111A?11112111112111 1111122111 A. A Ax HEEAAW AASAFETY {3151235) A A A ANEQ 3N CERTTFEEQ STATUS 112212-2111211: (221112.191. 121.121: 111.11.222- 1211111}: AEETE $21113 Type {3151111. Earth . pTye 13* 8111311111131 Generate 1.312112%? .. .. EA?Eter-fis fegeta ?22332? 31111111121}; .cr-Es 152111.121 . 4A9 . 1.13212 EGTDW .. .. {2122;321:1111 32513.1 11112111121 SEE-E 21111-1121 NEE. 111111111111: 21111 111213.211. 1712111211112- 11111211: .2112 8112-1" BEE-1121.1: 2111111 111E- 112221919111511611EA AT Ft?na? .1e 1111:9536? {301111125 E2 TEREE. TEE 121111.112 1 21113211122211 9.1321112111112121 1.111111 2.111113:- 13.? 111E: {Asa-111 217111221 311:1 {32111: 1'3. Emggimg. 153??- 31111120112011. T1211 the 331221226 Dam WEE T111212 13.11 23825, 2.1161- 111.2111 211.2122: it}. 211E 11131121112111 E11221 (?gamma {11.111111} 21E: 111E 119111111131 E122 111112123: 1112:: ..AEET 22:. 2211?2 F1E1111E11E11EE E11121 we 12: EE 211E122: E1 SAGA 13111111231131 .111 EE1 E22121: yams. The 11.111211111121112 Ef- E22: 11311:: ?1 112112. in: TEE 11111115; 111111511 E1121. 111E Tagger 1.112111. 11111221111111 E111 TEE bum 323239 111:: TE TEE. damagm EAEE ETTA: 11:11.11. 112E131 EE EETETE The; rEpEirE if 1.1111111 ETE AE- {if 21.1.?241' 1111?: 2.1211111 P1E2Emeterz: TAPS: ?1 and P133- 2. NEW ?Ezemeiers E12 11112111111111.1311 11:: EE 5113122122 1211111111. The Epcemmg Ear-11 AEfEty 111211131121 the. 1.112 .21 21111111112}: submit 12121211282151: TEE ?211.21.: 2121712111122. 1211111113 .EE 111211121122: 2E E11 121E 11121111711123.2122ng 1E1: 111-13123. 221211121611" its: 12:11" 171712-1171 TEE. (2.11.111. TEE WEE ESEE 11111-11211 Emmy-E were 11.1111- $1.1 2111111 21:9 EMA-21112. 295 SEWEATSTECE E1112. .E- Ee suinm?ats 111E 112E E. 11112. as ..E 12111111. The {322115122 1121212121111 justify the use 21.521111111112112: 2.13. E51 ?11.21. EXEE 11121112115171.8111. it 51:53:.- EAT-11.: The NEAT- 2211121112112 22:11.11 E11121 E11 2112-1121111. 2121111212 21111111111 11121111112211.11 E1111 121111211 "11121111111111111 111E: E12111: EASE-WQTE E1112 1112- Ere NEE-113E EAT-E 2E1 111311. 11112313111111 111E 11.13.?- 121.1111 .111 TEE 2'71. 1-222. 21111111211121. 3211111 3 TATE. E2111 112$ 1:12: 1111111011 113111212 E1111 E1113 E71121 11111412211121 1111111111 112121115 1111113112111 The. E11112 1.1.11 ET 2112. 2121.111 .1112: E11222 221111211 111E.- 12.11315111112an TEE 112E111 was. 11112111111 1.1-1: r?1111121111111 .1112: 1116122511.. {12113. 11111.11. :11: gerEE 2.11111. 13.11121 11: EE ?11:1- TEE 11111-131 5% AA 1.111. . .3 ?33 22112121321111?? TAS- . NA . . {321211 21111211221191: I. . . .. 13412.1"? ?016 WAX 331233333 A1111: 20111112112111.1511 11212212112202 132112131332 VA 11111116 12219.1. She-E1. 1 9T DAM AND TN GER ET) STATUE Name-er {Tare Ger-ere arm No. ?r22 {Dete- 34;? 3631-331 5 Ubeewetrene anti Cemmente i deters The eencrete cempnerng the entrance weir invert chenrretweite and exif was; in mrreetrgatrorr The trrerbte pertrerr er the _er rap Timed: upetreem steer: and nearer) it rtee eewne?rreem eiepe appeared eerie and iris settsfactery The Eerge reeks err: the dewnetreem stops; mette _e thereugh nepectren and traversing Gravel made were metetiee err-rte The upstream and dewnetream stapes t5 prevree ertT-T rig access Tar The Igeeteehmcal rnvee?rrgetren The actress reade- were eerretructert err mevrng The large treetdere errd ptacmg ereen grave? the grade at The read was; suf?cient (Pirate. The reads: appeared wett constructed arte rtet. ?re. fetfeet the safe eperetrer? :e?T The; deer. The: E1 etriCT has to merntem The reeds and the status at The made. Witt be dare-terri?ed; after The or The remertratiert Teeter: . The tite'ib-frr patter-$1- at the grains were sins-peered tram: theatre and bertt grr?r'ns were wanted The abutmer?ie' appeared eteittier 3-er The grater-t ant-T Tee eree: were rterrt'rejt Vegetation eentrei the darn ette were ercettertt Ne redent was netted The eepreaen seettcm and ehertrtel were eetrefectery eie?ar ef- censemrng eerweeabie eendrt Ten. (rt-Treme- Er and 5.) end rte-rte rem-meme mytre?r . T's {antiserum This ere-a needs re be memt?erert T-rt- The shertwterm and reperred'rn The Tang-r term T?r; appears that The Sp? {way wit! be medrtred art- The teeredretzert preterit errd. Grated September 2in 5 DSQD test The eyetmg et? The euttet centrote . the April 253 2913 mapectren and erreneem'ente need te be. made te cycle. The upstream and dewrretreem eerrtrete The 'rretr-T memtenanee rnepectrene Treate- ferrite- The earner-?ere. 