet pipe varies from fair to poor. (rev.10/09) Sheet 2. of 9 INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTI. .ED STATUS Name ofDam Lake Curry Dam No. 14?000 Date of Inspection 27 March 2014 Observations and Comments l. The outlet pipe shouid be thoroughly evaluated and a plan devised to replace deteriorated fittings and to restore corrosion protection to the pipe and fittings. In the absence of action to arrest and reverse the effects of long-term corrosion the outlet pipe will become unsafe. This is especially critical as the imperative upstream controls mean the outlet pipe is aiways pressurized at full reservoir head. gate valve, is inoperative in the control is through gate valves. The fully open position outlet control was fully cycled and found to be in good gate valve, operating condition. Another abandoned Seepage Recent rainfall prevented evaluation for minor seepage. There were no indications of significant seepage within the face, groins, abutments, or toe. Outlet tunnel seepage was not inspected. Instrumentation at this dam consists of seventeen survey monuments, seven piezometers (A, B, C, 1, 2, 4, 4), and tunnel seepage measurements. .Piezometers A, B, were established as part of the 1982 Harding-Lawson seismic stability investigation, were constructed without surface seals, and as a result are unsuitable for long-term monitoring; as they provide no useful data in their present form they should either be retrofitted with surface seals or abandoned. While survey monument data for October 2, 2013 was sent this year, piezometer and tunnel seepage data was absent, and no piezometer or seepage data has been submitted since 2009. The owner must resume annual submittal of an instrumentation report that includes long~term and short?term plots of all instrumentation data, along with an engineering evaluation of the performance of the dam as indicated by the instrumentation network. Movement indicated by survey monument measurements appears to be minor, and largely within the range of instrumentation measurement error. The maximum reported settlement between data measurements taken in January 2009, and the latest taken in October 2013, is 0.08 feet inch) at monument 1. The maximum reported displacement between the same data reporting dates is 0.11 feet (1.3 inches) at monument B. The current instrumentation network appears sufficient. Sheet 3 of 9 SN SEER: EYETEE Name (is? {DE-arm Lake I I II I II I {5am Nu; I I Date of ins-panfian- March 2314 Th. be free Signi?cant Sti?u??m'faf defenis; 0r ?ete?craiiam Vaga??atian cantmi 3.56315; the: crest, ?bwnsiream face! and greihs- is exca'E-ient; {ms-R1251{mu-wag; Shae: af 9 x. ?xN? 3N SNNM ?23 Name- o?f mommxwi?unx ?13m. Haze. TL?ha?a-n?f 13:8? (zen. 15mg). :1 mm mm {3232th gm 3mm Nameamam Lake Curry Dammit), Date {31? Inspecticm 27 March 2.0.334 33?? xx. - . .. .35The ou?fi-at tamer, abwe and bei?m The?; baii-eves that 'th_ anti-53f swim! gate waive are Manama. I direcied Mr. Brawn in parfarm a fharwgh evaiuatim m? the mutteri- s?sy-siem and m- i?evis-e a pian it: rastam the miles: are: fuiiy fu-nciiming ecsnditim before the next pe?adic Zinspec?-aIDS-NR *125-1: {? Sheet] 6 af' 9. STATE- 5- '{_g?L?f?f?NiA :93: mm- 2% -M 'agwm?mem WATER Rasmamzai?; mvaemm 0F SAFEW a? mama?s WSPECVEQQ mm Nammf?iksm Lake-:me {3am ago-ti $1.301} litigant}; Nam Type of am Earth TypecsfS-gki?way {in?rm-act Open (Shame! Waier is _in3. ham}? mama}! ares? and ??3035? fast dam mast Weather {iont??mes Emma; and ma: . Contacts Made. ME, F?hi?ig?: ng, Mr; Mark W?fhemme? am Mr. Tim Un'd?m?mm {ii-?y 0f Va?iej?a} Resajzsm fer Pass-Kiwis; gm?m?ant thawa?mm a? Tammi The: Maw gaff waive was; My exam-23:32:} in my ?re-sigma with m- apgga-rant The and-ma yam VEEVE Sh?u?d he wig if? 3:931:53 wives- ii?ze gum-same as? silks mien? ?in me 'i'ast if-?ie- simstma! regs-213'? in games have: neat been mmpiaiezj - it?; im ig?g' term. 1513- ma?a-E. 1mm: magi be: returned m- reg'uiaz?? ?awice. "i??ae tamer girmuiid make: arrangememg fer.) inspect ma aut?