sum: CE mum-ENE CALEORMA QM EF WATER 3 3 EE- OF SAFETY SAVE-E. E3F A333 E3333 Dam Ni]. 8.43 . Gut-mtg: mega Type-Er 3:21am. type of QQEE and ?hEm'Ei. . is 23.3} @633 Ep'fiiE'r-Ey E'Es't and E8 0 fEEt dram- crest; Water Surface. E3. 3.02.8 ?(gauge Elevation 92:13, gauge: Kama-232119.) $351333}! F. Er with apes-imam End ET 331E dam Ea be EE- Es if.) damang Ems 7 E1133 8) 331E Ethmay TEE that ink; ciEtEnErEtmg stairs thE .unEVEn; E1133 it? to repair thE 3E E) a Reme the Ear-1 0 E3 meat damage '30 th'E EEzm. EEK. gnawing BEE-XE 131:1 at the: SEEIEWEE Emsion was the E113 GHEE far'right Eros-En 3-0 preven?cfu?her to thE E) 11' The weir Erextremeiy and. EhEuid be Es E55 "if-O 9E Enema-ta .i'EEdfiin'QE on 12% of thE dam. E) 3* Ehe that leakage 31.61113 pair-113312 dawn to the km: wherE it is became from Ermther TEE 3:0 EE .rEpEErEd and EH Ether be EXEminEd EE make. are Secure. as The awn-zer- :Ehe- rEpErt BE thEn. Q's?10 9pm ?ew Ear bath: paint-E when thErE \r?iEibiE EEQW Ema-mg h: "point 331 ff}? the East SEW-E maintemance 3inEpEcE'iEn-E-. '3 micmme?fe: [Eadi?g EE REE: En 1.8 EM 193. E?1Euid TEE .invEstEgEftEd End fep0rtEcE min .3311 the next submittai- IQGHCEMEEGHE FirEm the: knEW-n mmrmatsan End the dam YESEWQEE End Ei' judQ'EE {Er $23.53 The arranged 3531'qu to the dam. by Mu! ui?plE ErEhEs aim-1E the 53.85:} .31ha iEEQEtE?ding wiih EhrEthEuE 331E. crEEt hE?d'zEsi 331E WEE and {he at E33233 .rEmEir: in with. Eignificant Erarcking Er signs of that QEEGFXIEQ En thE upstream 3811-152 Ere ET: ETERQ .thE E?f the mui?pie arch and the CGFEGFBEE arid 1E ErE'vaE'Ent and this. . .A- EDEEKQWEKE: .E: -J.. 3301333303? ?Yes NE Batevof inspection . .. . 13.131133126143213:1.51.399} Shem - E3323 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name ofDam Hodges Dam No. 8?3 Date of Inspection 9/21/2016 Observations and Comments Spillway Outlet Seepage damage should also be repaired to prevent the deterioration from progressing. The dam appears to be in good contact with the abutments and there are no signs of observed at either abutment or along the toe. Vegetation control is satisfactory along the groins and the toe. There is an oak tree in Bay 9/10 that should be removed. While walking inside the dam, shear cracking was noticed on the buttresses at each walkway tunnel. The cracks on the buttresses are monitored using micrometer stations and will be reviewed in the Instrumentation section. The initial stairway into the dam is deteriorating; the steps have become uneven and unsafe. It is recommended to repair the steps to prevent injury. The log-boom was in place and the approach areas, crest, and area of the central overpour spillway were open and clear. The concrete comprising the spillway is aged and showing signs of deterioration but remains in satisfactory condition; no signs of distress or significant cracking were observed. There was one item of significance that was observed, erosion under the end of the far right spillway. Recommend the erosion be repaired to prevent further damage to the spillway. Oak and eucalyptis trees within 10 feet of concrete need to be removed to prevent root damage. Of the original six intakes for the outlet system, the two lowest (Nos. 1 2) are buried below silt and inoperable. The four remaining inlets (Nos 3-6) have vaives with .The tour valves were instaiied in 2003. All the outlet components were examined and found to be in good condition. No valves or outiet components were operated during this inspection; the owner?s maintenance program includes annual maintenance and exercising of the outlet. All four operable valves and the blow off valve were last independently operated and tested September 15, 2016. The four valves and the blowoff valve were last exercised in presence in April 2015. The water level in the reservoir