31:31:71 13:: 11.111111311311111; 131111m11111111 113111111111. AGENCY SEPARTMEST DF WAT-ER- 1311111311311 SAFETY OF 121111113 117.3111 1313' 131311111 1111 1111:1111-0113:111- 8111! {31311111311 MW N53135: ?11111110111311: E11111 Type 1:13-31:1331 .. Cor-111111111 119138 11:11.1: raw-11:: 131311111 111111111131 111111163115. {3.33 1311111. 31112111131119 _311-11111121111311131311131 711}? 111111 1361.1.113111111361- (1511111111331 11111313111131 63111111113113 119171? 1311?} 1132111 Smm?i 31111 (35131111111311- 1.1133 {1115111111311 6111111311 aiming E11311 (Joni-31:11: M11113 13111111111111 1.31111: 111111111 T111311 31111-1? 11113 11131111611111?: ?11131: 1:11 11:11 111191111111 Fanadm 13113111311121 1111111131111111113 .131j11311?11113 1??kaa. A3 131111111111 31-1111. 1213 11:11. 3131111 12.1?. 17111111111. 1311813113: 111131111111: 111111111111. 1:13? 13'1311111111'3118, ?2615?: 1.1111 1131111111? 1:111:11: 1113113 11:11.11- 1311131-1 1611111111111- .Aii 1231111121113 1111313111111: 31113 31111131113101.3111 1.13 13111:": 31111113151111.1131}: 11131113113121 13131111111311. 111-1.. 3.311131311111313 111111 11 111111.11331'111: 31111313331311): desig? :1 111-111-111 1131;11:31- 111111 1111-1313:. 13:11 1131113311111 1313111111113 3:113:12 Vegeia?e?im 11131111131 13 gen-111131.111 1111-1111 1131311111. 13111 13 31111-111 131111.31": {:11 1611311111113: 1311111193131 b-Ls-aihS-S: aiQ?ng 1111-3 613111111 11.133151131111111 1111313 16111111111313. 1154111131131; T111111: 11:3 111:: 1311111- 11111-3111111111113 31111111111171.1131in 11.11111111111131113. 111111382313 33113111111013; {31313111113113113 Fro-1111113 11-1111 111311-311 11131111311133 111.11 113111., 11331-111111: 3:111 111:3 3111111111111311135 are judged 11:11-11 1131'- 11311111111111: 111.1111. 131331111131113113 3111.1 {31311111131113 1:111:11. 1111111316: 1113111121113 13.11.1111 1111311311113 1:111:21 11131111131163.11113135131116 13:13.31 ?1:11:11 ?17311111111111 53111131313101}: 111111111113111 111111 11-13 1'11111113111311 131 111-31313111111: T1113 11.11133 1):)1111131 11131111) 1311313133 11111111171 113-1361311113g11 111111111 11113111 131311111111133111 .1313 ?81113131133113 311311111111 31.311311112111113 {he 1.1131311131311131: 11111161 111113111111 611311113151. 1:11-13:11311311 111311-1111?! 1511 9131111113113: 11111111- 131112111, 13111. .3 151111111 1:31.311- 131113111113 31:21:71.9 1113 1313:1111: 11113111311111 13.133 ream-11631811191131.1111: 31111131113 knee-1:311 grass 31112111111611 11113113113191}; 1111-1:- grounds-111113111131 prev-1:133 91131131311131?: 311-3111311313311111 111111111111 11.111111111171121 11131313911131": 31:11:1- 1.111111111131111g 1.111 311131331111 31-1131.- 131111-11 11131131113 13113113111 1111111131 31311;: 1111111311131 33115133113131, and 11:13 Sign :31 31111-113- 111111131111119 3111111113: was: 31315131111311; T1113 111311111131: 1.113111111131311, 13111111131 11:11.11. 311113111131131111111 1131111111: 13111311? ?11111.11 111101331111-131?11, 111311 1:11:13 1:131:11": 113111-111 31111 11111111111111 131111 111111111311, "1131111111331311311113 1.1131 11-1111 11131 183111-1131 11511111113111 1131'11161-11'61311311 111131111 2.13 1111111. 13153113631111 33113131310131. F1311 111111611 1135131181383 131111113 13111111? .131? 111311 11:31:11; 111-111211-131?1311d 11.11111 1111: 6131111131. 11111111111. 1 11. 1.131113 ins-pasted 1.33: P11111113: 13113115?? 11:11:. 153-13 {3.3113- 31 11111531151131: 1712.13111132112'2131? 1121111- .. 01111111180011 1111.111 1111111111111 11111111311111.1111:10:11:11 $119131 ?1 1:1 INSPECTEON C): DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Dam Bell Canyon Dam No. 16-3 Date of Inspection 12 January 2017? Observations and Comments was informed during the February 24, 2011 inspection that fully opening and closing the valve under full reservoir head would likely damage the valve, possibly to the degree that it becomes inoperative. As ordered in the deficiency letter sent to Mr. John G. Ferons, Director of Public Works, on February 16, 2011, the outlet tower slide gate ?feet has been replaced. All controls were fuliy cycled during this inspection, and all were found to be in satisfactory operating condition. Seepage Rainfall prevented evaluation of minor seepage. The face, groins, abutments and toe were free of any indications of significant seepage. Similar to recent past inspections, the previously described wet area near the left groin remains drier than reported in earlier inspection reports. Very small patches of grass and re-emerging berry vines continue to occupy the area, but to a much smaller degree than had existed in the past. The two foundation drains located to the left of the main outlet outfall were inundated within the outlet channel, but measurements earlier in the month were in the tens of gallons per minute (gpm); increased flow is attributed to rainfall earlier in the season. Clear flow from the drains is typically on the order of several during the dry season. 3 (I) Instrumentation consists of the following: a Six (6) surface monuments on the dam crest that replaced seven older monuments. The new monuments should be read as soon as practical and re-surveyed every five years and following large nearby earthquakes. a Three (3) seepage drains monitoring flow from the toe and left groin. a Twenty three (23) piezometers monitoring the crest, embankment, and toe. Piezometers are read and the data is reported annually. No updated instrumentation data was available for review at the time of inspection. The latest submitted instrumentation data, reviewed in the 2 December 2015 inspection report, covered the period between August 2010 and June 2015; that review is not repeated here. Sheet 2 of 5 ZZU WZ ?m??fmm w?mmdw Kmamawma; .33 .29 ?me m?mgamo?. .mm ammwm? Mai of. 74/ .x ?