STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT WSRKER'S COMPENSATION DIVISION P.O. BOX 7901 MADISON, WISCONSIN 53707 (608) 266-1340 2010-024764 RICHARD L DECKER N981 KNEPPRATH RD CEDAR GROVE WI 53013 Applicant, P VS. E SEE ENCL URE KOHLER CO DEAN YAGODINSKI MAIL STOP OO9 444 HIGHLAND DR KOHLER WI 53044 Respondent, KOHLER CO C/O BROADSPIRE 19OO E GOLF RD STE 8OO SCHAUMBURG IL 601 73-5033 lnsurance Carrier. ---o0o--- Hearing was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on March 27,2013. The record was closed per stipulation of the attorneys on January 23,2015 upon receipt of outside materials and confirmation of cessation of settlement negotiations. APPEARANCES in person, and by Attorney Charles F. Domer, of Ðomer Law, S.C.; respondent self-insurer by Attorney William R. Sachse of Peterson Johnson & Murray, S.C. ¿ injury of Jurisdictionalfacts, a $1,013.12 gross weekly wage and a compensable work asserts that any claims of injury to September 15,2010 are conceded. The respondent seïf-insurer prior January 26,2005 conceded back injury, the lower back were a temporary aggravation of a and that the 2010 aggravation ended as of December 1 5, 2010, without need for permanent Exhibit 3 was received, a WKC-13 restriction or permanent partial disability benefits. Respondent's periods of temporary partial disability and wiih benefits conceded and paid, noting intermittent period from September 1 5, 2010 to May 16, temporary total disability benefits for a continuous partial disability benefits 2c11 (bcth dates exctusive) with $4,314.19 and $5,039.50 in temporary paid and $675.41 in temporary total disability benefits paid. and The applicant is claiming entitlement to alternating temporary partial disability temporary total disability benefits for a continuous period from May 17 ,2011 (inclusive) to March 7, received as Respondent's Exhibit 1 and 2Q12 (exclusive), with the parties stipulating to a document worksheet by the various social security information, including a prior reverse offsei calculation parties stipulate that, if liability is Department received into the record on January 23,2015. The found, this worksheet shall be binding regarding the benefits due' The applicant also is claiming entitlement to permanent total disability benefits as of March 7, 2012 (inclusive)' parties stipulate that such ln the event that liability is found for medical expense, the Exhi'oii 4 stipuiated by the medical expense should be based upon an amended Responcient's parties and received on April 16, 2013' related medical Accordingly, the issues in dispute are the nature and extent of disability and expense for the conceded September 15,2010 work injury' Upon the issues, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant is a lg14graduate of Ozaukee High School and did not have any post-high self-insurer, Kohler school education thereafter. ln 1976 he began work for the respondent 3 Company, with over 35 years experience as a manual caster, primarily involved in the manufacture of Kohler toilets. His duties involved pouring slurry into a mold and allowing it to harden. After solidifying, the molds were moved, separated and touched up as necessary. After the casting pieces were assembled and inspected, the toiletwas processed further in another department for drying and claying in a kiln. The applicant testified that the work was very physical, hot work involving litting weights between 5 to 80 pounds, with frequent lifting of 80 pounds. The applicant stated that for the first 20 to 25 years he probably worked six days a week with regular overtime. On January 26,20Q5, the applicant sustained a conceded work related injury and was treated with multiple surgeries with Dr. Richard Karr. The two surgeries were a two-level discectomy at the L4-5 level and LS-S1 level in June of 2005, and repeat surgery in June of 2006. ln May of 20Q7, Dr. Karr released the applicant to return to work without physical limitations. The applicant returned to his work as a manual caster, and in the summer of 2009 he experienced a flare up in his back pain. He returned to work in December of 2009 without limitation. The applicant testified that he had not experienced any problems with his neck prior to September 1S, 2010, and testified that he had every intention of working full duty for the respondent until his eventual retirement. On September 15, 2010, the applicant sustained