DF WMU SAFETY QF DAMS SF ENS E33 SEATSE 333333333 333' 333.333 Elma-33' .3 {3333.333er I {333333. N0. 772-3"? {3333333333 5333311333 STE-33333 3333333 333 {33.333 Earth Type 333' 33333333333333 Sammie "$33333" 3333333 Shanna} is 33? 3.3.33 . . 33333333333 63333335336- 753-0 . feet . . . C'ia'm {ares-i.- '3'333333333333 33333-33333: 33-3333 333333333 and. Wan-3'3 Emma-333 3333333333 Nina .?3333'33 ?33333333333333: $333333". Vanaana 333333 9333333334 3.3.3 33333333 Rem-.033 30.- 33333333333333 SEE-3.3333. 3133333363373."me impea?an 3333333333?33'33; {39.7333333333'3333'33'33333. 333' TERM '2 3323333333 3333. 333:3:3?333333333 at the dam-t 32333333333333. "3333.3 "339333333333. 2 E933 93333333313333.3333 vegetaiim "3333:3333-333' 333a 33333313333331.3333-333333 3.3333 33333.3 3'33? 33333 333333333 333 'ii?iE 3333333: Mix-33333333. E333 3333333393"- 33333333353 39 Ene?'uide 33333233333333.333- crmissrseetian $30333 3333233- 533333333 piez?rne?ter 33333-333333 3:333:73 33333333333! range-:33} 3333.33 {333.33 darsiigm {h'3starici} Surfaca. An aliem?a? app?ica?an 3333-333; $333333 3333 E3333 ENE far 3333333333333?033 war-k 3.333333333333336 with an 3333533333333 -mmrei'wam 3333 3.33.3333 s?af?ty Evaiuza? .3333 3'03 {3333333. The. 333-333-3533 1 3.3333313 3333333333.: 335333333 3.333.333 33:33.3 agpimatwn has 3333633 33333333033633 3333:3- complained. Sandmiams me 33333 knewn a3- 33:1 33333333! the. dam reserve? and the ESEUSEHESCPS 3333.3 3333233333323 5333'33 3?33? 333333333333331 333333.. Simmvai?ms 33333-33; {1333333333333333 9.53.71?. 3 3.33.33?333331?3336 crest, 333.333 ?cwnsimam' 5.333333%. 33333331333 dawn-3333633333 'th area. T338 embankme?t 353933333333 to ?333 in satisfactary and axhihi?am? 3'33: Egrm of instability. "fegefai?or: (3333333333; 33335333 Satisfactet'y. Mina: 3333233333 33333133333 3.3333333333333331: Nina 3333333333333 33333 133333333333 has 33333333333233 33333333 3333-333 pest. 333333330" 3:333:2333335333333 33333333331 3'0633333'33 at the-333' 33333333333. Sgii'fway The approach, aancr-eite "3333333., and 33333333333333 333-3333333333 33331333. (33.333333 33332-3 33-333333-333333333333. T3333 30333233333333 was. 333333.33. b333- lags 3333:33- bngaSSi?g the 3233333333 and 3.333333%- stu-CE 3.333: 33333: 33-333 333' the 333333333 3333333332333. Nina the 3'53 333- the gamma 33"? 33331333333133 33 SEW 333933339333 3:33 33333333333333.- this 3333333333333. The 33333333373? had 53.3.33. 33333333333313 3333333333 33:3 3 3333 333333333 133339333- 3:3? .2333"; 33333333333333 333333 any 33333333333333- 333? 33333533 3.33" 33333333533. 33? of 3333' 333333333 33.333 .S?aimd with 833333336333 33:3 3333.33.33_ 3.333 the: Wat-E. .Aiang 3333.3 Gf' 3333.3 33331333333333 3333333333; 3333 3.37333 :end 3133? the chute 35336333 "33323333- vegaiatien. 33333333333333.3333 '33? vegetatian 3333mm. 3333333" mas-33333 33333 33333333333333 3333533333_ 333333333 3.3332133. 3.33333 3'33 33m 33?33 ?3333.3 3333 3.3333333 3?33! '33 32333333337." {Sur?ng 33333 $333333 '3333333333'3333 333 3333335 233-133. 333-3333 regattas! ".333? "33333-33333 3333333333 333 Nay-amber 2338. The gates. 333333 3333333333 33333-33313- 3380 32.33333 3333933653 Waugh-m ?333-3. 33333333333 33:3. pas-3'33 3333333333 The 33333533333333: 33333333333333 33333332- 3.332333373333333 gates appeared 33:3 33:33 33': 5:303:33" 3333333333333 33333333" 333333 33333333733333 of the: hydmu?i'c 3333333333333 3333331333335 3333.3333- repamd 3'33 3333333328133 33333333333313- 3333333333333 33.33.3333 3333335 dew-3'3. \33333-3333333333 333- . 333-3333333333 . P'ht??s taken?? Safe ef?ngpec?m'z .. .. .. 