U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20416 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR November 28, 2017 Mr. Austin Evers American Oversight 1030 15th Street, NW, Suite B255 Washington, DC 20005 foia@americanoversight.org Dear Mr. Evers, This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act request No. 2017-001500 in which you have requested the following: Records suf?cient to identify each time the Administrator has booked or used any air travel other than scheduled, commercial service for of?cial government business, including use of government~owned or government- leased aircraft, chartered aircraft, or aircraft owned by a business entity or private individual. For purposes of this request, travel is ?for of?cial government business? if the travel involves attendance or participation at any meeting or event within the purview of the Administrator?s of?cial duties, even if some or most of the trip involves personal activities. SBA has performed a search of its records and has attached all records responsive to your request. The records are being released with redactions pursuant to FOIA Exemption 2. Exemption 2 of the FOIA exempts ?om mandatory disclosure records that are ?related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency.? The redacted information consists of internal codes used for accounting purposes and is of a trivial nature that is not of any genuine public interest. If you are dissatis?ed with the Agency?s decision, you may ?le an administrative appeal within 90 days of the date of this letter to: Of?ce of Hearings and Appeals Attention: Delorice Ford, FOIA Of?cer 409 3rd Avenue, SW 8th Floor Washington, DC 20416 If you are unable to resolve your 01A dispute through our OIA Public Liaison in the Of?ce of Hearings and Appeals, the Of?ce of Government Information Services (OGIS), the Federal FOIA Ombudsman?s of?ce, offers mediation services to help resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies. The contact information for OGIS is: Of?ce of Government Information Services National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphj College Park, MD 20740-6001 9W ogis.archives.gov 202-74 1 -5 770 877-684-6448 Sincerely, i '1 Mary Anne ad?eld Chief of Staff AzmmismAT-smt AUTHORIZATIQN TO TEAVEL El YES NO 1, AUTHDREEYIGN A - EEK Elms: 2. NAME (Travelers Last. First. and Middie initial} . 1?11? McMahen, Linda E. 3. Sg?u?i 1:5. SBA Empioyaa? d. (at purpose, sidetripsi nemnalmueiifrequ?htuawier bene?ts, used. tame taken. an; Use aitachmema it more space nag-tied). Traveling with POTUS ta visit Faster Supply, inc. in 5. DATE Charlegton, WV $1325.17 5-- E925 (Check a? mat am?) WILL TRAVEL VIA AIR FORCE [3 Commn Cama?q Rental Car (mm; Appioved Hanger: 0% ms on ?ue; 1 [3 513661?? Air Force Que DISASTE E. (Check 1E QFFICIAL sin-non bigotry. State. Zip} TELEPHGHE Came-3mm (C) Emmoy (P) I: Irwitatianal DC 20416 262"205'5605 [3 ac [twisted Aalncatim [3 Classi?ed 11. APPROVAL (Check an that appiy} {iniijaii - :1 Emma?? (53 51399:?! (S) [3 QSR a] mat Sumgterme Approved Internatial?lai (F) :53 Training {13 Ci {linen Unilmited :1 Internatimal Approved I: [1591 Mag (3 Cf- Disaster (U) .3 Q??yer Other than {Bach ADDFOVEG W61 Mim?nn (it) 13 Site 19% Canterence Rate Appraved HnnFedera! Source piease compiate the sedicm beiorw if [3 .- ed Have: expenses are being paid in part nr in iota: by a ?3 ?53 5359 ?9??me Scarce. i3 Exam ATM hit-came Approved El Transpona?m waging El :1 other Ogher Appmve? 19415613 arm warmtus??camns must be attached mam specter amt. 12. (Temporary Duty Locations) Data Lodging Tani Fermi?! From TB {33.25.11 Andrews Air Farce Base thariegt-p-n, We! 0125 .1 1? Charlestan WV Andrew- Air Force Base Enigma in maintain the Minimum pg {gem 13. 00373 Emmet M?eiE, Lodging. Other Common Carrier (round trip} Rental Car 0?!th (SERIES. 915..) Tania! Estimateai Cost [:33 Nam: A?sr Eli} Eases at a single TDY point. me per diem wili be reduced to so pgrcent pf thE maximm "unless a waiver is appmed Ma?rnum Wm Auii'imizad :3 Please see the attached er the instructinns far the compiete Privacy Act statement. 