333-3 '33 '3 I3 '3 33333.: 333333333. 33.33 3.333.333. 3333.33.33.35 . 33 $3333. 3.33.333 3333333333: {:33 3333333 3:33 3333333333333; 3.3- 3 3333333 3333. 03333330333 OF QF 9:333 {3.335333% ?33333 3N Nam-33 91332333333 33333333333. {73333333 N33. 3145 (2.0333313? .Riiameda ?3?er 333' Dam E33333 3.33333.- 33378333333333.3333 Gamers-.39- 333'33333' 3333633 3333333333333 3333333333133. 3.2 feet 333333333333- 33333333333333333 3333333333 3.33333 312333.333 63333333339333.333333 Kin 3.33333, @0333 3.033332. 3323333330373 3103' 33333338333333 ?6333035333- 3333363333333 33333333333333 33333333333333. 33313-3333., 333333333333333333333333333 3333' .33333333'33 T333333 3?33:- 333333333-333333 3'33 3.733333333333333 3:33 3333323332333 3333233333133, 3333.3 333330333333333 333333333 333333333333 32333: 33.333333333383333: 3' The ?awn?raam 333333.333. 3.33333 3.3333 33333333333333 - 333333633 333333333 3:333 3333333 3333333333.? 333 33313-3 32313333333333.333- 3:333 31.3333} .30. 2333?, 3 {3333333333 3333333333333 333 33-333 3333333 333333 33333:} 33333339333333 3233-33333 3333333333333 3333 31.3333 33333333 3333733 333333333 33-33313 3333.333 3'33 .333 33333333333333.3333:- 33.333333333333232. _?3?3'3'33 3133333393 3339333333 333 33333333 -. arrange-333333333 33:3 3333338333 3333 3333.333 in?pacztitm. veg-33333333333 in 3.33.33 3:33 drainage 333333.33 3.3323 33333333.: .333 333-:- 3'83333333333 333 33333333 3.3330333333303333? 333333 _33333333333 3333:3333 31333:- 333333-333'3'3 333333333333333333 3.33333 333333.333 in-spaci'iian, 333.33 dam, 33333333331333, and 33333 appurtenances. 3333?. 33333933323 3.333333333333333 3333' 33.333333313333313 333.3343. G?xawati?m- 33333.3 Th3? visibie 3333333339333 333? the 3.3.3333 '33e33333 slope 3333333333933 30 be 33233.3 33333338333333 33.333333- 3333 3333333331 (:33 333333333 33333333033333; {Phc?o ?33 T3333. 3333333 333333;: was 33333333 and 3333333333333 30 {3333333333 3333333333333 3330333333 33.333333333- The 33333333333333.3333 53333333 .333 3.3333 33333333 3333333 33.333333333333333 30 333';- in. 33333333333335; 33333333333333 33333333333 3:333 33-333- 3333333 33.33333 33333333333333. T3333 3333.333 3333.333 3333333333333 '33:.3 be 3333333333 33333 333.333 .33'3ai3'3333'33'3333'3. 3.3333 3333333335333 333333239333 333333333333 333235 333333333. 8933333333333 - T3333 333-3133333333 3330333333. 3333333333633. and 3333333313933 chute'wera ate-3333336 3.3333333333330333 (P33333323. 3:31. 3333 3333333333 3333333333333 3'33 33.333333333373333 23333333333333.9333 3333333 33333333333333 3.33 33333 33333133333ay 333333333333 333333333333 33333333., 333333333:- 333' 33-3 the energy 33333333333333 33333333333333. 3.3333333333333333 wage-Mien 33333.3 33333 333.333.3333; 3.3333333333333333 3333335333333 3333333333 3'33 ?3:333 rammed 03' 3333'33333333333833 33333335333335.3333 {333333333313 and . The wet 30.33363 appeareci he 3.3333333333333333 3333333 dis: 3.3333333 3'31"th 55). 73333 33333-33333 3333-33ij 3.0 33333311333 33333333933333'3233333 33:: 333333333333: 33333 333.33.633.33: 33233333633 during the 3333-333 33333333333033. The: 333133333353 3.33 33333 33333333 3333 3333 3333 33333-333 mama-ed 3333' 33333333 333333 33333:. 333333-33 33333333- T3333 3333333333 3333333333 333 33333333 a3?33333g33333$33333 333 33333;: 833.333.3333. 333333-333; 333333333 33:3 36.333333 I333, 2-03.17. T336 333333333 33333326 33633333 the 33333333333333 33333333333333? 