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WhiCh W33 00311313110 13-1131 033103113! 111003111. .10- be. bedrock 1. 3-331. WVP 2 30113313! 333' 3131331 30.1.13 3313 33333313130 03333111 .1113- 3333313 333.111. 13 1:3. .1113 131131313 333? :3 301.. 33313 101': 03133033 3330303 11331 1.33. 3331 T03 33333.33 1331.11'3301333 3103331 :10: .03 131313.310 333333 runoff-110.31 131101311 3 333313 T113: 1331100133131103 130011 313133 1113113311" 0130113133 13.11311111103111313131331 ranges 300113 The 13333 113333 213 1301003 =3 03313331133er 33301131103 0113-1-13 3311' 831333 31011113131113 T033 .313 survey 310311313313 3113530313 311311131 1.33.033 33111331 31-10 10 3733?: 1303133131310- 3- 3'0 33113133 1.1303 31330313313 1 10' 3311311033131 :m030.13-3313- 013311111000313013 Th3 actively 313331113 931333133 P3311. 1131131333 11110033 11131-1311.: 3011.103 01'. 1-113 01331333 111:3 130. 33111 30111311 3111113 31331213013 0.1- 133133 113111331 3331333313111 3113 03313131133 131.3131 3133130301331 0033333 111-3. 2.00.0 111103311 2015 3311-03 W333 313.33 1311131330171 The 0133.1 monuments 31.13 3.3313 .33 3. 333313011 {30331) 00031313013311133133111333 T113: 310110313313 1003130 310110 11-13 31133113111113133031333133 F3311- 3113333313173. 3311131113111 1313033101203 31.11.31- 01-331.. 1110301113313 333' 513.3 1.3.1533. 31 3311131333131 1.113 13030313313 1333-13 33013333 3.3 1171.311 01313333 03133333 11.13: {331333133 2153.311. 1121033371331. 1331011 131003133 1311010 1113': 031333133. 30113 . {03.3 1133-1313331 13.101: .01" 0133=123133313.=331 3333.1 _3 1331 . 7 DAM SEES [5155 STATUS 88.88 88888 8:888:85 Dam N8. 782: 888 8888888888 0842582816- Observations .888 Comments 888881881: 8-4888? 8882888: 8881288 8.8.88 T88 888: mo.n.u.m_88t8 7:88 818828888188 8 88.8888 88 8182812 :83588188888888 .888. similar 88888 8885883 displacement 888.8808- 488 man-88888 [88:81:88 81.888: :88 8882-8888 the 881888888 F888. 8888.88? 8:8- diSipiaeemehf 888888 4.8.. 888- 88888 crest. 28888818 88%, Monuma'?f 88388- is 8.88:: 81.8; 1.88 888883888. 88.8 88.8 1888881: 8818. 81?- 184888.? 8188188888888 85:. 0.5-5" 18.8888/8888- 8:88: 88 888888518 88888! and 8188!. 8128888885188- 888: 582381388: 82.5 Win 88:: 9:0; which is: $888888 :88 88.8 88818 888- 8881: 888888.888 888? if is: 1888888 8888888 8388888888888 {888.- 888888188 8488 25.0123.- 838888.: ?Manumanzt No:- 9?03888 8.1888888888888288 888 4888 88888888 88-88888 .8 is; 8888888: in 8-8.. 8.18:8. 81? 88188888 848388: bedl?IOQ-K 8848-88 of - 888 81838 8.8488 8888 8f. the 0885;888- T88: Dist-88:. 8888.8 :8 88881888888; 88 1838311894383.? 8888; 84' 881288888 88818- 288-88888 .88.: 88888888: in: 488' 488.08..- 883488818888 88.8 8288?: (I483 survey monuments (N8 24 No are 1888888 81888 ?888 survey 88858.- that run. 88r8i18l I88. 888 i888 8288 8371188 spiliway 18888 which 8.88 designated 88 818 ?88888881? 888 3:88 888888888 888.8st 88888} 888 8'8: 88888881: T8: 88': 81888588 81i881888m88t' 888188888883 movements 8:888 T88 $388388 through 488:- between Monuments Ni: 9.8 88:8. :98 T88 8881883158888 II tunnet surveys W888. 18881888 :8 bath: 84.8- 28.14. .8828 2015 surve?iance $88.88.. 888: argued that mavements were mmimai 8881:8818 8:888 88 8888r88t 8888188 '88. the Spmway {1881.888 81,1888 888.88% manumenta m888m8888 the .8 88888883 t8: 388888 288-. 8881881? .885 WDNUMENS W88 8.38.8 appfa?d?d Wifh the present 8188888 in {58.8. sp?lway $8888: {'88 spxiiway 8.8m Survey 88888 1888; rewewexzi As: in my the 48881523 2-04: 3 388888888 88888 88888?: Staff 888 D8088 F188 Iranch 8888818 888888388 888188888 88188 {888881888 8.88 88888888; 888888 subm?tal {If the 8.888. report {3888 A 8888 1888 888 Insia??t? i8 838 8? 2813 88:8 88888 recording 881:8: 88: 888858888. 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Sm?wwy 303163636 and {3.333.336 .. 36663136 366 TEETH 66-36633 5633333365: 69636336 6:33.153 3363663 .6636666- 33336663633: :666w6tmns, 3666636666. 66.633.663.- .66- "3336- 3.3666366313136636 the 6636.: 63.6.6- 6666.66.36; 3763-37363 666333336 6.. .6336. 3.33.6 {66.3 66.63 W613 36 6.3 3:336 666613.636.}! 633663636 63:31.66 36663366 6.6 n66688my 3633663366 666363363 63? 333.6. 7566 33316.63 36663.33 i?S?Cfo?E?i?tTGT-?i .F?p?t?fwas 666633666 36336-33636. 6-66 6633333136366 333 33:36 23.666633366363366. 3.63: 6633333333663 666 6661663361336 663363 336336 63? .3336 {36663333363 2?3 1962 0636336636 63" 666363363 66666666163666.6626. 