CF NATE-ML RESEQURGES QWESEUN SAFETY QF DAM-3 ETEGR ?33? 2:34? .. . 5,04? Marcie: 15f Hemandm Dam fi 325%? Saw?y 533?? 563336 '3.?er flit-am Earth ?Fygg a? swim}: Gamma-Weir "and Shame; water 3.5? feet spji-Hway'cmst and 5* feet NEW damcmsi. water eiay'a?an bamw {Read pm}! "Hem-her (lwditians ?35632? Skies and' Contacts- Me?e {Time fx?arasz am? Garrett Haarte-l with ?ve San Baf?n} Water mists-it: Reason fr}? ins?pectie? Amiga? Ma-imarmme- imgamam Qims?wai?mm Rama?m?mmia?mm m??a?am fawn The prepara?zims its repair the - warm wag in during ihig Emma-ma, E?iydr?auiim sys?am and waive maintemame wilt be- pf?es'immeai a?er a pad in $395353 is}. {$33 $339: iwwier i8: Rarmve Ema-5, .buszhaass,_ wither gmw?ng Swaradica?y ihrmg ham?' i?e d??wnmmam 52mm, ways are. pa?mrrnaad wary the-sass and the 3533i survey was ?affm?m?d an Gamma 129?3'2. The ?ag: gimme}? ?aws mmduied perim's?tmeg? wiithin this: next thma 'm?nihg. gamiggiang me the kmw?n ?'n-fmmaiian and wig-113$ {he dam, :?egs-ezj?vnia and mumsrtenamt=a$ are judged Safe for cm?me? 33$, winding the mp3,}? 10*? the au?ei way-rim absewa?f?ans and The Qf?axre? w?er?? great was Even unifsrm and if} G?hdi?ib?. The visible @115 ripraggn ?ned Shape.- appea?red Lsn'ifmm, 3t3b15,. and in sa?sfactary inapa?ad {ha dawn a??ream siege: {mm ?153 (Kasai, .righi; am left g-mm?, and we: 'entiimi tag, and it appeared un?arm and in Sigma mmr?tian, Th5: ups-imam am d?wnsiream grains and dawns-?rearm we area appgargd mar-mat. and the a?bufmentss?abie, Vege-t?aiimrz maxim: was aver-312E gazed, except far spa'rzadiic wand); vegetatian gmwing? through-Gui the: dwmmeam siege; Mei. Haze-?e: agree-? ts: hza'xre- the wmdy wegata?on growing. thmugimui?t the. :dam site removet?.. did mi QBESEWE any 5 can-cemi'ng 'm'le??E The spam-3y appraash, cantrmE-gee?an-, and exit wera dear ca? comeme The is: 3 Image mmz?e?ia gas-Raj the swarm-53 ?er pi-?ig??g ihe s-p?i?way apps-am in metal sgrviceabie (sandman The Weep?oias Were ad?qtsateiy dear, and the; appmximaie: 15-inch Mini .mtati-Q?mffaet an baih {he righf am? iefij-oims- H?eaar the entranm appaared unchanged as mmpared with There- azre Eat-satis?ed detar?rm?a?em ?me 138123353 by .Su?lfam attack, and the damage may be M?amrbated saasmnai freaxeihaw cymiea The. 3mm m? daiaz?ia-rati-om ara- mcmurrmg primariiy at the upper iexse'i drain auifa?s, wail jaw-$1 and the Upper edga-s m? a few was}: gamma Tha arms a? deiarimafitm appaar is: be ?he team? abf-fhe water Gaming in mama wi?w- tha mamas: and m?an?ifasied by ?gs-S {if names-iam- arms The. wndi?gn {if the Gamereie within the: spii?iway ?rueium has; beam 3 Emma, am {31928.3 mt azgmaar have appmsiabiy Qhan'ggad 31%- Gnmm?r?ed with. the- June '1 ??539? Memoran?ium 0? Haiti Inapaatibrei. mm-priging ?rm ap-ifiiway mmdcure needs is 50%- and any repairs {m asnneede? .baazis. 392; .. . . . ?tsj id.? 5' inspasted ?y E3133 V?gief gm Photos-tam?? .. N9 a? Ii'nsgegii'an $659018 far anerffrieid BaoMFi-ia 11 iglziggma {w 12-31 (Rem mg) Sheer '1 ef W..- N.-- Name of Dam Hernandez INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Dam No. 1025?2 Date of Inspection 1 0/ 05/ 201 6 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage Instr. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Th_ consists of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in reinforced concrete that is controlled by two upstream operated - valves. The left outlet remains inoperable in the full open position after cycling operations during the previous March 24, 2016 maintenance inspection. An existing road had been reestablished along the upstream right abutment and along the upstream embankment near the toe in order to gain access to the_ valves and hydraulic controls within the inlet tower (Photo 1). During this inspection, a pad providing access to the tower was nearly completed (Photo 2). Mr. Meraz informed me that sections of the hydraulic hoses near the valves were scheduled to be replaced, and any required maintenance to th- valves would be performed. The reservoir water was below the dead pool level, which would facilitate the maintenance repairs. requested that the District contact me once the repairs were completed, to which Mr. Meraz agreed. Due to the recent extended drought conditions, the reservoir was below the dead pool ievei and the reservoir has been nearly empty for the past three years. i observed no evidence of seepage or moist conditions on the slope, groins, or at the toe. The PVC drain pipe located left of the outlet outfaii structure was dry. instrumentation at this dam consists of embankment and spillway monuments that are surveyed every three years. The latest instrumentation report was dated March 18, 2013 and covered the period from January 1962 through October 2012. The latest survey was performed on October 31, 2012, and a survey needs to be scheduled within the next three months. The available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing adequately. The existing instrumentation and their monitoring frequency are judged sufficient at this time. Sheet 2 of 4 ?92% mvm?m?w $.23 75.. ?Hammwm mzm?m 9a 5mg vim. Emmw??w ?mamamwmaa . . .4. .u .. . . 27.. . .. .wrmm?ywa .?aw? .. x/?9,357.338 m. 033m nma we may gamm?ag $53. 3% $2 a? 55$ . mme ?mwmz??m? MHZ :lfll. ZmeawaE xwgmaamm Um?: Kw. gammlm ULme m. Jr/zz/ g; {17/ F. ?fxgv/w/xymi. 33%, ?aomw mg?mam mam?a?mmq mama Em gamma swam 5 gm. $323nay/J5mm "comma a. 3m mm?mnmm., m?m gm.? mag 33$ 5" kw QALEF-GRNEA a: mam-W. MWM- mew WW. QEPMWEW GE WATER RESOURQES 1% a :xwm DNESEGN GF DAMS @353 mm. azga?wam f; Name a? Dam Hamandgz Dam-N0. (Emmy Benita Type of Sam 553% I Ewe Gamma-32135352?- angi manna: I I Water 53-3 fer-3i. beimw and I 5?3 may. Skies aha-j film; Coatact-s trait Hgartei amt M-imae} as? San Emits; Wafer D'Est?at far inspectian Aim-um .Eemwm?a a3? Takm The; faiiztxw?ng maih?famme ifs:ng mass: were requesied durier We g?i?gviwa were Satigfasi;tmi2?y campiaiedf 1., 5393!;le {await-?3 whim imiude?: {mm-crates aims; the invariant? wait jamth mags an? expmsad siesta? rainfamesmmt ma?a?21:3 axis-?g Zia-:3 ??p?may' am: at me drain wu?i?mial and Seaiig?ag "the: tramsvarsa crack in sp?iiway mare-iv. :23. Siam-333g {ha 3pmwa'y wali y?maprmi? mains, ?fe-airing Ma Set-imam: the drain pips? {mated Ee?- m? muting-3; Quif?? at, Ramwmg ih-e. woody vegetaiim gravying 'wiihin {inf}: the Dufieit?s max; camera-fie sirumiura. The: fal?cnwi'?g mai'me?ame Earns- mQu-ire attemimr Rem-Wing {If the buW?-? and Gather wwdy vege?tatim kmemn'i?g eestahiishe?d an rib-e; waist, Lip-atraam and: siicama aha-fram- the grai-nss and dammiream ?me, 'G-ani?i?mse we?!th abatement effor?a. . Repair tha? ?ags-3?: warm by Nov-em bar ?3 3318. S-umssays am per?crr?eg? aver}; ?re-e years-3;: aim {he i?a?st' survey was perfm?med an Samba? :31, 2912., The maxi survey rseada' if} he: ?sher-Aimed and m?mmed it: 2915. it mam-am this. gpii'iway?s 3S Emmimeng suifa?es aita?k in Imaiicxns Wheres: it is 2m maniac?" With water adj'u??mg hi?sid?; Ai?zhough the Sis {uranium-i in Ems; of dam waif}! and 3996mm i? "we-rail gatiafactaw cmdi?iian, We cameras 59th be. maniiwed fer farmer dateri?ra?o? and any" t1??93$3t?f?p?ifg $zhauiidj be .p-e'rfamrregi an aim asmeec?ed Emits. I . Pram-the: knew-*2 informat?m am? v?suaii ins-pe?tmn, We dam, resermir, and the a?pua?terzancegz am judged: safe: far giant-imaged -- ?thgwa?ms {semi (mm-menis- Wa?gravei m-Vemd was? was lav-8L unifcwm, and in satisfamm?y The @3be gas-?ier: sf {he tiara; Kasai}? giap?