was lower during this inspection than in previous years. Leakage through the dam was minimal; at higher reservoir elevations the leakage is reportedly very high. Active leaks were present on the face in Bays 5/6 and 6/7. The leakage in these bays should be captured in the v?notched weir (Weir that is iocated approximateiy 400 feet of the dam although, the weir is extremely deteriorated with holes in the weir and measurements taken from the weir will be inaccurate. Weir #1 should be replaced as soon as possible to get accurate readings on the leakage of the dam. Segments of the pipes that convey leakage from Leakage Point #2 down to the toe of the darn, where it is measured, have become disconnected from one another. The disconnected segments need to be repaired and all other connections should be examined to make sure they are secure. Instrumentation for Hodges Dam consists of 18 micrometer crack reading stations, a v?notched weir (Weir located of the dam and a leakage measuring point at the south abutment. The most recent submittal of instrumentation data for this dam was received by DSOD in October of 2016, in a report dated September 29, 2016. The monitoring period for the data included within this report is from July 2015 through June 2016. Crack Monitoring The measurement of the pins located at Buttress 16 show a significant movement in both the Sheet 2 of 7 NN EN Date- Q'f ianNc?rcs-n am hsa'rim?iai' am} Nemam tiirac?ms; whii?s this amn?Nrs-x- if} Na 33": afrai?i? reading; if 3?:me E23653 .Nvamata?i am EN Nae 2':in remit. The- fair "39 hag? a ??arge spike ?lm. '3rCfIt-lf?t?3f3 in fiasa? year that was erG'rt-ediy WESS aim in: ?Na reading and. simmer NNENN 5N ?scai'yezar 26%; WHEN maid NENN be erra?i wading,- Et s?hcsui? b3 NuafNNted and in the NN?xtj .waxaifiama yes-pm; A3 father remaim wifhin {ha fy-pica! Fatwa Leakag? during- the mmiiuring} period. Was regm?eci tar: ?39, near mm. A hand measurementwag Emmi": at the: dam?mamd weir (WNN N31 which res-swim in a Ewe-8N NW flaw 2:13? gar-mind 5' {the New Sham be ?339th ($1le if.) We? miss. EN. {he waif)?: The :Npm'ii stated the: mm-hined 1?in af mm leakage 90%an waN {as-N than {1.1 Ojgpm far am: {if fissa'i yam 2.9% Nppaam the same in year $015. ThiN inure-aged ?aw may be due N: the? ween: ra'iNN Nit?eug? 'wa remri Ntated mar-N wag mar .zem ?aw the? wzintar and Mara wane rain-$3 t?rmagh the wintsar which mn??adicts, tha- ENN-tm-mematiN-n raped. in swam-Nan, the weir viewings; are inacmmie am maniitm?ing Nimuid he: failaireatti and amuraiie we}? r?a?i?gs shauid be {aimed in futura instrume?tafim reports, UWR 1251 (few. mm": - Size-Ni 3? 0f . ~22- 35? 7; . ?15 '7 21,{77/7 1735?#55 cu- 17-{If/Vac 733 4,773? '71 9-31 E36 :5 g; g, .7f/K 777737;? 7? 7 777/7. . 7/ 477, .772. 531.. ?775, - 37:7 '53Mama ?33m Hedge-5 LEW-R '1'1-363 Rev. 1- DWR 1 (my: ?$0309 3* Leak-age in Bay 5% 4/5444?" 4 Beier'iamtad st .3 its; at {he enttanc?lfa main-fer im? Waf the-624$ Slate. m? in <5 pee For: 912mm 5 Name 9H 3 am H?dgges. DE: 2m Ne. 3+ 3. $443491 EFFEFFWE EN FEQNJF ME mjg?mw .zmaa mfuma . . . . .. . m? 6me a. Em?mamow.? wmw. ?two; m3. m3 gamma 3&3me 19303 2% max. 333 msm? an ERNQ- EN Si?l?f?? Name {if Dam Hadggs {3.23m N9. 83 [Date '93? laspac?m $211231 36 2-3? 1?53. .5: 8. Spa?i?g maths damnatraam face :31? the-ages sjpiimay .E.zl' .. a? x. in The. Egg-gage pug-rat #1 weir is date-tiara? and needs be repamd as am I sg. awn-12m Sheet is? TTLT TT- -. T. c-Tmr TETUUTTE T. QF WATER SAFEEY TEE-EL BET STATUE: Name (3: 93:1? {32?er Ne. 8T3 ESTHE- Wage? {jg-33$: find {mg IT Shame? ET 134.3 Te? baby?! Tree-T? am: 359 2 feat. mes-E. Surr?me 301.8 ei'evafim? TO 8 gang-Ia mm TEE I I I and GQGL {3 {v5 Engines?" TT WET: GE {Emma-E Made mega: Emma-cam? a {Dam Lag-Rage ?Weir TE Emmet? app aximamiy TEES The dam is? ma?a?: accurate be? made, T, TagmenE-s at? the? pipe-T: That Gamay .Eeakage? Tram the right. dawn. mam: Tithe dam: EE. {Tam became. 