333333333 3333333333333 33:3 333:3 3'33 Qaf'isfadcw ?33333363333333. T3333 33333333333033. 3333p and sapporti'ng $363333 chains 33 {are in s-a?-sfactmy 33333333333333. Vageiatmn swim? 33333-33 33333 32333333333133? (33.333333333333. '33333 was ameeptabfc T333. 2333333333 0'33 was. 333333333333; 33333133332333.3633 (33.33333g 31333313333333.39033333'3 3333 33.2632333- 3. The 33333333 3333333333 333 333-333 3'33 arra'wngemenis 333 . T333333 3333333333333 3333- 333333833}; 53373.33} 33), 2033?". 33383333333393? by T333233 9338333333me 5313-3333333 taken?? Yes Na? 323333333 03? fnspee?an "3 333233320333 33113 $333 3. 3:3: for 93313332333? 3633333: [33333 333' "3 33131 3?29? 5 3:3 35333333 3.3.333 3333333.. 33333333.; 813333333: Name of Dam Briones i. No. 31?15 Date of inspection 10/20/2016 Observations and Comments All valves used for_ need to be fully cycled annually by the owner and in presence every three years. Seegage No signs of seepage were observed along the toe or abutment contacts. A series of blanket drain pipes exits into the weir box at the toe of the dam. The underdrain measurement weir indicated a total flow rate of approximately 2.59pm. The toe drain (9?inch drain) near the lower right abutment showed a flow rate of less than ?lgpm. The flows from both drains were normal and clear. Undesirabie vegetation in the toe drainage channel needs to be removed to allow unobstructed flow (Photo 6). Th- drainage tunnel was traversed. The total flow rate of 0.5gpm was estimated at the drain exit point near the tunnel entrance, which is normal. As requested previously, calcite deposits in the vertical and horizontal drain outlets on the tunnel wall need to be periodically removed. The tunnel interior appeared to be in satisfactory condition. As usual, the CMP collector pipe for the hydraugers on the upper right abutment indicted slight wetness. Instr. The latest surveillance data provided to DSOD are from piezometers, survey monuments, and drainage measurement devices. The instrumentation readings extend through January 2016. The abutment piezometers readings fluctuated with rainfall and reservoir level, which is normal for this dam. The phreatic surfaces reported along the dam and across the dam were normal. The piezometer readings followed the historical trend and are acceptable. The survey monument readings showed a maximum settlement of less than 0.1 feet in the last 10 years. Annual settlements in the monuments were not significant. in the last 10 years, no significant horizontal deflections were observed in the survey monuments. The survey monument readings are acceptable. The reported flowrates in the toe drain, the blanket drains, the hydroauger drain, and the tunnel drain were normal. The observed fluctuations with the precipitation records and reservoir levels are acceptable. No alarming flow rates were observed. The existing instrumentation is considered adequate and no additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. The dam performance is judged satisfactory, based on the available data and my observation. Sheet 2 of 5 1:6) 3, 33%? a?m ?g 3.9% ammo?mm??cw m??m .. . 95/ 44;; .37@mummw 42.53% Egan may. Em ?:.4333?: Ema mm Wm. .03 pguamn Emma $2952. ?93m in . Em. A ?Mama 2 Emmw?am A. Azy?rmm?r, c.44?4?fx? ?if? Eig??. - mam . .famnfa 4v.353 Hg. .mwwm??w. ?mm A: wag gamma? Emmamww?a Ammn?mgm Am?amwmm ..A .3me mow??v 53%. 3. an MAAEQAAVL. E33 A, mw?? magma?. ?wmErgo A. a mam?. gamma $3033 38%. .5 m5. ?Edam? 2% 3% 3me Emma .A.. lymi 2%me awn 0mg. $93} 32.) 4 .. .0. :2 {Mr/dammw?mom .9. mg. 5m m?g magma 3.3% E. mum. mw?odwm, 5.2% .m mm.? m_ 33$ mwm? m. aw I I I STATE QF mus-0:535:35 53.51.; 95332534 35 NATURAL 3533335353 355.3% .me' 3:33: REEGUEGEE- E555 {Law-253mm {33' SAFETY :33: DAME-3. .55 E5555. EQE 533?:- 5E5 Name {#933 Esianes . I Dam r533. I II ?0.03.5335- Nameda T5335 6.3? Dam Earth 'E'ygc'ie 03233331333353.5353 {$3353.53 5333.553. Water 353. 3513?? 35:53 E35333 We}: Ga'assi 3:23 2'6. 3 'Eaai E93055 (33:33 west Weaihar Candi?ms .3333s3 Gomez-E's Ey?iasdea K333153253 $353333 Ee'? 553323523333 Ear} {Eop?di?? EC mmavtzm 53E 3535:533- 355$ Mue'sted' in the; 535353 E5333 5553513335Err-3a333 3.582% 53339.2 the 53.955.3?5353333- 3:535:35. med E53 E353 E33253 ?33" by Elmamm W373 T5153 and harizmtai drain 5333 5336s drainage 32533333323? 5333;: 53:65-13 3333353335 23533:. dammit. 553333533 news; is E333 remwaci. 53333353335333335 me the #5336533? and 5333.33.33 Ens'pem?m, the dam. rem-main and the amur?emames. ares judgad saEEsEa?aE?ry mantinws? use. Emmwaa?imm mm? ?ammama?s ng The vEsibEe par?cm 533? the u'mtream 5321:3338 appeared. 553 33a s'atisfaaEa'E-y wiEh 3'35} Sigma 531? 2531:3953 Ems-Eabii' 313' (Eh-mar?) .?Th'a rods: 33333333 was EntacE and was in Quad E335. 5.3336 531? Ehe dam aim a'gpeared be" in. satisfacmry sanditian WEE: Emeiiani. mgeiatmn canix'mi (E The dam 53.353333 2353;39:3er 5:3 be. unifmm N53 rmien'i'. anti-WE}. was 33:33:53 ?pg?yx?1 The spi?way mantra! seem-n, amtfa?ca, and can-sreEe: shuts ware Clear {333:5 UnabSEiru'cEed. The 333E331 and 33135353: wast awe-aired 3553 be 5.5335333533535. The: mam}: .strLEchre was. aim dear and Emma-Em GEE-aim? En the d?mharge area and the dawns?iraam 535333333335 was saiisfazzitm'y. T3355 933mm 3.3353325 mn?me 5:3 parim?icaiiy 5:333:30: vegeta?an. QUE-33E The wet: 3:335:23: appeared Ea be :sa?tisfaazmry E33333 531 {Eistaaca The 315515533353 we 5:333:53: have 33535: been Examisgd Ear 3313:3333: man five. years, '2'35353. T3333 QWRer'sszuid' 3353333533 atrangieman?gz's 1:33 emmises these- 333155353: by Ema-Ember ESE. 232316. b55333 53E 3.533553 the 553.333.53.335 discharge-Ema appeare?. :53 be saEEsEanEew. 5335533530225 ?ap and mpgm?ing 5335:3535 chains 33335.3 appeared Em be satizsfamory. Vageta?m?: 5.53.335:- 1:353 digchafga area was acmeptabie. Tim b33333 GEE 333323363 wag pariiaE-Ey dig-?rm Ehe. .i?Epa.CiiC2E1 cm 3. TEE: .bimw GEE 533.3335 E53 due-3 agiciing in E339 E33013. A3: 523135353 5:53:35?! Er: the 53333353303533 5333033353 be by the: 5333.335? and E33 $53533? 5&3'5353 5:633:53. I . ugh-,4. . mar-2553.33 2'33 Yagi 5 I {Shams fake?? yes NO- ?aie 0f inspeg?en 5 31W: I :35: Eur Ownaw?mir {333.523. :35 3335333035- 5 - 3333351365 (Rev. Ego-3:533 - gheeEW ?53: Name of Dam Briones uam No. 31-15 Date of inspection 10/27/2015 Observations and Comments Seepage No signs of seepage were observed along the toe or abutment contacts. A series of underdrain pipes exits at the weir box near the left abutment of the dam. The underdrain measurement weir indicated a total flow rate of approximately 29pm. The toe drain near the underdrain outlet vault indicated a flow rate of less than 0.59pm. The flows from both drains were normal and clear. Th- drainage tunnel was traversed. As