-appaarad u??fa'rm, ?ame, am' satisfaamry 3 if?iSEBE?lffi?d tha- sis-psi =1?mm "tha- az??E?ssf, rigi? and ia?i {army?:3, and ma- a?-?re and it unifgrm and in- Bi?bi? caw?di?m, The? ami d-mestraazrn grains am? dawmimasr? {G?ti Ema. NWWEL aragi {ha a'buin?a'aani? magi-3:9, Vegetati?n whim? wag warai'! gmd, exam for speradiczwomy 'Vega'ta?an that is; bemming? estabiished aim-3g tha the upstream anti and fine. cfmma?'eam grams and ?ne. Has-rig: agreed ?it: have t-ha imam-y: veggie-?an gmwimg ihmug?hwi {ha- dam sife? rem-med. i-Qbsewgd m?imr? Fade-?t astiva Eocaiized fr}. sigh: ga?ain, am? 2 3% mi any: :w'?cem'i?g {might a?ciivity :thmughmt the m3 waged by \fwglar Phat-Gs taken"? Na K- I {Date of {magma-{Eon gag}. :ccrf'c-r Data of'Ragm?z I {Rem mm She-23% m? Name of Darn Hernandez INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Dam No. 1025?2 Date of Inspection 03/24/2016 Observations and Comments Spillway Seepage Instr. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) of the site. I requested Mr. Haertei to continue rodent abatement efforts. The spillway approach, controi section, and exit were clear of concerning debris. The spillway is a large concrete structure, and the concrete comprising the apiliway appears in overali serviceable condition. There are a few areas of localized deterioration, likely caused by sulfate attack, and the damage may also be exacerbated from seasonal freeze-thaw cycles. The areas of deterioration are occurring primarily at the upper level drain outfalls, wali joints, and the upper edges of a few wall panels. The areas of deterioration appear to be the result of the water coming in contact with the concrete and manifested by loss of cohesion and strength. The repair of the spelling concrete along the invert and wall joints, areas of exposed steel reinforcement located along the left spillway wall and at the drain outfalls, the sealing the transverse crack in the spillway weir, and the clearing of the spillway wall weep-hole drains had been performed as requested during the previous inspection. The condition of the concrete within the spillway structure has been a long-standing issue, and it does not appear to have appreciably changed as compared with previous inSpection reports. The concrete comprising the spillway structure needs to be monitored, and any necessary repairs performed on an as-needed basis. Th_ consists of a 48-inch steel pipe encased in reinforced concrete that is controlled by two upstream operate- valves. Mr. Craig manually opened the left valve from the outlet control structure located on the crest of the dam, and had difficulty opening it. He had to add approximately 5 gallons of hydraulic fluid, and once the valve was open, he could not close it. An oil slick appeared on top of the water, near the inlet, and it appeared that it was leaking from the hydraulic hose. The owner needs to repair the outlet by November 1, 2016 in order to demonstrate its during the next maintenance inspection. DSOD last witnessed the full cycling of the valves during the November 4, 2009 maintenance inspec?on. The bushes and other woody vegetation that was established along the outlets outfall structure had been removed as requested during the previous inspection. Due to this season?s drought conditions, the reservoir was