8- 8? new be? rag? aim: and 83E athar mnnac?ms be. examined Eh??s? am MEET are: GET ?manna wing ban: expag The mpg-imam and face an? Tammi TEE dam?s: amhes. Repairs she-LET: be as STEM as is ET: prevent damage. Fran: The infarma?'m am: i'nspeciisnh- the and appuaTena?aes judged. Tar-E use. pending SEE T: February. 26 BT39. the {Tam Tummy?, Twig-w EM: ?the dam and pmparatiam of T: Tum? Eng Tm: EEGETTESEE Ema in: amiss-Tammy WEE-ET TEE: significant TraakETTg of The? 01" EETT: dam was by baa-TE; EE ES: Tgaih- miad that Tevarai The have Tswana- TE waned Tammie, a? have: mama: ES Emg~sEandEng damaga- wag-am upstream? Eris-petites .PhoTeTEaken? No Bate Decembe? 25315 3% TNT Em: SEEM-TE FEE-T: FEITETE. BEES-ET Date {31? Regan . 2:318 I ENTER E3251 (Rem Shae: x: Name of Dam INSPECTION bi- DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Hodges Dam No. 8-3 Date of Inspection December 17, 2015 Observations and Comments Dam (cont?d) Spillway Outlet Seepage face, there are also a number of locations on the face, inside the arches, where spalted concrete and exposed rebars are present. The magnitude of the damage observed on the face is similar to that on the upstream face. The cracking and spalled concrete is in need of repair. Both abutments appeared normal and stable; the darn maintains good contact with each abutment. There were no signs of instability observed at either abutment or along the toe. Vegetation control had been performed recently in the areas adjacent to the darn with favorable results. All dense and/or visually obscuring vegetation should be kept at leas_ away from the dam or any concrete structures to provide for unobstructed views; trees or woody vegetation should be maintained at leas_ from the dam and/or appurtenant structures to prevent damage. The approach, crest, and exit of the ogee spiilway were all open and clear of debris; a log boom was securely in-place. The concrete comprising the spillway is aged and showing signs of deterioration but remains in satisfactory condition; no signs of distress or significant cracking were observed. Of the original six intakes for the outlet system, the two lowest (1 2) are below silt and inoperable. The four remaining inlets (3-6) have valves with controls that were replaced in 2003. All the outlet components were examined and found to be good condition. No valves or outlet components were operated during this inspection; the- owner?s maintenance program includes annual maintenance and exercising of the outlet. The outlet components were last operated according to the information in the table beiow. (4) Vaives - Upstream April 2015 April 2015 Valve *Operated 100% The water level in the reservoir was lower during this inspection than in previous years. Leakage through the dam was minimal; at higher reservoir elevations the leakage is reportedly very high. Active leaks were present on the face in Bays 5/6, 6/7, and on the face at Bay 9/10 next to the spillway. The pattern and quantity of the leakage observed appears consistent with historic behavior. own 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 7 Name of Dam Cr? DAM AND RESERVOIR lN STATUS Hodges Dam No. 8-3 Date of inspection December 17, 2015 Observations and Comments entation instrumentation for Hodges Dam consists of 18 micrometer crack readings and two leakage measurement points. The most recent submittal of instrumentation data for this dam was received by DSOD in December of 2015, in a report dated November 20, 2015. The monitoring period for the data included with this report is from July 2014 through June 2015. Crack Monitoring Movements for the majority of the crack monitoring stations