mumRm RESQURQES-AGENCT m? Resume-Es. EMS-fem m2: man-s: INSPECTIQZN. (3F AND if WW f, Namer Sam . . . . ?unamNo-k ?amiy- FEW-9 Ty?e-Qfaazm man 9-93?- Cmmei: .. .. . . -. W213: ifs . .. feet ?feet haw . ;Su-nnya?dg?ewes . ?ormac?srmada 23mg Risitzman, Raasm ?rimpec?on] Imnmtam?. abgawa?ons; Remain-mentiat?iam .ar'Actima Tamers The: dam ?gs: has gait-{ed significan?y eve-r the: ?fe 9f me dam, and. the; {aw Wi?ht is. mew ~135-fee? big-law me. Griigin'a: design. Greg a? 8-1" 88.6.5 feat. The dam has 1.3 ofreaidu'ail freemard and mama duringfhe design Yhis {engriierm sewamem? 335m? needs. to. be? resmwrad by: ?e?ambzer 1?32"} 2.61 23.. {323-023 canfinuem wank wiih t?q ram-m the Issues in-mMn-g high. seep-age;- ?aws: at the dam. C?an?mzed amaze man-aiming seepage-at meme- aft-hes dam is warranted. arra?g?m?ms need "be. madam Gysie bath mama :du-riin'g the: :ma? mai?t?n?ma Gawain-510323.. Pram {he "km-m .infarma?'o'n? and 33339413? in?spec?on, the: dam, raw-main. and 3% appurtenances: Maj-awed safe fmr' scam-?ned use", pen?i?g 29f rasmra?m' am: {admit-39:17:: {if seepage 31f tha- cia' . We ewaetke?- the car-asst {he left grain as? the dam; and. impeated the {mat para-pet wai1_, and; :th-e' visihie?: of the farm.- The Liam mega parapei- waif, amiss, abi?tm??t Gama-d3, gmmg, and toe area Were; if; satisfammy wi??h. rm. signs- [of ins-itab?ify. The parapet: wal-i was satism?tmy: apgaarame with mi.) gignifmanjtnew$133533an The- .anare?ae?ned: ugstream face remains: in satisfactory Gmdi?i??,. and the rgpajim made in 26.153 appear-153293: braidingqu wail. The Steep: mak- ?aaeappearad awhile; vagiefatim min-?rm: was: sa?s?acmm and: mate- were-i sign-5: 5:3? tradem- activity..- Sings-e- mn?u?ed the: RSV 'inspac?m and Subsequent femiffs the? facing in 201*; and discuss-man. Ens?smear: 29.6% has smti?ued-mga??ng we . s?ii: the ?awnsiream we; ?3053 wail. em?me mama the wages; inmzming hig'h'seegzage 'ffewa- at ihe dam. Continueci dais-?2- mt'mit?rimg? mf- i asepaga: at the. me zafi-?Ehe: i725 Warramed. and dawnsitreasm Shame}? ware $15633? and i; The mmrata surf-mag af'the: ?nest and ages? rig-main in: satisfacwry mad-Riga; .Qut??etj We in?mc?ieii thea- Qu?emu?nei and: shambar and. the dih siream 6mm! valvesx 5 za-nd appurtenances: to he in g?a'?fsfamery We _'vawas were: :F?i??l?i?fdiy the SSHEI a1! WEEKS grim: this and bath; Waite; 3525f . aggp?a Arrangements; need'tabamadeta fully cyste- bnfh? mews-during: {he new: maintenanae- in?ection, 3? 