tn? a'd E. dLeng St #191 '11. 11v 19791 February 11, 1933 'elthWEe W. Pisteccie . Departmehe df the Treasuey I?ternal Revenue -er1i:ey _Crimieal Investigatien Divisidn P.D, Bee 3151 - Les Wheelea, CW Dear Mf, Ristu?cia; I de ape legiee fer m? late ef alertness during visit. I pride myself eh my pereisien'eut the bade just -Weuldn?t _i Was sure:ised_at my laeWIef stamina. 'It wasn?t the eubject matter at Wee, it Was WW pewsital Iceedit _ieh. If any area We cevered Was lessIe11aetIthan you ?eed'I Will be wer_? happy attempt te pie paint it further er furnish Ia. source 1111: eIduld.. I alee aen1etimee suffer thnught Hf?: e1 e1 gene knee thaf" The mere fact my fat?ei Wide-?t gradLHa _e elie ege :aus ed defectieim When it 1.11 the eiees a.ed media. ?11e k;reWn he- flanked eut e1er WW years. ?ne ther example:' 1953, Wr,_Paul Wilsd?, District Ce?ndil ef "he IE3 in 1.11 came to see_me, -I.euess he was having a Wi11er ereblee er tWe in traeei?g t?e- mehey ildW; We just sert e1 sat areund ai1d engaged i? What td Me_ -?te be idle eIWit?zinat. We talked eeveral hears 111 mi a sudden rather edt ef he b-lue he'sa1i ?so that?s heW they~ We it?1 He eeWer did+ see Wl?at ?it? Was er What it Was i had said that Werneda light eh. I still mystified; Which is??t impertant, but illustr a- tea the prebIlem1 We Wee are Iprebably- aWa.re1_ anyone Wim sees they are 1e "dii ect came" with LEH seel1 as 119 Cenmede1e Wes seeger Uiea? izatien 1CWD) ?elds.the reigns df eeWer er think: they de er ethe1s thiek ee1 111s bee e'a W?dwe 11151 that, What-I teim the D19 factie?11e1MT CUE TKWEI ate. and tl1e in and areuee teem l1- W11e Leeh using every means_edssible te ate; i? eeWer a11d :d?_tiel. There are} as ydu else li?eWs, abeut thiee daze1 ef themyg the1e ie the"'B T. Cemmittee? fa: tiee that we aiready meetiened Ite Wed. The: Wish 1a take ever andfer Icentinue the "game I call the se the Weed Factien, The ?sta11dar bearer 51 standaed tech", WM 32544 0 i ITIJ T555 15515 15 155 H55- 55.55 Th555- 515 555515 5555 55 E551 C511555 51 P1V515155. T555 1551 85155151555 5111155155 551 555?1 5511255 15 D5515-M555 5: 51'5 c1515 LFH 5515 D5515 511 115515 '.51555515 1555? 151 ES .55515. T555 555-111115 D5515I 55515115 5151555155 15 55 55 LEH EIDHE. ?iEEi. - T555 15515 15 155 F551155 1 5511 155 155555555515. . T555 555515555 551 51 351511151555 551 5553555 5 mixture 51 "151551 555 ?5155155?. - -- T555 11515 515 155 L555.1 F5511515. 11 55515 5555 5v515 55155151 15:155 1551 155151 1155 55:15.555 5 155551- 555 515 1555155 1515 55511 (5111551155 511 5551 1555551555 555 55515555 5155 15 155 5155555, 15 551 15511 51515 11 555 515 1551: 555 -:555 551515 155 1551 1515115 55V55 11. 355 5_5_mm55 55555115151 15 1555. 511 5555 55.151551 Hubbard 55 551 51 :55 551 5155 .55; 155151515 1555 515 5555155 51 5 51555 51 155.515.1551 15155. 111 L5 11515-5551155 15 55155 551551r51515 515 115 115 55 5515515..) T551515r5 11 15 15 15511 5555111?15 ILI L555 L5H "5.1155 5 I5 5511" 55 1555 55 55551515 51. 55111 1555 515 15511 5511555 -1v11 55555. 5551 I 5555 1155155 15 155? 5551 15 5515 155'55151555551 -but 5515 55 55:5. 555+ -55 .15I11515 1115rn- -5I1 5511?. 55 55:5. - 55155151555 15 5 55551 555 55555 5555 555 15 155 1955. I1 15 155151515 15155155.51 151 5515' .1551 11. M515 355 Hubbar5lh55 155 5555515 55 55.5555 155 1951. 1?15 5555 '5'5515155 1511 3, 955 555 5v515 51555151 1551155 555 15 515 555 5: 5551551 -1r155 15 551 55 51 5555155 15511 1555. 