323:. 3333' BWESEBGQR Sate a? Rig-pm - @3233? 31333333. 33333333 33333333 3 3.33 33 INSPECTION DAM AND RESERVOIR EN STATUS Name of Dam Elmer J. Chesbro I Dam No. 72-11 Date of inspection 5/ 9/ ?l 7 Observations and Comments Seepage Instr. There were no signs of seepage on the face, along the groins, or at the toe. The seepage weir at the left bankjust of the end of the spiliway chute reac? or ~1 gpm. This flow is normal for a wet year. Minor seepage at the end ofthe chute through invert joints and weep holes was not visible since the reservoir had just stopped spilling. The dam has seven piezometers, one seepage Weir, and eight crest monuments. The latest data through 2016 was submitted with the owner?s letter dated April 6, 2017. My review of the data is below. Piezometers: There is one open well piezometer. There are also six vibrating well piezometer installed in early-2016. The OW-1 is located slope with a sensing zone at the embankment/foundation contact. and -4 are in the foundation along the maximum section. All of these piezometers read low levels at or near their tip elevations. VWP-4 measures the highest pore pressures, but it remains withir- of the tip. -5, and -6 are in the embankment along the maximum section. VWP-3 and ?6 read near theirtip elevation. has followed an increasing trend since installation and its last reading was abou_ above the tip. Trends are still being established for these piezometers. The piezometers do not indicate a high phreatic surface in the embankment. Seepage Weir: The weir has remained dry in 2016, which may be related to the drought. The weir generally is dry with occasional excursions less than 10 that are high reservoir and/or rainfall related. The weir data does not exhibit any concerns. Survey Monuments: The dam has eight crest monuments. Horizontal and vertical movements since 2001 have been limited to less thar? The data does not indicate any significant movements. Conclusions: The data indicates the dam is performing satisfactory. The current instrumentation network is judged to be adequate. in the next instrumentation submittal, the owner needs to include piezometer cross-section plots that show piezometer water levels (historic max. and annual range) and the design (historic) phreatic surface. DWR1261(rev.10l09) Sheet 2 of 4 m2?. Emma. m??wam 9.33 magi. @333 . 33 an. $21. wEm E?wmmomax 2.2/2 2.222 2.5.2.. 3% .2 nun222?. .w 2.22222; 2 0% Uga??amg mumnm M33 Fm? 2 IT. awn/.UWI?Wk/20mm Emma 3mm $333 3&3on N: N23 w? E. ?Kwa??w?wn a. wz? Ema. Hwkw?w zma?amma 9533 mg 2.9 SA . .rl . [War . . . 2.. .. .27. re? in? J/J?ymf I. a I 3,5 . . ma?? ?mama an. 33%? mag?? ma mm m. 1? 3% 4mm," 2? 0&3 $55.15 {153" {5555.155155155555. II - t- "1 {55151595515151 555111155551- 15155555 7% $555555 {'55 55115551311 55533810559183} 15.5.5 [315555350553 C55: 5355535555 (355-: 5335115555 5355.5- 53F 535N555 53555555555355 5N 54515119555013.1115 555111511" - {Earn 5851? {5555.155171- 3551'553 53555155 Type-{15153231111 Eerih Type 55155555115555 . 551555513513 3?7. 5 553.85 . b.5535?? 35553-515535 5355-55 {1118 5555' fee'i 535555315. . (521-5555253155. Reservoir Wake-13659555555051: 5315.53 15115325155131?- {19118155555531 3555551 32555555? 5551525 51555555. 885-1555154555. 551215151 55.55553 51155551551 Jerry 3113155551311, 55551115551113-551555'51555, 115555525 5155885555. and 531.555 5111 1555555 3111:5537551'551551e Mameneme 151551165555 55155 The {5551-15 1-55 555e-11-1'51e'11'1551115ed. A 5551555g558"<551<51~ {5 {5555515 safely {151.5 {1515555531 {555mg {55515011115525 513.1 5.5155555 5.5511111 ?551553 5555531555311 8111555513555615 5 Nrihe 5551355555 Ger-15555138155555 55511551 exeiere? {35.5 5-1-5 51e5ter' 5551' 3555. 