3.. ggw-g; E. @1333?? Mammy - A ix. ?1 Jmanazz 'l'nrspegged by. Pheigsfa?ejn? Ni.) :D'aiero?nspectian _l 1205' mm:- {Eatenmepu? EMS-Z 32.83- mass) Esme: .ef. 4.: $5 mm STRIKES mama afaszmgam?frfgiht Emma; I. arid {Eamments .Sa?jg ?g ef The. fame: and. but?) grams. cf the. mak?i? dam were dry, as ?aw-Hair?an Sewage. weir reat? azr ?225;.15 161% On {hiss dare; This reading, is. cansisiant?. with rec-em year-s: "Sewage candi'?cms were: cm?sismmw?h meted sawing" prawiaug Einspamims; mis?t, instrumentatian aim-"sis diam. a? sixtyfeigfhi (56-18.) sumey mammams an?' ma? sewage waif; few-f s-ubmfi?ed with an: mmer?s We: daie?ii .A-prii- 3. and revieWed in. the maintenanse: rem? dated H21?2i31 a. The -irs.strmemaiio:n netwmk. is. imaged. i=0. be awn-12m {mm mm}. Shea-t of as ?89553-me .thF ANS m? ??i?gffujs Nam m? mm GOG-Wight mam Nina. r18 {Eaie-ufmia?e?imQw?gtre'gm {13.53 dam mes-mei- sireft: amaze-at; (my; ?lm} Shea? .4. . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . - sv?r?-f?E-Wmm .. MWRAL - a? am my RESEWME 3153 {?r?mgmm z; (Mini? Qgee- wen crhan?ei- ?425' feet; Mama {Ram CQQiKR-igi?i Typa?f {3am V?sfai?f is fee-1.: ?aw Na, arid. baimw ?eiaw {54am crest-D Weaihm Saga}? . . . . _l Gan?acis Matia- Jami?e H?ffmafm Gaihy mam-Swim; and Alien EimmS?wkh Reammgx Sariaz?ig- P?3&iniagaxn?e- ilnsgecrifgm ?fgjn'p??am thgwa?ans, ?ea?mmenda?am Actions Taken I Tm Em damaged (mm-fem fam- at: upwgam at Sta?an @8313. 5.3% aeetngieig, The. dam was: am: .ggsarapafg wag have satiiegi avert-?313: csf'the? dam; Tm pramnt @3355: am wrap-762$ ?rigina? meg-t" eieva?m $619309 feet. The. dam 31% faet? .nf residua? free-mare: and. 5333??: warm? dusting the des?g? skim-m. ?Ebe- Emg-eterm Saws-2mm? iss-L?e news ici- ba Sesamiber ?3368- i's- Swimming wark. w?th is rem-Eva iissum' irwmx?hg the high aa?gsage- ?rsw-a: ai Ef?e dam {tanniusiam Mm imi- infmmatim armi- viwa?' the {gar-n. msawai-z; and the- are i?udggeiz? safe my wn?medi we} {Ba-Ming; sampfe?m em" z?astaraiim can? freemard and. {?ames of .saeggage gum {Siam {Eh?ssa-zjwa?mf? a?d {iammw?s '-The; magi, amtmamm gram, am {he ?a?mstmam. max-- fme a? the diam: appearetai am in smi?asmw mimi??n am shsmad me $935: The erases: hati- a rims; maintai- m?ma {ma- mm: gap-mama. ta Emmi Ema m. dam, Vi?ibie: mama W: umti'ra-am gamma facet mf- 'Ezhe ?13m anti the. :gcsaraaef wait agpe-amd it}. in ?aiiafagziarry mm?d?t?m, The gwnar hag; reagn?y rapaire? the swarms: panaia on. the. upstregm SE-atfm re?aim spam-rm :Na' was ragged g'incs'; "the. mark? was: mns??am? reggae-r" mini-anaemia. A tt?wwugh igniagzpeniim .Qf-{ha' {mireagm Gangsta. main-g a?twaxa the impemimsa- berm was: cagdua?ed in Fez-i3. 2Q15with a; Remaie Qpe-rafing Vehisie. .NG siigmii?imnt Seam-age. aji'?mm?ree were mated. Radentga?tissiiy Wag ?at at ma?a-m. at the. dam. ?fi?a es?i?way a?f?mazc?, 0:53.33: vm?ir-?cmtmi Eec?mg an?i? Shanna? were; $93? and. umb?tmci??. The 'Q?'?izf??ia s-mfiames: sf ?37m Dani-mi sea?m remm'n in saiiafaciaw cand?imn'. The. i653 beam was; Magi 3.23.223 in? ?atiafaemy mrz?ii-E?n; 'Tzh_tumae? and 33133313:? C?amf?ef were ns?i- xii-sited during ?rms; i?sms?m; Wm mk?g- We'ra- iasjf; mama-3. in gramme an anti 'ihgy ape-raiedisatisfactom: Pia-?E: remz?tgdiy :?aguiafi-y- ?aw an. vaiyea :a??uaE-iy. mwviaml m?etj {i-Qe?riate?. in. 36}? Th? davmsiream face 3% with gram-5 were Swpag?