FEDERAL FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1350715?0 Tetal Deleted Pageis} 12 Page 41 ReferralfDirect; Page 44 ReferralKDirect; Page ReferralXDireet; Page 80 ReferralXDireet; Page 81 ReferralfDirect; Page 11? Page 118 b6; Page 147 Page 148 Page 149 Page 150 Page 151 Deleted Page{s) No Duplication Fee For this Page DIREGTD a, Fig: regarding he been cbteine?. -. 1 b6 th, .- bile SEEATE IEVEETIGJTIRG Cain; In raE -Ibi?lce 0F QULUQEIA w. I l' I I nee cenfi?en 1511? revised that he hen been ctle ecurcc he: In this connection, Irelated th;- about three months age he rcceive? a cell at me which was answered by his wife. The caller cr t.e and 1cn in?ormed he wee net at heme, requestedl I . the that h:d called. when she inquired as to any" num ?ne Should cell, the called will where to pet me." b6 He eal? his informant hole i3?C him that through ?he ten on his home, th e? During Be fore Sec ?Gcmw ing hip ccncerr 1mg tile BGUPSE OI hie teetlm Hg in executive caesiu.n detail in ueeticn- I.- cn? eftcr they infermed hie SE44 1' . gnaw-3: . ?1 acid these th cciccdee, he feels the informaticn could been obtained only through teeming hie tele?hon?- arid he then conferred with two efficiele of the ed allegedly mane a check cf hi: there wee nc ten on hi he tNEE?hcne commeny heme lice, official;- tcl; hi2? .1 as f" Que _-nr 3/ nhcne . 1/ a Wamri'mnmn 135? 5:1 p- I 1 ccnif?m?ll n. 4.45.! r? Direotor Elin'i'l?i RE QRIEE, D. C. tnril 19, 1952 there were only three nieces where his shone could be tanned sis during the course of the conversation let slim that the shone he been tanned at one of teese nieces but irredittelr corrected hini self saying that it oould here been. I lsteted ?le b6 original information.from his informant was thit the tens were out, on at the teleohone board and after he had comoleined to the tele-?Ib7C nhone oomoeny, the tens were removed and renleoed on Dole neEr EJTD his home, an automobile being used as a receiving noint. His informert even furnished hiv the teleohone role from which the ten see corratin?. seid he had had an in- quiry made by some of his men in the neighborhood.of his home to determine if sensible whether such.e ten hed been instelled, with negetive results. Hm.? seid he contemnlated going to Senator iiA?i?ThlL'i?u? HEELY, a rman of :he bub-Coorittee, and informing him of this matter but that he desired nroof heforehe annrosched him. He said he knows from east ennerience that Senator NEEDE is strongly on wire: tanning and for reason believes the activities by are without the knowledge of the Senator. He said that as he recalls the various conversations he has had withtf? I has continually stated that wire testing should be legalised in the District of Chlumbia and be handled under the same conditions that oreveil 1 York City. He further steted it is his under- standing-that hes inserted tWo men from Hew'York City who are familiar with wire tanning and has had them working for since February 1, 1952. Ialso stated he knows that former b6 has worked very closely eith the Snow osmittee and ur- nished them with informationasnd leads and has, as a matter of b7i} fact, interviewed oeoole with. lon matters concerning the ooliee deoertment. He has received information fron what he cone .liehle Source -- -. _a v, by the namelof 1?rho is a close friend of . ad told the informant that about Aoril 1, -952, there would be a big blouse" concerning the Police would ultimately sneer lost of office, toot would become and that wou1d take over all . 'ns the District of olurbie end onerete with a freshend. Stid he believed was aooerently referring to t'e narco c- condition disclosed in.March, 1952. Since he has taken office, has informed him ooenly thet he is ceaotigning to ottein the hosition.ef Sunerintendent of Police in washington. The foregoing is outnitted for the information of the Bureau. NOTATIDH. . "Since it sensors to be onen sesaoon for wire tanning I think regular checks should he ends of hone office ?hints of all members of Es-Gonf. Sac a Sec of wash. Field." H. 4.- It- Wm u. . I ?Edi Of?ce Memom?dum UNITED STATES Goveawwewr Even? 429*? Mr . Ween. ?t Ma};r 3, 1952 . 1. hf? mean FROM suwnvr: ?sec em TELE moves or 3? 72? tweaeswirr co stresses ?x me? been sec AND Ashe, we Pueposg ?is; El: To report result's of the security survey? on the home we? telephones of memb of the Executives Conference and the SAC and ASAG in MFG. 73:. were found. ?es-egg}: arid; Shine! 1173:: Sheff)?: DETAILS May?Daede??a S??esetj?f vee?gi Pursuant\ eDirector?s instructions on% memoran captioned "Senat 13- Committee Investigating Crime in the District of li'v?olumhiajI Inf rmation Concerning," the residence telephones of the following we checked: I/?he Director I, Mr. Tolson 4?1? Mr. Ladd ,1 Mr. Nichols Mr. Belmont If Mr. Glegg Mills GlaVin Mr. Harbo Mr. Rosen Mr. Tracy A Mr. Holloman {a Mr. Mohr All central fies appearances, working and multiple cable appearances and telephone instruments were examined and found free of clandestine connections. The facilities serving Mr. Holloman were examined: however, subsequent to this examination the service has been changed from_two party to private line. as soon as the prerequisite information required to complete this check is compiled by the telephone company, a complete security survev will be afforded this line. Information received from the telephone company on.Ma3 1 1952, indicated that this data will be afforded on Mav 6,1952. It is evident from this survey that the telephone services of all officials except the Director, Mr. Rosen and Mr. Mohr can be tapped at points remote from their residences where their telephone pairs reapoear mil refer to as mu iple a smaEhohEE? 1?55 \uo HCQE dime Vrhii?gg ?3 JUN 2131 . Memorandum to Mr. Tolson Map 3, 1952 The check of the office telephones of the Bureau officials was made on April 8th in accor?ag with instructions contained in Mr. Gcnradts mem randum.to ?5?%ated January 23, 1952, captioned "Bureau Telephones Security Checks." The technical data compiled during this survey will be retained in the Laboratory. A letter has been directed to the washington field division reporting completion of central office portion of the lines of sec Hood and ASAD Fletcher together with information revealing the location of the working and multiple appearances of these lines. RECOMMENDATIONS 'l - That the Bureau consider requesting the telephone company make all lines normlultipling. It is suggested that this he handled 5% by the Communication Section through commercial contacts in order hat the engineering staff at the telephone company can issue orders for the desired work. This will involve much planning, extensive work and expense to the telephone company. That the working and multiple appearances of the residence telephones of officials listed in this memorandum be checked once in each 90 days. That the facilities in the telephone company central offices be checked once in 6 months and the instruments on the premises be checked once in each year. Memorandum.te Mr. Teleen May 3, 1952 That times for these checks be staggered in euch a way that no definite pattern can be established on recheck of the facilities. Jii?a?sh simian Field 5 Liraa?ar, fl: Best pass?b?e Law .35; J, Jill I Gunfirminq LclepLonic inatruatinn? gi-nen tn iu?c..ar GR .lpr?l LL, 1 1:5 r?5"lar accuri?y HI 0L col 3 shaul? 13 made GJ Lane n.arr3 irhe .1 a? aLLJn5t0n JLJLE o'anB shoul? he handled cu: ca qrcarf arly basis by qualiqe say-mi nan Lo ?ea. Lie GEHEG He LL 'i-y LLG J.d?b3 :.Lur 3 a LL, a aiaaL af EL rLaifa,m Ls LL a a Jarr. ?cprn?cn?a?in?a my ?re Ln. vra+crf rill L339 Leg;- uh??hi uiLLJn LclepLanc involncu. Fan Lhauid, of arsrae, in LL: c?ecks qr 1 ?ring i215yLuLL 3L regierL wn?gr Liens La L-ll field q?f'icca. ?ttacLed here?a is a LLULL: ELL JninJ daLa which will be a? cas?a??LCL La L15 saJnJ nan van? quicc in; ILL LLc:r?Ly a? LL: re: J?J:ncr ghancs ?11 LLE 32$ and 5301115513,: Lasting Hurean ?itachmen? RTHkabu153:t?htL??41 1.1,a ?if 511:.? k- h: 'er; . :3 I char {If Jan?d1Talk-I-?41. I Jig.? I 1 a. gagslibs?E mm! Labaratary feciinicians have 9.52:2." 7:21.130: me can-11mm 11:? ma jamximc? of ia?nes remix?? 323?; li?aicu? 15's: 11:61.; cm: W: $4231. Mama? 1'39 1:113}. Hm?wer. 133-? r'u??'fJ'EF'fiHS new; Emmi Fray 117111?11411111 11.1 urn-?rm fie 3:3: 51 1dr: ??lfg?n -. 1:13:11 114?: 1 r: . ?if. Haiti?s DrInc-Jib .- 1.111 if." 1 n3 5' ii"! 11 3:055::51! :Efq- d11- II 1 '3 1114-2? 1.31;. a; ?Eiffi?i?du??i in? 3?.36. 1 Ifalhfge .3131: 33.3; +111 1:13?33 1 TI ?i'i . -.-- '31 934$" C, . seen no. 54 w} O??ce Mema'd?d?m - UNITED STATES GWERNMENT Tc The ?irector Imam hey 1953 seam tigfgee??tices conference SUBJECT: I ?y 1497 foe c, - . cw we: ?eets,?- .. ye- ?thr 0n Huh 5: 1&52, the Gouference, composed of hessrs. Ladd, Glacin, Mohr, Belmont, Rosen, Elegy, Gearty,m;;EI Holloman and Hhrho, was advised of the Director's in- ?a structions that regular checks should be made of the 4' home and c?fice telephones of all members of the Executives Conference and the SAC and ASHG of the Hashington.Field . Q?fice, and that the check had been completed with negative results. a?fice telephones of members of the conference are checked fhe Gomference a Quarterly hasisa This will be limited to the lines between the islephone exchange and the individual residence, with a check inside the telephone exchange being made epmiannually? .7 1 {g Under a program previously approved by the Director, .J 1 d?d??h in the; of the donTerence mem ers being made only once ?x a yearg fhe schedule for the SAC and sees cf the Hhshington Field Q?fice would he the same as proposed herein for the Conference members. If the director approves, the attached may go?forward to the washington Field Q?fice. Respectfully, For the conference 1/ Clyde Tolson Qty, co - mm: 093$, 5 ?gli:i4gi iFJ7r23wdjl . u. see: $3.5 .1532 sin-?ame Farm m. 64 O?ce - GOVERNMENT To Mr. R. T. Harte EMTE: May 28, 1952 FROM I. We CD norm. QSTEB m, This is to advise that on May 26 and 27, 1952, {g and I lof the FBI Laboratory conducted m: (J 3 a security survey on the and a William 0. Foster. 0:113 the in Hr. Foster's office was included in.the check as specified {3 hi Security Officer of the Office of the .- efense. No evidence of any tempering on any lines was Furthermore it was determined that in the case of extension 86 of White House Board National a multiple appearance at the Munitions Building; had been removed andl In view of the .seeurityr precautions being taken by the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company in their exchanges,- when if this survey is conducted in the future a check-W111]. be made .3115 {3:5 Wexche?ges themselves cnee 3 months. The survey fe- conducted. quarterly. 5:31 erh 4k 3" s- 3 wg?tu??ef seesaw..- celluszur I _4 if u- <(1?rivur1! "r CJF 7334 erred-v?? ere V: is "n 5e Memorandnm - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To Hr. Herbs WW DATE: October 31, 1953 FROM TY. Conrad b6 sumac. WHWRITF .K Bosses recess hi?: on: Elem? numn__ 0n lO-l??-52 Iandl lag" the noun? Laboratory conducted a seoari survey on the residence nhcnes EM: G. 0. Gearty daring which no evidence of tamoe ring was oumn? observed. The following is the information which will be m? ?l?all. Bailou? necessary to conduct the security check in the future: name Name G. 0. Clearty I 5" Address 3346 Aberfoyle Place, H.351, .D. 0. Pnone Number Elierson 2-3215 (Lia number OR 3215) WM Central Office Information 7? i I i c; group .5233 terminal 33 cable 533 3 Multiple Appearances ?96 Hone j' {Fermi ng Appearances 0? pole 33543 (rear 3346 liberfoyle Place) lag 3 Instruments One 3036? in dining room (the #earty's contemnlate the( i installation or an extension phone in the future inn. the master bedroom upstairs) Protector Bloc}: Located in basement. esnorscs Egg?! of i NEW 3 WT itlim?a a. i (@616: Amie 70 I ?40]??06 - UNITED ST TBS GOVERNMENT T0 Mr. Barbe gym: January .13, 1953 . FROM . 5. W. Unnrg E: {?lings-L Ef?fi?fv?d 136 min? SUBJECT: SEGU 0F AND REBIDE GE TELEPHONE LINES 0F SEMRIHR PATRIGK es. 0n 1*12-53l and I eonduoted a security survey sf the Senate Q?fiae Bui ng an resiaenoe ahah_ lines of Senator ascarran. as evidence of tampering was found. At the residence, there are 3 instruments. In the . library, a pair of wires about 18" long, terminating in a 3-hele Jones socket, is attached to the line at the instrument. This socket could be used as a convenient means of attaching a recording device to the phone. No recording equipment was observed. - JIM: 1! r1: 3-3" ee?errsee'rr; 1H. 1.71/ 93"? as Jim?! 3- is; r. .l can: . ?fzgur-?gw 6?52; qumzom 5 Iwc? 3} A?ww' FR 73m . yy-?h? "'11 -;uasa?d sq ?aw 3331039 ?uguagsiy dqu? do sasgnap aupuosaa J1 aungagap ag o;gsawag an; fb ?4031?43d?5 pun af?gogJUh nvad?g ?ag f0 sasngo an; Io unggmugwnma up ganpuoa cg pagean?ad sq Esq; papuawMUOBJ 91 $1 ?guamdgn?a ?dnssaoau an; J3 uagssassod u; man 31 uag?oag Ivagdgaazg-oipva an; 39 waannur -anuanv ngunnr?guusg no ?ugauaaf egg fa ?un u; aq gu?gm yogqm ?megumuaaw ay$ f0 iamod an; uad? spuadsp ssauanggoaJUb Jb s?uwa egg '3m14 egg; an au$ pagd?o?d aegmaqgf ?sqguom $13 gend an; paianoosgp uaaq gen! qu uoium fa 333u9?01439 an; ?aagnap ?ggnma gu?uasaa egg fa ?pngs an; '196493 saua?grfagui gagaag {30160: 3J0 am ?SJamad udaggaj egg 4% ?ana?n aoua?gfreaug geowaxaf aqg 35 ?sougs gagnng an sgdwag;v gang 0; aunww: s: :33 an; qua ungagsod egg adopu 01 pdogyb 40mm am 4mm 4:3! at: ?ssaww pasting 9% away-m ?a?parmow: fw? 0-11 ?pu?of?uaaq angq saognap qans nu argu? -anrg aagnng an; n; pagpoof srngog?fo ogg?mardgp 33 ea; In saonga an; ug pa?a?aas p349?0331p usaq an?u angaap Saguagsgr {a sad?; enquaw f?Jgaas 493d egg ?ats-mp mm mm!? 31:4 04 amp ?wnd 11.1 ?apvw 922m magma??ns 9m gnu sum qaaya yang 4anpuoa cg guawdg?aa aqg swga :nq; 4y -?u3394d aq ?aw saogaap Jaqga JD 4u?uosa? J3 oughaagap a; apnw aq aaua?grfagqr oggsamnq aw; fa Biosgnaadns pun 2;;??armgogjyo HESJHE ?ax skagJyo sq; In naianungma un 49g; $1 an; Fq ?apnm uaa?sa??n9 a ?gg?oz?II fa a?np Japug ?unk-LIE aw 9AM Earl: Tm MOI "Lila" i'ITIiu. I QIJFL. 