observed in the past inspections, several vertical and horizontai drain outlets on the drainage tunnel wall were partially blocked with calcite deposit, which needs to be removed. The total fiow rate of 0.1gpm was estimated at the drain exit point near the tunnel entrance. The tunnel interior appeared to be satisfactory. The collector pipe for the hydraugers on the upper right abutment indicted slight wetness. The latest surveiilance data provided to DSOD are from piezometers, 'survey monuments, and drainage measurement devices. The instrumentation readings extend through January 2015. As in the past, the abutment piezometers readings fluctuated with rainfall and reservoir level. The embankment piezometers indicated a satisfactory phreatic surface across the length of the dam. The maximum phreatic surface at Station 13+50 is normal. The piezometer readings indicate a normal trend and are acceptable. The crest survey monument readings indicated a maximum of approximatel_ of historical settlement. The maximum annual settlement was less than 0.05 foot. The crest survey monuments continued to stabilize with a decreasing rate of settlement. Other survey monuments continued to show a normal trend. Horizontal deflections in the survey monuments were normal. The survey monument readings are acceptable. The reported flowrates for the toe drain, the blanket drains, the hydroauger drain, and the tunnel drain indicated a normal condition. No alarming flow rates were observed. The existing instrumentation is considered adequate and no additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. The dam performance isjudged satisfactory, based on the availabie data and my observation. Sheet 2 of 3 Magi-3E: af?am B'r?i?ne?: . mam Ng._ ii?atgg 101?27123? exaali?nt. DWR1251 10.70.93 She?t- :3 _ef 373173.375 T317: NATE TEEN: 33.75:. OLENCES AGE-TEEN M7 QF ?17 REE: OF TY QF DAME. E333: NINN EN EENEEFEEN TN WNN. 7W :13? Name. TEE NTEGETTN 34.3735 Gaunt}: AE-EETETEETEE- ?T?jype. TEE Earth Type: T337 Enigma? aspen manna? NINE: Es.- '38 gaggiEpiiTway :33 -3312 TEN 70:77:73: ?3:337 N?d- Lama 73E: M2333 KEN E. EN NETEETEETEE LETETETE EENMEEUT far E337 TN. ET: Th3 TEEN TNTETTJE 733:3 N77: TEE-E: 37E: EE-EET 37.333333? ET: E3273. TEE TEN E3: ENE-TEEN GE E37133 EETTETNEE 333d dam, and The NET TEEN. NEE 37337365.. {17337333373933.1737 EESEETTIEE <33? EETE ETEQTN appeEEw ET3- {73:3 NNEESENLEGW with Nil $30333 TE7 Eiprap TEE-T TEE-.323 ETEETEETE and EEWTJEETETETE E173 The Naps-T7 T3E The dam TEEN: Etc: b73317: sand-Nan canztmi TEEN. mats: E73 $323.23. The The dam {3:733:35 appeared EC: E376: Ne 37333131731 wag Noted. 8133in 3333113373}; ETEETNTTEE. .ETTEE ETETEETTEETNEETNTT TEETETEE 73:73:73 GEN-NE 333:3 The training WNEES and mgee 73376333: 3333;333:7373 ET: E7333 SNEESENCEQW. The E?ergy Eiifssip-TTEET was NEESO TEE-TEE Ehe-sp?iway strucELETe 733.733 3373? maintained and 3733 33:33-13 EGTTGENEE: QT .ciefie?anaieg hat-ed 37:313.: and TEEN-377 33:33:73 Err-3m the: 3m The 0333:7333 ETTETTETE Lamina? TEE penmiwa T3 WG-33: :33: 33:33:33 3: 15mm: 7:3. dis-Ea T17133- ETETEENE: En 712E333 EETETTET TEE-ENE bean Exercised. far more. Than TEN-.73. year-773 TEE-3N. Th3 mam ETNEE 303733737 3733 TEN ET EQEETTEETET 37m ETE- ETTE dam. 39333833372736 E33 E3733 TEEN ?ags: and .ETpgaaTEmg 33:337.! chains appeared. 