2 Eng. TEASE {0198mm in be diargedi if 7915/1 f/r?r The pewsan named if! item 2 above is authorized to travel and to $th necessary travei EEpEnses in amrdance ?with the U. S. Cede Federal Travel Regulatians. and SBA pracadures as iimiied harem. I mf??r that the travel human has been reviewed and datenninpd tn he: essen?ai for the Emmplishment of the: Agen?ys and that Mutts aria: avaiiabie for ohiigatipn and Name an? 51?5- Name and Titie FORM . Ars 2n 1 1 uriginai to be submitted in m1 wouchar. Previous; Edition is Dbsuiete ani'es. - he he retaineawith udginaim af?ne and emp?omae. SBA-17-0414-A-000001 Document Header Information Document Type: VCHI Document VCH017962 Name: Travel TANUM025083 Trip Name: HUD Tour - Miami. FL Authorization Number: TA Date: 04I'26/l7 Currency: USD Organization: PAID Status: Purpose: 2] 10 -TDY (Non-Disastcr/Disaster) Document Traveling on the Department of Housing Urban Development Tour in Detail: Miami. FL. WILL RETURN TO DUTY LOCATION VIA PERSONAL PLANE AT NO COST TO THE Type Code: Traveler Pro?le Name: MCMAHON. LINDA ID: TID: Organization: I 01 IN ISTRATOR Duty Station: Card: CARD HOLDER Of?ce Address: 409 3rd Street, SW. Suite 7000
Washington, DC 20024 EMAIL: inda.mcmahon@sba.gov Of?ce Phone: 202-205-6605 Cell Phone: Home Address: Home Phone: 202?205?6605 Alternate Address: Alternate Phone: Document Information Trip Number: 1 Purpose: Traveling on the Department of Housing Urban Development Tour in Miami. FL. WILL RETURN TO DUTY LOCATION VIA PERSONAL PLANE AT NO COST TO THE Itinerary Locations From To Itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem Rates 04/121]? 04/13? 7 MIAMI. FL 2 10 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) 156.00 1? 64.00 Document Totals Total Expenses: 580.25 Reimbursable Expenses: 580.25 Non?Reimbursable Expenses: .00 Advance Applied: .00 Net to Traveler: 53 .20 Net to Government: .00 Pay to Charge Card: 49.05 Document Totals by Expense Category Expense Category Cost Advance Amount Com. Carrier 435.20 .00 M&lE-PerDiem 96.00 .00 Transxn Fees 49.05 .00 Total Expenses: 580.25 .00 Trip 1 Details Expenses Tripaf: 1 Total Non-Per Diem 484.25de Per Diem 96.00 i . . E?Pense?: Pate Desertpuon . Category Cost Pay Method Per Diem High! Com. Carrier HER ("ommentr Ilse has been wan ed. Approved memo attached. Traveler \xill be reimbursed for the Coach fare. (.Jne??A?ay (?oaeh l?are: $433.20 04?11?2017M&11i Mt?zlE?PerDiem 48.00 CASH-OTHER 1.14 13 201 3"Atldilioni11 Feex' Tl'itthl liees 34.30 113A M&1E-PerDiem 48.00 1112R Fees 14 7) 113A Per Diem Allowances 'l r'ip'zi 1 Total Per Diem Dole Rate [.ng Cost [.dg Allowed MSLIE Cost (14 13 21117 150.1111 64.1.10 (1.111} 0,110 48.1.11) 0413.201? 150.00 (14.00 0.00 0.00 414.00 Account Summary for the Selected Trip Urg: label: 524R?Jtit'mc?et Code: SBA HQ 21.111110 1-..vtpeuseCutegory: (em. Carrier Fiscal Year; Amount: 435.20 3017 Expense ('atL?L??ory?: NMHI?i-PerDiem 1"ixeul Year: Amount: L10.00 2017 [Expense Category: Transxn lees 1"iseul Year: Amount: 4905 2013' 101111: Payment Detail Information Organization Label String SBA IIQFZO 1 0 0 'l?otals by Label ?(1,00 l. i) (.?onf?lu 48.00 48.00 530.35 580.35 Payment Amount Method 531.30 BA 49.05 0131 Totals by Payment Method Attachments Mists Receipt Checklist Date Description 04 12 1? Airline Flight ('14 1251? M8111- 0-1'13'1? Additional Fees 0413 17" MAME 04 It? 17' Voucher I'Vee Audits Audit Name Result Document History 09/l3i?2017 VCHI: V?Cl-l017962 CASH (..l'1'111.R 531.30 Total Total 40.05 (Inst $411111) $34.30 54mm $14.75 Reason SBA-17-0414-A-000003 Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Coneur Inc. MCMAIION. LINDA E. 000739342 STATUS DATE TIME SIGNATURE NAME, 26 3017' SIGNED [14.36 20!? AUDIT PASS U4 3h 7 MMST IPM PENDING (14 2X 2017 RESERVED 3920!? 0(1- 1 3 Bill 7 I certify that the electronic signatures listed above are valid and on ?le SIGNED DATE Document Signatures "Inneler?l?relmrer Name: Traveler-?Prcparer Signature: Date: Apprm-?cr Approx er Signature: Dale: I5 A SON Document Header Information Document Type: Document Name: VCH018634 Travel Authorization Number: TANUM025739 Trip Name: UN - New York, NY TA Date: Currency: USD Organization: Current Status: PAID Purpose: 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster} Document Detailettending United Nations and media events in New York. NY Type Code: Traveler Profile Name: MCMAHON, LINDA ID: Organization: Duty Station: Card: CARD HOLDER Of?ce Address: 409 3rd Street, S.W. Suite 7000
