.. MATE 0F- . W. . RESOURLW F5 WW WW OF SAFETY DAMS (BF 59AM AND TN Mamaef?iam Ai'mzadan [3am Nae, T24 Santa I II I 12am Earth . TFTF FfSp?tway Canerete Weir and [Zhujt'e I I II Water is 3-22-34 FF .SFTIWW :39. 4] feet: Fam Fest. Reserwz'r Water' SFrT'ef IF MST. Fer-3+ acts. Mada. Nina Memii Jerry Sperttmen Steven Wu w; it'IF the R?aean f0"; napaettcn Maintenance ?bsewatmns Recammendatwns Fr Fatima Taken This mamtenanre inspeetmn 333:3. as the fie-at censtructton for the. men attFra'tiFF fated FF September 19 201:; approved FF December 2F 28M Wort: Ff- FFitiway At! FT TFF work We ?1an Fattsfactcn Ty. The wit: FF aimed FTE rFqurFm'eFF. are;- Tui?ited; Tektowmg mamteneme items have: been addressed as requested during The. Frevmue The. Fmehote. heated in The: upstream pane! has Izbee? patched .45.I (332 (D :3 03 Ca EIEI..I 5 (F it: (I) (?32 1* 133. (3 :3 :3 ?13 H- 51.0?TevaFd. . 3.. Ft: Targeted atengihertFt-tt {gr-Fm has bean [Eziitait?ed.. 4 The quTreFm __gat?e and The _vatve were Wily FF in em dated 22 ?3015 at: FT the. administrative requirements with. the. a?emttm anptmetmn ?ied FF .22 2889. and approved FF. Decemher 33.. 2009 have baa-F. cempTetFF The. Work consisted FT geFtethtc'at and. .meteita'ttms an seams; .stabE-Ti?zy the me the mam: and the dam; the. Fractures are: gfudg-FF' Fr use at the restricted lave: Ff ET 605 (NFVF 19293213 iatte'r date ct March. 26:12, DzSi?ti} The [3.5 etrtef 5:3; request TF1 store: water FF to 2-: ft ,FetFw- the SF: tiway Fresh pending the Temedtatsen Ff the and the Futtet. tIFwet iFTaF-e .. Fbsewatmns Comments; @ng TIFF grave: mare-Ted Great was meerm wettnehgrzed in satisfactery The Ftetbie Ff. the ?ned upstream TaFe appeared umfasm m. 53F Sf?bi?f?y The? i generate gamete the feIF-e' had waiting 31an the; jFiFtF and the Diet Tie-T make repaxre FF an: ass?needed TI). The berehote the - pane! tecated Fume harimntat Fem Tram the and apprexrmetel_ieft FT the. FF Evert pipe; Iettached' :tF. the: Fan'et has been patched as. requested during the. prewFue mspeetmn Bat-h the: upstream abutments appeared {Fame and. The grams nefmat The dawnetream .eItIFpe assess. mad. centmues remain in sandman The? emeiari damage. 3}an The: right dawnetteam Fruit-t has; began- repmretd as requested Vegetation FFnt'IrFt was excetlerzt The 1mg. mending fatten: tree That grewmg an The IFWFT tight grain has; been. remeved and. the: vegetatxen growmg in the: saturated FTFF IF-Fet'eci Fear the. I valve Muse: had' been Gut it) ground lievet, Iwhietz facmtated the inspect NF: in?ected. by- 1 Vnger; WW Ptmtes taken? TEST N0 Date Ff' 123?1?0912015 EFF II FWF t-F'F-r- {Refil Fheetf of 4 WSEPEETEGEN ur 333533333 AND 15333735173333 3132133111 3331.331 .. . .. . . 7243 333233333333. 811:1 - 31:11:21 3123;131:13111331131 '3 2333932015 2 63133131313113:- 3311311813111 3311311 (131318313: W313: and abave 3311313313113 ?ght 313131133111 113213131111 11:13:11: - 13591331333131 aiang 1-3111 3.11.33 611313331331 1133-133' 1.5 31131531 WhiCh 311211031 33111331353319 11303331333111 1133133 1333361333 T3131. The 3911131133113 :11" 331.31 1313131113! 1111393133031 averhangmg 33131 .3313: 53333113131:- 1311133113333 3131 deferred 33213131 33133333113311 remedzatmn tarmac: T313- 311313131321111- 32'1?- 21'- 3 3131:3- 3's :10n333133ec1 311.: an. 13313323313311 gm: 3.33:3 a 3:331:53 "2331.6: 3335331?: 313131011 31111-33133 331:1 (301131333313131- 1323213131 31311123313: 2231.3. 33133133131 93.15331. 331:1 311331: 311333333163. 1313:3319 3313-3;- mspection 373131 03238311313131 want smoathiy and. 3.1.32. 11331313313131: were: encountered I?ccorcmg 331 31331"- W33 3331'. La 3:11:13: :13 :31: 311111331331: 22313 3111:3113 11:13:31 33155336333613 11133323313111 3111-3311212 UR-S (333333133133131 3313131 33113131313311 31331111111: 1131333311 331::- 1111133319 3:131 3332.1111- 11:32:11.1 33:13:31.333e13313331g3 11313333321331131-13 36.317383133111031 31111135313. 11.331 31111-31139: 1131:: .13333133 3.31: 339313: 13331333513133: $303373); 31.31:: .. 