. . wee gag A: .gngQ . .. .. - "?33 3?3 ?3 3?3 33? 111- 331333 3313\?1?311 REPARTMENT {33.7 WATER RESGURCES GF OF DAMS OF AND SN CERTIFIED STATUS Rama-.111 Dem: I. _=Q.am No, 3.3 13111111111- Riumes. Type 11312311111. Hydra-min. 131113. 11131111111313 Concrete ?ned 11an channei . . Water-1,9 2 33 ?eet beiew S1113 Swey (131331111131 18.. 73 332133. 3363323131- dam era'si: Weather CG?ditmns 7?8" 1111-1331 perti-y Q. 3121qu $.11iee.? USGS Datum PGQE 13' 233 Contacts Matt Maris; Mathews :Ky?i Q.- ingvoldsen PGQE Staff Reasen 101 11131131311111 Maintenance inspectmn erQr?EQd that this Qngemg werk wouid be 1.1113133 e11 apQerQQ 111131131 111141.111 emerdence With 311.13 dated May- 2",2 20.37 43. The 111111.113 pieQ. "323101111313 Qise inciude e111: eveiuetion end poieniiei mi3igetien Q3 3113:. seepage the 30111133113133 seal-Way weii Qf the cresf (see 1531112111131; 5 Q1113 CQanuesens From the: ianrmeQQn and visuei mspectmn the .Qem reserve-11: enQ t31Q appurtenances are judged safe. for centinued use. pending 3hQ QQinQtion 313: the spziiway Q1131 :rQQ-eir- QerQQt - Observations and Cammente Dem T31Q embankment {fem appeared 30.: be. 1Q (11111131311311 3.13.3 continued service 1-1153le the protective: 1131er en. 51hQ was untferm :21an there were 1111 gape. - 11113011933981- 'ThQrefeeQ 11111331111113 151211.313- chieh' 1111331136 31131-111339 3319.311st 3 unchanged 3111111 33133 prewousiy reported 5.331333113er cendstione The Qi- "the dam was: Q1131: in conditie?. ire-131111.15. ?QQinf-Qii 111113133 31.121331312111312 en "the: dam werQ.QiQQr-of end in QQii 12011111131111. Ne deer-1,: end: the vegetatiee' QQ'Q?zre'i' wee 1 The: :Qmicenee crest. 83333 Q1111 QizianQ'Qi' were: QiQe-r Q3 (see-3311133121 =53. Severe-i repairs 311 f1): damaged 33111135 and 31111111311 erQeQ gheng recently been QompiQtQQ P33133135 ?3 5 and 6) 1333313 hes inspection, Q1: Q3 Q. Time 3:13 "the 33113: gafes. beefed" 1113331331: 311a 331333336 -.Sffi.ii?fui?es 1Q.- 1113- 31.1.1111- 13233833333 111-11111 I I. 133' A1313 VanMetrf Yes Wigwam-391g. . . . .. 51'3" 1? . I. 31:11:11- 3533' 01?8me . . . . .. ewe 12.61: 1131111. 1111-1191 Sheet '3 Name of 83-31- W13 - $333338 DWR 1261 much 1133ng debris The 33323 structure K313 Tngveldeen I3331133 130.333 be -- $313333 within 1.er weeks The Tog. 1333.111 TIT cemunctren The T133339 333313333: T3 int-33.3 T. 333333333313 prevent fTeang 3.3333. from 3131-3133 The Tagoen- 33.3113- T3 be. evaTuaTecT To": TNSEPEEGTTEQN we" 13AM ANTI) CERT STATUS 8131131313331 . . . . . .3333 I33. 9-3 ?1313 1333301311 557:? .sTaff 3T3 I13Tre3311 any anTT-wn- 3333333133 wiTh; T113- 333.31 33:33:31 K313 Tngvoidsee 3331133 m3 1113. 3.11131} .1311 August TT13T TIT- 931.3 was [.331 fully: cycied 3T1 3333.14 2.01? Th3 1331133 peITtens of The; 313331133 appeared 31 be In 9333 3011333331 ?The-r3 W33: 36333333333313: 331133333 3133331- 13313331 wh-3II T131133 1.3319311333313313 613.615 323.3313 18;, 223.12 The: 33331333331 siepe 33111313313 331:1 grams were dry Th3 3333393 momTormg peTnTs T333133 3T: Creek 3133 333331. 3333 8 529331 The 133.11 333133333 were 333.113! 3:33 3161111 31313113 313111333; TGTTEWSE. I WETR 1333 I. I 7 3:331:31) . 333-3 31.;33333. . 3.33 3-3 .5 333-2.. 333333 3.33? 3.33 333-133: T335 3.33: I I I I I. 334' 5 313113 dam QT. 26 survey menuments 6313233133313 3 33333 .3113 2 . 3333133313133. TIT erd?eI T3 I31T3T3T3 1313' 331331311; 31333 Instruments checked for 3.13313 3331333 333331331 1333113113113 .333 3'ccur3ey-Th3 [31331633161333 {13:11 831313 2616 3.333 reserved 33 13. 2017 The survey monuments 3:13 surveyed 3T 11333 3.11313 every 5331333 and a?er 3193313331 earThquake Tl333'3r31h3r 3333331333313 Them-315333 survey 333. 333311133 33 333: 23 2313 Aft-3313 June ?12 2013 A preweus Temew 33333333 13mm Inciuded '3 cempensan 313111313313. 31131 3331 earthquake surveys InchzeTed acceptable behave-31111.3 embankment .1113 maXImum 333333 CIT 111.3- dam PTezomeTeI T3 Tecated 3:1 The upstream bench and - T33 .2333: (33313 33313333 2.333133 33.113. upstream 31.3553 311113- 3:33.313- This: 3323313331", Targeted 33313511312133.1333. 3.113333- The highesT-weter T333313 3.33 shews The T333331 3333333133133321135131331 3.333313 3331233193133 213331331311 .653E 13 Teceted 3171133 3.33. 31?. T113 33m and meanders "The. 23113. (puddle care) "of. The dam T1313 33.3. 331331. 8333 2 31 5. m-T DAM ANY.) RESERVQSERT-QIN. GER: . 1:513? STATUS Name?f'?am . 35111111111111213111111111 11131166111111 01336111111111.1113 611.121 Comments 113 1611.6 6161113111111 changes with 11111116111161 11.155 31111111111119 111111111111 {6:6 6.1 651(61): 6??!3116?) and are 113131311613; 13.1.1 1.11.6 dawns?eam 1361-1611. and. 3111.136 1131?- 11.1.36 111131111111 11162011612) (sandy 11111113111113 11151116661611 1111:1116 side: 61.1.1111 131161116 111116 As: expected 11161511111611: away-.1116 11162611161613 are. from 111.61 13111.6 1111-3 1111161" 1116.. 11.3161 6161131111113 1:116 1111-116. 5 pxeacmeters 311.121 111.6- corre1at1ens 111111.131- 1.311486161611611 changes are-13336131113111: 111111.11 hanger fag 111116310111111113-1116 261.6 11631.61! 1111113 13182011181613 remamed 11111111111113113111: 11111113111616 1111.16 1113' cancemmg trends 213-1 spikes 111' 31:11:1- 1.1.11 1111133111316 11.1.1 1111111111. 16115613 were: 5; There 31311-11166 1111111111 111136166 61' 11.16.1136 13111161113111 11111112113178 11111111113166 1-31 163.151 01.166 every 1111111111.. . 3-3. 1111111111115 1116 61311131911 1111111111111 The. 1111.111 61311111116111 616.111.111.913 1111111; 61111 TNF-QBA 164111311 {311311116111} 111111111013 seepage through 11:12.6: 1111111113196 1313111131 11-1 111:6. center valley area The seepage these 11111111111- has been 113111611113116331 1113113111: ievels 111.1 1111113130111 .131 3611011 1611613 exceeded 11111111g11162616? 1611131111 11631:. 1111111 {11511116161118 .6111 11133113111111101151 1311116111011. 661161 31311111111131 11131113111611.1311011 151168111611 . 11611665161111.1111 111.151? 111111112111 11111, 11111111}. 81111121 3 13-1 6 am we as: sums-:5 Name-?f?a?m Bu?Va-Bay' . . . Qam?a Q3 Date 31? ?-nspec?m ?3531? Sheep 4. off =6 .23 2.222%. 229.22. .222?. .2222 2222a 2% 22 222.322.22.22 ?2.2 $2 32% van m? .22 Emma? 2.23.6 mama .w $2222.23? 22329322229222. 22222222222322 Eam?i $35.5 ?4222/ 2. . ?23% . . . . ?222222222222 3.2m .22 22222 . . 222222222 2222222 Hm?wgm mm? a? ?m??mmwm?agg?d??i 2 STATE AF CALTFARMA 5/596; FALAARNIA NATURAL REQQURGFS AAFAFY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESQURLEA IQF SAFETY QF DAMS Naam'AAfDamBU?Vaney . .. DAWNO 93 CAunty Piumas - -- Typa?mam Ty?egfhpuljway Cane CrestIand ?ned; chute .. . .. . Water 13 30 II-fgef crestand 19.5.9. fAAt belaw_ Aamicresf. Weather CAndmAns Sum-1y and miid contacts Mat-t White Ray Lmdier ?and Craig H111 Af. PGAE Reaem for inspeet?m?y AnnuaA mspec?mn important Observatmns. Ar Taken A Am}! {rave} test A TE - gAtA saiisfastc A {3151.31 ring; th e- iihspeA?An: was pA?Armed. and rebel-r meme Tower rightsiide. {If the chute be repaired; CAnciusiAns Fram Ithe known mformation and mspection the dam reservoir and Iathe appurtenances udged safe Dam No 3391135? settlement QT ether mdtcamns distress were observed alang the dam photographs: 1: and .2. The Are-At road. bAnAheA and wave prAteAimn remain and in and rodent Also 90.961..- The the meta} AFATAAQA wales: been. repaired. The; apprAach area? were dear of debris phetagmph I3- All features AT the way severe except At An the chute phatAgreph 4 This sheuld Ae remixed As prewously requested the- vegetatson in the? spileay jAmts has; been cleared ?ne milnAF WAA mat-ed adjacent AA the what phatagiaph 4 Qiu?tlet A. full travel test Af? The 2 NARA WAA- Abserved during the mspectmn The Test- starteA With the gate. in; the {wt g; he AperatAA was smAA? The gaie- was than fully- ApAnAd thiA l- cantmuad An with The. dam Inspection The - Aqurpment war-A clean and Appeared be; WATT mamtamed bV! WPAHnjingtAn 3* Ail-? x. No m_ Bate in .Af?f?i-ET ,3 AT Region 41-12113. UR TEAS-T Sheet 1 Q?f- W8 AA EFF FIFE REFEFVFIR FED: Name . NF..- ?aw and (3mean - Fniyt WFF FF mFFsurFanF Ft Ff Fam readings Funng i?Spectth Within remains PGFE FF FF FF 2M5 FF later this Six are FF. i embankment FF the 2914- 85A was Sligh??y? but: was IRGF F- rem-Fm active Three were destroyed during of surface drainage ditch EFF The FF. Tewewed iF? NF _.sigF.F Ff- FF itgy WSTE Faring mFqumFF-F FF NF. FF FF FimgFr. (FF. 2? of C??im 3.533533 STRRES Nam-3 Lug-mam. amt-vane? Dam Date. ei'mspegt-im' mg andb . .. .: -. 23 3:33, tab-sawed ?-Eyp?caimsway is; raiih? ?ash-ed a-i-?mw, and thazembankm-ent ggiro?gxim?m is at til-e 5335.13 3mm. 85m? Vaiiey- Siam, Na. 13343 Pin; ma?a: {gammy WPQB?-ingtm #3532126 mm 1-251- (rev. mag)- 3mg: _3 :52: a Ln mm?g. PHD mnmm. .U ng .m??dtm? zmam?mmwas . .. .. . . . . . .. . Zawwo EH 3.. 3%anQO . . . mm Qm? .dma a?m?m HE maniac? mamaam 913m am?gim? 3% .mng .3 gag m3; 3 ?ww?m Egg. mm gm. ?magi? mg?mvwm? 5.me Eg?mm ?0.33% . Evmsanw?n ?m?m SE 333 mama. a. Mawmumm?g. Ln $4,444.44? hz? .42. ?mm. 4.4.4wmm mw??mm imamawwma 344.4 444.44. 44.44%..44 m. 4.4, . m. $444433 mwn?mn mamm?amaa. 4.4444444444444444. mam 44444444444444.4444. 4.444.434.4444 44444444444444.444m44444. 444.444.4444.. 04.444444. 4.444444. 3.44? m. .. 444 VF {3:15-55 ?i?i?jmii??i? Nee-m3 m-?am But"? Wiley Dam- Naa: N0. ?5934.35 551.5 a? [3935;355:315 458+ 15 3S View?s? W?nf? aim the 3555533; 55:11 the at)? g5 $093354 ??-wa?is-a?tichuta remain $555351 app-555w and Sia??actmw' tandE?t?ioa-n =?far-can-5nu?e; urge; Siam-e freezer'thaw :{jieierim?a?gn i5 5555.555 T55 tie-tatim'atijo-n at; 5335 5555535 retar- 5-h?i3515t?' he: {553355141 hem-re wiz?i?c'arz; {5552515133}; 555, N5, 535 Plum-as {355nm 4175?"! 5 8515-3251 {taut 35555;; 55351 5 5f 32m. 9mm .1. ?mummy m%bwm.m. .zmam 93% m?qmm? . . .mma?. 2.0.. ?warm mm?mam?mm?mg. . hmm?mmyam; ?mwmm a? . .. maxim.? $5.358 . mg itmi . . 83222-8 82? 8222.288822222 :882288222228 22222822282 QEQAETMENTQEWATERRESQIHRGES 02F.- 3132M 232533 IN 222222222 222 8222.22 8.222283813832; 2222222 2222 83' 82222-22222 'Typeamam I Hydraufiic II I . 332222.22: 22282221222822 Cancrete ?ned 23232822813823.2283 I I I Wamrm .8- .8 222.222 328222222- 8222322222222 222-22222- 82222 ?25 8 222222: 88:82:22 . 25822-2 222822. "2222222222 2- 22222222222222 27 8 8228. 8882" 52888:. WS-EI 83132- 24822123533353 {3.8222222 {538881 23") 2322222222222 2222222222 {222822 5832232222 R8882: \Nhit? 3222282322222 8822228283 P888 Staff 822822-2222- 2222' 22228222222222 882288223 82382828228888 inspectmn '2 A8 2228222822812 2882283388 3:228 228883822222: was 88328822228282: 2822282288 82228 the 88228222228822 38222282223188 8833382832 (388 5} - There W88 damage ?28 828.- 28228831 2222288 8122'. ?23:28 2318222 82-8-88 2223152382228 .8888 82.. 8.8.. (28228121528228 me the known 22282222888822 822:8. 222382283 inspection the 238223. 2888212832; 8222:! the. 82322888888888 82'8- 322858.88 Safe 8222'- 22-8-8 {31288222888228 822.8. 08mments gm The 2222222228 228222822 222' 2"?228 2228282222228 221322822 22.22 the 82232288222. 223.8228 was. 22222822222 32-2 228228 22222282222222 82:22.} 388278. 818.278 r28 8-8228 i8 82223882238 T88182883 wit-318223. riprap 88-21222 which 2222232188 the- wide 8823832 8228' .828 828228 888228.- 828' {3823818 28828- in 8822.8- {sandman {888' Phat-8: 3} Th8- 88822283288222? 882381 2288' 82228-288 With .8. 2228.8. 2228322288288 328228833728! 228822882888 8221.8. 82.8-8- 822822-2222 8228 22822282882218.8828. 828838: 8.88. 2228. 222223228 822'8828 8-288 8828. 12-2 88228222222851.5822. The-82182282822 828222: 82': 23228 2218222 2228-22: 82283822818 8:882! 882283188222 Thaw-222283 8182228228- in 828 2833723811}. mmff.? ??i?if?'l'si =82. 228822228 l88888228 822 the 2882-22 {888- ph?i?? .3 8222;! 83888 8338328838 22888 28- 8'8 8228-3228288 (8.88 282282288 2- 1538-2888222 82222222222- 22288. 22323882881 .2222: 828 88222 82223 232222 22822838232222 822222-2223 28822- 88888822222222: I?3g?3323?3? - The 822882288 8318827 222? 88888. 388 prt-WiQUS 2; 2882288388 8'28 V8238t8t38n pf888nt within rhea: 52321182832 (:anthan 32212728 W88 88888231282213; 2821182288 (888' P312282 5) T2728. 2382222288 1883229332283 888 .8888 3888. 82828.- 228.28 88272.8 232823128 222888222 82.22 828- 2282282828 2822282228 28 2582288818}! 8822822832 82-28 828-. 3223.82832- 23 32288823 88888828 822' 22822322222823 $882288. 22 28.88 88.822 828-278. 222-822 5-222-2828- 222-222-2222- 8598 ?88.22: =22it288-r?28d 83322312882281. ?3888? the 222222-28 Sufi-n: 82.8 883223. . 22282282288222 22.2- .82 882222883882 82228 ?828.28- 8228822 8222 8888-5 228825? 2-22 122-8882? 288228 2'22 2:22-22" 8282-88-28 _W222223222g 222888 2222228222- 2222228208 388328828882 3982 I 323828.82" 2223228238822 2.22.2222- 22222222228222.2222 Name" (if 0.3-3.3 3333333333 33-333" .3333 333333333 333333-333 33333.33 {3.333. 33?- 3333 533mm . 3527515 0123333333333 333. (333333353323 $1333" .333 Instr 3.33.53: 3-3333. QI T333 3'333-r33333313'3333rm33 by Pea-E 33.3 35.3333333- "i 313.. 2:03 5. 33.33: 3533-3 3333?? 3330 3-33. 3.3353:- 3333 3 I I 3.0.3- I I. 003" I 3.33:2 II 3-3-2353 I. I 3.333 I 353.3- 33.33.33; - I. I 933333: I 3.3.5; 3.3.3. 3333353331; 33333 33.333 33?: 333331333 5333333g 3333 33333333333 i at: 3-33-33 3333-3; 335-333-3323 23- 333.333 33333333333333, 6 33333373333333. 3 333353.. 3333 .52- 33333'33?3333333 in" 3:53.33" 33' 3333.33 353333333 data 333333333 33-333 3333333333333 3353. 3333333 5 winter damage 3233333333333 and accuracy 32:33.3- ouriabimspecimn 3333 {13533333333 [38333353183235.3333 33333333 33333 March 2.6.33- 3.3333 3133-33-33 .2613 333-33 33353333333 3?33 333333 years. 5. .33" 33.23333 mmuments 33:3 surveyed 33' 33333. 3333 333353. 333333 33:33 3333* 33333333333! aa?hquake 33:33:61. 33:33.3" 3.3333333"? 33-33313 Th3 i333. 3 53.53.33 3335333 33333 33333337333333 3.23.3- 3333.} 23.. .2333. 3333*- the M331- 53.3..- 2-013. 3333333333333 33333333333 3.35.3 3333333333 33335335" 3333: 3333333333 333 June 3:23;. .2013 .5 (3333333333 33333 333.3. "33.3 33333353" 3333333 3333333333333 3333203333! 33033333333 33"? 0 33.33: 2.45- 3333333333333 333- 3333333. 33335?333333 53333333 3333 3.3 the dam T3533 3333333333 333333333 3333. - 3333333 3333 33:33. 3233 (3333-3 .3333 33333, 3333' .33. 33333: 3333355. 33533333 233- :3 323??- 333333 "333333. 333333.23 "the. 2.333%- 3m<>333 33? 333333.. T333 but 3'3 3333." {hm-33333- 33.3 33333-33 .3333 dam. and 33.33 3333333033 33 3333.33 3.333333 33337353333333.3333. ?333.3 "33.33333. 333333333 33.33% 333-333-3333 333 3333333 33333333333333 {f33n3 by 3333323333333 333 333333. 333333" 33.333 32.. 33.3 3 3333-31; 33.3.3. 3.335333 3233.3 33.3.: 333333.33 333333333333 333333333333 33w3y 33333 3.3- 3331.3 .33 ?333 monuments {3333 3333- 1'35; 33.33 in 33533 30333353355333 333332333315333 3333333! mavemerts 35333233 335233333 2333 333333133 333333333 3?33" 33m 3333' 3333 3333i 3323-. 13333333333333" 333.533 33353.33 3333" 33333333 3333333- 333535 3333 "32333 3.33333 3.3333. :55. - 3333?- 533333333: 3- pazfe-rm'inzg 331535333 3 judged <3 33- 333333333. 3.33., 33.5333 "335.333- 2 m" 3" QANAND STATUS A Name 3233222 32121112232223! . Dem Ne; 9-3 9323.92 22253223222312. . 3.12.??15' Oheewetmne e223. Cemments . The mezemetere ere memtered 2.333233333223212 1222212222 ?22132 ?21322 2229323222 32232222 3. 2221-33 2:23-12 the memmum 332221022 2221123322222. Fiemmeter .82 25.22?) 213' 2222232322 ?22 2223 221332233222 223222322 322:2. . 3233522232311 333.3232} neereet 2112223 ?.2313 32132.32 2.123 2323332 32232223223: (222- 3222222321322, 2212222322 3322322223 2213222222222 2223' 23.213: 32322322322. 322322333; 3222322222231 33 ie pregame-3.132232% 2113 2222332252 '112 31:22:22 water 23221213 ?21222 222333 .23 change 212? 323223212222 2222333222222 2:2 22222.3?. 32322322322. 31222222333 with. semewhet Sees.? 3222322222213. ?The either Prezemeters 81 2121222?) - 232?1222;) and. 35.12293} 2323- 2023323222 3272: the bench 2222632023361152213 ?2323 ?2233 memtar "(he 2222223 (3322.22212- hydreu IC- 2222.} 20322233. ?222 dowmtreem .eide of .2223 peddle? A's expected 2223 22222121323212.3111 the 22232312232323 arefr?22223227231?2ke 2123- 2322231 2223;: 2.213231 eievetterzs are in 222222 1223233232313 3123 222e- 2.11222222223332322322 322322333 32'3- 2333' 32322232122 2.2112222 13.3332 232;?; 5 2222233 N333 ?22 2223 12-23;: 2222132321; 3223222322 any: ?3?2?2?m2223 213333 and. 2272:3233 'we'z'e 2:212 22233222323 . 2222212222 2322-3-23 22223332183 during 2223 [2023 ?222.62 23:. 2213922122233? 5 33221221223231 2222212- 322 232232322 32232221222222.2322 32.223213, .2223 2-2-32 3312332222. 12.32222. any; 32322212222232 3 3.22382 2322 22-2223 32333222323222. . There; are three 1122215.- 222332321 a2 2223 tee-22221222 ?23122, whii'ch are. 12122222132321 32 23332 011332322311; 117222221222; Weir (2222* meni'tere 222.3 seepage through 222-3? 232?: abutment d?a2nage 2232222: ?Weir 222012 021222222222} memiere see-?23223 212222223 2 2121222 dramage 221322232122 2223 ?33232 22322332 area The graphed ?1323: ?232.33 220222 1-9822. 212222222322 20222 22223223220222 222:3: ?2323 ?2232?: Wezr .32 ranged fir-em- . 22.331213332223212 893m 2222.3 2022') 3123 Werr NFSA 2222232222 211.2212 833% 2322 5833222 .3223. has been 232.13 222-2222? 3052312222 $222.33 2'23. 222 32221223 222823352223 ?ends? 22221 {2222222222 2'23: tee date 32222 the. 2223-2333'2'3'12332'3 20233222212924) ?222- 213-222 32-23 metrumente ?213. 2'22; eehefaetery 2232232222322 No new. ?22" 32232223223! 22252rumentatten 2e deemed 22333333222 ?22" 21.223 22.2223 321232332 (2221-. 23.2231:- 822.332: 32' 8 4. 3&3 a..m.mm? mam? 33.. an. . mm. mm?? a. x/mV/ . at? a 63.7Vw/?y/ .. .. haw, ,4 2.. . 3.30. m. imam. ag?m ?gm?m. mam?. mi magmamm?m?vm mm $3.53 gm ?g 333%?, aim $5 warm? . kw. 9W3 . a, I rel-v: '1 M23) Shae: t3? Amiga 4; The exit mug} af'fhe: sif?i?fia? rum-t? Mam: the damaging as sham in Aha-m. 3.. under the: MM {33$ I Wham 3' The and. Qf'ihi awmg; Mia}? rum-ff d?w?zsmut was tam- awa?y' and th?rumff wa?ef hag hear} f3; 3122415 Dai- I a: s3?" ?n?p?c?m 3m Na I new 9? {Basra 36:8 312;. 13AM ANQ If"; INSPECTIQN (If 0166?? ANE-REESERVQIR STATUS 5. {Siame'?f?am 56$? . .. . . $337?? 5519.? 93 {32:6 67? 31352-5115 . I. Photfea' -6 Ayiaw afWair sun-u. 36861 8 0-5 . 3\33233 33333333333333 0F- (3F DAMS INSFEQTMN DAM ANEI. RESERVETRIN CERTIFIEE STATUS Name. afDam 333329; 93 0333.3- 5333.332 T5233. Dam. Tyne 3f Concrete 1133.3 553.53 . . WaIepisI 5 52 m; feet 5 Wes-I 5333 2'21. 32' I33I dam; 31:331.. 57" 3331.3 3.33m WSE 3135 U868 (U888 583E chacIs MEI-I33 M3II Jgseph R33 RWdImger J3nathon Edwardq PGSIE Staff Reason for ?13333330 93?1?ch M3 nIenance Insp3ctI3n Impertant {Ibservatmns Recemmendatmns or: AcIImns Taken iRemWVIa I33 3333333333353513.313 sp'I'IIWay. Canalqstons From. the knewn mfarma?mn .333 Wes-3:31 mspecImn the 33m 3:33: 313 appurtenances .333 333333 3313' I3: 33333333 333 3313333333333,- and {333133335 95m The wsabie porimn WIT-13 protectwp 33:33 3:11:33 upstream slope W33 335333 In 5.33.023 candn?mn 333 I-ihere W3r3 33 3333 In c3v3r333 The. 33333 533th 33333 333W 1331333313 Wide bench and the: 3.33.3 3.3333. the 33:333. WW3 in. 3333 333.3333. The 3333533331 3033 338: 3333333 'WiIh 3: WWI 333333338 3333331333333. W333, .333 3333333533 333. In 3:333 333333203: T33. _Wer 33333 3I151333II3M-134-W33 13331333313 rain. 33:! 3333333333 WW3 In 93.3.3 333333.33 33:3 3I33r 36133333.. The abutment-3 WW3 3I3I3I3 333 the grains and I33 3:33. I dam 33-3 I33: 333335333 33133533333 The entrame 3r33 3r33I' and; 3in channeI W3r3= 3335' of 333.33 T33 vegetatxnn pres?nI-Within the . 