72:37 E333 ETTCT NEE-ET aqua-T EEG TENN been Tamamd TEEN Tam and ETD-273333133 sham-ET. NEE 337.7353. ETETEE examsm {Ewing ETEE-T T3371 ET. VETENE ES GENE: in This. UNQD. NEE TEE E3363 jciev 3.377 The ETWTTEET NEECE ET: pram-nae wary 73:33:37: by Yagi Phg?gg-?f?ke?? YEN: NEE BETTE 1'3? REQGEF min: E3333 7 T: NET-ET. T2737: T3333. 7.3.337) Shea?: 0? 4. Name of Dam Briones 5 Di. .lo. 3145 Date of Inspection 10/16/2014 Observations and Comments Seepage No signs of seepage were observed along the toe or abutment contacts. A series of underdrain pipes exits at the weir box near the left abutment of the dam. The underdrain measurement weir indicated a total flow rate of approximately 39pm. The toe drain near the underdrain outlet vault indicated a flow rate of less than 1 gpm. The flows from both drains were normal and clear. The_ drainage tunnel was traversed. Several vertical and horizontal drain outlets on the tunnel wall were partially blocked by calcite deposits, which should be periodically removed. The total flow rate of 0.5gpm was estimated at the drain exit point near the tunnel entrance. The tunnel interior appeared to be satisfactory. The collector pipe for the hydraugers on the upper right abutment was dry. The latest surveillance data provided to DSOD are from piezometers, survey monuments, and drainage measurement devices. The instrumentation readings extend through December 2013. As in the past, the abutment piezometers readings fluctuated with rainfall and reservoir level. It was not clear which one affected the piezometer readings as the reservoir level also fluctuated with rainfall. Based on the profile along the darn axis, no unusual phreatic surface was observed across the length of the embankment. Rest of the piezometer readings generally indicated a normal trend. The maximum phreatic surface provided at Station 13+50 indicated a normal condition. No increasing trend was observed in the piezometer readings. The survey monument readings indicated that historic high settlement remains under 1 foot. The maximum annual settlement was less than 0.05 foot. Some survey monuments are on the heave side with a minimal fluctuation. The survey monument readings indicated a flat trend over the course of East three years as they are stabilizing. Horizontal deflections in the survey monuments were normal. The survey monument readings are acceptable. Drainage measurement devices indicated normal readings. Some flow rates showed seasonal spikes as they were influenced by yearly precipitation, which is normal. No alarming flow rates were noted. The existing instrumentation is considered adequate and no additional instrumentation is deemed necessary at this time. The dam performance is judged satisfactory at this time. Sheet 2 of 4 Name of??am m. 413 {mm m? imaged-3m ?i {if 43- 33- 17119. Bl?pe Of?ii} dam. 2:130 appsamd. :0 be The vagatation ma?a}. was m?f??i?a?i 3?10? 3 mi 4 .. 5.3 . . x, x. gin?, . a. ..7 a. 3 Emma . - ..-- 3&3 3331: .. 333233 2 L333 3 3 -L- 33.33333 33-2333. 335333333 333ch N33 3% 3 DEPARTMENT 3F 3333 333333333 333 3:33:33; (FF-33333: 3F 33-33. 3 3 33 ~33 ENS 33333 FDN DNNF 3N Nam-.3 3mm- "333333 {33333 31.15 CF .333 Ni3m333 ?333 33 . wasFame?zy (3333231333 3333 333333 W33 i3 :33- 333333 1.1333? 33.3: 3F 33. F335: 3333 33m 0133* Wr?mhrw Landmm D333. 333 2333 F: 3333ch 313333 L33 3-33 Nab 333333 F3 31333333 P335333 :33? 