/74 x; I . r. xiv. um.? . or?. 4. . amxmm??mum. u. .H. ., mg; 3 may.? SEE ?de 4mg. moon? wmcm?w 4. "i gm Ewe 2a. gm?mm m? .533 $3 .22W2- a. 1.. a ..mwm??z .ma Mam ?mawmm .. $ij 29. . . ?mew mam ?mwmammu Am Mg . Zr 3.1. Ava/(I. wW/. . xv . . . lawn/?f. r? Inf: . keyww?ww?.3552 .u . . ?y/rr? . .. I rI/Zif? ?ya. may? .903. mg; mam Hg ?me am?um?m? mam? ?rm. 3mm ma?a macaw. wow wmm?am mama .zfv. ..H .r yxwHwy?? 4/ 237x??wfgw?, w. 2% gm. 92.. 33.3 a Lr- LAEE ANKLE RESERVWR EN a?i} N'Eiz'??s $53333}? 5388 Dam Bafa??f insgag?an Ja?mz-?y 2131?? finw War fhe mnarete weir sg'ii?way. The a?trarice and are span and: dealt; A5 wagered ?m the deficiengy fetter sent to Mn. Jam Perms, Di'reciar a? P?ub?c- Wm?ks, on Fatima-w '1 {i 2011., the ou?'at. mwer sti?e gata at EEev-ation 3%59 feet has been rapiaced. Ali upsheam and mntroE-?s Wiaz?a my: Czyciied during this inapac?-Qm and a?i were: fauna ?0 be. in satisfacmry'nperaiting mndzi?m}. mam 126-1 (rev. wigs-9}: same-a - 5' of .3- STERTE GET S333 LEE N3 EURAL. ES EN. FEE-SERVER EN STREUE Nam-a Dam? (3:33 Dam N0. (Ea-(3 Cam-(E Nam (TEETH Sam-((5; Lancra?ca (Ea-(a WEEK and mm ahannai WaiarEa api?fway feet bei?'W (ha. dam ?re-3E Fa?iy cEaatE-y and (saaE Cali-(Emits: Made {Saiamaa and: ?an (Ewing tha- Tab?aa Farr a?af Raasan Ear inspection (Edit: E?s} (a EaE-(aa (NEE-(arm fatter was (a NEE. (Tan-(E E3 Parana, (3E (m Fabmaw E3331. (:Eana}; Ea?sowiag: (?Eaa ((Eaa a? ((EmaE apaaEag (?Er ?ashy Rap-air (a - a?d? gaia am" (aa?ara "(be ayaraf-Eaa, Fanrarm a Ehamagh and mama-(Ear: (EE (ma: A as? (he a (ha aEraaEaraE (ha (awar Ear (Eatia am seismic (Gad-a (Vat: addraga E?a (31" (EE- aEida .gaf_ faEEm1arE3Eha (Ea-aim aa?fawaka. ?The .dafaa?va (Eda gaEa haa (mt beam (apiacaai have we (waived E'h'a mam-E (1E (The (3f the . ut?at (teaser Wax-(mas avaiuamaa have (dammed. aarfaratians (he tawar and; (Eappaara Eika?y givan (Ea aga (ha (exam. is beyond Eta ((aefaE ((awica infarmaa EVE: Barr Ehai any (Emciazai analysis (3f (ha (awe: parfarmac? by (ha .EBSQEJE find (he (owe: da?cEanE and (aquira Eta- ME. Baa (saia (he (war (1E: (ha Gay?s (Ewa- yam (tapiEaE (marmamaat piaa, urged? Mr. Ba(( (Ems-(ad with has-(Ea (Easiga. and rap-1am (ha (mar Within that (Eva year- (ime?ama, if (Eat Sacha: The adga (31? (ha (teammate Mowmiraam aamn has mist-(rad wiEh Ear-13a. (amide: (Ea (3a Tha (Ea-rap a (ma. (slow (he (5a aad undaamamg the aamn (Eva (Hawaiian (apari'. That-a are prim fading ?(C((Taamaaizve (manamania The: iota-Ea wai'ghi GE. .22 apgjaara From (ha kmwr-E 'Eafom?iatian (and (ri-a'uaE 'Enapeat?an, the dam, and the. (We. Eadgad (safe Ear Con?rm-ad anaE. (EaibEa amazing (ha and dawaa?aam (ha (Has-E. and (tanaCEa (amai? En- aaEEfa-Eaafm?y Hf} (3f daap (zaatad' di'atmaa (a EnsiabiE-Etyx Th8 Eargga' (imam- (Erainaga aha-g (ha gmin' appears (0- be. affaativa Ea anwEag mama-ping (he dafarE'araEiar-z (3E (ha by Vagata?aa Warming quite gamma and "(he aminanEaEE'at-EE E5 cava'rad Ea an'kia to taEE gmaa and madamtaiy (aw (mm-(a saver (haE prawi?aa? prataciiaa agains? asa'aiaa (mama? (anger (rag msoectzon and mammrma Ear (Ema athar cEaEa-cts (. by FE.- .. PEEGEGS Eak?an? ND Data of (impact-(an . 2 Beam: bar 2815 (m GamarfEEcmk-?W (Ea-(e af Rama 3 2'0? 5-. if (ma (2.6 UF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERT Name of Dam Bell Canyon Dam No. 16?3 Date of Inspection 2 December 2015 Observations and Comments Spillway Seepage DWR 1261 Rodent control also remains satisfactory and only very minor indications of burrowing activity was observed. The spillway approach, control weir, and exit channel remain open and unobstructed, and the year-: round approved flashboards are installed and secured. Total freebcard is 8 feet and the residual freeboard for the design storm is 2.8 feet. Freeboard is satisfactory. A concrete apron has been placed over weak and friable rock within the spillway exit channel, and the end of the apron had become undermined by spillway flows. To preserve the apron, and the underlying foundation rock, the edge of the spillway concrete apron has been bolstered with large boulder riprap. Fish water releases on the order of <1-cfs was being discharged from th_ outlet control outfall. . I was informed during the February 24, 2011 inspection that fully opening and closing the - - valve under full reservoir head would likely damage the valve, possibly to the degree that it becomes inoperative. he owner has determined that the slide gate was beyond repair and requires replacement; the slide gate was removed and opening into the tower is presently sealed with a blind ?ange. None of the outlet controls were cycled during this inspection. All _controls_ were fully cycled and found to be in satisfactory operating condition during the October 23, 2014 inspection. All control- _were also fully cycled at that time. Th valve is cycled frequently throughout the year as part of mandated fish water releases. The face, groins, abutments and toe were dry free of any indications of seepage. Similar to recent past inspections, the previously described wet area near the left groin remains drier than reported in earlier inepection reports. Very small patches of hydrophilic grass and re?emerging berry vines continue to occupy the area, but to a much smaller degree than had existed in the past. The two foundation drains located to the left of the main outlet outfall have been raised above the stilling basin. Clear flow from the drains was several gpm. (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 7 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR lN GER) IFIED STATUS Beil Canyon Dam No. 16?3 Name of Darn 2 December 2015 Date of Inspection Observations and Comments 19$ Instrumentation consists of the following: a Six (6) surface monuments on the dam crest that replaced seven older monuments. The new monuments should be read as soon as practical and re?surveyed every five years and following large nearby earthquakes. a Three (3) seepage drains monitoring flow from the toe and teft groin. Twenty three (23) piezometers monitoring the crest, embankment, and toe. Piezometers are read and the data is reported annually. A summary of piezometers is as follows: Piezometer Type Location Response rate (approx. ave. amplitude in feet) Cell 1A 1098 Pneumatic Crest, left Relatively steady, occasional spikes w/ rainfall (2) Celt 2A 1121 Pneumatic Crest, left Strongly cyclic with reservoir level (8) Celt 3A 1123 Pneumatic Embankment, upper-left Moderately cyclic with reservoir level (4) Cell SB 966 Pneumatic Embankment, upper-left Strongly cyclic, with reservoir level (8) Gel! 4A 1118 Pneumatic Groin, mid?left Strongly cyclic with resenroir level (8) Cetl 4B 1125 Pneumatic Groin, mid~ eft Relatively steady (2) Cell 8A 1101 Pneumatic Embankment, mid?center Relatively steady (2) Cell SB 1094 Pneumatic Embankment, mid-center Steady Cell 9A 1308 Pneumatic Embankment, low-center Steady Celt 10A 1287 Pneumatic Groin, upper mid-left Relatively steady (2) PH 11 Open standpipe Crest, farnteft Strongly cyctic with reservoir level (8) PH 12 Open standpipe Crest, center Relatively steady, (2) PH 13 Open standpipe Embankment, upper-right Steady PH 14 Open standpipe Crest, far-right Not presented P15 Vibrating wire Crest, center-left Strongly cyclic with reservoir level (8) P16 Vibrating wire Crest, center Strongly cyclic with reservoir levet (8) P17 Vibrating wire Crest, center-right Weakly cyclic (3) P18U Vibrating wire Embankment, upper?left Steady P18L Vibrating wire Embankment, upper-left Steady P1 QAU Vibrating wire Embankment, upper?ctr. Steady P1 SAL Vibrating wire Embankment, upper-ctr. Steady DWR 1281 (rev. 10/09) Sheet ML of 7 INSPECTION 0F DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Bell Canyon Dam No_ 15-3 Date of inspection 2 December 2015 Observations and Comments P198 Open standpipe Embankment, upper?ctr. Reia?vegy steady (2) P20 Vibrating Wife T09: center Moderately cyclic with reservoir level (4-) The instrumentation data reviewed in this report was on August 12, 2015. The latest piezometer data covered the period between August 2010 and June 2015. Both long-term and short?term plots were included, and rainfall and reservoir elevation data were included in all plots submitted. Survey data from February 2007 was reviewed in the January 2011 inspection report and no new data is yet available. The vibrating wire piezometers are relatively new with oniy eight years data available. Most ofthem showed a slight rising trend since their installation in late 2007, but the rates have flattened and it appears that they have reached equilibrium. Jim Coleman pointed out that two possible exceptions are piezometers P16 and P17, both of which continue to rise, albeit at a very slow rate and relatively low magnitude. The continued rising trend of P16 and P17 are not concerning at this point, but they warrant continued scrutiny in future instrumentation reports. None of the remaining piezometers, either vibratory or otherwise, show a trend towards increased phreatic surface elevation overtime. Piezometer 6B continues to exceed the maximum limits established in the 1981 study by over 20 feet, but the cause is more likely instrumentation error as discussed in the October 23, 2014 inspection report. Based on this latest review, find that the instrumentation data presented indicates the darn remains satisfactory for continued operation, that the instrumentation presently in place is adequate, and that no new or additional instrumentation is required at this time. DWR1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 4 of 7 Means-i=3 9f Dam wash Permian 1233?? (31559: mag); The ups'ts'aam face as Ned Ehzei - 4" mgm? Bail ?anges}. eff abutman'?. g5: hm! mam {tam-2s; ?der riprap provide-s /4 e?e Dam Nag. {Bate 0f gm: aha-?red uf? 8K5ESS y?getafion same year's agar; and has. bears maintained in 9.3063 mm 31m ever smite. Thy rig-hi faae and grain 90-? the embankmant as v?ewad the right 53361 The grain was- Shae? aim-2 pmtedfbn a ?i 5 Becembar 3233?:5 sins it wave ,Vw?mmw??z gm? b??m m2 ?m??m?wa w. ?w?mw zm?m own mm? mm: ?m?ma? ??32 .. 2. Wm? ,wzwyawe/23:33 99.3 mm ??83 ?mm. Mom. @Emww ?ism. mm nosmaw mm 95% mag. 45 .8anwa m?d: gamma 3% Emmx ma ?amgm 3% ?any? .25 gang 5&meng migmw 3 @3339 Em mag? mi 3m ma?mmgma gig. mazm?m?m ma?a 3mm. 3mm 35%me Ema ?aw. nasa? 1mg, .. . V: MM/?n?yfr .r . . Muwma 2.0. 3me ?5.32.53. VA MIMI: MW. . we; a crux/?y 1. AW. 3&3 3m Em.? mag ,Eam Egg. mag w?m? m?w Ema. gag Ema magnum mg 303% mamw? g3 9% :gua Exam Ema.? 9% 05 m5 3 33.3? mammEm?n?mm?z ?again? . a ?a?xmum??m ?ag 2mg a?mawwzw mm 3111112111: 11111111121111.1111 111.1111; 11-111: 1113-1111111: REPARTMENT 013 WATER 53$: Q17 $1511: {31-3 131111113 131.1" 1311311111 13111113 RESERVWR 1R 311111 Nam-Q 0113111111 136.11 {313.11an 12111111 No 3 ??13.11me E11313 ERTH Type 1.11 Qp11'111111y {11111111111111 111Q11 11111. 131211311 1311111111111 1111311191113 ?11} 1831 13611131111 111111 31511111111111 Q1111 ?18111111 11131111111? the 13am 1313111.. 'WQchar 13011111110115 1111111111111 1.7311118111111111: 11111.1 Q1111 1111121111111 1111111113 the. 1?01- Ref 11111113 55112121113111.1311 1:11 11111111111111 :11 1111". 111111111 G. 1311111131111 111111111111: 111112111113: 2111' 1. 11111 1111th 111-1111111111! 311161 1131101111 QQ 1111111" 111111511? 1111111531 111.13. 111111-1111 11111 Q1 Q1 1111.51 Q111IQ - Q11QQ QQ1Q Q1111 th QQ-fiQf 1Q. fQ11 01111111111111 2 19611111111111 11113113119111 Q11 1111-11111 11111111111113 QQ11 11111 11161.- sir-111111111211 111? 11111 1QWQ1 11.111 QUQQ 11111 11111121111111111131 111111-11 -- 3111111 5111111 1131101111191: 1116?" 9931511? Using: 11113 1111111131 has; Q'Qte'QQ-ined 111.31 .111- WQQ 1312111111111 1111111111 11111 $111118 was-1Q111Q11Qc1 Q1111 11113- 11111111111 11111111111- 11111111151- ?1711111 111111112113 Qantracim [31111119 34 1113311311 12111111121 1Q 11.1113 91-1111 1131 11g 1111119111111; 1131111111 11:1 the ?111111.111 1111-1 1113111 11111111. 1311111 1 113111111de 11.11.311.1111111 Q1 111Q- 111-61 118111-1111 .111. 1116111111131 1111 Q1111 861311111"; Q1111 1th 1111 11-11 {9111.111111ng 11111111 11111 '1 131111111 1111.1 11.111111111112111 1.1111 111.111: 1103113 1111- 11111 11Q111Q 151111111111 11111 Q1111Q1- 1111111111 1111111111 The data? 1.11 111-1318111111 1111.11 1.11.11 5-, 2111-11 1 fha?k?d {31111111111111 and '8111th11 11:11- 11-111- 111312112111 Q1111 $111111: 1Q reaubmzi't- the 1611;113:141, 1111.111; 1111111. mime-11 engineer, 111-111- 1111131 1111111.. A 1111111 111112111. Q1Q-QQ11 1111111 weak and: 11.11311 111111111111 11111 Q1111 ?11111. Q1111 111' the cap 11-1111 undermined by 1111111111111}: 1111111113: 1311Q cap, and 111111 11:11:11., 1 11151 ?111111111- 111111111 171-131171 1111.1..11111111111 111113111111111111111111 111111111111 11111 111311111011 1311-1111. 11111 Q1111 Judged 3an 11:11 Q1111. {11.111111111111111 13311311; 1113-1 131' 11113 11101311611111?; Q1101 111131 11Q1311Q111 111- 110111111111111111111 1111111111111 11111QQ 13111111311 11111111111 111Q draanQQ 11111111 11111 11111: 910111. 3111311313 1131 1Q 131i" 111411.13 3.1} 1-15. ?138 NU Date-1711 inspec?Qn 23 01:1th 21331-151 11111111- 13.1111: 11131111111311 "23' 013111111611" 20111 131111;? . . .. "111119 1 1?1 DWR 12211-1 1101111) 1111:9111 :1 1:11 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR iN CERTir-niiD STATUS Name of Dam Bell Canyon Dam No. 16-3 Date of Inspection 23 October 2014 Observations and Comments Spillway Outlet Seepage DWR 1261 effective in slowing or stopping the deterioration of the ditch by erosion. Vegetation control is good, and the embankment is covered in ankle to knee tall grass and other moderately low ground cover that provides protection against erosion without hindering inspection and monitoring for seepage and other defects. Rodent control remains satisfactory and only very minor indications of burrowing activity was observed. The spillway approach, control weir, and exit channel remain open and unobstructed, and the year? round approved flashboards are installed and secured. Total freeboard is 8 feet and the residual freeboard for the design storm is 2.8 feet. Freeboard is satisfactory. A concrete armor cap has been placed over weak and friable rock within the spillway exit channel; the end of the cap has become undermined by spillway flows. To preserve the concrete cap, and the underlying foundation rock, I recommended that the owner repair the undermined areas. Fish water releases on the order of 2?cfs was being discharged from th_ outlet control outfall. in its present state the stream channel cannot support emergency releases from the primary outlet without inundating access roads and properties . was informed during the February 24, 2011 inspection that fully opening and closing the - valve under full reservoir head would likely damage the valve, possibly to the degree that it becomes inoperative. the owner has determined that the slide gat was beyond repair and requires replacement; the slide gate was removed and opening into the tower is presently sealed with a blind ?ange. All - controls but the blind flange were fuliy cycled and found to be in satisfactory operating condition. All controls except for the - - valve were also fully cycled; the- valve is cycled frequently throughout the year as part of mandated fish water releases. The face, groins, abutments and toe were dry free of any indications of seepage. Similar to recent past inspections, the previously described wet area near the left groin remains drier than reported in earlier inspection reports. Very small patches of hydrophilic grass and re-emerging n. (rev. 10/09) Sheet 2 of 8 Name of Dam ENSPECTION 0F DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTI: STATUS Bell Canyon Observations and Comments Instr. 0 Six (6) surface monuments on the darn crest that replaced seven older monuments. The new Instrumentation consists of the following; 1 6-3 Dam No. 23 October 2014 Date of Inspection berry vines continue to occupy the area, but to a much smaller degree than had existed in the past. The two foundation drains located to the left of the main outlet outfall have been raised above the stilling basin. There was no flow from either drain. monuments should be read as soon as practice! and re-surveyed every five years and following large nearby earthquakes. 