Association for Homeless and Disabled. Veterans P.O. Box 84-165 Phoenix, AZ 35071-4165 Pledge Date: 4/17/2017 Pledge Amount: $20.00 Sponsor Con?rmntionl: UH 004784! ?16245? - -- . urneonsIrr-f i' Association for Homeless and Disabled Veterans P.O. Bore 84165 Phoenix, AZ 85071-4165 PLEASE SEND THIS BACK WITH YOUR DONATION . - n?n?g. FOR HOMELESS AND DISABLED VETERANS a For more information 1-800-204-6608 I no. 30184165 Phoenix, AZ 85071-4165 Dear Friend. '1 On behalf of the Association for Homeless and Disabled Veterans :1 special program Center for American Homelem Veterans. Inc. and the men and women who served and sacri?ced to provide the blanket of freedom under-which ,we ?g?j?Tlranlt You? for your generous pledge of support. 1. The Association for Homeless e?ndDisabled Veterans is a non-pro?t Veternns' organization that provides advocacy for those who deserv- serve it the most and have the v" American Homeless Veteran". Here's what we are supporting we need your help for our veterans. Throughout the couise of the yer-there are about 125,000 homeless veterans in America. Approximately moraine homeless in America are veterans who served our country and defended our freedom: I, - Participants in the vethr'izps assistance programs we support must remain drug and alcohol-free, must maintain a clue-cut ap- peerance, must be responsible liar daily chores and must get a job to stay in the program. - l?he programs wes'up?t have some of the hi3h_est success rates getting homeless veterans 05? the street and into productive co lete the programs. - . There are currently over milhon Disabled Veterans in America. We are very proud of the fact that the veterans assistance facilities we choose to aid, boast job success rates ofover 50%! They success- fully get one out of every two recipients lhestreets, for good! With your support we will continue ourruuch needed programs. Although orn- organimliotts? registered address is in Falls Chm-eh. VA please use the mailing address provided on the payment coupon for a prompt response to any correspondence. We would like to thank Mid west Publishing-ON, Inc. paid professional ?mdraiser for all their great work on this campaign. . The Association for Homeless and Disabled Veterans would like to once again thank you for your generous support for our veterans. Sincerely. .e fie-r ~11- IC/r-zr Con?nnationii: VH 0047346 Pledge Dale: 4(17/201 7 Ha I MAJ. INF USAR P?dmmp on Pledge Amount: $20.00 71 62-154 REVG3122015 PLEASE RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS