DEH2017-LSAM-000443 Al"lN:.lAMIlS CLAY P.O. BOX 12926r SAN DIEGO. CA 92112-9261 (858) s05-6969 lì11Þl uy\sib&¡.arg 6.rrulntgú. Frnptegu DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH LAND AND WATER QUALITY DIVISION VOLUNTARY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE A. Site lnformation Site Name: HomeFed Village lll Master, LLC Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 644-060-25 SiteAddress: 1,000 l'eetNorthoftheintelsectionofl-leritageRoadandMainStreetintheCityofChulaVista,California. B Project Applicant Contact Person: H. Robert Penner Compan), Name: HomeFed Village Telephone: lll Master, LLC 7 60-9 1 8-8200 E-mail : Mailing Address: 1903 V/right Place Suite 220 Carlsbad. California 92008 C. Financial Responsible Party Contact Person: H. Robeft Penner Company Name: HomeFed Village Telephone: 760-9 I 8-8200 III Master, LLC E-mai I : bpenner@hfc-ca. Mailing Address: 1903 Wright Place Suite 220 Carlsbad, California 92008 Note:TheFinancial ResponsiblepartyisrcsponsiblcforpaymcnttothcCountyforall costsassociatcdwithDEHreviewo[thisprojcct, Allinvoiccswillbcsentto the Financial Rcsoonsible Pârv ât thc mailins address listcd above. D. Property Owner Name: HomeFed Village III Master, LLC Telephone: 7 60-918-8200 Mailing Address: 1903 Wright Place Suire 220 Carlsbad, California 92008 E-mai I : Note: Property Owncrs have the ultim¡tc responsibility to cnsure thâf nll environmental issues associated with their property arc rcsolvcd in accordancc with all aonlicable stadnards. suidelincs and resulations. E Brief project description and tvpe of assistance requested: Gasoline and diesel impacted groundwater was encountered during trenching for the installation of a 36-inch diameter storm drain beneath the planned extension of Heritage Road in Chula Vista as part of the development of Village IIL The impacted groundwater is interpreted to be perched. The source of these petroleum hydrocarbonsisNOTfromanyactivitiesofOwneroranyofitscontractorsorsubcontractors. Thesourceisreasonablybelievedto be from one or more adjacent commercial property owners whose businesses include auto wrecking yards, auto salvage, auto storage and related activities. Two closed UST unauthorized release cases have been identified adjacent to Owner's property. Owner is currently taking emergency measures to prevent spread of the impacted groundwater while necessarily needing to complete construction of Heritage Road improvements. Owner requests DEH assist in identifoing all Potentially Responsible Parlies and compelling such Potentially Responsible Parties to undertake and implement site investigation and remediation of the impacted sroundwater at such Potentiallv Responsible Parties own exþense. Owner further requests DEH to review and comment on þlans. DEI{:SAM-990 (Rev 05/l5) PAGE I OF 2 laboratory data, and reports that may be generated by Owner as a result of the discovery of the impacted groundwater. NoX Yesn If ves. have you completed a CEOA report? No X Yes n Has public notification been conducted? No X Yes n Yes[ NoE Ths Financial Resonsible Party accepts the application requirements and project review conditions listed on Page2 of 2 andagrees to pay all costs associated with DEH staff time and services within 30 days of receiving an invoice. ature of Financial Responsible Parfy DEH:SAM-990 (Rev. 05/l 5) I Date PAGE 2 OF 2