51 j; 15 1555. C) 551 m5 551 51 5551 51 1155 551 5551-1 5555. E1 .5I51-m5 551 555 155 1151 5555 55, I1 15 1515 5151151 15 -55 55515 ?11?5 5 M55 55.5 555 5555 With-U555 16 MM 1115 555 5 55.55 :r55555 5555151 51155155 by'Dr. F5 355-555 551155 5/ 55 5'15555155 5115 555155 915555 55 1.15155L 5-55515 15155 555 555 511-155 51551 155 5515155555 I. 555515 5111 1555 15 55155 5555 11?5 5551 555 5555 5115.11 555 55555 55551555 551.11 15 555515 55115551 T115u 1511I5 11?5 5 5555. I 555?1. T55 55115 555 55 5 51555 but 11 5115 155*- 5.5155_ 5 E11 515555- 1 55 5515 155555155r.. I 5555.5555 151.5555 55515 555 I?ll 55511555 15 5155 551 I 55 5 1551155'51 515. 5 51555 51 5555- 5 5 151.51 11551555, 551.1'5555 an 11:1;155. 511 15555 1511555 15511555 11555 51151551515 b55555 51I5 55_555 m5 555 55551irn55 551115555 15 5155511555. BUL, 55 USU-51 1 555555 10 55ft it GUT 5555155115 555 REEF _555155 1515515 . I 55 151 5 515551. I 1515 155 155 55 much 55 51-* 15.1551 55155 111 I 1555 15:15 55 55:1 55' 151551 15555 1151155. 555 5551.155 1.515 555 I 5551 155 15:15 151 155'55155f1511 55515 1551 551. . 551115-475 H1 amij+ Hm mH ocuq?m mm am mmerm :31 Hu:n_H Hm 0% Wk. Um Him. mm. mm mm: Hmamzan mm.mmH .10mja an..H ll]. pkg; . 5'57"" ln-l Haw, 0 ?in Elk E1 111 Hl1 .mal In Ill 11: r1- . Hmonwm :m-mL :mHm mm mzu mH Hum .- it 43w+ +3m mr?n? ?mamLHH t- '13 _m 1'I11 1-11: . - rhlI11. I41 tn: 13m .1 DH muH1.H an Ezm: Hm: swam.jmhm. m.ja 3m . Ucmw 'WEI 1'1? 101;?" mm 1:51! In?? In ?erLII 1-3 fl} .3?1 [.11 +11 LI 3 IHE :r?i 111- rim a. 3-. 1mm.? a 14El. I131 v- 1'1 H1 ll! am 21Hw11m1.m Ejmhm .nH Huh ;1 L. 11'- .- ll! . .?jmw awm :Hm 3:.HmHan m.:m Em. meHE um.Cl. '11 El. l-HmmH.3HnwumnuanL 3H 1Hm 1Hm+u 1H mam H1cm m:r +3Hm EDHHL Ha- Hm mHmanmH1 mdemHn LH mama 0H. 3m: mm :mm3HH nmuwmj EH31 HHamm 01mm. HH 3m Hm amma 13m mmam m.nuHHmm 5:1 13m ?wun?na Umnuann 3.n1m n.H ?rm {muw UH memHH. Im UH mHeHw mm HmeH:m Hm mHa UH muam m.nHm:nm EanL HH acmw 1nH Un mHH.m:mL 1m 1mnm1. Arm n1H1 Hm H.1m Hm. cer Hm: H. m.a mnH_m 10 Hm H113 cmzH. n1 m+:mm UH muqmwjammHm.H meH H: .03H1.H:HmwamHHm1. HH Em HHDE mucH.nmmH .H a.m.m m:,HmanH mn1quHmL Hrm1 3H. .1Hm1 UH .Hmm 1mw van: E?m?em Humww 5m. . .HH wja ?xm . Um..m mm mm LH :mqm. . an..H HijH can H1 HHU.H amH Dm?oqium . ometobme Urn mam Uhnm [ll I11 I?I?[i Ll In" 'Ll-"l Ir'l u-r?I {ll Ill ..ii I: I:_l I?l1] ?F[l --I I . .1ll""EJU ?:Mlj +1 I?ll .. c: El Ind a- Ill -1-I J: :21 JZI I'[i ..I.- 1: Li Ill Cl I'lii [hi I r-l .. I'[I'flu?i Ill LP [umrmn~ 4.4 E.- 1:1 I I-l ..CI I'll I'[i .Z'i munIll -l?I Ell .. . 3 [Ll Eli Ill -..1 J: El- Ill 3-. 3 I'[i ill I. Cl 'lTj ill .3: I: I: J: 4? ill Ir?] I?lllTj- - 5.: ml; ..-. .. uni In I :i El" lT_l-l-" l'lj [Lilli [Ll DJ [.11 El UTF-4 If! -r-I l??l [1.1 11.1.: Ill -I--1 Ill Ill--illI?m- n?I Lat Dlh' Ell ?lu-I . LI (1. F.'l Ill {ill If] I'll - El I-?l '44 u. u??Ew.fu IL: l--I I: I..r-l' -lITI [11 ..CI Ell LI Cl Ill :1 Ill Ll-l ill IlleFI Ill .1: [ll n3?~ II 31h. . n] l: ill Tl'l Ll Ell Ilil I'll ill El "I"r1 ?l?l Ill a: Ill Cl [lJ 'lr"l "l"I Um. DU Ill ill Ir'l 11'] UI Ii ".?.23 14.12} I?ll Ill-J Ll Ill LI. 'lfl "l_l {1.1 Ll r?F I: Ill I'[i Ill CI Ill Ill-H.121 l'Ei Cl JZI 12 Ill rlii Cl [ll ll? it ll] .--. J: . Cl [ll I'Ll'l EL ..Cl a: Ill J: In U1 FIJI Ll J: a 1: [ll -I '[Il J: . ur-I Ugm 5mg m. mam um El") .1 3: Eli? .. [3.1.21 ill ?Il?l . r: If] J: El I13 .L. .13 44%- TI [Tl LI 'l-l?I +h I: LI 12?! I?[i ill: 44 [ll LI LI [321?1 3-3! I: l: 13 "ill - I'[i LI. ll-?I run: Ill Em! ?5 ll I-II-I r_r nj ..-. -I-- lT_l L?l ill ill [ll ill Ell I'll --ELI .11. I Im+hH I""l I r-l L. Ill Ill Luv-4 UI -l-J r" lIl J: ?all: I'll .