66331666616 Q6633 W6: 3336666366 .366 6366.3 6663366333 and 66633363366333 {6.666 6633336663 663336636 6.3633333363366333 636323.36. 63363 6663363366333 366 6.3 333.6 {36333 T316 3333366 63663 333366. 66636333 363363 633336363 63.36 36' 6666 6666333633 T336 6m666km63?33 63366- 33.185363338536331 6633633366 6663 Showed 33.6: 63633 63? 3336366333333 63 6366666 S3663 6666 .6616. 636666 3166636663} 33333.6 66633 3636633633 33663 37336. 3366336663 3666 63? 3-336 .66- . 3666663663133 ptEViGUS'e?ep??s. 333666363366 66333363666 666633.636. T336 -66333366?36663666h,. 6633663663633, .6663 66333333666636 6.3366336! 6.61361 6166.3" 63733:! 66666333363665.- 66663636 66336666. 3336366366. 3:66 633336-3366, 333.633. 36336-33. 633666.63 663156. and 6336333363 3633:3636. in 6633336663536 6633633366 3.6.336 6363-36366. 66663336363 6366333336 63363 66363633363366 663663336. 633633633666 633333663663 3.6 63663666 3666336 36 3.336 63333-3163. 6133363 666333336 63666 33:36 3.3663" 6.66 3616 33:6. 63? 3- 366663.. and. 66636666 6636 and. 66333366336661 W63666663666316 63333-363: tunnel 6.33 .this 6636:. T336. 663363666. wanay wail-3'6 633333 66333336 3333636. 36 6633636636ry 66663333633 66613336-63?33633363366 363333333 .3336. 36333363 3335636 333i 666d 66336333633 N6 $66 66.? 63' :33. 66636.3 3.6.633 636336 36336666.: Evil-3363333638666 63. 5653?" . {32333333651860}? . 663663666633. . 8323332333255 gr {363381263 {66.3.3666} 626663 .. 63' .3 ENS .ANB RESERXEQERE EN 55:55 525.55 399999: 55.5.59. 93999999. 9199' 9.55.5 5E. 4111320?? 5- upsTream 55d 5E The appaared E5.- 95 955:3 Wt. 55555555 E55 55959 51555939? 555551-95" 55555555 5:55.! by T5555: 555E E55553. ET E5 55 T5 555595555; 5559555 55 5559 T55 5555955 5553:3555 5555:5555 559-5. 999931. "1-795 99'- degree. TE- 555955959555 RTE-25555591315 9555- 595T 5555 5255593 5555!- 95.5.51 5.55995 5555555 .59. the. 9:553. 55. E1: .E5. 55515939 5555: E55 E55E abave where. The bedmck feundatlon meets The 051E533: 5555 in 5 March .29 2913159525 5. :pmpo5-5E E5. - TmpE5m5nT monrtermg 5T this: weir. and 5&555m5?z5r5. 5E: E55 E55 51? EET25 55m T5- 9595.5? memter E55 5555555 EET5 badmak 55592.59 3 ETT. 555152.959 E935 51?- 5555555 555.: T55Tmm5m5: 5E E95555 - 555 3555-1 55-5595 :5555355 Emis?mve?i man?E53955- 5E 55555.55 50599555.. 55 9555555.. TEE-5 5E {Tam 55T15T5E55E 5 .19 survey manument5 .49- 55595531 repmmg 5555c! 2014 calgndar year Pi525m5z?5m Th5. MET 5355551959 and E39952 T555995 5555 5E5555E5 E55: - 555555.51. Q5599 E5. 959555555 T5 The elevation. E5. 29% .5597} 5555:5595. pT5?T?5m5t5T5 r5m5'Er-T5d Their T755955. readmg 599993! 55:55 5955955 and PPS-2 T535955 5599555519 955 E5 '95 T555555 55.5555 T5 9115 5553,1795 p. 5555:: 5595.55 Tnferne?i. Tram. The. 5955:5519 data E5 beiaw The -cE.55Eg--n phreatTc 5995559553915 1992 5.11599 study. N5. 955E519 9.555 53955 EN 5555' 95511 pEezom5E5E5 and (3W8. Eocated TEE The 59E ne?h555t 5E. E55 TpTEEway HTsEoElcaEEy. 95555 5:525m5E5r5 5E5 5515;. manTtored 9553 March E5. JET-T15 15591559 in E115 Tn5Trum5rTE5ET5n repert and n5.- 5>T51555Emn given The next instrumentatwn E99992 55555 E5 515595 55' 555955955 5? E95 sagmficanca .5T {hes-5. premmeters and. 91.5. T555555 Ear 55E 9555 En The 55559 95.9. E55 555 9.193459 555555559. 95.55 E195 E999 5555155 survey E95 9:59.59 55.5155! m555m5nt 5.55- .5555 5' 59955159 5f 91555595?: TEE-5.95. and. E515 555.599. Tamra? mews-mm has been 5' 559555555 5.919 (.55 5:35)- 5T- .51. Monument NET- 92. which: E5 55-55 E55: T59 51.555. Monument T2. {5559.9 555M has 555.! .5 5555999 5E5T5E 5:95 E5E5 99.5.9. has E5555. appremmateiy .9: feet smce E938 E931 m5numents appear E5 5559559 3933555551559 5925955555 55955539.. 555E.- 595 2:53:55 5959551 To 21.95.- 99. which is E55599 595::- Ehe? Accmding. E5 The}: 55555;; 291-3. 5555555. 595-551 Trev-.1555 5th .2 T5 3 A1113 TN 35-11111 STATUES I ?1395111111, 238111110. 1212 1351a. 11 1nspe111511 1111-1221115 0,1 161,111,111er 513131.13; 13811101211 013,181,118 01111.13 mam 00111101111013, 011,110? The 01311101, 1 needs; 11:: 311311131- 11115 0.5.51 01 Ma-nument N0, 35 11113 1111251121 1101101110111 11.11.01 1115 101315211 01-2-11 1111 12111111111111.1111: bie- tocaiad an. are-a 01 16121111113111 $131,331.12 131111112611: 15: suggested 111 1111-- 11.11.1111, . Seepage 111911 5x01201101 0003510513! 30111111, 11111110 131111311 111.1: 1'09 1511211 0011111111113 151 5113.11 dry. I 1311,15, 11051031193111 1110110051035: 11 as 13110011311 about 1-12} 11153131101191 11111111511110 1101311521011 1001111011011 1111311125 1115:; 001011 reckfait zone 1111111152! 