.. .313135331331333313 SW SSW: CMTFORTTM MATH-33L ASE-NW WATER RESQURQES . 3321711418103: SF SAFETY OF TNSPECTTON OF DAM AND RESERVGIR TN STATUS. Name 11133511 Guadaiupe . 5- County $3313 053:3 12:11.13 31:13:: E3141: . .. 53195. :11 313111113: 1312111131313 81:53 (33311113! 513131.15. 2 1331:. 12101011: . 313313113 612 {13:51. 1&3: 31:53:: 123.331.1101: 1321011311311: 5652;133:185. Weather 0311111110113 SKIES {38121332 (301113550118 Reassn [1113;533:1311 Annuai Maintenance Inspectaon .Impartant 01153113510113: 01? 33:10:13 "17:31:31: [.313 3131133 5.15 31.131333: 3-3133 833131111332? 31 1, 213-12., T113 3.3m is- 113.1 33531111333351 3331313 315351113 1133351331'1' has 3. garage}. r3313i311311_ This :3'3135753?11911, remain 111 1113335 3:11:21 1113 3313:3113: 3311331113133. 1113 1333151351., The 13:13:11111113 maintenance 11301.3 110113331331. 3:511:13 preview-11131333113113 11351313331: 31533331313:.33dr33303; 1. The: 31:33:01.1. 11:13:511313-13331133 To 1.153131511301313: 3333331033. 133313-15 1111-31-3 15011111131133.1115 3.10113, 2 .113 1131333 11133311111311 10:33:31: on The: 11.111311311333111 31:31:13- 3113 The: 33113 119.111. 511313333111 3511111111133 1311131133. dawnsirearr- 1.1.3133: were 11:11:: 33131331.. 11131313113300 T131113. 1331151173 31131111011 1., 31110511101" 11,13 damaged 3011313113 23310313 1113111513 The upstream 330133 and 1139311: 3211313 damage- 3530110113 3333 231,1 1111111335313 013111 33131:: 0311153111 1.3333310": rapaws 1111.11. 1:13 311511333303 3:111:13 1103' 331311113 {3111331311311 3T1Ih-e'. 0.3.115 I 1115535315515513353 1:513:31: 311-1113535155 :55 111333. 10132015131313 .3113 13:31:13.3- 33- 3331113315113 1113111133331: 33.253511113111311 1.3315115211111313 1.1-1 1.113- 5113511533113: 31":33- 33111..- 3313113315011 11130! 051 June 11*: 21511 311.3 approved 1:351 June 2:35.15 have been (5011110131311 The work 30153131315 :31 3 93013911111633 11133311931101: T05 3111. updated 3053mm stab?uy 3113131313 3f The. 33:11 00111513310113 F1301 1113 1151011111 :nfarma?an I333 11:31.13} 11133313111511 1113 113111 5333111311 3111:1311 appurtenances 3113-1533331 33T3 03331113110113 311:1 0311151131113 Dam? The 3:131:31 0:333:33 1301153111311 The 151331133111 001101313 133131331 111,31: 3111:: 001101313 33.11313 1113:. 15113 T113. upstream 31,3133 remam 1151101531131 3.11:1 1'11 33111113331530 0031;151:011 3113 11131.11: 33111.3 3311313 3511111011 3131131101: 01173313 spaihng, (1311010 P1351033 311311131313 p:3T:3h 12,513 damaged sectsans T131113 1333,11 successfui 111 3:11:13 locatwns 311:3 1.101 351033331151 :11 011-131? 1033110113 The came-51100113131011 3T the: 2 331101313 panels 3:133. 3111:1331 113 1513.33 311 111131331313 3.31:5 33131:: 0011553111 3113:1113, r3333 10' 31.3 0011353313 131,311,313 11:11.1 be, 311131733333 1131111ng 33111.3 1113331112113 3313111113 remedsa?m pr0j33tS T1135 3,13%? - 11.131133113151111 :8111133131' ET ?55 P501113 13.113521? T323 XI 9N3 D313 31'1?1185533113n 1215932515 9113?? 31-51111 D313 313311113? 3.351.511? 1351117151231 11531.. 