59w 5 Tim 5mm $55 5% NATURAL 553055555 555ch DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ?m 0F- SAF ETY 0F DAM AME TN. CERTIFIED-STATUS Name. 5.5m N5 5 Cauntv Type of Dam T555555 T255155 Concrete Arth T315555 opquy Gated Open Channei . Water. . .5 55 553'an aptlmaygreqt "and . . 9.3. 5 T55 581535.; . 6525515512; (35:15:35 5555 ITiimI Tawhsen? WT 5355:5155 Reason far lnspedmn Annual- Mamtenance Tnspectmn Tmpartant Recommendations Actxans Taken T55 dam :5 W55 maintained The rematmg 5f. The spmway- 95T55 was; campietad 355T 5551? To The; inspectmn constructmn scaffetdmg had been. Taken down and 51'? gates were 'fuliy open, as required Th5- Certmcate 5T- Approva} The 2T) '15 submittai 1555551155 Tn 5 T5TT5T T5. 585551" 55555 A55 4-. .2515 DISQD requesfed a TUTThe-rfee c.3555 35552:? 5551551255 T55 .5555. ThaT a. .CITTSICTT putIin' maiT Canniiusiions me T55. in?rm-55m and 55.55 i?nspecTi?-TT, The dam Tesemair', and. 5H3 appu?ehamas' a'rejudgead Safe- 55-5.. 055-5 ma?un? and 551515.555 .. Nam . T55 concrete 55:5 dam is Tn exce?ent camiiticn and sham TI very minimal cracking 555 spa?mg Mmerai staining 5'th 6553555555 along vem??i germs 55 3 T1115. downsizeam face 5555515 unchanged 5525:5555 yaars Vegetation comm! was 5x55392335 85.555555.- . The sptiiway appmach contra} sactmn ABET downsheam channei were dear ancT sca?aidmg hjacIi- been taken dawn and 5-1.1 55365515155555 55555:?: 5'5 required I536. the 5T Agprwai betwaan Nevember 5 and leach yea. I TRSQECTECT gate Tna?e?Tzc-n 5T1 $632514. 555mg - I. i: I T535 555$ Yes I 53.8795 . . .. ?mam-15 555.55 933581555333- 1532615. QWR (8531: 4-5153) 8555f 5T 5 NAME AND RESERVGIR 'iiNi' CERTur-mi? Name of'DEim ?amNQ. 352$" 3:1? 133?25035 (1:353me ss- ands Samment? Sag-Hana preyiausg years, :miizmirs-r' istaininig and cam?ca?csn was pregent? 31mg; same cf the horiszaii ziff am- yams-a! imam There. wag: mimrsaepaga grains; which is Lama; The sgiE-iway structure Sespage grey. 19109;}. Sheet. :2 af- Tshe-re c1? grains ?ftha dam AS- mat-ed in" insirumenta?cm af :th?isda'm con-sigma}? 3' s?um?e?y aim-g ?fth-a dam near-ma maximum- .secti?gn.. These mammentS-eare gumaym annaa?y-far d'??ectiian'gmy; in-sirumenia?m report was r'acgi'vedi by an May- :85, 22971.4, and was remiewad in the praviwa 5 i?nspecifi'an two-rt. anus-Lisa: mamm were noted; The dam-was-deemed "tie. be performing Satisfacmrim and no additiama-i instrumentatmn was tea-WNW;? ?T-he 2m 5 inatmm?enta?m submit-ta! is. Wartime-3'. ['01 . 6.. 3kg bin. m2 amiaga . . . . . . a: ma?a Emm?mg. i .3. mxmm?m .MH. ?games DWRI Ti (35 i ?rm, Shae-t (if 4. 33333533933": view inf-gate. slimaiwe: 3 ?aw-15333931 face a. dam. . K/f 139:1}? 1/ 2,94! I 2f 1! Date afinsmsiiar; ?mg-293.55 . 38.3? New Name Qf'?a'm {333718.339 8.2351 RESERVNR My . aux f? 370: 19) wt. '21? .w an ,3ny - Sam's pf Dam "f3. mist-$13261. 0w. 'itm'Siz. :31 We 01F WALIE-DRNEA AWE-WW Wk? QM WATER RFFOUWCFF A A 0F FWFEFF FF: WSPECTIGN 0F 53AM. 1N QERTIFKEB STATUS. Name ofiiqm 13011119113 @2th No 627-5 Type. 0.1331351 Vanabfe Radius Concrete Arch Type pf Spliiway Gated?pzen 0113111181 I Wan 15 3-1. 