1318001119181 The 10111, 1510011an period 101 1111.5. 11151101110111 1135;. 51011010 November 13.1 211121.. 5 The. 0111111321 behaves 1.111111113- slip: 1a1es recorded 01181: 111135111116 1381113113113, 0011315318111 with the knawn $111210 acimiy 111 the-10110130101001. and 1:10 110131011001 013-181111000111111. as was 0110;115:1113: 11.003111; 1, .1111 engmeermg 06.59512'310 11130053 211113 data [as '11 1313163510? 11.11% 000131100 311.11: 1,110 55391331138 wet: 0110111311011 needs .11; {11501151311131 1111': wai??hay 121111.131 0011195111119 $011501 seepage 3011.1110010201111191 81151111311011 nee?1.11.10 1111301133 1118' 01132011113100 1.1111315 11-; {115110.11 11911.10 21515111611 01151111150 ,sur?ace and embankment 51111921111; 1110111113 13110101 survey 11,011,; 1, T3113 8 11-1, 213113 Suma?lanzce 10.11101111-0511110131110 115113151136: 01111111110169 ;in- 20:13 35511011131113 11505111); F111 seepage-and. 01111121111111 115113,, 31151111121111 1111:5111: 111-5511 spam 1311:111'111169111313'; and 12131101011110.1013 new 10 0011515,?" 15:11 thSiQtfica! data-.- @301th 1113 351311111110 damn-1111:3193 12-1151 dam- i's perfarming 33115131101111}. 71115210115111 .inzs?immematim- :nemmrk 12; 51111511111011. 3111110 11111111011111 1115110111e5111511101111 deemed news-$313; 51111111111111. 111151-1255; 1155-5111515; 51111531. .01 :3 NATE WEE REE-E E-E EE E: OF DAM. RESERVWR 2N GERTSFIEQHSTETUS ?Mama-Ef?ami C?yGEE: NE. 3?32; 53.31323 GENE Earth . .. .. . . Type; EpriIi WEE WEE Chute . v_ . ?35. IEE mum East and: IEQE . IEE . Earn crest Pamy?i?i?d?f}: "1?33 . . . . I Eases-E:- Er Er. En. 233. ENE: E38033 accepted E3 strict E: ErEpEssd the: cemprehenswe safety EE Eubmx?ed {353033) {Es Es in the Q?fh?'f'W?Edy' E-rEw?i?Eg the. dam be EE-mExer. As. FEEL the rEmEr the. fiEEr WEE-s. .Ef SEE. As- sE itszsiify? use. _Ei NE: EE- :3 EENEE $31 HEE- TEE has: at the EELEE {Er-{Ea .mEm Eff and AR new 3E be Eff~sste Ey District Staff. Es? in? E.- .Ef dam. The_ :wiEEj WEE straight EE-iiErm End. in. The SEE-E. upstream E-EE . EE?cui?: ITEEI Embankment remains :th Ems: EbuimEnt trees EthEr EEgetEixEE grEme the. upstream Ef- dam ?83 EE i?m?ved EE E?gEs Ef {Ede-Er.? at: ii-iEa? Emma WE. E, 3E ri-EE-EiE?s tE. waits of the Epiliway structure bE rEpEirEE Es necessary, EEH EEQEE Ef- Smizway 2E EE we)? and: did? mi 5ha any NEVEWEM Er .- 5%wa gEE?is rEmEiE in EEK Egg? I I IS Em? ?ghamma-ka?3:33:63? my . GEE-EEK . {Bate ?rm-Em I I . EWE (REE WEE . Sheet: 5: 3F 33AM. ANQERESAERAWR EN 3353 NANAA . . . .. 3:22:2- I DAFA . Comments .333- A33 and A 5 TAA A33. Appeared A AA. 333 A33. {1333333331335 3333353 A3: 3333323333 8AA). AA333AA3A 932333333 333A 33A 3333333- A3331 .339 333333333333 AA AA T3333: AA. AA. AA A33- 333-{33333313333 333333.333 03333333333333 {33.333333333133333 T3363: AC3. 333-333mm. 33333333 333333; 5333333338 33333333 After 33333 at: 3333A AA 33 :33 3AA 3333-333 33333 33633233333333 3333333333 33333 33.3 A MAKAA 2333. 235333 33.33.3333 DSC33333 33333 {3333333333 A 3333333333333 333 33333333333333.3333 33:3333333A3333g 3.33 33.3335: 3333 33333-3A33 at 33333 3333' 3333A 3333:3333 3A- A3 3313333333233 3AA 33351333.? 3.3333 3232333333333 333 233*33 333333. 3335333333 {33.333333333333333 3AA Am 333 333333333333333333 A3. 333333 33333 333 333A: AA 33333333333339.3333 3AA33A333A333A33A33 33'. 3333s.. dam AA .AurAA-y 33333333333336.3333 333-8 33 3333333633 333A33A333AA3A 333335.333an 3.333333 33333333333 A3 T3333: {333333333 3AA33A333A333A33A33 AA3AA $3333; 2333 .33 data; was: 333 333A AA3AA 3332332333 3 3Pdicat?S 3AA A3333 3A 333 A March 2.3? 213334 33333313333 3333333333 3.733333 333-A35 3AA. mstaliatmn A73 {Astrumenta?mn A3 333A 33333 3333' 3533333 3A3 333A: :Af' {33331333333333} A3 33333-333. New. 3333233qu 333333). new. A3 333A 306 AA A 3333333233333 3533335333333, A33 3333333333 33.3: 333A. 3AA 333339.33. .- A 33333333A3 .33. 333 36333.: 33333333163333: I333 3333A AA 3A AA A3333 313333.33 A33 33.33333A 3.33A33A333A333A33AA A. 33333333333333 3333333333 2333-4. 33.333333, A3333. 333-3.333333% 3333333333233 333353333333333333 333333333 3333A A3 sin'StmmA?fS. . AA 333A 33333333333333:- - 33335333333333. 33333333 3233-3 3.33333. 33.333333; .. 2" 3333 .5. Mzm?mm??m .wm am 3mm mwmb4?m. Km?mbw mms?ax?w .. . .. . Ema mw??mmumwwumom. I . . A. gamma 33mm" .ma?ma?m33%. mama. a. a; pan. ?2mm Emuma?mm am?m n?mma ??w?wm mamas .20., .wmym gag ?xing: aim #2 86$. mama . a. a. . Emwmm?m 6&5 ham. am Emum?b?am a. Zm?m 9?..qume 0.0me Umaza. ?mgm . . gm," ?mama?. 33$. 