3:131:32 3311:1319: .332 33131331331133 33-1 a 91.3." 1:41-13:31. 11:13: 3311131311333us1 1313111213131 61113313111313: 13313131131333.1531. During 1.313.113; 33133333333383?: saturated 83131113331313 1133:1112-31321313191331 3.316; area-11321013133131 seepage 1313:1323. 131:1: 3:31.13 .1316 11313131331323.1131 3131333331 33:13 33111331113131.3133: 331111 11:13:13 31331111133131 11323331151 23.3113. 1313;11:1333231 33113311231313111333111 3.3133323332111131 3231115333331; 91? 13133231311313.53331'1113 met-1313. 313.1231311131312 1. 33:31:31: Mangnev 333233 3 33:21:33.1: 3380331133 331 31131191 331.1; 3131mm 33:13:: 331 (13:33-13 3:1. 31133131133311 331:1 3:13:11: :13 the? epamtsan 2:13-33:11: 3:111:11 3:3 33113121831331 3313311113 193111133 131:3: 331:1 333331211331 31:: adequateiy Chara-(1311332133 31y eizminatmg 31133313163313 1111.1331331113313133135 3113131333931 3312 3313.1. 3335131333 annua? 53.331313331331031 3531:1313 ?331123132113: reportmg requaremant 3331:131- 31:323- 2333:1333. 131:1 3333333311131. 3313133113 3:113:11: 9303:1155: T112311: 5313113331 3103111311331 3'11. 313:1: 11:31:33- 33113321113 a311uwedia31wdaia 33131313313331 IE3I8?3?31mmedaate3y 11.3113111131313113313111 33131333311133 3.1133211 31.321313331131116 3.3.1.- 3131: 12:11- 1:131:11 8313113.; 313? 43 311' 9.13113 RESERVGR EN. CERT 11-1913 STATUS 113133 .31 33313111133311" 11331113: (?1?24 1133313333113 1233123123. . . 91133111393113 3111;! 9311111131113 . {2.31113 1.11331 11-1 1999-3113913- 1333311113 survey 11133 3313111131133 111 {33101131 199.9 T113 13133131111133; 3 survey, .311 11.111: 11131131113111 No. 121113311113 11.311131191313111) 11:31.3 311311111 33111.3 933133 31 331111113 T113131-g3-31311333111 N3. '14: 31111 ?15 3131131131133 111 1113113 133311 111911311033 by heavy 1131111111131 1131939911113; 1.113 2999111311111113111311311 11139-13111 3111111132999 3313511111;- 313111311}; 13333119311311 92131191113111 13331311 11331-1113 ?ght 3111111113111 1133 3113111111113 {3.1333133193111311131 33313311113131}; 1) 1-. 311?) 31.11133 1113 2999 311133}! Transverse 31331333133313 have 113311 . 1113131131331113111113 1113: 1133311113 311111331 31?- 1999111111311 may 311-13 3131111311113; 13- 913- 11311131113313 111311: 1113 13-133: 33193111311? (11319111311333 1313 3113' 11:1 1113 1133111: 1131113111311131113 31111113 1113 2999- 3113 2999- 313131113 9133311131313 313 21:3 3191311119,": 31113 11133311131313.1113131133. 1111.3.11133311123311.31311113 .31: I 331' 31913.111329111313213 3129113 32311111311391.3311 113131311339 311312999. The-913331112919193131311113.. 1311'1'31'1 111311131353: 1-11.3- 3131133932 311113 1.13 13.1311111111- 11.35 311333139 1.33313 1333111113 3139111131 13 31311313111133 3131339313111; T113 13332311131313 1111:3139 113317311113: 11311 3911111713111 3119: 913- 3311131 391' 1113 333331 1.3 31133111711111133113313 111331 1111113313 13' 11131131 11311113311191; 1113131131 11115113 31111111131711.311311113 111311 113: 1313139 131113-11131311331 3331:1333 3-933 1113. 13-1331- 1311 33311131133111 9533111,. T113 ?3133311131313 3311311113 13- 131113111. 1321111111- 31111331139 1333-53, 31111 1111. 33333131113 1131-133 :31: 9333333 1.1113111313833333 13 1113315111311 3123 90191131311311.1111 1111131311 3111131113; 31': 1113 113111 Th3. 11313. 3133 11133311139 1-11. 3. 9113 1-1331- 311311431111 3131., 31-13 .3 21 9331'- 13113431111 13131-113111: 1999 1111011311 2914 [311111131113 29-14 1313391113 11131133 1113' 1113311111111 1331319311 333.13.333- 13332313111 5 1533311393 31333313. 13: 1.13 9113131151 1111111311339 {111-1113 133313311 3 133131 3. 31213-11011- 3119 33333131333: . 1119113111139 1131131193 13111131! 31131113 9111.1313131133 appraxzmaieiy 99- ?3111-11 313333333 111233 1301111133 - 11131191333131.1311 3113111311 11131111311113 1133113111131 31.3 111113311 3111111113111 31- 11113" 111113 13.13111 1331' 1:133; 101331- 311331: 3' 3.1 . . 5. g? m2 mg?m 239%? 