TALL: CAL 5511:1114 A . A . CALL FF FAREWFNF REEF: QUFG 2.53 --1 FAME 536% AFT 3A 51:15:31: . 53:35:: :50: 815 ?125?: EAL-AA: 1:1:ype: . . .. T135555: GEAFEF GQFF WALL 5:51:15 Gimme-i . . 39? Ifee'5__ . 35355551:ij {1:155:35 5:151:53 .. . $16? I Fee: dam cresi. Wee. 55:19:: 155mm 5255:1111 11:5: 5515:": :13: :1:er 51:55:53.5 5:11:51. A: F1 FF FLFALAMA ARLF FAFA independem Rea-18m ERALLALAEAR. 51:51 FAA FL: 335535;"; FLA: 515:5: 5:55:55 511: 51:55:55 LL45: HAL: 51.511 5:1: 5:6: 5551.5551355 :51: 2211-535? 5533-0533?15: L31: (gaming: LL-AFLAA 5:55 35:95:: 1:155:51?: 51:1 magma-55.5.13 155:5: 55515551551 LARA, 5:51.: ALLA LA ?Maury Fume}: .5515 miss 5:11:51: SALVAFLALF every A5555. 55:55 mam LALLARF Amway WALL: (5151:1551:- ER- 1.2575153; therefore, A 1:533:55: .55.: ?vei-?dUL-F. 5:510:51: L556: 51:10:55515 155:5:r1L131mL: ARA LLFALLA ?Rbpecti?? 515:6: ALLA AF: 1:33 ALA 35.5mm: 25:3: 5555-9. 1 AALF- BALL: T515115: 1:15-5:55: ?51: AARFLAF 51:16:51,. ALLA Abutment grains, ALLA 5AA ALA-A $0536}: (rendition :155555 RA ALQRA 5:55 in?abi?ty T5155: 51:15:35 was: 5.5: mm?i?cn $155515: 555512551555 5.155355235155355 ARC: cracking Th5: FALQA- 9:155:15: Fight: ALF-LL15 15555-15 side:- (FF FLA 1555:5515 FLA ALALLFALLA 15:55::- ALLAFLARQALF. FLA AAQQ-SAFAQ FAFLLFA: 5h5f5: may be. ALLA CHFFAFARFFA: SAFEEALFLARF 553AFWAALL 551:6: impervicus $535515: ARA FLA 1.51 EAR-5: 5:55-59:55: 55:5: GLAAF and A $555553: mmem 51:15 {551: 35.5: {55:15:15. F3535: [55:11:31 5:5:an 0:1: 15:53:: Age-stream ARA WALL AFAFIA 51:35:55: 15:55: :11: AAFLAFACLALFL 5:51:55 55:55:15.: WALL: 5:5: mgr-LL: 5:5 .13.: AA: 51:51:53.51, LAAEL Lommi LLAQLLALL. and dOW??tmam cancme Fined Gham?LFi 5:51:05 LLALLALALALLAA. L15: m: 5:555:11: LA ALA- LLQAA 5:55.55 551:5: ALLAR: A 5:53:55, And 51:555. 95:35:15.1: safety T555: LLALLALALA AQAA WEF: chAnne-l invert, ARA 1:55:15 5:1: :10 ALALLRALLA L15: Spawn-g, FAARAIA 15::515 51:55:55 Jig-55155.5: 51:51:: AA 551: 53:33:25 candi'LF-AR 15:51:10.5 FAIL: up T515: cam-1.65s LAAIFA Ate-:15:- 25-5-1: A5 5.55:: 535:5: 5:55:55: ALLA 35:15-59 155:5: 15:15:15.5: 5:5? 155:5: Api?wav 5-15-5515: i5: 551:5: F: :5 55:55:15: whimh- FLALL-LAL-FLAFA afie?ii 515:1: 51:35:55.0: was: 55 155 $115555: 50151555516. EAFF ALLA A55. 21:251 gene-<5 5:1: 5:15.: HAL-1.: 55555-55815:qu 55:17:55 LLAFA 5?55?5?75?3845?? 5:1: ALLAIEARL Th5: mic-.11: 515555.13: QRALLRA durum: 1551A 55:51:15.5:1: ARALLAA LRARALFLALL .5215?:le Ammfm LL AWFFARLA b.51- L13. Aha-1:335; 15mm? FLA FALL - DELLA 15:5 inspaa?ern 5.323333?) CESFQF {35:51:55} I I AWA- 1:12:31: 11:35:15.5} 53:5:5555 ?5 1:13:15 51 INSPECTBONEIVE DANE AND RESERVQIR iN STATUS Name of Dam Jackson Meadows ?Dam No, 61?20 Date of Inspection 9/27/2016 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage instr. As noted in previous reports, because of strict regulations, the operation of these. valves is always a last minute decision based on weather conditions. Accordingly, DSOD has agreed that the owner may submit photographs of valve operations in order to meet our requirement that all outlet valves must be fully cycled in our presence at least once every three years. Both outlet controls were iast fully cycled in November 2014, and photographs showing these vaive operations were sent to DSOD, fulfilling this requirement. New photographs wili need to be sent for the valve operations in 2017. inspected the outlet tunnel on this date and found the ceiling, walls, and invert to be in satisfactory condition. The pipe, remain in satisfactory condition. The face and groins of the dam were dry, as usual. The area at the toe of the dam was partially saturated, which is a normai condition. Toe seepage is collected and measured by a 90-degree v-notch weir which reac_ or 8 on this date. Seepage conditions were judged to be normal. instrumentation at this darn consists of 8 survey monuments and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation report was submitted with an owner?s letter dated April 7, 2016, and includes data for calendar year 2015. Survey Monuments: The 8 survey monuments located along the crest of the dam are surveyed every two years for settlement and deflection. The most recent survey was performed in 2013, and was reviewed in the inspection report dated 9/ 16/2014. A current survey at this dam is overdue. in our December 24, 2014 letter, DSOD concurred with the owner that the spillway wall monuments were not providing reliable information, allowing these monuments to be abandoned by the District, provided that visual inspections and special inspections following earthquake events will continue. If significant movements are noted during visual or special inspections, annual monument surveys will resume. Seepage Weir: The 90-degree v?notch seepage weir remained within historic limits in 2015, ranging from 8 to 24 gpm. A single high reading in late 2014 occurred when the reservoir was at its lowest point in many years. According to MD, this high reading was the result of winter run-off interference, and is not representative of actual dam seepage. The data indicates that the dam continues to perform satisfactorily. The current instrumentation network is judged adequate, and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Sheet 2 of 5 .0373 ?nawg?w?? umm: 33.333033 3.3%sz ?33033 033 23 33$ Eggnog. m. a . AW .r .Hul3.21,! xi; 23%? N. 333? $3 @333 a. in mg mam a m. m: .m?w?wm 23m @333 anyway . 33 a? . .f 03$me maxim?. 30mm gamma: mg. ?mam, gamma, 3% mac. Sag. mama,? a, 4 4 . 41.114 1.31: \10'1 @331 {31111411111111 1143-1111413411314131141' 33$: $3 $4333, \3434 SEPARTMENT 1.1.1: 1.111.413.1313 RESQLEGES EVE-311311 1:11: SAFETY 1:31: 1211111128 3113131111231 1121111 12313 1313.311 31.111131 EESEEVQEE 1111 SEE 113.143 1111111111 111? 13.1.1111 41313111131311. 13.194131133111151 Dam N11 130111114 11141141111- 3111-11-1 131' 131.1111 9012111111 1311.111 41311111111111: {31.11441 131344111141: 41111. {3114111141 1111414114 14111 1214111111 ??111-11111-114 1:114:11: 3-1111- 1-30. 4 1.11 ?1 1214-1411.: ?11111: 1:11.11. ?11: 11441:: 1111111111 1341' $11411 1111113 .1411}!- 1314411 111111111111 351111113131 ?(31111411311149 1.113131111111411 11111341413111: 13111141114114114. 11444111111441.14314114 1111' 11141111114 T111141: 131111114111: 11111-14 41111.41 11.411.11.21 11121414110113.111141'4 ?111.41 11:1 {13013111111113 1111141111131 1111111011 11441111411 11': 1114'441'17113-41'3111'14; 11.41111 4141111144 1111-11-1 1144141121: 13.4 44111 11.211111144411114 1.412111111131111 2131-: 1'11 13.11141 .1111 11.1111 .11 11111013 1411111141114111414'141114 11-1-4 0131:1411 1.1411144 :11 14414-1 41-1-134- 4114.111 11116111 5144114 11': 0111' 111' '1 11141344111111 1-11.4- 13.111141111111141: 111.114, 1:11: 11.11:: 1111-14- 41111 113111111 11141.11 11-1 44141411111131-11411111111311. 1-11 ?11.11 1134441111141 114,213-14 1421141:- D-SQEE 13131141111411 1111111 1114.- 011111'1'41' 1.11411 1111-4 91-13111-1111411 1.1.1411 11101111111411.1214 ?114- 1111.1- 1314111111114 1413144111 11114111143114.1111 1114141414, 11144411113111.1111411?14 1-114-11- 134 41134114011411 14111114 134111-111, 171113-111 44:1 '11. 41. 11112111111131- 131111141 11714444114114. 41111 4134111111 11.11111 1.1101111 1111101111114 4114:1114. 1.11111. 011111111114. 1:1 1.1141111111111121 111411411141114 ?11111 1113.111111- 111-11'1'11g 1.1141141 41' 4.1114111141 11141140114114, 411111.141 1M?1?1?1?1m??11? 