150.595 311331 :51 ur' DAM TAT-NEB- RESERVQIR TN .530 STATUS- Tiame bias-3m, Guadalupe- . T33333- g?ateaf 935933933333 .. IGb?ewations and Camments {Tex-3.: $39313 _2 of? $03353 appeared umform stabie and qatmfactary The emswn aT?3ng The . steep and temparary 3333:3353 maid ?has. been repaired as? requested - 3331443418-previausjinwec?en3 Thisxaacess 43:33 343%; T33 33:33:33. 33:34 ita=sTaTus:- 34%. T33- excellent The Targe ?ak Trees had been aTang The gram whach :facrhtated The 3333338633333 N33 cancemmg rodent actwity was. abserved approach, 330335.01 were Tree 333?? The 33333333333 mama? was ?Taken?! 4334 The 334443919 The side: (Th-33333331.. aha-33334? waTis, 33314: invert" - 33333333333333.3334; T3133: .TnssemTceabTe 333-3333533333. N33 canwminggi?a?ab?ity Tar- diistress-wass-mbsamed any seepage Issues. 303333939 34333329393333 vibrating wire pie-27333393383 seven away manuments, TncTincmeT-ers. and: 331 seTs'mograp-h. The T333535 Tn-sTm?m 333353333. 33333 timed 2.915 and 3333333333! The 33333313333 3333.333 January. 2-09? Thraugh [163333335333 EM 4 Di-Seaom'Tignu-Tng ramming. 033333: zindinmmetm was zammved? in 33333? (33333313333333:- 2.3 253333; The? new ere-parting requirement: cities 3333.1: a??ctf The? Di?it?i?f'S? :Tm?mat' review 33333333333; They 33:31.3: 33.133335333333133 pin-T and 333333333339 suweTT-(ance data. Pig-3:3 333333.33; {if the wira piemmeTQ-TTST piezqmetfers are. 5133333433433: The: are Thea-T333:- Tn The (ti-3333333433333- shat], T333 3392333333333 .3333.- T'oca'tad; 3'33 The fmundatfien Eta-drank, 3314' six piezometers are: {mafia-d in 33333333333333.3333: aTTwiume?uvT-umT - FEW-meters 23 10. 113.3de 1.4 are dam and. The District-- T33 address- the Status; masses 33333333333333. and. 33339353: an: engineering:jasfi?ca?cin as T3 why Thair? Teparfing is: net. l-required in. The. moniTangi dam-3,; 3 and VWP3946 msfatied intro Tnunciai?mn aTTuvrumicelTuwum pTezameters 33nd Premmeters 255-3313;! 23,. 9333:3333. Ten-T2133.- inundaticm 3333333335,. arasti'gh?y Trends are indicated by data Monument Survey There: are seven manum?ems [mated air: The crest. articu- They- were in 19.99 Year tn yea-3r. mavements have been negligible- (.531 fesei fer verticai dispiacem'ent and; 20,0 l2?ft' Tar honmnTaT ATE 3.3353an. monuments 3339.- shawmg a grating-3T 3'3de constant settling T33. II Gigi-M RESERVQM R51 CERT STATUS. Name ?pf-238m: Guadalupe: Dam: N8, 7235. ?at-e a? 1885;842:888 1213?f2815 "Qib?em?fqns and Gummem . . . . . . . . . and. .8 gran-235881. and. nt- rupstream namement .tgren;dz.. Sing-a. the baseiine: survey 1988; the maximum Se?iamer?' has: {3668?th at. M'cnument. N83, and: the maximum upstr?am . 89822883?- mammzer?t. 8-838: 808.8888. at Mammary? 8 Maxi-1.881.888 Mes, 7 andz8are {mated inwards-the {amide 8f the 88m.- The 813888889. ef'these mwemenis ifs 89868888; and ms concerning cmditionis. or behavim are: indicated. by the survey data. Th8 available ifs- permrmiing 588588-8088; The. $88828 insetmme?fa?mn; net-8mm is satism?iery, and m- additianai? instrumenfa?qn is deemed. necessary at, this; time; 9888,1281; (ram, 1598209): Snag-e: 3 (3f .4 ?5&0sz E. pan, 33%. .szm mm? . . was. .wwjm ?mmab?nmww?wou .. amamxmamm . .. . . . .rum/t m/ q- 2,73.yva?