2333. $3 2.0 Mg. b?m? imvm??n ?xam?Half . {.mn . . If . .1. (?aw/W .. . . . .I 3303 m. Em. Emma? 3? ?gm. ?axn?m .mg??mm gag magm ?Mam may? .mva?mw?g. magma mam. Rams.? 20mm? w?m. 3.2ng . mama? if. a. . u. STATE Er: NATURAL DEPARTMENT OF- WATEFE RESOURCES DMSIQN QF SEFETY FEMS IF HRH fit-NE TN EQERTIFEEDT STATUS 90W FEW-CW TypEEfE-Eam . - Wateris 3?5 feet _:Epi11way crest'an'd3__ 385 __faet;_ 58161111 ?Earn-Eras? W?athar (Summons Cloudy and REasonfarinspemzon Annuat Maintenance inspectmn .. impertant ObEarvatrens Recnmmendatnans ?or Actions Taker: The borEhEBE in the; upstream concrete fining 1EEatedthrEE .horxzantE1 paneis EEWE {mm the Ewes-t 1Ef-t Ef that thE 2. Wa?dgy? from Ewe TEE. Err-c1. woody- En: the TE .EE at mEiErE- thsay- SE: diameier pm Eff- the: faEE.=. fhe EH almg, the rig E?s EE to. fully E-Err a'EgnuET Butiet: jar-1E Epr?way hydrobgy related de?ciencies be addressed in upcommg remediatien Erajects needs Etc :nciude :thE repairing of the. deteriarated sachons naked 31mg. the- right sp1i1way wail Werk must be by December 2016 as in our miter dated June. 14,2013 The Disirxct 1E curren?dy warkmg Wit-h: on rewsmg End improvmg their mstrumentatten report farmatt mg The. District 1.3. targetmg ES submitted date in. eariy 2015 TEE EwnEr EEibmsiEE-df Ef: Er with Eff E11 (Esta-bar 22 20.839, and En. 'DEEembaE 13., 2mg} as requested TE. 251:4. 138013 is. .rEEiEwiEg The EE ih'E ErEtu-1fi11EEL. NE signs;- 0f mstabtiziy air- mattress werE absarved The cancrete upstream faEE was in PrExEous EEnEnue tE EELE 125189814 1mm DWR 12.61 (New. She-3&1: -. .of' 62 i' 53AM Mitt} EN CERT 55:3 STRTUS Name Qt- Eta-iti- . . Dam T234 t?t'QtQ ft ETQEEQTQ CQmentQ i.it;iQtt.. titi that tight Qr-Qtti Qt WQ- the titt 5 Mitt-Qt the Qritt. tQ tQ QQ. Qt'thh Qt .Qt' The :t'Q tt-iQ the was tQ . TQQ EtattiQt the thg~stQt=QiQQ 18% mg QQ itiQ {mm ittQ :it?t. {ti-Q :tQ- tight. QthitQ tQ- .t?iQQ .QQ- the i?iQQt. thiQ iQ? {Qt- NQ QttheQQnt Quinta}; was The QQi?itQQ-y Qtitt tQ. watt: itiQ QQi'itWQy and View. Qxit Que iQ rQi'iiQ This. QQ'it'ttQt W33- Vi EitQm itiQ weir 3?:er ttiQ i-Q'ft watt. TtiQ QQ *iiQtitiQnQQ in .Q the: right tQQ'ii "ti-Q: QtQme. Qithti. NQ imeQiQtQ QQt'Qty tQ but that waits QQ titQ spittway tQ increases spittway capacity: tQ tiQ QQ- 28.18. tiiQ mimm the watt-Q it: be Vage?tati?f? titre waits. minimQt can QQ it: that Qpii?iway erQQiQith perQt QQ: in an East Th_ {if With-Q - QQ Q.- QQNQ: gate QQNQ: 3 Qt Qt?i tQ? TQ: tQ?Qt. 4.1in 2 That: in at the end Qt EMS, and yQt: 333 he waited it}: 'TtiQ E35 sttiQt tiQttQ} tt-tQ tQQt; thiQ WQ Qi'Qt-tici ih-Qt tQ: QQ - Qt QQ: titiQQ it). QQ. tQ titty itiQ QQTQ Quit-tit; nextantiQ-Qi maintenance AQ Tit Qtti? URS an tit 281.3. "The 'TtiQ . QQ tin; QQURQ Quits . Q-QtiriQ prim tQ tit-3Q QQ T-tiQ QQwiiQithiQi TQQ. was Q. hiQiQtiQQ-t QQtiditiQn Qt tti-Q the?ich WQQ QQith Qt ttiQ Qt QQ thri iQvaQQ, Qt thiQ QQFQ Qt inr. inctianQtetQ TtiQ .tQi?QQt erQrt submittQQ With an QwriQi tQtiQt? August 15 3.2913, and Tamewed it: Tti?iQ ti'iQti the iQ Tt-tQ .th :ttiQit QOthmQ Qut?fiQiQtit at ttiis- time Qt $3533 SM {355%} ii}- Mamas-i . "?33m Nit-?; 3722*?? matte. af'l?apemim :Qbsema?ms and ?gmments ?Efihe?'iStrici an and izmg?iraniing their ream? famzatzing? The mistg?iict iss- ?i?argeting a? :S?bmi?ai {33m in 6:31:13; 20515.. {Ema ?hill'i?B'Q} Shae? 3 {31?5? - ubmm?zw ?Ma ?mwM mm . . .. 2c. 42 gm?mg?mg .Mmh?mm? MWx/x L7 mug,? m- mam?w mm wangmm mam 3m, ma?mmw?g mm. Ms. . xi ?ux/X7? ?of/ ,wx Jig .. 2&3? wma magi ma?a?. aw?am$ gamma .5 am .mm?aama. GEMWM .Mwm. .Mmmo?w an? m. .Llr. . FEE E23 ?a mm. m?b?am . . . . ENE En? (arr! . .wbzifmwm; .. f?xf?zu?/ ., EE EE EE . 3%.me m: 0E. EH .8. NEE ?333. E. mm 3934533 RESERVGR 5M. 135%? 733$ 3125435353? .4 Nu K. 5?5? ?b i Vegeia?an m: Limb-s ?rm} the gait- t?ee: needs; wine gamma? off the faga-mf?m-d?m: Seiemraitm m?miiamd, '135?59} Sheet {ii 0f viewed- {gamma-m. imags?am?ng wk-Efa? shgewa? 33mg; if} 53' 11$.; 1:31- 551.155.5515 ?33- 5 5\ 551.11 A 5555115555111551155 .5: 5 $55 15511 WATER 515551151. 