4111114314 {2.111141114113114 $14111 1111: 1111111111111 11111111114111.11141'111 11.141141 1114134411011 1-114 1:13.111, 14511311111111", 411.111 41144311.:11411411444 are 3111144117- 44.114 141' {11111111111411 1.144- 4144414411444 41.111 13411111141114 Q4513 1111141114111 .1114 441111.411 414-111 11311114'11214111111411'441'11 ?14111. 11310111, 41111 11:14. 61111114 1141114111111'144441441114 44111141144111 11:14.4. ?111.51 1111' 11114 1114-1111111 4.11114 ?14m 14111411114 1'11 1313011 ?01141t1011 1.111111- 1111 ?11 1.111111411111111 1111'- 11141141111. 13144-1 11.11.1111 141111111215 11141117141441.1113: 01111111114211 1.111111 .1114111-41'414 11011441111111. ?11111 1141131141114 T114: 14113211 11.111911111111141 13:41:11: 411.11 41191-11 1214414441011 11014111 511111119 111-4 T1114 1211413111119 11115131 1:14 121114-11); (111141417111414411141114111: 114111114411 1114 11111114111141.14 1:014: 4.11:1 1211-4111141 411.114.1141-111111114 ?11441 4411114111, 41.1131 '14 11:11 41311411141441 4; 112114131 (2611161811? 4111114111114. 1511111311: 41014411011 011-1114 11114111141111. 41111'13111111141144111 14.1141:- 111.144 ?141,314 ?11141 1.1111111: 11 114444111111 111111111111. 1.1411" . - 343111111411 ?1114. 441111111411 111141114411, 1144.4 111.4112 4111111141 4413111111, 1211111 40111441144111 1311.11131'4'141111411 4114111141 111111114 ?1.24: 111111.111: 111414 1111111. 111211111: 4241:1111: 11411211111114 11444., 111.111- 1111111111 111.441 1:11 111.4 41.114111 41-131: 11113111 ?11111 1.144211 11.111 p.044 11 1141101414 41.111711044 01111404141411.1411, 1111411111111 1111111111., 1.11111 41114. 1.111.111 11114111 111 44114140111111 1201111111011 111111.11 111:1 5191111144111 0115111111114 111' 4-- 134111114 1114114111411 113111151 112141.11 13.111051 1313-1111111 11.111 T411121 1311111111114 111 11.4.1111 ?1121- 1111411. T1514 11114114. 1.1111314 1.1141111}; 1311111111). 1144114111111 1:11 11-1_ 11322-1144, 1 114144- 11111141 41114111114 411114-1110 41? 1114 1341141414 4411111141,: 41414,. 111.11 111111111141 144111111141 1.111111412113414- 41113111141'1, 11444141111171 13111111113111.1144 44114144111131. 1 1.11.41141'11411 1111'- 4.1114 14511 41441; 1111411411144, 4111 11114111 44144 11.131114414614134. 111411~ 11141111411144 111114111": 41:11:11.1 13041411119 ?11101 41:11.4 111111111144: 14111111111 11-1 4114411411144111211?11411 ?1114454144 11.1414 111.1131- (1.4141144 ?111.41 4441411401 4111411111131, 111111111111 41111 17111113141113 51.1183 1&4: 133' 11141341314121 by: .111. Ra?-11113131144 4'34. 11.1 3 P1141114 1411-411? 444$ 310W'144 91121312815- 1.93.424 I 41.1111 {31.111141111341111 D1114 1111111134111 1111131217115 '1 1, 1 111"} 1:11.411 1.2.111 14.11 111111111. 41.14111 M3111 5 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVQIR iN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Jackson Meadows Dam No. 61?20 Date of Inspection 9/29/2015 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage lj wk As noted in previous reports, because of strict regulations, the operation of these two valves is always a last minute decision based on weather conditions. Accordingly, DSOD has agreed that the owner may submit photographs of valve operations in order to meet our requirement that all outlet valves must be fully cycled in our presence at least once every three years. Both outlet controls were last fully cycled in November 2014, and photographs showing these valve operations were sent to DSOD, fulfilling this requirement. New photographs will need to be sent for the valve operations in 2017. . inspected the outlet tunnel on this date and found the ceiling, walls, and invert to be in satisfactory condition. The pipe remain in satisfactory condition. The face and both groins of the dam