during the monitoring period were negligible, consistent with the lower than normal water level in the reservoir during the period. An explanation for an unusual reading contained in the monitoring report for the previous fiscal year was addressed as requested; the reading was attributed to an erroneous reading rather than actual movement. Reservoir elevation data was also added to the plots of movement data as requested. Leakage Leakage is collected and measured at two locations; Weir #1 is located in' the canyon, approximatel_ of the dam and measures the total amount of leakage for the dam, Leakage Point #2 is at the left abutment. Leakage during the monitoring period was reported to be almost zero, consistent with the lower than normal water level in the reservoir during the monitoring period; The historic plots of leakage data show a close correlation between reservoir elevation and total ieakage. The data obtained from the instrumentation and contained in the surveillance report indicates that the dam is performing satisfactorily. The instrumentation program and monitoring frequency at this dam are currently judged to be adequate. DWR 1251 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 7 23335333333933 i334 33AM RESERVMR EN (EERTEMEEB 33333133 Name- of $1.3m 14533:?33- 'Dam Na. 33 Eerie car: 1353523333 Beg-233mm If}: 323-13 DWR 1:231 (re-a1. 1633.9} Sheet a; a? .%23 Ad??f??mz mwkg?m Emma mm. .695. Emma. .29.. mam. $3.3 magma?? 3. ?mag. xV/. MW Mumv?/ r/mw/wxx/f?l/ .353 m? ?me a gm 5.3%me $3 .29 3m Magma $5 magmas?62 ?mm. a? Em 9mg 3% E3 GE, ?Hang. wig m. ?an. memmw?m? mZ Gm?jwm; $0 2w..3m. a was 101%ij . 2a. 3w 0.4. M3305: . .3, M?xmm f? x. . a: . nu IrA-r/fl/A/l/ .m/lnu) nun) u- w. ?4 ., 4% ?Wu/x .x . . -rr.-z 'r Z393 Zn?rm wu??mw $0sz [Ha w. dim $3 33.. .m 13?" m. m3. $35. WK ?23.33.3333 . .. . . . .. . . .33 20. . .. 9me .3 533..3.333. .3 .w ?mm mvnm?m? .owmm?mg Eva $ $03 . mzm? {3 a i, STATE OF CALIFORNIA . CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCN DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam. I Hodges Dam No. 8?3 County San Diego Type of Dam Multiple Arch Type of Spillway Concrete Ogee and Open Channel Water is 22.8 feet spillway crest and 37.8 feet below dam crest. Water Surface Elevation "-303.53 (gauge 92.2) Weather Conditions Sunny and clear, 70 - 75? Contacts Made Nathan Grima, Burlington, and Viviana Castellon (City of San Diego) Reason for Inspection Periodic Maintenance Inspection of Jurisdictional Dam Important Observations, Recommendations, or Actions Taken 1. The four . valves and the blow-off valve were fuliy and successfully operated during this inspection. 2. Reservoir elevation data should be plotted on the micrometer data graphs. The graph showing crack monitoring data for the micrometers in Buttress 19 show a large spike with no explanation provided; while this appears to be an errant reading, it should be evaluated and addressed in the next surveillance report. 3. The forms provided that document maintenance and outlet exercising activities do not reference specific activities performed; I recommend that the city revise or supplement their record-keeping to account for these type of details. Conclusions From the visual inspection and based on the information that is known, the dam, reservoir, and appurtenances are judged safe for continued use, pending resolution of deficiencies identified in a February 26, 2014 letter from DSOD to the owner. Observations and Comments Concrete The upstream face of the dam was examined by boat; there is widespread minor cracking, Dam numerous instances of minor to moderate spalied concrete with exposed rebar. This damage is I long?standing and is in need of repair to minimize the damage from progressing. The dam crest and handrail across the crest