Washington, DC 20024 EMAIL: linda.mcmahon@sba.gov Of?ce Phone: 202-205-6605 Cell Phone: Home Address: . Home Phone: 202-205-6605 Alternate Address: Alternate Phone: Document Information Trip Number: 1 Purpose: Attending United Nations and media events in New York, NY itinerary Locations From To itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem Rates 05/! Ill 7 05/12r?l NEW YORK. NY 21 10 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) 267.00/ 74.00 Document Totals Total Expenses: 492.84 Reimbursable Expenses: 492.84 Non-Reimbursable Expenses: .00 Advance Applied: .00 Net to Traveler: I 1.00 Net to Government: .00 Pay to Charge Card: 381.84 Document Totals by Expense Category Expense Category Cost Advance Amount Com. Carrier 55.20 .00 Lodging 3] [.89 .00 M&IE-PerDiem ll .00 .00 Transxn Fees l4.75 .00 Total Expenses: 492.84 .00 Trip 1 Details Expenses Trip#: Total Non'Per 4.84Total Per Diem 378.00 Diem Expenses: Expenses: :Date Description Category Cost Pay Method Per Diem 05/1112017Lodging Lodging 05/] l/2017Lodging Tax Lodging 44.89 IBA M&IE-PerDiem 55.50 :05112/2017Airline Flight Com. Carrier 55.20 One Way fare reimbursed. as traveler traveled to NY via private plane. Use of TMC has been waived. Approved memo attached. Traveler will be reimbursed for the TMC fare. SBA-17-0414-A-000005 55.50 CASH OTHER 7TDY Voucher Fee Tronsxn lees 14:75. Per Diem Allowances Tripii'. Total Per Diem Allou-?ttnces: Date Rate Cost Allowed M81111 Cost Allowed Conl?i?n If't5'll 3017' 26100 20100 55.50 55.50 26100-541?) [Hit] 0.00 55.50 55.50 Account Summary for the Selected Trip (Jig: Label: SBA H0 Fxpensc Category: Cont. Currier FlSL?tll Year: Amount: 55.20 EDI Category: Lodging Fiaettl Your: Amount: 3 lb") lUl? lixpense Category: Fiscal Year: Amount: LOU 2017 Category: Tranhxn Fee.? fiscal Year: Amount: I455 2017 Total: Payment Detail Information Organization Label Accounting String Payment Amount Method SBA 1 I too SBA _,tiQ__20m 13A 38 I .84 Totals by Label SBA ?3-84 Total Totals by Payment Method Hit) Total IBA 'lotitl Attachments Exists Receipt Checklist Date Description Cost (Jill lodging. Sift?3.01.) (15311317 Lodging lax $44.80 U5-ll M?tll: $55.50 IE AIR Airline Flight 355.2!) M?tll-I $55.50 (to I4 TDY Voucher Fee Sit-1.75 Audits Audit Name Result Reason Document Ilistor) 09/14/2017 VCHI: Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur lnc. MCMAHON, LINDA E. 000739342 LS DATE TIM F. NAME REASON L?RliAl'lzl) (it: [4301? SIG-NED Uh l4 2UP PASS lit: I5 APPROVED Uh Elli? Il?lPMliS'certify that the electronic signatures listed above are valid and on SIGNED DATE Document Signatures lander Piepurer Nam-c: Tz'm Preparer Signature: Date: \iumc: Signature Document Header Information Document Type: VCHI Document VC11018646 Name: Travel TAN UM026001 Trip Name: District Of?ce Small Business Visits - NJ Authorization Number: TA Date: 06/15? 7 Currency: USD Organization: PAID Status: Purpose: 2 l2 - Marketing and Outreach Document Speaking at the WCBS Newsradio Small Business Break fast. visit the District Detail: Of?ce, and visit local small businesses in New Jersey. WILL USE PERSONAL VEHICLE TO DEPART NEW Type Code: Traveler Pro?le Name: LINDA ID: Organization: Duty Station: Card: CARD HOLDER Of?ce Address: 409 3rd Street. SW. Suite 7000
Washington, DC 20024 EMAIL: linda.mcmahon@sba.g0v Of?ce Phone: 202?205-6605 Cell Phone: Home Address: . Home Phone: 202-205-6605 Alternate Address: Alternate Phone: Document Information Trip Number: Purpose: Speaking at the WCBS Newsradio Small Business Breakfast. visit the District Of?ce. and visit local small businesses in New Jersey. WILL USE PERSONAL VEHICLE TO DEPART NEW Itinerary Locations From To Itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem Rates 06f01/17 06/02/17 PARSIPPANY. NJ 21 12 - Marketing and Outreach 145.00 59.00 Document Totals Total Expenses: 540.28 Reimbursable Expenses: 540.28 Non-Reimbursable Expenses: .00 Advance Applied: .00 Net to Traveler: 88.50 Net to Government: .00 Pay to Charge Card: 45 i .78 Document Totals by Expense Category Expense Category Cost Advance Amount Com. Carrier 262.20 .00 Lodging 166.57 .00 M&lE-PerDiem 88.50 .00 Transxn Fees 23.01 .00 Total Expenses: 540.28 .00 Trip 1 Details Reservations Summary lReservation Type Vendor Ticket# Location SB A-1 7-04?1Q5?3t-000008 United 1003137926 262.20 'I'rip Itinerary From: DCA-Washington, DC (National Apt) TO: EWR-Newark. NJ (USA) (Newark Intl.. Apt) Air Thursday June 2017 DC to [?IWR-Newark, NJ (USA) {.Ve .lun l'll bttited 3315 Duration: I ?out Minutes {National Apt} 21H 7 Ncuai?k. intL. Apt} mot 7' (?nntirmution umber: (iK LREN Flight Distance Wh? miles Emissions 7?.2 lb.? Nu Scat Assigned (first 262.20 LSD Expenses Trip?'1: Total Nun?Pct Diem Diem .?U?ll Expenses: Date Description Category (7051 Pay Mclhod Per Diem l-ccs 8.26 Domestic-int! Flight ("0m Carrier 202.2tllBA PRIVATE AIRCRAFT Nii?d' Only onc?uuy nit'tiirc purchased. Lodging Uh. [Ii 20 1 7Lodging Tau. Lodging 2 M??clE-Pchicm 44.25 M?tltz?Pchic-in 44.25 (ASH 00.