52222-222272: {32: CA2. cemeew? sabecn: {2.2mm Ail-F WATER Rf; ES GF OF RAMS .ENSPECTEQR BARE AME RESERVQE-R AN. STATUS Meme Fierebbe Lake 23am Dam 2222:. 2282243282 some 23222222232222 Tyee of $2222.22: f?v?fui?g?e Are}: T232923. bf'Spiwaey $322265 Weir? I .. I I Weter'igs 15.3 fee? Aeiew 529232222232 meet-end I I 228:3 feet 5'9wa 22232:: Wee?hu Lenti?ceme ?123222222222 32222: {222 (322222222022: 2222:2222: 8322mm befev: Bet: B?bwrz e226} A: $222223 ease! 222233222: Sebiher-r: (RC-E) Reaaen {er tnspeeiibn Peribc?e Memteneme Weber: 223.222 Emee?ebt e22 Taken {2222' 22222 222222222 {Aegeei {2.2922222 . 2.: 222: 22222222222222: e222,: be {3.22:222e2e2ee {2:2 {Re 22222;: 23:2?2 2822?. Renews-?bee $222222: {he {been 2:2:222222:e:2b22 e222: i22epec{22222:, {222.22 {2122222222, endme 22.2222: eefie {2:222 bee :22e212i22bt32e33e22222 . 222.: R222: eLmei {system {22.22222 {32222222222222.2223 .Qem Lake Elem {29252222 {SR-erehee. Arch: 22 22:2 {aceted {Ri?e left ebu22ne222 Abe'Arbh .58 2:22. meted 22-22 222232 2222222222 ebetment The. dam E-Eeeg 222222: the meet . dbu?e'iee are walkway 2"{32 :3 Ipbee'e The dam: Greet wee ibe'psebted end wee Teena: to be Ievei. {me {.22 ee?efebieq: {sandman The: 222222. 2:22:22: ee?ibb ef the upstream be?iee {22' the den: fene- Wee e222: Rees ebewed. masked 2:22:22 Spa?ed ehbterete {:22 the face bf the eem. 8825. 22: 2.2: 2.22222: {.222r 22: {32:22:32 ?ne-2 {3.22 the ebeireem 2222222322232. arches ?22 I {breeze}: 222:: 2:22.: 22.82: {2'2 {22:22:22 eep2'ieetizbn, Red. {2222 A2222: 2.2222122 end {2222 2322132218, 22:22.4. . The ?ewi 22222222 222222222}: is 'tb. be bemeieted by the e222: 2222 2822 The deems-{mam 2:22:22:- efihe arches appearej {e be '22: setiefaefbry sendi?bn with 222.22- exbeb?er: ef- e22 Ie222<22?22222g epeii {:22 {he dbwnefreem bf Arch I522. Thjie {Is damage {2232223222122 22.: be ebee?ed. The 22:22::3 {evei bee: the 2A: veers: A2222 the pert: 23:22:): 23.2'2e2'2 en the {:eetreem ei?cie 22222::- heieec? reduce the three-g}: the $222222. Evidenee 0f {meter seeping vie eeie?ze 3.2: '22: {2222:2232 2222:2222;- hbwever. {:22 2:222:22 2:222:22 erbhee were 2322:: c2222.: {be {Ase-2:22:32 {22:22:23 drew: dawn. The centers: be2wee22 the ere-hes- 22222.2 the-fbuede?bn agape-e2" 22:: be .222 eefisfeetb-{y {22:2222'22'2en. The 25:22 22.222233 22gb: appear 22:: 22232212: 22222:? 2222222222 222:2 ei'gbe {32" {estabi?en N23 evidence {12? {2222222222 activity was present durieg: like Vegetation centrbi being meme-222.222: 5Q Ii2iie2ey I The 22:32 12:22:13: .222: Fiereebe Dem 222 3 2222mm 2:32-25: getee' Weir {mete-2:2 between Amhee 38 end'i? The age: ?21::er 22.222: 2222212 {2222:2222 {22222222 {222222 12:2:- were 222- {be {5:222:22 pee??bb {22222.2 {222 {he 222222 52:22:22: 2e22e?. The 2223;220:2322, {2.2222222 gatee, censrete {22222222. and eeljwey e222: wee: deer bf any (Selene. 2223;223:4232! 22s. A- {1222:2222 22? I P'f?e?eemkeb? Yes: Nb I Detebf inspection 52.323.272.01? . cafe: I .- Date efRepm ewe {tee-1 22:22:. 22212222: She-{2% {3f INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOER IN TIED STATUS Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Darn No. 104-09 Date of inspection 5/23/2017 Observations and Comments Outlet Seegage Florence Lake Dam outlet consists of two gates which are located in - Looking the left is cracked open proving a fish release to the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. The is frozen in the closed position. The was not cycled during this inspection as it was fully cycled during the May 10, 2016 inspection. The - valve at the end of the outlet pipe that supplies the minimum release was also not cycled for the same reasons. SCE is planning the replacement of the vaives along with the completion of Phase 1 of the geomembrane instaliation by the end of 2017. Water is conveyed to Huntington Lake for power generation through the 13.5?mile Ward Tunnel which could be used to drawdown the reservoir in an emergency. A few arches had standing water where drainage was not provided. All of the floWs from the seepage weirs and seepage measuring points were normal and no unusual or elevated flows were observed. Measurements taken during the inspection were as follows: Leakage Inspection Readings Peak 2016 Threshold Level Area (gpm) Readings (gpm) (gpm) Frog Pond Wet 58-7 50 Ridge Dry 94-2 100 River Wet 16-5 15 Arch 47 A Wet 11.5 11 Arch 49 A 1.5 8.6 10 Arch 50 8.2 26.9 5 Arch 53 Needs to be recalibrated 25-5 20 Arch 53 9.8 15-4 13 - Arch 55 8.23 15.4 28 Arch 56 13.4 31-6 26 The instrumentation for this dam consists of 11 seepage weirs. Three are located in three areas of the dam designated at the ?Frog Pond", the ?Ridge", and the "River Section", and eight 90? V?notch weirs were installed in 2008 and are located in or near Arches 47, 49, 50, 53, 55, and 56. The iatest instrumentation submittal was dated May, 2017 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2016 calendar year. Several seepage weirs exceeded the threshold levels during the 2016 year. Arch 50 exceeded threshold levels due to an instrument malfunction and has since been repaired. The other weirs that exceeded their threshold levels can be attributed to the readings taken earlier in the year when the reservoir was at its highest level and was kept essentially full for approximately two months. This most likely resulted in higher seepage rates instead of the reservoir being full for only a short time of a few weeks. Weir 49 was reactivated in 2013 but due to the drought conditions, the Ridge area threshold Sheet 2 of 5 ELMM Mama mung-mange. . . . HQ. 04479 mat-ea m" imp-section $213201?? a-gicurremiy was. mt :cons-ide'r addii-?ana? i'aakaga i?t?hig Weir Whid?h mntribated i=0 a?Imasi ha?" of tha iota-i :aeapage far the": Rama area Thm?mfx? vaiu? wi?? asses adjuated after a {gm-r years 1:030:13th ihe a?d?it?fanaj kmkage 433E The data prmzidesci' ind-maxim {113% the; dam is: in: a Swish-Star}; manner. Ni? :insii'umas??iatiun jiudga?g? mixes-sai?yi 233: this. time. 311.52. anti. the: mani?wing freeman-c136 apgzxear is: be sufi'i?iem this; time. BWR 12:34. (rev. @9399} Shee?i 3 Ca? Elm 2.1.1; 1 $9.2 .93 2% age. #53" 42Kym? ma ENNWNE .E 3.?me waswmw .02.?gingham m?h?kw aw?? 7mm mm?u??wwmm mz?m ma?a NEW i OF -- CA3. TRAL REE-01.333995 . 