appeared well-aligned and the concrete at the crest remains in satisfactory condition with no significant cracking or signs of distress. The overall condition of the face is- satisfactory; however, damaged areas similar to that observed on the upstream-face are present at several locations. Spelled concrete and exposed rebar is prevalent and this damage should also be repaired to" prevent the deterioration from progressing. Both abutments appeared stable; the dam maintains good contact with the abutments. No signs re:- sale Inspected by R. Fessler Photos taken? Yes No Date . April 9, 2015 Copy for owne? File I Field BOOK Date of Report July 16, 2015 (Rev. 10/09) Sheet 1 of 6 mw?i?? tr" DAM AND RESERVOIR IN IED STATUS Name of Dam Hodges Dam No. 8?3 Date of Inspection April 9, 2015 Observations and Comments Concrete Dam (cont?d) Spillway Outlet Leakage instrum- entation of instability were observed at either abutment or along the toe. While not currently problematic, there was small amount of vegetation in the upstream and grolns on both upstream and of the dam. All vegetation, within a minimum distance of ten feet from the dam and any appurtenant structure needs to be removed to ailow for a safe and thorough inspection of the dam and surrounding area. The crest and exit of the ogee spillway were open and clear. The concrete comprising the spillway'is aged and showing signs of deterioration but remains in satisfactory condition; no signs of distress or significant cracking were observed. The iog boom was in?place keeping the approach free of debris. Of the original six intakes for the outlet system, the two lowest (Nos. 1 2) are buried below silt and inoperable. The four remaining inlets (Nos. 3-6) have valves . The four valves were instailed in 2003 and remain in good condition; all four were fully and successfully Operated during this inspection. The valve was also fully operated during this inspection without difficulty. The owner's maintenance program includes annual maintenance and exercising of the outlet. A copy of a work order provided to me by Mr. Grima following the inspection noted that the most recent maintenance and exercising of the outlet took place in June of 2014. After reviewing the maintenance form for the recent work performed for the outlet at Barrett dam, i pointed out to Mr. Grima that the form they provided to document the maintenance and outlet exercising activities does not reference specific activities performed; requested that the city revise or supplement their record?keeping to account for these type of details. The water level in the reservoir was tower during this inspection than in previous years. Leakage through the dam appeared to be proportionately less. At higher reservoir elevations the leakage is reportedly very high. Active leaks were present on the face in Bays 5/6 and 6/7; consistent with historic behavior. instrumentation for Hodges dam consists of 18 micrometer crack readings and 2 leakage measurement points. The current submittal of instrumentation data for this dam was received by DSOD in September of 2014, in a report dated September 9, 2014. The monitoring period for the data included with this report was from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Crack Monitoring Movements for the majority of the crack monitoring stations during the monitoring period were negligible. This is consistent with the lower than normal water level in Sheet 2 of 6 Name of Dam INSPEGTION DAM AND IN EED STATUS Hodges Dam No. 8-3 Date of inspection April 9, 2015 Observations and Comments instrum- entation (cont?d) the reservoir during the period. The graph showing crack monitoring data for the micrometers in Buttress 19 show a large spike with no explanation provided; while this appears to be an errant