RESOLUTION NO: CASE NO: ADOPTED: RE: APPOINTMENT OF NASRIN AHMAD AS DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL RESOURCES, IN THE DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL RESOURCES. On'motion mad-a by the following. resolution was. adopted-upon roll call: RESOLVED, that Nasrin Ahmad. be' and hereby. is appointed as Deputy . Commissioner, Department of Occupa?cnal Resources, in the Department of Occupational Resources, Exempt, Ungraded, at an annual salary by the Acting. Commissioner of the . Department of Occupational Resources-rand ratified by the Town Board of the Toy-In of Hempstead . effective January 1, 2018 and BE IT FURTHER. RES (FLY ED, that subject appointment is probationary for twenty-six weeks and should candidate prove unsatisfactory during this perio said. appointment 1' may be terminated.- AYES: NOES: - RESOLUTION NO: CASE NO: ADOPTED: RE: SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR ROBERT CAPRIOLA, RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR, THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES, TRAFFIC CONTROL DIVISION. On motion made by the following resolution was adopted upon roll call: RESOLVED, that the annual salary for Robert Capriola, Radiotelephone Operator, in the-Department of General SerVice's, Traf?c Control Division, be and hereby is increased. to' Grade 14, Step 10 (K), Salary Schedule C, $79,377, by the Commissioner of the Department of General Services and rati?ed by the Town Board of the Town of Hempstead effective December 13, 2017. AYES: NOES: 7i. . The Tf Tiffect' RESOLUTION NO: CASE NO: I ADOPTED: RE: SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR ALEXA ZAFAR, CLERK LABORER, IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. On motion made by the following resolution was adopted upon roll call: RESOLVED, that the annual salary for Alexa Zafar, Clerk Laborer, in the Department of Public Safety, be and hereby is inereaeed to Grade 9, Step 5 (F), Salary Schedule D, $232,520, by tlie (6'30111;'r11135lone1i of tile Dbpalrtment of Public S?fety End Tati??d by the Town Board of . TT T. -.