- IF 20] 7TDY Voucher Fee Truman Fees H.775 Per Diem Allowances 't rlp?: 1 Total Per Diem .r\fimxanccs: 233.5? Date Ratc Cost Allowed Cost Allowed 8 l) L?oni?i?u ma 45.U(i- 59.01) 145.00 Him] 44.25 44.25 1.1611220]? 145.00" 59.00 0.01) [1.00 44.25 44.25 Account Summary for the Selected Trip Ut?g: Inbcl: (Ride: 5?10.28 Expense Category: Com. ('urricr Year; .v . 2 2.- 7 category: Lodging Fiscal chr: Amount: No.57 20 i L'utcgoryr M?'tlii?Pchicm Fiscal Year: Amount: $8.50 EUI 7 {Apensc Cnicgot'y: l?cca Hacul Ycut?: Amount: 23.0! 20 7 Total: 540.25 Payment Detail Information Organization Label Accounting String Payment Amount Icthod SBA 83.50 SBA. HQ _2l) 010_ BA 45. i .78 'l iilals hy Lahcl Tutu! Totals by Payment Method ()TlilzR 15?in Total 'I?otal 45 JR Attachments Attuclnnents Exists Receipt Checklist Date Description Cost 05-30%? Travel Fee $8.20 7 AIR Flight $262.20 7 lodging Him) Uhr?tll 7 Lodging Tax 52 06501.]? .Vl?tlli S4425 (Jo-02?? ?34425 Uh: 5 Voucher Fee $14.75 Audits Audit Name Result Reason Document History 09/14/2017 VCHOI8646 Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur Inc. MCMAHON. LINDA E. 000739342 STATUS TIME SIGNATURE NAME REASON 0h: 7 UiliA SIGNED AliDl'l PASS Uh l5 ZIJI APPROVED 20!? PENDING FUNDS RESERVED 06517.20l? PAID I certify that the electronic signatures listed above are valid and on file SIGNED DATE Document Signatures 'l'rmeler. Preparer Mme: Traweler?l?rcpurer Signature: Dale: Approver Name: Apprm er Signature: Date: Document Header Information Document Type: VCH1 Travel Authorization Number: TA Date: Organization: Purpose: Type Code: TANUM025980 Document VCH019412 Name: Trip Name: SBA Ignite Tour - PA & Puerto Rico 08/02/17 Currency: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATORCurrent Status: 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) Document Detail: USD PAID Traveling on the SBA Ignite Tour; visiting the District Office, small businesses, and participating in roundtables and meetings with SBA partners in Puerto Rico. *TRAVELER TRAVELED VIA PRIVATE AIR AT NO COST TO THE AGENCY* 0000-Other Traveler Profile Name: TID: Duty Station: Office Address: Office Phone: Home Address: Alternate Address: MCMAHON, LINDA E 409 3rd Street, S.W. Suite 7000
Washington, DC 20024 202-205-6605 , ID: Organization: Card: EMAIL: Cell Phone: Home Phone: Alternate Phone: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR CARD HOLDER linda.mcmahon@sba.gov 202-205-6605 Document Information Trip Number: 1 Purpose: Traveling on the SBA Ignite Tour; visiting the District Office, small businesses, and participating in roundtables and meetings with SBA partners in Puerto Rico. *TRAVELER TRAVELED VIA PRIVATE AIR AT NO COST TO THE AGENCY* Itinerary Locations From To Itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem Rates 06/25/17 06/26/17 PITTSBURGH, PA 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) 129.00 / 54.00 06/26/17 06/28/17 SAN JUAN & NAV RES STA, PR 2120 - TDY International 167.00 / 88.00 Document Totals Total Expenses: Reimbursable Expenses: Non-Reimbursable Expenses: Advance Applied: Net to Traveler: Net to Government: Pay to Charge Card: 881.79 881.79 .00 .00 267.26 .00 614.53 Document Totals by Expense Category Expense Category Adjustments Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Other Reimb Charges Transxn Fees Total Expenses: Cost 15.24 524.42 267.26 60.12 14.75 881.79 Advance Amount .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Trip 1 Details SBA-17-0414-A-000011 Expenses Trip#: 1 Date Description 05/25/2017 Travel Fee Comment: OTRS Domestic-Intl w-Air-Rail 06/25/2017 Adjustments Comment: Room service charges deducted from M&IE and reimbursed to travel card. 06/25/2017 Lodging 06/25/2017 Lodging Tax 06/25/2017 M&IE Comment: Room service charges deducted from M&IE and reimbursed to travel card. 06/25/2017 Additional TMC Fees 06/26/2017 Lodging 06/26/2017 Lodging Tax 06/26/2017 M&IE 06/26/2017 Energy Charge/Resort Fee 06/27/2017 Lodging Tax 06/27/2017 Lodging 06/27/2017 M&IE 06/27/2017 Energy Charge/Resort Fee 06/28/2017 M&IE 08/02/2017 TDY Voucher Fee Total Non-Per Diem Expenses: Category 151.53 Total Per Diem Expenses: Cost Pay Method Transxn Fees 8.26 Adjustments 15.24 IBA Lodging Lodging M&IE-PerDiem 129.00 IBA 18.06 IBA 