0F WAT ES 33313-830333 333: SAFETY OF DAMS BNSIEEQTEQN 53F 3333333333 RESET-3333313333 3933 3333-3 333m {:3-333:3 N323. 7333323 333:}- ,{33333333 33333333 73333 33333333 33333333533313.3333: Type 033333333333 ?33333 Wei: 5333333333 . 33.33 3333. 33335333 _33333333333'3333335 "33.3 1-3333- 33-3333- 55333-33333 Weather 53333330333 53.333333! 3-33.33 3233333233 33333 3333333333 183333333, .3333 33133333333 33.3333 E33333 333:3 E333 33333.33 333333. 8333333333 {33333333333 E33333 (SEE) 33333333 33:33- 33333333333 P33633333 3333333333333 3333333333 33333333333333 {33333333333333 333333333333333333333 3'3" 33333333 3333133 3333-33333: 333.3 3-3333 33' 3.3.33 3333333333333 33? A333 :54 33333 333333-33. 323.5033 33 33333333 333333 3333-. 3333 33333333333 33333-333333; 33333 33333333333331 3333333 .3333" 3'33 3.3.333 333333333333. W333: 333. 3333 333333" 33333331 (333-3333 3.3733333} . 33 33- 333333333333 333323 333333 3-3 .33 3333333333335 3331333333. 3.33:3. 33333333333333. 33333-3 333.3333333'333 . . . . . . F3333 33313333333333 3333333333333: 313333333333 33333333333, :33 33333, 3333333333,. 33233313333 33333333333333.3333 33 33.333333 33333 333' 33333333333333 33-33 33333133333 3333-3333 33 3-333. 33333.33 3333333.. 33333333353333 33.333 533333333333 93mm 3533333333 3.3333333333331333 '3 333333333: 33333333333333}: 53333 33333 5.5 333333. A3333 33: 33.33333 3333133333 3333333333333 33333-33333 55 33 3333333 33.3333 right 3333333333; ?3333 5333 3-3333 333:3 33:33 3313333 33.33.333.33 33 3 3333333333 3323' 3233333333333 3333333333. T333 3333.333: 53333 333333 333-333 3333333333 33:3 3333 33.3.3333 ?33- 33. 33.333, 33333333333333 333-333 33 3333333333133333335333333. Th3- 3333333 3333331 333333 3333333333 33333333 33 333 3333-3 3333 3333 3333333333 3333? 333333332333 -333331333333333333333 3'3133 3333333 333333333 3:333- :33 .3333 33? the dam.- .SEC-E 33 3:3 533 33303383 33" 3333-33333; 3: Cars-'33 3333333 3333-33-13 33333333333 333333.33 333333333 '3 ?3 T3333 33 333333 3 332 333.333 33 33333:. The 3333333333333 3333 3333313 333333 23333333333 '33. 33 33: 3333333333333 333303333333 33333} 3:33 3333313333313 33? 33": 3333333333; 3333.3. .333 333.3 3333333333333 (3335333354.. ?333.3: 33.33333. 3-3 3333-33 3.333.333.3333 33' 3333?; 333333335 3333:3333; c.3333 33' 33.33 333333333 3333' 33.333335 33333- 333.333 330233-31 3 3333333 3333 3133333 3333 3'33. mast 33333333 33333333 3'33. 33332333333333 33.333333 33333 3333 3333:3339: 3333' 333333; 33333 333.3. 33.33 333333333 333' 3323 333333 3333 31333. 3333333333 333.33 3303.33 33333333333 3'3 3.33 333333333. ?3333' 333333- 3333333333 3.333! 33333 333.3 3333 33333 333333 3'33. 3333-3333333 {33333.3 333333 333 33-3. 133333333333 3:33:33 333.33 333333 3333333 33333333 33-33 33333333 333333333. 3333 '33 335333333333: 03 33333333333333- 33733 (3333333 32333333333): 33 3:3 333333 33.3.33: 3333333333333 333 33333 3333 333333333 3333333333333 dry 313.3333 33733 3333-3333333 3:333:33 drawn 32333333. The 333333313 3333333333333 3333 333-3-333- 33333 3333 33333333332333.3333 3333:3333 3'3 333- 33 333333333333 333333333331.? T33 3333' 333:5 3333.3 3333333333333 3333333333 333. 3333:333- 333 333-3333 3'33: 333:3 r33 =33- 3333333333333. 3333 33333333333 3333' 33333333533333 3333 333333333333- '313333333333 33333333 313 333333; 3333333 333333333333, 933333333333 {33333 33 3 ?323-33333 3-3333 3333333333331: 3333333323 33333333333333333331353333 3333. 33333333333 3333' 3333- 3333-333 3-3333 3333.33 333333 333 3333 (3333333 333333333 33.33 3:33 .3333 333.33 33333 33333.3 T333 333333.333 (imm- 333313 333333333: 33333 333-3 33333333 353 33.3333 3333-: '33? 33333 33333332. 33333333335 by E. WLITTI 333? P3393106 33.333333? A N0 E3333 0.3. 133333333333 ET I I cc for 0333333 83.33% 3:33.333 :33 3333:3333 53253253 5 33333 3.333 3333.. 32333333 I 33333- '3 of 5 0:3? 3' 33+; - 33.33 3 M330 OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CEKTEFIED STATUS Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Dam No. 104?09 Date of Inspection 5/10/2016 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage Instr. Florence Lake Dam outlet consists of tw gates which are located in - Looking the left valve is cracked open proving a fish release to the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. The valve is frozen in the closed position. The leijllve was fully cycled during this inspection. The --valve was not cycled. The alve at the end of the outlet pipe that supplies the minimum release was also fully cycled without issue. SCE is planning the replacement of the valves along with the completion of Phase 1 of the geomembrane installation by the end of 2017?. Water is conveyed to Huntington Lake for power generation through the 13.5-mile Ward Tunnel which could be used to drawdown the reservoir in an emergency. A few arches had standing water where drainage was not provided. All of the flows from the