the conceded work injury but has no recollection of the incident. During the hearing, the parties reached a stipulation of the following facts: "The applicant sustained an injury when an unfinished toilet þowl fell from a height of 2 to 7 feet with an approximate weight of 80 pounds, striking the applicant on the back left side of the head." The applicant testified that his partner, John Flesch, later: informed him that he had lost consciousness for between 2to 3 minutes. Post-accident, the applicant stated that he experienced pain on the back left sjde of his head which radiated down into his neck and into his left shoulder and arm. The applicant treated with his primary physician, Dr. Demaster, at the Aurora Sheboygan Clinic with complaints of stiffness in his upper back and neck. The applicant was also experiencing continued headaches and dizziness and referred for physical therapy and chiropractic treatment, 4 of low back pain which failed to provide relief. As time continued, the applicant began complaining and was referred to radiating into his left groin. He sought a second opinion with Dr. Jadlonski his initial visit with Dr. John Broderick, a neurologist at Columbia-St. Mary's Hospital. During providing a history of neck Dr. Broderick on March 15,2011, the office note mentions the applicant complaints of pain and radiating pain and numbness into his left arm and fingers. lt further noted dizziness and short term headaches, blurry vision, speech problems, marked fatigue, light headed low back, back of his memory problems. Dr. Broderick performed injections in the applicant's pain management with head, neck, upper back and mid back. Dr. Broderick referred him for back; and for a surgical Dr. Sadeghi, who performed epidural injections in both the neck and lower 30, 2011, noted that consultation with Dr. Spencer Block. Dr. Block, in an office note of November low back pain and since the september 15, 2010 work injury, the applicant had been experiencing and S1 radiculopaihy. He radicular left leg pain, numbness and tingling. The EMG revealed left L5 due to good strength at opined that he did not believe urgent suÉgical intervention was warranted given his failure to the time of his exam. He noted that lumbar surgical intervention was an option further study. Dr. Block improve with non-surgical management but recommended a discogram for pre-existing condition of lumbar opined that the applicant's causation of his symptoms was a the work injury, as he degeneration that was exacerbated beyond its normal progression due to surgery on was not experiencing his symptoms prior to the event. Dr. Block did not recommend the applicant's neck' The applicant testified that following his discussions with Dr. Broderick he was inclined to of March 7 ,2012, not pursue further back surgery. ln a narrative report (Applicant's Exhibit T) up to 10 pounds Dr. Broderick opined the applicant could perform sedentary work of lifting stoop, twist, squat, crawl, occasionally, but that he should avoid lifting; and should never bend or perform any work hours, climb or perform overhead work. He opined ihat the applicant should not as he was unable to stand, walk, sit or drive during work related activities. He further noted that taking Percocet the applicant required three or more breaks per day in the work setting and was 5 and Soma, narcotic medications which would preclude him from driving or operating machinery in a work setting. He opined the applicant should never drive automotive equipment, be around or operate moving machinery, work at unprotected heights, or work in areas with changes in the temperature and humidity. He therefore opined the applicant was unable to work, and noted the aforementioned restrictions were permanent. ln response to questions regarding causation, he opined that the restrictions were due to the September 15,2010 work injury and assessed functional permanent partial disability ratings of 5% for the low back condition; SYo f or the neck condition; and 5% for the head injury, including a post-concussive syndrome. The applicant was referred'by Dr. Broderick to a brain injury program at Sacred Heart Rehabilitation through Columbia-St. Mary's and at the time of hearing was treating with two psychiatrists, Dr. Jennifer Kennedy and Dr. Kenneth Johnson. Dr. Kennedy diagnosed a posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Dr. Kennedy opined