\ UNCLASSIFIED R~ t.11- U•;ro; , f lDER.Al BIJRl/lU Of INVtsTIGATION Precedence : To : Date : PRI ORI TY C0Jnte:te:rc :1s~ Attn : Ge nera l cc u nse l Attn : From : J l / : 0 / 2CQ 7 Ct! i c~ c f ::ie Generd l Counsc Nat1 =na l Sec u= i t y Law B=ancn Contact : Steven N. Siege:., 2 0 2 Approved By : ~i : ly Jos e ph, J=. : aproni Valerie E. Cwnmings Ar t hur M. Drafted By : F.ichard W VanVe ldhu i sen: n ,·v ( ;,endi:.g l caae m t : Ti tle : - J , r ,µ. ~ CUI FB! :ncerv:e~s o f High Value Decai:iees (EVJ I at Guantar.amo Bay, Cuba (GTMOI . Synopais: ,U ) The f o:. lcwi ng p=ocedures are guida n=e :or rs: perso:inel conaucting interviews c f the EVDs jeLaine~ a t GTI-!O f o r inte lli gence a nd evidence for p0Le;1L1o l M_:. ita r y Co:r.-nissior. proceedings . Details : 1 . Persons whc will cond~cL the inte rviews. (Ul ~nterviews o f c:ie HVDs wi li be conducted Joi ntly by t!le F5J anj ::ie Department ot Defense (Coo ; C.::iminal Investi • at ion :'ask Fo r c e (CITf ) agents who are subject ma:ter experts o~ :he deta:nee . No age nt who has previ o~s lr interviewed a actai~ee cs , w1 ll conduct an :nterv!ew c f chat same cie ta i nce (s ) . An inter? i e~ t~ft~ should consist cf t wc to three agents with one agent designated as a not e - taker . Addit 1cna: agen ts ma y obsErve the i nte rv iew. 2. Prepa r ation for the interview Rel to 10011, 10013, 10014, 10018, 10024 UNCLASSIFIED MEA-LHM-00001430 SGD(A')(_ UNCLASSIFIED To : Re: Counte =t errc r i sm Fro~: O! [ice o! the ~ene:al Cou::sel 1/1 0/ LCJ' 1t1 A:l cl ass if1 Pd ~~1Pr 1d ! R · o bP used dur1n~ a dat a !nee interview wi l l be rPv i PwPd by - h~ apprepr.a:e age:icy ! or author 11at 1or -o :se •!,p :n ~o r::iat lon 1:1 a:i :.::te :- view. Ager::s s::oi;ld ct · s c:u!'s ~ ne 1 r ir.re:-·1 : ew st ::ategy ·, n :h the as:s ~gned tcC / DCJ pro:,ec'..:ot prior t c the 1rten1:ew tc 1den: :!y a:-ed ~ o ~ questi ::,:1in4 ne l..essdry t c :neet the elements o~ :he rr . li:.d r y _c:tll':ssicn ~~ : er.se. (Ul Ne s:atement made by a det a inee J h1le tnat cetainee was in the c ustody u! ,rn 1nL~L q1:1.cc ager.cy, o r c1ny ev 1oe::ce obt a i nee as a :esult o! such sta te:nent, will oe used 1n an 1nterv1ew cnless app1 o~ed i ~ odvar:ce oy the a ss:gned orcsec J tcr a no t~e aporcp riate i n t~lliger.ce agc::ci e5. 3 . Bac kground lnformat :or. (U) I n:er·,iewing age:its m.1y be p:-ov1dcc l::acid.1a_ :nter·111,w:, 1r. tt.e Un _c,d ;:;t .. ces . ~o -na e e r.c, interviewing agents may nc · t h~ea- Pn o ~ c oe r ce the de tc1::ees . 7he agen:s conduc:.1r.g the :nten•1Pw s l'.ou l d 1dent : fy theT.!.e .·,es cs:.ng t~e : :- trLe na~es (t hey may choos e to c se the:r fi rs t ndroes only) a r. d :~e1r organ1zat 1cns . (U) Al:hocg~ t :iter'liew_ng dgt nts a: e r.ot :eq-1:ed :. ~ adv _se tl'.e detainee o ! the .11~:-d,:• d wa: nir.g:., Lre agent sho~ :o ::iet err:nne ~t.at t:ie -:le:air.ee 1s w_ Ei::g :c "/Olur.ta: :_, answer ~ces: : cr.s . ( ul The interv1ew1 ng agents shou l c ensu:e :.~at :. he deta:nee is aware o ~ tht changed ~i : c Jmstanc es e! the cetainee 's c~s tody. The i aterv1ew1 ng ~gents ~.ay, : o r exa:ni:le : (1 1 tell cne det a :nee t hat the agents do not ,io rr. f o r a r:d dre indeoer.den: o ~ ar. y o=g.lniz.:i:.ion t hat µrev1ously hela the deta inee , 12 ) te:1 tre deta : nee t hat :ie wi": not be returning t o the contro l :, f the ar.y of n:s orevious custodians, or , ) ) re ~: r.