STATE 33F I - 11:91:11111 0% RESOURCES 111111131011 13111- AAFATA 13:14- 13133113? 5071'" 33AM #131113 RESERVQIR 1N CERWHEE STATUS 13.112121111233111 {33163.3(} {112111.15 Ni} 721-3 Emmy $21112 Clara {1.51111- Earfh Type Bf Spiliwa-y- Concrete W?112nd Chute . 2138 113151 'bal'awm spijlway 1311231211111 .- 8 31211.11 I (1211151 1318.511. I 13212111111211 A Water Surface Eieva?uen 45S 1 weather- {111111131 1111.115 {33131313}! 8301321 {3.121551 antAcAs 1131111111 3611131 31111111111211 818111111 Wu 'wiAA absewatmns. Recammendauans A11 Actions Taken ?(1121111111st1113 11121111111131'1211 11111113 21111111332113 AA 11121113311113 11111111911121 12111111191111 T112 311W- AAQAA 2311211191116 crAsA. have 1361:1311 33.12113 1111111 The: 3111113311?, 2112131111331 1189912111011 grawmg the Amer 119111? 31-12113- the: 31111111 31mg 11111. 11511111111612 11.51113 1111' 1111-1 3212 13133112 M21111 ?32111?: ?11151 b?ea'n rammed Arowmg 1111111111- A13 11113 13111111112131 Dam 53811 rammed .. T1111 111111111111 branches 11113 1311111313 A1111 311112111111 1121111 been 11111111121111 1131311 112111111 111121111 31:11". 11111 31321123112113: 151111: 1.11 A2121 151112211113 .5121. 2311.21 1.1.1 1111.21 11.9111 11112125 AA: 23.11113 1-11 11111 11111211121122 February 61. 2.1115 ?131 111? 111A "111111. 33112;: 11311311121111 31.12.11 1111 21322.: 5.51113 11151131513111.1111. 1:111: 3.1111113ij 12 21211121 11121112- Wan-15311111111111.1323 1:112: 8211111121 131111-1- A1111 1111A 11111111 1211111111. 113. 11.191211111115123 17113111 11112 knewn A2123 1113115! 11181313611011 132111.18381111111311131118 appurt'enance 31111131111611 11111111 1111111213 1111111311 23': 213112 31111111111131.1112 [111111111111.- 11111111112131 12311111111111111111 111511111; 111 A11. 21131111211119 12.351 11.211111111111111 sp?iway 11111:! {31.111111111111111 Mam - 1311-11121 covered crest 11.112351111301111 811131111 81211131131111}! 13111113111511 T1111 mamienanw 11111132911121 The 11131322 11111111111 0311111 (11111131121121 lined upstream face 1311133 1171111 91/111311 mmred 1.1011111311213111 3101:1131 appeared 1111111111111 5121118 And 121-1 satisfactory 61511131111311 concrete 51111312131111}! 11'1" 131311233 The 91311211111321 1.2111151111211311 Along 11113111111211 1113111 $111111 15.11113 13.11111 21111111111111.1211 A11: 5111111111121 access 211.13 11511 1.111131112111011 11131311212121 13111111113 11-1111 mast. recent 3111511111: 1111113111131 evaiuatzen 11111121111313 111-31535335121113 32111513319131 (11111211111111 "111$ AA 11315131112111.113- 131?- . . 8111' 15,1123 2113111513 N121 13111115113 .. 327091721315. 11A ?21? 111113111 . 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M3333 39:33)) The W333 T3333 WW3 333) 33.3 3333333)) 33-333) 333333)) 333 333.3) )cmts W33 3333333) Th3. 3T33T3men3 2333.3 3334ng The cracks 3) The appears T3 353. 3333333313) 33533) 3533 35 The 3333533 T333) T3: 3.333333 33:33:33)). and T33) W3T3. enceuntered Both - )3Tv33 W3T3 313333)) impeded T333) The T33 335313)) 33333333 TEENS vaults 333-. 33 concerning 3333:3333 W333. 33333. NT) .3): 333333 W33 34.333 T335 concrete vauits concrete structure 3:353 energy 3133333)" :33: )33333333 T33 3333333 W33. 3333333 T33. 3333 Wang T33 grams 35) 3.333 T335 3335333333) T33- 3). 33m. T33 3f T33 W33 333 3333333)): T3333 3T ccmerrmg 33333333 3333 3:23) 333:. 333) .3333) 2-: .35) 3- BAM RESERVIOER 5511155111215 5535175 5.55 23115.. 723' 3111511153 3111155513011 32113993233335 05551115315115 .5115- 6511111151135 31.15315. 5 35531515553531011 5'1. 33115 55111 551151535 51?