25.26 CASH/OTHER Transxn Fees Lodging Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Other Reimb Charges Lodging Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Other Reimb Charges M&IE-PerDiem Transxn Fees -8.26 IBA 167.00 IBA 21.68 IBA 88.00 CASH/OTHER 30.06 IBA 21.68 IBA 167.00 IBA 88.00 CASH/OTHER 30.06 IBA 66.00 CASH/OTHER 14.75 IBA 730.26 Per Diem IBA * * * * * * * Per Diem Allowances Trip#: 1 Date 06/25/2017 06/26/2017 06/27/2017 06/28/2017 Total Per Diem Allowances: Rate 129.00/ 167.00/ 167.00/ 167.00/ Ldg Cost 129.00 167.00 167.00 0.00 54.00 88.00 88.00 88.00 730.26 Ldg Allowed 129.00 167.00 167.00 0.00 M&IE Cost 25.26 88.00 88.00 66.00 M&IE Allowed 25.26 88.00 88.00 66.00 B L D Conf% Account Summary for the Selected Trip Org: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR Expense Category: Adjustments Label: 5248900 Acct Code: Expense Category: Lodging Expense Category: M&IE-PerDiem Expense Category: Other Reimb Charges Expense Category: Transxn Fees Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 881.79 Amount: 15.24 Amount: 524.42 Amount: 267.26 Amount: 60.12 Amount: 14.75 Total: 881.79 Payment Detail Information Organization Label SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 Accounting String Payment Amount Method /OTHER 267.26 IBA 614.53 Totals by Label SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 Total 881.79 Totals by Payment Method CASH/OTHER 267.26 SBA-17-0414-A-000012 Total IBA Total 614.53 Attachments Exists Attachments Receipt Checklist Date 05/25/17 06/25/17 06/25/17 06/25/17 06/25/17 06/26/17 06/26/17 06/26/17 06/26/17 06/27/17 06/27/17 06/27/17 06/27/17 06/28/17 08/02/17 Description Travel Fee Adjustments Lodging Lodging Tax M&IE Lodging Lodging Tax M&IE Energy Charge/Resort Fee Lodging Tax Lodging M&IE Energy Charge/Resort Fee M&IE TDY Voucher Fee Cost $8.26 $15.24 $129.00 $18.06 $25.26 $167.00 $21.68 $88.00 $30.06 $21.68 $167.00 $88.00 $30.06 $66.00 $14.75 Audits Audit Name Result Reason Document History 09/14/2017 VCH1: VCH019412 Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur Inc. MCMAHON, LINDA E. 000739342 STATUS CREATED SIGNED RETURNED ADJUSTED SIGNED AUDIT PASS APPROVED PENDING FUNDS RESERVED PAID DATE 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/02/2017 08/04/2017 TIME 1:21PMEST 1:30PMEST 1:40PMMST 1:41PMEST 1:44PMEST 1:47PMMST 1:49PMEST 1:49PMEST 2:13PMEST 6:58AMEST SIGNATURE NAME REASON S I certify that the electronic signatures listed above are valid and on file ________________________________________ _____________ SIGNED DATE Document Signatures Traveler/Preparer Name: Traveler/Preparer Signature: Date: Approver Name: Approver Signature: Date: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ SBA-17-0414-A-000013 Document Header Information Document Type: VCH1 Travel Authorization Number: TA Date: Organization: Purpose: Type Code: TANUM027304 Document VCH019360 Name: Trip Name: Ignite Tour - OR, WA, & AK 08/01/17 Currency: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATORCurrent Status: 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) Document Detail: USD PAID Traveling on the Ignite Tour in Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, and Anchorage, AK. **USE OF TMC HAS BEEN WAIVED. APPROVED MEMO ATTACHED. TRAVELER WILL BE REIMBURSED FOR THE TMC COACH FARE.** **TRAVELER RETURNING TO DUTY STATION VIA PRIVATE AIR** 0000-Other Traveler Profile Name: TID: Duty Station: Office Address: Office Phone: Home Address: Alternate Address: MCMAHON, LINDA E 409 3rd Street, S.W. Suite 7000
Washington, DC 20024 202-205-6605 , ID: Organization: Card: EMAIL: Cell Phone: Home Phone: Alternate Phone: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR CARD HOLDER linda.mcmahon@sba.gov 202-205-6605 Document Information Trip Number: 1 Purpose: Traveling on the Ignite Tour in Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, and Anchorage, AK. **USE OF TMC HAS BEEN WAIVED. APPROVED MEMO ATTACHED. TRAVELER WILL BE REIMBURSED FOR THE TMC COACH FARE.** **TRAVELER RETURNING TO DUTY STATION VIA PRIVATE AIR** Itinerary Locations From To Itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem Rates 07/17/17 07/18/17 PORTLAND, OR 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) 169.00 / 64.00 07/18/17 07/19/17 SEATTLE, WA 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) 240.00 / 74.00 07/19/17 07/21/17 ANCHORAGE [INCL NAV RES], AK 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) 229.00 / 94.00 Document Totals Total Expenses: Reimbursable Expenses: Non-Reimbursable Expenses: Advance Applied: Net to Traveler: Net to Government: Pay to Charge Card: 2,390.58 2,390.58 .00 .00 1,300.20 .00 1,090.38 Document Totals by Expense Category Expense Category Com. Carrier Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Transxn Fees Total Expenses: Trip 1 Details Cost 919.70 1,075.63 380.50 14.75 2,390.58 Advance Amount .