55 I 5 I Name. 5f 125111 15131151213511 13.5111 I322- 4 651.1515- 3313351 1315145 Type 51?? 3515, Earth . Type 51? Spa?way (351151515 W511- and Chum] 155155151433 {51513 3393.693! 55133111155515.1525: and . '53 3- 15515555111: . ?amefest. Reaemmr 8.11.3555 'sE-ievaiien 553.5- II I Weafher-thsd?mre 03551" 81555 55:13- M135. . RG11 355555 Jerry Sparkman 81511511 Wu Hemangg 113155513111 14515511 5.11:! M1153- {1115551511111th {he {51" 3115555155 95350316 51151515115555 111555511511 Cantcicta I11.- 51:15- :51551'15111 {3555111555115 Recammendatwns 5r 55115115 Take-n 213133 5115! 555151151: 5595551711551 3 23133 The work 5511515155 51" performmg 5 55515511111551 11'155511551151151 511551 1'5. 1: 1515131511215 1115 5111111111111. 5.115 15111111511511 55115; 11111115113115 51115511511515 51"- 1115 5:51-11 1515: 551.511.1111. 5151111111311 5555551113551. The 1.1151151115111556 121111-15 5315133 55313155.. 55115115155352551155 {and 5155511151515- 1111515 11153152115111 1.1115: 313.115 1:15.111. 11551 51135115111511 55511551151111.1111 55211155511151.1115? Ethe- 51115151511511.1115 11555115515515 25m: T115 551.115: 5155; 155K155 55:11:1- ihe: {3515115151. {51315555. 131.151.111' 5n 1115-1511353- Fafumishsed 515.155: age-I51: 3315- 5113 531? Oct-5551* 23.313. {$511111 5 35555113512? 23:13 the {315111131 5551111115121 5115111151111555511511 13111151 15151-5 I2. 555115115 51? I155 I551 115153: 5115111151 11115115 5513551 in 5- 5515115151511 5511121111511 The 5511111115}! 5: 5551:1515 1115315 511511111 .55 1115111115155 1151111115: 55111111153115 1511155115155 5111111511515 115135me 15151555111551 magenta (iiIICDI- 'mI I.f15t3__ w. -EII 33.3.3? I-EII ?33 to 4133' 9-9. 8 5'3. 0_ as: I'm' (I). I3 .13- m: (DI I0.- a :3 .IE0II .E D. 1115555115115 The 15111515? 5311115 115551511511 1:551:15 deferrad 1111111 5511111153! 51515121 3151155- 511555155 .115- 5315-11- 111 355517111351" 5132-53713. 1. 13515111115 135151151555111115551151515? 55115151111115 111555551551551555.51-12115 111551,. .2 17151513551155.5115 5111151" 111155531 55557153511 .Igmwing 3.3131331155115535 11.135311555'1 535111551: 11551? "15115-51313 5131111115111 115.55 .15 55 5111511511 3.. V5551511511 55111151 15 115512155 511-13115 55111155115515 1.55? 5.13 .1115 55111 55111511151131 11555511511115 1551's: 4. {311111111115 1511111111115 51151155 51111.- 511151: 5115511 5555151111111 531551115; 5.11 1115 2.151111551175551 5.1555. 51.15 151111111 35' 2- 11111155151115 32, T1215 1111115- 515551115 151-1511 5-5-3 {1551115115 51113-15 1511151 {15111155115551 11511151015 11-55 1151 135511 555155555 5515551551511 dunng 5151115115 1115553115115 P51115115 15 311151155 1311119 5111-115 515111 5115 {55-5-15 . {1?31" 51153-11 Ram-13111155 4?13 9? 11111555515112.1331 I 3333539523333?? N0 121515-512 111-5551311115 I I II $52? CC for I Ownet?BOQk .. {3.5.1555 3551:1111 II I II 9113332314 [112113-1251 101115} 51-15-31; 3_ 13f NE): RESERVOTR TN CERTIFTED Name?fDamIATmad{3.5m 5119-7214 .. BaTe of F555: T55. 5555155 .5155 5.55513 3555551551, T55: 55:15:, Th5 5155515555555: I I {38638 5155555551 The 3331551131515: 3155555. T5 15T5T5 115555? T155335 5.555513 The 555515515: crest 55:15:55 1155 31555515555 T55 :5521ifway1555 T5151 5555?:- 53555 int-.555. _Gbsewatmns 555 Camments 55551255 .555. 154551} 55.55:: 2 Inf 2 555.55 _ch- T55 canareie 155.53 55555553. 565. 5555555 5555 555 5.5555ch 5555555.. - ggnmete 5335535 ?ning The TETSB 55-5. 815555; r5f55?51i5 3 MTV .J55555 555555 T51 555:? 5.55551 55552555 5515 5595515511 5T1 T55: 551553 T551 525551 55555 T1555 1 1155915 555555 55555155 umform and in 551525 5555:5551 Bath {55 555tr55m .5515 55555555551 abuimems 553555.555 5T55T5 .555 The 15553155: 55555! T515 255-5555; T155551T55T were 5.55. T51T5 The E. shape: during T55 25561355I355Trumentatzon Program (13$)de T55- recent 5: 51555 551955 5555525 I 51 55555 55 535555555 51:5 551555 T351515 T1 5555555 T155 15551 55515515 151T Th5 upstream 5555155: 1,5,1? 