reading, it should be evaluated and addressed in the next surveillance report. Reservoir elevation should be plotted on the graphs of micrometer data. Leakage Leakage is collected and measured at two locations; Weir No.1 is located in the canyon, approximatel_ of the dam and measures the total amount of leakage for the dam, Weir No. 2 is at the left abutment. Leakage during the monitoring period was almost zero, consistent with the lower than normal water level in the reservoir during the monitoring period. The historic plots of leakage data show a close correlation between reservoir elevation and total leakage. The data obtained from the instrumentation and contained in the sdrveillance report indicates that the dam is performing satisfactorily. The instrumentation program and monitoring frequency at this dam are currently judged to be adequate. Sheet 3 of 6 22$ .3 Ema Emvmm??y ha ,?Zw $me #6 w??w?m was a. mam Um?? .90 spawn? my (y . m. ?ed/Xm/z. .m zV/JW/Wy/?fx x, .. ?7 9 .Aeiwv. 2 .. .x . mug? w? ?me ma?aw?wmg $0.9 new ?rm. mug? #94? m6 1w magma. @me RN 3 ma ma?a] ?wwr??wwa?z g? mm?. 53w E. E3. xnaamg . mg mew WEE 3. hymn? w. . . ?up, . ?ya/vaw??x?/M . a. 51?? . 5.50? ox waxy/gry ?nu?uW/waf/ gar/f I. ,0 EN EN Name 0:133:31 Nam No ?53 Naie of ins-median i tha ?23: Maw 91? Qu?ef apem?m .ESh-esaet El? {sf '8 33333333. L33 3333?3333333333 9- . 3333 333333.93er 3333333333. 3333333333333 3333333333 3M RESQURQE-S ?3 0F SAFETY-0F 33E: ELEAAE LL33 ?f/W 333.33.33.33 . . . E33333 NEE. . . 8-33 {Emmi-v $833 BEE-33333 "'3:pr m? Dam ELLE-3333333 Arch. Type. 333 33333333233 (3333333333.. {33333 and 3.3333333 ahanmi 333333 is 223 fee-E 333313333 4 3333' 33'3an 33L 33 33333333333338 33233333333933- WEE. 33:3. .33 (Sage ?32.33}: 3333333333 LEOELELLML- 8'3: 333:}; 333333 3333333 333333-333 EE3L, 33E 333-33 [EEecEE-za 93333333333 Ma'inEenamLL 33333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 33.3 3333333333 T333333 EELL paEn'E 3333 E333313333EELL33LL 5333. 3333233633 333 3E3): @3333 333 33333 the 33333333333 33333333333 E333 33333-133333, 93333333333 333333333 3333333333333: LLELELLE 333'- 3. 3.33333 33333333 LEE-332E333 L333 [33333 33333333333333 ELLE E333 333333333333 E333: 33333333303333. 333.63 333033133 33333333333393: and 3.3333335 3333333333333, 3533 3333333, 3333-3333333, and 33333333333333.3333 are 333333: ?333 use pandi?ng LesnE'utian LEE 6333333333335 E33 E3333 {333333 3833?: EL: the that E3 dam-Q; 313333333333 28-. 2.3334 33333 33333333333333 QM The; dam 33:33:33 33333 upper 3331333033 LEE the 333333333- 333325333 3333333 E3333 3:36:53. 3323333333. and were: Er: azgeLEI E3333. 3333333333333 mosmmen?i 33333333135336 33333333333333 IrbeI: Lepavaci especEaEEy war-e E33333: 3.33333 E53333 3333333333,. TEELE 33333333333333 3E3 ELLE-333333333333 E30333 3:9. 2-5 Emm' E33 Eeft, {Lumbered 3:3 9 (33333333333 {3.33 the 33333333333833: 3538 Ehe CranS and 33333333 33333333333! 33333333333 En E33333 33333 3333 3:33:33 3333333333333 in 8333.5 ?3 3c: EE- was-E 333 knaw ?0.33 3333333333333 E33 33339333133 graf?ti had 3333.333 painted 3333333 3333333313333. 8333333333 34(3} 3333: a 3:33sz @3333 the: 33333 3333333333an LEE-33. 3-33.33 E33339 measured. . E33033 33E Eh'e- Liam was E'napemEacE by 333333 Th3? 33333333333 :33 Ehe 3333533333333 E3633 3333333353 03333333,. $333.33 3:333 aeepage 3133333333333 3333333133 E33 3338- :33 33.33333 (33633 Aha-33333 2. Ehraugh T333 333E333 33- 8333333363 3333233 .33me E313 33333333! E33 3 number LEE 3333332333 The 3:333:33 E3333 33633333 :33 3333333333 3.93 8 EES- 39.3.3 and data-"393333339 amt-333E333. EE 33303333 be ESSEELBCE and: using the: 333333.333! (363333337333. 333333393333 23333 33333333333333. ?35- 33333 3333333 333333333 333333339 333433333133. 