were dry. The area at the toe of the dam was partially saturated, which is a normal condition. Toe seepage is collected and measured by a 90- degree v?notch weir, which reac_, or 8 on this date. Seepage conditions were judged to be normal. instrumentation at this dam consists of 8 survey monuments and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation report was submitted with an owner?s letter dated April 2, 2015, and includes data for calendar year 2014. Survey Monuments: The 8 survey monuments located along the crest of the dam are surveyed every two years for settlement and deflection. The most recent survey was performed 11/27/2013, and was reviewed in the previous inspection report. The time plots appear to show a survey done in 2014 for the horizontal component only; this appears to be an error, and needs to be corrected in the next instrumentation submittal. Seepage Weir: The 90?degree v-notch seepage weir remained within historic limits in 2014, ranging from 3 to 33 gpm. Considering that the reservoir level in 2014 was?at its lowest in over ten years, this record high reading is very suspect. No comments were made about this high reading in the instrumentation report, but I believe it was the result of a log error as all other readings around that time period are very low. Next year?s report must address this condition. The data indicates that the darn continues to perform satisfactorily. The current instrumentation network is judged adequate, and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Sheet 2 of 5 23m. $33 E333. QM wmy? .mym/mww . 2.3.. m3 1.me SEE was? SEE. ?mewmuw?m?z 0w, ab?zm @2me m2 mw?w?m 29me mg. . . $3 26.. . Erma .. a, fig/r fun. 4% Half. aim 4mm,? mag. SEE Mama? A 1 am 1133??" ANN NESHAVGEN NEE SYANEN I Namee??am Maaciaws Dam: No.1 Qaie a? ingpecii?m ?312.91 ?3 (my; mm}. Sheet 5 1 m" ?x ETETTE w? 5% CTF WATTS-FT ES mm EMS-TQM TEF- ENE TE .TITEEZETTFTEE MEETTETEE DEE TEE, BERG BETTE-T3: TEE-E ET WEE ETTE TE TEET. hem-w .ETEETEETT 433.3 TEET beiaw Sm?ky' ETEETE, ??greeg-E Ma?a w? EE- EETEE ETTET TE TEE ETEET TEET TEELTEETEET TEE ETETT ET. TT. TE T353. TE T-TT EETETT TTE-TT TEE TETT TEE-TEE TTEE EE GETTEETETT TTETEE En TEE, TTETLTE- TTE-E EE TEQLTE-ETETT. ET TEE: ETETE TEET ET {330% Eur Tn- EET 20*? ETTE TTEET ETETLTTEE TE- in 2.314.. 1330! not. The En TS EETE. TEE WEE TEET Timing STEELTEETTEE E-E- EXT. ETEQTE ETTET EE EETETT EQETE Ewing JET-TE T0 20 TE TEE surveys ?pi?way T3E by WEE. :Ty VTETTET mg ET- The E3TTETTE3T WET There TE. spit! ET an earthquake TT ETE- Ewing. XTTELTTET ETEELTETEET The: ETTEWTT End ETETTET dam; and, ETT appurtenances TEE: EETE ETTET 5 Team and ETQE ET TEE ETEET TTEETTETTEE TE TTETTETTETEE which TE TEELTE ET This TTETT-T. EETEE {ifa?k ETTE TT-T TEE 2-60 TEET TEE ET TEE TT-ET-TT End EETTEETT TE Examine it. TTEVE T'Ezfy m3" TE. E. The Crabkmg TE graham}! T83 TETETT- TE EETETE TEETTEETECT TEE GTWET T: TEE TEE ETT ETTET TEE-TEE TEES STEM-E and WEE EETTETEETETE, TEETE TTE ETETTE ET The: End EEWTTETTEETE WETE End WEE. TEE This ETEETT during; The. EEK-T Ego}: EET-T Eng TEE. EETTETETE ET TEE TATE: A phm?gmkm? Veg} Rm . BETTE S12E14 EYE E3 3 ET ETTEET 3' ET. :4 DWTT 123?: TETEET . DAM AND RESERVOIR EN .. STATUS Name of Dam Jackson Meadows Darn No. 61?20 Date of Inspection 9/16/2014 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage Instr. I inspected the- gate from the ieft abutment and from the spillway crest walkway. All gates appeared to be stable and in good condition. The gates were recoated last year, and all gate coatings remain in good condition. As noted in previous reports, because of strict regulations, the operation of these valves is always a last minute decision based on weather