I run '1 . I :aalamra I. :12 iuwl IFII he. -- wm5' mm:hhur IHHE I 11? .Huj?mn I I II . mnII.13. ?11:1'5 1.21:. I II ['1le E?mbn Fem-i :w 201 INSTITUTE FUR ENERGY RESEARCH [mm empensa en - I renters, rustees. 'ey peyees, '19 est . Employees. end Independent Contractors Chad: it Edie-time sentains respense er neie In any line this Part lit'll Seeti- nit. Otl'ieers Dir-esters Trustees Em - 1e mutate this table fur persens required In be listed Report eernpensatien fer the calendar year ending with or I List all at the enizetien current etlieers directers trustees {whether individuals er organizations]. regardless - Enter I In and it as compensation was paid I List ii! at the erganizatim eurrent key empieyeesl it any See I'er defmitien at 'iteti I List the urgenhetien's five current highest eempenseled e-rnp?eyees [other than en el?eer. director. tmstee. er able :empensetien [Barr 5 at Fenn W2 ends'er Hon 1' el Ferrn ei mare than $100.0?? from the erganizal - I List all at the ergenlzetlen's Iermer etlieers. key emplayees. and highest eempenseted empleyees whe received . raped able eerhpensetien lrern the organization and any related urgenlaatiens. I List ail at the erganizatien's termer directers er trustees that received. in the capacity as a femier deestsr ert mere hen 510. see at repertahle sampensatlen truth the organization end ar-Iylr related organizations Ust ens the tellewing arder: mdiuidua' trustees er directors; institutional trustees; sincere key employees: hig endi er such persons. pa E: Gheek this be: if neither the - - enizatien her an related .. enlzatien eern - -nse_tegtu_er_w euarrer-rLetlise-r. dire-stun . (A: {Bi Name and Title Average ?Hm mien? Henna-table heurs per but. mill-I perm ls hath en eempensellnn WEEK elf-en and. Murmur-? from [list any the . hours fer - . ergen'zel en - related 7 i [w-Ei'i ?133 rues} ergerrizetiens i 13% - 5 line 5 ss .54 {1i JIH EMEDH DH. seem: Harman eta eras. . t3} Tami-r states I sues-sea . i} . Pnesms unasham- ma canteens E: . t5! ensue eases 1. IO 5" I "1 me 111'] is: L. t1! DIHEETHH in! ensues sens see IDEHT t5! seesaw senses? eases sxseurtvs errIcse [10 see (11 nautsL eve sneer: rents! 11: use sxuueus we sass. some! I: tn! 11-114! 7 121131115 133355 IER 2016.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY 149773 ll; eruenizatien'atesyear I. teieempensetlen. nhemsehadrepert- m. Milt? ml?uni steam-3s: ?ll'ieerganlzatien. 'n sated employees; (Fl Estimated emeuntel ether earnest-realise trernthe nrgentzalian andreleted Dramatic-25554. 13374. il? 19555. II, I;79.e 4663. ll '75; 17700. I merge-0120145] 41m IER 1 - Form see me INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76-01 9 78 e3 Section A. Mean. Directors Trim-es It Em and Hi estcemensated Empl {El Home and title Aimee Reportable Reportable Estimated Nil-"3 lie-I. unlsel eats-n compensation compensation amount ol WEEK alien and I Manuela-i [mm from related [[551 a the organizations compensation hill-"3 organization MIEHOWMISCI lremlhe related la 45 I - organization ?Hawaiians I and reared below ionizationSub-tater . Ir . 413 'Hi c?l?otaltromoon?nua?on we? I b- II 1 'l?5-I 2 Total number at hdividuals [including but not limited to those listed above] who received more than $1oo use at report able cornensation from the antzation 2 -- No 3 Did the organization list any lormer of?cer. director or trustee. lIav employee. or highest compensated employee on line to? if 'Yes.'corrs1leta Schedule for such 4 For hdividual listed on line 1a Is the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation tram the organization and related organizations greater than $154!] ll complete Schedule for such individual 5 Did any person listed on line 1a receive or acome compensation tram anv unrelated organization or individual for services rendered to the I Ientzatlon?? it 'Yes.? I data Schedule .llcr such IerscI-I Section B. Independent Conductors - . .- 1 Complete this table for year the highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $1 ol horn the organization. Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the - anlsetlon's taI-I ear. [El Home and business address ol services I I pmaatiun NJI MEDIA, I?i SOUTH UNION STREET 1? EH MEDIA. SERVICES ALEXANDRIA. on 22314 - CONSULTING 105535. 2 Total nurnherot hdapandant contractors [including but not limited to those listed above} who received more than sroo one of com- nsation trom the - - anhation 1 i Form 990 [2016} assoc-a 11-114! 3 12431115 133355 IER 2015I04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RES-EAR IETR. 1 Fenn?QlJ rt Assets ?ll 11 12 13 Liabilities ?328 33% Net Assets er Fund Balances $383328 1 INSTITUTE F011 ENERGY RESEARCH 7 6 - 14 a mac eet Bhecltifsehedule?centeinaares mseernelatean ine'nthisF?ertx .. rm Beginning at year Casi-Ir when --ir1terest bearing_ - 1 Savhqs and tamperarv cash investrnents - 2 Pledges and grants receivable. net 3 Acceunts receivable.net .. 4 Leena and ether receivables frern current and lender silicate. trustees. kev emplevees. and highest cernpeeseted emptevees. Camp eta PartllelScheduleL 5 Lean: and ether receivables trern ether disquali?ed persens [as delhed under section 4955mm. persens described it sectien and centributing empleyers and spensenng erganiaetiens cl sectien employees' beneficiarv urgentzatiens [see Complete Part II el 1 5 Notes and leans receivable. net lnventeries ler sale er use - Prepaid sspenses and deterred charges . .. 17 93?5 - Lend. buildings. and equipment: east er ether .. 1De 695100. Less: accumulated depree-atien . . .. 