5- feet FWIIWFF- Wes Fahd. Reawnferhsyectm Annuai Maintenancs Fem: The drawing-s. FF own Ff and a Wit: begs- Fubmii?ed by F3118 Shar?y.. me the Fnown ianFm-FFiFFn {he and F112 appurtenianW-egs We judged? safe. 1131 continued use? and: Cammenis; . . {Zia-m tau-Fan?- Fe for 12-61 W091 - The asr-b?ilt drawing-3,. 1:133:31 a breakdom W1 Foest, and-a Sigihed' Gas-F- af?davit be; . submitted: 'by'the The. Wm dam is iiFF Fo-ncifitia? and distress, ?EFF-WesF-and the 3 dam remain in exceilent? candition With minimaf cracking and; spa?i'ng Mi'noF mi?erai' staining and. Ef caim?aatmn along verticaf joints- {an the fame.- appears unchanged from premous years;.. 5' 'Vegetatwn centre! was; excellent The 39111 Way appmach and channei? Were Wear (Sammie surfaces at the ?3938 ramai gate structure sp111way Wide W311 and Ghannzei Were in A11- - Qatari?; Wars: in the dosed pas?mm as a?ewed 1331th Cem?cate Of Apprwaji between Novembsr Wand ApFil 1 eash yeaF. 1 inspected the ?the-13ft abutment and Farm. the - .cFeFFt A11. gates appeared :19: be 31.31319 and canditicm except the: determratmg the upstream coatings (FF-11133 3km yams" The recoatmg .of 923W 11:233. been Famed 10' 21315 I) 55331 $1 :91 T. Jimenez: . A. Raund?eagna F535: 3131'251?2914 33139128314 Date inspec?en Wafe ef- Repa? Yes: .ng Na. .oF F- ??i?fi H33: CER STATUS . .. .. 822E {late Eig??gr?i?? and Gammanm . '3?wa EEtiEEthrs: EB Ere WEE E-EE EE in. were Elyse-E51 in? En inc-Mam. Each ErEducmq 1 gm?: were an thE? face t?E 1535-: Of EEWE was minm. EiEh-g dEwm?zream qums Much is; TEE- gatE -- Eag- dry. frEm Qp?miw? m} muturEmE VEIVE WES guEgEd EErmsaf. 'imEiE Et-fEi-E EiEm Ems-ism. E13 dam maximum EIE Siif?V-Ey??d' fEr TEE. I . was in. Erasmus. and EE Emma: nets-3E. TEE Ee?i'wmrk Eit- dasm ?rE 'tE- Ee- a?equai?; EE. E3: {iEEn-wed Ei' {his} 2-. m? . mamwm??az mm? .. . . 2.0. mam gingham: .wmw . .xxmnw/ x4. . xx . Wx/ 4Z7 ?52 in.? . xx .7 (new A. I. awful; . :mqm m; {brawn/r WEE ?3 ?mag? ?mwmm??z. 99$ .myza EM ?mm 1. .mm ma?wcm .2 2.me an? .mmaa?. 3m mam Ewmmg?n WWIGA. .9 ?g 9? a ma may. 4mm? mama.? 3:03 mm? aw. 311110 00- 01111-100110 . 0100.00010010010100 00.110- N10 D-EPARTMENT 0.011101001- 0000011000 OF DAMS N0010- 01:80:70 96111110113 0.010 No- 152 5 . County- Type 01001-11 Varmbie Radxus {301101010 Type 0.1. 8011111031 (-300er (3110111101 . . . 1111010115? . 13 . .. . .1001. . 001010 . sp?lway 010310110- 3.2 100.1 1100:1010.- .0001 01.011. Weather (301131110115 .900100010er 0001 Cont-acts Made. Townsend W811: T11 [10111: Project Reason 1.01: Annual Maintenance 111000011011 11111110110111: {31100100110001 R000mm0nda?gnsor 151013.000: Take-n. The. 0110-01 11.00 0.01110100101111151110101105 01:01.11 b.0100. 010.11g21110110110111.011018 0.1 1.110- ;00100 10' 11 0100.551 0011000010101. 00' 10.001112111011000 121010 0000001002111. The - 00:10.0 0100:0211-000100210 T00 100001001710 281-5. The001001-0100.0110101010 1.11.1110 10011110101501 20114 50000; An 000110011011. 