0 Three (3) seepage drains monitoring flow from the toe and left groin. Twenty three (23) piezometers monitoring the crest, embankment, and toe. Piezometers are read and the data is reported annually. A summary of piezometers is as follows: Piezometer Type Location Response rate (approx. ave. amplitude in feet) Cell 1A 1098 Pneumatic Crest, left Reiativeiy steady, occasional spikes w/ rainfall (2) Cell 2A 1121 Pneumatic Crest, left Strongly cyclic with reservoir level (8) Cell 3A 1123 Pneumatic Embankment, upper-left Moderately cyclic with reservoir level (4) Cell SB 966 Pneumatic Embankment, upper?left Strongly cyclic, with reservoir level (8) Cell 4A 1118 Pneumatic Groin, mid-left Strongly cyclic with reservoir level (8) Ceii 4B 1125 Pneumatic Groin, mid-left Reiatively steady (2) Gail 6A 1101 Pneumatic Embankment, mid?center Retatively steady (2) Gail GB 1094 Pneumatic Embankment, mid-center Steady Ceil 9A 1308 Pneumatic Embankment, low-center Steady Cell 10A 1267 Pneumatic Groin, upper mid-left Reiatively steady (2) PH 11 Open standpipe Crest, far-Eeft Strongiy cyclic with reservoir level (8) PH 12 Open standpipe Crest, center Relatively steady, (2) PH 13 Open standpipe Embankment, upper-right Steady PH 14 Open standpipe Crest, far-right Not presented P15 Vibrating wire Crest. center-left Strongty cyclic with reservoir level (8) P15 Vibrating wire Crest, center Strongly cyclic with resenIoir ievel (8) P17 Vibrating wire Crest, center-right Weakty cyclic (3) P18U Vibrating wire Embankment, upper?left Steady own 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 0F DAM AND RESERVOIR lN .ED STATUS Name of Dam Bell Canyon Dam No. 16?3 Date of inspection 23 October 2014 Observations and Comments P18L Vibrating wire Embankment, upper-left Steady P19AU Vibrating wire Embankment, upperv-ctr. Steady P19AL Vibrating wire Embankment, upper-ctr. Steady P198 Open standpipe Embankment, upper?ctr. Relatively steady (2) P20 Vibrating wire T09, center Moderately cyclic with reservoir levei (4) The instrumentation data reviewed in this report was submitted electronically on August 5, 2014. I thanked Messrs. Coleman and Brunetti for the report and requested that they resubmit the report along with analyses by their engineer via the mail. The latest piezometer data covered the period between July 4, 2004 and June 26, 2014. Both long- term and shortuterm plots were included, and rainfall and reservoir elevation data were included in all plots submitted. Survey data from February 2007 was reviewed in the January 2011 inspection report and no new data is yet available. The vibrating wire piezometers are relatively new with only five years data available. Most of them showed a slight rising trend since their installation in late 2007, but the rates have flattened and it appears that they have reached equilibrium. Piezometer 6B continues to exceed the maximum limits established in the 1981 study by over 20 feet, but the cause is more likely instrumentation error, and the fact that the piezometer tip elevation is some 22 feet above the assumed maximum allowable phreatic surface (see table below), than an abnormally high water surface eievation. ln fact, the correction factor (delta P) for piezometer BB in feet of head exceeds the reported head for this piezometer. The instrumentation error and elevation explanation for piezometer BB is also supported by the absence of a high phreatic surface at piezometer 6A or PH13, located directly below and to the right of piezometer 68, respectively. None of the piezometers, either vibratory or otherwise, show a trend towards increased phreatic surface elevation over time. Based on this latest review, find that the instrumentation data presented indicates the darn remains satisfactory for continued operation, that the instrumentation presently in place is adequate, and that no new or additional instrumentation is required at this time. Sheet 4 of 8 Egg 96 U2: yaw m?vmux??mx m2 mm: .33. 75. 4.3 mm ??awm?ma?. .5.me i Cum.rW? x, I Ham. 33 mm 33.3 $.03 Em. ?mm .mmn?awg 4a., gaff rm, l. f/ .xxSega 33% ?gm. ?may mo?mm?ama Ema ?gnaw. Em magmas mam ma?am? Iggy?? 835% gm,? 3QO my magma ?_Snw?qm?mam Emm?m wm? magi mum mm. moo? aim am my. 358. a zmam mm 093. m9: ?m??wnm may?? WE z? . . ?If roa?am mm?g Em cps? 3mm. mw?v ?gamma mm. magma ?$2QOan ENE: #5 .5m ?mf/ .1. ?zz/xx mm A . ?gw an? cm? 38mm .mn . .r .J. mam. mm Qum?ww? w? my /Vx.uawz/%/ 3 .. {.3244 . . . Why/1% 222.222.2222 2,2 222 .222 22222222 2 222.2? 22 222222 22222223 2.22222 .. 223.22. 22.2 G222 a? 2.2222222. mm $23222. mm 2 .2 .222 22.22.22 22240?. 2.22222? 2239 2222222.. 2222.?. 2.22222.? 222 ?32.22.2223 222222222. 222 2222222 22 225.222 222.222.?; 222. 22.2 2.22.. 22.2222. 2222:2222 2.2 22 2222.222 22. 2222822 2222 222 22 22222222 3222222322? 2 22223222222 22.2 22 222.22 2222222. 222222222 2.2222. 222 2.2 2222 .2222 2 3.9% 623 53 E3 mam. 56mg "gang 32%. 55% mag I?gi mg mg 3.3% .mmag Egg: gm?maw .. ?iaz/% . a EAR EAMQEGWM . Ema Mag 52.. 3mm? 53% uwm Emma, .mEmz wg?w mu ?gmw ?ag, ?g gamma?? $111,111: 1211? 11111111111112: 111111151111. BE-SQUREES 11111-311111? 111 {231: WATER RE-S-QURSES DRAWER 13F SAFETY C117: 111111118? 1:311? 1311311111 13111131 RESERVQR 1.111 Rama :1112-am. E1111 171111111111: 13m 11:: 11343 09:11.13: 11.11.5111 T112133 0188.111 E11111 Spi?w?ay Gamma: (1:11:12 11111111 311131 13:31:11: man-?e: 1111131111191 ?1.13 112131; 1118113111 11113 3511111111131 (1111311111151 ?.113 112111 1111-?: 111.111: 1.111111. 1111111111111- Candi?m? {1111111131111 1:111:21. {Santacsts 1:111:13 1311111 11311111161111 11131113211 :11: 1:1 Raiser: 111313113111 0181-1111: 111-151 11131183111111 Rea-5111:1131 11131111111111: 13111111211116. Ev?uatib? 1.1111211111111A111111111111J 1111111111131": 1111111111 A ?111,1111319A11311A1te1? 1111111 311111 '11: 11111 1111111115 1:111:111'111 {111161131111 1:11" 1311111111111111151113, 111-1 13111311111131 1.8: 21:11 ?1 111:2: {181113131113111311531?1 11111111111111 111A 1311111111111g: 1., 11111 111111111 111 111111 1111121 3131? 11:11 111:1:1111111 :31'1311111131111 {1:011:11119 111? {11115an 11111311111311. 