- 5111135}; 15511511151135 13152511153515 55513555 11115115 5115: 11111311151115.3515 T315 353553. 11152.3. 5535113 A553. 2.3.335 51:15 55.12.5155 5511-55. 3311511531. 01553111131111.1159 1555131115 51?3315:111531110m53515 was 5135151155 3'11; 5111' 353351' 55155 0515315122 2-333 31. . 55113111115 E5 535E 51:15- 15111515 5.33 51153513351155 53535 . 331335111 D5111 (Survey 515 2233.33 1311511531 2-113 111515 3115153355 535115515 M5311 . ?35111 .5 131553 3.1-1 1959 51.151315 3355531115 511113533 W55 55351333153155 ?51-1 JUN 200:5 ~$7.315 3515.53 .511W5y 111355. 5513511115123 111 May 53?- 25313 .3315 5511155155 11111331 33:15 5151115113 5111111511 5513511111511 511' 313151; 2.33:, 2533 35135355 11551" 131.5 55313 515111 3155555115 3315 51553 31151111155535 315115 5? very 5319313 55333151115113 315115 5 511.53; 51 135W 5335313 115515155111 315115115155 51553555515113: N111: (3511551111115 11511335 51' 5115111535115 33531511151 15 1115155155 5111315 55.35 . Aux?" 15:11; 135111 31111151 33351155 111511511151135 N5 3113311511531 N5. 5:121 1335-15 31153533511? 51511131315 .Aux1315w ?35111? 5 53553 11.1: 3.595 511.5 3315' 3155531115 55W5y 111155 5535531513155 111. Ochber 3929.5?. T3115- 353553. 5111115}! 1555.: 5513511113215 111 31.355115325131155 5511155155 131133311 .3315. 1315131555 511111531? 5513511115113 5:31 May. .25 2513 511111513 135511153 5:115 3151111115155 3551151551115 5.515111515513155111 T3115.- 3555~151111 535315.55 315.3 . 11111312535 51113- 551115515111 315-1155 51111 553-15311- 115511155111 115115115155 515535.051115113115115 T315 1115511111111 13513355'353553555111531?151?. I5 5255.3? 55513315123353 33135115311553? 33 5 51:15- 33315 1115151115111 5553155111 - 5115111113535 115513 '15 15315111 511111351 351111513 EH5 5151115115 155511 331' 15511351 35.15153 5115 53.1511. 5,553?. 35115-35151. 53535.. 355553351111: 53535 5.551135 317153113355]5535535133152 51311-1135: 32335 of 33152 55115531 ?3135355551 3335255153515: T331515 515' 33' 51:15.11 11115.33? 1335251115515 511133 3-3 13333115331715.5315 5352511153515 1111311531 111535.555 1155115551 51115511311115.3113 5152511153515, 5515115115551 5m55nkm551 5152511153515 3511115511511 5152511153515 5115. 5' 55511153515 355535113 111 13.15 11551155111 5111.13 55151151155111 5335v15m3553luv111m5 55121551131 "3315 151351355 111 5251115351 3135351555 53. :51 33535111 5551111155 1553115355 3.511531131155315 51113555 53155515 (UR-SS 20323 113313.531 51355515 E5 111515515 3:315 311353.11: D5513 51131155115 51113555 .15- 5133115 3.15 1113513 331555311115 51525515351351.1535 315115 15111513155 5511515111 ?(3115115315111 E315 1555131115 12151155 N5 13511551111115 3351155 .51 5315111535115 553151115115: 1115111535123 531' 13-15 515251115351 T315175 331155- 55511111.5355 5535055355 31-1 3315' 55111355315511:- 511'132151'13531115111. 1511111313515: .5115: 3.555355: 31.11.3315: bedmck. 351111555511: T3215 13311513315313 ?323511135 5352511153521 5:535 1113.55 1113553115.. T1315 515121335115 35511311251 1155-1311551 5211551. 53' 5- mm HAW BAM WEB m: Name?Sf {123531 CHEW Sam. N9. Date .Qf'mspeg?m .Gbserva?m?an?game-messirumehta?m :f'exi?ew fin?i-aated ?gheas wait-er EQQ-vais. in the Decaf-5;. piazumat?rs ggnaifa?y :mrresm?d ?mtuatims in the: resamoi'r wafer fever and rm. a?bnmma? ?ends- wer? mat-ad {mm the data Swag?3:23 Weir Data-w Seepaga is}. measured" ais- {m weirg iacated in the {aw-er dQW?Stf-??am' rigm abtsim?m area amE ara- cachneicied by a aware-?e: lined- that coigtezais seepage fremz the right a?buime-m There was: rm rapm?t?d seepagg d?gring; the repo?ing par-fad, and t?h?iS was?: :1 we is the: iawer resent-air waiEr-i-e?ais cit-1'3 in {he restriction Weir-W1 is W?h?ha- m?sem?ir wake: 1mg;andvarieaifmm {m 40 Igpm; and, 3mm as high. as; {38 in. 195953 and. 3.998, weir W42 histaricaizy has. {ass seepaga than-War and 323$: mmainec? dry meta-Wei? aim. .Jamsary- Que-?23 ?the rat-semi: ma .saepagie ase- ?m?mzai; is perif?rmmg adaquataiy. ?i?heexis?ng Ens-Emma ntatim: and ?their monitnr?ng frequency- a?a-ta judged Suf?cient; at. fhis times; am: 1281- my. 1.032133 Shae-t cf: 5: .. . .Em?mm?az gage E. ..Em?m Emma? hwwma . 