1515 crest T555T55 5155:? T1515- i551 abutmwt 1T5. 5151. 55515555 555555 A?haugh T5I5I 5515555 .5535 ether weedy 55555555 growmg 55555515T1T55 555555555 T55 T515 .5555 T15 51515555?? saturated 5155 5:55. 5155 5 5f; vegetation 55555155555 N15 concerning 1551:5551 was 55T515 I3 T5555cted The 559555555 waits T1555 ITQT remeved 55 requested during 521555.55 2555555555 T55-r5m5v15! 5f1T5i5 559555515 remedzamn 1 Tarmac: .- 5 TI 1555551155 T55 spillway 555555351551 55555 5T1 The 355.1 5555553; ITT. IW5I51I my 53:55:55 T551. 5355552555 T515 55531555555! T5531 {235525 Th5 concrete 55555555 5555 555 555555515 cracking 52 55:5 55:55} 555555. 1511.51.55 55155.5 Throughaut The. 5555535 55515151553: new Star: 5555 A5 Mat-.55. T15. {?18395 ?51551: dated March 25,. 2512?. T155 15 5555255555 5515 WITTIT 5555 31551555555 OF E33 RIMS. T131113 11:33:11 .Ai-ma'dan {Ta-1:11 111111:- 33:3 .33 {333331133 3. '11? 135333.53 (3333:11333113 311:1. 33:11:33.1:113 31-13 :3 '3 I pipe: That: 33-3333 The: embankment 311313.. centroiied T13: 3:1 1133333111 333:3 and 3.331111133333111 33-11113-113133- The: 113133:- was ?33511?an and 1113-3131331 repiamd 3' with 3:1 1:141:1er refurbiahed 1:31:13 - 33.3: The 3:113 GT 933313.: 23-13 13.331193. This 13333331213 3 31133331333311133131111333 31?. T33.- Tefum?shed 3311:3333311- 11111113- 333: 3233-1113333. T33: 13121333111313133': MT: 833131.113 :1 331:: 1:1: :13 1711:3331: T33 vaiva 1333333133: Ascording T11 Mr Sparkm'an Th3: .WTTK W?ht smm?zhly 3133i 3Q 13:3333313'31313 :33 3133333311 1133311113111 33:39 :333333 3131 3133111113 3:333 The?gate 333133: 3331.313 83313111331323: 213.133.1111 313's. 1311333133? in 1335083 313331133 333113313- 333: 4.. 2313': 3131;133:1311: . 3538? (33:33:33.3 3333:3133 3-11 31:33:2' 1:113:33 33.333233 Tn- 333:: - 33331313310133 313333333 1333113 The: 1113;311:313: 11:" T33 33331 1:21:33. 3:13: 3:335:13 1:1 3 13133 :31an333 dagradatmn 8:111:13 The Test 1113:2131an 11": 2001 The average 333:: degradamr: 31?: The "31:13:: 23:3}: 333.: 31,133: {3331:1133 3.13.3 T113335: {33? 3111:: - 13:30:37: dagradanon was: measured at 3431n0h33 The 33333 atrudure was regpmfed 13-33333!43333331131331: 3.3T determratmn .31 The Generate energy 121133111313: and 3 1:13:33: 33333113 31" 3:13-1:33 3311333333 333-3333 3:331. :re-T31111m31113=11t' 31131.3 1121;133:323 11:323. 31:13:31 3: diasgipa?er 33:3 171111.33: Th 3: :33317?: magma-1131113233 The folTmeg- 3333113.:- 11. 31133131333313:1333121131113 3333i- p.333 't'hatiam 33333333113 1117-13173. rapid 1113353333333: Reptace Th3- 3313?11119 concrete energy 13113313331: the 31.133: 1.3331113 33110333 11:33 new 3331 defiescto: T131313 :QasT ?313: 313'.- structure R3331: 3?13 spa-11331;: Generate and 6331;216:883 .?s-Teei remfememenf at. 313. deteriorated d1531p3t3: 31:33:: 33333. 333331.13: T3 333331533311 T13 :3133133123 the 33233111133113:- 3315:3311 T11: 3333:1333: ?3.16: N3 3333333 11:33 3333:1133 0111333317333: 3:13 33:13. T33 righT grain. The T3133: 3:121:11 31:13 301333333111 T33- 31:33:. 3:31:33 3:331: 1:33}! 13.33:: saturate-.13 11:33:31: 3333:1133 3:133 T113 r133: T33 T33 3333393121133. T33 3:33. 11:33 11331331133 vageTamn {93313- 'whi-gzih 111333: The 1n33ect13r1 3:13 vegeiatzon 33:13:11 1'3 needed This 3.1133. 11*" 4 91:11:11) T33 33.3: 3:133: 3:113 1131:3111 3133:1133: {1111.33 T311: 33:3: ?31.13}: instrumentatxon 3T. This 3311': cons1sts of survey anumems pzemmeters .3 3333393 11:33 and mahmmetws The 3113;111:131 was-31113331113113 162-333 13315133 3:133:33 The 133331113 33:31:13 A136 231151331133 1.5.1123: 21:33 33.33121: The: 1333:3333 1:31:31: 3131133311 1:11:33. 3133:1211: 1131:1339: 311331-_ 3- 3- INSPEQTEQN (35133 Dr 11113 1N CERTIFIEEB. 11818- 81888.- 8111188811 .. 1815th 13-11: .. 131815 .81 1118281113881 311913131 3 888511.811- 1388811188128, 28:12 18111811 8.88- 13.581 888118.. .1118- 881113188 81881-8118" 8:181- 1-118 811118111 . 1811111811811 816115511 1118118128881. 