- _fl_l - Ill Ill LII I: I: .. L'll I'[i :75. 1 -lm' -I. TIL .5 ll] l?i. Ill-Irm- .1: 2.. . Ll {ll :21 ill +?hll lT.i Ill ..L: LI Ill I. +hw44 . r-I .33Ill I?[i +ta twp? .1: ?l . I .r Ell .-.. LI Ll'l I1) . l--?I'l II 3? gang . ll.34.: -l_ll L1 Ctr? Ill 3 El? 3 Ill-H CI :31. I'll :11ill Ill?l?J I..:31. :l 1: L: [Iii . I11 LII .l_l I: [ll LL 123 I'rj Ill Cl El] I'[i Cl II- If LI I?[i "l?I Ill I LL Ill I'[i :31. I: 3 LI L1- L: Ell Ilii L-I _l +3 I'l'j Ill "Cl lr-I I: Or-l. l'l'l II I E-l IILljl ..-. L. all Ill - 3-5.1: "i?I .I?t ?Lm El: ll I?[i CI [ll 2] :Tj Ill 3.1 I'[i JII "El Ill Ill 11] 11] 112i 3 ill] LI Ell iml J: 'r-l Ill J: Ill .- 'l-l Ill I'[i u?I u?..- -E-i LI ELI Ill ?11 :1 'rl. "l?l I ll] JD :1 TJ I'll .5: ..TUI Emu ..3?3: 111 [ll Cl I21 I21. ll i4 Illr?' Ella-l I'[Ill :33Ir-i I: J: 11: muzFr- LI I'[i Ul?lj l.I_l . 1111 1-11 1+ 311:1. nd feeding infm matien inte the D1 and ether iattiens in :rder te step me er get me te'e nfe m. is apparently rbehind the T.Cemhittee" in t1at ?dec1aring me fair game in May at 195d {er sewe1a meeas earlier); beeaese I weuIdn?t bail in tedrt case. Why sheeid I 1e1p a theif she steler meuments, Papers and famiia memdrabilia ehetes, etc. t1a.t were steien trem'1a gfandfathei a11d I by the ?res? in at set, is a thief she stale stelen seeds, My geedst What teak and has 1iddEn away are werth miliibns. 'Vee'might-ele'se ?rte ,hat when it cemes'te assets and eel eetine taaes.1s telling everyene a ?few letters? are mine, He. T1at material doesn?t belene ts Mary Sue. She has never been legally married te When Harte Eras HLH shard mg grandT 7 d, ?are See Eid he: head ELtardian 0111:: seen! strip my :andfath?r?s hdese base within 31 JDUEE -.ath in.31emeitei1Washingten. {He died in December Than -hei tried te blame me far his death! =Me grandfather'served in-the have tram with feat distinctien. a man at enetmeus -htegiit I Date, - and he meant every set: at it;.in ward and sad. I g:ve him mwae and I?ll keep the end at ime. LEH trashed him as bad as he has tried te rash me. Grandad.had sent me-hea a1ft:1 bet at material :ad the 5.3. steie ti? =1 ndI lebaut thatand when i am tdid I-mUst ?e by virgin Mara ts ?preys myself? I gst.ineensedg It is ta advantage at the had dues to tr;? te.maee helie1e I taxed ii1,_seId dut er are eh.thei1 side in same may {standaid Dig tech); It is also te the advantage at the'gesd 311?s I-attaeh'ene piece at Paper ts areas I dir Jn?t shbmit te the if standard fear, feice, intir?is 'atien5 andI b1 laea;mai. 1 and far you: infersatieh ass-are the first ear en I?ve =nea1 this te dutside at t1e nlvadI Vet may ende+ sheen it she I haven? 11 l?I ri- 1 13.. 3 .l'lIIl "1 ill 1-4 [31? I: r1? it seemed net te_nahe 1nD -satine the hurt he Wasn? atterney at the time, During HIis time eeried the'severat factions in their mail1 easnine te their respective seats were tieing te give me a eerie Class ease_efI whiplash. 11" ll' I we a?erime iuIe-that I will talk with e1 lie ten,te' anyone: friend and fee aiike; shieh is in diieet 1 ts 'Stahd ard Te MC 1 My talking with eedple is a high crime 1n LEH heetz. Se I cemmuhicate,,_That dees" net Lean I agree. - decrees that see mast knew 's1e1wti1ne and as iehg as they think they have an ?Gestatient gei11g eneiis,tairly safe as lens as ?ea keep them FansaiIng" thi1gs, I?m-vets aged at creating sni: as 136-2 FIG-2 136-2 136-2 b7C-2 136-2 Dewar-431 11. Like Scheherazade I keep 11 head ee 10 19 ee 1 can -hem lietenieg. 