5555 555535555?55 55555555 55555 5535555555- 55555' . 5?55 .5 5 55-5 55555r555?r 55 555555555: . 5 5. 5555 555-555 OF 5555TT .55 5555' 25155551355 525 5555 55315 55555555 {tit STATUS 5555 55.55 555525353; .. . 555. 512:5 .. Ceumy . Type :5 tram Earth 2555? Rack Type or 55.5 twat: 5555 55115555555 channel .. . ts-I .-5 .3 55 55.555 .. 555.55 I 313 I Ite?t - 553th I 55515553, 555 555555 555555 ET 33?3 IS Weather. 55555555 Sunny, 51.5 555mm 555555: 5555. Ithrt. 55.5; 55.5. Tim T5wn55rt5. T555571 Prater-it 5255505125 55555355 5555555555 {55555555 Ghsewatwr?t?, Recemmertda?ttrw at. 555055 T5555 ..- 85551555555555 55t5 T5555 T525115 55:5: 2515 "it it rt: .5 ratrutrement to 555: 53.555 tit-t5 I-I 55555 555 - gate *t-rt ?35053. pr555555 .5555 threat. 555555155515 rt T55 555555 grant 5555 art 'trtp. '51" 5.3.5 -. 551.5 pitt'r-Tt n555 t5 55.; reptacedrrapatred tartar- t5. 251? 5555555 ?.5555 tag . 555535: 5555' 5555.5 55 55'. 5555555551' {55.5- 555 the: 5555 55555.55 5555555557: 355. 5535'. {355555555 .tgrte known: 555555555 .555] 55.5.5} 55.555555. Th5 5.5m resawair 5.55.. 5.5. 555555555555 5T5 $55555 safe 5.5? 55555555 555.. 5555555555 555 55553555 555': The. 5555 dart 555555551355 55*? 555555 55.5 tr?t 5555555 That r555 W55 T595555 recentty 5.5.5 I 55 T55 555555 505555555 ?5.55- 555 55555 55 the: 55.5.} 5555555 55.55 with 55 555.5 at: 5351555555- 5T 55555. The 55.555- to: t'rt5 target. 55555-551555 55:55.55 555551555555 the 5.555 The. 5555' 555515th from the. ?ttest T5: titre T55 was mt rattatrect 5.5.5 555' 51515515 transverse cracks Vegetattort The: 5.5m W55 vary 55555155 5' 5515.3! Tree. 55155 555555555 55' 5.5335 555. 5 555515 .5 smati shrubs 55 The. 555555555 555; this: 5.5555 55555555 55555 in 55 rematratt IT55T5 rte St $555 r31" meter-rt: Th5- 55.5: 55555555 back :5 55 5f- wettdy 55555 555.515 551555535 befrtre the r-t-?trjti 555555. Thr55 5f the ?-gaT55 wet-T5- 55555 55 5555.55 in. T55 55553555 5? 555555513 ?st-T555 551.5 55515.5. 55555; 5555th 555; 555 I 5555.555- exgettertt' 5.5553555 There. Was 355555} mating frrt'rrt Trt_ 5.55.55 555-25 The grant 5555 art 5155.35 5f the. 95.5175 555.5 cracks: 755 gram. 5555 55.55 tit ?55 replacertrrepatract tartar {5 November 5.. 55552325553; .. I E. .3 2555555 5t muff? 55.55155. {5553}? Tarts I 92(- .. II Nit {3.550173555555555 I 5152953317 N555 55555 I 0557553055 I Diete- of R5555: I $851351! 7 ?53 t5 5 5 555 55555, 5555- Ir'tri 5 ?3333131131 31332313311 . 3388358233333 .. NSPECWGN DAM AND 3N. GER-.1553 . .. I. . . I 5243 33233331- 313 33113133133031: II . 532833383? 031313113333313 333333 32011133313131 93333313. 2.331. The (33113313338338 33311113131313 3393-13; 3333133. 3313331333133 333 31113133 31333331333319.3118 331333133131 .33 581333113 3131313331333 . a?'mg 33.131 311133311333: "33131 3131-3133331331 33331333133133 3 3131333111313 38813333333831 38.333113 3.13333 133.333 3131 333133333163333? 3' 333131331th 8138333833031 313' 33331 531333313331 appeare? 2.331 3311. 331: 31313333333131 313131333333133 1333331. 33331 31911333313313 31333313333339 33.3? 333113333319. -- 93331 333131333135 83.3323. 