seepage weirs and seepage measuring points were normal and no unusual or eievated flows were observed. No measurements could be taken during the inspection because all of the leakage monitoring areas had been winterized and could not provide readings. The instrumentation for this dam consist of 11 seepage weirs which are located in three areas of the dam designated at the ?Frog Pond?, the ?Ridge", and the ?River Section?. Seven 90" V?notch weirs were installed in 2008 and are located in or near Arches 47, 49, 50, 53, 55, and 56. The latest instrumentation submittal was received on May 21, 2015 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2014 calendar year. The reservoir was not fully filled in 2014 and so many of the seepage locations showed seepage well below the threshold and action levels. SCE submitted an abbreviated report that contains the long term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. The instrumentation data provided indicates that the dam is performing in a satisfactory manner. No additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. The existing instrumentation and the monitoring frequency appear to be sufficient at this time. Sheet 2 of 6 mm.? mg @sz ?a mw?g?mw gig 233m .r?wm. Qmw? . .3me 20, . 0me 1m. \m . magma. /x.,Wx vax? Em ?muggm? mm Em. 6mg.? mama ?w?mmwom as $933me 31mm. u?m SE ?@919me . a. mm mg Em ?a Egg 53m is? 323% rug 5mg Ea. 20. ?Exam Ema mmguwmmoxaa m: 9N3 u. r: 5.: @303 gorge E.mi.?m. "mm magma mm Nam 33% mum?, 93 33m. 4. am? 1mm, 9% . 9. . .353 A 563%. gag." Em. mam. RES: mm 3.33 ?mm ??aw gawmnm 33.33%. we Em mm? ?Saw Em.? Mama. ESE . mama 2" 3% gm ?2 gamma? m??am Emamo?am? ?amm?mm Bm? . . . mm?zo ?Mum?w?m .. mm?. ?an wawmaamo? mm? A DEG new? ?w . . J. ??dfwv, . am". . . . Vle?u?ru .. .r w?m ?2 35$ $.me . .. a. $35 bag m2. m??a?m 25302qu rmwm, mum,? . . . 9% 2c. 5%wa if; We? aim am ?gammax/x?mmcw ., 433.3% ?Homage?nozgwm Em Eis?a .m?m m? $53 mama m. a, ?33 . . . STEVE .. 335131.03 Ekw E, E3 EMIEIQII 0E 0E 0,333.3 NI: IN SENTI STE I LIE [Dam Lake. Dam Dani: 18443-8 03mg PIE-300 {3:000 . . Type {331228 Wail? . 59.5 IEEI- bah-W 3:315:23}: feet' b?f?w sag-I. Sunny- and F). MP 30 '85er SETEVI I30: Eeasm a: 830' 310:3 II 00 IEO Nam {:34 and II TIIE E000 I23 I30 EI 8300' 030 I00 {3388?s AII 330m ass?f?ied with the: 333032: 00 0:3. and 0r: I, dam i333 3333 000E 0I0EEII NI 3330038043 with IE0 300308800, I30 3 E00 a00r0-300 81:8!2813, II) 03m ?30,500 has been 010EI3II 00f 8.. V108: .00 the ?ner (00:30:? and I0 be: Spar II- :24 . . . and VIELIEI dam, and 83,0 Ere EEIE f0? use; pan-ding repairs I130 33333-03 - .E-EII 93m DEE): I3 0 E8 arches, 380%); I I3 810- 108 AMI). 58 I0 The 03:33 Is 3E0 IE0 crest 8008533 33 II Imam-0800 Th0 dam crest was 300?" was I0 be M308 3853000, and 00n-diti0r3. The: I3 {3 0.00800 830 upgtream 00r8033 Clam, fag-I3 WEE and showed 3:33 EE0II. 00 the I300 . IEO 00m Thar? was magma arches 4184.42, E2848, 488914., 3005 458483 These mack-II are I0 I30 00009 the: 0f IW-he geamemhrane SIZE I3 the 'acmg a {3.333% ?ner :33 I330 upaIrEam T236533 Ihmugh '23 as I338 a @3333 0n, 00 June? 3- 282? 4 and 0n 2:313; 18 2.814 I3 P533301 Excamia?z 01?? 3E 303%.! denMerI-Em A vary Emaii water Is ELI-I 0f IE3 $03800 Ere?33 dawn This i3) 03035307 by damage from IEO spaiIed area I0 33333 3?32?} the NEE-age and 050000; area and 0f the IEO Arc-I3. has: ram-00:3. 0?5 VIE I00 Is In athE 0053 b? The and I0 I3E 3002 I30 . E10 0f 3.033in was during the {328% 01300033 CE f0: Gh?mg?g?ak DEIE Repm 2528'! 5 OWE-1281 {Re-v1. 70169.}- - ?heEI 1 0f - ,7 IL I: DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT (ED STATUS Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Dam No_ 104-09 Date of Inspection 9/16/2015 Observations and Comments Spillway Outlet maintained. The spillway at Florence Dam is a_ long gated weir located between Arches 36 and 37. The spillway has two drum gates which were in the down position due to the low lake level. The approach, drum gates, concrete weir, and spillway exit were clear of any debris. SCE stated that there appears to be seepage coming from the access shaft in the center pier of the spillway that allows access to outlet vaives for the drum gates. No additional or increased seepage has been observed or reported. - Florence Lake Dam outlet consists of two gates which are located in - Looking the let valve is cracked open proving a fish release to the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. Th valve is frozen in the closed position. Neither of the - valves was exercised during this inepection. SCE is planning the repair or replacement of the valves along with Phase 2 of the geomembrane installation in 2016. there is an - pipe that supplies air to the valves to prevent the outlet pipes from collapsing ifthe outlet is opened to the full open position. This -pipe is full of water due to the configuration of the outlet system. According to DSOD files, the outlet controls have not been operated in DSOD presence for at least 10 years. Water is conveyed to Huntington Lake for power generation through the 13.5-mile Ward Tunnel which could be used to drawdown the reservoir in an emergency. Sheet 2 of 7 Name of Darn Florence Lake Dam AND RESERVOIR IN CERT Dam No. 104-09 STATUS Observations and Comments Seepage A few arches had standing water where drainage was not provided. All of he flows from the seepage weirs and seepage measuring points were normal and no unusua. observed. Measurements taken during the inspection were as follows: Leakage Inspection Readings Threshold Level Area (glam) (atom) Frog Pond Dry 50 Ridge