5awn/?y?. .3 M?/Irma/1.1 . . ?any a fly/422M. ?IL/.Uzupuf/x/ M. . .. .. . f7}? u. . .. .. .Hfawn.333. m. ?mm ESE a ?rm @333. 2.95%. m5 3% .mvmm??w?wz Mme Em. .3 am ?m 03.32 mN f? STATE OF SFORNTA NATUHAI RFSOURCES AGENCY DEPAETMENT OF WATER RESGURC DNESTQN GP EEFETY .OF CAMS CF DAM AND ERTIFIEH STATUS (30:00 DarnNo .Tj?t 3 ?0000: Santa (tiara . "?t'jytteg?TBEJJrJ Earth Type. Spittway Cerrcrete Wetrand Chute waterts. .211 .I feet. 0003000 crest; and 27.2 ?feet 001000 ?00m rarest. The reservmr is to. Etevatmn 0254.. 5 feet. 1929-00100: th0 epiI-iway 0r00t 0000:00 ?00er r0m00r0rr0n 0" the: 00m 00:? ?38ij 0. t0tt0r 00:00 .M0r?0h 23 20-12. 3003000031000: 00000000 right? groin 00.0; 000000-00- '0000t000rt 000-00'rj00. 00 Jarrett-00:00. 1-0. 00 {0010000000 r0000; The 01503000 30010 rte-V0 00?. t0 1.00 00000300 01' were itrtentitted? 00500 thJJ- 300030003 030' req 0Jr0 the?- 030000 0000033.: 3-, Back? 00000330 .300 0.0003 0000000 00:00 0J0 000?: or 0:30 Matt-J. ?30m Remwe 0000000 vegetatren ebsemed 20?0rtg the upper. right half 0t M0. 033031-030: ?000 000- airthig the ref-t 0:00 of 010 tare 0f. the Main. 3 800mm Etta-ts: 00000.00 at. the watertine 01.000 the upstream $.00 00.0. 0.3? the, Auxiliary Dam. 015.00.03- 3003- R002000 the 030000- 0ittzem0t0r- 000 00 the 0000i? i?f'the- Auxiliary: Earn. 5 Rem?re 0000.3 vegetatien-zfre-m the 333333-33 3004030 cutler- ext. Th0 ?sts-trier t0 Wrath-$00 with 7000? 10101100100 their :ihstrum00t0tirrh r0000 0000000. The 000'- 0003300 0. targeting 0 January .2015: 00001.00} dare, 0000500 000303000- 000 00' (3000-0 20-55, and: Metered an. 300500 1.3 201 the. 033-3: 00002" :35: 000001: 0.0 00000er 3000'! e003 :0 3:333- with 0 01?- 01190033000000 00100500 0000300er T00 0000 00000000 0-. gerrtechmcat mvestrgatterr and J?Jtr :00 0000000 seismic anatysre fer- the Mai-rt 0'00 Ammitary E10010 trt'0trrt?ttrt intermatrrt'n 00.0: 0.3.000}. 'th5003000, J00 00m. 00.00050. 0.00 at? 0000000100085 00.300000. 3332' 0333? 013 333'. 3330-33 $00000 3303333333.'3t't03. 33:3. 02000000000: art-0?. 033033003. @0115 E. Main. Dam Barth t0-000 3333333 '00. 93000 et- 0Jerrees 0r 1000ther :0th 00030: w0re 000001.00 M000: 0-10 0r0st', itkety 000000 by: vehrcuiar tJ 01?ch We r00000t00 0J0 1.000 0.0100000 00 regretted The concrete 3000 upstream tat-00- 3:00 in sattsracrmy 0000000 with 00' SJganreaht 5. crackmg 0r 0001300 0000000 Th0 rerJmai vegetamh the 0000310000 J0 welt mamtamed Meter 0r0eJ0rJ .rJt-{s 30017.5 0000.000 the temperary 00000.0 r000. I000t00 00: 0'20 ?$361 :10? $33 'J'JJ-spetzjtertby; T.. erenez ~10 1? 2000-33 tart-:00? Yes N0. Batetertmp?cti?m . 0310010333"le .03 anerJ?Beok 0330-03333 -120512510w 230M ?5351.251Reta-1009} .0030 3r 3- . ?wagf 0.33333 3N ?Ez?Tir 3:33.33 03.30 {303.030- 0.3333330 T2. 3 D030 03.333032300333333: .. '3 23432314 . . . 00003330330330 0-33.33 {1033333303330 3000:. T330 333.30. 0330-0333 '00 3 3033330300 033:0 300033033 0'0 33000000333 T330- 33033303 33.020. 3130300333! 0033003033 3330'- 330303303300'33 33033" 03:03 33' .00- 3000033033 333 3:33.33" 3003-3 33000033033 j_ 3000.33 V000303300 3300.330 '30 3:30. 