-a?i tawe? timing the. new: inspactimn at? his canva?iama. The _xgate valve needs tr: be repaimd am} praiecied again-at tam-assign. Tm _awnar shawd' makg arrangements in waif: the- fail; iamgtifz Mme autiat iwnnai aiming the next inspectim As- rec; uasiad in the East. the cwner? ah?uid re-smma annual? _repa?. The image: marker the. amatef {ha dam WES repaimd as raimas?i?i in the; last impesticn. 2?:er the anW? inf-armatim and mama? in-apea?m. the dim. and the. amurienames an? judg?d 3an my mm?med -. .. . . gag} The: dam is: miiamd an the. Smith side :01? {ha .raaewair. The y??ibie: pmi?m?;$ {33? the. sonm?aaisuiimd upstmam? siege- ag?paafed is be w?sfactm?y With m? e?ape ('9;th The- dwwmi?ream' sic-ape- the dam crest appeared ?it: be. saii?facfory with sia'pe .ss?tabii'iiy issue's: (Ph?i? 233% vegeia?m mantra! was emaileni. Na si?gn?f?cani radiant airtivity'was mimi- The ewm'er' Shani-id: maritime the radar-"xi. {3mm}! pmgram. Sgiiliwa'v Tm swam-re; i5 ia?Cate?df on ma ?ght abutment a? the main 133m. The sgs?lway appmash, amimi aecii-an, and dmwmiream aha-me!? warea- clear and umbsi?ru-?ed {Phams 3 and strucmrai rapa?r in gates by 2% Miner?s wmumr?. in 2:394; mam m3: Man .Emp?amemed Tha- gaies and its as-sembiiea appeared {a be in wail maintained conditicm. Tha anargy disSEp?ai-far simmure appeared its. Eiwa- satis?famm?y mimic: cit-se- it.) amass re-stricfims. Thsa_ gate way-?33 awn-?21?. reguiatm by EM: - i I g-nspenteci hi3: $35.3: ?ira?hamn- . PIhc-ios iakesn? $35" Data in?gae?im 23-23113 {53" mfar mam at?eper25mm ?13.61 ?03.39} 9f Name of Dam Lake Curry .- llearn No. 14-000 Date of inspection 28 February 2013 Observations and Comments Seepage the owner. it is not clear how many of these valves are operable. It is my understanding the water level in the tower is the same as the reservoir. The west valve was removed and installed with a blind flange (see the inspection report dated 1/4/2000). in the long term, the outlet tower must be returned to regular service. The owner should make arrangements to inspect the outlet tower during the next inspection or at his convenience. The gate valve, ppeared to be partially open and inoperable. This valve needs to be repaired and protected against corrosion. The owner uses the - gate valve on the blow off line to release water into Gordon Valley Creek. The - gate valve was fully exercised in my presence without any apparent difficulties. All valves used in the emergency drawdown should be cycled annually by the owner and in presence every three years. No signs of seepage were observed along the toe, groins or through the visible portion of the slope face. Some seepage flow was noted from the tile drains through the saddles in the tunnel. The seepage was not estimated as standing water was present on the tunnel floor; however, the amount of seepage is not considered significant at this time. Instrumentation at this dam consists of survey monuments, piezometers, and tunnel seepage measurements. As requested in the last inspection report, the owner should resume annual submittal of an instrumentation report that includes long-term and short-term plots of the instrumentation data and an engineering evaluation of the performance of the dam. The loose survey marker noted in the last inspection was repaired. No additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. Sheet 2 of 5 Namwwam Lam- {tarry I .. {State'- af inspeaiim 23 F??b'maf'v 2.313 mm: "x EJWR ?2.61 (rev..101?9} sheaf; gf 5 @153 .m-mme-W 2a.. . 0W. Wan-?53mwmm-awEWM-WEM WW. 1, ?g REE mam ww?mmW-mm S. o?m WNW: mama.