33333333 333 3333333 33333333333333 3F 3333-33 T3333 Th3 333333 '33? EFF 333 3333333 31" 3 DNDD {33333 it 333 333-33533 33335333 ?in 333 $333333 33 3 33133 33}. T33 3333 3333.3 333 3333 32333333333 >23 33232 F33 3333333 3335.333 The $333.3? 3333333323 W3 3 33:331'333333 33' F33333F33 in 3:23 (?1333312. Th3 GNP 3333:1231? 3333 33 F33E3F33 with 3 333 33$ 33: N3 333: .333'333'333-3333 33F3 333 33333333 33133 33.3 i133:3333332313'313333 333 33333233233 '33 312323123. T233 DEFDD in F33 F331: F'n333'3i'i3-FF F3333 (3.333 332333}. 2:33:33an 313- 3333233133333 333 33-33 FF): :33 33333333 333-3335333- 333 33332 31333-3333, The 33:31, 33-3 the; 3333333133333'3F3j33333' {3333333333 333 (333333323- ng Th3 333333 333.33 31":233 F333 333333 3333233 'upst?r33m 3:333. 3333 Th3'33Fi3i'133toFy'33331303.: Th3 dawnss-Fream 3333133313 333': 333 3333333 F3 be if} Fatxshatmv 33333333 3133 3333-3333? V333t3333 33333! (P3033 1) N3 3333 333333 3; 33331333 32? 3333 33:33:33,: were: F1333 Th3 33333 35:33:. 3:33 3333 an 33333333: 33331333 333331: 333333st 33333 or 333333. N3 signi?cant F3333 333333: F333- 3033.3. 8331.333. Th3 3333333333 3331335! 33 the E33 3.3333313 was 333 33.33 EFF 33333333 Wham Th3 33:33 33:33 333' 3'33ng 3333333 333332313 333333333 33 333313333. 3-333.an 33:33: 33.3 3:331:33 at The 31335333 3333333 which :3 333331 Th3 333333 33:32 333333 W333 3-33 F3333 33353333 33333733 $201.33. 33333333 0-33 335333 in F133 3333:" 3333 331; 112-333 33313333 for {3333 F333 fix-F3- 3333:: DQW. The 3333:? 33333 F3333 33333 W333 '33 333333331333 F3333 33 3333 33 32:33:33? "3?33. 35.33 '33 3; 3133333 bye: 3? 3333 333:3 F333 33 33Fi3f33i'3'Fy' 3333333 Th3 33333333 333 33333333" :3 F33 333F333 3333333 33; 31533 333233 F. 33 33333:": 33 F3 3.3.- 33 33 my 3333333. Th3 353333 33333 333 @3333}! 3.3333333 33333 the ?33.333ti33 .33 31231231 .. T33 3333- 3333 i3 33:33:33 in F33 3333333 NIDSDD. NH 33333 3:333 FF: F33 - 333313133 3.3333 333.3333 333:3- 333-3' 3-33 333333333333 F333. F333. 3333333337 {333313333 WW 333133 Yes D33 3? 533333333 - 1 73? 231 For {33:13 03313333 '3 21253231 13' 3'33 1:231. {33.2. 3-33 3f i: I3 {3391 32333133 - am 3:30, 3? ~33 Date 33" inspa??an 1.2M HEB ?3 3 a?mwa?mm 3333 33333333233: $3333. .3 Na sigma :31? mega-age wait-3 33333336 3333 the: 1:03- :23? gram, ,3 335m 3:333:33 {3:35:33 333% 2311:3333 weir The. umias??fain maaguremem weak" 31333133 Mata-$3331 rate :31" agpr?cximateiy 2. mm, Tin-3 we. drain 31,233: near the made-3:333: @1333: siruc?tum Ma?a-ates: a ?aw (3&3 {333 than"; mam.- "E'sz?lmm {mm hes-3h {wigs-ware rear-ma? anddaar. The? 3mm 2?ng 1km {ii-?33 Was: {3mm {Em-3! 3:333:33 water was mm the ve?ic? and: hmizantai {3133. 39:3? ihrwugiri the tum-133i wa?i Th3 $313333:er 333 was. 3333 than ?ilgpm {me-33333 by 33331? has-x {3.313333 at ?re 2mm! 333333353}; 332333337135 3mm Hm was; 3333333333: Maids-13:3 3?33?: 3' 3'33ny 332335: gmw?h am): 33 ?33 (33331133.. The: drama-{33 Emma-i appaarad .533 Satisfatii?ry. The GMP 931333933in far-the hyidraugars an ?the appear right aim-153333313333 being r?apaired 3} The (3MP gig-a? W33 am? there were. acme big 313135 in. the 325:3.me miieemr pipe tie- rewiamd- with a. 3:333; Na} ?aw 1333 netted. The: wag 'irammiim? 33 $3831?) {an 432532-913 The 33:3 was. disc-massed in the previews inspect-tier: rape-rt dam-:12 333312323? The Submitted 3333 indictment! a satisfa?tary dram perfm?ma?w this; time. The; is Cm?