515515555 025515515053555311 5155553 55553515 55155 511-5331 2? 53.8555 551555553155 11115551555135551051 {15' Wee-e ?5 51131.55- 5.551351 55555111155191.5355 {35115.5 {51:55 51051535 .5 {515521555155 51515 be 1515c: 51152-3 0135355 31313558315051 55153.5 5555.551.1111{5351555551355 5'851551'515511158551555 555115551; 55555 52555515155555 {5255-5155-5511 were {5.55553551855555131 3515155555558. 5351355155555 151155515151. 55555355511521.155351 555121 5153251511 51131915555550.55, 551385511, {5511.5 e555 judged {55155-3 5-555 {5e11'5521111ec1 uee. ?beereatierse {55115 85555515155555.9155 5.3.2581 The 5 {55511651555 {:re {5 15115;? 5.5511651, 11515505217511. {51155551 5551553 fee-551111 {re-51551555351. The Neih?e 11513155151155 {5'5 55-165 ups-51951515. {5581:1533 {1515115155 {58551555355555.6155 eiepe' 8.535113853565125 {55115135151 56511?65, and in 3535:113- c5551d555er13. ?5515a grains and {5951515135555'511'11 51:15.5 appeared 51555511511, 5551-18 the {55335551515555.1255 etebie The deemgtream 3591:1153. was {revered 11115515 511w~15115 515-. nefreiei 9,3555; e518 vegehmn 5513151525515 151.1355- exceiienf Ne {505553551111 r511 {ardent 3655111531 155355 e55eewed. 531151115555 55553- 555313508855 {11511115551 35555555151, e513 {18151135553111 5211555155551 1115555516- {59155555515531.5515}: 55553531 11513135188111.5155; 558535553. '1 11551-5 5525115555555311%1'151551555ng 5555.5 {3515531155. 51553551 511515.915, {5513515531 115555155, {5-1555 {551-55 was .511 55855555365555}! {15511855551151.5515 1.551555555551111 135111-55 51.115551; 1:55 5311155155155 ?5151-51555 {511555 5151555115 were. 11.155915 5555315113555 {.5118 55:521. 81551355151555515' wee noted The 15'5-51'1-05' 5135515558 {see?on-e {55' the {rear the entrance {7535555555 31353555155 umhenge? {5&5 {36551538585515 513-55155 1111:3535 1131359115 ere?5151:5115. 51155511555555.8113. 55551135 seamed 515355351155 5.4155355, {11' {55531555 is {5555593558, reg-2151's: 55:5 55-5-8 1515511 be 11531255353311; Vege5=a5ier1 53551155535 {550.51g 555-115 {51.551.51.155}: 1551511555518 551.81 $1155 ?were $135.58.. 11115155125 {15555515215215 ?115151155 515.1131- ceded, and-{5111515555173 53855355555955.1115. 8319.513511- age The dewzmire' 5515355511155. grains. {51111 50.6: area were {5111.55555 555133555115 {55: 5351551 5556: '5e55 311,135 3155511155111 551559511 {1255115255555 11511155 5.5.155 51115551551115555'5115-5 eer?wae {5155515155515 85-551 815355 ,1 Were e-beere'ed 5.1.5 be; - 5 \5 551.1 55511.1; aeerexrmeteiy 1 {11555515551851.2555 gem respectieety These {01515515155 {5155;11:53er {malerx {1 N55 53358 {11" 55131195155111 045265253 553 :5 5:56 501' {7.511155165553555553 {-31.5159 {15 5753131513515 535.! 55- 55351;?? {51/1155 71255.5 {15-531. 10.151151- She-35 5 {5'5 INSPECTION Cr DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Dam Elmer J. Chesbro Dam No. 72-42 Date of Inspection 04/ 26/ 20 1 6 Observations and Comments compared with previous inspection reports. There was standing water pooling at the exit of the spillway invert. These conditions are considered normal. As requested during the previous inspection, the staff gauge had been reinstalled inside the concrete weir box. The staff gauge recorded a reading of 0.1 -ft, which correlates to approximately 3.7 gpm. The flow was clear and within historic limits for the reservoir water elevation during this inspec?on. The instrumentation at this dam consists of survey