low and conditions had been dry throughout the past two years. I observed no seepage or moist conditions on the slope, groins, or at the toe. The PVC drain pipe iocated left of the outlet outfall structurelwas dry. The sediment in the pipe at the outfall was removed as requested during the previous inspection. Instrumentation at this dam consists of embankment and spillway monuments that are surveyed every three years. The latest instrumentation report was dated March 18, 2013 and covered the period from January 1962 through October 2012. The latest survey was performed on October 31, 2012, and the next survey should have been performed in 2015. Operations and Maintenance Manager Dave Meraz told me via a telephone cail that he was not aware of a survey being performed during this time frame and he would have one scheduled. The data from the October 31, 2012 survey appears anomalous, having an upward vertical shift ranging from 0.1 to 0.15 feet. The owner?s consultant, GEI, recommended in their March 15, 2013 report to review this latest survey data foilowing the next survey. GEI hypothesized that the bench Sheet 2 of 3 INSPECTION IOF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Hernandez Dam No. 1025-2 Date of inspection 03/24/2016 Observations and Comments mark may have been disturbed, or that some other error occurred during this survey. in letter dated April 12, 2013! DSOD agreed that these issues need to be addressed during the next instrumentation submittal. Prior to the October 31, 2012 survey, the survey data appeared to indicate that most of the post? construction settlement occurred during the first 10 to 15 years after construction of the dam in 1962. Since the survey taken in 1977, the dam has settled at a relatively constant rate. The available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing adequately. The existing instrumentation and their monitoring frequency are judged sufficient at this time. DWR1261 (rev. 40/09) I Sheet 3 of 3 STATE Cli?xLiF?m?vii?s imam mrs..eaAL WATER s32: ass:- mm $3 :kw mm: ANQ- RESERVSER $3 Namenmam Hamamiez iflzami?m. 3025?? San; Swim- Type swam Earth Type?f'?p?iway Sammie Weir and ?hannei . Water 89 feet haw-W cream and 3?85 feet dam ?rst; Wem'?er {Ce-?d?ga?ans- (Siam Skiaa- 33nd Warm contact-g [3351.3 Rama?s-karma a Fifi Miami-2i Graig with-'53 gem: Waia?f Bimini Emma's": ?jsr ingpeemiare Rama? :?w?aintananca 5m thw-a?mas, ?aiims Tak?? The fai?law??ng maintemme? iiems that requesied' Liming afaqu duty ii, 203' 3. n?xai?n?ia?anm imapam?cm Ware; mi ammpietm and mead-ti: ha mmg?e?a? imfare ma next maimtenancza inapemi-an: 'R-amcwimg as?? that buahas and-M1954 wand}: vagai?atiam hemm?ing agtabiished am We: dewmsiraam 3233:3353; SQ??way raggaim whim mdudmi: waiting sane-mtg? aim-mg the. Emmi and waE-i gaini?, await {if me?st??d sia?i icaata?i 839%. the Spi?way waii am? ma drain animus}. and. mating the. transweme cradk in "We :spiizwayswa?r. the spi?way wa?i waewhaie? drza??ng. 4-. Gig-Ming iha gamma-rat Mm PVC drain pigm- 16% a? me Bums? cmtmii ?rmware. The faiE-ewmg itast rev->421 air-e aciian: Ramaya- iha wa'ady vegefaiim wiihin ?wft af- iha autiefs Qu?fal-i! cancrefe- sirucmre, . Fui?'y swig ms? waives mixing the next BSOBmaintan-anm ingges?m? 3-. The Ram mwey be sched?uiad and guer?mmed in 22.015 it appears the mi?way?s; canarate- is axpefiemi?ng suifaie attack in ima?fiona where, it is if"; cmtact wi?ih water {mm the whining hHE-esida. Nit-1:3th the smiiway is fum?enai in terms; (if dam safety and apmarg in avar'an satigfa?fory esrzd?itim. the can-crate S'h?uid be: manimre?d far