conditions. Accordingly, DSOD has agreed that the owner may submit photographs of the valve operations at this dam to meet our cycling requirements. Reportedly, the valves were last cycled in November/December 2013. Pictures of valve operations were last sent to DSOD for the cycling in November 2011, and new pictures wili need to be sent for the valve cycling in 2014. did not inspect the outlet tunnel on this date, as we did not have an air monitor with us. The outlet tunnel was last inspected during the previous inspection on 9/19/2013, and should be inspected again during the next maintenance inspection. The face and both groins of the darn were dry. The toe of the dam ranged from clamp to completely saturated. Toe seepage is collected and measured by a 90-degree v-notch weir, which read 0.15, or ~10 on this date. Seepage conditions were normal, given the low elevation of the reservoir. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 8 survey monuments and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation report was submitted March 31, 2014, and included data for calendar year 2013. My review of the data is below. Survey Monuments: The 8 survey monuments located along the crest of the darn are surveyed every two years for settlement and deflection. The most recent survey was performed 11/27/2013. Maximum settlement and deflection between the 2011 and 2013 surveys wa-@ M5 and M8, reapectively. Maximum settlement and deflection since surveys began in 1965 was_ M3 anc_ M5, respectively. These values are acceptable for a large rockfill dam. As noted earlier, DSOD has granted approval to the owner to discontinue annual surveys of the spillway wall monuments in favor of weekly visual inspections, uniess there is a major spill or an earthquake event. If significant movements are noted during visual inspections, annual monument surveys will resume. Spillway wall deflection remained less thar_ between 2005 and 2013. Seepage Weir: The SID-degree v-notch seepage weir remained within historic limits in 2013, ranging from 10 to 18 gpm. There were no unusual or abnormal readings. The current instrumentation network is judged adequate, and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. DWR1261(rev.10109) Sheet 2 of 4 a a; yam. ?agwm?? ?mm. ?g ?mm mag?m 2mg. a mug. 55%,33 mama 29 mains E?wa?nmma?wa: . . ?mggh?m sh. RESERVQM EN Eth-s STMEHS Name a? {Jam damksen Meadmvs Bram Na. Sam (21? 'Smgm?iim. SKEQM . mm 11-251 {reu._ ma?a) Shae-at 4 4 ETTETE ET WATER RESOURCES EEM BTW-SEEN QF II II ?23.81 STATE TEE Dam TTE MEET) Type .. GETEE and. WETETTE ?18.22 TEET .TZTETEW ETEET 3-8. 7' TEET EETEW (Tram- Tit-Tear End Mada TEE End GTEETT with NET ?31? mg {.83 ?The EETTET TEE-E TE ET TEE- EETEE ET: TIT-T TEE TEET. EET TEE. ETT WET: EE ETTEETEETT WEE-TEE QETEE. TEE (TEE-ET EETEETT TE- TEE EETTEETETT ET: TEE EE TEETTEETEE TE TEET. FREE and TEE and ET EETE BETTE Tn TEE TEETEET TTETTETEE ETEETTE ETEETETTE TE. End unchanged The. ETEEI ETETTE TEE showed TTE sign-E ET TTE signs ET ET The TTETEE WEE ETEETE. and. FTTEE ET WEE: Shaw-ed ETETTE The farce- TS TEE: WEE 8E THE EQEE WETT ETTET ETEET End TE ET being TEE TTET I I TEE TEETIE TEE: TEE WETT Epi?way TEETTE when ETTETEE arid. TE be; ETE not I ET. This Time. TEE TETETE TE EE: LIE TEETH. THEE-FT. TTEI-TEE TE EE ETEET ETE 33T- TEE TTETETT -- ETT. TEE ITETT WEE, IETTETT TE WEE EET. ETTE TIE The: QETE AEETT TIE The EWTTET TETT WEE Fep?fiediy EETTEEI This be valves TLS ET T235552 mi?u?i? The GIFT Weaf??gr 385388 ETT has agreed The TEE-33T- ET The ETTETET TEE TE ET: . T.