monuments located along the crest, one open well, and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation submittal was dated March 2016 and covered the period through December 2015. Our comments regarding the instrumentation report requested during the previous instrumentation review were satisfactorily addressed. Open Well Open Well is located on the buttress fill and installed into the alluvium contact with the dam. The open well has reported nearly dry, having minor fluctuations with the reservoir water level. The nearly dry water level appears to indicate that the alluvium is acting as a drain; the levels are well below the reports hypothetical phreatic surface shown on the cross-sectional plot. Seepage Wei Seepage weir readings were given in tabular format for the 2015 reporting period and in graphical format since the early 1980?s. Prior to installation of Weir in 2011, flow was field estimated. The weir was dry during the 2015 reporting period, which is normal for low - water levels experienced during the recent drought. Survey Monuments The eight survey monuments are located along the crest, and the last survey was performed on August 15, 2015. Measured movements continue to be within acceptable limits. All monuments had year?to-year (2014 and 2015) vertical movements of less than 0.01-ft (0.12- inches), and horizontal movements less than Monument No. 11, located near the left abutment, had the largest year-to?year movements of -0.01-ft vertical, and ?0.03-ft horizontal. Monument No. 11 has shown a slight vertical displacement since 2012; having subsided approximately At the present, movements at Monument No. 11 are minor, but should be monitored, and overall, the data does not indicate and concerning trends or abnormal conditions. The instrumentation data indicated that this dam is performing adequately. The existing instrumentation and their monitoring frequency are judged sufficient at this time. DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 4 m??wmw??wm 2mg? 9? mm? L. I 6.29 20. um?? 3wa a" ragga: ?imm?momm In?aw/yum/fr; . 1 . ?hi/L . . . up, magma 3553 635a ma magma Ea. am :3ng ?mw mama Tan? 0123 ?ag $328363 Wm mmvowma. . i 7/ .. a. ?mun/xy? .143, .. .nu/Hx. .. . .r .9. ?0:30 a. b. ?ag42.9..?me 4 Kw 90 km ?5?1 oF-Mr QF QNUFGRHEA FN F5. FF NATURAL AGENCY RN :35 5.151515 .535 1515.511555- 115505155155: 55555..- SAFETYL DAMS JFEFNFN 355F593 NNLF REFENVQ FFNE L323 Name J. 531151511551 '2-013111?35 ?555.15 ?Type. 01? Sam {3011535531 51' 3515:?; Flhg?? . FIE-551251155 3? 155.511. baf?w 515.515.1153 .20 . fact 9938.339. . 5-11-5111 13555-1. '5?eath5r 65515311155115: 85305511551515155.15 Jerry $555515ma1'1, {551.1153 5555511111.. 1525111511153; {35551. 8151515111 111551, 51155 1715515051551-1.515555553 25511111511 11515111155151.1553 351-5555515351 1111515115 51111; 535155515'51'153115. 531'- 15115111 T1155 5.15.1151 15 1555-11 51151151151111.5551. 53.55555155153511511115 1151511? "5'53- be 53551255 2131 511111555 501'1551 5.1115515; {1'15 1153515 .511551- 11155115111553- is 5513515115151 "1511-53 51515295535 25351515; fight51131111115111 55513515555 11.5515 551.555 15155355551155 5151:, 511155 5351:5115 11535;. 1351. 55555;. 3 55553515551 15 5153151515 515115115115 5555151115 521531535 5153 51551351351 55111 ":35 55511155515113! 51.151111312554551. 5?35 51555551511151: 15551.51 51.51135515- 113 E35 deveimping 511511515515 51715311151155.1112 12"? 151552553? 1155515111553 E5551. 51131311115111 53131115- 5m'b5-nkm5111. 1511515551353 11555.15 .155 ?3.55- 11151111153551 15:5" 5.115 5115 535511.55 1' 5151533- 515351'5555555 551' 311-155 1155151: 3112555111115111511-5151 55113111151511. 