88181811881118-1811811 118- 1111112111 3111133 3333-13333 8583/8 1238181111118:1851118131011.- Dam 5, 81851 1.11, 1899 811811.18 1388811118 811111811 111188 88181131151188 1.1108181381? 1899 T118. 181851 811111811: watt 138118111188 8,17,1- March 15 2113 81,51 88111138188 111-1111 11-18 March 21 21312 81181831, 15,118 1818881. 8811181118111 .81 Ct 1188-) occurred at: Monument N02, 1:13 (118811118 18118881818111) 813811181 1818851 11811211311181 11181181118111 181181188) 888111188 85,1 111-188,: 811 1118,- 1,111.8] monuments 1111.8 11181188181118 111.818 138181111 111.8: 8818131151188 8811811: 18381 8188-81-111181811811818111888 8- ?year 811,811, 1-8-1111 [8181, 8,118 8 13-388r18118881m 13101101 1381121. 1,118 118111881 811,121 transverse 81881888188185 811188 11-18 August-18.- 1988 1385811118 survey, 12 1118811118 118111 8181111118111) 1.3131812811031111 501118 889188 T118.18.188 811811985 111' 5811181118111 111' 1118 21308 11151181118111.8881": 1318818111 81181118 2123013 5181511118 81813111111 18388118811811 11118111181881 18 1888188 r1881 1118; 118.111. 881111118111 1185 811818111118 1315111125 1118,1185) 8.1110811182213139 811111811 Transverse 118,118 138811 ?18181111188111 81,1188 11:18: 1188811118 survey 81? 1898 111111811 may 8,111.8. 8888113111111 18.21.1128 11511881118515 115181. 1118- 181,138 settlement monument survey 8818 811811111138 111811118188 181.8ny1u11h8r 8811181118111 1181188 T112818 8.18 .213. 111281811119? 213121 8118:1118. 1311188111: 51111858 8011811 181181-1188 18 11:18: 1881118188 81811811811 613541 ?11.18,: 181301188 2131 21-21313- ptemmetrtr 881,8: W85 8181118181111 11,18 8581111188 1851118188 181181 811188118 5 $118888 1111111811 1118188188 1,118 811188118 8111?18113818: 181111111 1'15: expected 1811815 811,8 18 881181111th 2 81188115118131 T118 8188811181815 18881811: 11881181 1118: 181.1 8181111118111 8118' 11:18. 88.11181 01- 1118-88111 8131:1881 11:1 .1318 111188113 1111111811888 ?1311' 1.118 11.111133111311111 8188811181818 1888188 811 1.118 313133 811.18 81-1118- 881-11: 81,188 1211118 111118811118 18- 11.111331383113113 111: 1,118 1855811111: 88181 181181., . 8.811118811111111-1118181181 1,11 11:18 813811118111811811318 11-18-11 1:18 181.8188 111.1118 1118181188188811888818118.1118 1831181? 1811 88111118118881818111 5 1013133111131?:th 1118188188 13111118:- 818281118181 18818 388131388.W811E3818- 31111133398 13 21135818151111.3121 8,1, 8, 811118-1281. 1811:3888; $3118.81- +1 01- 9- 13351 331413 RESERVQIR 1N: 41413143410414: ., gag-3ND; 4234. {13544444411444 444' 31131711414413: MR. 3241.- 444 34:44 44.4-43- SM 01" 4141424444 41314333113 33444311119} 941144., 414.42.? 31441- shert?term 13-141 44.4 4' 23 y44414n4?141m 4141mm:1443144441231013 444413 4444444 144411194 rangeej 1341444411 0 5991414 54 Seapage: appears 14 134 41144113: 1111444444134 1114 14414er .4 W414: 414441144 41314 4444414 14441411441144 by 142534 14341411 444414 3 4441144311 {1411134111414 4.11:4 41,211er 4414 m: 1.114 40wn41ream 41413114111414 11-14- 41414 44gges14141314 144411494 4114 1134 4414453431444 14-14430414 4.4. 4444411114901? abnomai 4104441441311 .1134 I September 11; 21314 144-4131441114 (134444111444 r4444 mg 41433114414144.1414 in 431111.341 1444115 131411141 414114313 441114144 .10 Ip141-2 41.14.. revzew 11-114 4.414311411141144 4:14 w. '11 I T144 instruman?ia?on 441a11341444411114.11111444411 1.4 4341101113th 44441141413: T114.- existing 4114114411" 43411441144 frequency 414 311.4444 4411141411141211114111144 - A.wmw~v m? .E .53.?.th .m 5m& 5 E?mamcm 3 ?g ?mz Ema. . .mm?mgm??ma ??m?mzu mg ?magma? mama in ?mm ?magma?? .. .mmzuwm?m??mm? Paw ?mm??mm k??m gmam? Ea. kawamm . E3 Ex? $30.8 my 43? mamrmm mam mgmw?gmw ?(magmas magma? .mm?qmm. mam my?m?m? ?3mm?, ?mm? mama $33 ma. 3&3:me gnaw. mm. mama. Em? ma?amgm? 8m?, ?33a?. Wm magma. ?gm. am?sm?mm? 3w. ?may ?am?w mym?. a Gm $3.3 ?mm??mn pamw Zmawa?mank?wam: . . . . .. Ema c??mww?wonw w. ,p ?me 3% Mama? 5. gm?, Hg Ma?a 1% aaggmma ma?a 3 ?magnum ?353%. ww?wam ma?a?. mag WEE ommg?mgmn mam ?mammgm mag. 3. mm wbwa?ma. ?man .nmuxmmw . 