- the-me mine: sign: ramzai?s high and mmsierzi wiih 36:36:32 years; The. f?i?ming wading W'Eii- taker:- during the mmc?m: Par-am; ?hiik?? {3312 3.52316 ii'napeqtad by {33:8 6? impacting? ?33192 Reg-3m? exams :ieakan? N's :ce'fsrEma 129:4 .{R'e'xa mm; NSPEETEQN Dis-@3591 STATUS Name. of Beam @QQi-ifig?i. mam- Date- ofmgest?m WSW-15 thawatiana. anti {tumm'eims . i. 33,349 airs, Thisi'eadi-ng i$ ca?s-isie-ntwith Eavei, {hi-air: The. instrumenta?m- a? {has dam ca?ns-ista-af Si?yaaigzht' survey- maritime-?ts and a si?g?e- Siam-age- measpeuri-ng The; "latest? data .suiamii?ai was data-d @3129; 2811-4. watering the ?2.051 5' ray-mm parjiia?, Sum-erg: Mammal/.315: The mc-nuzm-ems? and mnt?mi: minis are surveyed every Swearing. but. the . Elm-sign {was :re?qga?e?i amass: same-36$: a? the dam. uni-if high Saegsage issues are resoivad. The.- dam: canti'n-ue$ t0: gnaw-a? Magi-term ase?c?ame'ni trend, anti the maximum {sm?emem recerde? Sime- 195:8" at ?tai'i?ans 9mg is: .agpmx-imsateis- "Tm manumanis have aim sham a Siew mavemem trend, With maximm d?wmtrealm, mavema-nt at: Simian. cf . aggroximatei_sinm 19.58. far highmc-k?fidzam; Na-amermai. Settiizamemjt or ho?imntai' movements was noted wing term :Sei?emrenf anch 'h?rizcn-tall m?vemenis- batsmen. 23:15 and negiig'ibiem The: dam mast: and spam-psi Wail have sewed ever the aiifatimje {3f the dam. The present great? and 5 Parapet are ww- feetgheiewthe arigi-na? crest The dam has: fem of. friaema?di $373313 can averting-dumgih? desig?-gicrm; The imgmiermi set?emehf-issue . wads tioibezregaived by .?ace-mbar :31, 20:18.; Sewage Weir: The dam has. await, Which is- a: mwxbina?ian 9E3~degrea and Eizpmiatti'Weir, 2 af thadmwasiream tees-Q? the: damn-o Hisimimaii-y this-weir: has mag-ed. {ram ~21nfst9 ~58 sis, This wgir' mejasurad- a, maximum. see-gage??ew' rate: HTS. during the rewi?w' pefiibd {31620151. This wading isuconsismm With {aw retaewoir ?eve'i,. stir?: them 39:33am tic: bean merges-Eng trem- em: seepage? at itiha dam?r- ?lming: the iznspazcr?iian; wa ehsmied: the rec?i??y mmpie-zec? raga-ifs it: the- massive-am damaged aa?cmia panais. at .Sta?tz'ion M83. This rapaiir is; high. up the-dam and ham miinimzai imam; an reducing leakage, {Send-usim: The available iS . the exteg?im a? increasing:seepage trend 3% {he dam, mm ma?nme?a {fe- ww-kewi?h m. reseer high sewage. invaiving the: dam Weekly saemga mailings {Me n- sum? and rain. ?mpa?ts .a-ra: and Emma! ?gmeys; must (inn-?rme- u?fi135$eapa98 issues arse: remiss-ad. The- eutrem instrumentatiw netwmk is judged be mew-am, BWR 1251 mm9? Sh?m .W23 3mm RESQUEGES AGENQY