ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 62-17 The following resolution was offered by ___________ and seconded by ____________. A resolution directing the Superintendent to engage an independent consultant to conduct research and analysis on the current state of school enrollment and school transportation, and make recommendations regarding potential changes in OPSB and/or school-level policies and procedures that may improve the experience of students and families in these areas. WHEREAS, the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) strives to continually improve the quality of educational experience offered to all our students and families, and be responsive to the concerns of the citizens we serve. WHEREAS, over the past several years, OPSB has solicited feedback from a sampling of parents and community members through town hall meetings, neighborhood meetings, the OPSB citywide survey, school board meetings, and other venues. Through these opportunities to listen to groups of parents and the community, several issues warrant further inquiry, including but not limited to: • • • • Parents’ desire to ensure their children can attend school with their sibling(s); Parents’ desire to ensure their children can attend a school within walking distance of their home; Parents’ desire to minimize travel time on school buses; Parents’ desire to ensure the health, comfort and safety of children when traveling to and from school, including how early or late in the day children arrive at bus stops, how long children sit on buses after arriving at school, and the availability of air conditioning on school buses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that OPSB directs the Superintendent to engage a consultant to better understand the district and school data, policies, and procedures that are impacting families in the areas of transportation and enrollment, and to assist the Superintendent to make strategic policy reform recommendations that may improve the experience of students and their families. The research and recommendations should be completed and presented to the school board no later than the June 2018 business meeting. This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: NAYS: ABSENTS: ABSTENTIONS: PASSED AND ADOPTED AT THE ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD BUSINESS MEETING held at Timbers, 3520 General deGaulle Drive, Multi-purpose Room 1050, New Orleans, Louisiana, on the 14th day of December, 2017. ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD John A. Brown, Sr., President CERTIFICATE STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF ORLEANS I, the undersigned Secretary-Treasurer of the Orleans Parish School Board, State of Louisiana, do hereby certify that the foregoing two (2) pages constitute a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 62-17, adopted by said Orleans Parish School Board on December 14, 2017. IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature and the impress of the official seal of the School Board at New Orleans, Louisiana, on this the day of , 2017. (SEAL) Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Secretary-Treasurer