1192:1111: 1.11? 1-1?13 111131111311111?11111 - $111.19 gaia A111z11'e1311119 111.51 911118? 11;: 11111? 11131911111011. 2.. 13131111111111 1111111111g11 1:11? 111.111 111111111 1111:1111: As p111? :11 111:: 111111111111113-11, 111111111" 1111' 5111.111: 11.111113313111111 11111113. A1111) 111111111133 1-11-11 fww?cmaiify 13111-111. -311:1e gafa? 1111111111111g 311111 11:31:11: 98111112113111}, The-Guiiat 1:111:31 3.111112531131111 11111111311 11:12:51 been 11111311611111.1111: 11111119 21339, was (11311311111661 to be damaged beyond 1.1113311: 1:11:13 111111111111111 1111111- 111A 1111:1315 3.11:1 was repiacad 1111111'3111mp-11131y 133111111 ?ange. 111111. 131111111111 321111 1111113 researching 511-1311111121: 11111.1.311111111111. A 1111111111 $111113}: 01? 111:1 (11111611131131 has been pie-111111111151: 131111115 )181-11111 1:211:13 11011628111311 319111111 1111 findings 11:11 11111 111111qu 111? 11111. 1111111211 1111:2119: 1111:1111: 311:1 511$ij 1:12:11: mar 1111111161 11.111131131111123: 13111113 -sli-'de 21.31113 16111111111113" 11111 1111313311 1:13:11:qu 1311111 :11 11:11:11: 11111111.: are 11111.! 11111111112111 and 1111911111 111.1 1.1111111111111d1c1 1112101313111 $111111 31 11111-5] are 31111111311111: As ragaasted during the Febmary 21312 111$ ?111113111111 damagad 131111111113 {'11 111:1-c11ai11aga ?31111111 31111113 1111': 1:111 dawns-11.153111 gram has 13881111111121 111111: 12:15:11: 1301116181 11131311 The Apr-a1) 31111-11111 $112111: :11 11113113111111 1111;131:111 and 11:11:11er 11:11,: (11111.61 (111,111,: 11111811 in 11111111131111 11111118111101: 1113;111:113 A1111: 1:111 1121;: 113115.11, 111-31. Brune?i 112113 1'1111'11111311 3131111111 81110111 from 121111.119 1113 1131111111 1113111 dawn-111mm grain: 133111111181 1'111'111r'a1011g 1115 113:3: 11m b81131 11111118 110111 1153311116 111111~d<111111311313m 1311 910.111. The 111111.1112m11n131im 11811113111111111611 111 1111-11. 111:1:11111133 Submitted 8. 1111111911111111131 1111' August '1 21113 1 thanked Mes-151111 {730161111311.111'111 1531111113111 11.11" 1111?? 11111111151111} 1311111111811 1113111135! 1133111111111 1111.1 111:1'11113111119 11111.1: anaiyseA by 1111.111 111191111191 1.11111 11111 maii 11151111316: 11:: 1111111 G'Lsisfaz?m?'ing A'dm11111311'a11ve 1'Aq1111A1-1'111111s. The 1121.11.11 1212111111 1.111111911111122 appaars 11321113131131.1111: Fran-*1 1-1111 11:11:11,111: 11110111131161: ?111.11 1111111111 11.111112111111311, the: 11am: 11113111111111, 21.1111 11m -a;:sp:111es1anc11$ are-jawed 31116 101* .cgntinuied use, 111111 . . . . Dam 511111 1113113111 1011111131111 :11 .1118 11535116111111 and 13:21:11, 11111. crest $111121 2111111 31111111111111 {3611121613- 12:11:21?: 11121196581136 1:13: 1.111116: 2: ?1111:1113 1? 1311011111 12111111? "1?98 1?36 13a1e-01 1113;163:1211: 1 15111931131 2131-13 Wm :1 1:11.111:- 61111111121111.1191: {yam 011113.310th 2 11119111112013 11151 "1 1:111:11: 3111:1211: 111:: 1:11:11: 1111:1411 1 1:11 8 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Name of Dam Beii Canyon Dam No. 16?3 Date of Inspection 1 August 2013 Observations and Comments remain in satisfactory condition with no indication of deep seated distress or instability. The drainage ditch along the ieft groin has been deteriorating for several years now, and I requested repairs be made to prevent further enlargement. In response the owner placed large boulder riprap within the damaged portions of the ditch ditch, which should prove effective in slowing or stopping the deterioration of the ditch by erosion. Vegetation control is good, and the embankment is covered in ankle to knee tall grass and other moderately low ground cover that provides protection against erosion without hindering inspection and monitoring for seepage and other defects. Rodent control remains satisfactory and only minor indications of burrowing activity was observed. Spiliway The spillway approach, control weir, and exit channel remain open and unobstructed, and the year- round approved flashboards are instalied and secured. Total freeboard is 8 feet and the residual freeboard for the design storm is 2.8 feet. Freeboard is satisfactory. Outlet Fish water releases on the order of 2?cfs was being discharged from the 10?incl_ outlet control outfall. In its present state the stream channel cannot support emergency releases from the primary outlet without inundating access roads and properties I was informed during the February 24, 2011 inspection that fully opening and closing the - valve under full reservoir head would likely damage the valve, possibly to the degree that it becomes inoperative. The control can be fully opened and closed safely by closing the slide gate control before operating the_ controi. The damaged slide gate removed and temporarily replaced with a blind flange. All - controls but the blind flange were fuily cycled and found to be in satisfactory operating condition. The control was partially cycled, but the - gate valve an_ valve were not. These two smalle- control valves were fully cycled in by the owner on April 17, 2012, and are partially cycled frequently throughout the year as part of mandated fish water releases. Seepage The face, groins, abutments and toe were free of any indications of significant-seepage. Similar to recent past inspections, the previousiy described wet area near the left groin remains drier than reported in earlier inspection reports. Very smaii patches of grass and re?emerging berry vines continue to occupy the area, but to a much smaller degree than had existed in? the past. Sheet 2 of 8 Name of Dam INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN STATUS Bell Canyon Dam No. 16-3 Observations and Comments Instr. Instrumentation consists of the following: 1 August 2013 Date of inspection As with past inspections, fish water releases prevent observation of seepage from the two foundation drains located to the left of the main outlet outfall. Mr. Coleman has been working on raising the drain outfalls above the elevation of the outlet tail race so that the drains can be monitored throughout the year, though further modifications will be necessary to reduce or eliminate leakage into the control valve house. 