5 unmet Eff?f 3km LED Sg?iu?afda? ?3}qu .30 IJIEMJEE 0:133f?nsfi? W: ??umtu. 49' 835: Mama :3va u:%qrr 1r ~32 m: .LNEWNHHAOB sums (13mm 99540 SHOSQ -- 35 . . wmurmm? O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO yr, Harbo [40$ Harsh l3, 1953 i 1 ?.95 I 1'9th FROM II I GO ?rad ?an I I mannin? l?l? or senses courses o?Pg?u'f': tr nrvc: agn/ I i Reference is made to memo from supervisor 0.A. Snell to its? Branigan dated s-zones renewing a recommendation that examination 3: be made of the a?fices at hey Bureau afficials and supervisors af an the ?omestic Intelligence ?ivision to determine if resonant cavity mom microphones or other listening devices may be present. m? I As indicated in my memo of 12?5-53 in response to the earlier recommendation we were equipped at that time to make the security search for everything ewcept the cavity microphone, and search equipment for the cavity microphone was not purchased by the Bureau because of lash of fUnds. However, the Bureau subsequently has purchased one set of equipment for cavity microphone searches. As previously indicated the minimum searching party consists af 2 men and it is estimated that a minimum of 2 days time will be required to search a single room.of average ties for the cavity microphone alone. In addition, prior to beginning active search.for the cavity type microphone, a ??istening? type of search should he conducted for several hours in order to determine whether cavity microphones might be being activated by the enemy, it being noted that active search as distin? guished from "?listening'r would immediately inform the enemy of our activities. ?ne additional day?s timeyfor 1 man is required to search a single room af average sieegfor other types of microphones. Accordingly, it is estimated that a total of's man days will be required for the complete search of each average sise room involved. curtain phases at the search for the cavity type microphone will necessarily have to be carried out during the hours in which the office is occupied and in use. This will mean that appromimately of the above 6 man days per room will involve a technician in the space to be searched during the normal worhing day. As previously pointed out by meJ the "room search? approach will not as a practical matter insure 100 per cent against the presence of microphones since it is entirely possible to conceal microphones in such a way that they cannot be detected with present day equipment, without sub- stantial damage to wall sunfaces, and, of course, the destruction of wall sunfaoes is not a practical approach. far In view of the security chechs which we are making for other government a?ficials, I certainly agree that it is dhsirable to insure insofar as possible the security of our own critical affices. It is- suggested that we start with a survey of the offices of the ?irector, or. lvlson, or. Ladd and Er. Nichols. .147?: j] A i. U. ?43' "Abe-1E4} imam :9 15 1953 ?IFC-j?uf I swans.? es s: unifies O?ce Memr?dum - UNITED STATE Govnnuusut 1?0 i The Director DATE: March 30, 53/ I'llm Led Executives conference i 0 Elsi-it Huh SUBJECT as senses onerous Eadun? Sa?r?liy? .. i 'I'ncr I 0n harsh 30 the Conference composed cf steers. Tolson, Ladd, GallahanJ Tracy, elegy, dearty,.Holloman, Belmont, hohr and Barbe considered the suggestion of Special scent Eeell of ?Dvmestic Intelligence Division that the Laboratory make an emamination a? the a?ficee cf hey Bureau a?ficials and supervisors cf the Domestic Intelligence Division to determine whether resonant cavity microphones or any other listening devices may-be present. in ?gs? 7? the conference was advised that it would require 6 man up per room to make such a search, that it would not insure one hundred . per cent against the presence of microphones since they could be con- sealed without detection unless substantial damage was done tv wall We sunfaces. - is its Bureau new has the equipment needed to search for the ?xcavity type microphones. It is anticipated that a request to search for such devices will be received?from the White House. The Conference as opposed to the suggestion of ur. Etell. hr. Load was linemise op- osed to a proposal that a search for listening devices he made only in the Director's Q?fice on the ground that it is extremely unlikely hat hidden listening devices would be jpund, due to the practical i?ficulties of gaining access to the space to install any concealed ioraphones._ - ll severe. falcon, Gallahan, Tracy,.uohr, Belmont, ale?g, Gearty, is olloman'and'?arho recommend that a search.for cavity type microphones nd other listening devices be made in the Birector's Q?fice, they recognise_that it is unlikely any concealed listening devices will be iscovered but fuel that since we are making such searches other gencies we should make such a search of the nirector's Q?fice as a recautionary measure. 1: H'Hl?w Respectfull a? upg?ulr For the conference . ?r 9?3" 1 vfi odyde falcon '1 i" cc 0139'? dk "e .51 9 MT. l:_i 274$ 23 mm 15 3953 - TV at Summon Firm}: is). .. .- O?iw Memorandum . UNITED STAT 3 GOVERNMENT T0 Aid. A. H. DATE: April 3, 1953 .ct?e FROM V. P. i ?cl?avL s? ?ltr? scopes: success or Fasteners}; antenna seamstress 3:31. ran ,4 ?utes crests 'ssooerrf onset or HIS 5i? Gm 0n April 3, 1953, whilel bf the Liaison_ section was discussing other matters with.Postmaster General Arthur E. Bummerfield, he stated that he was a little concerns about some of the leaks emanating from the Post Q?fice Department. b6 es stated that he understands that had a man assigned to each Cabinet a?ficerqfor the up information . from any source he could and that because of this, plus the just that there have been leans, he would feel safnr ij'the l?l'would have a check made of his entire office suite ft: the possibility lo? micro hones being planted in thd"ordindtg"hnd most usual places. He anguish the wall but if we could make a check of electrical receptacles, etc., he would feel much better about it. Mr. Summerfield stated he would like to have, in addition to his immediate cjyice, the a?fice of Deputy_ Postmaster reception rooms used by Mr. Hoohrand?himself. ur. summerfield stated that this check could he done at the Bureau?s convenience. It is recommended that the Bureau make the requested 3? security check of the Postmaster General's suite. If you approve, this memorandum should be forwarded to the Laboratory'for handlinglit. 3 we RFQD iiewijcivilEu: 335v 4Q. 1 '1 33" 4: f1- . is? ammo-mm.? . .- O?ice Mama. - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT - fi' 4 To Hr. Hair [93% Do?: April 3, .1953 FROM I. assess FOR 93 ms: Erica Ham 1' Hanan Be my memo 2?10?53 advising that arrangements are being mu made with the telephone company to reassign the house pair in thegise? ?anate Q?fice Building for the unlisted telephone line to a non- mm multiple pair. The telephone company advised on 3?31-53 that the reassignment had been completea;in addition, telephone eatension 1149 also had its multiple removed. Accordingly, all af as. Nisan talephones in the Banate Q?fice Bailaing are now supplied with house ?3 pairs which do not multiple at other locations. Emacs I 15? iiFP: arh if)? a 1 mu .HgoosDED?si 97ja% - is? Tats as 153 3 1 39 ?11.23 3" mama 1 ggcam?? - iit?ki?r'i .. [if 16/ 719%? as? ?gs? summon mm: mg 5.: O?ice Memrandam - UNITED snares GOVERNMENT T0 MB. A. H. were. April 3653 FROM F. P. Esau JEWE n. answer: 'eecsesr er or Assessments senses roe A asses -t I . ., "y ?mermaid; Isle. Em. 5 It Hellman Goody- . On April 2, 1953, whileI af the Liaison 1! Station was discussing other matters wi ecretary of Agricultu .Eera Taft Benson, he advised that he was a little concerned with cm 1 the security of the Department of Agriculture's ?Report.hoom.? i7? ?r Secretary Benson stated that in this room his people compile facts 2: ,and figures concerning prices and other confidential information relating to the United States agricultural economy. He stated that at a given time he has to go to this room and sign the prepared 3 fireport. Following this, copies of this report are furnished to ,3 Enewspapermen and other interested persons and the then goecomes public. dp to this point it is essential, according to a; Secretary Benson, that this information be hept strictly confidential. 4% Secretary Benson stated that if_possible, he would appre~ ?ciate the Bureau?s making a security check of this room and loch for H5 concealed microphones in the most logical places. Secretary Benson lxa stated that he would go into this matter more fully when the Bureau?s rcpresentatives come to his ojjioe on honday, april 3, 1953, to check his telephones in connection with the countermeasure device. cf? ?1 on April 6, 1953, special the Eh?ectrical Section of the FBI.Laboratory chec telephones of Secretary Benson in connection with the countermeasure devi 1thct tinerdeenetanu_?ensen_nas_awis from his desk; hswever. talked to Eweoutive Assistant to the care a . advised that there were actually four rooms Kg involved in the ?Report Boom setup and that Secretary Benson desired is the FBI to chest these rooms for the any possible lleahs by the use of concealed microphones. advised 7% that he would contact the Bureau through or. Bartlett of the Liaison Section as to when the room would be available for checking. b5 . BEGQMMENBATIGN: It is recommended that the Bureau comply with .. . i i -. - '5 a ire-Wit cur-r Nun .a'a aranaJJE-W I 1"ij Secretary Benson's request to a security check of his thh' Room.? lyi?his is approved, ef the Liaison Section{_ 1 will make the necessary arrangemen wi Secretary Benson?s o. ;f a [eersses.ro - - ?77ja titles-7,4 it" . in hav these rooms checked. .1 - Mr. Harhoghtm?md' $3373 SE 468ng ?fQ-Ja ?end?aggf ?Multan? 53%; e511,: Ojj?ce Memorandy - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To Mr. Herb April 10, 1953 FROM Hr. Gear summer: exceoeso SEGURITI suavegsos b6 UFFIGE PWOSTMASTER 3 GENERAL ARTHUR E. memes-mm WC 0n ids/53. sell Iandl I will Ieheeked fiees of Postmaster General Ar?hur E. Summerfield, Deputy Postmaster General Charles R. Heck and Mr. Summeefieldlel Ifer cone eealed microphones with.ne3ative reeults. The search was limited, at the request of Mr. Summerfield, to the most likely locations, eueh.as lighting fixtures and receptacles, air conditioning and heating duets and controls, and chair rails, decorative alcoves, and fireplaces. Ne damage was done to the walnut paneling. . REGOMMEEDATIOH: "h I- That the Liaisen_3eetien advise the Postmaster General of the result of this survey. JIM 11pr 5247309? we 445.53 35pm")? 2?47 Came 49. berg JEWIEE, 11 meme eer: e; Of?ce Memoreedem UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To i Mr. Tolsonl/ onus: April 24, 1953 Talus? FROM e. e. Herbs .2 JUNE ?mg ,?pJ i?z?i? {ue?z/gzi eff It?; seem-?e so use, sesooism'rss on em; oesrserous mm? Justioe, Stats and Commerce Departments 3-h- Building: 135 Isiah: gestures guesses his M. Pursuant to the in?ermation relayed to the Laboratory nan, SA and of the Laboratory made a today of Room 3-35, Main capitol Building, Subcommittee on Appropriations, with negative results. I was present during the period of the survey. consisted of an examination of the electrical outlets, telephones and walls for concealed microphones, radio trans? mitters, radio frequency microphone-telephones and tel-mike installations. The survey did not include a check for telephone taps outside of Room 3-35. RECOMMENDATION: I Its of the survey be furnished to Iof the Subcommittee, by Mr. dallahan. We [26' Gallahan RTE Faint: @511. was" ?Em? ?3 is 2mm?? wage a a div we?? s: use" seam COPY ?ies ear r1594? 