Dry 100 River Dry 15 Arch 47 A Dry Not spilling 11 Arch 49 A Dry 10 Arch 49 Dry NA Arch 50 Dry Not spilling 5 Arch 53 Dry? Not spilling 20 Arch 53 Dry Not Spilling 13 Arch 55 Dry 28 Arch 56 Dry 26 Instr The instrumentation for this dam consist of 11 seepage weirs which are located in three areas of DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Date of inspection 9/16/2015 Seepage Measurements: Leakage 2014 Peak Readings Threshold Level Area (3pm) (3pm) Frog Pond 13.2 50 Ridge 5.9 15 Sheet or elevated flows were the dam designated at the ?Frog Pond?, the ?Ridge?, and the ?River Section". Seven 90? V?notch weirs were installed in 2008 and are located in or near Arches 47, 49, 50, 53, 55, and 56. The latest instrumentation submittal was received on May 21, 2015 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2014 calendar year. The reservoir was not fully filled in 2014 and so many of the seepage locations showed seepage weli below the threshold and action levels. SCE submitted an abbreviated report that contains the long term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. Seepage weir Arch 47A was the only weir to exceed the threshold value forthe reporting period. The exceedence was attributed to a thunderstorm event. of 7 EEXN ENE ETEWUE . LENS: I . I . .. {333m Na. 3:33-33. of 333333-3333 331.3 83-33613} NEsawN?-N?g 333333 $333333fm33?333 33333 :3 333-333: 23:? A Arch :#3333?) S3 1333323 2133 33-33333 332.3- Ara-f3 3'3- 3 3-3.3 :33 3-3-3233 33' '3 23-331 :33- an 3-3 The in-s?umeniatian 333333 3333333331ch 333-3333333333 333-3334333333 dam is perfcm??g in a 333-5333333333 manner. 333333333333: i'nstm'menta?m Nju'cige? 3333333333! 332' 33333? time: The Misting. imimmemia?m and {has mania-ring ??3333;me appear it} $633: 3.331434533333332 at this. timeNEE Hhe 333333333333 33nd mmimciim 333133.33y.. NE 3333331; 333 3 3 333333. 3:331: (333.133.3313; 334%? .7: any? aim amm? mam Emm?w Gamma. munmamws?m Umg E3. (m Exam . . rouge3%me wig $353 a aim 35.3 dyeSwamnmou . m3 $3me 3.1% :an ?sm?mw?ma?? .1 f?Jg. mama.? um; a man ?32:31. (rev; 10,299} {sigma-gf'nam Lake Nam repaired w. "7 5w 11 \r if" Phei-e 4 ~=Crask3 In the shatareie i-m?ed 31% {he amm- hen the geam-embrane EN dine-aware A I if? a! Nair} N9. --3ate-a~f 'inwecci?km ?i Sheai- 9;"15327015 of evildesn?? 6N, arches-4146. These' WET-1E be. @201" 5 4.34% 0% Warm D3053 if cimumsfances ej- Bam N3. Date of Emma-than mg 6; WW gmaii amaunt. wait-ar'ihrcugh the cant?nue man'i'to-r'fhe meg Em mange. mm ma RESERWER EN am Wm Lek a thia?? can-giruc?zion faint, iraquasiad ?fea ma?a? i Name Sam ?air}; Wain 5 Am? 5&3. had an. afa- 128?}. (rev, 10:?69} .3 9.9993. 33 39-99- 99933393 .. 3 ?93. . 3393333999 333339 33339933 33 333339 - E33 $889 9193399399333? 3'3 999999933 333333333 3 3 333333.. T939999 933 03- 3393339939?- 33993 . .. 9\ 333333933 399-"- 3939999 39993 3333333993 93? 333-993 9399 39399.93 \9 T839993 39'. 933999 {31333993333933 T33999- D?am T39). 354359 0399.999939- T3933 39? B3999 3899339313- 98333 893319333 $ai8d.W854T3I f} T33T 39.933393339333993 .5935 T33. . b?i?w. . 9:53:99 c9339. 939999999999 339999999393. 89993999 .3993 9389:! F). {3999-9939-9999 99999993. 83393999 83933999, 8923999 {3338.9 9:33.999 383933.393 929993 993399 T839333 3933 83339393 E33399 8333-399 fer T993333TT399 9893897331: 9993929333399 39933933993 39333333993993, 843333999933333'3993 39' 3383993 T399399. T. Th3 T393333 3395393 9933.313 {138853 39333333. 2. 3-3993 T9333 ?99 959933-33 .28.. 399.3 8T T939993 E33399 939999193393. 8.. 93.3 9999333 3333339993929 with 313 9'9-39333 3999939338399, 8.33925; (999 399.3 3339939933. 9999 T, T3 939333 T33- 3339 T933- 3333 933399333933. 9839-3933: 9939339599393- 3993 3 333T with 39939:; 99-33 993.33 99:9 33 399939993933. 3-. ATE 93339: 3333939333 9389 3993- 333938399 .3ppiT33TT399. T333 3-99 81232313813993 393393333 399 8182833, T99 T999933333T3 T33 33999 has T193399 3399939333. 3939339933 3993 3 38333998 999933 391939 3333339399999. 383% 99.3.3933. T93 33338999319393. 33999339999333 883 399- 993 T3 3333993999. .933 T933999 9.913333 9'99 393333 :85 133.? 3999.9! 3978933 81388 9939' 99339: 3333393393 3339993399 3993: {3891389 {33' {33993399383993 . . F9339 9993 99993-999999 .3998 9993339 9339931399399, 393 33999, 9333999319: 3993' 9:993 39933339933333 9.993 3993333 993.39- 33 333399333 9.933 33993393 3333993 T3 T33 3333 3331:3999. {333393333993 39993 89999999993933 L333 8399-97 '93 3- 3399393133 9399393133933 33999 with .58: 39333.3 399999 T3 T333393 39? T393 T398 3333993999 3993 A9393 88' .3 3399:9333 3T T33 933:3 T33 3399'! 9-399993. 3999:1393 39.3.39: 333333.33 3.3 39 3931-39333 T93 T339333T3399 9399933333,. The 399393- 33999 39333333 933933333 3993 999933 3339-93 To T93 239933.33133339933, 3993' 313333333999 339933399. ?Th-3 93333 99393399 39? ?3.93: 39939-933999 99393399 '39" The 3.3999 T333 93.293 39.333333 3993' 3999939223 39333 3993999933 9.2933333 39:93 333.9399 3399939393 9:999 T3993 9:39:33. 3399.9 03933333333199333393 333333999 3533. 81:3). T3333. 9333 3919933393 3399393953 3391933399 99988313 393333 393 (333993399. 3993-333 2T828 ET828, "i T888 T4818. 39939.3 T3333 393.33 :3 39:99.1 393333 3'93 9298999933 To 9:93 3393333923 39.93993 Th3 9993. 3333399 39?. 3'93 33339399933333 T3 in T33 3.3193333 39? 933339999 3 {3.39993 1.3939 399 8939 99993333999 39.9.3333 3T 99993333 T, and T2888 33 93399 39" .3 3399359: 39999593339999 T8399 9:999. .3333. 8 28"? 3 39-98 392999939938 3999933991820T4. This 999 T333933. 339" '32 9299939933 9299? 999999993 333999993 99% 39 3.33333 3391399929 93 T99 33393! 