10b . "3379555 - tile lnvestmenls - publicly traded sewntias 11 Investments - ether secuntlee. See Part line 11 12 Investments pregranrreiated. See Part N. ?ne 11 13 Intensive assets .. __14 lne11 . 35-63%: 15 Tetel assets Add lines 1 three 15 must ual line as 3 - 1e Acceunta payable and accrued expenses - 11' Grants parable 13 Deferred revenue . 19 Tesenernpt bend iiabiti-es "3f! Esemvv er custodial ecceunt liability. Gentplete Part [11" pl Schedule 21 Leena and ether pavabIes te current and lenner elticers. direeters. trustees. Rev employees. highest cernpensatad empievees. and disquali?ed persens Complete Part II elSeheduleL 23 Seemed merteages and netas payable te unrelated third parties .. . 2:1 Unsecured netes and leans payable in unrelated third parties 24 Either liabilities {hebdine federal incente Ias. naval-lies te related third parties. and ether liabilities net inchded en lines 1?-2d} Cemplete Fart it el Schedule? . 3_37233- =5 Tetsl?abillties sweetness 25 351 1'7. es Organizatiens that fellevr SPAS 111' 853}. checlt here he and lines 27 threugh a. and lines 3:1 and 34. . .. 2101901- 2? Tempererily restricted net assets . . . . 23 netassets . .. . .. 25 that de net lellew SPAS 117' 9581. check here i I: and cernplete lines 3D threuph as. Capita! steclt er trust principal. er current lends 3D Paid- in ercapital surplus. er land building. er equipment tune? . . . 31 Retained endevrrnent. accumulated rncerne. er ether funds . 32 Tetalnetassetserl'utdbelences 7 . 33 Total Ilabities and net esseth balances - 34 ?32111! 1111-1! 12431115 133355 IER 11 2016 . 04013 INSTITUTE FGR ENERGY RES Pa e11 veer 35.. 36737.. 31551]. II 77325. 990 [2cm] 50 gr. '4 HI 1D 11 12' htI iili HEI Id .- run I. ELM Eli'tI?i WILMI- I DMH HI 2i . Iwity Status and Public Support Inltationr II I or a notion I nonaIImpt IhIritahlI trust. 'A?l?h to Form or Form WEI-E1. 9pm to or and Its lnItruotionI Is It? him? i Emptoyar idonuliontion numbIr ENERGY RESEARCH 7 6? 1 9 {All trust IhlI part. SII tnItmotlons {For tho: 1 through 12. chock only on Ion II IerthII dasoribod in action (Attach SchIdulI BEE or 990-521} Ization tn -nIunctIIn with I hospital dIsIriIId in EntIr tho hospita? uninrIity owned or IpIrItId by I egImrnIntII un?rt dIsIriIId In montII unit dIsIrioId in motion In-tial part If its support from I goyIrnmuantal unit or from tho dosortood in NIHAHIIJ. [Comolota Part - in motion DpE?iiEd In norqunotiuo with a land grant IuiturI Enter r..a.rnI. r: ty. and stats of tho or "mn than 331i?3?Ei?E supp-or: lrotn r; Ind QMII FEIBIIJIS tto IIrtIin and it: Iths support irom gross I 511 from LII-11H rod by II.I Irgantat? on after JunI 30.19% IhrIIy tI mm for public -Ii~.roly tor the bene?t It. to poriorrn It I Iunr: ions of. or II carryout tho purposes II on or - in 5091mm or Ioo?on 50315.12}. SII Chock tho II: in - If IuppIr?Iing organization and Ion'rpioto 12o. 121. and 12g . .IuprIsII. or controlled toy supported organizationis]. typically by giving rogularty appoint or atop! a majonty II dirootors IrtruItIIs of tho supporting lions A and B. or In connIItiIn with its supportod organ?tzotionts}. by having _IniIItion In tho sIrnI poisons that control or rnInIgI thI supportod A and 0. ing organization In IonnIItiIn with. and Iunotionatty intIg rated with. - You must oomptItI Fart W, Sections A. D. and E. - ponlng organization IpIrItId in connection with its su pportII organizationls} :iIItIon oust satisfy a distribution roguirornant and an ImpiItI Part IV. Sootions A. Ind D. and Part II I wn'ttIn dItIrrninItion from tho that it is I Typo I. Typa II. Typo iInIlly intogratad supporting organizItIon. I Initiation I . [Iii] TypI II orgmiu?on on llnII 1-1? _l A [Form 99:! or 21115 1 Itions tor Forrn or DIDIEI. Inn-Ii rs 13 9016.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR ScheduleA Fonn neoprene-s sate INSTITUTE FIL 123.111 pport e-ue orIrganlza onsI' onlvitvou meshed the boson line 5.12- 1 fails to qualify under the tests listed below. please I Section A. Pub in Support 1 Gills. grants. contributbns. and membershin lees received. [Do not include any 'unusuel grants!) . .. 2 Ten revenues levied for the organ- Izetlon's benefd and either paid to orespanded on its behatt The value of services or tecttities nimished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge . Total. Add than 1 thought! 5 THE petition of total contributions by each person [other than a governmental unit or publicly soppotted orgenizathnl Included on line 1 that exceeds 21E. of the amomt sheen on ?ne 11. column 5 Public lug-111111. 541:1th tnn?troinlinne ction B. Total upport [or veer beginning is] a 21112 .. '1 - 3 Gross income from intemst. dividends. payments received on secwtties loans. rents. royalties . end income from similar sources 3 3 5 5 . 3 Net income from unrelated business activities. whether or not the business is reguleitv carried on 113 Other income. Do not include gain? or loss item the sale of capital eh. eseets {Explain' In Part 111.} 11 Total suotmrt. Add lines 1' through 111 12 Gross receipts irom related activities. etc. [see 13 First five years. it the Form 33-3 is for the orgtutizetion's firs -snizstion checkthis be: end stu- here at on omputa on - Ic upport erce. 14 Public sUpport percentage for 3313 {line 6. column divi- . - 15 Public support percentage from 21115 Schedule A. Part II. 15a 33 113% support test - 21113. if the organization did not on stop here. The organization qualities es a publicly support . 