1.: 1! . Mr. Tolson Mr. Felt Mr. Rosen Mr. Molar Mr. Bishop Mr. Miller, E.S. JG Mr. Callahan Mr. Casper Mr. Conrad Mr. Dalbey Mr. Cleveland if Mr. Ponder Mr. Bates Mr. Waikurt '11: WEB 141972 T9191 Miss 0111?, H- M. It"! TELETYPE UNIT I . -I Miss Gamiy A - ?a e: or Il CODE URGENT w, 1 - W. B. 1121121311 2/3/72 T0 SAC, NEW YORK FROM DIRECTOR FBI FATEER EDWARD KEVIR DALY, IS-IRELAHD. 1 -- J. 11. Havanagh {Vi/l i 49;, 1 WNDON OR FEBRUARY 213' ADVISEQKRHAT b7D BALY, A CATHOLIC IN BERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND, FIGURED PROHINEHTLY "moon? 3mm?? AT 1.021130111233121? on JANUARY THIRTY ammo mm THIRTEEN mom manmom awn-m A BRIDE-SOME AND DENOUNGING 11111133151030? BRITISH mamas. 1mm 12:22 was ms on TEE gamer: IHBICATED mm .311st VISIT mm 2m momemm mm: AGAINST 331mm INTERESTS. 0N MBRUARY TEREE NINETEEN RECORDS 20F AERICAN EMBASSY norm, REFLECTED mm A Bums wax-ma VISA was 1:3st To mm 8mm mm . mm mun DEPART 101213011; more NEW mm: on mam SEVEN 2:12:39 To ARRIVE mm: mm; ma pm FEBRUARY TEREE . 1 11 mm 4 1972) If, i? i131 7'35? {Kn/1 f? lb? \lr, -1 MAIL ROOM WM b7E b3 ?51? 1" mum?m - n: my: ?mmummsum-vs W. mmanAsmr-m. mm. mm. munFILES Iqo INFORMATION IDENTIFIABLE WITH SUBJECT. A I IF ACTIVITIES INDICATE HE IS IN VIOLATION OF THE . FOREIGN AGENTS REGISTRATION ACT, THIS SECULD BE ADDED To THE CHARACTER. "Hr-x. Mr. Mr. BUREAU, OF. :mvesnom am, . Mr. COMMUNICATIONS, SECTO OM Mr. Miller, Fl? 53 197? $2521? Mr. Mr Dalbcy . . . MI. Mr. Ponder Mr. Mr. Waikdrt_.__. . Mr. Walkers Mr. STATE 634 3 Telo. Miss Holmesm ?mas PM URGENT 2-3-72 cm mama? To Enema NR met-ms b6 FROM LEGAT LONDON 2P 1378 I FATHER EDWARD KEVIN W. ON FEBRUARY THREE INSTANT b7? DALY, A CATHOLIC PRIEST IN BERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND, FIGURED PROMINENTLY IN THE DEMONSTRATION AT LONDONDERRY ON JANUARY THIRTY LAST WHEN THIRTEEN PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES. DALY WAS IN THE FOREFRONT WAVING A BLOOD-SCARED HANDKEROHIEF AND DENOUNCING THE PRESENCE OF BRITISH TROOPS. LATER HE WAS VEHEMENT IN HIS ON BRITISH TELEVISION. THE SOURCE DALY NI )k REC-66 VISIT THE U.. S. FOR PROPAGANDA AIMEE NEAINST BRITISH INTERESIS. ON FEBRUARY THREE INSTANT RECORDS OF AMERICAN EMBASSY, Edi 53 FEB 1972 LONDON, REFLECTED THAT A B-TWO VISITOR VISA WAS ISSUED TO DALY ?gal. DATE. DALY STATED WOULD DEPART LONDON FOR NEW YORK ON A FLIGHT SEVEN ZERO THREE TO ARRIVE NEW YORK TWO THIRTYFIVE PM FEBRUARY THREE. 7 END PAGE ONE PAGE TWO HE SAID HE PLANNED A THREE WEEKS VISIT. TO NEW YORK BUT DECLINE TD ELABORATE ON HIS PLANS. HE WAS ACCOMPANIED BY ONE SEAN PUBLIC RELATIONS THE IRISH ANSPORI COMPANYAT DUBLIN, NOT OTHERWISE IDENTIFIED. :l wf?r A gin-AX.? ADMINISTRATIVE: ?j - 1" SOURCE ISI b7C b7!) END 3RD CC: MR. . 5:21:25 PM URGENT 2-3-72 4 I runSTATE 665 T0 min-ms FROM LONDON 2P IS-IRELAND. FEELWE FATHER EDWARD KEVIN 0N FEBRUARY THREE INSTANT DALY, A CATHOLIC PRIEST IN DERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND, FIGURED PRONINENTLY IN THE DEMONSTRATION AT LONDONDERRY ON JANUARY THIRTY LAST WHEN THIRTEEN PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES. DALY WAS IN THE FOREFRONT NAVING A BLOOD-SOAKED HANDKERCHIEF AND DENOUNCING THE PRESENCE OF BRITISH TROOPS. LATER HE NAS VEHEMENT IN HIS ON BRITISH TELEVISION. THE SOURCE INDICATED DALY WISHED TO VISIT THE D. S. FOR PROPAGANDA AINED AGAINST BRITISH INTERESTS. ON FEBRUARY THREE INSTANT RECORDS OF AMERICAN EMBASSY, LONDON, REFLECTED THAT A B-TNO VISITOR VISA NAS ISSUED TO DALY DALY STATED NOULD DEPART LONDON FOR NEW YORK ON EQME DATE. A FLIGHT SEVEN ZERO THREE TO ARRIVE NEN Mr. Tole. Room??L Miss Miran Gamay . Clevelandm? Touch-m Mohr Casper Conrad-m Daiboy Ponder Waikm?t Waltersm, Soycms Bishop .. Miller, Callahcx b7D FEBRUARY THREE. . 1 END PAGE ONE 359591 f??n b6 b7C PAGE TWO HE SAID HE PLANNED A THREE WEEKS VISIT TO NEW YORK DECLINED LABORATE ON HIS PLANS. WAS ACCOMPANIED BY ONE IRISH TRANSPORT COMPANY AT DUBLIN, NOT OTHER IDENTIFIED. NEN YORK OEEICE FOLLOW AND REPORT ACTIVITIES. HE LISTS DATE OF BIRTH AS DECEMBER FIVE, NINETEEN COUNTY DONEGAL, IRELAND, AND IS DESCRIBED AS WHITE MALE, BLACK HAIR, GRAY EYES, SIX FEET TALL. HE HOLDS IRISH PASSPORT NO. TNO FIVE SIX FIVE THREE ONE ISSUED AT DUBLIN JUNE ONE NINE SIX SEVEN. END 3RD CC: AME b6 b7C Department of Mt :71 PAGE O1 LONDON grams O312512 53 ACTION voaas x- b7E INPO OCT-O1 EUR-O6 v39 INS-Os 33. @1 sso-OO 72 FM AMEMBASSY LONDON TO SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 554 INt-?o AMEMBASSY DUBLIN 6%,94? {ft/[J cw?ut? . . A LOND lame?