33311133133333.3333 1111333333 3313131338313 331 31.31 333 33333333331333 31031313331333 A33. 31313333 313131333133 were 3333. 3.333333 3313133133 1'31 3.3303} 3 938583188 3133 33333313133 33 2333.2 13.33333 31313831313383} 33333331333313 T3133 3.3333183 3313313 3133313333 33131133.. 313333331. 3131333333131 3131313131331: 3.31 33.133133 3333.3 31313333- 33133133339: 33933133383335.2333 {33.31331313113133333333 31183333313135 the 3113331313 313131333 31313 31.333113. 331:3. 1333138133 and 33:33.3 331.3an 33333 33351113333131 333.3 .31 33318338311313 331 31313133 331.3; ?3131385 and - gate 331' 31383133} 3338383363! 33333133 31133333333318 years 33131? 3113333333 3188335331 311333331 .3333 31832888333! arrangaments 3318133338 333 313-3311; 3333383 3131313331333 3131313193311 3131133.: 3383333.} 33333136333131 T3331 3313231,. 93313313. 31333333131: :13 the dam 3131323: 3331 3339633331338 .313 seepage T3331 sewage 3.31133 3.31333 33333133 11.333133113133333313331 13333211353; '33133'3?313?33333131333131 1333133- 3332331. 3313133533 3'13 $313383; menuments 3' 36393133133 111333333133 3: 313133131 333-3331 31133. 88833333333838.3133 33313.31 13133.33- 331 33:13 - 333313183 ?331:8 3'33833333333113313333133033 3331:3133- 1133133- 3113113333131. 3113- 333033 31:31 3333:; I8 98313 was 3311131133333 333 331:3 33133193133031 39313133 233333 T3133 113$.- 31311311333313.133133331. . ?33131 233152-1318. 2313115. 33.33331133131133331333131 333313133331 1.3.31: 31133333331311 31331 1311-1 331.1. 313-131 $3332.13 _2 311 33 RESERVQER EN QER . -. Name-amam gamma}? . am 540.. 525;;- \w $3 -- . 2. Wang? debris an. ugasitra'am- face :33. \ii?sb? {java was} smei 301? mum ?02 .4 zm?m 9o. .mmumwamwmw. ?mm? Eg baa. 9mm; Mme 35cm .Zmam gang. mwm?mwm? Ha?z? mama? mummumm? *va w. m? ?Emmg??m a: ao?m??mg ?.m?mom? mg..f?mk/ . . ?mnm?? .?mnwm a: agiammg ?mam ama?mx 3% ?2 wig m. STATE QT: bps}. NT \m WATER RESQURCES {32.5 SAFETY (5)5 QQM TN B?af??iay .DamNa. 624 Emmy sand R5535 .. . Open Chant-TR; . II T5 T125. RR 5.55 1.5.9. .5 TRRT- Ram 55:, T. Cfear aRd- 5f.) Gimmes Reaaon TRT Ts??cb?h inspechan Tamartant Ghsewatmhs. Recnmmendatmns RT. Taken dam T5 WRTT mamtamecf hR RT- gates 155T hrihrTR Th5 consiruc?an' Th5 20:35 TRR Rs. 55 5555.5 TR Tuiiy R5 The Co'ansiTRns- 57mm. The @5555 and Th5 555' RT 5.123123558555655 RTR T559521 585%- use; aha. Somme-Tris II Dam mama RR faces and The RTRT RR Th5 embankment in RR.- Sign RT RT The paved and guardra? were. and. {Rye}? Standing crachmg R-TQRR Th5: madway appears unchanged fI?Gm' prewaus Rips'rap 530555th The 555 were RR. RT I The 5535 iiway and were: CTR-RT anti RT The gates was TILT-5T 5555? TR this Tnspechon 5555525159 been Raw-n gates were 553:5de in 55.55 as Team Ter. by The. Rf 5-. The- gate $an Tar-Res, 3553.5. arms: Trunmms and" 55.3515ng Tram. The Rec-555 WRTkay Tammi RTT gate-R TR he TR 52mg T155539 chm-{T RT. 5.5517}. . QRTR TR T3555. 3.5ng Rf WRR with: The (Rh-555.. The RRTTiway cth?RRT TR. TR. The RR: ?25 Rad ?thth stratght and RRTTI- are. in with RR madam?; RT spa! TR RTRR Rains. RTR The: Ts; TTRR. RT and - TR. n5 rash debris Which during 55:55 . .. NW - Datevc?ihspechm . TTIT 5 56 TEN Bate OTREWTT. . LEW-R TEES-T {Re-Ts. T5093 $56-93?" 