9. Ram. ?Hz. Madam SM ?333% M. yyM, . ?1 .. . My? May. . M. .. . fly/? . I. /rrf/x. a? (If .1. MM wmm?mg? Emmuwsmw? Emma 33%? ?gm? WEE Mam FM. C: ?33 SIMS OF $222 A - SSW SN SS 0F SAFETY {33555 DAMS OF 53AM AND TEN.- STATUS oT-imSS-?a. NS. 724- {Swat-y Santa ESTES Spaaway Shut-S AM Sat _Sp?i?iway TEST Sr Sc: SST-sans. raining Sn; MSTSA 29201.2; "The ire-quire The awn. car-?S T. r?i?gST Stain E. minor The SST-TS. The The Sam, STT STS SSTS ST. The WAS TS DETECTED Sf ESTES-T TSS. pending- The. SST-SST SUITS, and Comments g. The CTEST Straight and TS i: TESTS SS Sign-S- ST- Sir The 5 in cracked ST TS TSS TSST has SS The TSTISS aiSng ISSUES TSS TTSS To SS STSS ST This ?rm SST- SS 5 Sam TS ensure the: NS SSTS 5 ST The. Sims. With Within The: TSSIT: The SST-TS. and ASS: WATT Suva - :3 Pipe. a? SS SST-S. ?The SS VS carded ETETT presence during The TSST Sn TSS annualty TSST Sash. The: T?w S. Sham SA Tm TVS by Ti; PASTSS TBA ?9 TTESTEGTZ SS TOT 1'21 1' 2 SSA TEST (RSV, was} Sf WSFPEQTTON ur AND TN GER EU STATUS- 11111114131123.11151111113ee11 .. 11211311111111. 32-4- 2131313101 1.115131313111311- ?beewatmns 31.111 Comments The face grams and tee.- were 1111:3131 1111111311 13111111911113: 11159138111311 11151311111111 11.315 911?. 11 111311311 111113511 1131311111311 .351 11-1-13 113123 131' 11113 11131113131333.3961 was estimated 1113' 11131 aperexzmeieiy 21111331111 11111111111 13152553131355:- 1?1 11131211 13:1: 11113113111113, wire. piezemetere 11111111135} 31111111131311. 13.11.: 1.1113.- 1131-11 1.11 111e 11111111713111.1311; 5.1111351111111351. .4111 1.211111101115151 1111111 eds-1111111511. 1e behave: 11131111311131, fei'i'ew?ng 1115111311133! 1135111113? [Ba- ptezemetere 1:311 The ie?. 111.111?: 1311 the 1211;1111111131111111113 1.13 11111111131131 1111131113113 1311111 changes 111111113 1133131111311 while 111135113 medeaete 11111311313111.1113 are observed 1131 1he: p1ezeme1ere 1113.11.13 131-11113 dam Piezemetere 1311.11111- 11151313131111.3111 reports have euggeeted 1111-311end may. 1:113 1:11.113 111 11191151 permeable metertei 111111113 11311 31311111113111 T115. phreehe 11311313 suggest 11131111119 13111 131111=1 1311111113131, 311.1211 1311311331 T-?er 1111113131135: 131?- dam. Seepdee Weir. The 1131111135 ene: seepage weir 1.1113111611313121 1111311319 13111313 deem 11531311111133 111.13. (113131 1113131 111131111113; Smce ihe- 135:1. 51313111111631: 1111331311 11113211 reedi?ge 11311113 ranged 211113111 .9 113: 32131.?? .1 13313111,. {11101131311119 1.111111 13111311131311 111.1 ih? 31313133913 11135 13135111313311.1111 111111313 11.113 11313131111311 11331111113113 1111:1133 em?ed .111: .2955. P11011e111113 11111113331111.1311 readings 1131313111134 .1313 1313' 813. 91:11-13 111111119, 111311.- 12313111311113.5513. 13011511113113 are. (30113113113113.1121 1113111151.. 1831111111111 11151113111511.1381: The 1111111111111 5 111.1351 11.111111111125515 31311111331511 511-1111351111? 11311 11131111151131: 131311-13 111311113111 131311111131. Surveye? begen; 113-213-112: Since i1he= Beet survey, :m-evements in 1113-1-11. 1313111111135171131 5111.111. 1113111113111 1111113511011 have been: 3e131- 11111111131312 ranging: 11.13.1132 to? 5.111.133- 2002, 11115.. 11131121313131 have 1315513131311 1111111111111 111-11111 the {31113133111911 131'. 1113111131311: 14 31131.15 11111111311 erelbeiaeved' 113. have 3111:1811 settlement 11111111115911.1111: 11111111311131" 113111; 1311311119 1111111111; 81111313 111131315 11113111131115 111e- 311311315113; 11313111101115.1518 The 11113111111111.1133. 2.111131111e111e1er 1313111133. S-i>1. sensors 31131131351111.1111 the upstream 1113113131" 41? 4 10131119121 11:11 the dewretreem 131311119 An 1311111131 dispiecement 131? aemex1meiei_ was: 11.113251111111111 11111 ?11113 3111111111133" 5131111311. 1.511131 1315;131:131? feet; 11111115211131: ?they 13.131111111311113 irregular reading is 151 113. 