6?5 ?Weir" e'mumnn Fug? 54 O?ice Mema?d?d?m UNITED saws GOVERNMENT 1e. D.M. LSDD mm?pr? 30: 1953 me A.H.BELMONT JUNE 3S L. STRAUSS, SPESISL ASSISTANT To TSESTDENT :3;le? DETISE Referenee your memorandum to the'Directcr of Merche 27, 1353:: wherein he approved the Bureau's making a security check of Strausshe; m? office in the Executive Offices Building. The Laboratory will mekaf thee security check at 10 mm. on April 21, 1953. called on April 20, 1953 and stated that Strauss had inquired of the White House ebcut the countermeasure device for his telephone and had been referred to the Bureau. b6 AGTIOH: The?geuntermeesure devece will be placed on Strenss' phone at the time a security check is being made of his office unless advised to the centre? ??32 ONE :1sr - Hr. Herbe ?r memes. ms?? f?g_lq?? NO. 5? O?ice Memo?ndam- UNITED sages GOVERNMENT To on. sense more: lipril so, 1953 FROM I. If. CONE 5UBJECT1 SUBG 0N APPROPRIATIONS JUNE 'aJ Justice, Stat_e and commerce Departments w" Room B- 25, ?a_in Gapi_tol# Building Disclaimer?! seeders essences Security saroey made of.aoom 3'35', Main capitolr Building, Subcommittee on Appropriations, on 4/24/53 instructions received from Inspector Callahan on 4/23 ear hoganehe Results negative. ACTION thfirming the oral information furnished to you, the results of the saroeg were furnished telephonically to Inspector Callahan in order that he might appropriately aduise of the Gbmmittee. b6 DETAILS Purser-W in SAI and sported to nspec or J. P. callahan this morning who accompanied them to Room 3-25, gain capitol Building, where they were met Subcommittee on Appropriations,a ormer Bareaa posts A ent. - 9 securities-This a 7-333 The emtent of the survey wasagiscus advised that the request for th' based on information furnished the committee by thex ector that a ?special" microphone (sanity microphone) can be installed and activated mithoat wires leading therefrom. it was pointed out to him that while a survey at this time would detect the presence of any concealed equipment, it would not reveal the scores of the energy, which is most important in detecting the identity of?the operators of such equipment. Tb he e?fectioe in determining the origin of the energy in this type of concealed microphone, the search should he conducted at a time when:06 the JI?enemg? would he likely to be activating the cavity microphone,b7?i as for eaample when the Subcommittee is in session. Too, it was pointed out that ij'snch a microphone is concealed in the room, the Tfiy ?enemy" may detect the presence of the searchers and ?abandon all It operations for anr of being detected, thas ooidin possibility af detecting the source at energy. .Neoertheless, ?advised that as far as the committee was concerned, he helieoed the sarong for concealed equipment should proceed at this time. Accordingly, the ea: or. Callahan 3 m, i. 3334?}: #33 gigg?yg? 733933 b6 survey was conducted by The results were negative. Ehe survey consisted of an examination of electrical outlets, telephones and walls concealed microphonesJ radio transmittersJ radio frequency microphone?telephonesJ and tel-mite installations with negative results. Two suspicious locations were detected which required penetration into the wall and door jamh. These penetrations were done with and at his request. Further examination eliminated the possibility of their being used concealed microphones. The survey see not include a telephone security survey exterior to Room 3-25 as none was requested. was with the searchers during the conduatof 'the entire survey and although no report wasmaae to him, it is assumed that he was cognisant of the results by virtue cf his Bureau experience. care was taken that no comments were made which might be misinterpreted the results of this Survey. ?st? Mm??h so .. . O?ice Memomudam - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT emu-am: mm lm To lir. Harho (pg, DATE: April El, 1953 . g; p, it: ,1 Room I I. if. acnra sea: in . slim: mutt: neurone sees most use TO THE renowned the?" sectors? Stevenson mm: co euros Tl'?li new": Beference is made to memorandum.from ur. Belmont to the Director dated 3?3?-53 and memorandum.from MT. Belmont to ur. Ladd dated 4?20-53 in which requests for a security survey and installation of a counter? measure device in the a?fice of Admiral Lewis L. Strauss were made. On 4?31-53 33 and I conducted a securi survey or concealed listening devices in the a?fice af Admiral Strauss, Room 225, Ewecutive Q?fice Building. No evidence of hidden microphones was.found. Considerable old wire was removed from a wire duct to prevent its use as a microphone cable. :3 At the same time, the countermeasure device was installed in the single telephone instrument in Admiral Strauee' attics. ?3 ras I introduced showed the Bureau personnel the Admiral?s five and made arrangements a tall stepladder to facilitate the microphone survey. Aoprowimately 2 hours after the survey was underway f?dv? IQ: I lashed why the instruments in his office were not being protected along wi those in Admiral dtraus inasmuch as the Admiral?s lines appeared in the outer a?fice. that the protective device did not insure against upping of telephone conversations over the wire, but prevented against the use of the micro- phone in the telephone being used to ich a room conversations when the phone was not in normal use. satisfied and withdrew his request,for installa ion countermeasure devices in his a?fice. On leaving ?Have you ever.fcund anything on these chechsP replied, I am not at lihert to say but I do feel that these a es are not unprofitable."? meaning was .i?di_?d?hrity surveys are as a matter of_precaution. did not specifically ash% if anything had been found did not volunteer that nothing been?found. Pass to; ?NMH?n?n?nqmap? 5:6 No survey of the telephone lines as such was made except the lines in Admiral Strauss? a?fice were cheched out to determine that none of 1 them were being used for microphone cable. 1* - jr'. bis?dd?h?d??d?l?h: It is suggested that Liaison section advise Admiral nhg? kl kdtrauss of the results of this survey and countermeasure installation. Wendy. ee-ersoe x? . to ?4 cc - eo-eoo M5 I aware 1? 3? if" TIN-SUI: slug ?u in rum-:1: Road? 'rmey eat-m Belmont Tole. Mon.? meme? 6 Me 19 1953 Agree 22, 1953 7.. 3&330 0n the Leloro?ory are assigned oo of -dege:ir outside the Eureoo, ourine which time they come in contact with various oJVWeiole of the douernment. on one eueh assignment, a Lahoreoory reare- by engaging in too much lej? the that he ?ed security vision oion, which inquiry of and embarrassment fo the Bureau. I meet insist ohot you properly inorruet o: and indoctrinote the employeoo under your eupervieion to the efyeot tho? #hey meet be very discreet and not engage in unnecessary talk or discussion concerning 1 their work or the results ohereoju Fery truly youre, a. Eager John Edgar Hoover, DEL .- 033 3591 1'9 .Hoto: E?ie grew out eJie cheek mier?phonee in theo /?ymee of.Adeirel E: wiaEggrouee, on 4/315 Er. mid-5 ugh-um Life-egaomw ?9 ?hi - Malibu-5Hv'umdir 3 1" STANDARD FERN: a; 22:: that? hieihei?hth?iddhf 0 ?it? . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To THE DIRECTOR - DATE: April 22, 1953 mm/ FROM if. Ladd in: .0 a! SUBJECT: Secunity check of office of l/l Admiral Lewiyfetrause - in On 4/21 I received a phone call from ?dniral 3 Eco? Strause, from New York. m: He advised that hie assistant had just called Fi? him from. Washington and advised that the security sheet of the Admiral fe office in the Ewecutive Offic 3 'ng in iiashington had just been coowleted by Agent Bureau ?3 ?ahoratory; that the aeeis tant had asked ever found anything in these checks and had allegedly stated ?This morning was very e. The ddini ral was a little concerned and wanted to know whether we had ?found anything in his office. I checked with Mr. Parsons in the Laborator and had the attach ed memorandum obtained from Agent i as to the discussion entered into. It is noted that Agent: stated ednd ral Straues? secretes numerous questions; that on leaving he ashedl i ?he had ever found anything on these checks, and . .4 if? if") states he replied that he was not at liberty to say, but he etc feel that these checks "ere not unprofitable." Upon securing this information I telephonic-ally contacted Admiral Strauss and advised him that apparently his secretary, who had been asking numerous questions, had misunderstood-agent? that when his or tare had asked whether we ever cane: anything Agent I had informed him that he was not at liberty to sense . this matter, but he did feel theworh was very profitable as a protection. I told 'Adni ral Strauss that we had not [found anything of a security nature in connection with the check: of hie offices. sweetness core rate in 5?66:? Admiral Strauss appreciation and statedr} that after several months he would like an opportunity to call the Bureau and request a recheck. I told him I was sure the Director would be glad to consider this if he would call at such time as he desired the recheck. There is attached a memorandum treated to Mr. Harbo, ?ostructin?c him to ovation his enclaves about too much fee-tqu?HE 3. he wee talking . 5 63in)! 33 @qu 323:5: ese O?ice Met/20%; alum UNITED GOVERNMENT also! us. A. o. sswow??a/ one April 23, EW If ream. V..P. I mm: __eooser see Free roe ones on TFO IN THE FREE HOE-9E FOR C) ounces . . Son-Tue. pwrf] 1.1953. r- tele hone call.from IEEcret Service, at which time i? inquired or FBI would lend to the Scoret Service eequipment to he used in the location of resonant-cavity type i listening devices. tated that the Secret service desire to check two rooms in White abuse and that the check cannot be made at this time without borrowing theeguipment from the Bureau inasmuch as other equipment this purpose is not in ewistence. advised possible to make the equipment aoa? can basis inasmuch as the Bureau has only one set of this equipment and that set was hand- Imade. advised that it may be possible the Bureau 136 1376 to make the equipment available with a technician to operate it in order to assist in the desired search oj*the two rooms. stated that the rooms will be available starting at approw mate 119:30 A.ML, may 9,1953 and will be available for about twenty-four to fortyueight hours. It is noted that the secret Service has placed an order for two units of the detection eguipment which is being produced by the facility available to 01A. ?contact in this matter inasmuch as as ac as the of the Joint committee concerned with obtaining production of the countermeasure equipment and security in connection therewith. b6 257%: REG OWNDA TIDE: It-is recommended that the Bureau cooperate with the Secret Scroice in this matter and that this memorandum be referred to the f? Laboratory Division. I RECORDWW M_C?73g5a?\ E?dsfjog?4?gjm?? ?ggz?gga ?y up; J?mh? ?re?t 9mm Funu 54. O?ice Memorgzdam UNITED stages GOVERNMENT -d TO MR. EABBU WK DATE: May 6? .1953 seam l} CUEEA SUBJECT: EGEET HOE JUNE 73'? A sens on Too noose IE is: THE RHITE FOR REBONANT O. LISTENING DEVICES Jena, Surveys 557.91%: ?ed in my memorandum dated May 5,1953, {Jim Secret Service, requested passive a moni oring in the two questioned rooms of the White House this afternoon. Ac messrs. R. smarts and contactedl Iin the Treasury Building a this morning. Because the rooms were not vacant, the monitoring did not start until about 1 P. It continued until 1 approximately 4:45 P. in the President?s Q?fice and in the cabinet Room. Nothing was heard. Although the initial request concerned two rooms, i stated that the private study was not available today passive monitoring, but that it would be available this weekend. The complete situation regarding the desirability of passive monitoring was again reviewed stated b5 that he did not consider any more passive monitoring to be b?C necessary ewcept for a momentary check before activating the transmitters this weekend. He requested that the active monitoring begin Sgturdag morning about Is A. to which nu. smarts replied that he would meet him at the previously designated place with the necessary at most. I 9 {ix/x There is no action since this memorandum is submitted fer your information and according to previous Bureau approval, the active monitoring will be performed this weekend in accordance an I:Im'shes. fig? ?56 REE/met 9530i?!) 81?1}!th EX. 1m ~?Tmun?n Rpm-l Ho. Eul O?ce Memmndem - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To hr. sarbo JUNE day 5, 19.53 seam I. mm, {had} i? Cour mmL_# SEGRET SEBEIUE FOR A I 1 0 one scene In res certs so use roe E: a. thaharqy {Surveys 33?- is neat to the memotfrom or. leap to ur. Belmont dated 4?33-53 which recommended the Bureau cooperate with ?rhu? the Secret Service and search 2 White ?buse rooms. ibis was If approved by the ?irector. 0n 5-5~53 in response to my request a conference Secret Esrvice, was held in my q?fice in order that certain as nical problems could be pointed out and to request advice from Secret service as to whether or not passizw listening was desired on a normal work day. lhis approach had been discussed with Smarts of this section and is more desirable than passive monitoring on the wees-end because i. a cavity microphone is present; the operators at it would know through conver? cations heard on it or through public sources that the President was not going to be in the rooms and accordingly they would not activate their microphone mahiug any paecttao monitoring of practically no value. b6 At the meeting the jvllowing possibilities were agreed upon: 1. Putting theaperiodic receiver (or just the antenna) in the rooms during the normal course af business. that this would not meet with approval because af the high level of business conducted in the rooms. 3. Passive searching during normal business in rooms adjacent to the rooms in question hoping to pick up radiation from the cavity microphone through the dividing wall. 3. Passive searching on ?aturday when it is general knowledge that the President will be out of the rooms in question followed by active searching on the same mesh-end. (ie?f Active searching would follow on the week-end if negative results were obtained either under plan 1 0T 3- .ss phoned me_todag and advised that an unscheduled golf game will make the rooms available for passive monitoring tomorrow aftermn' mesa - 23 inn-egress l? E?19bi- a: 1 Unless advised to the contraty_2 men from this section will perm 5? :form a passive search af 2 rooms at the White House tomorrow afternoon when the rooms in question will not be in use.J3LF r. I Room V645 Rip at f??giurhi}?} 69} lJ r] J. O?ice Mommas it . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT so i .vr. falcon any 6, 1953 sons mom I s. Herbs 3&1? mm= \Ei?o User FR Sierras see A senses OE ens Races E03 seasons on was Excessive F. iHiaif' its Director has_vrevioasly approved that we comply with the secret Service request to make i search cf two white House rooms for resonant cavi? listening devices. (1. r? Arrangements have been made with the Secret Service to conduct passive monitoring for several hears today beginning at ll:00 A. a} Our activity today will consist in having a specially designed receiver in the room to ascertain whether any such listening device is being activated by an outside source. its purpose of the passive moni- toring is to detect each a microphone without aa- vising the unknown source that it has been detected. so have tentative arrangements to conduct an active search for cavity listening devices on any 9 and 10 in the same two rooms of the White House; this will involve the ace of actual trans- b6 mitters on car part to activate any cavity Iistene b?C ing devices which might be present. ihis assignment will be a by Special Agents Roger W. Swarte iana the Laboratory. .3 scarce Riff You will be kept advised of any developments in connection with this assignment. I - MIT: Laced . It scans .cos uses; if mg .. 1&1 .133 i a! .. it .f I gunman Farm no. 34 . . O?ice Memorandum UNITED sagas GOVERNMENT I To 3 Hr. Harte Kay 11, 1953 FROM I. Genre JUNE 53.33333. @9333; 33 33333 3333333 roe 3 33.1333 or 3373 300,333 In 33 337,313 30 333 333 33333.? 3.333313333331133 3333333.. . 2:2: LL 1" VE- her Sada The Director approved the search af certain rooms in we the White Hhaee1for resonant cavity listening devices as eet forth in the none from 33. 3333 to 33. Belmont dated a?EEF53?gm b6 Accordingly, 3.3;Ewarte af thte eectton conducted the search and completed $3 at 4:30 pm 5-19-53. 33 resonant cantty ltetentng device was found. Boone searched were the President?s study on the eeoond-f?oor-of the main building, the cabinet room and the Preaident'a q?ftce, both in the went wing. Secret Service, who placed the original reqneot was a no negattoe_reealte af the teet and he stated the Efgff%ff:ffotoe to other persons in his organization was not necessary. orally empreeced hie apprectatton for the aeetetanoe rendered oy the Bureau when 333333 completed the aeotgnnent. For record purposes it to noted that secret service personnel accompanied the above Bureau Agents at all ttnee dartn the pereonnel who, according to were a1} cleared to oe one on we af information into to the search. In addition, Lt. 331. George .33331135 Signal Oorpe Q?ftcer of the White Renee and Lt. 031. Robert.?. hid to the hreeident} obeerned the searching actiotty.for a short time on 5-9353 etnce, tel the3\hez a direct 3ntereet in the operation. I The searching conducted on 5-9,10-53 wan "333333" in that energizing transmitters were need to complete the searching operation. k} .33 mean to you af 5-6-53 on this subject reported negat3oe reenlte ohtat hat .fron' 'pace3oe w3thont the ace of any transmitter, af the he President's a?f3ce and cab3net room in the White Ehaee on 5~6u53 from ?3 about 1 pm to 4:45 pm. 13 - 33 33.3303 ?r #5 33 aetton regneeted eince the above report of negative result 3 ae to you 3n accordance your preu3oue instructions immediately .apondfompletton af the aee3gnment at 4:30 pm 3 5-10-53. of ?Ii/335533350. .25 INBEXEW 35? 3333333.- orh (3333?? 7.33379?. ?Qh 3?3 00 - Ehoon 13331333203333 b7C sunrises-resumes ?5 O?t?i? - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To yr, 3?;er {35? DATE: May a, 1953 FROM I. if. donra JUNE mm, if" $139!: ddgs'? SERIICEHEOR A SEARUH 0F m?m anemones; But-D I snowman 5 0 MI Sue ways I nun-u my news to you of on this subject reported negative results obtained.from passive searching of the President'swree office and cabinet room in the White House on 5-6-53 Eros: about b6 1 pm to 4:45 pm when those rooms were not in use. blil secret service, who made the request, stated that no more passive searching was requested and active searching using transmitters ooul be started at .10 am 5-9-53 and continue through most of 5-10-53 when those 2 rooms and the study on the 2nd fiver would be unused. He subsequently has advised that it will be possible to continue the active searching 'through Saturday night. For record purposes it is noted that we have no positive inferna? tion of any practical cavity operating lower than about 1200 no. A British unit which was claimed to operate on about me was tested in this section S-V-SB and gave no response lower than about 1400 me. Separate consideration is being given to the British claim. Individual transmitters and the aperiodic receiver hovering a range of 356 no to 3090 me will be used for the active search and a Bureau copy of the cavity microphone will be usedefrom time to time to check the penformance sf the search equipment. The men will listen for a short time before turning on each transmitter as a precautionary measure. advised or. Smarts that because mf the very high level of information involved, he considers it much more important to remove any microphone than to develop the investigative aspects of who is operating the enemy transmitter used with it. He_haslfurther advised that he will work with our men this weetuend and that dbl. dearge undally of the Signal was is in charge of technical security matters in the White House, will also be present. col. medulla was-not resent during the passive searching conducted ted-53 since there. In accordance with your instructions you will be immediately advised if any microphone is Jvund and if none are fvund you will be -r advised at appropriate times during the course of the search and at its onelusion. - ri?? season #45 Entities?- jam?0n main? r? - an action is requested since the above is submitted?? information. Q3685 . as b6 . Rddevrh fidJ r? sovssvoai The original approved request covered only b7C L?gi the.Presidsnt's stud and his a?rioe. ow pragmi??ga?, kit has added the cabins room and the ca ill 4 mi I be covered by unless ot?erwise advised. r. if} a $77 {Ti-ff? a? 3 i . Oj?w Memam dame - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ?5 TD 3 Hr. folssn DATE: Hey 11, 1953 - I FROMI R. Herbs PK mun? animus. eases; or "eaomemee - ?013 9.4 LISTENIM senses I ?Semu??' 3L1.TWIE.YS in adeercienee with rier arrangements Special Agents Roger Swerie dndi?f the Laboratory esn- dusted an active search for resonant eeviiy listening de? vices in the President's Office, Study end? ?ebinei Room at the Emits House. The resulis were negative. I Secret Service, who reguesied this search of Special Agent Inf Liaison, wee during the search end. is, sf course, ewere) of ihe negative results. $.43 huge-a9. ACTION 4.1.: None, since Seerei Service elreedy eclsised of search made and, negeiive results. ce Hr. fee-y . .45. emwe . 49.2 ?973587" at "91353 e33 . Of?ce Memorandum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT T0 lir. Harbo?l?l DATE: Hay 32, 1953 FROM I. Cbnra JUME Tissues or so ous In ?stirs Hoses roe m: ?$33130:le LISTENIIEG GE recs! It ?camn?l??; Sag-say; gym?4 For record purposes it is noted that_the cabinet room wheel in the White House which was searched on 5?10-53 did 2% not base the American and Presidential flags in it at the time it was searched by engineers of this section. The 5-18-53 issue ofl Time Magazine showed a picture of the cabinet in this ro lwnwit' the 2 flags referred to. - Iof the Liaisorr, section was telephonically contacts Service, who made the original request for the search,r could be orally advised that the 2 flags and stands in guest" not included in the search. It was also suggested tbatl?z I advised that any additional articles or furniture added to the searched should be carefully examined in order to be sure that a cast ty microphone was not thereby brought into the rooms. I I advised Smarts that I:lwould be so b6 b?C advised. A CTI 011T No acts is recommended since this memo is being submitted for record purpose REVS: urh E) ed? as - Mr. Parsons trend? Jus?i?}5 en '5"?le ram no. O??ice Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO if?" Harbo/Q 3 DATE: Kay 39, 1953 Tall-en FROM I. If". Conra a. SUBJECT: Muse .9 ever-1 nmu OOEFEFEWUE MEMBERS 0n 5-20 es 53 se mend: I I conducts a secure. survey of the bi?: telephone facilities of the Jollowing individuals, discovering no evidence cf tampering on any of ihe lines: J. E. Hoover, Director 0. A. Tolscn .F. 0. Evilcman D..M. Laid J. P. Ebhr . L. B. Nichols A. Essen A. H. Belmcni A. Sieoo Q. 0. Geariy S. J. Tracy R. Glavin R. T. Barbe This check included an examination of all instrumenis in inc residences, a check of all appearances in ierninal bases outside, and a check wiihin the exchanges themselves. Same survey was made for Assistant Director H. H. Ulegg wiih the exception that the instruments in his residence were not examined. er. Ulegg is out of iown and espressed a desire before leaving ihai we not check his instruments until after 6?8?53. The line appearances within the exchanges for 3A0 R. B. Hood and sees H. B. F?eicher of were also checked- . Ji?iwrh h? some: of None. For information only. Wave? . . ECORBEBany EL-..- ca? no 359ng WIND-EBB mm 54 "w Oj?i?i? Memorajdum- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To lair. Harbo DATE: June .26, .19 3 snow I. onra I JUNE if" SUBJECT: Ase scent tees}: awesome as or nice, rm: sun Under date of 3-30-53 the Director approved an em Executives Conference recommendation that the Director?s a?fioe space he checked,for clandestine listening devices at including the so-called resonant cavity type microphone Krme? Eagaa?gg discovered in Moscow. . a; Accordingly, beginning on 4-6?53 and on such occasions thereafter as the ?irector?s a?fioe space was available during the normal work day, listening tests were conducted to determine whether any radio beams could be detected as activating sources listening devices. lou will recall that the limitation to the normal worh day arises?from the fact that such activating radio teams would not he ewpected to be in operation after.hours. After completing sufficient monitoring of this type to provide reasonable assurance that no such beams were in operation, an active, ewhaustive search of the Director offices was made after hours, which search included all wall, ceiling andifloor space in the Director's immediate a?fices. do clandestine listening devices of any kind were?found. ooez?g- ?5;:ronghs It is noted that although this security check refdects the a o?fice space to be?free of such clandestine devices at present, assurance of the continuation of such a secure condition is, of course, .19 partially dependent upon the degree af physical security a?forded the Director?s a?fice after hours. gems hone. and record. . $730.9?. WM 0 O?ice Memorgndam - semen sures GOVERNMENT 1 TD 1 er. l?olson DATE: July 195 ?szfg FROM R. T. Harho #267,, m? rl. alum .- gunman Geecoergr eases AT Resroseoe or? 73:42; have. Sig-met: Cg} or sweeter ?lls: msr__ ma SHING see, $127: W111 Pursuant to pri or arrangements Special Agent E. F. Pfafman and "as 3 technicians from the Laboratory made a security check of the Attorney General?s residence this morning. This ineluded a check to see that there were no tape on the telephone lines and no micro? phones installed anywhere in the residence. Also, countermeasure units were installed in the 6 telephone instruments in the residence?k .AHTION Qg'wa?dghat the attached memorandum he sent to the Attorney General ad- vising him that these security checks have been handled at his ?resi- dense. Also, the Director might desire to suggest to the Attorney General that we check the countermeasure units installed in the office of the Attorney General while James P. Hod-ranery was Attorney General. This suggestion is made because changes may have been made in the telephone instruments, their location, or additional instruments may have been added and we have made no sheaf; of the, telephone equipment in the Attorney General?s office since change in Administration. 3. - er. Nichols Mr. Holloman RTH: EH f] A tta ohms nt 1.1mm; .- I add. I'lh?u?s?l . . . Gluin? Hsubo Slogan Tracy Genny . . Talc. ?an-am Hollow-m Simu. Elias Ewe :??urney cnaral 1" ?1:4 :Ja 3:355 swan; :z?zFF . a- ?3 $3331.. Ur .F. t? - Eaijirlaacor?mnca year rc?uua? rcgre~ uua?riiv Hf iJf F7E Lnbarn?ory n?dg a nacnri?y cur-cit 9.: war reuirmnw ?sia warning. ?7sz 133203nd Fx-ha? ?h?rc ?arc n6 ?ius an ?le lines on? no micraphanes insinll?n anyw?era in Lmu rcaidenca. lad, cauni:n.smsure ?ma?a were ?aw a?all?? inF iFue ??lepuans ine?ruian?s, inchF~ ing ?h?T Tu ahiie; rouse 33. lcphunea, i0 wratua* arcinsi vac tan runuc new lidtcn?n: cc? views. RmMRIJUH - F: .F-N113 . .3211;- i. ?f5 - J. 33:. 31 amoaneu- 1313' 334.513.5132ll?vr" .I'HCui'rj? i . 15' i JunF193 2 Jay Si? ?hf?33W 3mm? gamma?: HER. uncommon-cl a 1? 2. O?ice Momemmiem - UNITED STATES GOVERNW 9 [so To us. mos DATE June 34, ??3st .1 32 3? [will snow. A. E: Belmo tb {was . sewer-N LIAISON WITH res *1 33min: W) as seems, lob WELFARE ?bluish 0 1 I ??53611 Queen?! 9F f?/?ebweo Sarwcge w- {Pigg? There is attached hereto a letter from Hrs. Oueta Gal}: 4) Hobby, Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, addressed to the Director dated June .23, 1953. In this letter lire. Hobby requests that the FBI make a telephone security check: at her office and residence, as well as the office and residence of Mr. Nelson Rockef?ler, 1137' we On June 19, 1953,I:Iof the Laboratory placed countermeasure devices on the telephones 1n the ices of Mrs. Hobby and Er. Rockefeller and on June 33, .1953, Iplacerhs countewmsasure devices on the telephones at the res dence of Mrs. Hobby. Mr. Rockefeller ?s residence phones will be handled as soon as additional work is completed at his residence by the telep one company. if . RECOJQJENDATION: If you approve, the Laboratory will comply with lfrs. Hobby?s request by making a telephone security check at the office and re idence of both Mrs. Hobby and Mr. Rockefeller. Li @35wa doxj?e Attachment g? 2? I r5 9? kdhsa . ~71. ??rst? "thg?ORDED 51? i?e-??egugl?" :3 JUL it? 1953 . (1 qm? 2V 1 pin? Hm FORM O?ce Momma am - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To on. women were: July 2. 