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STATUS NameofDam Camanche Dam No. 31?16 Date of inspection 5/31/2017 Observations and Comments Sgillway Outlet Seepage 3 (D H- T1 DWR 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 7 The spillway approach, control section, and channel remain clear and unobstructed. The concrete apron, control weir, chute and side walls are all free of vegetation and remain in good condition, with no significant cracking or spalling. Concrete panels are well-aligned and panel joints are in good condition. Weep holes are kept clear. The outlet tunnels were not inspected due to time constraints. All outlet valves and appurtenances visible in the above-ground valve house appeared to be well maintained and in good operating condition. The control valves were last cycled in presence on 2/2/2012 and 4/2/2015, respectively. All outlet control valves were most recently cycled by the owner during the 2016 outage. As noted in the previous report, the valves were due to be cycled in presence during the 2016 inspection, but the District was unable to do so because of a broken pipe. I agreed the cycling of these valves could be done in 2017, and during the inspection lVlr. Rowan informed me the valves will be cycled during an upcoming outage on June 14, 2017?. agreed to make every effort to attend this operation. Per our August 30, 2016 letter reducing the frequency of conduit inspections, the next inspections of the north and south conduits must be completed by 2024 and 2027, respectively. The left abutment drainage edit at the toe of the main dam was flowing at approximately ~7 gpm. Flow through the toe drain system in the field below the main dam was estimated at ~100 gpm. Flow collected from the relief wells along the toe of the main dam was ~152 gpm. These flows all fall within the normal range for the reservoir elevation and time of year. Dike #1 remains in good condition with no signs of seepage on the face, groins, or toe of the embankment. Dike #2 remains in good condition, and the face, groins, and toe of the embankment were dry, as usual, with the exception of a small trickle of seepage at the toe of the dike between relief wells #6 and This trickle has not been commented on in previous reports because prior to last year, all relief wells discharged directly onto the ground, masking this seep. The trickle was no more than 1 gpm, and flow was clear. All the uplift relief wells were trickling or flowing as normal. Flume D2-1 (left) measures flow from all relief wells, and was flowing at ~40 gpm. Flume D2-2 (right) measures flew from the French drain system, and was flowing at ~22 gpm. These ?ows are within the normal range for the reservoir elevation and time of year. i Bikes #5 and #6 were mostly above water on this date. The normal artesian flow was noted at several points along the toe of dike and appeared unchanged. All other dikes were dry. Seepage conditions at all embankments were judged to be normal. Instrumentation at this dam consists of 139 piezometers and open wells, 38 survey monuments, and 28 seepage monitoring points. The most recent surveillance data and summary was submitted with an owner?s letter dated May 31, 2017, and includes data through December 31, 2016. Piezometers and Open Wei/s: in 2016, piezometers and open wells generally read abou- higher than their normal maximum levels, due to increasing rainfall and higher reservoir elevations. The piezometers below the toe of the main dam all appear to be tracking changes to the reservoir elevation, with the exception of piezometer MD-10A, which rose steeply following many years of INSPECTIQN OF DAM AND RESERVOHR IN . STATUS NameofDam Camanche Darn No. 31-16 Date of Inspection 5/31/2017 Observations and Comments gradual increases. This piezometer became pressurized after it was flushed in 2015, and has not yet recovered; the District continues to monitor this piezometer closely. All other piezometers at the main dam and the main dam abutments behaved normally during the reporting-period. The rising trend previously noted at piezometer has since normalized. All piezometers at dike #1 and dike #2 behaved normally, rising from the historic lows of 2014 and 2015, fluctuating gently with the increasing reservoir levels. The rising trends previously noted at piezometers and D2-31 during the past several years appear to have normalized following flushing in 2015. The phreatic surface indicated by piezometer readings at the main dam and at dikes #1 and #2 appears to be normal compared to previous years, if a bit higher due to increased rainfall and higher reservoir levels. There are no concerning trends in the piezometer data for 2016. Survey Monuments: Survey data at the Main Dam, Dike 1, and Dike 2 is obtained quarterly for vertical and horizontal components. Maximum recorded vertical movement since the previous year was a settlement 0- near the maximum section of the main dam. Maximum recorded settlement between 1993 and 2016 for all surveyed monuments remains less ther- Maximum recorded horizontal movement since the previous year wa- in the direction near the maximum section of dike Maximum horizontal movement between 1993 and 2016 for all surveyed monuments remains less thar_ in either direction. This is acceptable movement for a large dam or a mid-sized earthfill dike. There are no irregularities or anomalies in the survey data which indicated any safety concerns. Seegage Points: Seepage readings increased in 2016, due to increased rainfall and higher reservoir elevations. The sump in the field below the main dam peaked at ~162 gpm. The relief well system at the toe of the main dam peaked at ~138 gpm. The relief well system below dike #2 peaked at ~44 gpm. The French drain system below dike #2 peaked at ~10 re~ included gpm. Seepage at Bikes 3, 4, 5, and 6 was negligible. There are no irregularities or anomalies in the seepage data which indicate any dam safety concerns. The available data indicates the dam continues to perform satisfactorily. The current instrumentation network is judged to be acceptable, and no new instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. DWR1261(rev.10l09) Sheet 3 of 7 sz?mm?Q? an. Qmw?. ?aw. ?a MEWUQ .mxm?ww?m ?may 9? mag ?mgm?mma . $ng 2.0.. . Dam E. Sawmamga mxw?wg ..N If. . magma.? Xx . 3mmon.? (Wan. . XX. .. XX mama 0 Emma mama.? 92.x 3% 4. cam?. mzm?mn?az $35 W7 ..w?mm 2mg 0:53 . w. u; u; rowan; . . .74? f, . 3% 39%? mag. 33m, Oman?. am ?gmamaz Em. 3N leI am Emv?w??z Q3. QWWM WW3 ?mWw ?.3me m??w?w . 2.3% $33 332a. ?gm Z2 a .. 45/13.? .. am.? A. 2/ .. Aim/r . x? mm MM. 555. 7/3/09 .., . .. am. 0% arm. 93% $3 55$ @3me m? 2 w. 6% ?zm ma? mm?? ?Emmy. Ema 0593. me a. Wmmum?.1. .1. i/3.. magnum. A. . tn?: imam 0% .x mm? 0.5.x Sag mjm? Ezmiz 2.. \3 I II CA1. ?11?11111'111111. '3 15% . 611113111311sz NAFTQRAL RaouwmwAemm 2.33 m\ .1 {315 1111311131? 31.3011513sz 1311381013 10F- SAFE-1F DAMS- 13.111311 FF1F1-T13FF 1111121111111131-1111 1.1531115111311111 {3111111133313 (3111111111 $33.11 1411336111111 Type 11111351111- 613.1131'13113 1131:3131}! 1111313115 ?"20 feet 13531111111 53111111331" 3113511 ?11311 ?451?..5 131.11 133101111? dam? Ere-51'. 3311111111. 13.133321231111133- F. 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