33 113% support test - 3315. it the organization did not ch. end stop here. The organization qualities as a pubiicl 3.1 so - - 11's 11111. -1acts- and-circumstances taste 21115. It the organi- end it the organization meets the 'tacts and- circumstances" meets the 'iacts-andcircumstancee' test. The organization - 111% test - 21115." the organi re.and ii the organisation meets the '1acts and circumst organhethn meets the ?iects and-circumstances' test. The 13 Private foundation. lithe - anizetion did not check bot-t stress tie-Etna 12431115 133855 IER 21316.1 1 qualities as a L-z 15b 11a or 76-0149778 Fig.5: f'van- 1- 'ti'l lorii'theorge organization lamas-"mm- Totel Jllm?i?t?l wan sas- *7'1 . I . 5515523. d'r 331:1 . Lents [1}Totel flew?1115:1363 muaose sus. M- 236543 ?3 - - glue. 9764. sad as a section 51111: 2"113 I15 line 13 1111311 l't- .15 is 3311333 or more. check this be: alive ., .. .. check butt on or 1131:. and line 14 is 113% or more. is host and st 5Ettplah in Part VI hovr the orgnnizetion publicly suppo ?1I?_enization h- :1 check a boson line 15 is 1111-5 or hack this box shore. Explain 111 Part VI how the organization .. it this be: and see instructions Schedule A {Form see or sea-E2} 3111B '1 . I I -. hne 13. and line 14 33 113% or more. check this be: end 14 INSTITUTE rue ENERGY assess dedulnA oo1a INSTITUTE FDR ENERGY RESEARCH are.? [my] one e- or Irganiastlons Iason't'? - - no action a 4 [Cornplete only it you checked the on: on line 10 of Peril or it the organization failed to quality under Part it It the organisation tails to . Ii Lmderthatosts listed below -ease on -Iata Part II. Section A. Public Su - - -rt Grim-mun:Ilmnurminnin Ian mammal-m a one mITataI 1 Gifts. grants. contributions. and membership fees received. {Do not include any 'unusual I 2 Gross receipts loom admissions.? merchandise sold or non termed. or facilities furnished at any activity that to related to the organization's taxaenmpt purpose 3 Gross receipts Ito-m activities that are not an unrelated trade or hue inass under section 513 4 Tax roynoues levied torthe organ- lzotlon' a bene?t and either paid to or expanded on its behalf . 5 The sales of serulcee or facilities Iumished by a gnyemmantal unit to the organisation without charge . Total. Add lines 1 through5 .. 'Ia Amounts hnluded on lines 1. 2. and a received hon-i disquali?ed persons Innedu?nudlenmtdiedpiaonalut 114 alth- on'ioaa'itontine 1Jtu? Il'I-eyelr oAdd lines?a andTb Puhiloau-OI'L ction B. Total Balendaryoarlorliloll year tieolnelnu loti- sets 2014 Total 9 Mounts from has 5 -. 10a ?rm Income from interest. diyidanda. payments received on senuritee loans. rents. myoltles and income from similar sourcesI I Unrelated bushes: taxable income [less section 511 taxes) tram businesses atter June 311.1975 oAdd lions 10a and to: . 11 Net income Iron-I unrelated business activities not hcluded in line1tllo. te-I'iethoa' or not the bushes: in regularly canted on 12 Other income. Do not Inc one gain or loss from the sale at capital" assets [Explain in Part tit} 13 Total ?spurt-namFirst ?ue years. It the Form 990' is for the organization a first. second. third. tomth. or ?lth tax year as a section 501(c)(31 organisation. otteckmiebneandatn here . Section C. Computation of Public Sn - -ort Percentage 15 Public euepm percentage teroois {line a. column {a diuidod by line 13. column illPublic - -ort -ercenta-e from oo1s Schedule A Part Ill line15 . or. Section D. ComEutatinn of lnyestment Income Percentage 11 tnyestnent inoorne percentage for 2016 [line we. column in divided by line 13. column [Iii 1H tnyastment Income percentage trorn 2015 Schedule A. Part line 1? 10a 33 nos. support tests -21116. lithe organization did not check the bolt on line 14. and line 15 Is more than 33 1:396. and line 1? is not more than 33 this bill and stop here. The organization Qualifies as a publicly supported organization use support tests- 2015. lithe organization did not check a boat on line 14 nrlina and line 16 In more than 33 115%. and Iina1? is not more than 33 133%. check this has and stop here. The canonization que'ilias as a publicly moorland organization on Private foundation. Ittheo nizatlon did not absolute one on line 14 19a or 19b check this box and see . neat-1o 1 5ohadule A [Form 990 or see ?11 3115 5 12431115 133055 IER 2016-04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR schedule 3 [Poem ego. or ssopn {20151 Page 2 limit oi Emptoyur Idlnti?utlon nnmolr INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76-914 9 77 Port l_ . Contributors (See inottuolions}. Uso eepied oi Part I additional some is needed. {Pl I'Iomo. odiroso, and ZIP 4 Toto! oml?hu?ons idi Typo of contribution Parson LEI Payroll 500000. (Wis Part II for contributions} "11- Mom. adorns. and ZIP 4 In} Total {:11 Two oi oontribution Porson Payroll limo. Hannah [3 Fort II [or - nonoash contributions} in} no is Id} No. Homo, oddross. and ZIP 4 Total contributions Two oi contribution Portion IE Payroll 5 a i [Compilation Part Ii lotr :nonoosh Hm. sow-so. and Zie- 4 Parson LEI . Payroll 173330. Honossb {Compiots Part II for nonoosh oontn?hutions] lo] id} Ho. Hung. address. and ZIP 4 Total contributions - Typo of contribution Porson I: {Compioto Part II for nonoosh contributions} {Ii No- Huno. address, and ZIP 4 Id) Typo of contribution Parson Fayre? 5 0 . Hons: sh {Co-Insists Part II lor . . nonoosh sol-tiribmions.) odolo Ell olrtl ?ail. EBB-E1, or sou-o Homo} Total contributions ?23152 ?Ii-1! 1! 