33:33:33: consImcIIon Imnts needs In 33.- remaved The concrete Ihreughaut I133. 3333 .333 31353 . spiIiway 13. 333933 adequate f3r wntmued 333333 0353?: II I133 33:33313r3 5.3.3313 .3333 DSOD I133 3333W3d .3 MI 3333 I33 3f- Ihe-Intake 33:33. 323333313 333- 133333333 3r 3133333331311?: 3333' fer I113 3W33I I33 g3I3?3 3333 I3. I33 cycled In 33:" presence The (333333 IWIWIWI $333333 I3 333333-53: I3 be 3333333333! WW 3353i I'm- 313- 3331' I33 r?i-ghtabutment 3533-3333.. out ?3333 Intake 33 LIQTIITG I33 3 ?aa?tmg piat?form 32333133; The 33Iummum walkway was In 333331.03 The 33153.. 3.33133 InI?ake 333.3333 3135533. 335533333 333333311 The Ira-33 r333 W33. .3331? 33335 333 In satisfaciary 33:13in33 T33 g=3I3 333:"3333 333:3ment13 3335:3133 33I1W33 )3 .3 . mamtamed This gaIe, repcrIedIy p3rfm=m3d when it. W33: Iasgt 336333 by. P883: 33 I February 25, 125-14 Intake I garment floatmg debris 33m 3313339313 Iagoon 3333333 .by= Amen V3.3 I - 333333333 YES I . N33 333 33133333er 332553 'i 5 0333332333. . 3333? 33333 . .. 433-52914 . I 3W3 1331' 1:333) 3333 of NSPEBTIGN JAMAND RESERVE ESTATUS Name: n'f?amr ?v??aile?.93 Date-a? inspea?em 131253134- - This-gate- Fape?edly it was last. {any cyci?ad by P6355 an January - 24.30514. 386931913 The? dawnsire-am- 23:19:33.: Shuf?e-ms, and grams wera dry. The.-seepage mc'ni?sgari?fg point-s. {named at: the. erase-were- reads. The sewage was mrmai- and? within. :iaiis?emric limits 2353193393332;- w-Em WEIR TYPES SHEA-D: map; awe-33:33 I (3.322 08? Water'was NFSZ 9.1.2. 3mm. 36133.? @396 0.3. was 90'? 3mm: 01.935 0.28; PIPE 34mm asgmemr-?mp pipe frmerenne-r-Greex MIA .4- Ins-tr; iihzis dam .cein'sis-ts-af- :36? survey manumenfis; 3: piemmeiem 3133631713,. and .2- assemometars. ia-Stihsp?ectien, therehaya-baan ?ei-Dam Safety Sumeiizlanne and Maniforings?am?. The. 1115383 133mm snbmi?a?i 3335- $9933de on Ami} 5 .2313 arm! was prey-msiy cammenie? an with ma: unusual. m-canaamimg mn?'i?ans mated. Nit) new. wad-{3533033353 insirumenta?mn: i2:- (383333.33 necessary 333315 time? - . .. {3:311:2th 1. 'Theuystream gape mad. <33? . Ema-1.231 3.33.1939}; Sheet :3 of. 3 ?77.77. yam Emmi mm. m??cm in. 2.7777377 gammy . . . . .. . .. . 6.777320. .. ww mm?m?o?mwmmomon . . wxmm?h I, 7. 77777.7, fill. . . 777% .7 . li?/ . .. in. . ..IJ. 4. .7 .r . .7 77.7%, 7. . .. 77/4/74 77777737777777.77m2 was. 7 0763. :w 97.. .4. II II II II STATE 44.441214411511114, - $44 .QQINA ECAIJIFOIRNIA 4? - 4444414514(14444442444411.4444 A . A 44: EMS-TQM SAFETT OF TEAMS INSPECTIGN DIF- DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name 4113:2144. BUTT V4443 I II 2133-4141110, I I {3.4me Pumas T3144 4119341 11314444411734 Type 41 3414an 6:444:44- IITILBICI 01144241144441 . Wa?er 3 82 feet 13414121: 4414431 41:44 444 I19. 82 {441' b61014? I 44:11: crest 44111443 Made SteveIBauman Kyle 111940143411. Jonathan Edwards and Matt Joseph P6843 81411 1143304114; 1145444144 I P4114410 [1441414431194 1454844411 14144113111 01154111144443, Recommendatmns 4r 143.4 4414441141" 11343144 415014 74411143 'easI 01: I44 4441. Our May I24 2013 any damage 14.141 11.115 earthquake A51 August 14' 221313 4146401116 44134111141 414.14. Supplemental 13444443 .4114. 11101140er Res-11.113111414444414 Apr-.11 2'3 2131.3- {-4144- earthquake? .4424 J44412I2O-13 (p.441: earthquake) swvey's Thesa recent survey-s 111414444 1244:1114- 4441 444141-1144 414414 4441544417444'14444544414 44.144 were-4114414114 4341.211 41144444- 114144 T411 4.. 4411.1 (11111141444 4.114: 41234.. 044414514114 for cantmued use 04444444443 4'44 ?an-1.41.4443 4.4.4. There; 414 110.1 appear-1411144113: signs-0444111449 14-414 44111-114111: the-14:44:11: earthquake The - 14311314 {34-1444 @1114 protective 1341434, 1141144 4444:4111444344441 $14134 4-1414. 4441 11.4.41 Eievation - 41.24 42154 was 1:er unafurm there 4414' 1.1.4 areas 4114311314 34144111441 . 