33303333033300 03' 300.0.- 03.3 333:0. 3:33-03 33. 8330303330 333003333 3300033333033. 3333020 000033.300 030.330 3330 0333.303 33.0333. 33033 03 33:30 0.033333303370030 W0 300.000.300.300 3303303033033 00 30331303300.30333333353330. 3333033333 1003000,. 00333330330333: 3330 30033003033 3330333353 330-0030333333 30.00300 03 3330 3033- 03333 03?: 31330 .300- 0300 330-3033303300. 33333323333303 303303733 0033333303300 0000333003. W0300000300 3000333 00.33.3303 0330330?. 0033333300. 3.3330333 3000.0.- 0333533033033 330 030330 .03- (3303:3000. 03333330033330. T330 000331033 03003 00330030 0003.33: 33.33333 30330030003330 30330330033303 03333 0313330303 0.3003(th 03300333003 Th0 3303303030 0003300333 3000- 300.0: 3.33. 003.303.00.303}: 0033-0333033- 3-33.0- 0353033300333: 030033333 33 03'" 300333330 3333-03 3333003733 0333. 33303330330 033330310 0030.33.00 0.30 333003300 0390.0 00303303033033. "313.30- 00033333033 03". .3330- 003303030 3.3.0000 30' 0033333300 3'0 :00 3330333303033 033.33% 333333333013: 33000 3.333030303303333. 3.303330330383033 00333303 03:3 0330 333:0 3.303333303300333 3.000 33300 0.00313. T330 333033303 3300330 30 00333333330 30 33:200-333. 333300033: 3300303033033 0'3 3000- 03'3" 3330'- 03031330 0333.3 3.00 03" 33.30 dam=10300 0303.30 3-3.3 .0 0003300333 303.3: . 0.7300 0:3. 333.0 3.3003 03' 3.3301 333030333330 3-3000. 230 3:30 303330330313 .03.. 033' 3330' 3.000..- R06003: 003333333 3300- 00003-3303 03030 3-330 00333003300333 30.00 "3?33'0 3003.33.03.00 3:000:33. 003333.03. 0330330 0033:3333 I .33. 3330003300303 000.0300 03300333033030 33303303330300.5333 3330333003.. 3.310320033003033 3133.0. 0033' 330-3003033033. I F033 0300 D33 T330 333300 was 3.3.03 33303300300 dunng 333330 3330330033033 T330- 00330333033 03? 3.3300: 333.0- - 3000330333}: 3033303330 0330330330033 3031333 03300003330 3309030003 3333033033003 3:373 3'30 3.3300 003303333300 :30- 00. 3330003300, 33333 3:000:33 33030330330330 0333.3. 33'0- 003333333300 with 0333: 003003303 3.030033 3003-33 33303 33303: 0'0 3033333330333 33033333330 333:0 03330033333 0333130 0030-33330 030033333 0303330333333. T330 033330-333 3000333033 30033301333333 30033330 3333 3.33:0 3000333033" 300303" 00333330 33053330. 003033." 3330 0003300333 300 :03 3330 3233.330. T330 0033330310033300033 3.033330. 00033033 0330' 0033333000333 0330333303 3330.30 0300.3 .0330 033010033 3.33: T330 00333 33303: 0330333303 3333.. 33033303.}; 333033.300 333333.333; 3333.0 3330330033033 T330 003303333033 :03 Iii-3.3.0 3303303030 0. 3330000. .300 3.03333 333-333-3333 000330330 :03 0330333330 03333 30.3333? 03310030 000033.300 P30313003 30333330 3.0: 0:003:63 3303-3033300 030330 33.30- 00 .3303: 3330330 0330003 '30 3.0.0 330303330 3-30 03 33330.: W000 330-300 330.003. 3.0.. p0 3.0003030 03' .0 _0 33:30 0.3300000 ?333 3033330303330 0033033430 333300.333 335330 33330333 33.03.33 03330030333003. T330 3323300 3.33. 0033300033. 33323.33 3 00' 0330-3300333 003:0. 0.33 33333300 I 33033.0 300030-33 3300.3 3330' 3.00: 0333-30? 33.03.33.- 0330 0- 3303330- 3000.300 '03 333:0 05033300330003 33033.30. 330.30.. 333.33. 003303- 00033030 30.030 3.333333 01330-30323. '30 {35313330. 030003300 .00 33321033315332. 30333 3.350. 3000330333 0300303330.. T330 03.03.333.33 3333-3 330.3. 33.30330 3330 303-003 033030330373" 03303303330 33.373333 35330333 03333330 3.3330 W0 3033333333033 3330333: 03" [333230 303333.330 333033.3- 30 303.33!- 033030 3330. 330333330 0332333303333 0330 333 .0333 030003300.- 033'0333 333.300 3300330.. I ?33730. 