5'15 .1555; 515551553 111 1.1155. Th5 5315155155 115551111 {51 15153515555 1513111515 55.111553; 51511.5 511 1115 5151351? 155.155.11115111511511 55:55:11. {25.115151551531715 35""er 511d 551-51551} 35151351521551.1555 51-5511. 55555115515. 51-15: 5111' 55551155555555.5535 5155.1- 1?51'51'51355? 5515's: 1?55 51511-11111 11.551 1.155. 152155-55551515515- 1151.511 53535111151115 555 555555555 5555-- and 11152115: 53551-51011 of 51151 15125555515111 1551553.. 1115-5555-5555 5155515515111 5511155515 1119531151 5515151111511. 8111351151555 531? 1115 51111351155115.1111 51353555553535 1.13 135.5. 515-1125351111 55151521515315. T1155 55115351155511.1511: 5555 E51. 55115155153115 ?51551511151551.1551 5.115355155511153 51g 515. 51? 1115155111131 53'5- 511515555. Vagatatim 5351111551! was: 5155535111. 5111151111555 111555-115 5151151551? 5535551111. 55111115235. The 55111155515 approach, 55351515515115.5511", and 53511551151555.1171: 53115111151 11555.55 53551.5 525151 1.1515155155331555. 1' 11555.51 '51115151555351'51111151 5535111519 111555 1355555111511 1515 51551155111 5515155351 511? 11115.5 5135115115525 55211511111511 11155551.. (3535155555 55155552535 1155153 51115515151555. 1.11. 5.511511?555315131 53115311115151 8.51.31 E15151: 5351-11555 W555 15.555255121531155} 55.115} 151515 1115515 .5153 515-1535311515 531? 1115:1555-1115:515, 531' i51555bii1?1y 81:113. 11155.5 35311115 5.5155551 5551551 55151513- 1.555.555 515351 2115.555 11551511151155 1559515111511 51' 1.51.5 511555? 11155.; 55321155135 535151111515 13151 15515-11511? 51155551 5-15.11. 111 1115' 5555511 511? 51' 555111. 011115.51 . . T115 55115-5, 155.1155, 51115.71 51% 55.515151511511555 5551555551153 135. and 111' 535325351 53535153111511. 5151 55111151315 1515555 555353515le. 515N551 1551' 5.1'5511115'5, 51.151151515 151'551'~' 15551 5335515553 in 1333695 555155 5511555 1351 2515515155551115 5155153153 13511151551525.5155 5.31551155- 51-1 535111. 51 1351511553111 551111.515; 1115.1 5.- 0 - 1-55-15 15111? 1555555" inspected L135 A. G. R?thr-?e P55511515 151.5551?? YES '15 35151 531? ?nspec?imi . . 4" 14'!ng . --.. 5:552.? 5-1ch . 53155121551535.5515 13515 5511551551 112815 I EFF D1551 1515-1 (1555-. 101105; . 5.111555 '1 5 INSPECTION C. DAM AND RESERVOER lN STATUS Name of Dam Eimer J. Chesbro Dam No. 72?11 Date of Inspection 4/14/2015 Observations and Comments Seepage The face, grains, and toe of the dam were dry, as usual. The right abutment spillwa-y weir of the left spillway wali) was flowing <1 gpm. The staff gage for the weir was incorrectly set, and could not be read. requested the owner to repair the staff gage so that seepage can be correctly quantified. Observed seepage conditions were normal. instrumentation at the dam consists of eight survey monuments, an open well piezometer, and a single seepage weir. The latest submittal was dated April 2015 and covered the reporting period for the 2014 calendar year. Survey Monuments: The eight survey monuments are located along the crest of the dam, and are surveyed annually for horizontal and vertical control. All monuments have registered movements of _or less since the previous survey in 2013. Maximum long term vertical and transverse displacements (since 2001) are_ an_ respectively. This is acceptable movement for a large earthfill dam. The greatest vertical and lateral displacement occurred at survey monument #11, located near the left abutment of the embankment. Similar movements were recorded last year, and it appears a decreasing