11d frenk11'111 1ee running e-111tle 111 1eitiee 111,111, tie FBI. Eenedie? and German 111 en-erreme11 te-eetch up 11 the bed 111e. . e? Scieetelrer ie-Vthe.ecience e1 certei?ii1 1 'e1,jeet eleie tee?t'henr1e Uncertainit11 Se I keep the em uncerte_1h ehd 111 1eeld th.e U.E. ge1ernmeet like 5111111 en Hen-Vieleet erid- cults? - . 1 e11_ 111 e11 I 1111 1e11e1 111 feet 11111 1111 1111111- realize that from feunr 11 efnietereet in m1??11ere1? ?111-111 in eerl1 1933, I 111 elene. I had stirred 11 hereete nee1 111.11111111 the E: 1ente1eg1 I1en Curteie 111 11 1e e11 e1er1e?e 1 run?ine fer- :e1er?4e1ceet me. -he1e-ne 1 month: I he1e he health, 11 frieede'ere?beiee beueh end 51 11 1111:111 ele1e-:' 111111, I em under tenetent ?urHe1lletre 1:1- eleg1ee 11 Dr 5e Whei creative. The game 1ee '11 keep en 1111; effecti1e while 111111 Iife. I?1e 111115 my tapped end?te11 eccefei?el1. I?1e bee? ere1en eerrect e1e? the 115+ quarter :e?t111, ee 1-11e1 genes on 1tg' 111 I den?t _m ?d . 11 1e1 eefereemeet elecee legel 1e: er bug?#1 ?e1er he1e, 1e1be thee they 1euld Pick-1; en eeme eflihe incred1b1e etehf 11111 tried en me. 1 - 1 I e1eh teleehehed the FBI 1hile beck reel11 "cemPIeini?g. 111'11e1 eeid1ee the1 didh l1h1e11e . Ithemee11ee in C1111 111-111. I?m beirg 111 e1e1 11 fleet '11 1e: trucks-e11 thev thin1 it?e :1111 matter? 'Theel: Gee I de he1e et 1e1 f1i.e11de end e?te e: 1111'11 111 eefer- er. .eet..Euf'ef tee:ee'the1 cen?t nue Le me1e th11 I 1e.111g in'e 1111 cf bleed. 111 1 eeked tke te de-1ee te leek be1end the 111 I?1e 111115111 them 111h enough 1111 te de eh 1?deeth 111eet1eetiee. . I hee1 11 et three ettemete en me ih-the leet ES yeere end 11 1e111 e?e 11111 Ee?tfat? put 'eut en me FBI infermentjk Ffem +he time 111111 11 Hr1e1111 1983 ta eerl1 I the Secret the 131 end genere1 flunk1 '11 He 15 feel end I bet'he, - 5111 111e 1116 t0 ee e1e his 111 meek. He Heuld bleekmei1 115111 methe: 111 1 1111-111 1hee_1111e her when the ?511 511111 11,. He 1111121 11 at eix timee his E:end ef cheer 111 111111111 e111 11111111 11 1111 T1 ehe1e 1111 me. 1 He celled teem ?jag end 1111 11111 .e 11 the 11111111 I 1111 111,11111-1111 fer er hear _end ?e1e- 511 thing= bet 1e 1ee er 1111 ge fer 11111111. There 11, ee 111 1111, 1? rfu1 tetr_h 11-beieg gi1ee "?me?it1: ene 136-2 b7C?2 136-2 I [191-111-482 E1E .T. DI -EE EE. I E1er Eat n] -ErtiEg iE Etry iE +hE bE- EUIU .EE bEfE EIE E1EE. tE ELDP Er EErmEEychugEt EI EHEE tEEy thElr Civil WEE .ahdf?f DVEI thE - - . ?Fr k- [Ip? hEle+E he Ed was?dig b5-?2 b6? 2 th MIT minn1m n_ 3 "El' . Cl Ill [ll "1 I"i ll?l 1T 111 Ill LEI r+-U1 -m*1x Hn4 [muj?lwrij? Fl un?- ll?lm FHHF 'md? 17'7- r+ 13 114.. BI: ?l?re 3 .: EuawurEw 1T I?i??le? j +[11 [11 I'l- IT 51! t"i :1 <2 '33 Ill rm-I NEE if FOE. Ha?f-I I iEEit,E' I'r'f- P1 .VE had hiE addl?? EE E1E EErt' 15- I1 Ef Eur-amE I: r?l l_I EE rEiEg EE i@.hEErE I .SEE Ill 11'! 111 If! End Eflth 3:98:61- bia" El if .I In! l-hg _l E. H1LLI I?hr+l EN 3 Elm L?i? myEElf,l -TEE grE.Ep fI rEfE EJit. I FEE:Eright infriEgEmE1+ tE TEE ETC _wq: w1? ITE I'll F?hr?lE -1- _l M:.r ha 1EE EE and I IEerrE rim Ehml? -Dl? 1' Hr!- VEE EE iEvElvEE, thE r+_U _ -Ivil Emit EILEIEE _if within vE put EEumed thEE iI1 WEE tf1E; E. IE 1Framl:_l d: EEHE up fight . ha much E. r'i? 113-41] thE 139351. EEmber EE ES IE I i Ll'l Inn. :1 13 Ci r'l- El rn-Ilull'l +E4uum E. 5th t1E . In IE. b6-?2 bE-2 b7C-?2 b6-?2 b7C-?2 Humvwzorpwm If: n:i I?l Cl [Iii] ll: ll l: Ill u?l rl?" ., l: 92: I.