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 SBA-17-0414-A-000014 Expenses Trip#: 1 Date Description 07/17/2017 Airline Flight Comment: **USE OF TMC HAS BEEN WAIVED. APPROVED MEMO ATTACHED. TRAVELER WILL BE REIMBURSED FOR THE TMC COACH FARE.** 07/17/2017 Lodging Comment: Approved Actual Subsistence Request memo attached 07/17/2017 Lodging Tax 07/17/2017 M&IE 07/18/2017 Lodging 07/18/2017 Lodging Tax 07/18/2017 M&IE 07/19/2017 Lodging 07/19/2017 Lodging Tax 07/19/2017 M&IE 07/20/2017 Lodging 07/20/2017 Lodging Tax 07/20/2017 M&IE 07/21/2017 M&IE 08/01/2017 TDY Voucher Fee Total Non-Per Diem Expenses: Category 1,066.43 Total Per Diem Expenses: Cost Pay Method Com. Carrier 919.70 CASH/OTHER Lodging 245.65 IBA Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Lodging Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Lodging Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Lodging Lodging M&IE-PerDiem M&IE-PerDiem Transxn Fees 37.58 48.00 240.00 39.44 74.00 229.00 27.48 94.00 229.00 27.48 94.00 70.50 14.75 1,324.15 Per Diem * IBA CASH/OTHER IBA IBA CASH/OTHER IBA IBA CASH/OTHER IBA IBA CASH/OTHER CASH/OTHER IBA * * * * * * * * Per Diem Allowances Trip#: 1 Date 07/17/2017 07/18/2017 07/19/2017 07/20/2017 07/21/2017 Total Per Diem Allowances: Rate 169.00/ 240.00/ 229.00/ 229.00/ 229.00/ Ldg Cost 245.65 240.00 229.00 229.00 0.00 64.00 74.00 94.00 94.00 94.00 1,324.15 Ldg Allowed 245.65 240.00 229.00 229.00 0.00 M&IE Cost 48.00 74.00 94.00 94.00 70.50 M&IE Allowed 48.00 74.00 94.00 94.00 70.50 B L D Conf% Account Summary for the Selected Trip Org: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR Expense Category: Com. Carrier Expense Category: Lodging Expense Category: M&IE-PerDiem Expense Category: Transxn Fees Label: 5248900 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Acct Code: 2,390.58 Amount: 919.70 Amount: 1,075.63 Amount: 380.50 Amount: 14.75 Total: 2,390.58 Payment Detail Information Organization Label Accounting String SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 Payment Amount Method CASH/OTHER 1,300.20 0 IBA 1,090.38 Totals by Label SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 1 Total 2,390.58 Totals by Payment Method CASH/OTHER 1,300.20 Total IBA Total 1,090.38 SBA-17-0414-A-000015 Attachments Exists Attachments Receipt Checklist Date 07/17/17 07/17/17 07/17/17 07/17/17 07/18/17 07/18/17 07/18/17 07/19/17 07/19/17 07/19/17 07/20/17 07/20/17 07/20/17 07/21/17 08/01/17 Description AIR Airline Flight Lodging Lodging Tax M&IE Lodging Lodging Tax M&IE Lodging Lodging Tax M&IE Lodging Lodging Tax M&IE M&IE TDY Voucher Fee Cost $919.70 $245.65 $37.58 $48.00 $240.00 $39.44 $74.00 $229.00 $27.48 $94.00 $229.00 $27.48 $94.00 $70.50 $14.75 Audits Audit Name Result Reason Document History 09/14/2017 VCH1: VCH019360 Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur Inc. MCMAHON, LINDA E. 000739342 STATUS CREATED SIGNED ADJUSTED SIGNED AUDIT PASS ADJUSTED SIGNED AUDIT PASS APPROVED PENDING FUNDS RESERVED PAID DATE 08/01/2017 08/09/2017 08/09/2017 08/09/2017 08/10/2017 08/22/2017 08/22/2017 08/23/2017 08/28/2017 08/28/2017 08/28/2017 08/30/2017 TIME 7:04AMEST 10:38AMEST 10:53AMMST 10:55AMMST 1:22PMMST 11:14AMEST 12:11PMEST 9:35AMEST 2:05PMEST 2:06PMEST 2:29PMEST 7:01AMEST SIGNATURE NAME REASON I certify that the electronic signatures listed above are valid and on file ________________________________________ _____________ SIGNED DATE Document Signatures Traveler/Preparer Name: Traveler/Preparer Signature: Date: Approver Name: Approver Signature: Date: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ SBA-17-0414-A-000016 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AUTHORIZATION TO TRAVEL 1. AUTHORIZATION BFY FUND 2. NAME (Travelers Last, First, and Middle Initial) 1717 - McMahon, Linda E. 3. SOCIAL SECURITY SBA Employee? 