3.933.; 31! T993 393 33393393: 393333 99999333 3999' 9239.93 T3 T33 933-39333 999-9993 393999999: 993999999. Th3. 93393393 839393399 T33 339333 3993133 33333983 339 '99 339939333993 339933391999 T33 3339 .9993 3339 33399993933 39.93339 T93 T93 3T33T3. 3993 3.339999 99.929 39.3993 9:3" 33- 393339933 9.99" 93339-99 399939399 9338 939333.999 3999393 Th3 99933333399. 33993933399 33339.3 T3 33599929 3933 9333333933.; 33133339, T3393 39'3- 339993 3.3993: 9933 339939933 9.999393 9399939933 T393999 39-3 33939939333999 353.3- 9199993333 2'8, and 8T. 5993993833 .399 98. WUTTVT $3 $53 98"?3 VETS X. N0. {39991.3 93129939930339: cc; T8339 058139309: QITSIZUM T999993 9.2.39 939999. 9.099939 3898 '3 INSPECTION Cir- DAM AND IN .153 STATUS Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Darn No. 104-09 Date of Inspection 8/27/2014 Observations and Comments Spillway Approximately 800 cu?yd. of material had been placed in the arches per an agreement between DSOD and SCE. The material was placed in arches 25-27 and 31?33. All imported material was kept at minimurr_ away from the dam. Carpi construction crews were using some of the filled arches as staging areas for materials. The spillway at Florence Dam is a_ long gated weir located between Arches 36 and 37. The spillway has two drum gates which were in the down position due to the low lake level. The approach, drum gates, concrete weir, and spillway exit were clear of any debris. SCE stated that there appears to be seepage coming from the access shaft in the center pier of the spillway that allows access to outlet valves for the drum gates. No additional or increased seepage has been observed or reported. Florence Lake Dam outlet consists of tw gates which are located in - Looking the left is cracked open proving a fish release to the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. The valve is frozen in the closed position. Neither of the - valves was exercised during this inspection. SCE is planning the repair or replacement of the valves along with Phase 2 of the geomembrane installation in 2015. pipe that supplies air to the valves to prevent the outlet pipes from collapsing if the outlet is opened to the full open position. pipe is full of water due to the configuration of the outlet system. According to DSOD files, the outlet controls have not been operated in DSOD presence for at least 10 years. Water is conveyed to Huntington Lake for power generation through the 13.5-mile Ward Tunnel which could be used to drawdown the reservoir in an emergency. DWR1261(rev.10109) Sheet 2 of 7 Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam INSPECTION Car DAM AND RESERVOIR iN STATUS Dam No. 104-09 8/27/2014 Date of Inspection Observations and Comments Seepage A few arches had standing water where drainage was not provided. All of the flows from the seepage weirs and seepage measuring points were normal and no unusual or elevated flows were observed. Measurements taken during the inspection were as follows: Threshold Levei DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Leakage Inspection Readings Area (spml (gem) Frog Pond Dry 50 Ridge Dry 100 River Dry 15 Arch 47 A Dry - Not spilling 11 Arch 49 A Dry 10 Arch 49 Dry NA Arch 50 8 Dry Not spilling 5 Arch 53 Dry Not spilling 20 Arch 53 Dry Not Spilling 13 Arch 55 Dry 28 Arch 56 Dry 26 The instrumentation for this dam consist of 11 seepage weirs which are located in three areas of the dam designated at the ?Frog Pond", the ?Ridge?, and the ?River Section?. Seven 90? V?notch weirs were installed in 2008 and are located in or near Arches 47the weirs except for weir arch 508 follow the reservoir level. The latest instrumentation submittal was received on April 10, 2014 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2013 calendar year. The reservoir was not fully filled in 2013 and so many of the seepage locations showed seepage well below the threshold and action ieveis except for the Frog Pond and the River Section. SCE submitted an abbreviated report that contains the long term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. Seepage weir Arch 498 was reactivated during the reporting period and on June 18, 2014, the weir read 4.6 gpm. Threshold values for weir Arch 498 will be established in the next few years after more data has been collected. The Frog Section and River Section exceeded the threshoid seepage levels and will be monitored more closely in the future. No specific reason for the increase in seepage was identified. A geomembrane liner (Carpi liner) is to be installed in these arches to reduce seepage as part of Phase 2. Sheet 3 of 7 {?99 $4394 $54 9E3 Mama-0f Dam. gamma Laka {Siam N0 '3 59398-6? insghaeiim :81?253?720 Ubwwai?imm 99:92:23 ?'gmm-anis: - Saw-999 99999991999999.9999: $934999 I 3421?; $1939 Reg?i?g?l 199999 4993 {333m} - 3 igpm} 99990-99. 59a 59' wage. 3.324 Riva? HRS 1.5- 9999 99' .. :9 Arch :99 10 Amt-z, .99 a 9.9 NA. Arch S- Arc?h .53 (I - .1594 .253 Amh?am .26: Arch 355 1.5.4 '28 Arch 5-59 . :26 Th9 instrumgntatim dam previtied' indicates- ihai ?31.93 dam is: pet'rfenrmihg in a sa?sfamtmy mama. Na insimmama?m is; j-ucigaci necessary at this The: exiwng imimm?nm?m and the mm?m?ing frequency am?ezar t9 be sum-dam at {hi-:9 time-r 3 tha ?i Making-32114149 onsitruc?on asiivity. {awa- 9-99. 2992-9} {Sheet m4w cf QAM RESERVWR ik?has?? Name (if Dam Fimrema Lake Barn {Jam Milt. 1.023499 Data of fnspeati?en Sig?g??i-?i \kx a: $5 Q. 2 331mm 3 Cra?ks and agaa?is in the Shm?zre?te cm ih? upmrea g?s?amembrane are instailed, DWR 126-? (rev, 11331113} ?d-am be rapaired 'ihe She-at '53 of Egg? 4.4% mm?imm .3.?ch mma ?Km. gamma mma?zam mm? U?m cw. .all..4 a. . a? 113$ - .