11110100011111.001110111; 1100000000000001 . 00.111111111101111" 130- 10111011 1100011111100 {3.131211311132191 13.? SAFEWQF 13191211153 111-10110011000111100 RESERVQERW STATUS 2 510.11.110.01 111.0111: 31133-11710 . _Dam N0. FEME I .. . 13401111131 80010-131010 . .. 1131;111:111 13.011.1- 130011' I 71110.0 01.: 00111013, {301101010 1.111011 0110 {3110111101 1111010110 3131.1: .1001; 1.1010111? 01011111011 010.111 01.111 1141.9 1001 110311111 1111111011101, {1050111011 111011101? 1510110111311 1115;: 5.. 1310011101 9011131110113 {3188? 8.111.513- 01101111110 13.10.11 80110.1 1101110110 130001 R011. 1111011001 111100010 Jim 11101001100111; 11100111111011 531011011 :.1111110111 10-1 11010111011. P00111010 1.11.1 1100011011 {111110115 111015.19. 1013001110111 {1110001011000 1100001111000011000 0.11 00110110 T011200 ~17110: 131101131201 111111 0011101010 0: 001110110112011?01110 00101001010011.1111? 10101110: 0111111.. 0111011? 11111111 111011100. 01211 011011011" 0000001110111. 01.1110 10.011011101110000 11011110111 01-1110 1101111 ?1.11 011.1 March 211:1 310.1101. 11.150: 1111.00. 100110010111001111111110: 01.011 0110.001100010 10111110011111.11-011011 11y- 300101111301 313; .2511 3.1 101- 1110103111110 11110111110111 11101111011110 1'01 1100.11000- 0011115111011001111: This 111.0111 011011113. 00.110110111110110000 11100130110001 01.15110 0afe1y 0110111011011, 1110 [310111101 111111 0111110111 0 111000001 1011-11000- 1'1'1101?011'0010010 .1031 3030101111301? .3121, E2131 3, 11130001110111 11113.1. 9.13 1011100100. 11.11.1110 130111 0.10.00. 1'61 111.0 01011101111110.0111 17401111.. 2011011. 111.1110 11011.1 11101111111011.1011011' 1013011; 51.110 0111111012 01101111115. 3151011131 1.11.0: 1100011111011101111111011100 1010101100 10.01.1113,. I 1.1110 1111101131 1100010111111 01111101011101? 00111111011001? 11511110111101.1100 100011 1011101100 I2 T110 111101100111 $101.00 901-00 0111;111:130. (10111101100111 1101111011 131111001- 11000. 111010: 11.11131 0310100 1320110111110 211110.11 0001111 0111110 001101010 11012111110}; 01111011110 00. 1001100101121 11.141111110111110 01.112113101110110 11101300110111: 21110111101110 11100111011100.1110 01.11:! 011101 1110013111 10001011011 0101111110 0101101110 1.111011001111000 1.01.1- 1111511'1111111 0170111 .Q01101110101101 1310011110 111100.111 1.111111111011011 .0110 112101.101. 1110001111011, 1110 00m; 10001110111; 01.111 11110 00111111011011.0110 0101110000 0010.- 10* 0011111111011. 1100:, 12.111001110110110 1:11.111- 1?3-01111001110 51301.11. 111.10: 110111: 11051-1110: The 0101101 00110100 0105.1 1110011111101111111011 01011011 and 11.1 0011010111011: 1301113111011 The 111011110 13011100 '01? 1110'- 1.11:1 110.0 1111011 111301100111 01000 and 11111100 11110.11- 010111111511'00111 010.120 0130001011 11111101111 0101310 0110 1.11 0011010010131 001101111011 1.110. 10100 1130110 0111.110 00011101100111 010130 111131100 0111011311011 T1111 11111101102 1:31} 11311-10231 1.1011000}! W011 111311001011 .03.: I I I 81.1.1. 110.0101. 0&1 ?1?95? .31 NO. {3010-01 11101110011011; 134121313313 . 00101.: {2111111101 IF11010 813011113110 13.010. 01111011011 13010 1001101111. 1.0111111 8211.11.01 ?1 0.1 T3333 of ?3333; {33:31:33 ?33m @333 Tits-33:33:33: 04:23! EST 31. Observatmns .3333 Cemments Tm 333333 011338? 399.9393. 2 13333333333 3: 233333333 13333333333 3333393 3333333333 31331213 331-31333 The 33:: 33333333 3:33:33 The 33:33: 33:33:33 3T3: 33333733333. adequate except T0313 3133133 tree 33'1th31m33 3333333333 T3633 131'er 33.333233? T131331 grewmg 13:33: i :33 T33 upstream gram T1 reauested The 3:333:39 The The 3333:3333 centraT 3333333 3333 33333333333: channet 3333333 333333333: 33-337 3f 33333::33333 . 335333 The 30:36:33: 3:333:33:an 3:33 entranrse 33-33131: invert: 3:333:33 w3T13__ 3:331:33:th 3333:: 3r: 5 semaeabie 0333333333: The 1333333333de 3333333333! Throughout the 3333:3373: 333333333 3333333333333 33 333333333 with. 3333333333 3333333333 reperts 3:3 w'Tjt'h 3:733 3:333:33 inspectrm 333371-333 3.3333333 hammer t3: the Change 3.3: 33333 :33 Tie: 331:3, TT 3.3 $33TTw3y 33333: 13333313 33th the: 333333 33:3 T333333 3333-3 3.3133 333333301 3333 33:3- Cancemrng 3:333:33 C313- W133 333333 R33333t33 3:333:3'3'et3 T333333 3:333:39 333321333333 333336133333 T333 33:. T3333: 3333:3333! 3.33 333333333 T3 {331313330333 T333 33:33:33 T333. 