/?aw/?g u. .y/?mzm? .. . .L 3305 in. anmm?mam? @mean gamma: 0% mm nmmw?mgw??a? mmomom mam Emma. aw. mam mma. a. wanna. M. oxasm?mm?a?m wammnf Hm .. amen? Emwog??m :mm 333:3: 33:3:3333983233 NRTURAL RESOLPCESASENCY $55 3- .: M3 QT: {3333:9433 RESEREGIR EN STETUS- Mama 93.33333: {33333339333 . Ram {xi:3. 5 Emmy 3313336333: T5233: amen: Ear-{?Type: Sammie Side. Pm: Weirand Chute Wate: is; 33-7 3? 3:55:33 5281:3813 3:333:33}; 33:13:? 1 ram} . 8? 4 3:329: ?dam crest 33:33:33: Cond?mn: CASS-T 332:3. :3 bud}: 6:333:33: Mada Nine: Marni! Mike. M63336. and 0:33:33 w?h- :33: 3:13:39: Wanna: Mamtemance inspautzm . .. 333333933333: Qbservatmm. Recammendahans 33:33:39.3: Takes?: ThaI reserve: 3832:1333 pending 53.23.3333: 3333333232333: :33 The. feimwi?g. mamtename item-:3 idi?n?fied: during 3333::- need be. by :33: owner: R6933: 3:33:33?: 331$: 3135:: 333:3 31333:; The temparary 3:343:33: 3:33:13. :33: the-d?wmmeam faaie'. mad? is: .remam in Mage- until 3.33.: extent ?331? the: 33:33:30 feat-3:333 3:3: determmec: 2.. Rename spamdm 33:3de vagetatmr: 33:33.33 The: face" 3:333 33:33:33}: vageta?m from fir-3'3 upper right $3323.33: grain. . 3:13:33: 230-:- and regairdamage? mama: 3:23-23:33: am: the upstream T234333, w?ic}: 3:33- 3:33:33:- 233:3 3:33:33. 3033:3333: 3.33.333: the 3333:3333: 33:34:33 identi?ed 33: this 3:353:32. 30:33 33:33:: :mmadxate dam. 5.33333 camera Repaws the damaged 3303:3333: wi-ii' repertediy be 3653133333383 when The. 56:33:33: "study is. campieta - 3:333:333333n33 33:33:: 3:3 3:3 made-3:3- 3:33}: we}: the-0:13:33: 33:33 gates and 3:33:13: during The: next T1333 $333333: ?33. 33:35:33 With 353.05} cm. ravisi?g and imprwi-ng. their: instrumentaiigm {3:23:33 far-matting. The new: Subm?iai Ta'rge?ng :3 January 3291.5. Submitiai date. The. 33:34:: 1:333:33: needs- .ta 33:33:: 333:3.- 3:33:33 :31" 333329333333: WP: 21. 33}, 3233i.- 33- 333:3 34'. 3:333:33: 33333?3333333333 33:32:33.:36333.? 523- ::nqmeenng T3333: war}: canals?m? :33 a geatechnmal investagatian 33nd; instrumentamn mata?atlans 3:32- an. updated 33:33:30 graham}: 3:331:13: 3:313:33: diam Ganacfusians Frat-:3 3333:3333 333:: 3:33:33 The {33:33. 3:333:33; and-3.1.: :mzrtenances are 3:349:33- mh?-nued 3333': 333-3233: 3333332333333 Sending 3:323:33: :3m3?ia?an; 3:33: the dam. I?hsewatimaan? 28:33:23,333: BETH-TS No signs 1:31" 3:3: :nstab??y were absewed Emsmn .ai'ong 3133:: tempomry access. 3:33:33 :33: the? dewmsweam 33.33:: 333::- :33 3:33:33 :33 3:33:33: The 33:33:03: was: sawed 3.33,: recent rain: T33: 333.33: ws? 3:333:33: 3:33:33 3333:; the 33:33.23: :33? The: 53:53:35: 53:33:33 :31 Set?rmmed The; 8033:3933 33 r333- 33-. 3.312333" Vagia: i Q: Tasmcie?d'by. I T. 3:333:33: pew-II i335? 53'? Yes ii N. C: Saieamf'insgeatim 125412074 .. 5:331:43??- .0333: I anerlaaok 8123314 $2.3 :3 3:351 33:33:: :23: :33: :3333: j" - o: I JAMANH RESERVOR 1N GERT 133 STATUS . . . . .. . . . _;131-6mNo: "1?25 Date-10311151366666. . . TQMFEQTES. 01366336316136 and Comments . equspped with". an" upstream .3666 66666r6- 1313611611666 3mm 1116666316116 Several 6663113136 63? 