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This amiss-ii isw?ss iss Lies-ii is his ssismissiiy sins {is Sim This is be ssii s'ssii Li mic-L?s is Limis iissii is his {Fhsis 2). Ais- the LisiiL-irsis impact was Laisiisii is ii is . commits during {his snagging Lisgisisis - This iwo - is his ssiisissisiiy. i-nss?ssisri by Tsigi PT Aih'?pci? Fii?oicisisksii?? Yes A Ni) [lass . i . '35 Tm iEsis of Report is i-xllt {Res $9.139} S'hsiisi (ii: 3 Name of Dam Chabot No. 31 -5 Date of inspection 1 1/2/2016 Observations and Comments The outlet valves and gates need to be fully cycled upon completion of the on?going construction. Vaives/gates used for_ drawdown need to be fully cycled annually by the owner and in presence every three years. Seepage No signs of seepage were observed along the toe or groins. The toe drain weir showed a flow rate of approximately 39pm, which is normal. The flow was clear. The illegible staff gage in the weir box needs to be replaced as requested in the previous inspections. The spillway drain indicated no flow, which is normal. Instr. The latest surveillance data provided to DSOD are from piezometers, survey monuments, and drainage measurement devices. The instrumentation readings extend through January 2016. As in the past, several piezometers remained dry. The piezometers close to the access road and at the toe of the dam showed some fluctuations with precipitation and reservoir levels. No unusuai trends were observed in the plezometer readings. The survey monuments continued to show a stabilized trend. Over the last 10 years, no significant vertical settlement or horizontal movement was observed. The survey monument readings are acceptable. The flow rates in the toe drain were normal. A high flowrate of 12.5gpm was observed with precipitation and higher reservoir level. As usuai, the spillway drain remained mostly dry. The observed flowrates are normal for this dam. The existing instrumentation is considered adequate, and no additionai instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. The dam performance for the steady state condition is judged satisfactory at this time. Sheet 2 of 3 DWR 1261' 1- 53-? Sam P110150 {Er- rev, 133369}- Sham: Tali-1,; we ad 3 'F'imm Di Vggat pi-??tagmia atiml 01-1 'i d. .8: as: ?zrinigs- 211663 I 12ha: upstream S: I I I 91.?f/z/xw .4- mpair Date (If En-sare?er?ziun ?1m mega-?15 2 f, d. 1. ?i ~21. A3 0. DE remave 3?35 ?231 6 ?3 STALL-2 EE ELL: EL: AQ- I . . $333 3? EEK ENLL NEN ENNLE R3, CE RESERVES-E EL3 EFEEUE Name EL DELL: DELL: NL: 3L- 5 ?aunt}; LEE: {imam ENE-L: . fy-p?e? LL: Emma: LENLLELE ELLEN Water LE TL 32'. LEEL .. LEE-339W Epi?way ELL-ESL and 3:1: . Lee: . . dam ELEEL. Ennis ?N?im BLLOL ?ea: KN: LEE LEE, ENE LEELLE (PEEL Lo: NELLEELEN: E: TENEL: EL: LEELLEELELL LL: ELL: LEE LLE-LLE ELLE: NEEL: LL: EL: ELLEEL: ELLE and the NELNEE EE- Lt?: LEE EEK-ELL- EL SEEN 3 EE 3L, SEE: ELNLELLEE rings;- EL LEE ELLEN LL: EL: TEE LLEELNLE dram WEN EL: . GENEELEL: ELELEELLEL: EELELEL: EN: LN: the: 2} TELL, :Naody EL: LEE Ef'thE (ti-"Em NEELLE be?. (LEN: app LLEELLEN EL: 93832035 Em: LBSQEL LEE EL: 5. (LEN: wiLL GENE-ESL EL LINELENLEQ embankment NELEQ SELL (033L611). LNELEELL NE NELLEL: ENE ENE ?g LEE Lia-m LE LL: QC: LEN: EENL 35:23.3? TEE has sent? DEELQL: ELLE: {3-3 and Chaim: EELELNLE ENE LEE- ELE EiLL'L'rE-niiy NELLEL D8333 ELLE-EL ILLELIELLIE LEE NEE