-. Ill En Ill -lm' Ill LI Ill ['11 I: In" .5: +1 I.I-I nul LI J: 'fl LII Ir" Il?l Ill n:i ll'l Ill "El 111 '1 l__I -l I: IllTITI Til-J E. +l ..I In :35. l'Ill -I-3 J: - If: I. Ir?! J: I11 fl?I--l ll. lli Hi :5 Ill rl'I U1 1: ?l-l I'll LI 111 -I-l :11. Cl LJ- {Tl .aqgm Ill '3 I 1., I Ill -.-I +1 Ill :?Ei . "ulmInulg44~ Claw? 1: T3 LI ll Ill?_' ll"l. "Ill? mlm?mneI?ll EL 2.1 .. In .I -lTLII u?I -I--I l'm-p: ll'l {ll ill I: [11 ?vl-l J: I.IsmHm}:H mg- _smnu - 3El. 2?32 Lil El I?ll HI l: 'r'l :i In: ~llTJ-Ill I?ll l-.l I Li Ill-H L1 Ill J: L. .H -lIt. Ell-lJ [Ll Ll -r-l I'll n] tl'l In n:i [Tl I: LI lj. I?Ifi LI .ltl I: ill l-lrl{Ill-.-I l? l'_l_l l3 Ill l2] llr-J ll?I .I.-. . :11! -.-PEI If? I.II?ll fl- Il?l 3 ill Ill I'll I15 I: H: 11.. rli El n:i ur??l m: In . II :1 .1: 3:1 Ill I:.l lT.i .- I ?L.l - lul lIi Ill - I.I. :2 EE 3 l.l?I Ill :i Ill tl~l Ill '1"1 U1 r51 l:l l. llii "ml l-l-l EEDU Ln .2 I: I E- 31 ?l-I I__l I--l l'[i i__l Ill-M Ell Ll .13 I'll Ll [fl I2: Ill Ill l-"Ill 5.4 ?5-4111IE: -l-J trulIll !hr Ill Ill l'rj L1 1.: . u?l [ti I'l'l Ii If! l: ill?l Ill Ill -I-J Ell I'll El If] I Ir-l ?lLII .IHZ -.-1 Ill '12} :l I ?11. [3 I ll Hmw.uu .F..D Ilnm n_H Ill Ill llji -lw' Ill I 3 -l If In: I'll! l?-I 111,. Ill I In .El L. 11u?ll I J: Ll I: 31-. 1: 'l-l-l LII 'Hlilitil If: Ll'i ruJ?l?' 44753": Ill 5 I.II El I: :31.HI I_l l?l-Iw' I . - J: ?l 11} [...-. It] ll! l_l La ltl-I-' ?Hn ml Ill [ll :1 [It "1'3 lil Ill RH l3'l [tin-I I11 I21. I?ll Ill l__l Ill l..l lTi n: l_'l u?l ?1?1 n?l ll EL H4 I Ir"! u?I? I: In Ill lH 4.. Ill ll?t a ?lfl L: I'ldll Z'i'l..-I I 'nIll .JZI +1 I.[ll Ir?l ?j .61Ill-I l_Il J: El .13 1. L: l_ Ill Ll'l - ll] Tn. I.II I'll [,Tl I: ll: l'lj n:i Ill .1 .15. up "Ll l?l I?lji I: _rh I'li l'.r.l Ill Ill lluil ll - -l TJ L. l'lji 1--I Ill "ml 71ifIf'] ?Il~14 'I-l . l'Ei :11 I: C. U. T3 "ltl -.. If! ll. Ill rl-ll_l'l -II_l_l Lil Ill 11"! Ill TI CI Ell l. [Fl 11'. 'r'I l? Ill ESDD IHUHH. mm. .5 ..I um" ijwxm 3 .. . .0. ._ucm Ham N.Iuh? Im?. xrme uuwm H. DH Hun uHmu2.ucm . mInD.:mga m?.m 53% E?uw mme+ rw rumm. m5 ED. E?n? EH.H H. am my mmijmH. Ill I?+lu+ha lr.241 m?JwIm .lfl "El .2: ur-?l- LI CI-I-I ill-+El: wrur++4m. J3 Ll?l-' 'l 7U Til Ei?mTqu?qu LI In .13 .121 .IZI ur?I II r?l I11 ll'l' l3 CI El] .11] I EEK: ?nqw +In J: +1 - LHH r-I arm. Tl. I: g; l: l? nimIn_ J3 HHmun ..[L-Irj If; UIEIH -mIn 23h. _U.l r-I In"! 4-1 .I: L1 ?l HIZIE L?h? .E?w?m?Lmill. mm. H: LL. . Essa ucm mH u;.m mm mpm.: m3 or-.mum J: Ill 112i LI LI - mj??l?lm Ill 1:1 r-i-[HitlIll {-37 [If .I '44 ll: 'r-l ?Emm ..Uw38? Umm? WEMU .?MH?wm LUHMH.HH EH uH .Hm. E.HI3 11' Ill- En 1-J 3:5 3-H Ill-31. mcu u:.m WEHEMMHM m; . .gnmm HWH .mEUHm.u E?m m? ran-I 9-4 HImInczm L?i +4 El?n MI. I'll .. Lil l1! :3 r?J LIITI .LL r-I?ifl Ill E. HID I11 +1 +4 I: [ll Ill +cm acmEH ULWE mH I .i.J If: I??h mun ll] Ill an. mr+ mmg. anm H. .25 anumu nH mmEHHu 053 wH EHL ED.HH ?Hs aw. w?r+ ma LLH: m. .zuH. mnmEur?r41?! I1: 111i ?lmiL h?IgI ~m Kim .P - 2? -EIE . Im.Hu%m? .Ucmwm.n IL .mwm Ll mu man. Lu How mm. m. .Emc+ Hum. .muH mLun m;mn HL ug+ .mmn:+ mmhnuu Hu .5 .HU un?H.. .m?v cent m- H: WLW .L. Lm qumH I II - Ir?l 1 HI I Ll 131.12! Ill th-Iru-IJ?Mu 01?wr?' 2" +3 [Hu :3 LID. Ir?l? 4.4 LB. mlnmau?Imxrm fan-l +3 Ill --I I: Jil- Ir- L?rl 11:: +?ii'2?44? Ell 4+ Ha. vv" ETJUI I: A. 1.4 33: Ill nail-II]H Mil LEI IE u.I11. Ir ?ul?ELmI?+i _g +Im2? . 