00333303300333 0333' 33:03.33 3.33.0- gr030 3003.3 0330393 0300300303 033003030 .3300 3.30330 '00 030.0300 03?: 3300033 33-000 3033033 I00 300000300 3.0330 20:30 00330333333 0330333330 333.0 033033330. "3?30 "3903'": 3003300300 3330' 0033030333033 80330333033. 0:030 3:303- {03.33. 333.3003- 833003-_ .2. 03 ES. AM AND: 1N STATUS.- 112121122 :21" 1:122:11. $81216 {:am 1113, 1?33- Sate 12345391535 .Qbsersga?gans. an d; C-pmments. -1 righ 1213:3111 12111-13 prediueim an. gamma Tm {gem and 13.5% {1111;331:1111 1-118- Main and 2111;211:1131? {33mg ware: wax-1.. Pant-13d w?a-ier was Wag-wed Qi?wa?raam: 1:11" the Main: Dam, 3.1531116. rig??t 5113;. ??378 was 111(32): masked by grecipita??n and {may {irai'naga in 111:3 area. He: 11-m- ?aws wmamww "1735111 11131173311113 1111-5111 {Ear-11, mamas} 1.113111211152111 :?igghi ?mm-Sfream: weira- Na: usuai 6.5112911110115-ware-mmwm 31-11113 ?15m: tam-$1313: a? survey mammemts, piemmataztss,_ See-gage 1111131533 and iha??sm-et?rx?s. The 1690.11111an ?fe-11.6311 August 27.1313, and" was. reviewed in: my? 13's: inspegtiarj imdimi-e? 11331 111513, dam 1's .Qe-rfmming adieczua-?tei-y The} frequ-emy are: ?udgadi suf?Cignf at this 15111713. The. {Eisir'?'ci is 1110111111139; {380255 11:12.1? ?es-1.1311313551417111 impmx?i?g ream We ?aw ?libmfi?ai ?is: 1319311112; 23 1:13.19; .. . - .1 1211?? the Math E33111. 8129.111 23112131131 da?heaied by . amv?wmx?Nx ~3ch -. - '4 grain viewed ?aw- 1.93- {3111311145251 ,ev 13513931: She-at m? 5 AM IN. Near-nan? Dam: Cater-Q 33:11 No. 7?243 Date. oi? Insgec?an '51 EWEG-M 2; S-paradic was. Main Dam. 3..- T?eeaf thief {lam Vi?ewedfr?m [attend-f, - stequeste'd he 'remmea; MR 3263' 3.63% aim)- Sheet-- 4- .ofi Ci? MM EN CERTL. mi)- Named Dam (335-856 '33:?me {Date pf inspeb?a? WIMQQM mmhewedamng meupstr ia a. m. Raquas-tad vageiatm he; ramw?ds at $52331 5439-: he: Ifaae; 12m gray; gmxea}. Six-eat A '5 on" 1 271mm Dam Date gif-iasgeg?a?. AN RESERVBIR. 1N ?ERTh?sm? 2C2 52 .9. 341.3 m. mama Safew- /?Mr/r - 7/ 7/ I 7/7 7,777/7? In 7 2:7? 7/4757 7/453 .. I {47? 44 7?7. 771%? :67 - . . 8., Baie?'mated mndi {an {sf-prig?r?t?giatrs- a @119; aub??itmn?a?e oft-he- Amway-Dam. . .. 3 - @7377 - 4&1! - :3 .r {samba sigma" 15. Mi. m. 0f." Sheet. wan-1.28115 39.7: was}; 83833: .88 8883:8888 888888838883888 8888888288 888883: 88888338883 88333383788 8888828888 8383833312 OF TN. STATUS .: . "8 583-8838829883 383.8378 . -. . . T3883 3?83 {38888 8888 (33.8338. 888 83-8883 T5888 3333.38 83 888883: W833: 888' @8838 Waits-333:3 3883; bai?w 883338833 838.833 8'88 '87 .8 T888 88:83:33 .8883 8.823: "8888me 8 3888-3- 8888? ?18888me 8.82 2. T88L. 98883883 .C. 883' 388-38 8338 M288 . .. . .. .888 R88- 888888 Jim. 2383388 888 833338 MQBETS 8833 T88- 88.888838- 3883883383. 338.373.8888 3338-3388888 08883888888, 8888838388888888 or. A8TT888- T8888: T838 388888888 888388 .88. 8 3T88T 8888888888 3888888833 T83 38.8 88833 8338383388 8881388888 T3188 8.8 2'2. 2.8.08.- 8:88 88838388 :88 888888! 32. 28-30- 838-8183353. 888838388 83'- 8888833388 8 888388883883 383188888888 i=8. #38? T8.- 88838838828 Th8. 88:8 T888883388 88338 88883' 388 838888838883 lath-8813838888 888333833 88388 3633133332333! 388-8 8183 T883838 888% 3.88 88888 83- T88 38388338 388838 3'8. 888833888 T88 88838 3833 8888883388 WIT 88 88888 8888 838: 88.83588 383338: 3888338838838- .838: 38833188- T88 T383788: 88.88 38 T38 88838888888838.1388 888T a??uaT. 8388338883388 3883388888 T.- 888383.38 T88: W?c?y V?g?ia?iwn 83838388 8'3 .8338 T88 8'88? 8: 88883883. STUTCTET, 8T8T88, 8.88. 88388888838 T88- 83 88983 TT38 M883 88.8 88333 8333' 883338 qrowmg T388 83? T88 838388 8888 .8 8388- 88' TERTENECT 2 .L8-88T8 T88 3381333 8.3388 888' 888 83.8.8 .83 The: Main D883 8-88 {8838338 8.3.8 883888: 8'88 8838' 3188838888 838388338 818' T338 8.3888 8.33833138338. 