661361616 6316636 666111139, expased 161363. 613261- 66363163631611. <33 616131666 661163636 66361366" 113131311616636'1?116 embankment 616363161 33616. T116 (3633311116116 <11<3 336-66, 6n 1133133661616 ?16333 5.816.113 3 66136663 6'6 3116 66616966. 663163636 V1133 6136631366 61216316 3136 166131-6366 r666W61< 161361 W6 6636-66 - 3-6 (1.6165: 6611131636 36661116 156 3136" 11661166313 3666361 66611666 6136116 3136 1663116166 16661 6631163163 31.16" 2 361613316 36131661631611 study-16' 6611361616 331116.13 3913333333211}? 6661131166 3661666111663 6311136 6163-1716666 {3313313.(391161633 3666116 6611636- 3116' 163161: 6.6661 16'. 3:16 66616163661. 66 1366666635: . "3316663631611 1363133331 66663161611 66316366361731". W6 613612 3666663 1316633131 3666363166. 6616663661 61.62136 3-116 14131.33!? right 6663166133. 636113 13.6 36.636366, 66 1.61613 66113631313361 5 6-1666: 11316 d633<16<<66113 16:11 663111. Grasses 310119 1116- 6613316116636 1666 36.366113 6666116311133 11619131 .66 1661366166 N6r61gn<3166<33 16616113 6631131331 6626613666166 i T1116. 6131113663 666166611 61166636161661' W6. 3661666 3136.613131way 33136131161 336133 6336116- 313,6 rig-313:3 6136131161 W611 616136; 3116361366 11336 T336 66151 way- 3366 11.6.1. 613363613 6111:1116 11116 1n6<166116<3 6136 663331? 6613663136. V1613316 66663616661366.1166 3:6 33.61.31 6611616616351 6613636613. With no 616111.17 66111 6.1666319 63- 666111119 61366-33661 . ?1136 {31633163. 6661:1636 66133131136 .36 keep 313.6- 6166-6136366 (33.881,- 1'6113636 636333.613gjing 66g63631613 3mm . 6136316 33.1.6" 63111136613- 3661.16, 61.16 "133616-3616 11.11.66: 2111 31333" 33631166336663 6116131361, T1236 113113616 611316." 6636 61.361. 3331118 132111 13666 16. 336 361131 63361661 1.13 .6131" 616661366 66an 3316. 1:16:36 16666631633 1W6 3611311131661 3116' 2 13166161636 61.616166131133316 6666 11:3 136 1.311113" 6361.613- 661366113 61.1636 661' 611666.666" 633613313166 38616.- . R616. .3116 61,63" 61163 3'6 3111.6 111666631613 63661631661 66 66661636 6666663136133 <33 6666696 66116131121316 T316- 1136.311. 661161661661 136613.61 6611616613116 3316 163.6 166613611 1.63161 16666636133631666?6 31116. 66-1-33 6613616326- 63:21.77 313661166 wire: 6166611361636, 1? 61.6363- 63613136363316, and '12 11313111103663.1636. 11.6-- 111.661 6133313313361 31166 31761366313166 13311.11 613' 6131663136 16336.3 661631 36331331313361? 3' 213113: 611313366 3631136331633 113 613-: 16-61 111666631611 <6<3<3<3 The 6616 1116166166 1116 . dam is performmg 66316166166131, 61313 13666611161361 1661mm66163<<3<3 16. 136661661 necessary 6111116 31.1136; 116166.363 39162613161636 WVP- 2: 9 10.131131213313193 6.13.1;1- :16 636 1163 36136316111119 616336316 6136133611119 :36: 36136111333666 616361116366 T136 61631.36 6'3 311666. 3815313113 136666316 336 661133666631. 1.13 1136. 11636 1661-366366363166 63113171313161. 1 T116 13161-31615 3613163131139 361313 1133'301116636616166 6.1361631313611169 113.613 111361<<1m<31136316<3 r6_p<3<3 31311336131139. T136- 6633 661311311161. 16 3636631336 6 36336613 26:16. 