333 3.33333 .3 number LEE 33333 33333333333383, Ehes'e- are .ugpward'fy and whaE appsa?r E?o be: shear 3333333333 that begin at the eaMaE-k Ehrouahwayb 33-3333 appear 3:333 bath 333E833 LEE 3336: 33033333333. 8033333, 33333 3333?: SEEK, LEE. ?saihear? 3333333333 33333 33303333333333. 33303333333333; 3333 3330333 33333 are 33:33.. The 333333333 E33 3333 3333: 3333-3333333 Emma-33333 LEE 33-333 37333333 .8333- 33333333333g 333.33 333333. The 3313333333 33333333323333 3333333333333 3333333333 bra-333339, 333333333333 3.3333 3.33 33333333 TELL: 3333333333333 3333333333 332333333 33.333 are TEE-33E 1393:3333 was in waacre and the 3333;333:3633 area's mast 3333330333, and LEELEE <3 33'33333333 3333333 3333-33333 33E debt-E33. The 33333333333133 Ehmug' E33333 was in gmci 3333333333333 333333 and 33333333 graw'fh EC: 3333 E33333 3333333 333339333333 3333333333333 333* EAL: 3333333333 ELL-3.303.333 E33 . 53333333 PEEGEQS T333 N0 Date 333? {33533333333333 581?122?201'4 (33,303 aneiiBmk Date 33.3 33233333 4 33333133333333.3333)- 333333 'oE EEG-SEE. :1 ?121.32: EESE G1: :11: 1f": .1 . . 13.. 1' 31?. GE {33:11 EEG-EEG .: 13.51,? 3110.. DGEG GE {3317?} EXECEM GE The 1:111:11: GEEQEGGE GEE: GEG. GEEG EGG: GGEEG 3 6E EEGG EGGEGEEGG EEG 2213.3. 1'1: WGEG GEEG EGG-E: GEGEGG GGEGEQ GEGQEG- EGGS GEM: Gar-Eng EE: EEG EGG: Gut-{Gia- GEG GVG: EEGGEE EGGEG: EGG: Ehlif?i: EGGE. WEEGG. 3G EEGEEG EEG. Gm: 21- GEEG {Gr- FGEE: GEE. EGG GEG G11 EGQGEGE EEGGEG 3:1de data in EEG: GE: EEGEE: Bays EEG and 531:? EEGG very GGEEGG WGEG and ?363 TEE-G GE ENG G311: GE :13- miGerGE-G: 111:3sz 2 51:31::me and and @111er and .GEGEG EG- GEGde-d if: Gr: :Gpo'ri 1E1 32333 and GGVG EGG y??af erm 1311!}: 21131.2 EC: 2013. EB EGGEGGEG EGG: EG and 1111 Width 1112-01319 The '2 GE WGEEG and 2- EGG With ate-rage 1:1. Wei: 1 WGEE- EGG-EGG: .d EGG EGG GE peaks at 113.0 Q9111. and 1G GEE-1G E-G GEEGGEG and WGEE 2 (EGG. {2:131:13fo GE 2:3 QGG: EEG GGEGCE GE WGEE 1 1:11:33 2 1.11- EGG QGQG EGVGI 1'11 GGEGG: GEEGGE EGE the. 11:13:}: when 3 was GEG G: TEEG EEG that GEE EGG. 11?1 GGEGE EGEEGW EEG-11.513 G-GG EGGEEGQG GEE-GEEGG in. Gs- EGG EGG: Haw EGG EG .resewoir was 11:11 G1: - (EGG: 1E: EGELEGQGG GE this: time. EGG-GE GGEGGE. F?bma?f 2.8, 21314 EG EGG (?113: GEEGQ 13155132131313: GE EGG 1:171 11131111: 133%: EGG. GGEGGEEGE EG: GEEGGQEE: GGEGE: and EGG EGG EGG (31:3: 11:11.11: GEGG EGGEEGGEGG E111 EG EGG TEE-G's. and .GGEGEEGEGEEGQ GE in EEG GEIGEGGEGG WEE: Eli} 111G GGEGEE: the. dam: 11:11:: 1.1111: ('er 1111:1111 2 G: 1: 22.3 a. Human .me 7. w?x? m2 Om??amm? mm?w??w ax MyEmmi. E3 73. a; 05.x ASS 38$ gm?? Em?mgam . Ema dummwg kw 303 @3an mamnmmau aw mum mamas?, mam 99% may. mama a. .6. $me 3&8 .5..wa again 2.54. Nani? . . mxum?Z?m?a? mom? E3333. .2. . .2. . .. 35.33mmwm?jm mama ?ywsme?v Zm QZZ ma?a Z??mwmw?m mat,? anyway ??wwa?ym?m? mg yam?fl?w ?33 mmmam ?magmas: wax wmm?mm .72. a ff/ f' 'mc-ssgoxw x?dx?w?v 9 ?7 1/ 7 y?yu zx/J if? .r .1. p. m/.4 . . xx . 0.5.x AME Away: 38me rm 1 (rev. mm Swat 6.. (if. 55/? . Mama Dami?sgec?'m {33m N0mgmmum ..M.w..mmwz yam ME wm?adm 21% a. .. .2 owg.45x??uw?v/ .. 7a.. . ?w??mi . .. i\ I . $5.3 Dug 9. . 1.11% .. .2. If.?wwxmZ. .3 m? . a? mama ff} 15Any. .2 . W1. IHF. . ..Hm Jw?i 2 . I . i?mx1/47. . . . .. .. Jar. . mfg, rifx . .. . u. . c.2333. 3 $3 ?M/zm ?UH/.Wdyr/?amxm?mm. 3 3mm ?163 2%me a was .?zm mw?m?w mam?w A (J 4. 4 4 up.) I. 11,1. $..4. 44,445?? 4 444.44 3.4% .533 2% 4444/44 Jag?? x/nym?n??W/X .. 4,4,4 .3 Q?m a? .mmum?aa .94me. 4.5 a. 52 22;. @2222.? 22% mm mm_m.m22mw mm 325 Q. 993 max?; 3.5wa 22.2. .ZQ $22.22 ?auwammw?wn?. Qmwa Mama 4.2% 2/2222 WW xx? . 2,2,2 2 22222 .22 . . . furl. . (My! aim 2? 9&qu . 202.322?wa 2m 2m A-A-TA Ar: . 