further d-?tariaraticn and any mam-gar}; reaaim smu?d b3 perfarmad an an asa'naeded basis. {Ian-cimims me the maxim: infarma?an and visual. i?nspec?n-n, the dam,_ reaeweir, and the: appurtenameg are judged safe for m'nt?nued USS, ?amawar?u?s am ?nmmanig Egg}; The- gravai severed cram was. Linimrm; and in safisfaciw madman. The: resemeir?s Water eievatim was i'aw due ta- recent drought m?nd'i?m?; and Ii {mk'tf?ze ma-parmnity-m ins-pea? the upstream grape water?s edge and 23an the mid?mpe. The ri'psrap imam! slam appeamd amiferm, stabia, and; .in' ?atisfaaxtery madman. insgjessfed the ?swna?mam 33-ng Em .arest? right-and ieft gminaz and tha entire: dewmtream met and: it aggaarad unifarm and ?an stabie can-distian. Tm awn-?mm and {fawrzsimam grains am dominate-am ma area app-garad rim-mat and tha abutme?iss sigma. Vagaia?zcm w?tmiwas- mesa? 900d, ggcraf-d?e meciy vegeta?m that beaming aatab?ah?d aimg the dwina?raan?: .s-iape. This vegataf?an was mt rammecf as. mquegted during 1m mamma- ignspeciim. Ma: Rosskamp agrae? tr: ramave \mmiy vegaiatim - gmwin-g thmughaut {ha-dam gii'te, parfimiar?y 0:1;th dewn?i?aam SEQDE. did mt absewa any emcmnirzg mdei?t aatiu?y- mug 22.: dam sitar Sgiitwau The. spiilwasy app-reach, 30mm anti 6fo :wem: 3533.3? mmem?ng ?ebfis. Thai 353- saggyimpacted by ESE-3 Vagigi ?wk?i I Photoa'takan? N0 Date a?hspec?un {3973s??ntA?? ce- fur anerfFaeid Beam-Fife Dart-e of?mpart MMZIEQM 1-2821 (Rev, 19:09) Sheet I m? Name of Dam Hernandez INSPECTION OF gLawtiifl AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIEM STATUS Dam No. 1025?2 Date of Inspection 09/11/2014 Observations and Comments Seepage DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) large concrete structure, and the concrete comprising the spillway appears in overall serviceable condition. There are a few areas of localized deterioration, likely caused by sulfate attack, and the damage may also be exacerbated from seasonal freeze?thaw cycles. The areas of deterioration are occurring primarily at the upper level drain outfalls (Photo 4), wall joints, and the upper edges of a few wall panels. The areas of deterioration appear to be the result of the water coming in contact with the concrete and manifested by loss of cohesion and strength. I observed a slight bulge in the concrete in the construction joint between Panels 4 and 5, of the spillway bridge and near the left wall. The concrete had a drummy sound when tapped with a closed fist. I requested lVIr. Rosskamp to have the condition of the concrete in this area investigated by removing the concrete in the bulged area to sound concrete and appropriately repaired, to which he agreed. The repairs to the spalling areas had not been performed as requested during previous inspections. These repairs include repairing losejoint patching along both spillway walls, spalling along the invert joints, and sealing the transverse crack in the spillway weir. These issues concerning the condition of the concrete appears to be a long-standing issue, and it does not appear to have appreciably changed as compared with previous inspection reports. The concrete comprising the spillway structure needs to be monitored, and any necessary repairs performed on an as-needed basis. Th_ consists of a 48-inch steel pipe encased in reinforced concrete that is controlled by two upstream operated - valves. The water level was just above the intake structures? elevation, and although Mr. Craig was prepared to fully cycle both valves, there was concern that sediment could clog the outlet system because of the recent drought conditions