~ 1o VISAS: ng: RA tagga DONEGAL: ?mm SUBJECT: GAINED BERRY Rloms: ISSUED VISA AT LONDON VALTD SINGLE I ENTRY AUGUST 3. r972. PLANS ENTER.AT NEW YORK FEB ARY 3 TWA ARRIVINO 1?35 HRS. LOCAL 5' FAWHER.QALEY: TRAVELING IN COMPANY 141/ 5? STATES PURPOSE OF TRIP T0 VISIT FRIENDS. HE REFUSED TO FRIENDS AND MAKE PUBLIC APPEARANCES CONNECTION BERRY DUBLIN DEROGATORY INFO CONCEPNTNO SUBJECT AND REQUESTED b7E b3 LONDON exVE ISSUANCE VTEW IRISH MINISTRY 0F FINANCE EXENP me E?L?ga nun-l# NOT RECORDED 2 FEB 3 1972 74 hiya? OSFEB 1mm FORM NO. 10 MAY 1982 EDITION GSA FPMR (41 CFR) ?1 . UNITED STGS GOVERNMENT . Mem 0 ndum TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 2/ 2 4 7 2 FROM Wen-x0, NEW YORK (C) if ?3 - FATHEB EDWARD KEVIN DALY ?1 IS-IRELAND I?/jgl/ - . .. ,5 4,5, ReButeletype to New York, dated 2/3/72, captioned 7 as above. Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of an 5 LI-IM setting forth results of investigation conducted a regarding the recent trip of Father DALY to New York City. A K, - . is identii??: MD London, England. NY T-2, mentioned in the enclosed ha Air Lingus, New York City. b7c b7D The enclosed LEM has been classified in ordenrto protect sources of continuing value. a. 3. mgw. b7E 133 -- Bureau (Encls . 5) (RM) 5 - New York . 2 FEB 28 1972 FJO:ebc Raf . .uu?I-I' (3 2, /cc 42% S/bm 7?0 Lana/ax) 3/7/72, - ?Vi/l Buy .5 . Saving: Bonds Regularly on #96 Payroll Savings Plan j? . 30,0403 .. *7 . ITED STATES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to New York, new. York mane February 24, 1972 Father Edward Kevin Daly Internal Security - Ireland NY T-l, a confidential source abroad, on February 3, 1972, advised that Father Edward Kevin Daly, a Catholic Priest from.Londonderry, Northern Ireland, was a,prominent figure in the "Bloody Sunday? Demonstration which took place in Londonderry on January 30, 1972, when thirteen people were killed. NY T?l advised that Father Daly was in the forefront of the demonstration waving a blood-soaked handkerchief and denounced the presence of the British troops in Ireland. NY T-l also stated that Father Daly later appeared on British television and was very vehement in his denounciations. further stated that Father Daly desired to visit the United States for prepaganda reasons aimed against British interests. The records 0 the American Embassy, London; England, reflected that B-2 Visa was issued to Father Daly on February 3, 1972, and that Father Daly was scheduled to depart London for New York City on that date aboard Trans World Airlines (TWA), Flight Number 703. Father Daly was scheduled to arrive in New YOrk at 2:35 on February 3, 1972. Records of the Emerican Embassy, London, England, also reflected that at the time Father Daly applied for his visa, he indicated he had a plih?br?a three week visit to New York, but declined to elaBOrate further on his plans. Father Daly was accompanied on the trip by Sean Public Relations and Publicity for the Irish Transport Company, Dublin, Ireland. CONFID IAL 0 m_ Ex uded from automatic 6?4 2 g' do rading and de 1 ssification. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Inves?g?tion (FBI). It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distribute ndside your agency b7E b3 ?In?quy l: ?mu-3 {27? Father Edward Kevin Daly The February 5, 1972 issue of the New Yerk Daily News on Page Six carried a story entitled, "Soldiers? Fire Needless: Priest This news story reported the interview of Father Eamon jwaly_who is?Londonderry parish priest, who in August,?l971 aved a British policeman from an Irish mob and who has regu arly denounced Irish Republic Army (IRA) terrorism. This article reported that Father Daly arrived in New York on ruary 3, 1972, for the purpose of rebutting the claims that British soldiers who killed the thirteen demonstrators i? Londonderry on January 30, 1972, had been provoked by sniper fire. A news story stated that Father Daly related that the story stating that the British Army firaaback in retaliation is totally untrue. Father Daly stated that the demonstration in Londonderry on January 30, 1972, had already begun to disperse and that the threat of a riot had Evaporated by the time the British paratrooPers opened ire. Father