2.10. 0001011110 130111111; 010110.100 by 1-110 0111101" T0 10-0011 1110 01100101101 010.01 11101111100170.0180 001-00, .00.. 0100110000 Tn 0.0.1? 1311.19.00.18 2013 Memorandum 10 F1100, Th0 10-0000 010 complete .1110. 9011011 1100.11.10 'b0 clbsely 111011110100 during: 01301011011 6011010010110. 001.100.1100 1100..- {3000117000110 and C0111m0nt0 I compared 1111111 0001 111500011011 13110100 The 0010180011011 01003 mamly 0sz-T along The. 1100113111 10111110 Tight 00111.01. 01.111010113011 Vegetation 00ntr0l was: Q0011. 8911101003- ?The- 001010th 00111101 00011011 and-00111001100111 0110111110 W010 .0001 01.101 0110001111000 0101110121 100:1 1-110 {30111110010 01 Apprwai T110 00100 11100100. h0l0121'11h0-fuil 013011: 00011100 011011] . 0-0-0000 001000.11 110110111001 5 and A001 1.. 1:10.111. 00.100 1110100100..- The 001101010 001100100 were. 1.11 0011010010111:00001110111015 I110: 01020.11100111-0100111013 .01 0110111119 0555-01000. 9-111 2.01: 11-10 01111110110 consultanf Jae-0.1.10 0110 11.000010100- 00000?000 1311.0: 00111111101101th_ 11.02100. 00.1 0:10011110111011101?. FERC A 10130.11 00.00 00131111110010 CIT-STDD with. 0' 001101? T013101 0.01.00 May 2. 281.3. working 00110111011-10110110 111.0301 0110010101 II 0011010110100 T111010 recummendatmns 0101011100011- - 52 21100001110. 01010.0.- 01101.3) 11101011000111: 1.10100 0l00g 1110-0011010 011010 11:1 1110111 away 0011000 water T11 Dam 010' 01111011le in The 0100000 01? 011me81110 5 011 0011110011011 T01 1000111110 81010011010101 01001010010010 0.11110; 00100 - 010100.010 00110011100- 10 '00 10.00.0100 .111 211-15} The 01011.01 Was- 11110010 .10 111'. This 0.10.111. 11.1.10 2131.4- budgeT 3110111 T110010 111010 0130011100 01110110110 111010000 by. .. 1.1111101100- 3:3 ?1 Fla-010.5- tak-e'n? Ye's- L112-.. N0 . 0010.01. Tnspas?an .. .. .- . 00-110.- 1?1 .0ch (301.10.118ka 0010.101 Rape-11' 511012-0143110'- .111 11010-1001 {Zr-1011.. 120100.:- 0110.01 m7__ 01" 4 DAM REES-ERVQIR 1N GEE ?13 STATUS 1110010 1:11 1300-1: {3011113119 253111 N0 6305 'D'a'tae :01 1050001100 . . 51552014 01210001011000 00.118001111101110 1301101; 8:00ng .00. .0. 011011-1201 0012- 11111001;- 811001 01" . 4 1000110110 01mg 1110-00110rr? 001.0 chords T110 11.110111. 0000010010? 1210 completed 00110100100111 . U001 the 10110110101110 structurai @0100 11.0011 10- 13:0 0100013! 111001101001 1111000 000101100 T110. 10111401101 01.11101 10 0011110110121 101.111 1- 11101110? and a . .3- 1101110.. 1311111. 1110.170 1111131 000.1001 1111111013. 111-30 1000001100 10011101'001013101110 01-101? 00113111001100 was 0130001001? 010119 11-10 ?1100200101 1111 1.11100: 01111 1101111301 10111110 . 1111010101 1111011011110 1 were observed 01110110111101.er 1110111111?0011101'1110 1.10100 110000 The-1101000110001 0101-00 were 11101121151 0001-121. 80-00000- 00100011000001 13011001111110 1:01:10 1101.100. 0.00111 0110001011 T1110 110121.10 attributed-10 111:0 1111.111 11310101003100 00001 .10. 