- .- . 53:59; . a! if 4.39". .- 4?44?? 4 .44 44W, hair/a? 134/?. 3.. AV. .. ..4.. .. 34upwif? I 4,494,443; .. .. z; xiv/xx?x/?x/d?x/ . Em 3%me 03 m3: ?4m4104/.44:03 .4 a 43m awe.? .. .r magma wag? 9am 35E Zw??m??z ?my my?% uw?w m2 ?m?wimw mtm?owcm 335% 53 ??5333 $.me Ema Uma 2a. Shimmy .. . 335 m. roawmzm my ma gamma?? ow mam wamm mag 33 @303 cm. mg may). u?m ?aws SEQ. 9,33 .w a 3. {5'3 {33 W5 A 513455 323335533: {$30332 {33353332 $3.33 $23 33333 33- DEPARWAEAT {33 WATER {9.553533333333333 3% A3333 X3333 3533333355 OF SAFETY (Iii: DAMS HAM RESERVQTER 3N STATUS. Mama {3f {323333 3:33:33; {333. {33333333 H5355 Type {33' 133333 9335533333 Arc-3h: "3732333. {33333333332313 {3:31:55 Weir - 3353-3353 55.5 {333: {mi-{333? {333333333 And 83.5 {ac-33: 53335333 dam 5333.. Weai: her Canditians Hum-31- and miid {33353333. 3333:3333 {33335333 653355333? {3333333 2333333333 and {3253333332' 33353 8555333333 {33335533333 323.233.3333 {33333333333 P33509333: {13333555333336 ihspectibn {33335333353 {23335333333553 {33' 3833355333 333853.333 fi. T3333 35353.- {53333 {33533 {355:3 {3:23 {u?iiy {53333555 and 53335 {3358533 {33; {335533333 333 {33553353 {333 {?33 {333333533333 {33333 {333332 {3332333333 5333 {3353333 {33352-35 73333 {33333355. 5. Rama-3A3 {3.333335 3233333 {333333 in 2-8 {333.5 Si. {353353333335 with {he 5565553333 33333355325023, 5535 {in 53?25f25?:3 anti {33333333355135 835353.833, {a {mea?jgate- 3:323:33 {3233 {3151533 anmpiateci. (13133335533535.5333; Hum 535 knew: {3nd {Emmi innpamiian the {333m and the {33:3 {3333 ju?ge? {safe 3?33? {30335 ?ned use panii'ii?g {333333333 the {333551; {3333333335 anti {35333333333323 . gm Fiomnca Lake .Dam is 5 {3053333335 {jam wifh 58 Arch 1 {.33 {56.33255 {he i335 {3353333333333 {3335 Ami": 55 is {.33 the {tight abutment; The dam i_i0-ng and {3'33 {335% daubies 3:3 ea {323523333 {3333333313333 {3333301353. The entire dam {3353333523 inspected. and was fau'nci 5333331. 33335335533355, and {3353533533 {35555335. The 3.7335335 {333555 {.3333 {33335333333 poriiar'z {3f {he-dam {age was inspae?iad and muitipie mags sh?awad c'rackaci {333.323 83331555 shutsmia {3:3 535 {3355 {333? {he {ii-am {iargezsf 53:35:! {3:33 the 51335323533333 {?55 {3333353 There 3333 {3333353335 {3333333335 between {3353333335 {3:55.533 as {3335 {5533563335 Ami-35$- 27?528, 2283-25, {$5535. {5533, {and 5838}. {133333 3333233 and {mcks Aheuid be repaired SCE- {33 @3355 a Cami 353353?- {he upstream Su?-ace {3f the {386333 at!? {3:333 {such 5's Arabs-35 52 ?54. SEE {3:333 {3330 Gam'p?ieited- Wrirk Enigma ciawnsiream buttresses 52i5-3 and 53/54 at {the existing ho-{imntai i'i'fi? lines. in heip {335535; 555553? 5553333333. This- 3553323395 33333353 max-{Eng {53333535 {333356-353 {3353. 535%; {358 {inas- and {her} {33.3% to {he {3553335. {he 533333335633 '{3333353'39'353m {mighe {3335 {333338. The {333333.313 33335 {3:53 {53353333 {i333- sgmiied a?zn'arete {in {he {333533353335 when {he wark {33-3 the {33353 and 3533 {3335333. {33 {1333 5.33333. SSE i3 {3.333355% {imi?g 3i. sama {303333 in 2514-5 {3235 3336. The {side {33? {he arches {33333533525 {5 ?333 in :satiafacmm {candijtiQ-ri. Evidenm {33? 332-3353" 355333333} via 5331-6-53 is in may arch; {3533333337, 33 5.33:: 533 {355.9533 ambea 33323375 due {he {333333333 being drawn {33335. T3333 {3633335533 {th arches 555 {he {0335535533 appear {a be in. 335333533333 candii?ian. The {aft {333d {3th 3535533533 appear 5.233 {33355 and {3'in signs {333:3 widen-ma {33333533333 {3'33 prawn? {timing {i333 inspectisn. Vaga?taiion {"333- mi-ng weii' - maintained; {hem {353335 {333333. {we 3333833333 {hm {333,335 {3&3 rammed fire-{333' the {35333335333333 {side {33? Amma- 25,. {3nd Ali} {3033 533953385 {with 15333- {355335-323 ?ied 5i2?ii2i3?i33' and appraved {333 82532033. has {32355 33533335532335. . {33333333 {23 -. .E. A. Wuii'f 3:35 95039813833533? {3333503 3135;333:533 93?? 8520133 {?53 Own-erii?awk Dede {345' 9.3253? 3 {3333 {2'33- {33333 {333333 Sheet; 1 {33' 8. inspecrion DAM AND RESERVQIR so STATUS Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Dam No. 104-09 Date of inspection 9/18/2013 Observations and Comments Sgillway Seegage The spillway at Florence Dam is a_ long gated weir located between Arches 36 and 37. The spillway has two drum gates which were in the down position due to the low lake level. The approach, drum gates, concrete weir, and spillway exit were clear of any debris. Repair of the- outfall channei? was completed by pouring concrete training walls and installing a pipe. SCE stated that there appears to be seepage coming from the access shaft in the center pier of the spillway that allows access to outlet valves for the drum gates. Calcite buildup was apparent. i asked that they monitor the seepage and check for any new cracking or spelling to which they agreed. Florence Lake Dam outlet consists of tw gates which are located ir_ Looking the left valve is cracked open proving a fish release to the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. The right -valve is frozen in the closed position. Neither of the- valves was exercised during this inspection. SCE is planning the repair or replacement of the valves as part of the long term repair plan. In - there is ar- pipe that supplies air to the valves to prevent the outlet pipes from collapsing if the outlet is opened to the full open position. This pipe is full of water due to the configuration of the outlet system. The broker- valve on the pipe has been repaired and photos were sent to DSOD per request. According