5 Ti- 83' T88- 8383338 31.. 3338333888 3.8.8 3.3.3888 .83- 3.88 8383' 38 83-8. 833-8 8338888: 8- 3888.83 8883883883 83.3.8338 8338888883 The; 8.8333. 83.8 3338383383 3283.3 888 3338888 38888833833 8.88. 3'88- 88888888888 8833:2888 838 38.88.88 8838 383' 88838888 888 .83: 3883883588388 T8883 8TET. 88.8.5 83135883928 88'? .8. 38.883. T8 .8 388858388 38883' 388T 88.838 3'88 88.213388 83888 ?bS?Naimn? 8838 {1883388838 .3288}. M888 { T88 8383.83 88338388 8388 3888 888888 3888888888 8.88. T8 88338838833: 88883888 T88 83888.8 888388; QT- T388 88883838. T3888.- 88888-883 T888 88.8. The $23353 8888888838 8888- 88888388 8888833 8.88.382, 888' 3'8 88883883833; 88888388 88883838 8888 8. 388 88888883 T888. 88.8 833.883 83388389 883.. 83.8 3388838 388383888 38 88383888838 888833388 3838- 3.3-3.8 383838 T383338 33.88. 888888 33-8 8388 83'- 83." 83833888 T88 888338! 3888 8888338888 8.8338 188-8888833888 T88, The-T833183 888T @8858 8533.8 383-8.. 33-38 8838338 83888.. 38838388 Tn. 8T88T8 888833388 The 88:83.88: 83' T88 88888883 Th8. 88388888883 8:83.88 8.8-8. 88388888883 T88 were 188888388 8'88 T8888 3.8-. 8.8. 8883383 8888:3188 888' 3.8.8- 8883838838 838538 33.8.. 8888838388 8833838888 3.88. 8.88.3- .3388 8 T338388: 83"- 8333888 888 338.883! 33888383388 88838888388 883.8 T338 88:33:38 88:8. 8888888883 8888 888838888 W88 8838388 833888883 T- T83 3.8.8888 8838.88,. 8.38883: 8888388833 8'88 8388388 T8 8183338- 388833888 388- T888 A8888 838888888 888388383882 3'85 . 88- .. T3838 8338-8888388 .. 2.2m 8:83:83 ?388 .833 8833.88- 2383?- 3?38 8.33 88?- 3838.83: 53:88.83. .. 83' .. 153 ENSPECTEUN . BAM AND STATUS 11155551551165.1515 .. . . .. .. .. . .5215 11.0. 22 3 0555115115115 .555. 651111115155 {351152. Jacobs 5115' 51555555131 E3125 1155515 155515315 115111551551 5.115 551111555511115555115551155 5115 35525 555551155E5 vegeta?on 511355111 515515515 555 E55 51555;. V555E5115E1 55512151151511.5165 1:155:52; E51515 2111119155 55511155111 51555555255551.1515 12555111 551111111: 1:555; E15155 1111511511551 1115 551115555551 51555 5115 J55555 551555 E5 551151155 E11511 E55515 5551551512 5115915111 5511-55 51551 55115155411155 upstream 310'55- 5115- 555515555111 51555 5511555 521555: 1111515: E11 55115f5515ry 55115111511 wEEh 115.5155 5151515511111: 51' 55555511115 55115111555 1155551155 W55. 55111115- E5 55551115 reestabhshed 515115515 555111551? 55111115555111 5.155515112111115.51151.55, 155155; ME. M55515 551555-155.511511511151155. 15555111555111.1511 5155 5151151" 15511 51:15.5 155111 {15111, 51:15.1 5551551535 15551115551251.1155.5115115111 51555. .511. M55515 1151:5555: 5511111155- 1115. 51.1555 155511115} E55551 55115511. .. 5155-1155 1151:; 11155551553 55-555 1515 5555511511, 5-115 1555115551,. 155 55115155551 5155 5511151115 unchanged 5x55551ve 11595511511 gr5w1'ng 111535511551 Th5 5111511155: - 5511555155 55 515551155 but 55511 55.151155 55115-1115 11155111551115 551511115 5155111151 55515511511 15:52 51.155111 15551111511" r5515511511 5152 15551115115 155151 15 1155?: E15515 E115 5551155111 251? 155 5.1 E15. I T55 5551515511 55111151 5551151155115 5151155115 {1'55 51? 5511551111115 555115 T115 551151515 5511151151115 Ehr5ugh5u?t the structure These 5555155115 21555 55511 1151255 111' 51515555 1115555555 15135115 5115. E115 5115153} 55115111511 55555-155 11511115: E15115 55511555 55 5511155555. 11111121 5151115115 1555555511 15511115 15555- E15155 155115 51551 5115 115551511511 551111151 551111555 TEE-15 55551 E51515 W55 555511515 ITE15I 115$- 15 1:11.505 5.5515155 551E5E. 551151515515: 5511555555111 51-1 1155555111 5515 5115 5 55111111535551 ?1151115. 