KW 1/ QEPARTEMENT 0F WATER RESQURGES .92? GWEN-N- SAMS- F'Bkm AND RESERVQW EN STATUS- C?mright Dam: Canary Fir-65m Tygeof'nam Emmy I _l wpe {3mm Emma; I Water is fees baing spi?iway5135:3912; 52.1. fee: balmy. diam eye's; arr-mama: :Gmc?tigns ?'iearr and warm CGE-?g??amsi Ma?a-Jaime Aiken Sim-ma Wi??i P'an fmr' inspegiio-n (Kama? Maw-aha:th ?gn$pe?tigrn 1m mamas; gibgazmajiti ans-1 Reagmma?da?am: or .Mtigns- Taken; has reipa'rfaidiysniazledbaak {hemp-stream face Qirispemio-n and repair-Werk {hat was tube-campieted; by D?eamber 2015:,- dismissed in. nu: {mar dated? February Whiz?) is in. part] sham-use- Manned Guiage- fer-this summer-where the: @331er wagz-m- be :draw? down has; been daferreiis mt?ii 'Thi'g fawn-1mm- a yisuaji' :?ngpactian the fare-ing- win. he ?at-we; game the: wate'r?'ne and an RSV Wm be. my" haw me. upstmam wilisats? jbewmpiieted this year. Ne either {Emir warm-M12 be camp-safe? as; {equegmd an att?mpt "in regime seepage-m a: targei-of. 20-91?13m fess? PGE media: {a Send a. fetter aiming why the rag-pairs. Wm ?rst? be as, agreed upm am} requasi-Sd, and Gatling ??eiir art-2w. pig-n3 may-mg {karma-rd; Wieekly- geapa'gze raadiihgs- {whet-1' Wea?i?er permits), and. annuai. mgmzumani sum-avg are rag?uiirad ?amage: issues are rammed} ?aw is ba?ew the crest cammr and unis?flower than. the: design - . The lung?fem?! saf?amani ?gs-gas new fo- he- whims-ed within maxi three ?anciusimns =Emm' ?be- i-m?qrma?cn and. Was-Ha! ?i-nspention, the dam}. resemcrir, and ara 33mm Safe- fGr-mni?niued. 3-53,. gaming mmpietian 03f (repairs {a We. upsI-z??aam facie' amd- .Kedu'ciijgn Qf'seapaig? atz??he dam; anti: Gamma-m3 WE wagikedz the was: and. a??ng the left grain of the aim; The dams-Ream fag-re maxim-3. straps was mama and nae: er diam-s; ?me paved. Gf?S?tI-?E??fas in: Satisfac?mry Shut atypearedw sign-.3 af'setfiemem {award 3mg- maximum: .secit'iamx The Miami-watt aim s?h-Qwed si-Q?s. cf h-a?izranfga? and wart-Emit mammemta. Thames: andigaraggzwa? are: surveyed annually:arm-is- ii'm'e and the". data: Emmi-Haired 'iin ihe- :ln'simmeinta?mn Sewer? balms. i The visiibiia gamma 0f the ca-mreteiapstmamface appeare?fagbe in game} With :Eaimmim 1 its the cracking armispaiifng obsama-d' 311mg. marked simian-M80 near-the {Ef?e-ad m? madam; This. await-{en meniianed- ?13,313; maria-Swarm appears. fc; . be more severe Wen campaarad with Matures {ram 193.? 93.31 imparts; The damagedupsiraam me; mended a censidarabie. distance-imm- the mat, as Crackingfwa-Hing was thewed: mar-"the waiari'i?e: during ibis: 'ilrispa??im. Mr. Heffmzan' me 'f?aii PGE sahe?uied it): rapairi?he- alias-$13 masked cane-rate 51315:; this 293121.: FEE-31592 p?ians it: visuallyinspect-?ber u?gstreaam face above; war-Mime; and penfatm a m'u'ithbeam imapent?ia-n balm the Wafe?ine- this yea-r aim: . canapiata-any ne-aassary repairs. stay 3.931% or am amending: at: their" swarm: This; mm was due be: ammp'iemd by Be-cembar 33 EMS, as: requested: and. agreed. gar: i-etier dated February- ESL {Jar-i" ?ue. tie a ?amed Guti'age-m- have? the res-ew'cirdeferred 3 A, Raundifrae 43;" inspected by T: his? pha'teaiakan?? Vet?s-m3?. NB. Bate . 