613166313161. 66.1.6. 616611 2 6r . 5: ii 3. .33me $93. 5% .3.?meme . .. . .. .. "u . Ir. . .3333?. . mam mo. Em?wmg . 1/ . ?11. . anaws Magma Jaime masmm?mam 93% mama. magma? Ewe mam?g .za?umnmz Lu 3AM RESERVWR EN . . if} Name-cm: Dam. G'Qa?ialuipe 293mm. "72.45 Date .33? insae?ia? 1214f2951t? - 4-.- Spamngya ?rms-G .538: - DWI-321.253- (re-u. 36:99; Shae-.1" 4 .9 FM Name-emamGQadalu?a . .. . . Beta-6f inspea?mf 542 \3 ix 6 waxkx 5 -. "x ?fvh ix kw s, 6 Example af'deie?oranm 6f- pre?vmus-cwcret pat.- hes alnng . 93%. e. ace-with an Fife-sad heme mew-n kmem matersas BWRE 13261 1:619:93): Sheet A A?s DEPARTMENT AA WATER steu AAEA 8.- DIVISICIN AA SAFETY AA DAMS Name. 0am GuadaTuAe 72?6- Santa {11:31.73 Type- AT Dian-1 Earth I I I I ConcreTASIde PAW W?i?'a?d Chute WATAHAI II I58: 5 I I ITAAT I I 685' I ITAAT I dam FII. Reason TAT- Inspaum Annuaf Mamienance Inspectmn Impartant Gbservatmns Recommendations Ar; Taken TIA Aswan TS renTAdiiatiA-In AT- The dam Aer 8881.138; an SAATem-Aejr TIT, 28-12. This TASWSS AA the The: Open. A'Tterati-An TWA can Gdober'fzz $3009 An ?FAAmary 8 201(3); WAAIT of'geAtechAICAI Tnveatiga?an AT-the dam Fear Vibrating Wife were Into dam The temporary access WTIT AemAthII TA mm The A The seismic- Is Aeiefminedg The WTIT- AA DUQEJ The Adm?infisTrative Aireimems are AT The SATIIWAA Shanna was in The AT. AATAA TAAT year?s;- Tap Afthe. AAITIIWAAWAIIA TA AA rezmo?AAd. The - AITAA gate AA TA 880288 presence during The Pnezameters WITP 92 I18 133ml. .14 The Ts; ATTemmeg TA ?use AT .rAATrIc?tAd TAVAI seismic of The AHA IQ-Qmm??i? . .. Observed Thf? Afackmg, and panel movement appeared unchanged frAm what been Absewed in previews Inspectlans The vegetarian qumg between panels An The upstream IA: rammed annua?v by the. central was AATIATACTAW, and mdent WAS minimai AW 3-. W. VAATAT It A A. Reundtrea Yes A Na A 1111912913 883?!? AA TAT I DwnerfSAAk 12f? 15281.4 TETWRE A253: TREAT min-93' . 6; INSPECTIG ail-AM RESERVOIR EN STATUS GUST-13313333 {3am Date: '331-3'39129-13? .. Gibsewaptiem and. C?amme'nzts S: . BTW-ET. .: 2123.2 60171363535??an and Channelhwere: wear and Commie surfaces remain satisfa?my Tammie reiTTafEE werk dens ?in am: SpTEEway weep are: cieaned annualty by Ehe? and were. ciear dunng the TnspecETGn The crack hated The mtdsecETcn 9f cancraEe cha?nel East year maintenance was. in The. process bemg seaied as requested vegeEaETCTn overhanging The. operat'csr did The - gate Ehis? dam beaause of consEramEsT The _sEE'd?e? 9838 33.523 ETT- TE waited in presence "mi-:21: maintenan me ?iinsupTasEEG-zm face grams dam These seepage conSTcEered nerma! EnsErumenEatTen Tier This; dam magi-3T9 0E 2:7? 'Tzibirat'ii?g wire. suwey and? E32. The; mas-E was Transm'i?ad MEET an. Tamar?s- dated 33. 