5.5551555; E5- 355555 515 555115351151515515 5115355 55' {3555111551 3. 2613 5115111551- W515 1551 531515515 155'- 515551155 5151300555115 1115' 1115115111551: '25. 2312: 11155555511; 35:15; 51.5 11551155111. 511551 5515. 511.5 E55 5515115115511- val-1115555115155 with 11:5 1555555 515515515 The 55wn51'1?5511_ 551E115 1115555155 from 1111.5 E55 55115555 w5r5 1115551515131 555511.115 5515; 555113.13: 5155155151; Large 1111115111 5555 were 515111155 5.11155 5151.15 1115 structure 5115 I 355555551555 15-17155-55151111511151155 ESECE 5555555 1.1155- 555511155 511' E115 1555 51555 E55- 5151115 51:5;1555 155; 55111115555111 E55 (ET 5531;: 515; 11135111 5115' 3315511511! 55515 T55 1155 5555555 1115115 1555155 51155151151 5511.1 55111151155111 555Em551= 5E 11-15; Dam. 5155-1? cencernmg 11555155511 1113551115111511511 5E. 11115 .5515; 555535551? 51.11115y 11155551511115. 5155511151515, 5555555 watts. 5115' 11151515515155. T55 5155' 1.1155551555555551. 2513-1511151? 551151551515 155515115 551155.155 20125151155911 Juiy 2:23.13. ResErEcEed 111-5 155551115 55555 1315 r55511151r5 515151;: 5151151155 111559 I 56?. 6 TE 55 05551555124; 2612 11111155 1155 253 51151515555551155111511511 51346351131 511151251 15115.1 2 5E . .5 . .- . . . 22% .. QQTQ QT: 71513232913 . and {Tam crest tT't TQQ TQ TQQ was. Qi?t? 2Q. 2QT 3 AQ QTTQ TQQ May .2 2Qt2 the NQ. 2Q3 TQQ erQ and. w?thiQ .tiQQ erQr. QT TQQ Qumey TQQ Term piQT QTTQ lmngu term plot- QQt-h- TQQ the 2T 2QOQ Quwa, Tet-m ti't?StgmeGa?t TQQ settlement Qt. 2m QT QQT. QQT TQ. TQQ TQQ: and very-- sit-TQQ: N9 Qr TQ TQQ. QQTQ. was an. May 2013 TQQ QTTQ The May QQTQ WQTQ. TQQ tang?mm dc net .ertd a 82th TQQ mQQmum Q- QLCUITQQ Qt. 3.15 as with TQQ mQ Qquy tn NQ trends Q'r TS by TQQ QQTQ. TQQ QQTQ was T-Q TQQ sit-QT}; 2Qt2 Quail}: Qix TQQ maxi-mum TQQ qt". MQTQ QTQ t3 St eratmg WTTQ pt?i?m?ess which upstream embankment Wt upstream Qtiuwumxcotiwsums TQQ. 2812 QQTQ- Qt Qr TQQ stquQ .thtQ. Qhreqtts QQ TQ TQQ Main Dram. Qi Ts; Tits and Q. 5an Qt! TQQ WQTT Terr Qnd- C- TQQ. .33me NQ Qr TQ intimated by TQQ IEQQT TQQ-IQ ?ttT-Et WQti Qt .th Three QTQ 10:33th in. embankment and the TQQ TQQ TQQ in; TQQ QQ- TQQ QQTQ. 5 WQTT Dam, rs: Qt TQQ in TQQ. i abutment and are connected Qt: QQ. iiQQ-tQ. . WQQ QQ during TQQ and: this}: Que tQ? TQQ . .thiQ-r TQ. Wit TQ WTTQ Sheet. .3 . a: WS-PEGHQM .- 95-3353?! .ANE RESERVQSER 5m. CERWHEB Name. cit-Dam (Jaime . . .. Bai?ears ms?ea?m 1 111912013 :s?m?iawa?m?ami?mmeats gm: ah?. vari??- frat-? 'ia :461 :?gprm: and" spike-ti. as high as :53 :9 pm' in. 1:995 and 1.91233; Weir Wt? bim?ca?y has Sass seemga- than W?if W4 and has ramai?ec?i my since rehahi?iia?m in January;- 23-1-8, Due it). the aresew'dir 'resirictiens', {has seepaga cam-Mans are snam?ai. 17m.- {iata medicated that this dam is :adequateiigc; The exaigting insimsmenta?m and frequency are judged suf?cieint 3:33.133 finia- Phat-:3 Rm?ant ac?viina-s dhgewm ihmughwf edownS-tream 512393 and ma?a-mt abateme?i effms. needs ta- be- magma. Sheet .4- .. (if. 5' 6.2.3 2.226% 22.3 0.223 . .223. 22. 2mm .2293 2222252 13222233.2m? 22% m. 25% 2.2a 3.223220% 23222222 232222.. on ?rm. 2222222523 .32 .2322. @3222. $222 3. 22 2.2% bsm?iomw?m an wm?mna?wm 22222222222 222 42m.2222282223223 22 33.32 2222 2222222. as 22.2. 222322222 22.29%. 222%? E. mm. 2-. .23.. 22m $2.2 Hams. 2.2%me mwmm?. 336811231 {w my; Shea: t3 ?vi?W'?f me was: {sfma Auxiliary Sam as; seen: making. {award the; iaft ahmm?i .