333:3 333T 33:33 1 33333333 3 drummy 33:33:33 313 Th3 mvert 3333 13m: 33' 333 2-3-60 miner 3333333333339 1131:11?11 the 33:33:33: 3333:} 3'33: 833. 3:333:33 matting 333-: 3:3. 3338 33:3 8:3 2? Mt} T33. 33-33133: 3333:3333 t3. The repairs-3:3 The} 3533333333,: 3331331333.: 3333 3333333 32:33:: ethar- repairs. 33 judged 3333333333,: .3333:- 33:3 23" 33333333332333 33-333 and, _3 3331333113: habitat The 33:53:. 3:33:33} and; Th3 333313 5 33:33:33 333:3 3333333333 Th'e- 33333 through Right Abutment F33T'ti Z3333 .3333- T333 T331: deftecttm 13:33:: That 33:3er 8:3 3:3 Sit-'3 33-33: The; 333333333 - tunnei 131313-133 33:3: judged ?311 333-3933333331: Ar: 3333;333:2333 33:313- made T3: the T333333: 3333:1333 13Ti1'T'h'3 3:333 vault The 33333 33333:: 3T the hydrautrc 3:333 3:331 th3- 333133 appeared :3 be, 333.311 33333333333133 and no cancammq 33333333333 33333133333333.3333 W33 . Both upstream sturce gates and the valve were. T333: 3333' T33 during. vatve 33:313- thet: 33:33:33 3:333:33 13:31.31 333333 The 33333333?: 333133 3:33:333333 T3: the: Trig-T33 3:13:33: 3333:: The 33:33:31 mechanmai 3333333333 The 3335333 33:33 33:3: thne3sed The 3333:3333: 33333333 :33 smm?thTy {33; 38333333333 by the inst-'3. umentatran The: VTSITTJT :33. 33333333. 3f T133 33333333 3.3383333333333333 3333 T33. 3333333333333 3033333333: The 33333333333333 T333 33' T3333 with Tame baulders 31:33. 3:33:33 reteases T333333 33333323331133; 333' Tim 333:3 dry: 333:3 Thar-23: 33:31.3 333' 333333333333 T333. T33 9:391 V: 3:313:33 3:333:33. 33:3; 33:33:33 T3 3333:3333. 3 313131 33:33 3:33:33 T13 33:33:33 about T113331 above: outer 33:31:33 W3 333333333. the 333333333333 .m3333t33mg 333333333 3333333333 3333 T33 :33. T333333 3:33- :23: 33-33:. 3:33:33: 3533-3: (31' 11AM 1N CERTH. ?.132 STATUS: 11111161113611: 6011:3113- . Pam. N11. 772-22 1:13.11: 1.1123191513111111. {141231201 :1 dhsewa?ans and Comments ..11'15111'._ - 111111111111 1111.11 1:13:11. 11": 111111: 23-, 2.0.13 16:113.: requested the {2113111131 13111011- 1:511:11 1111111 -. 11:1311'1gs 1:11:11'1313111119 1331?1111111 11101111311111: 111? 11113 1111111113: 81311191111311: 30.36113 {11.111139 111:: 11131131311111: We 11141111333131 11111- 1113131131101: :11 {31182011181318 3.131116. 11:1,: 111' 1111-: c1311: b12113: 1:111:111111'1113 seepage near 1131:6- bedrack 60111301311111 01:11:31" '10- remoteiy 1110:1110: seepage canditmns 1:13:11 16:31.? . Time: 1:111:18. T111: {11131111111131 8.131111611111131: a 1110;111:1111: 11:: 1:111:33 :mpmvemepnts - The 111511?111?1181?11311011 11111111) {1.311112111151115 {11111113 13182011181311: survey menumems 43 5131111111312 . monuments 11} outlet 1111111111. manuments 11:18 seepage 111911: 3:11:11 TESEWGKT 111.1113: 131811311111: 1:11:11 $311111 1116111111131815 share 11.11.11 same: 13111631111112: 3:151 are 10831811 31.111111 131113131161 apprexmatWy 31111-3 11111101131931 1:901:91: P1231: 1.111111151111313 1:12:13- pressures 1113-1111113 1311113 and 2 has sansmg 211113-1111?: Spams-11:3 131.111: 31311111111111.3391: T1111: 161113111113 11113:: 11111111111111 Wemm?am 0:412. 1111:: . and :11: 1114815311 :13. the-13311123311 are . 111111111113: 3.311.311.1111. The 1:131:11. 1131'12111311111'131313 W1: 1 EPiemmete11'fsiPFD-Gw1 and T111: 1211:- 11111113111: surface 1111511111111 11111: 13311111111111 1:11:31 1:11:3391?11, 3111:1511 1111;111:3111: 18:11:13: 11.131? 121111113111: 1.1: ewe-1311161911131: 11s 31301.11. 1131111113: 1:131:13 1111:9111 $331113- 16350113389111.1111 11531-1113 1301;111:111 T113111 are 1111131101191: 13132011131111.3113 1131111211113 1111:1151 131111113111: :su?ace. Through: 1119: 13:11:11: 11nd: 16311211111151. T111: 11119131113111: W311 13132311131311: 11131111011113 pore measures near 1111:? 6131119 that have. 5 mammetem pressures have: 18111211118121 38313111111111: 1113' 11:11:11 1131?: 1:13.91: 1110111119 appear 1211 111131133111 the- 1116-1113 are: 11.111131113111119 111111-1111 111.13 231332-012.11115101111 18118153111131} :11: 01111631111119 1131135121211" 11111111111117.1113 1131111111111. - The. [2113111131 1: 111111311an 11:1: 120111111111: 11101111011111; 3:13-13:111111111113111331131: W811 memetem 11'1- 11:13: 1111111 3111111111 111$11'L1mentat1on 18130118 Was approved 1:1: 11151: March 29 2313131113: These- 13132811781813 are: 13111313! 1111111: The. dam and 1:113. 11111311331131 1mpac?11hej 3311111; 1:11-1:11: 11111-1111. ifs-1111: 11131113111131 1361111111101111111' .j 31111134111119 111111113 .1118 1:011:11. 