1953 FROM R. T. HARBG Kd?/ SUBJECT: ?ssooemx :or. creme one we as anemones LINES 54% 0F MRS. OEETA EULF Secretary 04? Health, Education and Welfare, and MR. NEISON A. ROGKEFELLER, Under Sacretary Qf Health, Education and welfare Reference memo Hr. Belmont to or. Ladd 6 24 On June so 1953 and Jnly 2, 1953, so and Technician conducted a security co a?fice and residence telephone lines of the above-named individuals. No evidence of tampering on any of these was observed. arranged through the telephone company to have two changes made in the a?fice lines and two changes made in the residence lines of Mrs. Hobby, and one change made in one of the office lines of Mr. Rockefeller in order to afford them magnitude: security. There were three multiple appearances on Mr. Rockefeller's residence lines, but no changes could be made by the telephone company since the cable facilities are full. It is suggested that Liaison may wish to report the completion of this secarity check tol Security Q?ficer of the Department of?HEalth, Education and HeLfore? who handled this request for Mrs. Hobby. 7- 6-6?13' i" . gong-3"? Jeni/met "p 63*9?308 t3} were as: 223?" 3g 435. JUL 1953 .: unugm "QEkg. .. O?ice Memorg?dzm - UNITED wages GOVERNMENT TO ??139? REQUEST .s ?a BENSON FOR a SECURITY CHECK e? 524l-l 4.x} FROM. Gonrad it"; . If an 52.. a1. uh - 36 Magma Mr. Harbo 93;? :1 SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE Hg? in which Benson requested that a survey be made for concealed microphones in the Repor Building on M?s/53. eel lExecutive assistant to the Secretary in Agriculture relative to the appropriate time for such a survey. Iadvised he weald contaet ea 0. H. Bartlett When the room was available. 1' South Agricult Subsequent "lett made three inquiries and was advised. by each time that he would call Mr. Bartlett when he desired that a check. be made of the room. This has been carried as a pending assignment in the Radio and Electrical Section since April, 1953. REGOWEENDATI 0H: ?If be canceled. 3.115. reopened when and if indicates a survey should be made. otherwise advised, no further action will be taken by ,ti'?e Section unless further word ie received by us either from Liaison or from the Department of Agriculture. ?7 4?61? g" . #in J5 3?97: I: 'Ieleen Ladd DARE: August 11 1953 as? [lath?.- Rnscu Tracy Genny Hal-u- ?lintemi? Tale. Home Reference memo Mr. Key to Mr. Belmont I it is Set forth that Secretary of Agricultw? {93% .. a, er sonally' cont mism- NC I r? ?mmum? O?ice Memrdwijp/ - UNITED GOVERNMENT . T0 HR 1/ DATE: July 33, 1953 i FROM . 3.21 SUBJECT: On July l?53, the Lahore r? hone contact ;j residence was requested to make a cheat of the on July 38, the telephone '2 telephone line, Je?ferson 4-1123. I contact advised that a complete check had heenroade of the . line including all equipment at the central o?fioe and no evidence pj? i all mi es and the instrument at the residence. tampering was fauna. Ci?g? il?iu by} i The telephone com on employeeirepcrtea thatl i aavis??'them thatl Isuspicions regarding the insecurity . of hiailine were aroused mostly due to his getting a busy signal I frequently when he attempted to call her at his his I a?fical She pointedly stated that one hopea they found something wrang?gn the line inasmuch as she had indicated to that she had not oeen using the phone, when as a matter as 9 had been keeping it tied up for an near or more at a time. i eeted that Mr. Nichols may wish to advise I ACTION: It is Eu I of the results of this cheek. ho mention . on he maae conversation hmi by his wife with the telephone company employees inasmuch as this might jeopardize our relations with the Labo- ratcry's telephone contact@?lei'RL FILED f? . EBT 12 1953 1% 1,1? j??ws? h,{we/6? Of?ce Memorz?d?m - UNITED STAgis GOVERNW To Hr. Hares . DATE: July 31, J: 53 Be [mlm Clem mam .- J. Parsons ?igl?W Emmi?? no? (3 Diamond..? Tole. SIJBJECT SE [73.3.1- TY CHE 0K3 MPHONE 5 CW "tram one resent: . G- a Mr. Uonrad?s memorandum July 30 advised of the "gm?"j?f completion of security checks and the installation of tele- phone countermeasures State Department a?ftotals. With one emceptton this completes the security checks and conn- termeasnre installations for all Sabinet members and for all other Government o?fiotaletfrom whom requests have been received. Q?ftce of the Attorneyrdeneral have not been checked since he took a?fice. Such checks were made for Attorneys General Mearath and Mbaranery. we have had no on what telephone changes might have been made since nr. Brownell took a?ftcerroe . r. at?: 13 ten-'5. I Inc one exception is that the telephones in the ,3 If the Director desires, arrangements can be made through some of the Attorney densral?s sta?f to check the telephones in the a?ftoe and insure that they are protected with .3 Bit? *3 are?" a a . It i ?Minnow-G 2 =1953 Wyoming I O??ice Memmndam - UNITED agree GOVERNMENT 191mg: 1? HR. A. H. DATE: December 10in) a" 1953 in'l'memf: Ghairemn, President's commit-bee 1:36 E??m?l on Atomic Energy b7C eeoonee eon eeoonrer Sar-xxee?s ca wforh on He morning a December 1.0. Bi lib-?31? of the Secariiy Office, Aionio Energy commission, had called and aehee whether ihe Bureau. could check the telephone of -. Fr. I. Rabi, who ie Chairman of ihe President's Advisory committee on Atomic Energy. He said .Dr. Rabi hae reported he believes hie telephone hae been tapped in that he heare 4' peculiar ihere ie an appreciable weakening in power, - and fregaen-hly concerea-bione jnei olie oai. Rabi?e phone ie ?located ai- 450 Riverside Drive, telephone M0 3-3129. advised the New for}: Office enoe hie office does no available anyone qualified in noise each a oheoh. If you agree, Iaill ineeraci- ihe we to have a loaalifiea eonnci man check ihe telephone of Dr. Rabi eo see if there ie any of a irap ihereon. 1% cr- 1'3 ?25? - .1 5:3? . Wheelie mom 1/ 53 33333333533 g: fed-28". gig I SIZE-Q33 angot?t New no: e5: ?e .. ?25 SDEC "sine; O?ce Mommadam - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To The Direeoor December ?4,135? Hi FROM .D- M. L?dd a VW SUBJECT: als- a 71:12:}; Sari a? 5 mhile vol may on another matter, leva'bea that the Attorney General mas oiroas of having his offmeo checked micro honee. stated that either he or l?Hof the ever on would be in teach Evie}: the Laboratory at each time as "the Attorney General '3 Office would be vacated, if this is approved. i vi . I I recommend that at each tone as 'bhe Attorney Geaeral?o i eai'oe will be available that each a cheek be made1954* ?mm a ?33 Edith? as eureaefhea O?ice M6772 . Yam - UNITED 31 We ?ea/54? 535/? Talent: To 3 MR. LADB mom I A. E. BE $31? if? i . - macaw a im?g 9E STYLES BRIEGES 313$?: Sim .m musesf?kfvu?? 2 In with the attached memorandum, I went 1M up to Senator Bridges? a?fiae this afternoon and was introduced to the Senator by SAC Auerbaoh, as well as to members af hie 14%E%mt?? staff. I told the Senator we would be glad to make the eheeh? ?224.3 he had requested which will include his 0 fies in the capitol Building, Suite 49; his a?fioe in the enote Q?fioe Building, Suite 145; and his residence which is Apartment 444, Dorohester House. The Senator appreciated this very much and stated he would get in touch with me in the nemt,feu days to advise when this oould be done. I advised the Senator we would make the sheet at his convenienoe and that it would be preferable if it were made when he did not have visitors around, as this might give rise to speculation on their part. AGETUN: I will await the Etndtor'e call and have made arrangements with er. Parsons of the Laboratory to take care of this at the appropriate time. {1:3 ?9 Mr. DI Jo Pardons inseam A??etlo :35 FEB 5 1954f? art?. I 'r as FEB E5254 a? ?wig Hathreuse: a O?ice Mann. 0 . i Irv-K.- -1 Jam - UNITED STAT 3 GOVERNMENT - . TO I Hr. famm DATE: Feb. 5, .1954 ,1 rwmu I I. n; comrad,? ?ml_ Gnarly?.? . mound.? mnsenn .mzasoreonm easier FOB Eh?lm' HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS comatose r: an, d) . . ?9 ermess?tn?y_ a ruary 4 and 55 1954, Special on . . afman and and and a microphone surtey owin aarters of the_House Appro-E36 priations committee in the capitol Building: ibic 1. Representative Taber's office. 2. Room F-EJ hearing room for independent agencies. 3. Room F3, hearing room for military affairs. no evidence of concealed The bum-Inna.? chech incl?EEH a thoroug search of the walls and a check of the most likely places for microphone installations in the ceiling and j?oor. All telephone instruments and electrical wires were also checked. A total of la indications of metal, which could have been concealed microphones, was detected. In each instance a small opening was made in the plaster and it was determined that no microphone was within a half inch sf the sunface of the plaster. Further use of detection equipment could not pick up any wires leadin awa rom these ?hot spots." This was ewplained to qu the House Appropriations dommittbegrand at his request no further probing of the wall was done, although it was made penfectly clear to him that to be ab- solutely certain1from a physical standpoint, it would be necessary to remote additional plaster. i I 624%}? For information onl inasmuch as Inspector Gallahan has b6 already advised Iaf the results cf this checkJim? W, some . as: 77.3 es e37 E2, ill-:55 FEB 11 195% in" 1: ?3 I O?ic?t? Memor?zdum I UNITED M1 EllvToleon? f} Lud- ro Mr. l?amm ?Tm 3913' I urge?: h. 4 FRED-1 II Wu (:0an be-Lyi - 0t - SUBJECT: ELEPHONE 330WHer-r; "F?gjio:l?: Ar some so use 4 f?vgiszi?audru col 9 SINQESLS: Following information supplied by Laboratory?s telephone company contacts/:White House a?ficers have adotced American Isles phone and Telegraph Company and Ghesapeahe and Potomac Telephons_ Com-- pany ojjmoials in strict confidence that "a manufacturer" received confidential shite House information by means a? a telephone tap.5 White House refused to supply details cf tap and identity oj?manu- factorer. shite House requests thattelephone company make security survey at its telephone jucilities; make telephone lines as secure as possible; supply information as to all known methods of wire tapping; and furnish opinion as to how alleged tap occurred. lulephcne company will mahe?ph sical {but not electronic) survey; will remote all mul? tiple (entrag appearances of White House lines; will advise White House of only two most widely known forms of tapping, thus protecting itself and Bureau on other forms; and will not a?fer opinion as to how tap occurred due to poor security.pruotices at White House and heliej'that leak was by word of mouth. lelephone company will not mention FBI in such mention he made and will protect Bureau?s interest in counter- [any capacity to White House unless the Bureau indicates a desire that it measures installed on White House lines. Contact requests Bureau not-i! divulge information regarding alleged tap outside Bureau. Above in- .formation should not be discussed with ?nite abuse officials, telephone company officials or any other persons outside of Bureau due to risk of embarrassment to Laboratory contact in phone company. .REUQMMEMDAEIOHS: 1. uses no action be taken concerning this matter. 3. This information should not he discussed with White House a?fi- cicls, telephone company ojyicials or any other persons outside of the Bureau due to possible embarrassment to laboratory 3 contact in tele? phone company. .g sinful; 5g ?Iran Q53 3. lhe continued security of the countermeasures will be followed through the Laboratory' telephone company contact. - ur; Roach, Room V649 JMH: PIE 4' 1,55 ll 1 Vproof" nor would he identify the manufac nature of the information. lhe President, according to gravely con- hcmorandumIfor.Hr. lumm Ah b6 On 2-l6a54 the Laboratory's contact at the Ghesapeahe and b7c Pttomac Tulephone Company advised Eel Iof'the jtllowing which occurred early in ltbruary, 1954. stant to the Fresident,and .. . --.President, conferred nf'the and inle- . -mpny, j' the Chesapeake and Potomac ltlephone Gtmpany in charge af security, and plant a?ficials af the Chesapeake and Pttomao ltlephone company re? iarding security of the telephone system at the White abuse. who requested the conference, reported that the White case had to Fproaf" that a manufacturer had secured confidential white House information through a telephone tap. as would not supply the oerned over the security problem and has requested that something be done about it. requested the jtllowing of the A.?h t. on. and c.4e.e. 0o. officials: l. A complete security survey of the shite House telephone system. lhis includes the white House Board (normal commercial service), the security Board (Armed Services operation) and the lwlice Board (Secret Service operated) with suggestions for improvement. 3. The application of'all measures necessary to guarantee the greatest possible security within Wprudent reason" as to cost. 3. Information as to all known methods of telephone tapping. 