'Ei .I: Err? Ill U173 HI CH HIDLJH I 13!: Ix. I: It: t?F' CI HIE w-u Hr mmv?orgmm mLmu Ln m..uLL ?Ln_ LLILF .LH UL .emL DLL mLa_ mum Hupm Uh.? Emm .I ?rm EBB-Lum m_Lm_ _jmumLLuL mum melemmE -mcm Ln_Lmu. .31. N..uLn . Nlm? mtn? um_um ILL. app Ll El L4 [ll run-l . r-v-?l .L. IL. WWLL HWLmmeL LL LE _Lu mLmeL LmHmeL rm LLHL Lm.Hn ?jme_L_ .L_m 4mm UL mLu mL_ 30L.LMML 1 Lu an1 LL.D.L 03 _m Lm mj? 1L +mm?u . .F m..uLL -LL Lm mLLmeE 30L Lu ELHL: El +1 3 El 2 meu LLDL LLUL mam. Ln LLucmL mm .LUL . .L me LH. L3 LummHL_m ELL Jyum LH LL ULLDL.. LL Hum LL mLmeLE Haw JLL Lu ELL 03.0L Lam J: ?In a. mchunv hum LL LL m.L 3me :m .H.m+Lm mm_L .-L:an mLm_ me LL L1L11L EL mL.3m UMQ .?mL . LL mL+ mm '11 _13 m+4 I11. LHL m- 1._Lmem mLa LL TH 13'] C1 5: "Ir-l El 3 Ill Ill T- .nL? [1'1 -r?1 1?3 ml .31. +1 I: 11- n. ch LLHL mmLI-IJ mr-J J44 Elf-I"! Cl Ill Cl I: [ll 1'le 11.1 1'1: 'm?lw .31.. ?Cl I. Hi -. .E r-I .1: +lu Lzm:L? 7:1 ll] ?u?t ?jHur?l _LumL 1mL~m_111+Jr?' :44 1-4 ll?l C1 +1 .I 5 :i DIE PHI Ill 11223- Nlm? -Ill 1l aka??lE?HMT??l?l+m 11144 [ll 4-1' IJJ 3U .13. :3 .r hmwi?a?mm Ll] Hu EHH .m mH.mHm EH HE mam mH HH Eu;n Hmj.H HE.EH HE .HE mm: UEH.H Hm m- mHmH. m.H u: .uH. .mm_H.H HE Ecmg H. mHu.nmn mam mmH_ HH HH.H.H mam Hm. :uHHmm. .HHEHE m1: nam.HH: . . ?an 1m HE: EHHEHH mEm Ham . ir-{ ELF- Li LII Ell-"Cl Ll ?gs?I D. Ill l1] Ill uI-1-' 11-d? H. ll} I: ?IlIll Ill 113 t'ti .an?IE- "1.3 31-. ll] 1., EII?lrlj- LL. fl Ill Il-l I. [11 113i- If I I: t?n? [Ill?- Ill. LII-P U.EE HHI IHH H.1chmm H.HHE .E ?Hauu mg. Em mcEHm.mmEmHm HH H. chmEjunE um; mg.EmE.H HE mu .u m: EHE.H m.mE mHuumu Hmw? mam HE UmHu..Hmu_ .HUUE UH H0: Hamm Hm Hn .EHmm EH m. mHuquHu HEHEH nEmm Hm mHuzou I .HI . . . U: ..H bl". E1 [3 J3 .Ill I1'.i HE HH unEmHH a m..uHH. mH_ H. . 1:03 mH .U. ME mHmEmc UH30E HE :30; HHnnu .m uHm.Enm mmEHmm ucm HnHm.uH. HH HEH mm .E nEm .m HH HmHan tum EHH.HHEEHEUE HH. Hmnunu ucm.EnnlI-?l I 4.1 [n HJTIE Ill Ill DH- lt?th'l. Ill?I I {Iii ItEll'l?l'j?CI .jm?It-L' 111:1: .13 '11le Li Ill l1l'l:l I: Int-d L: LII-H I: II r-l- Ell ELI ELE I :?51'4 Ill {11' -a .1: Li CI IH rlji _jl?I a: . LEAH Ir! EH HHnmu Dm?m inu? r-I Ll CID. E: ?Ill-.1" wt 14?: Ill Il?l ?u-rt? El LI HHE.H EH .H ?.ku hum uaquHu . .Hn EH. E. an?EmHum . mm; H. HcmE. H.HEEHU mm. 73 mE. umcHanu Hmnu Em.m EH Uzm mmucmEHH EHEH HUGH EH EmmH HE Hucmm EH Hm m.mE m: . .mEmuE EH mecmnumH Hum mEm: HmHmEHmmHu Hmn.:mE.UmumH mma {.HHmHumm wcmum Hm H30 mum mEHnmuu mHmE mHa Ha Han mHuumu manHHmE mHgH. HE EHHE- tr) L-l ?i - sdtlETJ crnhaH .H LII I Irrl --I Ll CIJ: 511 Ill mEHmmu l?I .H.: Hm: mEmH HH .1 . Urn? mam Urn w? Ill :3511'} -I--I Ill OI me .4..- IZI 44 Ir?l U?l 25.: In .H I31 +4 Dal: uwII-I [Ill-4'11: Ill I'?vIIll. Ill I: CI {Ll II: r-Ill I'HH-I. I: [n 4-1 whamu J: Ill I I I: I: I--l T: J: I: Cl LII IrII. Lu?mc M. J.. {#Ill L-E I'[2144 .EmEmuI m: I: -l?l LI LII Ill LI. Ill l?'1 13 +3 .14: Irhl LII vh-I ll! [ll IZTI Ill H. II. 'h I: Ir-l I. 3 LI quw IrI__l HIU?nguthm?mw l'[l LTI ur-r-l J: E: CI Ill Cl ur-l [Ll L: [1.1 I: If.? CI Ill -rIllaI'lfIv?J Ill 113+ I3 l"-I 3., 5: I'll CI 33:. 44 -1.-- Ill .15. El E: ?ml 3-H. Ill IZI If.? .1: ill Ill Ill I I'112i Ill Ell{1.1 LI 3 LICI I Ll -r-I I1I 11f Lil"? kin'Hn- .- 1" LII Cl Ill -r".33 ?Irl Ill 113 HLor-?I I'll LI LI 3 jru--l w-I wn?mwm I: :3 I: Ill uI:l Ll lul 1.11 "Cl l??I or-I ?h-l Li I #wmw LII +Jr WHUMME [ll 23-. I: I: Ij - r-l IT.I I: in 3 tr: lu??I 51' In"! Ir?! Ill ITII {ll I'Ir?l 11; L4 fix-I4 . ?I?l LII .I: l-ll 4.- I: -r-I I: .H :11. 13"?ij +1 .I [ll ?Ill 11' EU 1-1 [.112i Ill ?l .4 E: Ill Ill L. '21: u. I l-In-l I1 UI LII 3 u-I l-Ir-I I13 -H .rr-Ir-l I11 ll InuI ll] f? H. I: In. if 64-H- L. 1: HJ 1-"er I: LI HI I- I *ln(LIun- wwmm?wm T_i .1: nn-l I .- Ill l?l'j 'I?l ..mEm0 Full +f TI I?ll Ill Ill 5-I I.-. ..: Ill: 1:Ill "In' Ll r?