13801311113113 1'11 11.11 111111111111 1mmed1ately 1:1: 1:13: 1313111101113 311111-33; 111?. seepage: 111-3111133333 1911121111611 1113': 111111119 1113' 2003 2313 repartmg 1161113121 The 3131111111111 seepage 11.11:: 11100113131311: W111: 1333:1101: W319: 31111131101: 31:11:151'3111111111 1'1 :111-111111313111135 11.11.:- 1.131221313131111 12.121111111113331. 11131131111Whi1311 11:: 3133113331: 11': 9:133:13: 5' 11111311111.11113331311393 3:331:01: 11133113.; The 01311711113" 131111.931 9-133-131-1311.: 1113.31111110'11131111111: 1.1111: W111: was 1:533:61: in 111.1: 51:13:31.1. 23. :2013-1111131: 3111111111 [11.111111111111115 - Thgre- are 53:11:31:- ma?numemi-s 3111113111311: 1131131113111 11111131111111.3313: 1:11:61 111313311-1'11'121111113taken 13111110113111133: 11:, 2012 The: 3111113113 13111-13135; 1111. 11:11:11 8111111: 3:11: .8- Q3 LTAM AND- 1333331.; SEWER-IS T3333. 332-2 833-3111333333 Observatmns and Comments 17133331333; are: grouped 331-0313. failewmg caiegenes '9 '19- ares-T: m3331'121'311T3 a: 3'8: 3332:3333}:- Tioer '31 3:13 333-3123: GresT 3331131113113 The 333333 3:33me 031333133 Fault traverses Thmugh Th3 ?3131: 33115333 of Th3 and Th3 Right Abutment F333 3333333 Thmugh The. right 33333.11 3? The 333T. Mats 3T 33313333133T303m3r1t and cumulative TateraT dispTacemenT 3033333 T113 2833 ?313qu 2313 33333213313951.7311.Tnz-The r3333. The 31:33 111311331333 are 311313an 3 33313313 3333:) 3331331311: 33.11.33 T933 Th3 1113331113113; 1333133 $333: mare Te?iement-Tela?ve. T3133 33131333 manuments. and The rates of 33313313331" 313333.333 T333139 33333333 33 Their- 33-33333 313 Manumeni 33, which .3 31:31.33 3333.313 had The 1.33.3st rate DT- 33 Q-TrIaa-r air-13' 3133333332 appmxim $333 3.4363532 (QTGW Qh3s}: 333233 Th3 333T 3-133 3:113:33: .313 333: 3333113 3- .3331333313r1t, .3113 'siimfii'ar 13-313 333?03! 3332333313 HT 333313171 The- mamtmensts -3T13wed 313:3 T3T3rai dispiaeemenf refatwe T3 Th3. 33331? crest menuments Mammenf T3, 133-333 31.33313 The 3:133 3913:3333 .3333 The 33331313ch The instrumantaQ-Qn 33333.33}: "3313113333..? TTQ'was 3rb?TT33T33i13333=33 TT13- 3333 3133331334:- 3333333 T. is 3333:3331: an 333 3T T333333: 333.33: 333 1:333 331233-32 3T T33 main "The {33:33 33.333 3.133333 The 313:3:3T'343nument Na. 30. 3s 33- 11131111313111: Since lit-13 Tecateei 3331' The 33331313}? 333: T33- in; run paratiei T0 The Tang 3x13 3FTT13 Splilway invert which are: 33333333 33 Th3 ?n3rth~fl33r and Th3 seam-Timer? The. cumulative Tateral 3333233331333 .3333 33311 3111313 33313133113331 25? Ten {101131113331 manumemts (N0 3313 11133333 in 2.3313 and 3131333335333 Tine That: runs parauei- T3: the?: 3x13 3T: Th3 outiet and its purpose T3- T3 momtm dsspiacement .333 To 33t3nt13i 11131133131123 333's; Th3 Th3 333333 iaterai 3133 acement 3133 occurred 33350213313312 N3 35 having dzspiacemen?? 3f- 36~mch33 The: Targest 1133133! mavemant 3063333 3T Minumem N3. 96. havmg an 333m? dismasemmt 3T 'i-Th3 3.3T d13pl333ments T1333 33.33 113933133 3331:1131 netve?icai: 3133:333313113 33333133 Th3t3?1r13133r333?330t3 313333 T033 33113-3. The- 3331 :31 333.333 3333- Am :3 {Dr 3N m5: STATUS- I anNQ?22 {23392: at lij?sgeg?m 041231233113 Qbsawatmns and Camments mane! is crowd and the} repart states that errors jb? futiy ?etermmad rm properiy The: mists-Fiat pmpasai tr) decrease {has frequency for surveyrng the} spiliway 135er and outlet Mme: manuments branmaiiy m: annua?y wag. appraved aur? Mam?! 1139, 2:312 Miter- We is minimal measured armaments and as}. apparent trendmg in the fieor and out?t aise {Wm be werkmg w?h Brains}: Starr :9 determine the agapreprrate number and whiah marmments are necessary befare submr?at of the next :mtmmen?a?mn reprint. ?amiumon The avg: r-ahie mstrummta?an data Indicates zihat traits dam is perfermmg .adequatery in the. near Mare improved. a? the we seepage am :faiuit dispiacemem needed 7 he District Wii be submitting their pian fer thi'S mark The netwerix ?yaiu-a?anz, EWR- 125$: {rev-i rte-reg: S?eeat- 5 ya? 8? m1 LE5 ham ?z ?mm? aggcm ?4me? 3.133. 0320 . .. .. . amaze. 31$ mam 60$?me Mm. ?nn/ .7 303 w. mam ma?a 03.. Em. 00.3003 mmw?awnwamm .3 Wm. $30400. 0.0.4. 3%me mm??w 0Mn mzw?mm??zw 53%: $25 gamma?. @3an $3 02%. . .33. . HEN a. p?mmwa a. II . 2&4. 9.. 4.31 Jr? .xo. mm. mag ?.83 35.5Emmy $3 4 a. . in}: nun-r: {.14 w. ?a m. :3me . $333 a?mam gm?gm I . .17? +39% Wm.? .m??mm ?g mmwm. mm. mummy? Em?hwn?qu? 33mg. 4? .m 33% Miami. ?mgg??m 2m .. . ?93 ?ammawemz nwwm??hw ?and?? . STATE 0L Af?mNiL} DAMS ELAN LANE LN. QIENTLWELE . . . 