4. lupinion as to how the alleged wire tap (previously men- tioned) was accomplished. lhe ?aboratory contact advised that the phone company was going to recommend and do the following in complying with the hhite House re? guests 1. make a complete physical chech af all White House lines. Inc company is not going to use any electronic equipment, such as, amplifiers, because, while the engineers know that the microphones in telephones can be made to pick up room conversation when a telephone instrument is not in normal use, the company officials do not wish to bring this feet to the attention of plant employees who memorandum-for Hr. Tamm 3. will be used in making the security survey. its a?fi- cials ftel that if_plant employees had such security cf telephone communications would be jeopardieed in the future. Remove at its own empense all multiple appearances (terminals on a line at other than the place where the phone is being used so that the line can be used at more than one location) both inside and outside of the White House. lhis will entail considerable cable work and empense. Suggest the locking of all terminal bones, wire closets and cross?frames, but leave it up to the Government to see that this is done, since primary responsibility for physical security of the buildings lies with the Govern" Didn't. mahe_periodic security checks af the White House phone system in the future. Advise that there is tapping by means of mechanically connecting to the line, and also by means af inductive coupling (using an induction coil near the phone or line to pick up the conversation without actually connecting to the line). Etc phone company is not going to mention other of tapping; such as, making the mouthpiece microphone in an instrument-pick up room conversation when the phone is not in normal use. Since this technique also _psrmits overhearing phone conversation when the phone is in use, a serious breach a? security af telephone communications is involved; its company a?ficials jeel that an admission of the same would be most undesirable ?from the standpoint of the company's reputation and alsc?from the standpoint of non-security minded White House personnel impeating it as a "choice bit of in- formation.? its company according to our contact cannot understand why the White House does not solicit the advice of the best security agency, the lBl; regarding security measures and telephone tmppin and would like to suggest such. (At the re usst an the Laborator con- tact a reed that the can an would at? eseht re rain rem an mention a the l?l to the White House in the aboveycapacity. Eointed out that direct liaison is had by the Bureau th the white dense at all times - 3 - b6 b?C Memorandum1for.Mr. lumm and if the White House is desirous of Bureau on vices b6 it has only to use well-established channels. bit: further pointed out that the company mentioning the FBI as qualified in these matters could indicate a close relationship between the company and the Bureau on tele- phone work, and that this would be most undesirable.) 4. the company?is going to ojyor no opinion as to how the alleged wire tap was accomplished. The company.feels that with one or two secretaries monitoring the phone conversations of their White House superiors, with the knowledge and consent oj'the latter, good security is breached from the beginning and that the leak moot lihely occurred.by'word of'mouth rather than by tele- phone tapping. lhe company feels that to suggest the discontinuing cf this monitoring would be presumptuous and tantamount to telling the White House how to oon- b6 duct it? business. b7C raised the question cf security of Bureau-installed counter- measures on some White house lines. so was advised that the phone com- pany employees making the security survey would be briefed in such a manner that these countermeasures would not be removed and their con- fidential nature would not be disclosed. Bf need for any ewplanation arises, they will be described as special ?eeourity devices for the White House' and no mention of EBI installation will be made. lhe Laboratory contact requested that the Bureau make no inquiry of the White House as to the alleged wire tapping incident. He pointed out that the information had been given the A.T and 0o. q?ficials in the strictest of confidence by and that it would reflect badly on the officials involved if the White House even suspected a breach of this confidence. its whole matter was brought to the attention of the FBI as a matter of close cooperation on the part df our contact so that the Bureau will know what is going on and be in a position_to protect its interestsand its relations with the phone company. its contact stated that the company feels that ij'there had actually been a tap, the units House would have reported it to the Bureau immediately because of the Bureau's jurisdiction in these mat- tera- ln making his request to the Laboratory contact that the FBI not be mentioned at this time, in mind the objective of affording the Bureau an opportunity to review the situation before becoming involved. ?mmum? O?ice Memor?ezdam - UNITED ?ags I Tulsa: T0 HR. ?24.01? 334 DATE: February 35.: 1954 ii? Haul-o FROM 441-. H. 1' Tm.? ate?- eff? 315313? i OF Peearem 0F SENATOR STILESTPRIEES f! I. one; 'rr for? [g/xig' Jan-Li Reference is made to my afm?anaary 28, 1954, reflecting that Senator Bridges wae advised that we would be glad to make a security check of his q?fiaee and his residence. On February 8, 1954, I talked to 3:36 in Senator Bridgee? o?fiee. ee said that the Senator was out of town and suggested that a cheek be held up until his return. I talked to on February 24 I954, regarding another matter an i 1 did not mention the security cheek. I feel that we have made the a?fer to conduct the eeoarity oheok and have also reminded the Se.nator'a a?fiae at least onoe. Soaeeqaently, advised to the lpooairary, I am not going to again raise the but will await a,farther reqaeet.from the Senator. :0 co - Hr. Team aee195a} I RV l' g?gmw Sen-we?ve (J limes o1= FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED DEPARTMENT o: wanes March 10, 1954 I have advised Mr. Quinn that the Attorney General mentioned to you that there had been a. leak of information of a meeting in the Departmental Auditorimn and that he wondered if we could check the Auditorium for microphones or other listening devices. Nisan?:2" Hl'. Boarding mont I l- - Joni: 1' 1 Hr. Hinterrow Te'le. Hoo Hr. Hollome Hl?ss Helms -- ?ies I have advised Mr. Tamm that you desire that this be done as quietly and nnobtrn'sively as possible and that a. memorandum be sent to the Attorney General adsising him that it has been done and the . result:._ . ?1 51,49? - Was-images 8,3 wastes GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIGN REGIUH.3 washington 25, D. G. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE HEEHRTMENTAL EDDITGRIUMLAND ADJABENT CGNEERENCE ROOMS Constitution.hrenue Between 12th and Streets, N. W. l. The Departmental Auditorium.and Sonferenne Rooms A, B, and adjacent thereto shall be available for assignment to: a. Agencies of the federal Government and the government of the District of Columbia, for official use. b. Officially recognised.ageneies, clubs, or educational units . of the Federal Government or the government of the District' of Columbia. The foregoing shall not be construed to include sponsored meetings, meetings of a political, sectarian, fraternal, or similar nature, or meetings held for the par- pose of promotion of commercial enterprises or commodities. 2. Application for the use of the Anditorium or Conference Rooms should he snhmitted at least one week in adrence. It should be addressed as follows and include the information outlined below: General Services Administration, Region 3 ETTEHTIOH: Triangle Area Manager Boom 1&08 New Post office Building .lgth Street and Avenue, Washington 25, D. C. a. ?ame of agency in.whoee behalf the application is submitted. h. Date of requested assignment, and hours proposed for its commencement and termination. I c. Nature of the contemplated pregame. d. Approximate number of persons expected to attend. e. Whether motion pictures or lantern slides are to be exhibited, stating (1) size of film, 35 or 16mm, size of lantern slide. 3. me program.shall continue heyond.midnight. If the projection of motion pictures or lantern slides is a part of the program, competent operators will be furnished under the supervision of the Gen- eral Services Administration_. n3-232 novsnetn 1953 151515 reck53, 1155515315115. 5.1155th5 ior cheching 5155.315 3 3.132; -1155d5d, 1111155 be ?51515th hyendm'i?f 51159513151155 5f 1:115- 55111115555. 6. No 513115511111- fee chali- be charged3115 indirect 55555515555 5115.11 be made for 551111551511, end :15 collection ehell be taken. Commercial or ?she 5515 of 5111115155 of 5113' chezac?ber will not be permitted, The eel-Ting of refreshmente 15 prohibited. . 8 A 55111915 of any 1155:5535 or foldeze. to be dfuetnibnted or pee-ted 511511 be forwarded for review when 135111151 'reqnee?t 1'5 55151155511551- 'tthe Aeditori?m 51'- Conference 3551115. . 1' r: 9.1111 pox-5555? 555556.155 11155513155 will be recluire? ?55 ?5 3111-95513 to the Auditorim or conference Home and, to 155.55 by the meet direct exit They 5115].]; be provided with tickets or other identificfcion, except when 51535111551 public 15 will be admitted- to other perte of the Wilding. 11111555 in the 115555551511 of_ .5 properly 5151155. 11555. 10. Al]: pereone Attending meetings will he 5115,1555 to the "151155 and Regu? letione Governing 'Public Buildinge 5nd Ground53l" promlgeted by the Adminietretor of Generel Sen-1555. ll. SMOKING IS PROHIBITED) AUDITORIUM. 5555511511. 11551111555 1953 ??i?em Eegionel Director Seating Capacity of An?itoriun and Conference Boone 1325' (1500 can be accommodated by 551151113 up additional cheire) 30 {Can be arranged to accommodate 60) To [0511 be arranged to accommodate 200) 20 (Can be errenged to accommodate 1H3.) gPubliehed in the Federal ?lliegiete'r; 13555115511 ?211, 1953, 15 F113. 8700) I ac 54?6257 ?4 ??bril. 4.. 973:9?? ENCLOSUBQ mum-w Lg: $35 fig? ?52? a an DEPARTMENTAL AUDITORI arm: I MALE FEET ll?? i i LJ LJ BALGONY PLAN FLAH Illaganja-:5 ca 5.3 ?D-n?annaamt\Rzmuiim m. GONFERENGE - CONFERENCE - ROOM-A HOOHunannoda' :1 y: IIATI PLIH 1-3 I DEED FL 5-3 a a c: a 0000 In I in ID IE: .. Hal-N 5-5 SEIITIHG PLANE SHOWN ARE gunman MIDI BE ALTERED "tens. DEPARTMENTAL ammonium commence RDOHS I: GENERAL SERVICES 3 . 25, D. c. SEATING PLANS . j? REA aka/r ?Whig?unf ("if Ir f. in. "t r?fr i, I 6.. Ir: q. v?r' cm i) 4: FF .2. 7-12: 361M?r?rlrr HL?r-n gm; 1 4* gun; 1 Jr _?mw?L h. lip"; I: ?Ix Attila-..? 9:95" l-I-"rr-vr-m-nrn LIT .. WMf-fwg. Mr}- Adv-r 0.14%! vimf?r ?1,471" 1-1" If. (9.15 .H- w?k?u-r-v 2 .?417 . -. ?41. . .- H?'?fn I ?39134mmfur?1? .592- ?I.-.1ldl' 91' - 1: Jig: agili- in?! ?if?fr- l? . 1* . I F?s? _m *5 - liarhf? vi! JJ: :?h?hl a: 4 pa? .45?ag-d4! I: if mi? ?Ajax (?av vii?. 1.:109?s: 1 1% ?1191-. f. 3" Erh?ah?l Maia Amy". 22:? Elia-s?? riJ- 1,311.5. min. 1-4; - I - {fife-3.: .. .p 1; f? :?34 Maj-r ?ff_ wily??r? rim1&If?? i} I I I 15'; -- mm. m, 1. . a. .: 10?6?6 Momemn%?m - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT .1 T0 Mr. 3' ours. Harsh 15, 1954 I. 1' up? FROM ?gural much,? sunsri'r: ssonsuurrus enclosures .1 Sumeve if} I. manu? In accordance with the request contained in the m? memoranaun to you from the ?irector's 55*9d 3'10'543 an unobtrusive security check was made by technical personnel of the.FRI.Laboratory on 3-12-5u and 3-15-54 cf the Departmental Auditorium. The auditorium and three conjurence rooms along the rear were thoroughly checked, except for normally inaccessible P?nta that would require sca?folding or necessitate considerable damage to the interior decoration. All logical surfaces and areas were covered in the security check with negatiue'results, but extreme vulnerability was found for the entire building because af architectural G?ns?r?ctlon permitting accessible areas around the walls and ceiling?c The build? ing is normally open to the public and personal or technical surveillance could be readily established. II. ACTION: Such information as deemed necessary should be brought to the attention of the Attorney General. . as 2' DETAILS: x? (A) As a matter of record, the following list indicates the general scope of the security survey reflecting points which were specifically checked: Points Unsalted Auditorium: Electrical Outlet and Switch Boxes Telephone Terminal Boas-s 7 . Thermostats REBORBED 53 ??io ?30 3 i 1 Aim-Duct Outlets MARE 195% ?g?'all Cabinets or closets BK 131 Floors Falls within reach e" Stage, Balsa! Stage, Above Stage Anteroorns Balcony .E Area above ceiling 8% _'blic address system, microphones, speakers, 5 EMU ?a?mggwiriny, ducts, projection booth. Attachments (3) EFF limb Ce 5; conference Rooms A, B, 0% Electrical Outlet a switch Bones Thermostats Air-Duct Outlets Floors Floor Busts Along rear catwalk behind each room Between Rooms - Area in Hollow Halls Area at Outside one of A 0. Areas above A 0. Speakers in Room B. Tables and Chairs, other furniture. Telephone in Room e. There are attached hereto: a. scaled diagram.of Departmental Auditorium. b. Sketch and notes of public address system layout. (.9) In conducting the, security check, the following obser- vations were made concerning vulnerability of'these areas with regard to closed meetings or meetings in which confidential matters might be discussed. 1. Hall panel Room 0 controlling access to catwalk along rear of'Rooms A, and 0; as well as spaces between rooms and at each end. 2. small panel in Room 50-07 assigned to International Training Section handling jbreign ewchange students giving access to space above entire auditorium. 