the applicant sustained a postconcussive syndrome with post-traumatic stress disorder and difficulty with psychological adjustment. The applicant is prescribed Zoloft and takes it on a daily basis. The respondent self-insurer relied upon the opinions of Dr. Mark Novum, a neurologist, who examined the applicant on August9,2O12 and performed various medical record reviews. ln a narrative report of August 16,2Q12, Dr. Novum opined the applicant sustained a closed head injury with brief loss of consciousness at work on September 15,2Q10 followed by complaints of headaches, dizziness and impaired mental concentrationialtered memory consistent with postconcussive syndrome, which had resolved as of the time of his examination. He further opined the applicant had persistent post-concussive syndrome which he opined was not work related but due to non work factors including past serious illness of his wife, past personal medical ills including back surgeries; post{raumatic stress disorder and limited skill set reflecting poor academic performance and pyschosocial depravation growing up in a ruralfarm area. He also diagnosed chronic depression and anxiety. He opined that the applicant had reached a healing plateau as of April 29, 2011 with regard to post-concussive syndrome. He opined the applicant sustained 0% b permanent partial disability in connection to mild traumatic brain injuries and post-concussive syndrome as a result of the work injury. He opined no further medical treatment or medical therapies were indicated' The respondent self-insurer also offered the opinions of Dr. Stephen Robbins, an orthopedic surgeon, who examined the applicant at the respondent self-insureds request on March 26, ZO1,z and performed a medical record review. Dr. Robbins opined the applicant sustained a temporary exacerbation due to the work injury of September 15, 2010 which resolved as of December 1 5,2010 without any permanent injury to the lumbar spine. He further opined the applicant sustained a temporary aggravation of cervical degenerative disc disease at the C6-7 level and opined that he healed from his neck injury as of December 15, 2010. He also opined the applicant sustained a post-concussive syndrome following the injury. He opined the applicant partial disability. reached a healing plateau in the cervical spine without sustaining any permanent He opined that the applicant had significant psychosocial issues that were contributing to chronic pain issues and opined the applicant was capable of full time gainful employment with a permanent 40 pound lifting restriction, but those were secondary to his previous back injury in 2005. Based upon the record made, I found the applicant's testimony was credible. Combined with the more credible opinions of his treating physician, Dr. Broderick, I find the applicant sustained the aforementioned functional permanent partial disability ratings of 5% each at the back, head, and neck, and permanent restrictions opined by Ðr' Brode¡'ick' The applicant offered the vocational opinions of John Woest. Mr. Woest opined that, based part time sedentary upon Dr. Broderick,s restrictions, the applicant is incapable of performing even work. He also requires multiple unscheduled breaks from work, and will experience extreme difficulties with attention and concentration due to severe pain. Combined with the applicant's heavy reliance upon narcotic medication, he opined that the applicant is 100% totally vocationally disabled due to the September 15, 2010 work injury' 7 Based upon the record, I adopt the opinions of Mr. Woest and opine that the applicant is permanently and totally disabled, and that such permanent disability began as of March7,2012 (inclusive), the date of Dr. Broderick's restrictions. I further find that the respondent self-insurer is liable for the payment of the temporary total disability and temporary partial disability benefits for the period from May 17,2011 (inclusive) to March 7,2012 (exclusive) based upon the wage information provided in Respondent's Exhibit 1, equaling $19,011.95. The permanent total disability benefits which have accrued to March 1, 2015 equal $61,561 .11 (155 weeks and 4 days, from which social security reverse offsets have been credited). The total accrued equals $80,573.06, from which a20% attorney fee or $16,1 14.92 shall be paid to Attorney Domer. The attorney is also entitled to $1,809.38 as