000101 11-10 11011-10 110000 {3011113 00111211110110 we're- 0.100- abserved 011001011110 11011-1 00011110111011101010 0001100.; 11310110010010 0100110101100.0001101151101" 0011001100. 11100111110011.1000 1011011150100 1000111011 1131381313 8. 2610011010110003301100111001 21313.. ?05110 11011001100111 151110011011 Annual 0101101001110 1101101110100in 110011 around Bi and 0 {334001; 10 110111. 1110 upstream and 11110011011 011100 surveys {21000.0 011.11. 1110. 0011101011110 1001101110010 10 0010 0- 0' 10-00 1110-. T00: 0101101310010 010 conssdered 1010111101 011:1 1:10. 1101' 010011111 0031- 00111001111110 1110.00.02 1110 011011011110. 101001101100 0.1100110 131-10- 11121111 1'0 00110011100.00110100101111.1- 000 1'10 00311191310001 10101111011011 i is. 00011101 110110200011? 01 11110 1.11110; 31- '33 STATUS eat? {ism NO 52"5 .. .. 5m Ei Date of 'E'n 2222222222292me12 . INSPEETEQ .- 2 22222-222222 face 222222;: 2m 22:21-32 the 2:222; {3222222221222222222 mama and-{21? t. a crest. ?ame: Qf. Dam D??ne?s 9222;: :26: {5282. 16:0in Emmam??a 0kg? ham? .2 mm. mw m?p?cnmmmym. m?mum . r/g . Qw/??x 2 .. xx in. mam inmamm Em wa?m . m. mammzmaw. mg 3% 3% mama Aw .9. A NR .. A A INN EEPARTMENT WATER RESOURCES Rf NRW (AF SAFETY 0F DAM: ANN RESERVRIR TN QERTIFTEDI STATUS {Dam NA. Tmiumi?ej . . AA Type AA. Sp?i'way Channel A . '8i3..34_ I63. IF. .3. Ma?a RAIN Rf?i?g. Annuai inspect AA. AA A Aments As he made;- it: MA wake bath waives during the Aaxt ma??a?fanai?ii?e ha data {Ar years. 2103 AI is MAI: Asy- ppm-AA AAit'a mus-A. AA the yaarAI? Ha in Th8 i?f?fma??m and AA Aura at}. u-Aiiyi in The future. C'An?usims Ram and. VASAAT tAAa d.am__ and. AA appurtenances TucsgAA-i and T) Rim dam. is. An AaniAA :Ait (if. AA distrAAs The. and bath AA AT A. AA- ITACIA. Caim?cat ARIA face AIIA appears wa-y Appraam sectmn and. manna: were: and AN were AA gate Ap?iwav WAHA And shame were: sattsfactory With- crackmg 1AA Apaiimg Th_ Igat?AS. Akin piataa pins-arms trunmam Alma: members appew?d AA: grow cAvar-AQA At in- appeared The An; but 325-34 QATAR The. actuators and appurtammeb AA. AA wa?. maingfainad 3AA. sandman Bath AT The Taiisi- Icyciad A: 03.03?: NANA. m. WEAR WANNA Reap agile: There IAIN-AA seApaga face The dam. IE Seapage which is. gata was AW There was seepage; A. taming hwse ?aw WAA An. 233:3 year 23:63pm: and was: att?bwtad AAAMA-TARA- I i3 I itt'amassfaam:3143317163383? Ni); 52% Date. taf?t-nspactittn; .. 1Uf1tfl2mg amt Bamments turbi?e :usttd its patter the vat-five house i agree that this ts tha most likely saunas :ctt the - seepage Sewage sensuous were: the (its: Revs; tit thei reservatr its this ?sts. t? ?sit: at: this dam @t'severat survey menuments which are sumsye? annuatty The most recent r6?36?f was. recenrsd by 0803 cm March 261:3. This" ctata was its the inspection repent sates ti 332511 fit? and no unusual wet-its titrated. a The: current data fist caisnsar years 2m and 2011 is aversive 1 cantactad Mt The current mstrumentatmn netwerfts at this dam is judged ts be adsquste and instrumentation is steamed necessary at this; tzme Laws tit-61 mitts)" Sheet. 23. at 2