- Amati-EEK TEE-9T 6.23%ng 3 PTTETEE Yes EDETEET 91' 18.32013 I I '66 . BET-E- ET 333 .T T3313 ?3 Ef- 35.5 E, . INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Dam Jackson Meadows Dam No. 61?20 Date of Inspection 9/19/2013 Observations and Comments Seepage meet our cycling requirements. I reminded l\/lr. Sommers of our arrangement during the inspection. The valves were last cycled in November/December 2012. Pictures of the operation were last forwarded to DSOD for the 11/16/2011 cycling. No problems with the valve operations were reported. The tunnel walls appeared stable and showed no signs of distress. coa mg on outlet pipe remains in satisfactory condition. The corrosion observed on the controls to the valve remains unchanged from the 7/12/2011 inspection photo. notified l\/lr. Sommers and Mr. Green during the inspection that DSOD has an outstanding request for the corrosion to be addressed. Both had no objections to rectifying the problem. No seepage was observed on the face or right groin of the dam. The lower left groin was damp with less than 1 of live flow observed, approximatel_ up from the toe. The toe of the dam was saturated with water. Seepage at the toe is measured at a 90? v? notch weir. The weir reac_ (~12 gpm). These seepage conditions are considered normal. Typical seepage conditions were observed in the outlet tunnel. Standing water was observed along the tunnel floor. Additionally, dampness was observed along the walls, roof, and at the tunnel plug. No live flows were observed. The tunnel conditions are considered normal. instrumentation at this dam consists of 16 survey monuments (8 along the crest and 4 along each spillway wall) and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation report was submitted with a cover letter on July 1, 2013, covering calendar year 2012. Survey Monuments: The crest monuments are surveyed every 2 years. The latest survey was performed in 2011, and reviewed in the 10/2/2012 inspection report. Movements were found to be minimal. The next survey is due in 2013. Spillway wall monuments are surveyed annually. Surveys began in 2005, and measure deflection only. Since 2005, monument movement data has displayed an oscillating trend toward and away from the centerline ofthe spillway along both walls. Overall movements have been minimal, less thaI_ Movements over the last year have been less thar? Movement data Is considered normal. in the submittal the owner has requested discontinuing the spillway wall monument surveys, as they do not believed the data is providing any useful information. In a 'July 26, 2013 letter to the owner, DSOD expressed that monitoring the spillway monuments was prudent and needed to continue at this time. Additionally, we had no objections if the survey frequency was changed from every two years to be consistent with the embankment survey frequency. Seepage Weir. Weir readings began in 1995. Historically weir readings have ranged between 7 and 33 gpm, showing typical fluctuations with changes in the reservoir level. in 2013, readings ranged from 12 to 24 gpm. The data does not present any darn safety concern and conditions are considered normal. The data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily, and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Sheet 2 of 4 ENNPEQEEQN EM: -- NNE-E EN ENE3 SENEUN Nam'a- arr-Dam Masadewa: {Jam NE 56:? ~21? Dates of: inspecting} air-N? GEM: Navemi mai??tena?m and mm?imring r'agardihg are maxim? Er: am AME 2E, 126%. {after-Emm- Eartha awrser. :Tgh-e recommen'cEaEE'zqns- ?amerfmm ?de- ansr?s cmsuiltan'ii HER, as past? 23 msgeasr- ?3313 inspection Remit. Newmmerat?atians in-aiu'daai asst-333$ 6E the; gags-3., wmah is addremed his Emma. Add??mnai ?me name-i. E23. ENE: mama" are nwnl?itmring {33.31% and NE EN Naked at an: a Eihfaar WEN23$. . . New-rastream fa {If the dam {ram Sheet:- 3 gr- 4 mxww?mng W, mg is m, my ?mm mg?m zmwam gram? magmas ?Emma 33m $3 2.9. gag m/x/xx @333 mug ?Ewan ?m?mm ?gnu 293w ?mm. 2mg gm? 2 $8 SEE mm? R. .RER RRFERL - EEK RR. .EFRRNEMEMRRAE mum? (BEF- WAFER PEEGURCRE E: ER Rm m. 0F EFF WERE EE 5N LEE Name Raf-Ram . . . . Ram RR 62*? :38 FERR- R-RRKRIE RQRRERREE .. . WRERR is ES ERR: ms: 33. 