Ycur Third Raguast ?r?cu requested ?[t]he number at children entered fcster care specifically because at a parent's with cpicids {an cverdcse death. a less at guardianship. a priscn sentence. cr all applicable terminelcgies} in vcur state each year between 2c1 The department dues pcssess tc vcur request. Pursuant tn the D?ice at Open Final Decisicn in Jenkins vs. Department er State. 00R AP Edna-U55. it shculd be ncted that: "It is net a denial cf access when an agency dues pcssess While the department dues have same that ccntain reascns that a child may have been placed in faster care. there is cften mere than cne reascn listed. If drugs is c-ne cf the listed reascns. the data is net captured tn the level at detail that the type at drug. ?r_cur Fcurth Haguast Yc-u requested ?[t]he mc-nev alIc-cated in vcur state far faster care services an a yearly basis between 2G1 Lama." The Deartment's tc 'fcur Fcurth Heguest ?fcur request is granted and we are previding ycu with a reccrd that ccntains the tetal dcllars allccated far faster care budget line items fer the state ?scal years arm thrc-ugh The department is permitted tc charge up te $.25 cents per page fer requested dccuments. In with the pcllicyrr that a fee will net be assessed when