7-242 Type of Dam Type Wei? and ?h-A?nei is . #33 I I I hem-W . dam Since Lem? Gunny and Warm Stephan WLL J'L?Liiy ?L?yafk?h?? LL Grant-3mg Made my??a?i the {Fi? fLaL LL 3 253:? L. W3 Lhe LL ALL may Gy?ie? during: the Lash need made piaznmeterw?tLL-L max. and Lang-LL}- and. ALL-CL, far and manumants LL. which Gf'iha LighL wii? b3 address-a3 in the ALL benchmark baa an the Left- MG-?ume?t NL). GO. determining Lhe and. and LL33 submiftai as: ALL wag med May 2G LL53 far explm?aiian ass-Lemma with an angeing Liam samiy Dam 1 WOW the the; dam, L'asrewq?'n and the are judged 333The and sigma Bath faces a?gmai?a?i was Racism $35311?ng weir and ?shame? dear and TEL-LL agbmm . - LL . . . . Linspeme? . AA Mammy . Ph?i?i?; Yes LL i?s'peti?un- I . {Late {25f Repm TGIGQL LL 5 ENSPECTEON 0F DAM AND RESERVOIR EN STATUS Name of Dam Coyote Dam No. 72?2 Date of Inspection 5/9/17 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage We walked inside the spillway channel and inspected it closely. Overall, the concrete appeared to be in satisfactory condition. We identified open joints that require sealing and spell areas and voids that need patching. The District agreed to complete this work in the spillway to about 6 feet up the walls; work higher up the walls will need to be deferred to future years until personnel safety measures are designed and implemented. The District will complete the joint sealing and concrete repairs in the spillway channel to about 6 feet up the walls by October 2017, which is acceptable. We also closely inspected where there have been historic repairs completed along the two invert panel transverse joints between approximate Stations HUD and 3+00 (the approximate limits of the fault through the right abutment, outlet, and spillway). Past repairs, some of which have been done since our last inspection, are holding up well, but large sections of drummy concrete were identified along the joints. The District will map the drummy areas and submit a repair plan to a repair application may be required depending on the extent of the work. The dam has an u? gate and Valve associated with th Both were fully cycled during this inspection without any problems. The dam also has a_ gate and valve for habitat flows. We did not walk the outlet tunnel; arrangements should be made to inspect the tunnel during the next inspection. There were no signs of seepage on the face or along the groins. The toe area was obstructed by the toe pool, but the weir at the toe reac_ or 18 gpm. Flow at the weir is related to the high rainfall this year. Flow is not indicative of total dam seepage, as there is no cut-off to prevent flow under the weir. All spillway weep holes were clear. lVlinor flow was noted through the lower weep holes and along joints in the right wall between approximate Stations 1+75 and 2+80. The dam has piezometers, a seepage weir, survey monuments, and a creepmeter. The latest data through 2016 was submitted with the owner?s letter dated April 6, 2017. My review of the data is below. Piezometers: There are 4 vibrating wire piezometers. Piezometers 1 and 2 installed at the toe in 2013 fluctuate within - range due to tailwater elevation, rainfall, and reservoir. The piezometers do not indicate any change in seepage conditions. Piezometers 3 and 4 installed in 2015, in the lower face, read dry and up to abou- of water, respectively. These piezometer readings are consistent with the design phreatic surface used for a stability evaluation by the District?s consultant in 1977. Data for these piezometers will be further evaluated as part of the ongoing comprehensive dam safety evaluation for the dam. Weir: The toe weir reads dry except for following periods of rainfall or when the tailwater is high. Flows at this weir are not indicative of total seepage, but a sudden increase on a dry sunny day when the tailwater is low could indicate an unsafe condition with the dam. The owner provided an engineering evaluation on the weir and how flows vary based on rainfall and tailwater elevation, as requested in our last inspection report. Crest Monuments: The dam has nineteen crest monuments that continue to exhibit a slight Sheet 2 of 5 a?wm?z mum, me? a mummy? Al} mummy can. any EM. Say mummy cm w?a?mm Egymm? Easy? Emma :3qu ?wa?nwm?yg mum, ?aw Egg $3an 0&3 z? 6/ 4x If?? .3. .. . A. {Emu . mum . may 35$ mama? m; a