~ the detd!nce o f :ne ! act t~a:· t hey cet •Jit:i tht :c~c . (U) lf t he detai:iee :isks t o :: c1 n at : ornev , t:ie age:-:t s::culd 1:-:fo nr tr.e d~:.l: nce that , s ince :-1c :ias r.c:l beer. cha:ged .. :tr. ., c r::ne :,y t~e m1li t .:i~y, t he de:a_nee ooes r.ot :ia v~ :~d : igr.t t o s~ eJ~ ~c dl': 2 Rel to 10011 , 10013, 10014, 10018, 10024 UNCLASSIFIED MEA-LHM-00001431 UNCLASSIFIED t·~rr : Office o ~ :he ~er:era l Cou:ise: 0 1/1 0/ 200 7 7c : Re: at.torney ,rnd there is llO dL ,orr,1:1y ln1:1e::h o:..ely cvc11 i,10le f or ::cnsultation. The agenL sho u_d al so 11,fo::rr. the detainee that if the de t a1r.et:! i s cha rged ,., _l ll al. o f:t:!nso::, c l t.hat t::ne :he jeta:.:iee w:. 11 be e11llt:ed Lo co11 s-,: L wi.-!. « r. att c. ::ncv. ( ;; ) ! t the det d 111c,. asks whc:.her r.e i:1 bc1ng or ·ft· ~:! be ch.;::::gcd w_th a c::1mo::, the :1qen". sno~ -O ::ell tne dct air.ee tha t t:ie ager.t does r.ct make that ~eci s:.cn. (G) l: tne cetair.ee asKs whether h:s s:ateme:its can be used against h:. m at a f~ t ure prc::ceding, : ne agent shou~~ ir.~orrn the deta inee that such use o f n1s statement 1s a ~ossib: i 1CJ. (~! 1: t he ::c:a1ncc clSKS whccner any o:: 1cr s·atc ments c an be used against the detainee at cl c::::imina l ,:iroceedir.g," :ne a~er:t should te l : tne act.Jinee that decisi on w1 l! oe ~a~e oy : ne court it he !S cha rge d wi t h a crime . (U) If the ceta1nee asks whetner the ::::e are any be~e~i:s to ce obtained by coope r ating with the agen:, th~ agent s~r u:d te ll ~ne detainee tha: :he agen: ca~ p r o vic e nc bQnpfjt~ - o -~ p de t ai nee bu:. w:.ll b ::::1nq :he ae:ai nee' s c ooperat1 on to the at t e ~c:cr. o : :.he pro sec u to rs. (U) If a:1tho r:zed by i:>oD, the agen ts mc1)' p1ovlue Lhe t.Je tdir.ee c!H: µr ov _:.:..on o: oevo:::..ages, e:.c. and rhP tim i ng a nd du::::ati Jn o ~ o redk s shou i o be J o~Jmen:ed. w: t h be·,eraqes, snacit : oQJs, etc. 5 . Legal Supoo rt (U) i?:::osecutors f r or! tlio: Oft ice o ~ Mi l it o :::y Corr.n:is:11:m:, OMC), t he Depdtlme ,.: o ! Just:..ct ( )OJ J ar.d ,B! 's NSLa will be prese n t 1n G7MO a nd c vail a ble fo ::: :.mmeoi a t e ccnsul : ation , lega l assistance a:id d UV - Ce . 6 . Ooc~centing tte I~te::::vi c w (U) The i ~tervic w:.ng agent s ~ oul d ~o ;:J~ent : he i~te rv1ev i n dr: FBr lette::heac r.icrr.orana~rr. ( :.Hr-: ) p::::ei;;d:::ed or. c c : .::.- s.Jp?:.ied lapt op. : There wi l l ::,ea " :humb a r .:.vc" Memo r y chip :or each det a :.nee . The d r att :.HM w:l: be electronica l: y transm:t ted t c the CI A tor cl ass i f ica t ion r e v iew. ~he agent's :iotes vi!: a : s o be pouched oa c k t o the CI A for c :.a ssif :cat1on review. The ::A w11:. appropri a ~ely A. ! p j a-- io:,:i, ~t · ""'. ._, St::c ·_io:-: -, , '> ! :r.• ~1-..: 1.> !lOUC i \,,, '. j . :"Ot. - oe 1.:-. ..:.l. .;J'-'-j .;. ·.tl !. :.~Y. 5ec -- 3 Rel to 10011 , 10013, 10014, 10018, 10024 UNCLASSIFIED MEA-LHM-00001432 UNCLASSIFIED 7 o: Coi.:r.::. e r t.P r r o ri s rr Re: ,re m: Cl t: :.cr of : hP GPnP r :il co ,.nse ; J ~/ "0/2 0 0' rr~ r ~ the :.HM o t t ne SJbs t a r.t:ve inte r view dnd the agent• ~ no tes. The CIA w:1 1 prov i de~ p r cperly ma rk ed copy c ~ t he LH~ to the FBI a s soor. as pract1cat: e. c:TF ~ge nts w:.:: nJt yre~dle ~epd ro t e cocumentation . 