-.. Watt} The wi i} we 365631- gmwin-g at. ti: E, ex? i? the: may? Ieve? 9mg etnee? be rammed). i? .1 I Bate. 8f "image's-mm "313'333?3?2333- mm a: {33m {Ea-36:3. 5:9, .ij 2&3. EXAM RESERWNR {53 +35 - STATE-Z. AT: AALTFAAN A. QATA- QATAR-AL A A. . WATER RESOURCES DTVTATQN (3F DAMS CF RESERVQERTN STATUS I II I I I Aan- Santa {Tiara ?Type EASH .I .I I . QQAA ASS I I ~23 I ?1?25? TAAT. bamw I Sam ATAATI. TAT TA. Ma Sn TATAATTAAT Ar Taken And AAWAATTAATA ATTATIAA during This FTAAT knAw-m. TIT-TA {Tam And The 3AAQAA AATA AT TATTAT by SGWS . AT The AATAATTA and ng Mam and? pSf?tTO?. AT The: AsimAj 93:385.; .ATAATA WATA TIA. satisfactory AA. WET-IS AAVAT AA AA WATA- Amy. TA SETWSETT TTITA TATATA QATAA. FATT I AAT (3:3er TIT TA- ATATAA TA AA TAATAVAA AAT Any TAATAT TA . The AQAA TAAT ATTAATTAT WA ATAAT WA - TATTQTA: AQTT. WA jammed A-T- TA cheek and? AT. TITTA AT TATT WATTS- WATA TAQQAA TA ATTATTQA Tn bAnAatTT ATQAA and in TT-TA AQTTIATAA TATATTA I TA AATTATAATAA- TA Aiab And WATT Tight. QTTAATA {fight waTT QATTATIA at The AHA Spiilway ATTAWAA signs of. MTAAT TIT-T TTATAA and TA TATATA VAQSTETT AA AA TTATAA II GATTAT 5 CATTATATA TA AA A Tow AATT AT. TAATA ATA T5 - AATITATA A TATTQ AT The. AATTAT. ATAA The The. ALT-TAT. AT AA. QATA \faa?o?a An NA was AA TATTA QTATTQ. TT-TA QTA AT TEQQ. QT The dam. WA TA AT: The: in ATATA Airy5?33 NT 34.. . . . I . QT: PTA-port QETSATEQ-TQ TEAT- 5AA. 19:33:? I 1.111311111313011111 923030- I II I I I3-0S1S 3311. "5333?3 137.111" 121513313 033113331- RESERVQER 3N3 CERT 1.5.33 STSTEUS 011111-111 11111111111111: 1.513333332533333. .. .. .. Comments 1315111.; inStrumSn?tS 3.11.111" Sam 1113119111133 011" f3?1S- Stigma! 33 memmeters (PS: S1133 CS). 4 (P23) 33 (VWPS) 2.- 11111113173 (W's) 1:0 west 11111311111113.1113 S3 33111.1 1113121311 10.11.1111 :33. menumSnt'S St the Aux111ary 1.212131111111111 2 5303113 1nc11nomS3SrS 311313) data 3310001030300- 31.33351 2012 SS3S: 33311711 .2002 3S .2031. My 1:31wa 03? 33111S- 33333338030331 SS-Sermama 133331.111 1513313113: 01333003333333.3333 S110- 1131111113113313111: The 113111.11 0.3aih.?gfh.01333 1.11-S- SSst?rS-Sm 0308.03.33.80? dissipates. 331.31 mama-SS. SiSszSiSrS P3291 311-021311161110-31111993 func311111111g TSS them enigma! pneumatic wire STSS 33301-311 3.31S reserve? 11011331310115; 05213338133333?? the ?ght abutment T311115. 31.13313 abutment 11131111111119 wire. erS 1.3131111111111131 3S rSSiSwair the. 31331111311111.3113 ?ght abuthnt The h1stSr1sai data memmeters generaiiy 311 ?uctuahms 111 - 1333131111311 NS Sbnermai 31131103 11033313 3311111 the Submitted I 2011:1171 There-31S 1111911 . . 13131.11 331S-1?111r1131131 range-1:13 31181313311311 1SVSES- 8003133910 is 3115131111331 1111311133 03333133301001? ?ght- 1.2113111 111131.133; were-11S 1.1112030 S3. 33111111 0- 33731131: 1113313 .gpfm W2 h1stor1cal?y dry 11111131 3111111111- 1:113 2 .111; 203.- 3. .. 11311313111 0.11m. 501111113111- NS. abnormal 111:- 11331121111113.1111 111S11S11111S113S 111111-13 311.3111. 3 ?Maxim 31313321331323. 2-01.1- .2021 2 01.03 feet. 1131131811113 3131111 20023312032111S11S 0. 03 1111-1130 0.13 11111131111 111111311 111111311331 2011111113 2032 WSS 0?3 3SS3 The 13mg 33.111111 maxumm - .111131213111S1 S110: 31:11:11. 20.02 .31) 2032111131113 .0 0.5. 2111.110 0331231311 I -11S111SS3S131W1311111 1111111331. T3113 813033333330 SSES nghibits 11111331331131.1131 $3.31th 3 sembankment The-13113111112315. havmg 1SSL1SS 11111-331 retnevmg 3.3513333312130- 1331121 31311111 1 3S 1111:10- SBAS Data 13111110131111.1111 System) 1SS11SS and is 1.11 .1113. 3S331fy111g this l?f?U? 1311111113151 (1311. 1111111111 Sheep 2 I311: .2. II