4. DESCRIPTION (of purpose, side tn'ps, personal travel. frequent traveler bene?ts used, leave taken, etc. Use attachments if more space needed). Meeting with POTUS in Bedminster, NJ. 5. DEPART DATE RETURN DATE 08.17.17 I 08.17.17 WELL VIA PREVATE AER POV AT MG THE 6. MODE (Check all that apply) El Common Carrier (C) I3 Rental Car (L) (Initial Approved 7. MBER 0F DAYS 0N TRAVEL I 1 Other (2) Specify mate ?mm" s. DISASTER 9. PURPOSE (Check all that apply) 10. (City, State, Zip) 15W El Conference (C) Emergency (P) Ci Invitational (W) Washington, DC 20416 202?205-6605 DC Directed (D) Relocation (R) Ciassi?ed 11. SPECIAL (Check all that apply) (initial) Entitlement (E) CI Speech (5) CI QSR (Y) El Actual Subsistence Approved I3 International (F) Training (1) Open Unlimited I3 International El Info Meeting (1) El Disasterw) El Other (2) [1 Other than Coach Approved Special Mission (M) CI Site Visit (V) . Conference Rate .. .. source. El Excess ATM Advance Approved Transportation Lodging El MME El Other El Other Approved initials and approved justi?cations must be attached for each special approval. 12. ITINERARY (Temporary Duty Locations) Date Lodging NINE Total Pei-Diem From To 08.17.17 Washington, DC Bedminster, NJ Bedminster, NJ Washinhgton. DC Note: After 90 days at a single TDY point, the per diem will be reduced to 60 percent of the maximum unless a waiver is approved by the CFO or designee to maintain the maximum per diem. HyperLink to PD rates: GSA Website for Qer diem rates 13. ESTIMATED COSTS 14. ATM ADVANCE Ground Transportation Maximum Amount Authorized Lodging. Other (P) Common Carrier (round trip) (3) GSA CitgPaig Rental Car Please see the attached comment or the instructions for the Other (CBAIMC. GTR, etc.) complete Privacy Act statement. Total Estimated Cost 15. ACCOUNTING CODE (Organization to be charged) 16. SIGNATURE 2/ The person named in item 2 above is authorized to travei?and to injur necessary travel expenses in accordance with the U.S. Code, Federal Travel Regulations, and SBA procedures, as limited here n. i certify that the travel hereon has been reviewed and determined to be essential for the accomplishment of the Agency's mlssioniprograms and that funds are available for obligation and 17. SIGNATURE 18. AUTHORLZING SIGNATURE CAJ Mfg/1%? . Name and my Name and Title SBA FORM 21a (co-o4) Ref SOP 20 11 Original to be submitted to DFCIAAD with voucher. Previous Edition is Obsolete Copies - to be retained with originating of?ce and employee. SBA-17-0414-A-000017 Document Header Information Document Type: VCH1 Travel Authorization Number: TA Date: Organization: TANUM028903 Purpose: Type Code: Document VCH020235 Name: Trip Name: Hurricane Harvey - MO & TX 09/08/17 Currency: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATORCurrent Status: 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) Document Detail: USD PAID Traveling with POTUS to visit areas afflicted by Hurricane Harvey. **TRAVELER WILL TRAVEL TO SPRINGFIELD, MO VIA AIR FORCE ONE AT NO COST TO THE AGENCY** 0000-Other Traveler Profile Name: TID: Duty Station: Office Address: Office Phone: Home Address: Alternate Address: MCMAHON, LINDA E 409 3rd Street, S.W. Suite 7000
Washington, DC 20024 202-205-6605 , ID: Organization: Card: EMAIL: Cell Phone: Home Phone: Alternate Phone: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR CARD HOLDER linda.mcmahon@sba.gov 202-205-6605 Document Information Trip Number: 1 Purpose: Traveling with POTUS to visit areas afflicted by Hurricane Harvey. **TRAVELER WILL TRAVEL TO SPRINGFIELD, MO VIA AIR FORCE ONE AT NO COST TO THE AGENCY** Itinerary Locations From To Itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem Rates 08/30/17 08/31/17 DALLAS, TX 2110 -TDY (Non-Disaster/Disaster) 135.00 / 64.00 Document Totals Total Expenses: Reimbursable Expenses: Non-Reimbursable Expenses: Advance Applied: Net to Traveler: Net to Government: Pay to Charge Card: 1,030.40 1,030.40 .00 .00 822.28 .00 208.12 Document Totals by Expense Category Expense Category Adjustments Com. Carrier Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Transxn Fees Total Expenses: Cost 38.12 764.40 155.25 57.88 14.75 1,030.40 Advance Amount .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Trip 1 Details Expenses Trip#: 1 SBA-17-0414-A-000018 Total Non-Per Diem 837.52 Total Per Diem Expenses: Expenses: 192.88 Date Description 08/30/2017 Airline Flight Comment: **USE OF TMC HAS BEEN WAIVED. APPROVED MEMO ATTACHED. TRAVELER WILL BE REIMBURSED FOR THE TMC COACH FARE.