22 1.2431115 _133355 EBB. 2015.04013 INSTITUTE FDR ENERGY RESELR IER 1 Schedule a :1me use. nae-E2. er mm {2015: Page 4 Heme eI eme I: mp eye:- -rnl Iiel en number INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 75-0149773 1'lI'll II In: nerlrem any renulblter. Camellia eelumm [lithmuuh relewlnu in: entry. ?elrlurieh F's Usedu- If gi? Descriptian hIrvr all?! ll Traneler el gift He-IelIenshI el transferer In hIIneI'eree Trentleree'e name. nddr?l. and {Hit} eI TrIneIer 91?: T??if?lliln??mj' Ind ZIP 4 F?n?nn?llp In I HI. I I Transfer eI gift Trensieree'e name eddre: and ZIP II eI'Irerlsferer In tensferee 3 5E (b1 Purpose e! gift Use eI gift eI' haw girl I: held Transfer el girl Treneferee'e name. address, and 4 Hele?unshl - eI? tenderer te heifer? enter mam Schedule I {Fen'n er 25 12431115 133055 IER 2015-04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR IER 1 SCHEDULEO Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities MW {Form 990 or For m?ani?uml Fran-I income Tax Under section Ethic} and section 52'! 20 1: I- it the organization is described below. Attach to Form see or Form Ban-E2. Ops: taP hm' mm 1' h- than Schedule it [Form an: or and its iIttrIIctiau is at new. lragava'annsse. ii the organization Insvrarad "lites."I on Form see. Part line 3. or Form Dali-E2. Part V. line 4E {Political Campaign Activities}. than I Section ?ti1ic}{3} organizations; complete Farts IA and E. Do not complete Fart I6. I Section 501 to} {other than section 5011:1911: organizations; Complete Farts LA and below. [in not complete Part i~Ei. I Section 52? organizations: complete Fart IA only. It the organization answered "Yes." on Form 999. Part W. line It. or Form ass-a2. Part tit. line It? [Lobbying Activities}. than I Section sprints} organizations that have ?led Form 5MB [election under section Emil-Ii}: Complete Part II -A. Do not complete Part II E. I Section 5mtc}[3} organizations that have NOT ?ied Form WEE. {election under section saithii' Gauntlets Fart it -.E Do not complete Fart it A It the organization answered "Yes.? on Form see. Part line 5 {Proxy Taxi (see separate insauctlanst or Form aao-Ez. Part V. line 35: {Fr axy Tex} {see separate Instructions}. than ISectlon 5th a It 5 ar - a -arIlzatians:Comilete . . - Name oi organization Empiayaridanti?catian ma INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAREH 75,914977 amp ate eorganizatlonIs exempt un-ersection .. orts_a so Ion organize Ion. 1 Provide a description at the organization's direct and hdirect political campaign activities in Part 2 Politicalcampalgnactivity expenditures . . 5 5 hows for political campaign activities Cont .. late if the a -aniaation is exempt under section 501 gage. 1 Enter the amount at any excise tax incurred by the organization under section 4955 2 Enter the amount at any excise tax incurred by organization managers under section 4955 3 a It the organization incunIed a section 4955 tax. did it ?le Form ?an tor this year? ?l?i 4aWasacorrectionmade'i_ Dies It ?lies describe in Part amp organize Ian Is exempt un . er . except section a: 1 Enter the amount directly expanded by the tiling organization tor section 52? exempt tunctlan activities 2 Enter the amt at the tiling organization?s funds contriauted to other organizations for section 52? exempt lunctlon activities 3 3 Total exempt ianction expenditures. Add lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on Farm 112:] FUL. . . .. on the can seamen file Form nae-Pot. for this year? Yes Enter the names. addresses and employer identi?cation number at al section 52i' political organizations to which the tiling organization made payments. For each organization listed. enter the amount paid from the tiling organization' a hands Also enter the amount at political contributions received that were and directly delwered to a separate political organization. such as a separate segregated fund or political action committee if additional space is needed. prairlde inlan'nation in Part W. Name {bIAtidIesa Elli Id} Amount paid tram Amount of poi ca] ?ing organization?s contributions received a funds It none. enter mate and direc "ti delivered to a separa a political organize run It none. enter {i =i For Act Notice, all [I'll instructions for Form 990 or Sahldtil? [Form or EMA-E2 20 LHA admin I1 26 12431115 133355 IER 2016?04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 4: Schedule {3 Form see or see- =r 2015 INSTITUTE en- om- ieorgan zeion sexem- un- :rseo on (election under section 50101)}. I For each 'Yss,? response on lines to through tibsiow. provide in Part lira defame description of the hbbyii'ig activity. tastion attempt to influence foreign. national. state or timing the year. did the tiling organ uenoe pubiio opinion on a legislative matter tooei legislation. holuding any attempt to hi] or referendum. through the use of: Paid staff or manageman . .. .. . -- . Mane-toe to members. legislators. or the publio'i? Publications. or published or broadcast statements? Grants to other organizations tor lobbyi'ip pmpoees?? .. . Direot oontaoi with legislators. their staffs, government ore legislative body? Flailies. demonstrations. seminars. oonirentions. speeches. lectures. or any similar moms? (Either activities? Total. Add lines to through 1i Did the aotiuitias in line 1 cause I: It enter the amount of any tax If 'Yes.? eater the amount at anyr tes inc it the till i -anization inoumsd a seotion 4912 Is: Complete if the organization is ex Emilia 501 {end}. f? othrough .. [memos oompansalion in expenses reported on lines 1 9 I1 I 2: described in seotion 5m {ago}? insured under seotion 4912 . need by organisation managers under section #1312 did it Hate Form area for this ear? ernpt under section 501 silt]. sootj bie by members? espenditures oi or toss? tiuil es- enditures 'on 501(c)(4). are answered [omaormoreidu 1 Were substantially all site onlyr h-house 2 Did the atomization rn 3 Bid ?'10 . 