9LT 0f" 3333.333 3233333533 83333333353 33353333535 33.23323 .633333333303?35 and. {3333333333333 mg??e WSPEETKEN RESERVBIR: NEERTIREB STATUS {33333 33333333333333: 53-33313 33323333 333333.33 33.333353 35.333233 33333333. 333333 3333333033.- 333333333353 33:3 33333333 .3333 233333.33 3533333333 3333333333333 A33 3333 .33. 333333333. 53333 3.3.33 3333353? 353333323 3-33 3.330333? 3 333333333 3.33 333' 3 3.331332 3333.33- 333- 3333333333 33332333333333 33333333333333 33333 353 33.3 3333333 33. 333353? 351.333 3 33 3333.333- 333333333 333333333; 3333 333333. 33333333333333 3333333333333 3333- 333333333333333 3.333 3333.333 333' 333 <33- 5333-3 33:33-33 3333333 3353 T333 33333333333333 3333.333 333 33:33 3333.33: - 333333333333333333333 .33 33333. 33333373 (333333333 33" 3333353 33333333333333 .3 333mm W333: 3.33.333 3 333333333. with 33:3: 33333333333333 ?3.3333333 3333333 333 333- ?373333 333333 333333333333333333 3.333333. 3333- 3333333333 3353 3333:3323 3.3.3 3333.353 3 23334 23333 333.3: 3333333333333 333 333333 33333333333333 3333.33: 33.333. 6337323333 T333 3333333333333 333'. 3333333333333 3333333333 3333 3.3: 33 33333333333333 33333333333353 33333 3333 33333.3 33333-33. 3333333333333 3333 3333333333 333333333353 - "33-33 33335 3.3333333333333333 3333333333333 333333-3333. 33333333233 3.33.33: 3-3332-93- 3333331 3 <33 5' .3 Emsm. ?magi. Egg {rum/(M. 1.1. .. ..Emn 3mm 53%? may, magma .m mam?mp Hag?a?fa?wa ?zmm dz Ema. . . Ema mo 55.va m??m..am?mma $4 ma 35$ng NT NATURTTL IN NN RESQURQES- N.- NN N. SAFETY (IF DAMS Name-ef?am BeardNiey- Nam Nb. .624 Tau-my 'TNQ-?Tumna Tyee eT'ETem: Earth end-Rem TyeeI Open Shame! .. . .. . Wateris- 5:92-23 . . ISNTWEN 9? 33 . ITNNT.I I Iangd Gee} II Contacts Med-e Them. Hardie with. TNT Dam. ProjecT :NeNs'csn rm Tnspuntmn Annuai Maintenance: lnsme's?tiigon {mm-nan; Qbsewa?ens. .eerI.AeT.Te-ns. ?$3ng The dam is; weii maTNTeined. giares.._' aya- recommended TN ThelateeT- Ne: assessment reporTThe? are echeidNTeTT To. be Tn 520135, Cenciusmns continued Ubsam?oinsr and: Teammenet's and engage-are unchanged {-er pas-3T mspec?uens The guardrax aToe-Q The. upstream Ned. eege of The crest appeared sTrerghT Both feces exhibxted r30 of metabmty 0r distress Raprap acimty; was ebserved, ?The. approach Tamra! Nadia-N Tad channel were Near and unobstrueTed~ The. Tmr- gates were ebsewedi TN The. peNiTi?en-I. as? N. Nev Thee NT Approval Nevember -5 Th_ pTeTege remain TIT sectiens and. are budgeted Te be receated in 20:16 Dre-in ewes were: ween/ed: T0 be setteTNCTenTy msTaTTed .eieng- The Tee 9210er NT- The-gates Twas: unab?e To. Neserve The. heies alezng The :middhle and. bettam chores whiie: . viewing The gates; The: wane-EN PTaff'Dtm, The- ownier reamed That was cNTn'pieTeId satisfacte?iy was. a maintehanm made Tn' The: teTes- cameram- S-FTT-TTWETY (Thermei. was viewed. eve-thew aib?ve I The- g-eteeN The wa?eemeared eT-raigNT and TEVET.. The-concreTe appeared Te be in i eatiefectory nIIe. signtficant cracking or spa?mg ebeewed ArrangemenTe need Te ?i A RoundTree TN: 5:23 ff?: . inspeetad'by- I . 