4:31:44 4:14-- 44 411445; with 4443 1:11:44 44:44 coverage Th._ 4444 upstream bet-1.41.1; 1444' ?aps 41441114 .1114 bench 44114111444414 ruprap saver-14444 444101113 41?- 1-44 upstream "side? :11 4-1.4 444111114114 in. 44.44. 4044:1144-4114:14 4145144 present The 4011451144111 41444-4143: 40114144 with .4 144.11.- maintained bene?cial 44144 44443-4344 14321 44114411 44414: 4444 4411414411 1114- 444 134444 4114' 4144 4.914 I11 ng44 404441.411. T44 416144.144. 414141 4T Ih? 4241:4444: IlIezvel' 41124419404 44114111445. There- 414 1-141-44444-4 :14 4.1134 14.4441 4:441:in 411'- 1114-. 44m and 1114.: 1149441144 44444! was 44441441414.- The T114 11494134411 present 111411.114 I114 4441111133: 4411344411411 141413211444344134 1411101144 (see {31.141414} The concrete 1111011411441: 1144 4444 4114 There-441142401114 cracks present but :11 441141241. the 0451414114 (4414144 In satisfactmy 44114111011 . 4:14 .1114 41111144415 44.444. 44444414141 44111111444. $441144. ,Wam. 1:14?44:11 4114.144 111411-sz 1434444 I PITA-134's Taker-1.? 154s,- 4:1 4444114444144: . 5124?? 44.141 I -. GwnerfBeek --.-. I 513414-41 Report II .I . I .. 332772313 .44: .1 41.114441444111144 Sheat 41' TNSPEGTIQT 13.135333253531313 IN Name. 0.5.555 555553.155: 555.55.. .55 5555 555155555355 _;5524f3:3 (35555555555 and {3551515555 The, W5?b?5 5.551511 55.555 155525 - 5555555 W55 in" 5555555555; 55551555 T55 5553: 155515? W55 51555- of 555.55: and .51? 5551555515531 55551555 The 5:555 55555555 equipment 55 very- 5.15 but W55 in 5 maintamnd condition - .The 5352-5 W55. 5.55.5. 552555th 5 55155355 - 5555551: This 5y515m 9:51-52 5555555. 35 555555555 W53 $555155 15 5555 T55 T5113: 53:51:55 by PG3E 551F55r55ry 1:62?, 2015 Th5- 5553515 5555555 51?- 5155 intake. 55555555 55555555 55 be :5 95.55 555555553?1155555 track 5:55 5155: 5.5- 55555 555,? 1:5 5555-: 55555555 515:9 555m 53 555555555 W55- the 515:5th 555355553! .55. 1555155 15 5.5555 355559 551555 55553: entering 515155555 The: 33555 W55: 55535153: 5555 555515155: 555551155535ch1 025 5?55 through the: 55555.15" 5555555155 53155551 This .5525 repertediy pe?mmed 55511Wh55?tWa5 5551 {-5115 5365155? 53: 55 February 26 2-616 Th5 51555 5555115555 .5515 5.55555 W555 dry, The 5555555 515555555 555555; 1555155 .51 the 55555552555?: 1:55. W555. 5555 55.5 .533 55155555 .55 55533555 W555 555mm 555 Within; 5555555 TW5. days 55:55 5.5 55.5 315-53,: 23, 25.13 555355555. 5.555555 555555555515555 {3521513}; T5555. W555. 55-5555; '31.:555 55 FLGW {5553:5151 55251.5 5531552 55 5525515 AFTER- EARTHQUAKE 532.1533 552.4133 Wm 55-55 555.5 555}. 5,555 {gr-:5 5.555 53:13,, 555?. 5,55 511.5 . 50653-55553- {3-535 @5353 {33,55 . 0-35; 55-55 5:55:55 5.55- 555 1.55 5.5.4 34:25-31 . . I 5. 55555515555 I . - 85555.5?: (15555?. 15555555555555 5555. 55m 5555552555126 survey-55555555555, 6 53555m5?5555, 3' W555, 5:552: - 55551555555555; The 5555-55 ?May. 23 25135555555255 55555555? .555 5531-155.55551555555555, 55:11:55:- 51.555555520655, 6:555 5.5.5:1555155555555 55N-555mbe'r 2.65.1,? 5 55155-5 March 2513 5555-5555555. '5-5555555555 5-1555 5.5155555355 25112-5555. 5 1555 555551 152513 W51. 55555555 55 5555555115 555511551 5f 3315 55125 and: 5555255551155 955.- 555 5551' earthquake surveys 5555mm .55 55552 .23., 2013- .555 June, 12', 2613 respectively .5525 5251 555515555}: 5.31.55 55-: 3- 1N STATUS Nam-0.011300: 131,111 IV31I13131 .. . {3100: .93: 0000111011000 and 60011110013 DWR: 1 2.615 .. .. .. 5124113 .- 10001100131 destroyed 11.: 23813 01111 0500011101: 01:13; 2.801011011101115 remam 00111101310011. 01th:: 5001011101100 0100110009 are 0:00:10100 10-: 0011200101 .000. 110111001 1001101001110 and 010 30100310001100010000 eve-1y 3310010 and 0:101:10 T110 2012 001001 11101100100128; 2131110111: 011-0011011131 001101110115: 00100 The 2013 survey W00 performed 00 31:31:11,- 335, 2313-0110:: :00 0011000000: W00 0011010100- 01: 0000- 12,. 2.0-: 3-. 30.0001- 14 23-193.. 