29.13,an camps data Jug; .2213,? My review data. is. as .PEemmeE-etg THESE-3178.527 WEE: Eha dawh?raam em bankmant the upstream embankment and Tau-Marian Embankment: pi??zameters 13:, and 24' have met produced. viabia Tia-Ea. {Time 2am and faundatwn piezameters 9 3T3 any: h'a'vfe- 33.03 preduced mabie :5an 2012 The owner is E0 repaTr Ehes'e. TaTezemeEerb to: Emiiaw trends rm. mucus! Faundatmn piezometers 35. WA SEEQETEE The. elevatmn 33.? other mezemeters Tittle no. {esp-anse ET: Ease-waif eievaETa-n, ?The-dam TendicaiEras a maximum ETii?ETmTT-Tetriic' excursmn ETTE-TT The which is; WETET The ?are-e- ?Tied Ea. The Survey Monuments The. survey monuments are suwayeci annuaiiy far verETcaE and transverse dispiacement Mameum vemca! and transveESe depEacemenEs Exam 2E312 E0 Juiy 2313. we're Tess; Mammum vertTCaT dTSpEacement since. E1925: wag a sewement QWEE momment 3-. Maximum Eramsverse aisplacement Emma 3995 was? dawns: The dam has upstream and data. Time 22010- 5.23% 0r no. 233255.238?? Er} dimming:- Cum readings- remain Tess: =Eha_ SET 3 I'eTEer dated: Qafeber 23. 231-3; :aQTeeT?i TC: d?Escentinua The Tape?ding: Ending-319mm ate. En. report's, @3322 3332- cantii'r-Tue ETT. and review This data in house if any ca?mming TEE-ands ELEE- anamaaigusz'beihawiar Es dategted 3:26.sz {Ten-r Shaet' 2 6 DAM: RESERVGIRZ [Ni STATUS Name {imam Guadalupe- ?aw-Ne, T2353 Eats: 31?. {3131339333 15193919013 Observations and Camments - i5- daemed necessary at this trme .3333: 1:25:31 Ere-v: 13.309)- 51:71er .3 mg ?gm m. @sz mam mummy. 23$.meme magma? {53, W3. gym. 9me a??mnm?g. . . . ?gm?gwm . . .. I .6. Km. .x .x/x xv 1/ . gV/anwu x. WW . .3. .. u. mam?m? mwm?. Zm?m. ow mums. . .m?g ?lm. .2. am: md?cw .33. as, wmtm. 3,23 $2 an? 1.33.3. 0me a . . gimm?m?ww A. SEE 8.3% an. a .. on?m? .nmmnam mama. m. s. .3 ?0330. ?00005 mm @030 203093003 .. .. . .. .. 1-00.320 MAME. Dam swAymAwm?mom .. .. 2 g. a (1 .r {3:5 . a 1. {kl/iv445' $1 4 .f?g z: #124.1.. .I . .195- .45 f. g) o? "f Dram. AME A?c. 55$ STATE :55 55555555 $55 55? 55- 55455555 NATURAL 555555555 APENCY 55.5% A DEPARTMENT 55 WATER 555555555 55555 5.255155. 5-5: SAFETYOF DAMS 03F 135M. 55555551515 G-ERTIFTEEB STATUS: Name Beam Guadalupe -. . Dam N551. 72-5 . _C'ounty Santa ma?a. Type. 5.55.5 Earth . .. 55555-55555 @555515555Tour-weir'5nd 5M5 T5 52. '9 T55: 551.1555- 555 55.5. 552.49 {551' 55.55- 555555. 555555 Made. R55 Jacobs Stephen-Wu sz Nelson 55-5. Brett laker 55555555555551Annual. {811515555555 555551255 imp-555 m: 9555.2555555, Rem-515155555555 5r Anti-555 Taken: The is: 'T55Tri?5551_' 55:55:59 The 55.555155 51T- The; 55?5555 55-555 5T55Tii?liy 5T55y'__ 5:51?- 155555 {35555 20.58:. i requested Th5 crack 573 The 5555555555 5T Th5 weir 55: 5551555. .555 T55555T5cf 555555555 55-55571; 19555 5.1T T55. spsiiway 555155: T5115wi55 The-55m5155555f 555555 The. 5515 55555 To 55 55515515. 5.- 5555555. 55555 T552 555?: 5.5.555: 5155.555555- 25555555. ?aming-55.5- ;Tmm. 515 known in?rm-5555 5.55 5-555: fin-5555555155. dam, and 55. 555555555555 555355555 555-: Tor-555555.55. 5.55 5T the T555555. T555555 1:555: 5515-55 5555.53; SEEMS-555 DSOD- .5- 555555 555-515 555555, The 55315555 of? Th5 55553.55 555ng ?tabi?'ty 551555.. 5555555555. 555 555315352555 .Lwams. 05555 55h T555 5? The dam ?The 555T 5155 5555M 155513555 1.5 5555 55555155 T5555 :55: signs 5T T?Stabihfy :5 5155555 55555 Th5 d5wn5Tr55m ?5.55. 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