3513385333 TN 3 Yes 5x Ne I Hate. QTQTespe?zTien- .3 3 {3535333314 TNTM 3?3 . Date of'Repc-th. . T0317TEQM.. . MN {Reva- 1011993- SheeT I 3T EINSIPEC 1N 0F IAM A1953 RESERVOIR IF STATUS Named Dam. Seards'iey .. Elam NE 6274 anti Gem-Merits, Gate-:aff The: ou?et cant-mfg: were- 11.35:? fuity Eycied: in cm:- preisenne-m with ma {awaited prebllams.? Thierswnermiiy wales-?hze-Gu?eigeammls- . annuaiiy tamm? therm'ivigicn'E icy-ding rqu?ire-meni, {Retail the concrete lined minim! Was- tight- and dry with minim-22f standing water absemed along. the fume? ?wrmai?ly at the upstream and. :Na- significant :crad?ng Jar" Spa?z?ng' was. Minimal! :czalsium aarhmate bui'iid: 14p was-- i abs-stayed aiong sexism; Th_e_ was tight- and?ww?h??me staining. and caicium Garb-mate build up The-pensimk 9595s was. fin-aqua madman. Thef? ?ondi?-ans am. red mrmai. Nose-apage-was absewed an {he grains; or-fme 6f the dam The d?wnsi?ream toe weir was ciry- and has been satiSf'aS?fmi'ly rep-aired, as requsaksted in the .iast-inrsperstiianz The ispi?Wary wag- we'ap- hate drains Were- dry. Theses candi?n?s- are .can-sicgs'eraa: Harm's fer-me. "iaw ?5339er sievei? gamma-aim: ?aw matEr if: was: instrumentatian ,rapmrt'was raw-Wm by .3399 am: May 8i 2-934; and :rew?ewad in the fie-part, The availabie? infoma?fc? dam. is {jamming satiSfaatoriiy and no additional i?nfarmai?en is. deem-66%" mace-?sary- at ibis time: 2:}sz gram. 153399;} Sheet :2 4' Wzam 49% Wm?mm?m?gw 4.4W44Wcamamwmam? P: 4.444.. WK ?3me W44 543443 $04444 4% $08 aammWEngW.E43. $111115 {3'13 CALEFORMA FF 11121111111111. AGE-11W 2F FEW 11F 51151113111111 ES F1 1:311:11. I 1311111 FF 52-4-- 11112111 11111111111. E's-11111 a?d? 131111121 11.113111111112111 ?1,111,111 1111231111131 . Water-1F 89:55 1121111 51111111'82 $111131- 1'1'111'1 ?1251-5. I T1111 Tawnsend 11111111 T11 133111 1311111101 1.1111131 121-1111131311 11111111111111an inspectmn 11119111131111 absewa?nns, Recammendatwns 131' 1311;111:1115- T311911 T1111 51111313210111y13111311 re-{Faired as requested (1.1111119 11111: 111311181311131'1'91?1131133 {321111.61 1.111111111111111 ferwarded 3'13? 11111. via emaif .011 511. 91281-11 ?Ti-11111111111163 {1:11.111 11111111111111.16- ?11118111111111. 1111211113- 1111: 11131113111 11.1" 11.111111111113111 11113311111111.13111211111' 111311.161?- 1112111119} 11113 11131111311131: 1:151 1111: {311311111111 Ff 1-1111. and needs .111 FF- Fur-111g 121.111 11.111111111111111?, F111 11'1? 1111 Fat-11111111111; 1'11. .2316: The wark. 511:1. 1:11.11 13513115121111.1111: 6113 1-0 13111219131111.1311 13115131111. ?111-11111 1-1113 11111111111 11111311111111.1111 F1111: 1111:1311-1111:111, 1111-1- 11131111111111, F1111 Fit? are. 111191115 321111 1131'- .11 FF: IQ-bserva?ons and-C?mme?Fibs-8111611 11?11111 fat-FF - 11311131113' 1'11, 13131131313101; 13611511111311 1111111: the 1111311381 ianqs?iandmg 113111111511 13133111111113 1311111 . faces 11111111311913 11:3- Fig-1'13? 131? 11151313111131 13.113112111111111 31131.3;91 1311111 1111111111 18111511111; same and 1111111131: 9131313 N113. 1112615131 1111111111111 was 11.151- 1411;111:1111 11p?11? 