13. Access to area below stage is through the boiler room in the basement. 4. to space above stage and between Auditorium and Room is small panel in wire closet o?f left rear of stage. 5. Auditorium and Room permanently wired up for public address system with numerous microphone outlets available on stage. 6. Radio and television loops available in terminal homes at each side of auditorium. .I- Telephone moioifrome oo1fifoh.f1oor directly adjacent to area above ouditorium. 8. Building is normally open to public. Bide doors must be left unlooke? whenever one or more roomo ore reoerved,for use. Single guard usually stationed of; deal: in front lobby, 9. fubloo and ohoiro ore moved in and out of three oomferenoe rooms, depending upon plan of for poroioolor reservation. .Miorophooeo ood rodioo could be in ouch furniture. 5.33335" f?e A?tarney GE?eral Hhrah 16, 195% ?irector, 2111 11111111111 71.3 111} .I In 1111111111 with your rpoen+ inwuiry +1 11 1111111111 the 11131111111 1? 11111111111 1r 11111 111111111 devices 11111111 in 1:1 3111r1111+11 1:3111r111 I 1111 Fici the Hers-11111 1f aur 111 Lahara?ory 1111111 1 survepg?Jr 111 11111111 1? 1111 1111111. 111 1'rvey 111 1111 111121111 1111 11111111 r151111. i. a Incidental to this 11rvey the L111r1+1r1 11111111111 made some in?eraa?inq 1111r111?113 which should be 111111 11113. Eur 1111111, from the security 1111111111, 111?111111 a? 310k 111111111 11r1 found 1??.at a person mfa 1111r 111?: 1&1 build? 111 11111 11! necessarily need to resort 11 311111111 111111111 1111111 in order 11 overhear and in 1111 111111113 1111111111111 1111 proceedings in nranreaa. inaecure 111111111 111113 1r11arilp {111131 a? the building' 3 1r111111111r11 design, 11111 11111111 1 11111111 areamays 11111 the 11111111, .-11111111 be- ?in? 12.9 1111 .111111 and the like. 57 E1 Hung after,fuatara, incl1dinq the 11.1111111 111111 nddressdyirin1 113111, are reanansible for 111 1111111111111 oj??his anaceqfor 121111 or 111f1dent111 111111111 ?3 ?s W. 1 r?Lfr. 3014111111; 46.1 1 41:24:15,: - 1' I t" . (19E: 11.1 1.141.33311.111111211111311 1* 1? .1.- 2: ?ll-Ian nr?? Ii: 1?l_9 . .. 119? ?g 11 1 1 ?brinuq11m__ .. 1, . 3r #111: 1 11311 if: 11111131. '1 am Fun? In. El. 5" 59* ?rl O?iie - UNITED STATES if 2) 1 Tigers-,4. I I a .. March 1,5, if?? . at?! - :22: FROM- Quinn Tana e: me i ?5 1:311ch? MJECI: nonreoerm Him?? ?sscoerer 5 a. a ?5 ReJErence is made to the note from RT. Hollonan dated March 10, 1954, advising that the Attorney General re? iqaestea a check er the Departmental Aaditcriamqfor or other listening devices. T0 er. Etlson - :9 Such a check has been completed by the Lab- oratory technicians and nothing to indicate any such listening devices was fnana. ?nere is attached hereto a proposed memo- randum to the Attorney General so advising him. It was,felt in addition that it should be pointed out that from a security standpoint the Departmental Auditorium is a completely aneatte? fa factory place for heading meetings due to the natare oj?the con~ straotion and the easy access to any and all parts gg?th' Audi-to riam. [25933955 53 Jm-q 73 I: "125 ERR 135i. arl??s?" ?at the attached?memo15andam be forwardea like Attorney general. Attachment at? QT 1" FE v5.3 are is re re . GOVERNMENT - UNITEDL 33? .r (f lil Director, FRI 3/25/31; FBI Laboratory (Gi I?ll; 30:33.33} nee 1'0 2: (ea?1119} .5. LIT-7 York, Hex: i?erl: 1:36 32374?11 oi? nnis Office: on 1115']; .35- tenoee a conference in are 4?33]: resorgr no with em} il lof Esll ?ET-rs York, 133:7 113-1; .. I 1. . i Since reuwnin: T10 Len" writ, on Elise been in content 171th . enol I Eoth oi? ihosc men coineniod favorably with rogers '50 "61161? tri, til-30115131] the Enronu linkers-tor: which see effort-id {inn in connection trim e1: ore mentioned-conference. J. I end; here advises. since returnin: to ?ee York no they see no 51111115 so union to the phone cell tracing: problem nhich was no. Ire. y/iemy 5 1:1: at the Lehoretorp'. it the tine of this most most- recent contest, {is 5 061*- 11110 Possibility oi? altering; the ringing signal on cf: fee victim's phone and the possibility of detecting this different 15113.]. on the ceiling phone. ?total of about is cycles per ringing porioc}. It was sup-rested that by altering this current on the victim?s phone so as to ring: at a dif- ferent frequency or for s. different nonier of cycles oer ringing ?3 period, that perhaps this difference could he need as nether? of tracing. sinned int this nporoech, in his opinion 17-38 the best thong-n net cone up so fer, in connection with the possible eolntion to the problem. He stance?. that he was going to seminar it along 1rith other ideas with respect to solving this problem. "if 1- fl- .tw? The sten?erd ringing signal is 20 cycle per second signol with o! 113- ested tint 3.3. fell ?15 ?ea-terror: in o. fer: i nave ins trusted 35. ?ts maintain liaison with the hell Lecoratoriee no. ch regard to this newer em to keep the Bureau ens-iced. b6 b7C 51G AL Of?ce Memo 6 madam UNITED STATES re 3 Mr. Tole-311 0? DATE: 6: 195% a I [light-? Gla'rin anbu FROM. I L. B. Nichols Langua? gains-aid L3 - . -- - u. surgeon err-They W34 Law I edvieed SAC Kelly- of New York that hereafter the New York Office is to check the Director's. private telephone line at the Waldorf-Astoria ever time the Director comes to New York; that ordinarily he knows the day? before the Director comes up there and they" would have ample opportunity and time to cheek itNil? DILE- 7- JHN 3 11954 00*" 6'3 JUN 121531954 ?123 .J ?u ?m'm'nu El m0? 1 R. R. Boa ?ier: - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . A. e. DATE: June 34, 3353/ Essen Tamm 3:2 mm: REQUEST FOR seesaw? JUNE Ei?ilf'??: ai' masseuse muss unnam? 3 teaser, sweetie see Free 2; His: On June ea, 1954} pursuant to a request, Bureau.Ltaisou oontaoteal .5. to these individuals, E: Revenue was sonataeed because o? in er'ereuee on i uses on imitate-t the lines Awe-rs _"isppee. was very mush concerned about this requested_i?at 3. the Bureau-conduct a security survey of his a?f?oe lines.? Te 1-. noted ease shortly after :Iiass office I ?le? Internal Revenue during the part of 1953 and subsequent to a conversation with the Director on the matter. af security af his telephone lines, the Bureau oonauoted a security sheet on same and installed a countermeasure devise. approsimately one year ago the phones I a?ftee were being ohanged . and at that time the coun 'ee was takeu out by the Bureau and in the absence of a further request by him, was not re- installed. As a matter af with it 1_ ou ht that the Bureau should again make a security survey af 2 lines. ?x scores: a .Lf you approve, a security survey will be madeEng-12.3 1 are Parsons (:9er 1? 44?" a a. II Uw?x?if? RECORDED 1_ 11 ee O?ice - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT all; if on? I To Persians) tern: July I, 195d mf?. iv? JUNE 1/ E, name I. if. G'onra Persons Ros-en it? New: oneness roe 3303312? SURVEY b6 33:11:;? or resereoos Hires, IHTERNAL hm mum REVENUE nestles i I, (Bufile -. Reference .II dated 6-34-54- setting forth a request of Internal Revenue, that his telephone lines be checked beeause or erence on his lines on 6-34-54. Special Agent until I 1 leads a curit survey on 6-30?54 the following lines . which appear in ml I Internal Revenue Building: -I District 'e-esse (unlisted); Executive extension Pig (manual entension off Treasury Bepart- meni- board}. No evidence of tampering with any of these lines was noted. q, . the request of] I to the Deputy dommiseioner of Internal Revenue, the countermeasure mas?rein- stalled on the single telephone instrument of I This counter- measure had been removed in July, 1953, and no subsequent request had been received afor netallation after work had been completed on the telephone lines inmoj?fice. was of the opinion that the (?laminate - i . .- 1.33115? was pro on ed with a counter- measure and on hearing that it had been removed outinever reinstalled, he made the request for reinstallationthe course of the security check it was determined that. I office secretary was unfamiliar with the loo key system and. the keys into a position which caused a . drain o. line. It was further determined 'that there had I '1 been insufficient battery supply for the signal lamps which caused them to flicher, and that a?tually had been working in the terminal boo: containing lines between 11:45 Adi. and 1:00 All. 6-24?54. 23kg been responsible for in;- advertently making noises or lines while he was working on other lines. 3 it": i" TION: Liaison Section may wish to advise Vernon D. Acres, chief, Inspection Service, Internal Revenue, of the completion of this 46 securit},I survey! nd couptermeaeune installation. .- gyga (42? [$321295 EXIIZQ A ?that J?iy $33 13&4 .. fa? - 47 Ex 'Ia7 .gauara?le warhert 1raunali, Jr. 1; p; 5:19, Jupmr?.un? of Justice m, 3' . If. f??r turauunt ta yaur request* a micrap?nn? aucnrity survey Ema resple?cd an July 33, in fin raams 4f -unr alfi?; unholy, ?air affine ani crufbranca ravn, ?ue uffice a? ?*Hr n?iian?ial sacrei?ry and $25 ?iuid? r332. ?u evi?anae qf cancealad n?araphanss 3&3 qun?. Laspgo?fullyg W1 If} an? 3 5% 512m A . vim-mm: . - . Tg-Ie. Roam '31 Hallumn Sandy O?ico Memorandum - To . an. sateen )Vfi 33.0.5! I 1 answer: Gabi/f} Q97, 7" Wind's?" a?'r'i?r?js UNITED STATES 5f 1 hm: July 14, .1 1: 1 iglont.__ a D. RARSGES gg?s . 24- r: x+ ir?r Swami: 3am ATTORHEY '3 OFFICE $113511;qu Gently By memorandumifro as to the ?trector 13/14/33, E6 or. Lada reported that stated that the Attorney @enemlhwas desirous es atorophoaemna,jna_tl of the Department wma?sibssq-uently advise when it was oonoen ant to the Attorney General. The .Dtrector' approved tats security check. I Icallea as this afternoon and advised that this had been overlooked in the ?epartaent and he was now-calling to ascertain if it would be convenient to make this check of the Attorney General?s office on Wednesday, July 31 or Thursday, July 32. as said that arrangements would be made so that we could contact Kiss the Attorney General's office . 1338 I told mam: unle would ma no a? Unless otherwise advised, we will make the security check as tndtoatea. i i: ti" so. Mr. Boaraman Mr. Elton ole DJP/mek h- Ill-l" ssnoesos - 13". ssconnsaso if, f?frrei??I-Er was; - aces; I f; '1 :1 i?mi?m?i?i? "ml-mu no.? I .II. I I a O?iw Memf?d?d?m - UNITED GOVERNMEN IF *2 1' .d glean..? To MR. I DATE: July 23: 1'?54 Belmont? Harlan ream 1). J. mesons i239?;? Roach C: or . :53: summer: ee?qenrer neon 'e creme Hollow?; Gently In my memorandum of July l4, that arrangements had been completed to make a microphone security survey in the a?fice suite oj?ihe Attorney General, hepariweni of Justice Building, in response to his request. July 2.1 and 22, ee Iandl I I of ?ne Laboratory made a security! check in ?re private cffice of the rney General, his conference room, the office of his confidential secreiar w. l?hese were the only roone indicated by that required checking. Pursuant to ihe request of Department of y- Justice Security Officer, he was ora in orne the completion of the survey and ?eet no evidence of concealed microphones was found. a! .ul" Inecomwefzfron: .?Z?hai: the aiiached leirber be forwarded to ihe Attorney i ignmb?u General advising him of the re nlis ?1f the survey. 5/ ?i - iiachmeni 25 G/meh' g; 5 - . Hr. m2p-nu '1 4-3" b6 b7C b6 1:37?: O?ice Memorandam UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO FROM. IUBJECI: :z?v 1r 'I?h-i Hr. Parsons DATE: Jan. Imus (?r/fits IF. Genre Kim a: Sizes steamer on as new: neonates ELePeose LINES Ham on sees? not - 11:7,: soarseeLLee 0F A U. 0.. HEALTH seven erg .r neLeAes g? (Baf?e ovum-.5717 nggi/? XS [ff ,9 Eng?: By memorandum dated Tesla-sol (former Special Agent), Director of Security of the Hepartu ment- of Health, Education and Welfare, requested that a security checi: be made of the residence telephone lines of Secretary Dveta Hobby and Undersecretary Nelson Rockefeller of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Agentl land Technician I completed this check on January 6 anti 51955. No evidence of tampering on any of the sis: lines b6 involved was noted. b7C a At the Dupes-t exchange loose connections were found on the cable terminals of Secretary Hobby? White House line: These connections were resoldereri. It was also discovered that a multiple of Secretary Hobby an- listed telephone line existed in the basement of the apart- went house at 1915 Kalarana Rona, Northwest. Secretary Hobby resides at 2101 Connecticut Avenue, Northwest Apartment Arrangements were made by Agentl:lto have Secretary Bobby?s unlisted line placed on a pair which did not multiple between the Dapont office and her apart- ment. This was completed on l-?7-55. if"? ACTION: i It is suggested that Eli J. Sullivan of the Liaison it his information available to tiff; I i 8' 376 {all I ?3 . tir. .D. J. Sullivan :My5it??f fo}7aJ'Ln QBTA fw in?? ,1 .x?sfr- O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT .1513- 3.. 3 Tolson To I 3433. A. Ho if .1 January 26? 