1223} (Rem meet. 7 . of" INSPEGTIGN Suffr- Nam efii?fam .I ., .. Date af'inspe'c??n . .612?! mm .. am ?gmmems ??i?mx 0mm- Mist-if; .DWR. 1?26? (my; 161139;: The is. warmiriied and an - WE did not ante: ethe- wife: ammbiar during-this- inSpm?m. The .cham'bar was entered during iast .iimszpec?ti?n (in bath waives-ware; fui?iycyciied Eh curmesenee with ragime? - waters-3:113 {innit eta-Ique?acfuator; 'Th-ezdiiai haweiwrfeciiy ma?- 12353-32? mam amid Liam-39 a; ihaiz'r' tie?W man'be wwew??i an?' ap?ft??ai; Haggai-aims?: cantroifwas gmda Radth aqtixr?'?y'i3 as: an. 153%,. azgmmach, reggae weir, mix-tray}: saa??n, amt}. dawnsi?eam shame} were mar-am u?nob'rsirueted. The mam-mete remain: in sai-isfact?w waive; repaired. Since :fhi?SJ-napecti-bn, PGE has: gamma-51,9133 the: Waive-s- wifh {her-cantmismw mam in a 53 valve h?ausra an the: left abutment? 9f: {he diam. REE iasf my named the. waives .QH: m- ware:- reparted: Ng': seepage waa Bib$emad dawhst?ream {363: (3.17: graiz?s. af?xes dam. Toe: manage:- is rag-miter a3: Wei-r" The fen?wing asea?i-i?g was taken- Iazirmg this; impactibn: waif Kile-1 If: @359? ($132.95. 23%} The: saepage smdi?ans are considered; mar-mat far the: 192w- raiserE-?ri ?ayelz mammen-t??gn. at: this dam mnsi?tsef survey mmum?ntia and a. $339833 meanitmmg: mint ?fhe lai?stsuweiiwnme remit 2.314 was smhmi?edw?tf? an uvdnEt-?s?: heifer :daie?d Ami-E. 2% 29315, Sumeymmummts: The dam-Sham bis-312m? amine: meat. paraggnei: - waii, and: dam 510m, Manument surveys; began in 12958 Suwaysares?hedutadlira be ce'rsgduoieci ext-ery- We: years, but. are being 'gaezrifmmed a-amg?y at? {hi-s. un?t {ha issues :wiih ?igh- 5331993593 are}- The ?estas-t same}! Was 2614-; data; id? 251?}? af the 6.x; men-meats,- whim are reamediy rapt-asenia?w aim entire bghawi?r tithe dam. The smag?c?ted man-meme: are .am?gfhe west ami? uppermng ref-the: diam. piles: 0f the: paragpeirwalii' monumems was aim maimed with ethis- ragga, irfcii?im?tal; maveme?fs have dispiayad' a. g-ra?uai Sir-313a: 139581 The. maximum mavemenf absemed; near" {he maximum. sea?ara .ef the dam at. Manumem 8a aqua-I to a-ppmximaiaiy $11-$33; Regent year to year mgvaments have baa-n: arm?113,, with. an average. . momma-mi mum in approximate}:- per-year; 31mm "the saw-entrant vertical" mammanis have. been gradu-ar at the am ?afi'h-e mates: va?im!? movemenis are Sam-wad at the: maximum secticn, Newman? Bar has. E'Kg??e??ad the greatesirset?amemaqua! Dam $et?emamt