costs. The applicant is entitled to $64,458.14 as accrued compensation. Beginning April 1 ,2015, the applicant shall receive $1,489.41 per month and Attorney Domer shall receive $372.36 per month and monthly thereafter until January 1, 2A18 when the social security offset is redetermined. The attorney fee shall be paid until Octob er 6,2021, per rule limiting payments to 500 weeks. The respondent self-insurer shall also pay the following reasonable and necessary medical expense: $19,583.93 to United Healthcare as reimbursement for their payment of non-industrial medical expense; to Columbia-St. Mary's Community Physicians, $1,599.17;lo Columbia-St. Mary's Hospital/Milwaukee Campus, $4,729.61;to Freedom PhysicaiTherapy, $3,148.00; to lnjureciWorker's Pharmacy, 51,254.54: to Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians, $408.00; and to Metropolitan Anesthesiologists, $12,363.29 (of which $8,633.16 is at Collection Associates); that the respondent self-insurer will be allowed 45 days to audit those bills for reasonableness pursuant to Wisconsin Administrative Code 80.72, with payment up to the full amount remaining thereafter. Because the applicant shall require future medical expense to cure and relieve the effects of his injuries, jurisdiction is reserved as to all issues for such further findings and orders that may be warranted. I NOW, THEREFORE, this TE . TORY O That within twenty one days, the respondent self-insurer shall pay to the applicant,'Richard L. Decker, as accrued compensation, the sum of Sixty four thousand four hundred fifty eight dollars and fourteen cents ($64,458.14), lump sum; to Attorney Charles F. Domer, the sum of Sixteen thousand one hundred fourteen dollars and ninety two cents ($16,1 14.92) as fees plus the sum of One thousand eight hundred nine dollars and thirty eight cents ($1,809.38) as costs. Beginning April 1, 2015, the respondent self-insurer shall pay to the applicant the sum of One thousand four hundred eighty nine dollars (1,489.00) per month and monthly thereafter until the next social security offset is redetermined on January 1,2018; that the aforementioned monthly benefits and redetermined monthly benefits are payable for as long as he may live; beginning April j, 2015, to Attorney Charles F. Domer, the sum of Three hundred seventy two dollars and thirty six cents ($372.36) as fees per month and monthly thereafter until January 1,2018 when the next social security offset redetermination is made; that the attorney fee herein is payable for only as payable beyond long as the applicant may survive, with the limitation that fee is October 6,2021 The respondent self-insurer shall be allowed 45 days to conduct an audit for reasonableness pursuant to Wisconsin Administrative Code DWD 80.72 and upon such review they shall pay up to the following reasonabie ancj necessary meciical expense: io Uniiecj Healthcare as reimbursement for their payment of non-industrial medical expense, up to the sum of Nineteen thousand five hundred eighty three dollars and ninety three cents ($19,583.93); to Columbia-St. Mary,s Community Physicians, up to the sum of One thousand five hundred ninety nine dollars and seventeen cents ($1,599.17); to Columbia-St. Mary's HospitaliMilwaukee Campus, up to the sum of Four thousand seven hundred twenty nine dollars and sixty one cents ($4,729.61); to Freedom Physical Therapy, up to the sum of Three thousand one hundred forty eight dollars ($3,148.00); to lnjured Worker's Pharmacy, up to the sum of One thousand two o hundred fifty four dollars and fifty four cents (61,254.54); to Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians, up to the sum of Four hundred eight dollars ($4OB.0O); and to Metropolitan Anesthesiologists, up to the sum of Twelve thousand three hundred sixty three dollars and twenty nine cents ($12,363.29), of which the sum of $8,633.16 is at Collection Associates; that any amounts remaining after 45 days shall be paid up to the full amounts. Jurisdiction is reserved as to all issues for such further findings and orders as may be warranted. Dated and rnailed at Madison, Wisconsin this ?- 2015 ( Sherman C. Mitchell, Adm SCM:an cc: ATTORNEY CHARLES F DOMER C/O DOMER LAW, S C 3970 N OAKLAND AVE STE 201 MILWAUKEE WI 53211 ATTORNEY WILLIAM R SACHSE JR C/O PETERSON JOHNSON & MURRAY PETERSON JOHNSON & MURRAY 788 N JEFFERSON ST STE 5OO M I LWAUKEE WI 53202-37 63 Law Judge 7Çhav or