and low water level in the reservoir. We decided that it would be prudent to only ?crack open" both valves in order to demonstrate that the outlet?s hydraulic system was functional. Mr. Craig manually opened each valve from the outlet control structure located on the crest of the dam. It was demonstrated that hydraulic system could attain sufficient pressure to open each gate, and once the valves were opened, there were immediately closed. The valves are reportedly Operated annually to release water into the San Benito River streambed for percolation and ground water recharge. DSOD last witnessed the operation of the valves during the November 4, 2009 maintenance inspection, with no reported problems. I reminded Mr. Rosskamp of policy of requiring the full cycling of each valve on an annual basis, and in our presence every three years. Arrangements need to be made to fully cycle the outlet valves during the next maintenance inspection. Bushes and other woody vegetation have been allowed to become established along the outlet?s outfall structure (Photo 2). Woody vegetation growing within 5~ft of the concrete structure needs to be removed. Due to this season?s drought conditions, the reservoir was very low and conditions had been dry throughout the year. observed no seepage or moist conditions on the slope, groins, or at the toe. The PVC drain pipe located left of the outlet outfall structure was dry. The sediment in the pipe at the outfall was not removed as requested during the previous inspection. The sediment in the pipe needs to be removed. Instrumentation at this dam consists of embankment and spillway monuments that are surveyed Sheet of 6 INSPECTION OFLAM AND RESERVOIR iN CERTIFILO STATUS Name of Dam Hernandez Dam No. 10252 Date of inspection 09/ 1 1/201 4 Observations and Comments every three years. The latest instrumentation report was dated March 18, 2013 and covered the period from January 1962 through October 2012. The latest survey was performed on October 31, 2012, and the next survey needs to be scheduled in 2015. The data from the October 31, 2012 survey appears anomalous, having an upward vertical shift ranging from 0.1 to 0.15 feet. The owner?s consultant, GEI, recommended in their March 15, 2013 report to review this latest survey data following the next survey. hypothesized that the bench mark may have been disturbed, or that some other error occurred during this survey. in letter dated April 12, 2013! DSOD agreed that these issues need to be addressed during the next instrumentation submittal. Prior to the October 31, 2012 survey, the survey data appeared to indicate that most of the post? construction settlement occurred during the first 10 to 15 years after construction of the dam in 1962. Since the survey taken in 1977, the dam has settied at a reiatively constant rate. The available instrumentation data indicates the dam is performing adequately. The existing instrumentation and their monitoring frequency are judged sufficient at this time. Sheet 3 of 6 gm m2? m??am 53?. a mug H53 3.5% $3.0m? ma??Ira/?w? $3.93 1M. . gym. @933 .3. .3, ?Sm Ea mam. . $.33 @335 mam 23% my? @mm?gmmfi 2mg man 75. 3mg 3% ?53033. hwy 4W 2/ Xxx$3.6 mos??m 5an3 a Em. ENE a m. may Eva. $5 @105. Eng .5 $333 Ewao?m?mayaw. .?me mama. 3.5m?. @3me ma I. I In {Ir-av, 16mg" i .x WK . Mame at? Sam E?iamandaz Ma?a 5, Bath up?mam Pimto- 5} An area of mm Expasad stag! rainfara crest {if the dam, vaiing ement 'im-Cated cam: <1 {g i I I gin. ans}. am Ha, 1mm Shaei $st Smm-S- Date cf .Enspamia? 