110-1000131001 01?: 0100110010 13100011011 which 10010000 0 13110100mmer1101y 1000110 and 01001000 graphed 0010- 001111911011: 113233 11:10. 28.1 3. The:- 0000000k0 000.000: 01:13; 01:11:01 001110111001 W111: 01101011}! 101901 111011200101 0101101001110 ranging 110.11: 3. {11 :0 3-881001T1-1000 mauvemente 0'10 00110100100 00:11:01 000' W011 Within 10090 10100011101100 131000110 0100 separate 01005 50011005 Three 13102011101010 (E324: 83301110 8533:) 01001100011 01001313110 mammum 3001101: 0111;111:100 0102011101010 (3'3 B6, and Elma-1001:00001111009111110 00m; 1191:?: 01115110 0:02:111011: 00000:: 01:0 01000111010111.3323) 1000110101110: 1.1233 31-40;. 31?3000 8 6331 11101111011110 00:10: 1110:0010: 1111.. 0.182011101013133 01:11 "3'01 0111:0011: 0110:3001 010201001010 W010i 0000010000 1101:: 11:0 13935-133111 00100-110 101101-11 000' graphed 01010.10: 11:10.00 0100011101010 11:10 23112.11000001010011110 0001000100 1:111: 910000 133? 01.: 11:0 upstream 5100- 01111000010003.0110 0011000010 01:0 00111100001 01.1001 0-1: 1110301110 p1000me1015 which 1100000011111: 01:. 01.101090 01013-10010v0110n 011-- 0.0001- 13-01-0101 11:0 10.1.11 010200101010 11101-111010 10010000 111-0111012111 01010011011: 01.104133210102312 311011-110 0102011001013 00000110.- .130. 01111001 010010111100g00011110 0010 00100100 51:01:: 0110000100 100011000 {3102011101010 W010 11:00:10100 1W0I days 011013131110 earthquake 01': May 21-12313 and again 1110' day. 0110:- 11:0 0011110110110 N50 0100130001 01100903 W010 100010001 31.00.- 000110000 0011:: 1001:1101th 111111103133 11:8 6173111118331 83811988 T11010010. 1513100 W000- 10001100 0.11110 00W05110011: 01:01 N1333- .0110 3131? 11400101: 01101111011 8-1001: 131001101: T0000 Weir's.- 1001:1101 0000090 1100:1110 0000000 collection 0301011: which 00110010000102.1010 fir-0m 11:0; rig-1:101:01; 10.11 000111101110 01:0; 1101:: 01009 1.1.10; 10010001 01-1110 .000: 1000001111013: The 9:001:00 0010-101 11:01:11.0 11011:. 133411110 2-312 01101110- 01001100 00101.0: the 1310010111W011 0010011010133211110 213.112. The ?ght 00011110111 0000.000 100111101001 01gW01-1 NPR-.13 Was 01901110011111! 01100100 105111110. 1332?- 001311110 10110111 There W00 0; 0010100001 0100 11:0 0v0r090110W. 11010-00001233 90:11-10 0101.100 001:: A150 Wears NW2 001:1 1:11:83 31:00:00 04011012: 100001090 110W 01101100133? 0.0101111010110111 01011011000 W113 100100000 ?aws 000010119 01' 1:191:01 100001011 00011111003 The 11/10:: 23 231131 0011111000110 {.1101 1:051 000011110 1:010:01. seepage-1101110: 111001110000011110113r 151.1010 18 01:. 8 seepage 0100-1101:: Brenner (310011 W111: 01111-001101 1000100 110011110: 111100 000110 1110111100011 1110111000 In: 1110 000111111010 1101:10100: 051-1001 .33.: 01- INSPECTEQP BANK RESERVQER IN 5:155!) iNisame-Gf?jamm gamma-1m? . . Harem, . 93 . aim ?nmmenis in summary fhe 23:91:23; instrume?nia?im rem. indicatesf??at wed: .du-rihg- t?enme ?ame :of- the sub-mated data, 93:33 .3339 that the. dam wag my? .marikediy- a?actad by. the .rese?f-ea?ihiauake, Ne ?ew sar- addi-twnai ingtrumenta?em is .deeme?. mega-wary at Ma . - . . 999? c. 9 S?Wx?w??lPhaitn 2.- The ssI-epe 35. Seen-- athe Left abutment; (w 10299:; 99999 4% <9 . 9 ENSPEQTEGE ERMAND RESERVQER EN: 23:15:? A [?5133 STATUS: Name 'cjrf'iaam, BuitVaHey Egg-mm {.335 Date a? lnsgec?m 32.413 33 ?x?xft?T-?E \2 ?5 ?Skit . km??mk 2- Ag,- you/w 4345-14- . . . Fh?i?g_4~ We. Spi'tiway I'aakmg upstream freim?tre. mad; Same affha mus-tma?ars: 36331.15. med ta hair-e the vegetaii?n 'remgwad 212.2823: ?ew. rum;- Shee 5 Of- 9 in. Ma?a? . %%Cm -. ENE. za. mm ?0.me 125:} {ram- arcs/69;; Shem of 1:5 mm- 1501. A mi?w-af seepage Weir $3.th A'viie?waf gaze mg 8 Wet:- NFSS, th?p??ig? .5st . Nam-e: of Elam . 31$? Earn Na. 93 HAM: AND REESE-QUEER. REF n- WEB. STATUS 93 13A. u- ?m2 0mm, . :umm? mw??.33. 2.9 mm. mum? . .. mxm?qm .mw Em? m. mug mm 33%? ?mm 303$.? mam. Egg Em?mg. mam? 5% mm. mm: mama gm amm?n mm?- main? $3 mam? a.