** 08/30/2017 Lodging 08/30/2017 Lodging Tax 08/30/2017 M&IE 08/31/2017 Adjustments Comment: Room service charges deducted from per diem and reimbursed to travel card. 08/31/2017 M&IE Comment: Room service charges deducted from per diem and reimbursed to travel card. 09/08/2017 TDY Voucher Fee Category Cost Pay Method Com. Carrier 764.40 CASH/OTHER Lodging Lodging M&IE-PerDiem Adjustments 135.00 IBA 20.25 IBA 48.00 CASH/OTHER 38.12 IBA * M&IE-PerDiem 9.88 * Transxn Fees 14.75 IBA CASH/OTHER Per Diem * Per Diem Allowances Trip#: 1 Date 08/30/2017 08/31/2017 Total Per Diem Allowances: Rate 135.00/ 64.00 135.00/ 64.00 Ldg Cost 135.00 0.00 192.88 Ldg Allowed 135.00 0.00 M&IE Cost 48.00 9.88 M&IE Allowed 48.00 9.88 B L D Conf% Account Summary for the Selected Trip Org: SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR Expense Category: Adjustments Expense Category: Com. Carrier Expense Category: Lodging Expense Category: M&IE-PerDiem Expense Category: Transxn Fees Label: 5248900 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Fiscal Year: 2017 Acct Code: 1,030.40 Amount: 38.12 Amount: 764.40 Amount: 155.25 Amount: 57.88 Amount: 14.75 Total: 1,030.40 Payment Detail Information Organization Label Accounting String SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 Payment Amount Method CASH/OTHER 822.28 IBA 208.12 Totals by Label SBA_HQ_201010_ADMINISTRATOR5248900 Total 1,030.40 Totals by Payment Method CASH/OTHER 822.28 Total IBA Total 208.12 Attachments Exists Attachments Receipt Checklist Date 08/30/17 08/30/17 08/30/17 08/30/17 08/31/17 Description AIR Airline Flight Lodging Lodging Tax M&IE Adjustments Cost $764.40 $135.00 $20.25 SBA-17-0414-A-000019 $48.00 $38.12 08/31/17 09/08/17 M&IE TDY Voucher Fee $9.88 $14.75 Audits Audit Name Result Reason Document History 10/11/2017 VCH1: VCH020235 Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur Inc. MCMAHON, LINDA E. 000739342 STATUS CREATED SIGNED AUDIT PASS APPROVED PENDING FUNDS RESERVED PAID DATE 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/10/2017 09/10/2017 09/10/2017 09/12/2017 TIME 10:44AMEST 11:08AMEST 11:12AMMST 11:36AMEST 11:36AMEST 12:03PMEST 6:59AMEST SIGNATURE NAME REASON I certify that the electronic signatures listed above are valid and on file ________________________________________ _____________ SIGNED DATE Document Signatures Traveler/Preparer Name: Traveler/Preparer Signature: Date: Approver Name: Approver Signature: Date: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ SBA-17-0414-A-000020 SMALL AUTHORIZATION TO TRAVEL II EB: FUND 2. NAME (Travelers Last. First. I 131 a . McMahon, Linda E. .3- I 061 5- I SBA Employee?? IL RIPTIDN (DI purpese, side personEIhEveI, frequent traveIEr bene?ts mien, Etc. Use anachmems if more space needed). Travelmg POTUS ta Hurrmane Marla Impacted II. EI-EPART DATE RETURN IZIATE Rica. 10831? I ?maxi? '5 {Chm 3? ?In? app?) WILL TRAVEL VIA AIR FORCE Cemmn (C) Rental Car?.) Appmvee RUMEER as ON I 1 a SMI Air Farce Dn? 3. 9. PURPOSE ICheck Ramp-pm ICIR. State. TELEPHOHEIE (CJ Emargenw (P) In?ta?enali??) DC 20416 Egg-2056505 a :3 Helm I: named 11?- EMPEGIAL (Ch?tk AI ItI??t 89m?) Inn-1'55} - E3 Enwemmf?} CI Spams} QSR Apmoved Inmari-nnai?? a memes-I Oanr?lmIzed I IntemamnaI Approved Rafa Meeting Sigmriu} GIMME) DmErtIIaxtCeach 59!)me Cl Site mam 5 Conference Rate I: AMER Apartm- mum. I?j EREEI ATM mace Approved I3 magma AWE {j 031E I3 mner Appmved and womI?IIs??ca-?ms mustbe BWLI ?359? WEI EWEI IE. ITINERARY ?emparary Duty mate Lndging RIEIE Tutsi I From Ta 13.03.12? Andrewa Air Force Base San uan, Puerte RIEE 13.1.93 3 San uan Fuerte Rica Andrews Air Force Base Rm. Bi) 68333! a TDY pain: {he pa! diam will he reduced ?1550 6f HIE Inaximm miles; a Is 3;)er by the CFC) a: designee to the maximum per diem. to PD rates: "W232i? I13. ESTIMATE-.5 COSTS 14. AT. . ADVA .CE Gmund Transportation maximum Amt Authorized E: MEIE. LedgingI Other Common Carrier (reund trip} i Rem Car I Rtease see the attached cammertt the EBAEI fer the (CBASMCI GTE. compiete PRvacy A53 statement Estimatea Cost It? AEQQUNTIR 1an be charged] 16.. TRAVELERS SIGNATURE The person med in Item 2 abcve IE authorized to trawl End cur nEcEEsaIy expenses In amrdenee with the Cede RaguiatiunsI and SBA procedures, as Iimiie? heraun. I that the travel hereon has been reviewed and determined It: be essential far the accompIIshmenI of the Agencys missionipro-grame and mat funds are avaiiame for ebliga?I13. AUTHQRIZIHG SIGNATURE WV DIM, (I. II Name ancII Name and Title SEA FORM 21Emmitted DFCIAAD wi?'l voucher. Review: Editiun is Ubwlefe Bahia; - to he WEE-with arigina?ng af?ne and empbyaz. SBA-17-0414-A-000021