31111-11311 see-301;. 8131131313 M11331: 411334411111 11.1121 111111311 311111.111: 1111113111315- 131 1.1111111111113111; 1111-113 irregeia-?r 153111111131 1311111111115- SC 11:1 111111 5111132113131: 1111311011111 1115111111311 3131111111.- The 11111131111113 13111111111311: 1311313 1.111311311715311151 11111131111111 ?refifefaeteriiy; T1113 113:31111114111111111111 11511111111111.3111311113113 131111? 111.1. 35.111151113111111: 1113.1311111e111e11en 1'11 13213511111115 11133311111111 3111113 11111111111611: 1:13.111. 151113): "311131.31? 2 .131 STA-CM .OF MC: 3 8588888818 . M. CM ES. OF SAFETY (CF EDA-MS 88M AND STATUS .14 ff; MI -. Xxx/J Name {Cf-Dam -- {388:8}! Santa {33ng33 3:89 of Cam; Earth 8885-1;va and. (Chute. is 25 . . . 881888 .. 33 . C?at' EECQW {58:8 Weather Cen?iCiQCC-s, Sunny.? and coal Run Hank. and Jerry {Mr Cnspectan Panache Inspecmn The CM CM .8 feet beEMw Che epsiiway crest pending MC Che-- tun?game stem My 5818}: CMC. 838 MC CeetngziMd. agreed Mgr-18 8888 MC 8' CMMC 8.9;le Che. 5888838 crest. pea-88mg} Che? $818888: (3338888138 and Cemmente $8.81 There were :88 MieibEM signs of. MC waiC-h. regarde CM CM upstream Cape 5 face The: upstream face. Generate was- in with . signs MC spaElmg Mn Che face was; Prevaeusiy MegeCaCiMn MrebEMmM harm Ne was pain-C and WMCM. and ACE C88 deb?g ?33888888- 88883083 C8808 has been MMCM Cree. 8.8m . sedimiam; CC The and were Casi: by CECM Mme; 8841132818 and m. Che presence MC D808 Engmeer or: 58088 38083.8 8e fer during the next maintenance TMM 2 was CC: be 1.2- 9pm wish CM wiChin-Chej Mange fer ?the MC Me MM Che.- .day. MC Chis Lg; Cnetmmentetmn CMC this Mam MC 18 Mshretmg Mia; Meme}! menumenia e: wMiC__._ and: ancimemeters The was (CM-8888818388 JMCM 381.8; The: CCMM Mane C8 the ?rm-Ming - dispiecemeni: and. CraneMerMe (ti-Tea: acemen?: {Tate indicate CECC-CM MC C38 epiacement values ranging {mm- 8- 88 CMMC CM 8. 83 CMMC Ver?trcai MEMplaCemeMC MCMM with; Cor-C CM. Monument 14 which 1M measured MC {2:6 88 \5 Cnspec?tedby J- SL835 i} 988185182888? iDaCM-Mj?finep?e?am 1153332810 '08 Mr- .. . 1.128888% . 1'1. x, . Mm .J . 437-5" A.) x/ MM- (MM Sheet MC. (Mfr. .v . - 11133331131111.11- E13111 3111121 35852371111311? 1N. {3-5511 1315111 3131171533? 21113111311 13.3111 11111333311 12131111113. 1:123? 121.313 1:11 1113113311311 1 11313113111111 133331113113113 1311111 13311111131113 1191.3" 88E 1 11 33111113 111111311 13 ?1111 13333113313 31131311311311 T113 113111 31113331 311311111 113315111 11.113?. 1133 1131131 33131311311311. 913333131313:- {31313; 21333113 1.111113313- 11131. 111.3- 31333111-31313 31131311 33111111113 :3 11111311311 317333113 1311 31.13113 1111133113. 11311333 13 1313133311311: 11113-11133 3.1 31113331131331 111313- 313 33133 121.313.3333 31.111113 3 33111311 311113 1333111113 1331711113 11133131113 1113131213 133311133 111 313111 31113113 31331-1113 3131131 13p13333 1113' 1113311133 3:113 1121313" 11131313 133311193 1331.3 333111 1331113 331311133 3311113331315 1313171131113 31 1111: 1113 131133153 1:131:13 133111133 2111 1111131131313 3313 133111 11133;. 111 3311 1:113 3133.321 1113111. 1:13.311: 13.- 1113111131 11313 1331111133 31-13 1113 11:13:13 1333313313 33133313.- .13: .33. 111313 13113313 T1123 {3131113113 3311111131113 3.11111 111311 11133311331133 3.1; 111.3 31333 313313111. 3113 33.33 331133133 1.11331 31111313313 1-1131 1113.31- 11.311 13111111 13' .13331?1 1312311118 3311313133 1.1313. 331-3 1333111311 3131131111111 1111311333 1133311133 13113331131113 111911 1:11 12 35.3111 13 3 1313-311) 5.33111 T3333 1331111133 3312133113 131131.11 11131311331 12131131113 ?33333 3.31113 13313111133131.3111 3.111111111131 3113.133;31311113113333 1113333111311. .1111 33311131131 11131113333131133 13 3.3311133 11333333133111113-11313, "11113 31111131 113333 11:1 331.111.11.33 1111111111311 11133311331133 3311331111113 1111313813113 1113'. 313313311:- 331-3.. 311131-2311311-13113 3.13.31. 3 .