501(c)(5) and it either son! - and simier amounts amber-o . -.. -- -. . {do nettnoluoe amounteolpo jog-1' Hum - .nrAmount i on?lt o- from the -rior eer?i' sootion 501(c)(5). nasal 5 . or section so otion on {In} Part Yes No will, line 3, is I mner?yell' Canvasertmmia 1: Total . 3- Mmate amount repo Ii notices were sent?snd the does the organization new in =3 expenditure next year? Provide the deeoripibnl hstmoiion5}: and Part stared! .. . . notieasot nondeduetible section t?zis} line 3. what portion oft 4 B. line 4: Part HS. line 5: Part Ii! 3' additional intone-ethn heesoess endpolitioal a [af?liated group list}; Part ILA. line: 1 and 2 {see sewn Funnzu 2am INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76-0145773 m1] Investments - I . ar atlas. - -IataHIha- I-scnpuann security {in} Book um {:JMatnn-dm-muahm: . mWwWe-qt?yhtmu . WW l-J Tum. must ?111.13:me 9911.mean13 Iin-a 12. ll- [mm Investments - Prugrnm Related. Co late If that! nization sum-rad "I'as' an Farm am. Fan l?y?l he 11;. ELEM I ??913 - I) al' [15} Book HEJUE Mama Eifaualali Cost or andnl yam "will! HuhGambia the organizallon answered "far on ann 9913. Pan IV. line 11d See Farm 991:. 1. Irina 15 manplm Tatar. damn - fins 15. .. .. [ma Ithar abilities. Banal-eta Htlua nrqanizalian answamd 'Yas' on Farm 991:, Part W. int: 11: Sea Farm 990. Part E. I'na 25. Dascliptian n1 liabii?y {In} Book vaiu-a 1. 1 Federaihmmtuu CAPITAL LEA DELIGATIDN . law. (maintain! nun #1101!!me 990. Part in: mi. :19} iinl 25Liabl?ty for unattah tax positions. In Part Kill. pm?da the tax! a! the fuetnaia In the organizatbn?: ?nancial statanuntl that reminds the - - aniza?m's Hub-?it fur uncertain tax mania-r: undarFIH T4: .Chack hare 1111151311 uftha has hem unaided in Part 31mm {Farm 99012015 532051 'il 31 12401115 133355 IER 2015-04013 INSTITUTE FDR ENERGY RESEAR IER 1 In or SchaduIaD Farm I acne INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 7543149773 Fla-e4 m. FteoeneI iet en a avenue per udita- Financial Statements With Revenue per 'eturn. Complete i! the organization answered "I?es' en Fen-n 99D. Part line 12a. 1 Total revenue. gains. and othersupp-od paraudited I'Inanaialslaternents . . . I . . I. 2 Amounts included on line 1 but not an Fenn 990. Part line 12' Net unrealized gains {losses} on hvestmants Donated services and use elfaeilitias . . Haeevarias el prior year grants - OtharilIIesathe in Part Addlinasiathreuuhid .. 2e Amounts italuded on line 12. but not an Iina1: Investment expanses net hquded on Form 99d. Part line 7b . .. ?l otheIDecnbamPartanI .. .. . . Add Iinesltaand 4h . 5 Total ravarHJe. Add Iinaa 3 and 4e. Is aIFdrm Perth I?ma IE ?m Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited FInaneial Statements With Expenses per Hetu Gemiate if the organizatim answered I"I?es_ on Form 99d. Far_t Iine12a Total expenses and losses per audited ?nancial statements Amounts ineIudad on line hutnot on Form BED. Part IX. line 25: Donated services and use at faailitlas . . . . . Wehms .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. Mdlhes?athreughad 2e Subtract line 2a I'rorn line 1 . Amounts hehdad on Form BED. Part IX. line 25. but not an Iina1: Investment expenses not included on Fon'n 99D. F'arl one It: 4a otheI-Ioascrihahsarmle . .. . ., . . m? Add [has is and Ill: I Tetaia ?sea Add ines a and musI- . sso. Far?. In. an . Supplemental Infennation. Fnovlda the rentirad ler Part II. lines line 4. Part line 2; Part l'rI-es 2d and 4b; and Part XII. tines Ed and do. Also complete this part to prevlde any additional vIlerrnatien ?Ill-I un?nnum PART LINE 2: - INCOME TAXES UNDER SECTION OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. IER IS EXEMPT FROM THE PAYMENT OF TAXES ON INCOME OTHER NET UNRELATED BUSINESS INCOME. FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEHEER 33.. 2016 AND 2015.1ER HAD NO NET UNRELATED BUSINESS INCOME AND ACCORDINELY. NO PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES WAS REQUIRED. THE ALLIANCE IS EXEMPT FROM INCOME TAX ON INCOME OTHER THAN NET UNRELATEI BUSINESS INCOME UNDER SECTION OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31. 21115 AND 2015.. THE ALLIANCE HAD NO nae meanest) aosmass moons mEcoaemaLv. aaovxsxoa sea moons TAXES 1WAS RE UIRED. assess as one SchaduIaDIFdrm Mlm? 32 12431115 133355 IER 2016.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR THE 1 SD SD15 INSTITUTE F03. ENERGY RESEARCH Schedu! - .. Su- Jamantal 7135-0149773 as FOR THE TEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31. 2016 AND 2015. THE INSTITUTE EVALUATED PRENISIONS OE EASE ASS 740-10 RELATING FOR ONOERTAINTT IN INCOME TAEES. AND DETERMINED THAT NO MATERIAL ENTERTAIN TAR POSITIONS QUALIFY FOR EITHER RECOGNITION OR DISOLOSERE IN THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. AS OF DECEMBER 31. 2015, THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR THE TAR TEARS ENDED DEOEMEER 31. 2015, 2u14. AND 2013 REMAIN THE FEDERAL TANINE.ADTHORITIES. NEITHER IER OR THE CURRENTLE REQUIRED TO FILE AN INCOME TAX RETURN STATE TAE . -. .. . _-uL .- .-- Schedule ime 990) mm m5 33 12431115 133355 IER 2015.