Scott B. ?ndsev, PEER Senior Director. Employee Rela?bns it Human Resources and Talent Services 1% r} 313.333.3333 l. F. 13'; Cl I .- r?i I33 Dctober 3G, Ei? 1' Mr. Robert Blankenship Dear Mr. Blankenship: ?t the request of Dr. David Williams, Executive Director of Instruction, you are being placed on administrative leave with pa?;r to examine accusations of harassment. It is alleged that you have harassed a coworker. It was determined it would best to place you on adrturliettative teave pending heather investigation. This leave will last until the investigation is completed. Please understand that this adaunistrative leave with payr does not indicate corrective or disciplinarv action on the part of the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools. Should the administration decide to take aotion resulting from this investigation, you will be informed. You are not to return to school or attend are; school events until vou have been advised bv me to do so. Sincerelv (3.4.33 3 Lindsev co: Dr. David Williams. Executive Director. Instmotion Emplovee Central l'Clilice File (Certificated) BEE-1 Etanst'otd livenue. Nashville. TN 313114 METRO f" PUBLIC SCHOOLS November 22, 2017' Robert ?Bob? Blankenship Dear Mr. Blankenship: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the outcome of it sexual harassment, inappropriate touching of one of your wt and creating an intimidating work environment which was ini As discussed with you during the investigation, MNPS takes 1 not tolerate inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Employe matters to the attention of Human Resources at any time, wit such allegations are investigated and appropriate action take has a commitment to comply with our policy and to provide 0 professional work environment. Our investigation is now complete and all employees involve: the complainant as being able to provide relevant information was not sufficient evidence to support a finding of discriminat touched the complainants arm in a manner that was unwelco corroborated and is inappropriate. Likewise, although there it on racetreligionfnational origin, you did engage in a conversa and demonstrated a lack of sensitivity regarding a co-worker? unable to substantiate other allegations raised during the inve based on race, national origin, and sexual orientation. Thus, inappropriate conduct, there is no finding of discrimination. Effective Tuesday, November 28, 2017, you may to return to coaching notification regarding your behavior and district exp does not repeat itself. If you choose to return to your role as intact, your team meetings for the next three months will be Curriculum and Instruction leadership team. These actions a Harassment and Cultural Sensitivity Training. Should any no policy occur, it may result in corrective action up to and incluc Respectfully? Sharon ertiller Executive Officer of Human Resources Go: Deborah Story, Chief of Human Resources 2501 BRANSFORD AVENUE. NASHVILL rid-delivered and mailed via US Mail investigation into an allegation of iordinates on more than one occasion tially reported on October 27, 2017. such allegations very seriously and will aes are always encouraged to bring such hout the fear of retaliation or reprisal. All to stop inappropriate conduct. NINPS .ir associates with a safe and i or who were identi?ed either by you or have been interviewed. Though there ion based on sex, the allegation that you me on at least one occasion was vas not a finding of discrimination based tion on a subject that was inappropriate alleged religious affiliation. We were estigation that included discrimination while there is a finding of some work and will be issued a documented ectations to ensure that such behavior STEAM Director and the team remains o-facilitated with another member of the re in addition to attending Sexual concerns arise, or any violations of ing the recommendation for termination. E. TN 31204