EENELEE EL LEE embankment ELLE EELLEL Lower LEE-LEE. . ENE: TEE NLELELE 0? LEE LL: EE EELLELEELELE ELLEN-E EL TELL. WEE-I033 LN: LIL-LIE of LEE NEE: NEELLE LL: LEE LEELEELL Lty (ELLEN: 21}. . EL: LEE LE EE LELEELLELL. EELLEE WEE. NE WEE The primary EHLLELLEE, EELNEEL End EENLE WELL-3. ELLE NE GENE-FELL: EL ELLNELNLEE LN: the; primary NEE ENE TEE ELLEN: ELLE ELLEN LE. EE EELELLNEELEE LLNELEELE. The EL LLELELLELELLEL: ELLE LELNEL 33E EELEmLL-zaiiy ung'ELLEd ELLENL: LEE pram-NEE CLEN: TEE LL: EL: Th foL LEE cutie-f pipe Es GENE: LELE ELL-N35: EL LEE L?mpEEt ELLEELLNE mntinuE LL: EELELLELELE and d: ELLE LL: -. - - A LEN: ELLE: ?5 5 by I DELL: EL ?3032932335 .cc?L-Er LL: REEL-E: .- 2% ENE 126:. LGLOE) .3 . .. 8 Name of Dam Chabot I. udm No. 31 --5 Date of Inspection 10/29/2015 Observations and Comments The two - vaives appeared to be satisfactory. All outlet valves and gates are due for full cycling in the presence of a DSOD representative. All vaives/gates used in drawdown should be cycled annually by the owner and in DSOD's presence every three years. Seepage No signs of seepage were Observed along the toe or groins. The toe drain weir indicated a flow rate of approximately 1.5gpm, which is normal. The flow was clear. The illegible staff gage in the weir box should be replaced as requested in the previous inspections. The spillway drain indicated no flow, which is normal. The latest surveillance data provided to DSOD are from piezometers, survey monuments, and drainage measurement devices. The instrumentation readings extend through January 2015. As usual, several piezometer tips remained dry. Some minor fluctuation was observed on the crest piezometers at deeper depths. The higher elevation tips generally remained dry. The piezometers close to the right abutment continued to be dry and the piezometers close to the access road showed some fluctuation. The piezometers at the toe of the dam fluctuated with precipitation and reservoir ievel. No unusual trends were observed in the piezometer readings. The survey monuments appeared to have stabilized. The historical high settlement remained close to 0.15 foot and the maximum annual settlement was not significant. Horizontal deflections in the survey monuments were normal. Both the historical and annual high deflections remained between ?0.05 foot and 0.05 foot. The survey monument readings are acceptable. Drainage measurement devices indicate acceptable readings. The toe drain readings flow rates were less than 5gpm, except for one reading on 12/19/2014 which indicated a flowrate of 14.4gpm. Seasonal precipitation infiltration may have contributed to this high fiowrate. The spiliway drain remained mostiy dry. No unusual flow rates were observed. The existing instrumentation is considered adequate, and no additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. The dam performance for the steady state condition is judged satisfactory at this time. Sheet 2 of 3 gay fix/17MEm?wemgmz STATE. RF i? NATURAL -- RF WATER RF: RF RTE RTERR ARR TR RT.3 RTRR WW .RR RR I 2232332 (22? $231232Caunty METRE-RR 23:32.2 <33 E3333 32:? (?2332333333333- ((3232:? 0:316:22 Water is feat .. spiilway (ire-<2? and 31.9 feet diam (22'332. 2<3<3333<3-3- (12333333 233333 and 3333232 (333223.333 (3:3 .23 Rm'man Tape: 33223:? Harri?: {Park Ram? <32? Reasm T33 33233333333333 (3223', 3232' 33332333333 .3222 3<3c2<