-gidared adequate and n0 additimai fade-3:11:33 necessary alt-this {Ema The dam ?3 gums-d sa?iisfa-cimy at this time. EEWR, 1.281 {ram 1301139) 33' w. 5:5 mm Um? . .M. M: 3me. m. Q33. w: W5 WEE 33 ARE. 3E3 555353 :35: 5533153555353 5533155333.. 333355335533355335 . 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YEA Ni) {3555555 555' insp?cti'cm 3325!.2333 3' 33:3:- meen??aak {53:3 533.335: 555352533 3 5:353:53: 52:53 (12335.. 1.05355} sheet 3% 35 I 3 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR lN STATUS Name ofDam Briones Dam No. 31-015 Date of Inspection 3/26/2013 Observations and Comments Outlet Seepage The upstream outlet tower? was not inspected. We agreed to perform a close inspection of the tower when the upstream valves are next cycled in presence. The valve and concrete energy dissipation structure appeared to be in satisfactory condition. The - was cycled - (10%open, ~24cfs) in my presence on 4/24/2013 with no apparent difficulties. We will continue to work with the owner to schedule a full?cycle demonstration of the upstream and outlet valves. noted no signs of seepage on the face or along the abutment contacts. The seepage pipe outlets at the toe were cleaned, as requested. Seepage was clear. The collector pipe for the right abutment hydraugers needed to be replaced; the bottom was rusted out. Seepage from the adit was clear. Instrumentation at this dam consists of survey monuments, piezometers, and seepage measurements. The most recent instrumentation data report was transmitted on April 25, 2013, and covers data gathered through December 2012. Survey Monuments: Maximum measured crest settlement is one foot. Year?to?year variation is small. The horizontal movement data is difficult to interpret since there is no figure showing the locations of the monuments. There also appears to have been a bad survey in 2010; large jumps in values and trends that returned to previous levels the following year. Piezometers: Cross-section plots of selected piezometer data were included in this submittal, as requested. The plot parallel to the dam?s centerline indicates relatively even conditions across the iength of the embankment, with elevated phreatic levels near the abutments, which is typical. The cross?section plot at Station 15+50 is a little confusing because the piotted phreatic surface intersects the face at the mid-height of the dam. However, the two instruments used in this figure are being projected from the right abutment and are not representative of phreatic conditions in the shell. The figure should be revised. As noted previously, piezometer data should be plotted on a common scale with the reservoir water surface. The abutment piezometers rise and fall with the seasons?it is not clear if they are being influenced more by the reservoir or annuai rainfall patterns. The remaining functional embankment instruments show some erratic response but generally indicate a low phreatic surface within the embankment. No increasing trends were noted. Seepage: Seepage amounts remain low (<1Dgpm) with the exception of the occasional precipitation?induced spike on the tunnel drains. No increasing trend was noted. Based on the submitted data, the embankment is performing satisfactorily. No additional instrumentation is judged necessary at this time. DWR1261(rev.10f09) Sheet 2 of 3 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOER EN STATUS Name ofDam Briones Dam No. 31?015 Date of Inspection 3/26/2013 Sheet 3 of