-4 .1: I'll E: .EI lH?l l-?J - 1131 I?l *r?I ILI I'l'j LI *l-I f- El w? CEJZI L-I {313445.t?lpr [ll 7'13 I -, Ill El ?I?I'hl I'li LI Ill Ill I'll -r?I Ll .. :1 r. LI. I_.l E: I-.I I: (ll Man J: 11Il? IIJ -l-l Cl Ill I'll .1: :2?3 I Ir) J: 4.: 4.. 111 IllIf! rH-l 114..I Ll Ill :i -J I121 Utl?mwh Ill} rm! 4-. ?In1 Ill I?rj .. 1#+quULH4m: l_l'l J: LEI I: Ill "iIll I..I EL L-I LI .. Ill Jill. .411 Cl I: lTi LT u: .. .1: Im? N..Uhn N.1m? ?Em . ..LmE;mEmu E_Eer _umm EE LEE Em EE mEmE LE. EH .Ummcm.EEms EE .EL EE Emmuum En E??m UE mam . m. EE.LLE mEum E. Emma. mm: Ea En EE.EU EHEE Luwmm Em .EE mE Em__m mEm m. m.m_E urm EmmE EUEE EE EmEHmumE .nEEm I Em emmEm Ewm? mEmH EH . mE muLL Emm mr Em Eum EE +Em.un umE mmEmmEm_E HmEEnr mEmu mE ULE EUE L. JEEL .E E0 Em mE EM: EmEu mm..EEm mEmm EL E5 Mu Em ?Eum umemu Eanm E0 E. nu_mE_UE_mE m1 EE .m 3 EL. EmmL LE mEmE_EmmeuH:mE :mmE meEEu En uEm UE EE Em.EEmw Emm mm mmE rdwd+'w LE Eu Um Em. ?mmE MOE. E: .E EHEE nEmE mmHEmEu mp; DEE Ur .E En .EE EE: EE. 5 1 NEE EEU mE3 E11dE1Ei_End why ?Fair 1 Ei jEil. HE13 SEE is Eui?g mE iEr 5 milliEE HEW .mE31bE may EthfsiEnd EH3 I I 35 NEW n1E.3bE may urdErEtE?d 'Ehv I E1 qu+ .HDE .EE E3 -E-hEr, L. PEF HubbEid :rEEiEd E?d EE'iiEllEd E1 +hE Erim111EI Ef Bath CEFWIJI WEniE_hiE and his milliEn. I b6-2 EEnts 12 milliEn'End hEr'nEE 1iE 79 EitEr hE ElrE 1 million in aBEiEntElEg3 Ehd'pE riurEd himsEli 1E 13: iElling fhE truth; LEH but, 1i- EEJ Ei+Er yEur 11iEi?c. I EliddEiilE EtEitEd= HEtt "r-iEh+ iE kz?EE EliErE EE is his WEEH 31Eu EihEr EEuid-iEvE his bEu:k.EEu1E tE ihE church? - David wt EE EE Er Ei siEndErd iEEh". liEli Ei ENE Ei SJCQETJET J.E -nuEE ihE I 1E EE such iErriElE imEEdimEnt tE EE +rul3 amazing End m1y iEfi EUE +hing the Eh EE friEndiy -E EHEE En behalf Ei mE 1E 7 ihEir grEup. ltElEphEn EEilEt51 EFE tEllE mE +hErE is - EI i?VitES mE 10 I IECEIEE i'rEm irEm girl whE hEErd m3 tEpE ?JunE 29 ig?? E11E in ihE iiuih Ei LPH iiat mu End 3Eu knEE EhEi? I diEn?i EE Er ihihg visit in Ef fhiE -E Org did Eha up Ei'thE EpErtmEntE hElf hEEr lEfti' EIEE +.hEt Mary SEE is iEuElv hEi End EE Ef 1'1l Ir? . This lEiiEr may EE Ef littlE DE inEErEEt to 3E1: bui i+ is at in +hE E11d1ui-ihE +hE UEEHEE Ef ml; .JBCUWEHE gEinErEd E3 +hE fEr FDA dumpEE. E.ll Ef t. w. bEing Up will iahg E.rEuEd mErE riJ bE mEdE 3J3 +hE thrE ugh .the VEEIGUE lawful FER 1E inEm. - +hE lEivful Ef L. REE Th 1 fErEigE Er tic.?.ii?d Eit3 End IEE EEII I=wEulE that iEfErmEii 1En rEciEiE it. Ef Eu WEEIE $153999 rEiundEE. b6-2 DeWoIf?490 And if duri?g'yDUE tha.t requlre my 51gnature um .- f1lihg Egch a camplaint,_ynu have m; .If my fatl?e1 is murderer: arn b1?u gt? It i: canceivable th caused by medi cal malpr. i??51U?tafj ma?slaughtef a '?he real wm11d the chi inr?stiga W111 Bf _::Lfi 11:9 51: bu'a sdead it'm at b? 111-1 I plaw fail where the 'ay 11m-fn1m1+1 Ea?aid E1 DEWDI cumplaint a1 ?lJ unta1rer Ewidence 1151 1 can Dp?rati?? 641 toms-:5 at .L?m June 4, 1984 Paramount Plaza 3550 Wilshire BouleVard Suite 1200' Los Angeles, California 90010 In re: Negotiations between Ronald E. DeWolf?and Mary Sue Hubbard and the church of Scientology 'Dear In our telephone conversation of May 24, 1984, I informed you of Mr. DeWolf's negative responSe to the proposed resolution of the pending matters between?him and Mary Sue Hubbard and the Church of scientology. Mr. Dewolf has asked me to confirm the transmittal of his negative response to you. This letter will serve that purpose. Very truly yours, Attorney at Law Ronald E. DeWolf ?b6-?2 b7c-?2 b6-2 b7c-?2 Be-?2 b7C-?2 b6-?2 b7c-?2 