trend may be developing. This trend needs to be monitored by the owner and addressed in the next instrumentation submittal, as requested in the previous inspectionreport. Open Well: The open well piezometer is located at the toe of the dam upstream of the buttress fill, with a single sensing zone in the gravel alluvium below original grade. in 2014, readings at the open well remained stable, as they have for the past four years. There were no irregularities or anomalies in the open well data. Seepage Weir: Seepage at the foundation weir declined significantly in 2014 as drought conditions persisted; recorded seepage remained below 1 throughout the year. Survey plots are difficult to read accurately, even with the use of a scale. The owner needs to inciude tabular survey data in the next instrumentation report. The available data indicates the dam is performing satisfactorily. The current instrumentation network is satisfactory, and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. Sheet 2 of 5 6r mzw?m??m?mw 93% 9km m2 ?mm?w Law 335 a? $3 mm?mw a. (yawn..ufzr/ I Inxin/W..H w/ . 4. . zit/.149Item,Wx/O?f mayx/xA/.15.. .1. .. I . f; x/Za?/ Aim?? if; .rfWarm?, xxyy/V/W?/a?/MQW/x . A ?ax/?x Ha}, xix/x ., ff?v?Z/N Ey?h . ., . ?mom 0% 33 ?6&3 #33 may? mam? gm 3% a? 33.3 a. a m, Zw?m mm 933 cm ?ymmg?o u?m? M21. 5 .629! A rd mg m? . ?in 39.1.2 1: MI W. may? SE zo. wmc? 0.me an Emww?ag . of?. x. ?z/zy l. magi nmca mi magma nag. .m?m Sm: m9.? gag 53 A 2 ?37: ?Zm MZ. mum/w; m??m 3.3m, a? m?m?ww. G?m?ua mm?. 5A [64?6" .7 5.: m. @93me Eggnog? .x r? {Jr {were I J. A, . . .. ??Mfmm??g J. xx/A/ . a. ?3 .333 0mg 20. .w mamw/Z/ in 1* ?9 93.. SIAIE SAN $4 Em EA BF DAMS ?333.34 AFN-E3 EN STATEES affijuam- AE. Dam 'Tgipa-IIE {Jam Earth T533523: 01E Sammie and Es 44.2 fee-E ham-w crest'amj 54.13 E'Isat' EBEEGW dam waist.- mam: {#933,35qu 55 degree F.- Regs-an. Impcwuen AmuaE ?3?me- and aE: the dam WEI-s "(he the. 33333343.! mama? and baa-II as. The I: firm": 2313 Shams EE IAIE maximum arid Game-HE at IAE $46392": 9E Em Adam; needs: E0 be on in the. the and Einspec?m, dam, and Appm?tananms are _g?udged IA AWE-seam Ema and the mama (If Ema- fags-2A The ares?: i dam 33:23.13 appeared The amban'kmen?z. remains; En and Ashaiwec? sEgn'A- was IAIICE Ehes-Iie were new 0E rodem acEivEEy. Spaiiw? The apprma?h, weir. sec-Ema, and. aha-mm: were and ambatIAEI-Ated. Recent repairs- have been made. waned 53:33:33?: the upstIIEam {if ?(he and and Gamma Surfaces are; in swig-Emma gimme}. am IA '93 333nm and REE-E mew any DE A333: Ehe Qf' sew-ed. The; gaEesAI. mix-Em, and aw?u?eII-a-nwa awe-wed EEZE he: and in ware East GyCE'ed a I?m: weeks; En and $333! $343 E1961 in momma: an 4 Sew-39$ Thaw was as Evidence of seepage EDIE the: 'ngiI-?IS. csE'Eoe ?the dam THEE (If waEE was dry whim axpeCE-ed the Extreme cand?mm am: few seepaga ware mama-E 3.3.33; EnsEmmanthzan ELIE the dam eight Amway monumentcz. an amen- WEE-IE mamwei?f and a 3. 3444341353 The E3353: sume?IEaE was dated January! 22 231.4 and A.- EAEA . I 3.33 Emma?Em . A ?A?gs Nuw {jam GE'EIES-pectiah 4312-5312014 ?935 333335 mfg-A Date GE?Rep'orE ?ii?f??m 33133ng .. . . DWI-E I'm; (Rev. 18mg) Sheet ur? DAM AND RESERVOER lN GER .rlED STATUS Name of Dam Elmer .J. Chesbro Dam No 72-11 Date of inspection 4/23/2014 Observations and Comments included data through calendar year 2013. My review of the data follows: Survey Monuments: The eight survey monuments are located along the crest of the dam, and are surveyed annually for horizontal and vertical control. All monuments have registered movements of _or less since the