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR IER 1 sol-reentsa Compensation Information we res-w (Form 990) For certain ori?ces-rs. Directors. Trustees. Key Employees. and Highest I Compensated Employees Complete it the organisation answered "Yes" on Form 990. Part W. line 23. humor-hues to Form see. Dainty Public hire-Ilium tine-Ire- Intorntetien about Schedule Form 99d and its instructions is at wware. - - Her-railed. Name at the organitritien Employer identi?cation hunter . INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76-0149773 [2211' Quest ens 'egar- ng empensatien 1a chad-r the appropriate belles] it the organization presided any of the following to or tor a person listed on Form 99D. Part tr?ll. Section A. line to. Complete Part to preside any releyant information regarding these items. First-class er charter trayel Housing allowance or residence for personal use '3 Travel tercempanlens Payments tor business use at persona! residence Terr hdarnnil'icatrm and gross-up payments [3 Health or social club dues or initiation toes I: Discretionary spending account Personal cortices {such as. maid, chautfeur. chef} '3 any cl the berries on line to are checked. did the organization fellow a written policy regarding payment or I reimbursement or provision of all at the expenses described above? It complete Part to rat-dial" . 2 Did the organizathn require substantiation prior to reimbursing or allowing expenses hearted by at directors. trustees. and ellicera. including the CEDJErrecutiye Director. reserdirg the items checked on line 1a? . - 2 3 Indicate which. it any. of the following the tiling organization used to establish the compensation of the ergerritatlen?s CEClr'Eitecutiye Director. Check all that apply. [to net check any berries for methods used by a related organization to establish compensation at the CEDIExecutiye Director. but errpiain in Part Iii. IE committee L: Written employment contract Independent compensation consultant L31 Compensation survey or study IE Ferrn see of Either organizations LXJ Approval by the board or compensation committee 4 Earring the year. did any person listed on Form Bad. Fart tilt. Section A, tire to. truth respect to the tiling organization or a related organization: a Receive a seyeranca payment or ct'range-etrcentrel payntertt'ii It Particbele it. or receiye payment train. a supplemental nonqueii?ed retirement plan? Participate in. or receiyo payment train. so acuityvbased cemperrsat on anangament'? . . ll "r?es' te any of lines Illa-c,r list the persons and preside the applicable amounts ler each item in Part sis Dnly section ?tte?dl. ?Utchd]. and 501ic??dl organizations must complete lines 5-H. 5 For persons listed on Form 99D. Part tr?ii. Section A. line to. did the organization pay or accnre any compensation contingent on the reyenues et: a Theergenttatten? .. .. .. Any related organization? . .. . .. ll'Yes'enline 5a or For persons Hated on Form 99D. Part VII. Secttai A5 line 1a. did the organization pay or accnie any compensation contingent on the net earnings of: I Theergan?datienMyralatedmaanization?l . .. . li'Yes'oniine?a For persons listed on Form 990. Part VII. Section A. line to. did the organization preside any method payments .- .. Were any reported on Form Edd, Fart till. paid or seemed pursuant to a contract that was subiect to the initial contract exception described in Fieguiaticns section If 'Yes.? describe in Part 9 It 'Yes' on line Hr did the organisation also ioliear the rebuttable presumption procedure described in LHA For Paperwork Heduotl en Act Notice. see the Instructions tor Form 9911. Schedule .1 [Form 331d EB HM Nil-d bf: r- e: or DI ?ll-II 34 12431115 133355 IER 2016-04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR SCHEDULE Nencash Contributions mm? [Fen'n 990} 0 1 6 Ir Emulate it the ereenlzetiene answered 'Yee' en Ferm 990, Part W. fine: 29 er an. cl ?uTr?Lrv Att??l'l t? Ferm 990. open TD Infermetien ebeut Schedule errn 990 end it: inetl?uetiene ie at mid. . ev?enntisft. Inepeetierl Heme of the urgenizetien Enmleyer Identificatien number INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH '3'6-0149773 [?ll ypese 're- ii ?if in] fdi Check if Number el emtnbutiee M?lhod el determining applicable eent?hu?ene Ur emeunte reperted :mt?hution amt: iteme centributed Ferrn Peri WI ?ne 1 Art-Welkeelext . - - Banks and ever-eaten: I Ciemmeendheueeheidgeede Beeteendpi?nl? .. . I Securities 1- Fern-lemme, LLB. er truethtereete .. . . - - - Hieterieetmemree . . 14 Iiltmelil'ied eeneervetien eentrihutien - Other 15 Reel eetete - Fleeidentiei . 16 Ffeel eetete - Cemnereiel 1? Reel eetete . Otl'i?f 1-1- NH 1H Feedinventery .. -. 2e .. 21 Taxidennv . . Hietericel artifact: . Seientilieepeeimme Ardteelogieefertifeete EQUIPH Othu I Other Other Member ef Ferme 3233 by the ergenizetien during the teat veer fer eent?butiene a fer mm the ergeniZH?en eempieted Farm 3253 Perl W. Denee Acknewiedgement I i Illill Yee hie a timing the yes did the ergenizetiee receive by centnbutieh env reperted In Fertf lines 1 fiveth 23 that it ML. 3 mu? held fer et three veere hem the date of the initial centlibutien. end which len?t requ red te he used fer exempt fer the entire heiding pemd?i if Yee. deecnee the linemen-tent in Perl II. 31 Dee: the erect-fixation have gift eeceptenee peicy diet requires the review et env nenetendetd eentributiehe? . H. 323 the ergenizetien hire er use third pertiee er related ergenizetiene te process. er cell eentifeutierie? if Yea. decent-e in Part II. 33 if the ergenizetien didn't mp0? en ememt in celurnn for I type of preperty for which ceiLehn is checked. I. deem in Part II. LHA Fer Peperwerlt Heductien Act Hetlee. the lnetructlene fer Fenh Schedule HI [Ferm 990} {21:16] Ill-2.1- 37 12431115 133355 IER 2015.04013 INSTITUTE FDR ENERGY RESEAR .mn. . INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 75-0149TTE Supplemental Infunnatlnn. Fruvldl hrum?un "mind by Part I. inn 30h. 32h. and 3:3. and mm tho uranium is mpar?ng Part I. mm the umberufcm?ibutians. ?numeral Ham: mind. an mm a! bath. Alan nuran-otu thE: part fur any ndd'r?unll hfumtiun. mu: nil-2n: Schedule [Faun 990112016] 33 12431115 133355 IER 2016-04913 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR (Farm EDD Dr mm ampletu tO fur to Speci?c On Faun 990 Or BED-E2 u- provide any addillunal lnfurmallm 0mm PublIO' h'tl'nll ?Hr .l i i. I .J 'l?r?l n. - mu . NOMENC- - Nam: Ol' 111E Drunr?zltiun Empluyur Idantl?catiun numb-er INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH Supglemeutal Information tO Farm 990 or 990-EZ FORM 990. PART I, LINE 1, DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION MISSION: THE INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH ORGANISATION THAT CONDUCTS INTENSIVE RESEARCH ON THE FWCTIONS. OPERATIONS. AND GOVEWT REGULATION OF WISH. MAINTAINS THAT FREELY-FUNCTIONING ENERGY MARKETS PROVIDE THE MOST EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS TO GLOBAL ENERGY AND ENVIRODEJENTAL CHALLENGES AS SUCH. ARE CRITICAL TO THE OF INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETY. FORM 990, PART LINE 1. DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION MISSION: EUNCTIONS, OPERATIONS, AND GOVERNMENT MARKETS. PROVIDE THE NEST EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE GLOBAL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES AND. AS ARE THE NELL-EEINO - OF INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETY. PART LINE 11E: THE FORM PREPARED BY AN OUTSIDE AND REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY FOR ACCURACY. THE FORM 990 WAS PROVIDED TO THE BOARD OF DIREOTORS OF IER PRIOR THE PORN.FSO NAS REVIEWED AND SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT FOR FILING BY THE DEADLINE. FORM 990. PART VI. SECTION B. LINE 12C: - AS A GENERAL RULE. THE ORGANIZATION DOES NOT ENTER INTO BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WITH MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND REVIEWS ALL TRANSACTIONS FOR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. IF MANAGEMENT OR THE LHA Fur Papa-Hark Reduction HOHOS. OS: the for Farm 99D Dr HBO-E2. Schedule {Farm 990 Or EGG-E1 man DIES-1: 3 9 12481115 133355 IER 2016.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR SchaddaO PM: I Name Of H1O Organization Ermluyer Identi?CItlnn mint-Sr INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76-0149773 BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY PROVIDES FOR SPECIFIC PROCEDURES TEE CONFLICT. INDIVIDUALS COVERED UNDER THIS POLICY INCLUDE OFFICERS. DIRECTORS AND IHEHBER COMMITTEE WITH BOARD DELEGATED POWERS. CONFLICTS WHICH.HUST BE TRANSACTIONS WITH THESE MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMIDY. ENTITIES AN INVESTMENT IN OR RECEIVE COHPENSATION FROM. AND ANT RELATIONSHIPS IN OF IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, BELIEVES HAY OR DOES CREATE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. THE POLICE SETS FORTH A TO DISCLOSE WWLICTS- THE GOVERNING BOARD MAKES ALL DECISIONS REGARDING THE PETERHJEIATION THAT A CONFLICT IN FACT EXISTS AND IN THE DETERMINATION CHINE COURSE OF ACTION THE PARTS SITE THE POTENTIAL CONFLICT HAY PRESENT HIS OR HER CASE SPARE OF DIRECTORS. BUT HAY NOT RE INVOLVED IN THE DELIBERATION.AND FINAL VOTE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. EMPLOYEES.ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO AACONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY CONTAINED IN THE EHPLOIEE MAL. SIMILAR TO THE PROCESS DESCRIBED ABOVE, THE GOVERNING BOARD PRESIDENT HARE ALL DECISIONS REGARDING THE DETERHINATION THAT A.CONFLICT IN FACT EXISTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS DETERMINES THE APPROPRIATE COURSE OF ACTION TO THE PARTY WITH THE POTENTIAL CONFLICT HAY PRESENT HIS OR HER CASE TO THE PRESIDENT ANDIOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS. BUTIMAY NOT BE INVOLVED IN THE DELIBERATION AND FINAL VOTE OR.ACTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. FORH 990.. PART VI. SECTION E, LINE 15: THE PROCESS USED BI IER TO DETERMINE THE THE CEO IS BASED SALARIES FOR EXECUTIVES WITH SIMILAR EXPERIENCE AND Ill-1:1! 40 12431115 133355 IER 2015.04013 INSTITUTE FOR IER 1 SUI-rodula? .. 993mm: r1315 .-2 Nam 01 tha mutation Empluyur Idantifiullnn Hum INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76-0149778 IN THE SECTDRAND IS APPROVED ET THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS TO THE EDARD. EDARD MEETING. ALL GP ITS ACTIDNS SINCE THE LAST BOARD MEETING. DELIEERATIGIL AND DP THE IS MADE DURING AN EXECUTIVE SESSION AND INSTRUCTIONS AS LEVEL OF THE PRESIDENT ARE MADE IN WRITING ET A MEMBER GP THE EXECUTIVECQRHITTEE TD SALARIES FOR TOP MANAGEMENT ARE ALSO BASED ON COMPARABLE SALARIES OF SENIOR LEVEL MANAGERS IN THE SECTOR USING PRDN COMPARABLE QRGANIEATIDNS AS WELL AS PUBLISHED SALARY RECOMMENDED SALARIES ARE TD THE EHECUTITE CGMMITTEE UP THE EDARD GP FOR THIER.APPROVAL. CCPIES UP THE SALARY USED IN DETERMINING THE SALART LEVELS ABOVE AND DOCUMENTS NOTING THE APPROVED SALARIES ARE HAINTAINEDIRT THE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS OF IER. I EGAN 9911.. PART VI, LINE LIST DP STATES RECEIVING COPY DP PGRM 990: - PGRM 990. SECTIGN C. LINE 19: THE ORGANIZATION. UPON REQUEST. MRKES AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC ITS FORM AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY LAW. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND ANY POLICY DOCUMENTS ARE PROVIDED TO INTERESTED PARTIES, SUCH AS FUNDERS. UPON REQUEST. THE BOARD RESERVES THE EVALUATE THE DP EACH SUCH REQUEST FOR.FINANCIAL STATEMENTS END POLICY DOCUMENTS AND TO DETERHINE. IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION. WHETHER TO RELEASE THESE DOCUMENTS TO.AN S3211: Saw: 0 {Farm 990 [21116) 41 12431115 133355 IER 2015-04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR Schedul-BO - murBQO-?' 