0 Six (6) surface monuments on the dam crest that replaced seven older monuments. The new monuments should be read as .soon as practical and re-surveyed every five years and following large nearby earthquakes. Twenty three (23) piezometers monitoring the crest, embankment, and toe. Piezometers are read and the data is reported annually. A summary of piezometers is as follows: Piezometer Type Location Response rate (approx. ave. amplitude in feet) Cell 1A 1098 Pneumatic Crest, left Relatively steady, occasional spikes w/ rainfall (2) Cell 2A 1121 Pneumatic Crest, left Strongly cyclic, with reservoir level (8) Cell 3A 1123 Pneumatic Embankment, upper?left Steady, long-term Cell SB 966 Pneumatic Embankment, upper-left Strongly cyclic, with reservoir level (8) Cell 4A 1118 Pneumatic Groin, mid?left Strongly cyclic, with reservoir levei (15) Cell 48 1125 Pneumatic Groin, mid-left Relatively steady (2) Cell 6A 1101 Pneumatic Embankment, mid?center Relatively steady (2) Cell 68 1094 Pneumatic Embankment, mid?center Steady, long-term, possible instrument error (2) Cell 9A 1308 Pneumatic Embankment, low-center Steady, long-term Cell 10A 1267 Pneumatic Groin, upper mid?left Relatively steady (2) PH 11 Open standpipe Crest, far?left Strongly cyclic. with reservoir level (8) PH 12 Open standpipe Crest, center Relatively steady, PH 13 Open standpipe Embankment, uppenright Weakly cyclic (3) PH 14 Open standpipe Crest, far?right Not presented P15 Vibrating wire Crest, center-left Rising, not yet stabilized since installation (5) P15 Vibrating wire Crest,_center Rising, not yet stabilized since installation (5) P17 Vibrating wire Crest, center-right Rising, not yet stabilized since installation (3) P18U Vibrating wire Embankment, unper-iefi Rising, not yet stabilized since installation own 1261 (rev. 10/09) Sheet 3 of 8 INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Bell Canyon Darn No. 16?3 Date of Inspection 1 August 2013 Observations and Comments P18L Vibrating wire Embankment. upper-left Rising, not yet stabilized since installation P19AU Vibrating wire Embankment, upper-ctr. Flat (3) P19AL Vibrating wire Embankment, upper-ctr. Flat, only four month's data P198 Open standpipe Embankment, upper-ctr. Flat, only four month's data P20 Vibrating wire Toe, center Flat, (6) The instrumentation data reviewed in this report was submitted electronicaliy on August 1,2013. thanked Messrs. Coleman and Brunetti for the report and requested that they resubmit the report along with anaiyses by their engineer via the mail. The latest piezometer data covered the period between January 29, 1988 and May 1, 2013. Both long?term and short-term plots were included, and rainfall and reservoir elevation data were included in all plots submitted. Survey data from February 2007? was reviewed in the January 2011 inspection report and no new data is yet available. Except for piezometer GB continuing to exceed the maximum limits established in the 1981 NDIP study by close to 20 feet, the remainder of the non?vibrating wire piezometers foilow past trends in that they remain at or below the maximum limits established by the NDIP for safety. None of the non- vibrating wire piezometers show a trend towards increased phreatic surface elevation over time. The vibrating wire piezometers are relatively new with only four years data was availabie, and it appears they have not yet reached equilibrium. Most of them show a rising trend since their installation in late 2007, but the rates are flattening and it appears most if not all of them will reach equilibrium, or cease rising, within the next few years. The belief that the vibrating rate piezometers have not reached equilibrium is supported by the observation that adjacent non-vibrating wire piezometers continue to follow past trends and show no indication of rising over time. Based on this latest review, find that the instrumentation data presented indicates the dam remains satisfactory for continued operation, that the instrumentation presently in place is adequate, and that no new or additional instrumentation is required at this time. Sheet 4 of 8 ?Um, 359% .?zu m??zgm 23?. .94 mg max ?mwmm: 33 2.9. . . Amaw ?ag Savannah? ?am?mm Mg m. a I f% rmxxuMMx/Mmy m?mwmma magma mum? ?rm. may." an. ?m3? .mgna?ma 04%. gm, mam. Wm. 30% 833mg we. Wm mama. .23.. .. ZEN: RESENVWN EN th??m?zi? Name; 9f Dam Dam NI), 13$ Dame}? insiiegtiqh ?1 23.3113 max-NN?N Ass: raqluegied during ima- Febmary 2012 imagmfian, damaged _pQ?Ethg gi- the drainage ditch 33939: the gaff. (ii-?swns??am grain has hem: Med with large bouid?-r? .r?i'piiaps. The riprap shami?' SBGW :or-s?t-sp the aros'i'o? and deterima?m tithe ditch? netted in prean Sinagiagtian gamma ?SiNa.? xx Nix 1" . ?wax . \?km - . \Nng. a - KEN: BERN $Jim ?igiaman and Rabi-3r:- Hamel?: cya?ng the: {mama-m fz??m: ?the top- of'ihes mnugate? maria? TAWR 126i! (rev, ?1 may: Sheet 5 of: {3&1 51am- SN Name 9:5 Dam Beii {Banyan Dam N0. 7E83 Dam 0f inspemivm "i Anglia? 551;; 3:515.1; 5: ??55 k. .3 3:533 .- "xw?w?