previous survey in 2012. Maximum long term vertical and transverse displacements (since 2001) are bot_ This is acceptable movement for a large earthfill dam; however, the greatest displacement occurred at monument #11, located near the left abutment. it seems very odd that maximum displacement should take place at the minimum section of the dam, and this needs to be commented on in the next instrumentation submittal. Open Well: The open well piezometer is located at the toe of the dam upstream of the buttress fill, with a single sensing zone in the gravel alluvium below original grade. in 2013, readings at the open well remained stable. There were no irregularities or anomalies in the open well data. Seepage Weir: Seepage at the foundation weir declined in 2013 with very dry conditions and lower reservoir elevations. Seepage peaked at 8 in February of 2013. There were no irregularities or anomalies in the seepage data. Sheet 2 of 5 gm. mm mm? 33% m?wmwma rm, @wmwwa . . 33 wms? 02? ?mmwm??s ?mw?gh . .. . ?wH/?y/Wxx/b/x/x 0am}? 974.?! .?w?wawgud3&2. mama? om DMFR 1253f {rem 101139.): 4-77-24: [/41 '4 ?#4452777 - . - 5,14% 9: Name 144 Sam ?aw-r 426341423444 Ti!- -. 22?54 f, I Rig-xi. $47.41} '4 -: ii 'n minim: structures: s?cming 3?chth 3N .4 2' {Jam c? i v: repaar [Ea-v2 NU . nspau?mx 3 4'4: 335. 5233 a .. 4 S?'?iw?y?ivejr showing typi?ai bin? sealing 17/3: - 447% 3/ . 4-2444 haei 4:433! 4 .3014 6f {333% A333. SE3 sarigm $33333 ?83,8an amen-3 Eimarnti. Chasm gamma; 324% Date eff inspectinn (rev. mm; Sheei 5- WWEAEE 2:222 .WN NW mama? WW 5W :22? WNW: EENESSEONL. SAFETY RENEE-S ?38? ANN NENENVQ PENN WENENJS NanErE-Qf?am Name: ?h??hm . [Earn Na, E241 'Caunt?y Sa'rtiia 27am .Eiar?ih Type- Concratawaii?r and ?shut-a Water is. ?3 {5 their NSF-223W ?res: and 2?3 Ne: berm; dam Ezresrt. Londrirum {3232?}? N'r-th Jamaica, Ngmang BEES-WE. Steven 1&qu Mirrtwai Jim Netsrarrt, Brett NWEEWE.I. and .Jrarry' Made Sparkmm WEth SCREWED Rea?an Em Err TWEWEE Vegetat?itrrt 222222.32- WEE WEE vegeatatirm atf?rt-s 2232:222ttr22252. E22222 atm?g tit-Ea- Ears-2:2 {Er the 22222222" .2222: requrastatt. [During this} WEE .rerrur?atted the {EN?rrict r?aparir the smiled ENS-armert 2.122 We the invert, harm-Exact to E38 caused. by aampsfires. Ndrt?ticrratiy. 22:22.22 WNW-?ned tires-"ENE Emrzated 2222 the. upstream Err-?e aft-rte ri'gr'rt abutmrart?r nrrt'trr be a Wart: safety'mmern. Nammrat at? thra- trar?r 3322 2:22am Nam-ages :rE- the Spititway dehrig 92223th theremre, We agreed with REESE: ENE $2.222 at this. the ?222.22er and' visuat Enszpeatiarr, 22222. 21-22222. reservatr. art-d at} appurtmanqes are judged safe for ?322 Et-irtuert 22.2222 NINE {32322222 The crest was straight 19.22622, and 222 23232302. 8.22m faces Exhibited EEG N92222: Eitt' Err-2212223232232 23-2 af?rms. mantrat 224E223 gutted. Tiara tree absewerd {:22 ?re upstream side of tha- right. a?utmarrt? 21.2222 wt: 20 ?322- 222222 Err the tag: Uri-2:22: furtt <22? 22222- free Emma-Era! the Bfisiri'trt that the Ea Married right 2222.22: tr: the spittway dams. been: past The {Eistrict heireverg that. :Ef. Ehe tree may cause damage- Er) the 905%. it 35 the EE- preferarrca to remave the - tree. We amt the tree during- Area Errgirtear Vagiar and 3 determined Etta-t the Ere-22a dues:- not GNUSN 22 (tam safety aarEce-E'EE. as: it Es- Ecrrz-ated eff the 2322222": and rm: the: spEtEWay WEE-2 hat-25.2. 222:2 Erma-crims- Err tt?ra E22525: remaining ati tih?rEE Erma. Mamas-?aw: mifrmi r22: Eta-rim was 2222 the raise. 