Daly, when interviewed at the Roosevelt Hotel where he was staying during his visit to New York related that his expenses for his trip were being paid by the government of the Republic of Ireland and that he was in New York in order to give the American peOple an eye?witness account of "What Really Happened" in Londonderry, on January 30, 1972. Father Daly also related that besides the thirteen who were killed during the demonstration, another seventeen were wounded on "Bloody Sunday" in Londonderry. Father Daly estimated that approximately fifteen thousand people had gathered, dispite..? government decree banning the rally, in order to protest the internment by the Unionist Government of 700 suspected members of the IRA. This demonstration - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL -- 5 ?i Father Edward Kevin Daly was also to hear an address by the fiery Catholic militant Bernadette Devlin. Father Daly reported that about forty demonstrators had thrown rocks at British tr00ps who retaliated with water canon and tear gas. Father Daly stated that the?crowd was dispersing in the face of this when paratroopers opened fire from the t0p of a building, wounding an old man and a boy. Father Daly stated he began running when three armed cars burst into the street where he was standing. A young boy about fifteen ran beside him. Father Daly then stated that suddenly there was a dreadful fusillade of gunfire behind him and the boy fell down from this fire. Father Daly gave the boy last rights and tried to stem the flow of blood with his handkerchief. Father Daly also advised that he hoped that the American Government would intercede in order to bring peace in Northern Ireland. Father Daly said that no co? try can stand by and let unarmed marchers, men,womdn and ch? dren, be attacked by armed paratrOOpers. The February 12, 1972 edition of "the A ocate", a weekly newspaper, reported that Father Edwardw?aly oijaint Eugene's-Parish, Derry, Northern Ireland, was??fiag extensive coverage both on television and in the press and that his telling the American public about the shootings in Derry are impressing the American people. This news story reported that Father Daly would be returning to Ireland after his brief trip to the Unit? States which was paid for by the government of Ireland and that all reports given to "The Advocate" indicated that Father Daly has made a powerful impression on the audiences about the killings in Londonderry an January 30, 1972. - 0 Father Edward Kevin Daly IRoosevelt Hotel, ASth Street b6 and Madison Avenue, New York City, on February 14, 1972, advised b7c that Father Edward Daly and Sean White stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel from February 3, 1972 until February 8, 1972, when thev checked out of the hotel en route back to Ireland. Mr. dvised that the reservations for Father Daly anc Sean White were made by I Tours International, 590 Fifth Avenue, New York City. NY T-2, who has furnished reliable information in the past, on February 16, 1972, advised that Father Edward Daly and Sean J. White departed New York aboard Air Lingus on February 8, l972,fbr Dublin, Ireland. land I IC I Tours Incorporated, 590 Fifth Avenue, New York City on February 16,1972, advised that they handled arrangements for the visit of Father Edward Daly and Sean White on the recent trip to New York from London, England. Both stated that to their knowledge, Father Daly and Sean White stayed in New York during the entiretime while in the United StatesJ baid that Sean White was well acquainted with New York City and had handled all the arrangements for Father Daly. Theyppinted out that Sean White formerly worked for I Tours Incorporated and had been in New York for a period of four years prior to his return to Dublin in December, 1970, where he is currently working for The Irish Transport Company. b6 b7C advised that he was out one evening With Sean.White or a couple of drinks and during the conversation White stated that Father Daly was cutting short his visit to New York because he felt that due to b6 the situation in Derry at the present time, his presence b7C was needed there and that they would return to Ireland on February 8, that Sean White had informed :him,that Father Daly had encountered no difficulties while on his visit and that everything had proceeded well for them. .. 4* CONFIDENIAL