1311131111111 every 11113111111 NFvabF1 and '1 1313111 dates 1111:1113 1111112. A11- gates: 11111-711111: 11135111111113 11-1 1115 11111 1111311111 {11351111111 11111111119 1111's 1115131913111111F111F1F1 171113?: 11311112 1111111111 T1111: 13131111111111 surfaces 11112118311511 1-11 321113138111131 (31311131111311 11111111 11121? 31131111111311: 6113111111151? :11: sm?mg T1111 11131111113111 3-1-1111 {1131:1211 have 111131113 1313 1:11313311-111 111111111:- 13111111161 1111-13. 11118 1:13 111111111 1111111121318 13:11 budgeiary Gate {21311131111311 1211111111121 1111311311 2'8 21313 The 113111111111; 1311113311113 113', 131; 111? FER-C. 11111:! 66111111113111} 11113- Fates? .1123. 1:111 1'11 9131113. 11111131111119? (11311131111111 111111111? 11-11 11321511111" structurai de?cmnmes Three mamtenanse {memendatmns were: 1111-1131131: replace the 12') 1111131111 11111113511311 111111161 311311! members 1111.51 8311131311 1111-3111 11.111133" 1'11 13131111111 1111111111. 131? 111a: gates 111. 11111111 away {111111113111 water As {11311113313111 111111 schema-1.111111. EFF-1611313316113 1.11 21116111111113 1 13.11.11 32211111311111 hmwever 1 was 1111313111113- 11111 11111111 111111. 1113 11111? F3193: 1111111g'1'11 F1113 {31331111311 13111111331! 1113113; mam-$111311 1111'. Taw?sendfarwar?ed 11113 {3111111851 {11111611113311's11311111 13311111111. 1113' 3111:1111 11.1- 11111111111112? ?1?95' Date 131 2121111113: 1:11-1:11 anerfBaek 11111111 111 611212111111 151311113111? 11111- 11111111 1:26:12'1111111 10.121391 I '1 111'? A TNSPECTTON QF DAM AND RESERVOIR TN CERT ED STATUS . . .. . .. . Date Sta/2219.124 D-bswrattortt and Gamments- trot-es. 91mg the writ-m: chart tart-rite: gar?trait? hart-titre; th'E: rt?trt ingredient; The. neutrals were fatty cycted it} our sattsfacttort during the fast rtr't tar-t 112912 with titra- dry rats rtormai The werr hawetrer was tn nartd at" repatr The wart pitta hart became separated tram the watt: 'bttam artd matched at- the? {rent-err the inspecittrm Mr Tawntenrt: me: Thaw-rt is: viewed tr: be" Weep: Ihrtte?s army. the: spi-littay Watts-were; ctr-3t. Titre [seepage are?: thtf' the tow- terrier at this; 9.3m 51? survey rt seepage weir: and a? pump with. accumutatwe ?aw meter r'rt 91- The rarest. repart was. reserved it}; ESQ-D rt-r?t May 21314 catettrtar year 2013 Seapeagrt- Wart: The? dawn-Stream reap-age trtewetr has restartediy fatten" {try Sir-trait" 2996.1 Theatretr it by the crater and. no data is trite-ranted in this rattan; Pump and {raw mater; The meter was installed. in 2.9-0.9, art-the- rand. Mammy grammar-attire ?aw has been: ?an-ember 2999.. Mammy ratrts have ranged between approxrmately .9 and 3.3.9 per Assuming .3 ?rt'tt'r. rate}- equatert to heart than as it gatt'ort rite-r Th3 seepage: ts Survey Monuments Menurttertta arrt lecated along the crest .rtr' the dam art-rt. are Surveyed annuatly Surveys began in 1924 Since the comptetton :t'rt 1.952916: tit? recanted at Starter: tectiirt?rt (at the: dam ertrrat tr): - Thezgreatest is err-ta} Qt?ztt?eer. {rt-shew rt start! trend, This tit Trte states that three are tight}: is deemed arrests-start- at this. time.