391? "i ?3 #1 ES (If The red arrow paints; EC: "waives ware par?aliy cyctad'fmm the Qu't'iet structure 133mm. an the: Q. . . . . N: STATE UP .-- WMER Emma?N as: SAFETY RESEEWQE-R EN Name UfDIam Hernandez ?33m Mg. 302% Emmy Sari Bug-nim- Typa Earth Tm cafsma'?way 'meaf?a 32:19? chute: Water 54 km mime" crest am fea?i beiwx dam magi. Wagathm: Cmdii?u?s Clam? and warm I {Eitmifa?sMadge.3371K? Mas-a: and {133:5 Ragskamg $3.34 wiih Haas-m3 fa: Hawaiian Mamie-manage imimg'm'm ?h?m?m?m?m arism?am Takm ?3?harfaitmving item-$3 3372 the i333: E??pac?m a?e?i?m: ?ermxze ?paradic wem?y veg-eta?m Scaiterad 235mg fm {??w?sis?eam {am gami?i?g aim'ag ?Em 3mm: 33:1 ma traxsafge sat-Es; in ?re aygz?ii'way: weir. apa?iing with expmed rabar 33mg the Eefr? 3:13} {wax?y Ragnar ji?i?i gmiuhi?g 31mg berth mailiwa walks as. nases-aary. Ciaar Esp-EEin waif ??gmheiw drama fm'm FMS drain; pipe mast-sad 362?? a? {he saith-l? iairua?irei. Th5- mmem a?ampt Ecs- fa?iy @6355: during fhia? insgeatien wag They Ema-stigma ?Eh-a mpmai?mai probiam and make: arra-?ga-mants it} fuiiy cyaie (ha valves in ms? during; We next mpg-mm The maxi manument survey shcuid be pain-med in- We age-a with ?ne. emmgar?s mnsuitam?s ram-mmenda?m Verify the validity the 'iia?a?'t {away data, it) the large? than expecsted ma?a-rad mave'mgrits., We aim concur wiih the verify ?the Marsh mark aievaziia? and mn?rm that is secured in an unyie?jding These sham-d be. addressed in the. next instrumentatim Submittai. Ad?itiwaiiy, the- weeds tg address the {jigsaw-pang? mm the ?maflumem data identifiad in ?ne instrumemta??im Samba 032?? this repart, - {taming-{ms- ma Knawn ??fmrma?an and vi-suai 'i'ns-pamzimn, {ha dam,, and 333 appurtenancea are-judged safe fur matinued use! - Qh?e-wa?ms am ??mmantg ?Tha $93? was Straight in wndi?m. Bath "faces Emmi-66:10 signs of i?aizab?ity m? di-sims-sk Vag-eia?tinm mnfmi 3332133 iherups?sream "face; was Eai-i$faciary, minim! wwdy vergeztatian remaim ta be rte-ma?a Sin-ca ?Eh-s: ias?t inspectibn. Eporadimwe?dy remains agitated aim-mg; the face. Mei. Mia-stars: is- aware- csf' cur'camemg with ma: wet-yaw vegetatim and wilt hams?: the undasirabie vegetatior: and {ten-awed, Na: Eig?i??a?i 'radent? aciiviiy- was; :?wewed, We w?'?way appraach, main c??sute' were cigar {swabs-traded; The Sang-Standing @Fack?ng and spaii?i?g amawex? along 2mm Spinway waits aweam urwhangad w?e'n e-Qmpared WW past inzgpem?im reparts and Additicnaiiy, the meaaured offsets aiming {Wright wail appear Lm?hangac?. My. Mara-.2 rape-{tad m3 aigni?eani mcvammis- aima the {ass-t inspm?an Maintenance- items? ideni??ed En the $3992 ?-nsaec?-Qn Ramp: have-yet it: be ?ddress?d.. Them itams? - inspeci?ec?i by Th?hmanea- .w A Phn?taw?ken? Yac~_ NC: Date of i'ris'pectim W?35f26'13 ?ch31": Uz?e Regs-art mam 3 awn: 1.2m (Rem. may "i of Name of Dam Hernandez INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT ED STATUS Darn No. 1025?2 7/15/2013 Date of Inspection Observations and Comments Seepage DWR t261 (rev. 10f09) include repairing loose joint patching along both spillway walls, spalling observed along the invert joints, and sealing the transverse crack in the spillway weir. Additionally, noted locations along the left spillway wall with exposed rebar need to be repaired. The spillway wall weep?holes also need to be cleared. Mr. lVleraz agreed to make the necessary repairs and apologized for not completing the work since the last inspection. Th_ consists of a 48-inch pipe, equipped with two -upstream -valves. The valves were last operated in presence on 11/4/2009, with no reported problems. Mr. lVleraz was prepared to cycle the valves during this inspection; however, he