7. Documenting Compartcer.ted !n:orma t 1~n _ncl ud:ng A: _e gat:ons c f l':istred t mer. t (~ ) Dui 1nq t~e ince: v1 e w ?re ces s , a de tainee ~a y provide the ~ 1:h in f o rma ti o n =cr. =ern:.r.g the 1nter roga :ior. techniques ~ r eviously Jsed o n him a nc h: s aetent1cn :ocations . SJc h in:ormat ior. , e ,en t houg h ccm:ng f r o~ u detainee, is deemeo by the ::I A to be nat1 ona! secur ity i n :or :,.i::.1 ::ir.. :i! the C IA de:ern.1ncs :r.a::. C'.:>mpartmented i n:o r m.:i t i on l !l cor. t.:i1:1cc in ::.he :.HM, t !".e :n::.er·:1ew1ng agent sr.o uld crca::.e a se?ardte LHM. The newly pre pared :.H~ will cont a ir. the ccmpa r ::.~cnteo 1nfo r mat!on wh: _e t he fir s::. :.H~ w::! conta i n a:1 other in f ormat1or. obta :. ned dur i ng :r.e 1r.terv1ew.• aqer. ts ( U) ! : the de::. air.ee al l eges m:.s cor.duct r elated cc r.:.s deten::.1cr. a r.d / o r tech:i: qLes used d~r :ng 1nte rroga t1 ons ?r: o r to n 1s a rr~va l a t GT MO, :hose dl:eg dtlcns sl.o ula be doc .. nentec 1:: ar. ,3: :.;;M preparea o n a C!A-supp-ied l dpt op or. a dailv basis . T r.ese LnMs wit: be elec: ror.1ca lly t ra nsm1t:ed and/o r p o~chea o ack t o t ne Wasnin1:on, DC a~ea to r : eview anj a r:1on deemea app:opr1a·e by t~e ::>epq : :me:i c! .Justice . A cop y of these :.HMs w::l a l so be delivereo ::.c the :::ic.: ar- · o r-iey p r P~,.,- at t-;T MO. PlPa sP no te, o nce a partici.:: ar al l ega ::. ior: fron a parti c ul ar a eta:nee h as betn do c~~ente~. it ::e eJ net be docume nted aga i"l i f t:ie deta n1et .:-2pe ats the d:leg., :.1Jr,, ~n:ess theL e a r e ne·..· ue t d:!:o that we!,:: ?.c.. t ..;c,~,, t ye :! 11. : ne .:.:.i :. _a! :t;.,c rt . (UJ :::! t ht oe t <1 i:1ee al leges m1 ~c,mduc t :eg .. .:-ding c1 )o!:: e rr.p _o:;ee , tr.a t po r t i on o f t he LHM shoL :d be repo rted th r ough C!:f char:nel s f o r a ppr opri a t e r e [ e r r c1 :s. 8. Se:t ing ~e a a s ,, 1J =~ :rt, t r u.Jrl~ .:J t.hc :.n t e r vu.·w, t ~,e '>t"'le:- QC'C".i.-"-i · ,t.o ~, v u ~ j \,..._ ,mt!1.L • ~ t.:::c o· - u t:, 1t •f".t. .L fl l l tlu1" l.f.H l , ' cslr1e a 1n.:l..11.1u _. : , exFJ1 ..: 1 • c.::. <.1~!1 - r-(..-:-~n · e · o r "'t'!'ut r.r " nri tr • ('" r-,d• lnn ~ ...... ,~ ... ,1"'1 1 f"J ''"''\ do..: un,1n· Hl'S'T • . ,e, , 'if r• .. .1n ~ ! -J" 1 · itU5 .. t ed·::nen 4 Rel to 10011 , 10013, 10014, 10018, 10024 UNCLASSIFIED MEA-LHM-00001433 UNCLASSIFIED ~c : Re: CcJ~ te: : c rrc: i srr f r crr : Offi c e o ! • hP Ge nPr~l Co u~ se l 0 1/1 0 /2 007 (U) FBI a gen ts ~d Y set l e ads based 0 1. : ~e 1n: e r 'l - ~w~ d f te: ccns u l t a r ion w:tr OMC and/ or ;)QJ an c a tt o r neys !ro~ : he dppro pr i ate ln t ~: J1 g e ~c c age~cy. 5 Rel to 10011 , 10013, 10014, 10018, 10024 UNCLASSIFIED MEA-LHM-00001434 UNCLASSIFIED To: C:>un ::e =t e =r c =i sl'." Re: . . . . . . . . . . . 01/ : 3/7007 Fr :>rr.: 0 1 t 1ce of t.'le :.;cnerd l Counsel LEAD(a) : Set Lead 1 : (Action) COU~TERTERRORISM AT ITO~ ! (U) Dist=ibute ::c and brie f all Spec ia l Aqe n:s who will be conduct :ng the inte rviews on t~e outl i ned p r ocedures . Set Lead 2 : (Action) COUNTERTERRORIS~ AT :;..;MTANAMO a1w , C~BA (U) Distribute to ar.d brie f a ll Spe cial Agen:s who wi 11 be conduct1~ g the interviews on the oul l ined proced~res . •• 6 Rel to 10011 , 10013, 10014, 10018, 10024 UNCLASSIFIED MEA-LHM-00001435