22322. an active redertt. Wregram which WEE requerritect WpEE-Eway The Wait: 222233:- amtr?m weir Ct chute-2; and marine! W636: cigar and The: {222222 EtrartkerE mamas: 222m tr ?rt-332 tam sf the weir have beert r?paireit as: r?quasteat. The :22? warm}! the 5.9332an watt's? has been steered flint-y vegetarian remains tar be Ere-marred. We Tame-great remrrv'at affirrts Err the: wag. 22.222222. NEE weer: ?25332: Eva-re observe-d ?:23 5.323 cite-art and clear. wars armament 22': the upgtream Warm-22 of ?re $222232: The Waiting i22- berm/1223:: E3 Vegia? 22.223; $2 irtsra?cted 522.3: 2222222222 taken? 2222.2. r< No 229.222 222 tr'rsrrec?rm . . warm :2 scfor Qere-E?r?wk Era-Ere DWN 1222-21 (322.222-22320222 INNER .E 2:2? INSPECTION Or- DAM AND RESERVOIR iN CERf-il STATUS Name of Dam ElmerJ Chesbro Dam No. 72-11 Date of Inspection 4/23/2013 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage Instr. damage. sluice gates and valve were successfully cycled during this inspection with no problems. The gates and valve are fully cycled annually to meet cycling requirement. No seepage was observed on the face, groins, or toe ofthe dam. The new seepage weir box W-1, installed in July 2011, located of the left spillway wall measured 2.1 gpm. This weir collects seepage from the drain pipe that runs along the right abutment. This amount of seepage is considered normal as trends continue to develop at the weir. Additionally, seepage was observed flowing at the and of the spillway chute from the right abutment and spillway invert joint. Flows were minimal, estimated to be approximately 1?2 gpm. All seepage conditions are considered normal. Instrumentation at the dam consists of survey monuments, an open well, and a seepage weir. The latest instrumentation report was received on November 6, 2012, covering data through October 2012. - Survey Monuments: The dam has 8 survey monuments located along the crest of the dam that are surveyed annually for horizontal and vertical control. Movements measured since the last survey have been minimal, less than or equal The greatest movements observed since 2001, were measured at Monument No. 11 witl_ of settlement an_ of movement in the direction. All movements are considered minimal with no trends observed. Open Well: The open well piezometer is located at the toe of the dam, but upstream of the buttress fill. The sensing zone is below original ground in the gravel alluvium. Recorded measurements continue to read nearly constant throughout the year right at orjust below This is approximatel_ above the tip elevation oi? No trends or abnormal readings are observed. Conditions are considered normal. Seepage Weir. Seepage weir readings began in July 2011. For the reporting period all weir readings measured dry. This condition does not appear to be unusual for the low reservoir levels observed. Seepage trends continue to develop for this weir and will be further evaluated in future submittals. Sheet 2 of 5 mg Gm? mm?mw cm. ?x?wvwo . me/g?? mm ?mm Emu? 29. ww:? . .. 5.24,. z. .. 4 An . ..Z. . Ara/r m. mmyamm?mmg gamma im wean. $3 $95? .. .. 41/ .. hf. Var5.3? rawma?mgmm? mm; mama. 3.me Emwmamcm ?mwammw x?uM/M .. .Iz? I x. . ..2. . .. . . 21c6333 ?mow ?93m was.? mg mama?. w. an, 353:: mm ANNE-.3 EN Si? Name: of Dam E'im?i? {mesh-m Dam N0. {Eats-t2? fns:pgmi?0rz #2372in 3 13'. Tf?e'abSQ'm?d' Qgi?it?am s: ?'i?f'rzgh?: mayhem; Tree .n-ai? observed to resent a dam safet- Gen-Gem 1.2m: (rev. 35:17:39); Shea Win,? sf 5. ?38" NESENWNN EN 35.3% ?T?Td??i Mame. aim-am- . . . {Eamf??a Ti?? mate {if En'spas?cm '33 am invertimf a?i?Way, believed ?50 be mugged by pubi?c-fims. mama"; {re-v. 1mg} Snee? -5 Q'f'