to DSOD files, the outlet controls have not been operated in DSOD presence for at least 10 years. Water is conveyed to Huntington Lake through the 13.5-mile Ward Tunnel and could be used to drawdown the reservoir in an emergency. Seepage was observed in the horizontal lift lines in the deeper arches but appear to be minimal due to the low reservoir level. A few arches had standing water where drainage was not provided. All of the flows from the seepage weirs and seepage measuring points were normal and no unusual or elevated flows were observed. Measurements taken during the inspection were as follows: Leakage inspection Readings Threshold Level Area (am) (am) Frog Pond Did not measure 50 Ridge Did not measure 100 River Did not measure 15 Arch 47 A Dry - Not spilling 11 Arch 49 A . Dry 10 Arch 50 [3 Dry Not spilling 5 Arch 53 Dry Not spilling 2O Arch 53 Dry? Not Spilling 13 Arch 55 Dry 28 Arch 56 Dry 26 The instrumentation for this dam consist of 10 seepage weirs which are located in three areas of the darn designated at the ?Frog Pond", the ?Ridge?, and the ?River Section?. Seven 90? V?notch Sheet 2 of 8 0AM AND RESERVOIR IN CL . l'i- iD STATUS Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Dam No. 104?09 Date of Inspection 9/18/2013 Observations and Comments weirs were installed in 2008 and are located in or near Arches 47the weirs except for weir arch SOB toilet the reservoir level. The latest instrumentation submittai was submitted on April 26, 2013 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2012 calendar year. The reservoir was not fully filled in 2012 and so many of the seepage locations showed seepage well below the threshold and action levels. SCE submitted an abbreviated report that contains the tong term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conclude that the dam is performing as designed. Seepage Measurements: Leakage 2012 Peak Readings Threshold Level Area (3pm) Frog Pond 16.4 50 Ridge 0.4 100 River 2.0 15 Arch 47 A 9.5 11 Arch 49 A 3.2 10 Arch 50 0.1 5 Arch 53 13.0 20 Arch 53 8.9 13 Arch 55 8.2 28 Arch 56 13.0 26 The instrumentation data provided indicates that the dam is performing in a satisfactory manner. No additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. The existing instrumentation and the monitoring frequency appear to be sufficient at this time. Sheet 3 of 8 a, ?aw? ?yam? m? mum wwpm?m VIM Zm3an Zn?. Pam . is mammaw. . .f cl - ?18.;an Mf?am Ng- {late of ins lemon . . 33.x a rapzaizred, 125? {ram "3 {1.1.09} we 39m.? 53 a? $3 WNW. w. mm. @33me ?my. mam. magi93. wwa?ai #53335sz QM, ,Jwvm?iw? ZWH xm??mwmh% ma?a (I L. ., L??am?e of {Siam Dam. Dam N0. ?13.4439 Dam-of hugger-Liar: . 852013 DWR (LL-L. Lama; Sth'sei?i: .. {If 8_ i mm saw-:3 ZEN . Name Of Dam ?are-me Lake mam 53am Ne. 192mg; mate- {if impeseiim?y mm the dram hates an buttres- HWY-Z 1261 (rev. 16109} 927'? 83321321 3 . . mm: Sheet ?Mam of 1.- . NW 5"11'1'1'5' 51511113051111 -. \g 5131.11301151 11 11111111111111 11115011110110 115.5115? 55131111511111.5111 131"- w1111'13'5 111.551.151.155 2N 5111.1 5111.5 01311511331 '01: $151.13 EJY 0F 13-" W51 BAN ANN NEENENNQN SN: NENYEFYEN NY 111111111511112111111 13151115115515.5155 1135111 1211-1111-1111. 11311-535 11111111131- EJ155115 ?1'31335 51135111 :11? {551111111531 {111151155511 111113115115 2:71? JJ {551 555.511: 5371. 1111531 513.551.5111: 11112 155.51 173531551111! 1:15:11 11115511151111.1111111111111 81.111113: 511d Warm {851113; 51111151115 111.5115 5111.1 11131131151511 1111111 8511111511 {1111111111115 12111.551118051 11511121111 11-11 1115511151511 11151155111311 11115111115111: {35551555151151 1:11" 1511.1 5151.15 35.5511. "1115- 11115515551: 1:35.155- 115511 1'1: 5.61 11.1.1131 1531511511 5553 13311315121 1'11 {2155131121 5; 131635511515 2., {35511155111511511 1311111111 1531511 11155131511:- 1'1131' 1151151111151: 15' 11:11:11 51211111111111.1111. N11m'5115 5111.11.11 :11 1'15 1:15:51: 111151151155 21551, 2.81 5111;: 3:13. {51111115511151.5115- 13151111115 151511.111 11115111151151: 51:11.1 1.1151151 11115315511511. ?1.51:1. 11.5111, 5135111151'1511555 51-5judg511 551'5 1-111 12111151111551 11551. {35551115115115 511111 55111111151115 Fibre-1.105 1.5115, D5111 15.5 51311513515 11111115311551'511 1315111- 111111111 5'8 515555. A1511 1 1'5 113551551 511115 15?: 552111511511: 51111 Arch 5'8 15 1111251156 51'. 1115 1'iig1h15'13-L'1111151111. T115 115111 1- 11:31.15 51:01 11-15 5555?: 5151113155 55- 5 11115111111531 11:16- 1115115511511 1311111215555. The: 5112-1115 13.15111 51551- 1111551 111512155151: and 5115.5 {511-1111 11: [05 16.11151 15515511531156 51'1d'111 551151?55151'31' (1511511111511. T115 111511: 55:11-51: 1:11": 1.11152 11551111515111 13111121131151? the. 115111115125 511135515515 55111 55115155121115 1101'1615'51115111'1 1'15 111533.11 5155111113:- (1'115335115 T1715 - surface-1 1515- 113'151315'5111 {51:15 1151155 5111:1111 5ig1?1'5' 631?11'15121'555 1:11.15 i1?: 11111 5555511115111 5311131135. SSE i5- 5.10505111th 51555 5 {3.51121111115: 131111515 1133515155111 511N555. 1:11e 11:15: c1551) 5151155,; 5:111:11 55 1511511155 512?5561. SSE P155 51.51:: 5131111315151: 11111315 5511'1'1-g 111111-1115 51515115115551 151112555555- 52.1553 51-11:} 58154 51 1:115 52111511115 11512511151 1.11: 111155 111 511151 15 1315111.: 15112555 51.11115 55513512161. T1115. 315555563 111155 111111111119 11511:: 111-5 1111351155111: 1555, 5531111113 1115 111.1. 111155 51:11 11151.: 01.1.1115 1115515111555. .1115 51111155555 5.1511151113111511: '11: 1111115111115 111113111 51.117111; 1111.5: and 1115' 131111;: 1.5 111:: 55 5151.15. {311.115.1155 33E '15. 