ran into problems with the operation process. He also believed the hydraulic lines may have been leaking fluid. He will investigate the problem and prepare for the valve operation during the next maintenance inspection. He assured me that both valves are fully cycled at least once annually to meet cycling requirements. No seepage was observed on the face, groins, or toe of the dam. The PVC drain pipe, located left of the outlet outfall structure, was observed to be dry. I requested sediment in the pipe be cleared. Vegetation around the drain pipe was removed as requested in the last inspection. Historically, the drain pipe has been dry. The seepage conditions are considered normal. instrumentation at this dam consists of embankment and spitlway monuments that are surveyed every 3 years. The latest surveillance report was submitted with a cover letter on March 18, 2013. Survey Monuments: There are a total of 22 monuments, 7 along the crest of the dam, 10 located in the left abutment area, and 5 along the base of the spillway. The latest surveys were performed on October 31, 2012; however, this data appears irregular as a systematic shift in vertical data is observed by approximately 0.1 tc_ in an April 12, 2013 letter, DSOD has agreed with GEl?s, the owner?s consultant, recommendation to verify the validity of the latest survey data. We also concurred with the recommendation to verify the benchmark elevation and confirm it is secured in an unyielding location. These issues should be addressed in the next instrumentation submittal. The next monument survey should be scheduled in 2015. Prior to the October 31, 2012 survey, monument data was found to be behaving normally. Since surveys began in 1962, crest monuments have settled between 0.3 an_ with the majority of settlement observed after the first 10 to 15 years of construction. As stated in the report, the average annuai settlement since 1973 i- The maximum cumulative horizontal movement observed since 1962, is_ in the direction at the maximum section of the dam. Monuments in the left abutment area were installed to monitor the designated landslide area, which based on recent surveys have shown little movement in both the horizontai and vertical direction with the exception of monument Monument C-2 has shown the largest movement with cumulative upheaval o_ and horizontal movement 01- downhill. However, since 1982 these measured movements have been relatively constant with the exception of the latest survey. At this time the monument data presents no dam safety concern. The report-states that the October 31, 2012 survey was the first round of surveys performed on the spillway monuments; however, past instrumentation submittals indicate spillway monuments through Z-6 were survey annually from 2002 to 2007. The latest report?s plan view sheet labels spillway monuments F-1, F-2, F-4, and The next instrumentation submittal needs to clear up this discrepancy. DSOD needs to be notified prior to any changes to the instrumentation Sheet 2 cf 7 .Ewszam 4mg ES .H x. . ?w x? ?ak: Em?. ?25 .wEm ?5 Mm mm. ?gammy? mg mam mom 2 magi #53? Ewan? a; {w 3. 3mm .m?m??am w. ?Emu ?gamma? Ema. ?5 ma gam? 3mg Im?g?mm . . . .. 3mg a?mmxm Ma?a?awwunua 2% 0E5. ?ij m? 3&5. n: a?m?mym Mag, 53$ . mama .: i I. m. ?a 62m 893.. 5% am?. Kim 27. I) Em. .35 Emma E. .w .x J. ?hiya! m? w. 3% :??wawcw .3 ?g . . N?u?mw??gm Ema 3 ?th 7m Mama-azi- 9am Emma-"mama ?an-z Mm. Wigs?2 {3f inspestim I 3 Emmpig hf wa?il weapmm?ia b? magma awm 3:26? (rev. #0183) Sheet ?Ni. $33 . ZmEm .9"de . Ema 0&9. em Emmanmaz HQ 3% am,? Egg 333;; .3