DeWolf?492 . .l j- 5 November 198$- Dear Friends, We have agreed to a Final Judgement by Consent and Injunction with the RTC. So the Trade Mark suit with the RTC is over and complete for us.' This has been a big relief for us and has freed up a lot of time for more productive and creative endeavors. To summarize the Final Judgement, we have agreed to: 1. Refrain from using the following words SCIENTOLOGY L.RDN HUBBARD LOGO 0T SYMBOL SCIENTOLOGIST 0T NED NDTS THE BRIDGE . L10 . NEW VITALITT RUNDONN AUDITED NUTS FLAG 0T EXECUTIVE RUNDOWN NEW LIFE RUNDOWN L12 ARC STRAIGHTWIRE SUNSHINE RUNDOWN 'Lll. HUBBARD BOOK 1 HAPPINESS RUNDOWN FLAG SOLO NUTS METHOD ONE STUDENT HAT FEBC OEC SCIENTULOGICAL Some of these are registered and some are not. These are the main ones and there are some others of less importance such as the Various symbols and names of magazines. 2. We are to refrain from claiming that what we do is Scientology or use any name which is confusingly similar to Scientology. 3. we paid Bridge Publications a $510.03 royalty fee. 4. Both sides paid their own attorney's fees and other expenses. 5. NO ATTEMPT IS MADE TO INTERFERE WITH OUR RELICIOUS PRACTICES AND BELIEFS, THE JUDGEMENT AND INJUNCTIOH COVERS ONLY TRADES NAMES. DeWoEf-493 Ira-turned in our upper level (0T) material to the RTC. We must refrain from offering any "advanced technology" or "confidential technology? that are represented to be Scientology. 8. No-attempt was_made to get the CADA to change its name or to remoye the word "Dianetic" from the name of California Association of Dianetic Auditors. There is no money judgement against the CADA. 9. We and others can resell the'books, tapes, packs, etc. which we purchase from Bridge Publications. We cannot, however, make copies and sell those. - We feel that there is no further reason for any conflict or upset about or with the RTC. We feel that individuals should do the doubt formula and either get back with the Church or go their own way with their own names and religious practices. Let's just drop all conflict and dramatization. If a group decides that they want exclusive use of some trade names, then let them have those names. We do not need them. After all, when other companies wanted to sell-fast food- hamburgers, they did not have to call them the "Big Mac". 'These companies thought up there own names and symbols and today they are just as successful as MacDonalds and sometimes more so. If we want to help make Planet Earth a better place spiritually, lets decide how we want to do it, decide what practices we want to employ and then create our own names and symbols which are different and not even confusingly similar to anyone elses to describe our services. Lets recognize and develop our own creativity and not have to copy someone else or be like someone else in order to succeed. 'If you want a copy of the Final Judgement and Injunction, please send $10.00 for postage and handling to: Best ds 136-2 DeWolf?494 0' 9 THE LAW OFFICES OF bE-2 b?c-2 Hubbard Estate v. Ron DeWolf Statement of Judgment, Attorney's Fees and Costs as of July 17, 1984 Judgment Attornev's Fees:l . - 1,026.00 h?"2 197.59 h7c"2 (costs) 185.15 Special Master I 100.00 Molezzo Court Reporter 135.00 Process Service . . - 15.00 $6,382.71 RECEIPT . b6-?2 Recei of the sum of from Ron DeWolf, made b?c"2 payable for Mary Sue Hubbard, is hereby acknowledged this day of July, 1984, in settlement of .Nevada Action No. 196, and California Action No. 47150. b6-2 b?c-?2 b6-?2 (Devh??495