1115111111131 1111 55111:}, 151115 1111131111 51155111151 51:11-11:11: 51115 5512121316. T115 (11311111151155.1115'ide 51" 1115 5.55.555 5155511151: 11:1 .55. 155-5521151'55151'31 5511111111111. 17.5511113151155- 1311115156' 555111119 1115 5516:1125 5111111111113 151 in 5.115131 513511; 11111111511551, 51.1 51.111115 11.551355: .515h55'11151'5 1113: 1311.15- 15 1111:: 1555111511- 5551.1131 {1151111111 1315111111. The 5511161551 13511551311 the 51111155 and 1:115 15111111115551: 5101:1551" 1'5- 55 in 5511515515131- 5511511115511. ?11151511 1511.111 {'1th 55111111511115 5121355115 13551511315 5111115110115 111:: 5151115 1:11" 11151513111131. - 11111 551113.: 111151-1- 11151111511155; 515-111-5555, 151515 are 551115 131115 1.155 5551111135. 11151 11551:: 11: .56: 1511151151: 15111111 1115 61511111555511151115 1:31" Arches 1325-, 28, 511:1 3'32. 3313113111353: T1151 5111111111531 51' F101511115 1135.111 15 11?15113: 95155121 11.111511155511561 5.511115511151151155 35- 5116.1 T1515 515111111531 17155111111: drum Q5155 11111156111: 11115115 11111115 {111111111 11025111011 1:11.115 to 111-5 {0111115155 15552.. The: 5511155511 drum 551155, 131311511515 111151151113 51111'111'15315111111151'5 5161511? 51.1131 {155115.1'251111115 11111-1111 1111111111111 1111111111111? \l g- *1 1115115111511 1111 155.11 1 P1111105 1511.511?- Y55 ?mm? 1351.11 02" 1115551111511 8151315320112 cc. 1131' QWHEMBGQ-K 0.515 (11' 95551-1 515511151 2 Y3K 13111111. 125.1 {11511. 11310911 Smelt ?f Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Observations and Cemments Outlet Seepage 3 U) 3?1- 5 DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Ca. DAM AND RESERVOIR IN GER-fin EED STATUS [Dam No. 104?09 8/8/2012 Date of inspection Florence Lake Dam outlet consists of two utlet gates which are located is cracked open proving a fish reiease to the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. The alve is frozen in the closed position. in- Looking the left Neither of the 3- valves was exercised during this inspection. SCE is planning the repair or replacement of the valves as part ofthe long term repair plan and it is scheduled for 2013. pipe that supplies air to the valves to prevent the outlet pipes from collapsing if the outlet is opened to the fuli open position. This pipe is full of due to the configuration of the outlet system. There is a alve in the pipe that has either broken or completely failed causing the valve connection to leak severely. SCE staff has tied the pipe to some temporary anchors and has begun the process to draw the reservoir down to help reduce the pressure and the leakage through this valve connection. The plan is to replace the -valve when the reservoir elevation is reduced to approximately 10?tbs of pressure. SCE plans to accomplish the replacement of th- valve by mid-October, 2012. According to DSOD files, the outlet controls have not been operated in DSOD presence for at least 10 years. Water is conveyed to Huntington Lake through the 13.5?miie Ward Tunnel and coutd be used to drawdown the reservoir in an emergency. Seepage was observed in the horizontal lift lines in the deeper arches but appear to be minimal due to the low reservoir level. A few arches had standing water Where drainage was not provided. All of the flows from the seepage weirs and seepage measuring points were normal and no unusual or elevated flows were observed. Measurements taken during the inspection were as follows: Leakage inspection Readings Threshold Level Area (gpml (3pm) Frog Pond Did not measure 50 Ridge Did not measure 100 River Did not measure 15 Arch 47 A 1.45 11 Arch 49 A 1.32 10 Arch 50 5 Arch 53 2.73 20 Arch 53 0.17 13 Arch 55 0.36 28 Arch 56 0.36 26 The instrumentation for this dam consist of 10 seepage weirs which are located in three areas of the dam designated at the ?Frog Pond?, the ?Ridge", and the ?River Section?. Seven 90" V?notch weirs were installed in 2008 and are located in or near Arches 47the weirs except for weir arch 50B follow the reservoir level. The iatest instrumentation submittal was submitted on May 11, 2012 and covers the instrumentation data of the 2011 calendar year. Only Sheet 2 of 7 INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTI. STATUS Name of Dam Florence Lake Dam Dam No. 104-09 Date of Inspection 8/8/2012 Observations and Comments leakage weir 53D appears to have exceeded the threshold level and is most likely an error in the instrumentation report. The owner (SC submitted an abbreviated re ort that contains the lo. term seepage and settlement plots along with findings, field observations and inspection reports, instrumentation evaluations, and an engineering analysis. All observations, evaluations and analysis conctude that the dam is performing as designed. Seepage Measurements: The readings for the ?Frog Pond?, the ?Ridge?, and the ?River Section? are as follows: Leakage 2011 Peak Readings Threshold Level Area (em) (3me Frog Pond 24.27 50 Ridge 42.32 100 River 10.45 15 Arch 47 A 9.48 11 Arch 49 A 4.88 10 Arch 50 0.18 5 Arch 53 17.1 20 Arch 53 16.3 13 Arch 55 19 28 Arch 56 23 26 The instrumentation data provided indicates that the dam is performing in a satisfactory manner. No additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. The existing instrumentation and the monitoring frequency appear to be sufficient at this time. Sheet 3 of 7 Emwm?img m, Ea gm 6me mg?w gnaw, 3.3. mmomem $3 $3 73.. 4:3an Umww ?mvm?as ..M .m v.23 $.me $ch .mrmi a? .N 1261 ?re-w. 'ilif?g) Name ai'Dam Lakze- in Eater) 0% M: 3m Ci'iicm mm Am. {mm Dam No; 10?09