3 ERRE . Rama-RR. JQHUTEEDRE WERE: 8533;? 33.333333! ?r?udcb Mme EERRER 3?33; 3' RR TREERR ERR EREEIRERERR :33 ER ERR E. RRERR RERR RERERR. RE ERR EREE 3.. METER-RR- RR Es; E3133 ERR. 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R: 2 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Dam Jackson Meadows Dam No, 51-20 Date of Inspection 8/20/2012 Observations and Comments Seepage the operation via e-mail for the 11/16/2011 cycling. No reported problems were mentioned. Minimal standing water was observed on the tunnel floor. The tunnet we 3 were 0 served to be moist with no visible live flow. These conditions are considered normal. The corrosion observed on the controls to the valve has remained unchanged since observed last inspection. Mr. Harrison explained that NID plans to rectify the problem. No seepage was observed on the face or groins of the dam. During higher reservoir leveis the left groin is observed to be damp with live flow less than 1 gpm. A 90? v-notch weir collects seepage at the toe of the dam. Seepage measured at 0.16? (~12 gpm) during this inspection. The seepage conditions are considered normal. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 16 survey monuments (8 along the crest and 4 along each spillway wall) and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation report was submitted with a cover letter on April 30, 2012, for calendar year 2011. Survey Monuments: Crest monuments are surveyiaevery two years. The latest survey for horizontal and vertical control was performed in 2011. Since the last survey performed in 2009, horizontal and vertical movements have been minimal, with the maximum settlement observed at monument 7 equal to 0.009? and the maximum movement observed in the upstream direction at monument 6 equal to 0.009?. initial surveys began in 1965; however, in 1990, the monuments were reset due to work on the dam. Since 1990, the maximum settlement has been observed at monument 4 equal to 0.054? and the maximum movement has been observed at monument 7 in the upstream direction equal to 0.023?. These movements are considered minimal. The spillway wail monuments are surveyed annually. Surveys began in 2005, and measure deflection only. Monuments 1-4 are located along the right wall and monuments 5-8 are located along the left wall. The greatest deflection observed aiong the right wall was measured at monument 4 equal to 0.06? away from the centerline. The maximum movement observed this last year was at monument 3 equal to 0.059? away from the centerline. The greatest deflection measured at the left wall is at monument 5 equal to 0.062? toward the centerline. Monument 5 has also experienced the greatest deflection since the last survey of 0.032? toward the centerline. The spiilway wail monuments continue to vary toward and away from the centerline annually, but the movements are not considered significant at this time. Seepage Weir: Seepage is measured at a 90? seepage weir located at the toe of the dam. Historically seepage data fluctuates with changes in the reservoir ievel and has ranged from 7 to 33 gpm. In 2011, seepage ranged from approximately 11 to 24 continuing to directiy fluctuate with reservoir changes. The seepage conditions remain normal. The availabie instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily, and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Sheet 2 of 2