3ST AA SWAT AA A A QWESTQN SAFETY . AZTF STAT-TE TN. CERTTFEEQ STATBS AamA LARA . AA .83 8AA Mega. ofi-Jzam' MARTATAAFCTT QVAATEQWWEET Water-A 135. feet beEAAr 53? - feet AATAW WAAthzar Candgijtizms C-UGT .. . . . . . . (?Mam {EryAta-T ingmn San Siege: fur ?P39Ffis?n AA AA rep-Air AA the; upstream AATAWAA Same AT The Target with-epoxy, what mad at ETATA. Thea Taft AAmeAir E- TTA-A severed ba- - Fir-0m The. AAQWA 'EA?fArma?tia? ATS judged fAA-czaminuad . and The: crest- Appear-"Ad if} AA TAVAE in satisfaaiory candttion TAA rasewoir ieve? WAS SAW $432816} majgu?ty- Af thA fAcA- WAA when inspected by boat The: upstream face;- appeared normal with a Gimp-1e; areas AT Apa?ied G'ancrA'EA A'htruid be A few Target" Basis 2-43 be what was Ame- at Sutherland Dam; an the Aide dam? arches the .iS- Teaming The concrete b?-dy' af- archess. This; raises- camems reg-ardi?g hex-Ar the ?langAtAAdiAg and is affecting the QQn-Qmie- strength ATTAA dam. There are .24 bays- A: {hi-,3 dam which are the baya and an The bu?ressas are; momtnre? reguia?y There: was a leak AT. Bay ?1 Th?i hard A: measure but was viAuATJy AAtim-A?ed armmd ?19 gm"; dumg ih?e. prAAiQuA TAA water was this SD: thA flaws. The WAS with Team but? it is the AA the reserAAir AA AAQAA the of the mack. EA- AA AA with ?the epoxy- T-h-Ai?. TA AA. bA- used At. Bays 22-8 {Amer-Than 'fiaam. cgjnijmf Was- ge??ngi bag, but was reported W?li?-d AA arriving AA and maintain SAGA. . ?g?m The: approacn crest and A: the way W318 ?33638?" of drama The caneraie Appnars A: remain. siruciurauy Acund and A canditmn The with expcseg rah-AA (with Anaemia-AA Appmximaxeiy 2 feet by fee?) Sh?uid be with The an the upstream ALATAE waives TWA-ted in Bay E?i?im?i?ad and; in g??d ?i 8; .2. Ai'iite? and. the Tel?A" SAW Tami Amie]? have AEAQ been Ailterd' over and AbA?hd?-A-Ad, Af?thA waives?: operated during This of the. AANAA and The dig-Amtream bicawaff VAN-A3 AVE-3H3 fui?iy? Gy?ial?f with AA (TATTAAETTAA during .Nca?y?miner 2:3, 28.19 The As the The". dissipater Armature rema-inA- in gamed The: EA $6053 working, and are. aperafeds regulari?y. - - Inspected by Jae. acme A A TASWECW No Date of FizleS Dam 0T 301,3012 --F A 5:11 I of 4 ?88888 88 88.81888 8888388838 38$ 88-8888 Name-9mm Lake. HmdQE-s {33m No. 88 Date; '91? Empec?m ?i $319125"? 13 8383888388885 and {3882818888 T8838 wag mimr seepage imm- a Emma @8818 mm but thee 8f {'88 hays were airy 03:48 the. 5888 resermii? Ewart E7883 abmi??m?i drain pipe 8mm WW 8.88 been g-evmei? am? 3288;38:1- be. rapafir?s-d. WEE: 8. W233 (13:338th Ew'iawregewmf ants! "iiha- walk that. m?'iacts mm; wagdrippimg. The weir readings. are measure? marzih-iy', $88 8. ?88258. The this dam '38 883-88 nwn??mr reza?ii?g?g 2 seepage paint?3, {mam}? Ewen and rain gauge. $3 aubmi?ad anmaa?y it) {3538:}. The mast Gurm?"? Ens-immai-?atim?; 8888. design} Peshriuary 88 2819818.? 8888,1783 tarij?ar?me guer?ia'd frat-Ti Quiy 13.881 in 218?? The magma}? crack mammam? Wei-?8 inaigni?nam with :si'ighf emansmm and Th?i? maxi-r388 ?hspe?im review name: 8 1339.8 m-Qvamantwiih an inane-aged math sangp-z?chiimm?iy 8:3 8 - ??nc?hes? ??um Marsh 2888 ?cm .Navembe-r 2089.. "Ms mmemen?t was mt an increase {8888281388, but a new pin being Singa- Ngvembair 2.089, pin raa??ng5 at this: cram haw remained faiir'ify censiant The? mega-gear: reac?ngjs were within 838mm iimi'ta with max?mum ?ows-s m? 838 gm Weir"; 888 ?f8 far W88 2 during {88 manita?r?ng 5388.901. These readinga are higher {ham mama?! but amurred after heaw precipifatign and within h?istor??-caf maximums. readings rammed to 8338? "(38an an 'Eha upstraam face {33" Bay 2-3 mat wi?i? be mam-3&8 and seaiad wiih waxy; {9885212261 grew?. ?ham 2 0f .4 Ewamm?. @m avg/mm mg ww?z?m zmawod?m? ?5mg Xammwm . . . $3520. mama o??nwomag. A 3 QM mam. . ?w/Mfw? . . jam Gummymm: gem. a 30% 332% ?gnomes. ?gmm? $2.353 mag. m. Emam ?gs. 463 .mc?atm mg mm .m?mmom HE. .W/nd .. . .. .mq . ??mwmm (.me3 m8mac3 warm 3% 5.9.5%chch .Erma m3%?%w mw?g Kw 7m. ma?a ?aw 7 ?bmamz