201- Par}? NIITII al' 111:: argmiza?nn Employer Identi?cation number INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76?0149773 OUTSIDE PARTY.F FORM 990Ir PART IX, LINE 11G. OTHER FEES: RESEARCH AND WRITING: PROGRAM SERVICE EXPENSES MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL EXPENSES FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 150125. 1500. 0. IEETAL EXPENSES 151625. CONSULTANTS PEEGEEN.SEEVICE EXPENSES B4000. MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL EXPENSES A o. EUNDRAISING EXPENSES 0. TOTAL EXPENSES 34000. MEDIA CONSULTING: PROGRAM SERVICE EXPENSES 103157. MANAGEMENT AND o. FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 1093. TOTAL EXPENSES 109250. CONSULTANTS OTHER: EROGRAHISERVICE 16139. MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL EXPENSES 977. FUNDRAIEING EXPENSES 5245. EETAL 23361. E3111: an 25-15 Schedule [Farm 990 Sr {2016] IER 2015.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR IER 1 HIDE . urn-an mm 'dm: 3 'dm: 3} lumen a am: nun who wax Emuniund?l Hum-1pm 311 pa I MEI Pun 'mppa mum . . In} IEll-n ?uynp ram: unumodro: I BE palm Euqlazguu?n ?m 1! ?3 "Ed DEB JEA- ?59%me an Blaidwun TEN-IL unumdna a In alum; WIEIEH l? ?d - sun Imp-Has JD Fg?n um run mm: - *pammun 'palqau ?19m :33: unumun?uu new In o?muumn - . Inluunmus ?mammupmd mun 5115513! Hamid NB pun WPPE in] In} Jun ?uynp I s: paw-n won I uu?m puma: mu: am pm: In nunlam-m mum mu :1 'dmmuuecl I In nun-nu tunnmua?m mama In uunaau?luam - HOMBRE HOJ Him ll--II I- -. {5311 m! mi" -Iil" wmnu?gu - pm In" WW1 Mahmud NEMWW {31 [Pl 1-qude mm Lam: Ill uqmm funn?u mm as WmWWI-H MW an Elwin-03 'dlqmuL-d II alum; ll??lm ppm? ?cl mm HOS 9?03 Schadde? arm?- 2u1a INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH 76-0149773 Papas Sapplamantnl Infurmn?nn. Fravlde add?icnal Infnm?un Inr I'll In quas?una an Sinhedula Fll. Sill hllructlan: mm: nan-1n Fl {Farm 9'90] 21MB 43 12431115 133355 IER 2016.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR Form 8863 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File a ??111?an 2?17? Exempt Organization Return OMB Hum Tm II- File a apparel: application tor each rotor-n. area-I anu- caree- D- intormation about Form and It: inatructlona la at wwarapov?onniia?? . Electronic tiling You can electronically file Form BEBE to request a Enonth automatic extenaion oi time to ?le any oi the lonna liatad below with the exception of Form eero. Information Return for Tranaiera Associated With Certain Peraonai Benefit Contracta. for which an extanaion request must he cent to the IRS in paper format (ace inatiuctiona) For more detaila on the electrmic ?ling 13' W5 visit new ire. govie?ie. click on Charitiea at Non-Pro?ta. and cliclt on e??io for Chanda: and Non-Horn: Automatic Extension of Time. Only submit original (no copies needed). All corporationa required to ?le an income tart return other than Form {'I'Iciud'ng 1120-0 more}. para-tarahlpa. and innate muat use Form 7004 to requeat an extenalon of time to tile income tax lemma. Enter iiler?e identifying number Type or Name oi exempt organization or other ?ler. hatructiona. Errplovor identi?cation number {Elli} or print Huh?? INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEARCH 76-0149773 manta Number. etreet. and roomor auite no. If a F. Ci. box instructions. Social 15chth "Um 1155 15TH W. No. 900 retina. See City. town or poet of?ce. atate. and code. For a foreign addreaa. hatnacticna. WASHINGTONEnter the netten Code for the return that thia application ia ior (til-a a aeparate application tor each retam'j' Ell! application Application Return is For Ia For Code Form 990 or Form BSD-E2 131 Form BED-T (corporation Form QED-BL ?12 Form 1 Iii-t1 eh 03 Form 41213 [individual] 03 Form one (other than individue 09 Form BEG-FF 0-4 Form 522? 1 M9901 (aac. 401(a] or twat} a Form once 1 1 Form eeo'r truat otherthan above a Form earn 12 THE DRGAN I ZATI ON The book: are inthecare of I1- 1155 15TH STREET NW. NO. 900 - WASHINGTUN. DC _20005 202- FaitNo e- I If the organization doea not have an of?ce or place of buaineaa in the United Statea. check thla hon .- I It thia la for a Group Ftetum. enter the organization a four digit Group Exemption Number .ti thia la for the whole group. check lhia boa liit ia ior- art oi the- rou- .check thia bolt [3 and attach a I at with the namea and Elite of all nun-bare the extension lit for 1 requaat an automatic B?nmth criteria-on at time until NOVEMBER 1 5r 1 7 . to ?le the attempt organization retum for the organization named above The extension la for the organization'a ratum for: hm calu'ldarvaar 2016 or HZI taxvaarbagnnh'ig .and endi 2 "til-Ella! vearentered in the 1 laior than 12 months. check reaaon: In accountin eriod So If thia application is for SSE-FF. 990T. 412D. or 5059. enter the tentative tart. any' a nonrefundablecredita See inatructiona. a It the application la for Forms QED-PF. actor. 4720. or cause. enter any refundable credita and a eatimatod tax. a nta made. include an prior year overpa merit allowed aa a credrt. Balance due. Subtract line irorn line He. Inchde your payment with that! term. it required. a ua' - EFTPS aeetraeie Federal Tart Pa merit stem . See instructiona. [l .. Caution: It you are going to make an aiectrmic find! withdrawal [direct debit) with ihia Form BEES. Form WED and Form for payment hatnictiona. Ll-iA For Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. inalructiona. Form 8568 (Rev. 1-2131 7} Initial retum Final return 0. Bl ESE-H IT 49 12431115 133355 IER 2016.04013 INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY RESEAR IER 1