- rat Sherri- 2 At - '4 Em?. mpg. .w?mtm. :9 ?Marga m3 Ergo .5. ?2me m3 EQQEGO If?. . . (ml/Jaw3.5% we .Umm?m 5:30 m3 m3 Ew??aaon .2 x3? Mama.? ?mwm??onu?.3ng . -muao?wgw?. .8, 325 am. .imm dz. 3%?me Ema 36.5% $3 a. 2450.228me 66666666 666166;. RES-6.116066 m\ 666666.626 (EFT WATER 6:631:66 ctr?trtr-trrt' 66 6663 .. CF DAM-AND TN STATUS Mama 662366 Beardttey Dam No :62 4 66666 Type 6T Dart} Ea?h and Rack . Type 61? Spit [666 ?36.66 Channel Writer tries 85 .1334- . . Text-T . _b?igW . sprliway. Chart and: ??102 E44 Treat- ?616le . Weather 666636665: and 6.0 degrees F.- Marie 666 Barry TrT?Brartt 6:666 Ma-intertartce ATT pretrrout matntertance rtemt have 6666. reselved by T66 owner ATT- frt-er- gzates.- arr: 8666:1666: :Trtr retreating. i6: 2.65142.- .Atr' cutie-T 6666616 were. fully- T56 my 66666-6606 during. Ttte: _irrsperptirt?. with 66 Tat-t6 rprrertT data =f6r ciarertrtar Tit-rearr- 261'6 and 20:1 is overdue. Mr; Berry-T by 596666. E??fih? 66666666. .3:an Trimmed. him- that data. must 6631666366356 arm-raft? and That T66- 63?: "666 years? sarrt- rttrerttue. He promised T6 send. the-- current survey Trttormafrirtn, 666. tr: make 5666. .TTartrtiTu?sirtna; {665666.66 56T6rrtt-alti6rt Wis-rim The. dam, 176566669172. and 66 2366666666666 are. jrtidgedrteafe Tar use. Qgr? mspected T636 dpwnatretam Tape i666 trisibte 6f the. Upstream. Tape T66 embankment is. in 9666 and: 6661665 66 . 6f 6r. 666333 The rock: setter phi The upstream and faces was 666066 and stable The: tranwerse crack tin the paved crest net-tr The right. abutment r5 6 crack i666 appeared unchanged tram: prevrous 6636666065 Vegetatrort central at: The diam was There rtpi signs 6T mgr-em: acTtt/tty . ATE faul- gates irt The open ppsmon ahead schedule p?r T66 6T Concrete surfaces at. T66. grape-gate structure spritway Side war Tilt; and. 0666in 6666- Were: Tn . sat-r 66666666 With 66 6'66 crackmg or spa-16mg T638- 66625 66.67: {36666 pins..- - arms 666.61! .rtT-har members agitprtared T6 be :6 Grease :aT earth pf Thir- appeared urt-iit?prm. The pratepttve ?363ng 6:6 665 crates 66666665 6): 64.96 and. 6.6T reuoarrng has 6666 scheduled tar: 2'14 {3666 A6: matte-Ti 6666616 were fatty? tip: my? 636666666 6.6669; T66: 3.6666666?; 661-6 66 $6616". 6 The. face grams attrit- tee. :6 The dam w6r6 dry The wretr 66;. 66631666653 T66: T6w level 6T The reseruorr T66 This date . 666666616 _thtt 666626-6666? YET-S [366.6 1566666666 196262612 picTrr-ri OwneriBoak . {Tait-e 6661'er T2686 tar-art- 1 rir 5' 3F CL. 13131555313 STATUS Ncwmomcsm BaaFdS-iay . .. . - and Comments Sis?51S; SSt?Sment SSly The wait is by. the Swner but this data- .: 1S SS1: reported SS ?1111:: wei The, by 138313 SS 26113 ThiS W35 the ?112131213113 SS 361F131 1.3.11 1S5?t' MS HS: SS SS1 the: Sucre-Sf :Stgiw?iy' gint?SrmezSn- 1S Sure: S11 5113111133111 11:; 111mm; ?:nstrumentatten iS deemed necessary Sift this time. (tea. Sheet. 5: Ea .58 m??m .. .z.mw.am . . 33 2.9. -mma. auggm? . {xuc . . I . VI x. a; mg mam.? .333? gm. 5% pg i m?gm 3mg? may . 9mg? 29.. awn? ma?a amn?mom. mm?w Ewan? .mwm.? #35. M963. mm. #2 w? . um?mi ?ma??amg Sana