\R?k The ?amagad frama, 3313:3538, am gi?da, hammer; fm'm me raceway remwm' mm tamer Slide gate at e?eva?G-n 385.9%91. The can'dl?tim a? the 54 year mid 53mg g?ie- gima 53mm due ass ta whai ?3331 be mm 125-: (rev. was? Sheat 05? 8 3. Nm?mu?am?y :mg a Ea $332625 HEW. ?gm; 35$ STATE OF CALIFORNIA if! NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OF SAFETY OF DAMS INSPECTION OF DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Bell Canyon Dam No. 16-3 County Napa Type of Dam ERTH Type of Spillway Concrete ogee weir and Open channel Water is 18 feet below the spillway crest and 26 feet below the dam crest. Weather Conditions Ciear and mild Contacts Made Dan Brunetti and John Ferons during the inspection. Reason for Inspection Periodic Evaluation Important Observations. Recommendations or Actions Taken As noted in several previous inspection reports, the outlet tower slide gate does not function properly in either the opening or closing direction. Following several requests to repair the gate, a deficiency letter was sent to the owner on February 15, 2011, directing the owner to ?Repair or replace the inoperativ_ gate and restore the outlet to full operation?. In response, Mr. Ferons stated that they are making efforts to investigate and repair the non-functioning slide gate. On September 28, 2012, he emailed me details of their efforts to repair the gates at both dams. The owner has hired a diving company ?North Coast Divers? to investigate both Bell Canyon and St Helena intake towers and signed a contract on August 13, 2012. Scepe of work consists of diving and video recording the existing conditions; and subsequently develop a repair plan for both dams. The drainage ditch along the left groin appeared stable in size when compared with previous inspection. The owner should monitor this closely and consider placing additional riprap should it expand in size. An instrumentation report covering the survey monument and piezometic data since February 2010 needs to be submitted. There are no prior outstanding administrative requirements. The total class weight of 22 appears satisfactory. Conclusions From the known information and visual inSpection, the darn, reservoir, and the appurtenances are judged safe for continued use. Observations and Comments Q_a_r_n_ The visible portions of the upstream and faces, the crest, and the abutment contacts remain in satisfactory condition with no indication of deep seated distress or instability. The drainage ditch along the left groin appeared stable in size when compared with previous inspection. The owner should monitor this closely and consider placing additional riprap should it expand in size. Vegetation control remains satisfactory as no woody vegetation was noted on the dam. The embankment is covered in knee tall grass and other moderately low ground cover that provides protection against erosion without hindering inspection and monitoring for seepage and other defects. Rodent controi remains satisfactory and minor indications of burrowing activity was observed. Spillway The spiilway approach, control weir, and exit channel remain open and unobstructed, and the year- lnspeoted by L. Singh A if? Photos taken? Yes N0 Date of Inspection September 25, 2012 cc for Owner/Book Date of Report October 23, 2012 DWR1261 (Rev. 10/09) Sheet 1 of 4 (2412763 Weiss.? INSPECTION 0F DAM AND RESERVOIR IN CERTIFIED STATUS Name of Dam Bell Canyon Dam No. 16?3 Date of Inspection 22 February 2012 Observations and Comments round approved flashboards are installed and secured. Total freeboard is 8 feet and the residual freeboard for the design storm is 2.8 feet. Freeboard is satisfactory. Outlet Fish water releases on the order of 2~cfs was being discharged from the tO-incl_ outlet control outfall. in its present state, the stream channel cannot support emergency releases from the primary outlet without inundating access roads and properties - th_ controls on the conduit were cycled during the inspection and were found to be in operable condition. There is an air vent of the upstream control inside the tower. Seepage The face, groins, abutments and toe were free of any indications of significant seepage. As with past inspections, fish water releases prevent observation of seepage from the two foundation drains located to the left of the main outlet outfall (Photos 1 and 2). emphasized the significance of seepage monitoring on a continuing basis otherwise the purpose of having foundations drains is defeated. recommended that both foundation drains can be isolated from the fish water pool by construction a small headwali, abou- high, and the seepage flow then can be monitored. Messrs. Brunetti and Fercns were receptive of my suggestion and were willing to implement it. Instr. instrumentation consists of the following: a Six (6) surface monuments on the dam crest that replaced seven older monuments. The new monuments should be read as soon as practical and re-surveyed every five years and following large nearby earthquakes. a Twenty three (23) piezometers monitoring the crest, embankment, and toe. Piezometers are read and the data is reported annually. The latest piezometer data was submitted on July 29, 2010, and covered the period between January 29, 1988 and January 28, 2010. This data has already been reviewed thoroughly in the previous inspection report and not being repeated in this report. Sheet 2 of 4 4, .?ua Name of Liam ~a 423m (rev, 1 We. 49 Left. daimsstii .1 1-.- Se:- 1 \1 $14! ii Canym ?Rm. ?35? 3 R652: 33%: #15951: an grain as seen fm-m the Rimap has fame-n p?iawd ream-lily ant-'2' it: stable: name. Da- 'i KJ Ea? amww Ni}. :3 .Irmpecfw? Sweat 15:5 0f dwinage dam 4:1-