19 2 - ?ght-j mom . en. E. none JUNE, [g9 i?nfs signs-?six ss?, mm: resources sseosrsr myEmecutive Assistant to Seg?g?gigr {5&1 James of Labor, has Egguegtgg a technioai ii security survey of the q?fice and residence elephones oj? b6 Bitchell. on have in the past emtenaed this service to"hther members of?the cabinet. b?C? Iadvised that Secretary ?itchell has recently been concerned about locks of information out of the Bepurtment of Labor and although they have no evidence that this is a result of telephone taps, Secretary Mitchell mould a?nzegiate any assurance the Bureau could give in this regard. has furnished a list of the telephone lines to be checked, which is attached. AGTION: With your approval, this memorandum should be furnished to the Laboratory Division for appropriate handling195? ettachment zrtf'w M??fjbai o. .. or a cu?tPEo? I, - or. Belmont 1 Persons 1 section tichler - no. ?aunt roof-on 1 .r 4' {Highs-.1 - if S-Puref 3,,5-55 -c if!" If 1.: lb" {15? ?l'i?jri'fio - lg?l?vff?t 61* . ?1 i?nltL?-O 5.1.. see ease as see as . STATES GOVERNMENT Office Memora?aam - use TD ME. 34033 DATE: Februaryl?gg on snow. . N. P. 524me 45 gm T2151: SEW Assn sees 45 EAR 1956 Hollcman senses Hoses see COWITTEE on em 2 APPROPRIA mes HANDLING were. mares J. ens stigma mm esteem: assesses . LL13. "if? ?Fifi?? I This moi-?xing the visited with to ascertain any developments thus far- in the hearings conducted by this aah- [committee before whom the Dirs?ior is tentatively scheduled to appear106 at 10:00 Add. on February 33! 1955' b?C edge-see the writer that based on the proceedings to date, he feels that the February 23rd date?fcr the Director to appear to testify will materialism He pointed oat, however, should .e they cancel any hearings between now and that time it would, of coarse; ?affeat the Direc-?grls appearance date. He indicated he would know :rmore definitely OTI- th?g on Friday, February 18, 1955. gape? inquiry advised the writer that there has been no define a pattern of questions apparent up to" this point in the hearings and in fact, there have not been too many questions asked was. at all. He stated that thus far congressmen Rooney and Bog; have been a ?he ?wo mast gona?g?gnf; in attendance 1115' the hearings With congressmen Ooudert, Bikes and Preston present intermittently. E?s dat= rose?? man has not returned to duty from his illness. opined that in all prab?bllt?y the-re be better representation e: {gm-mg the Director re appearance than at any of the hearings pres tiyg being conducted. 4. rs stated that he has had no opportunity to go over in minute [let-ail ?ne J'Hs'?iffra?'?i?? Whi?h we submitted he plans 7'50 {30 . this over the weekend and if he sees any items which he feels questions I might be raised on: he will notify the writer. He indicated that the - u. an. I r- as main questions being asked thus far relate to the reasons for any increases being requeste? in the ?amounts of the appropriations. . . . ?gates indicated that he felt it scald be worked out so that in cc on with the supplemental appropriation request which recently went to congress ?1 the amount of $1,100,000 for the fiscal year 1955 to defrayith? 003i qf the 15 percent?ocertime premium pay under the Fringe Benefit eat, that this item ccaldl?ie disgraced o: particula? if the Direato coins-nee on em 'tes duris . 6 causes- a? his regular testimcn 335' g?s'bi' in *a tech, he .Director have . 13;. - . 1? :4 cc,- i??lar: Fears treat) a; - i become: Jess ?3 Seasons? . .gt/ Memo to Mr. your (continued) statement for insertion in the record concerning this item of $1,100,000 for the fiscal year .3955. He indicated that a separate statement would be desirable since separate hearings will have to be published on the nup?plemenwl item and for the record the pre- ?4 pare-:3 statement could be inserted with an introductory statement . by the Director to the effect that there is submitted for the Chair- ]man and-the committee?s information for inclusion in the recora, ?lana?uble to submit at the one Of the hearings a brief prepared a summaries-tier: of the need for the amount of $1,100,000 supplemental being requested. . In. conclusian? requEStEd that prior '50 Director?s appearance and in oieo:o:the type of information which he discusses "off the record", that he would: appreciate it if the Bureau could arrange to nave-.a check made for any microphone installations on any of the telephone instruments and electric wall outlets located in the hearing room, If if; is pas-35bit? for the do this, he would appreciate it it it conga be done on Saturday morning, February 19th, since no hearings are scheduled for that date and he will be alone in the hearing room at that time. ACTION BEING TAKEN b5 J, {gig 1' A brief prepared statement for the Director?s use for the Joli?: 5- gr, rift grate item of $1,100,000 referred to above is being pre area for hing?! pproual and possible use of ene?irector 331993315? by newbie which will be ready for 3gp, Taleon's approval Thursday afternoon, Wt? February 1955. I REUUMIENBATION with. reference 159' P39113815 f0?" 63136335 1?50 be made of the telephone instruments ana electric mall outlets in the hearing room for any possible hidden microphones, if: is recommended that arrangements be made for a laboratory technician to accompany the writer .to [office on Saturday morning, February 19th for this purpose. . Of?ce 1?0 Hr. Parsons Fun-- MGM HF. Gearadoq? can ever; 03,, JHDIGLARF em; RELATER AGENCIES {j (Baf?e ee?eesee) - a' Reference is made to? the memorandum from Mr Gal ahan to Hr. dated. February 16, 1955, wherein requested ef Mr. Callahan the-e a security check ma in the House hearing room for Jae?eice, Hemmerae and related agencies. dictation of concealed microphone installations in the telephone instruments, electric wall aa?e?e and: baseboarae of the hearing room. The search was limited to these locations at: the request of }aandeaeed a survey of ?hie ream and found no in- ware. present during the course 9.1? the security check and are aware of the reenl'?ac I - Mr. N. P. C?allahan .14 0e 3: 01:? HEARINQRQOH Ei'i?g'li 0 Hellman 136 On 2-29?55 R. F. Pfafman and I 13?: None, fer information. er. Gallahan and: f? O?ice Memorandum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and Hr. Parsons March Conroffii'} 1? JUNE 1? mar?"r: sewers? casters roe ssossrler or LABOR nrxceexL (Bertie ee?easoen?mcranaum,?ron as. R. R. .nt January 26, 1955, a request was made by Executiveb? Assistant, a technical survey of'the telephonevline 'n ibTC office and residence cf Secretary of Labor Mitchell. named Harsh as the earliest convenient date. we 0n s?e-es es $ana checked the a?fice lines of ecretary_?itchell and observed no evidence cf tampering. During the course cf the survey it was determined that fvur oj'the c?fice lines involved had multiple appearances (terminals) located in lsnporary Building 2; Inter- state commerce commission Building, and the Raleigh Hotel. Arrange- ments were made with the telephone company so that all lines serving Secretary Mitchell?s a?fice now run through cable so that there will be nu appearances except in the Secretary?s office and in the ex- change buildi ngs. The lines checked were as follows: Executive 3-8365 (unlisted), Executive 3-4??9 (unlisted), Executive 3-2665, Executive 3?3666, Executive 3-3420, extensions 0, I, 2 and 3. AGTIQN: It is suggested that the Liaison section may wish to advise Secretary.M?tchell?s a?fice af the result a? the survey of his a?fice lines. A survey of the residence lines will be con- ducted at a later date at the convenience cf Secretary Mitchell. if ED - 43 6.6? -- r? . avenues RECORD (5) . 1/ a, a; r? at?) 55% KW: 15 3955 - i ~ae7'l - units 13% Jan-'1 1 - as. Daunt we. O?ic?e UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: 3-15-5 3m? TO I I Far-30735 Nichols; Belmont; Harlin? mm mom 1' I. conr' :jf? igneous Tami?- Sizes mm= son FEE Eos '01? mean E1 TGHEI-L .nm fin-?x; By memoranaan?from R. R. Roach io A. H. Belmont, l-BG-S?gg? rsqaesi,fro Executive Assisiani, was made for a technical 'e a?fice and residence telephone lines Hitchell and on the residence telephone line afieess Esoreiary Eitchell's residence line, EMErson 2e9382, and I Iresidence line, Lackwooa 5~1664, were made by FBI Laboratory technicians on 3?14-55. _No evidence of ianoering was noted on either line. Baron 14 was the earliest set by as being convenient to snoreiary ?iicnell and himself. b6 b?C Ii is suggested than she Liaison Session may desire to advise Secreiary Mitchell of the resalis of ihis security check. No?fariher work is is be done inasmuch as the Secretary's a?fice lines were checked on 3- . s: f} ?Eju 1 - Er. neon-E (6) L1 LID Eggs its 26 ?553 T0 1 FROM mm: 153' 444RQAGH MEM I. 33031213? I The Bureau? does not have any contra; ?b with him. His aolleagued also a member of the] lie assigned to I ?31 :51 "-an b6 i: 237:: mg?ibua {33ex? f?m\ :1 {3.3 I 495% ?Ly i 2 Hr. Belmont mnEXED-nm .1 - Mr. Parsons 24 APR 131955 i 1 - Mr. Branig gm? 'i i. :S?ec inn 0?1 91.42% 53" WM 311;; . lists _-oas infoimeiian candied? use i-eitei e. ti?iil Homo to ur. Belmont RE: from Mr, mm - It ained statesmen some spare lines or multiples leading into the If such lines emist, it is plausible that he us could have tapped into lines which led to other Enbassies. Such igic a situation raises a question as to whether Soviet or satellite establishments in Whehington, 3.0., have access to terminal bones on their premises which would giu?icozs: to lines such as those reportedly tapped by the so a stun. REGQEWMHMEION. It is recommended that this memorandum be referred to the Laboratory with the suggestion that through appropriate telephone company contacts the answers to the following be discreetly obtained: m. .w It is not believed advisable to contact the White House on this matter until a oheoh is made a ro riate telephone company contacts bearing-in mind that information may not be absolutely correct. Assesses: (3/23/55) 1? Pureons has advised that th 3oij telephone company cable charts ould reflect the various telephone appearances which 1* \b mould emist in these establishments. if (1L instructed him to immediately check with ?r telephone company contacts and seaming the cable charts, to see whether hang such possibilities might eniet. LEE 1&45! [2 il- a: Ira-mung 0?ico UNITED Stems GOVERNMENT ,4 T0 Er. Parsons 5! FROM Conroy JUNE mam =\?sscva sensor; or sentences LINES 3 0F dd?i?ilil?p??l? AND NON-SOMHIST D. Game afile TB (i View SYNOPSIS: glans? e. s. Roach to A Egg} captioned Internal Security - contains ?3 report that technician recently luggage: in at a telephone wire ?3r tom located in _a"shin_9t9. terhearing telephone con-b6 versations of pores believe to he in other embassies and, in one 1\r\ instance, the White House. Hemcrandum recommended Laboratory determineigg from telephone company if Soviet and satellite establishments in at Washington, 13.0., have access on their premises to telephone wires i a which are associated with U. and friendly government telephones; if? and if any telephone wires connecting to White House telephones are located on the premises of the! I Telephone company on kja-BO- -55 reported it cannot furnis crma on to answer above questions until it makes a check of all telephone wire facilities of foreign diplo? f: matic establishments. This will be completed within a week. company also advises that wires associated with one White House telephone did appear on premises of until recentl_ but home since been removed,- ad . associated with lines still if exist o_ premises. company on repor results of our- say to Bureau an mil remove any wires associated with U. B. and friendly government lines which may appear in diplomatic establishments occupied by governments of communist nations. liars than one week may he required by company to eliminate any wires associated with U. 1 Government telephones appearing in buildings occupied by friendly agavernments. One hundred eleven White House telephone lines do no have any emtra wires associated therewith which appear an other looa- tions. company will check drawings which show where White House tele? phone wires go and effect mamimum security for all lines; Office and residence telaphone lines of Bureau officials do not have wt res asso- ciated therewith appearing in foreign diplomatic establishments. H,x/ on not lea-?113. Belmont ?off: I 1 - lir. Papich see? NDEXEMQ 1 egg star/ems ?ip $5,er h? I eggs 100 from! a? ?6 Ea APR 18 1955 ACTION: i 1. Laboratory will closely follow progress af telephone company in eliminating wiring which permits some portions of telephone lines af U. 3. governments to appear at other locations where they would be susceptible to listening-in activities. 3. Laboratory will obtain a list settinylforth situations as of 3?30~55 where, within the scope of this survey, telephone lines appeared on the premises of other establishments, and setting the identity of such telephone line appearances which were eliminated since SHED-55. 136 gm we. I Mme? the .H - me nearest one: . 4., 3 .MeEorigdum ?rcm R. R. Beach to A. EL Belmo -9 - 5, captioned Internal Security - sported that a technician in the course af?a recent secur survey af the in Fhshington, D. 0., had listened in on tele- hone lines which were physically located within the premises of the I Iooerhearing conversations which appeared to emanate ,from telephone lines connected with embassies af other nations and one conversation which appeared to be on a white House telephone line. Referenced memorandum recommended Laboratory contact the telephone company to determine whether the diplomatic establishments of desist and satellite governments in dashington, 0., have access, by listening in on wires which appear in their buildings, to any tele- phone lines of the U. 3. Government or at diplomatic establishments aquriendly nations. It wasqfurther recommended that it be determined if there were any wires associated wit 1 phone lines which appeared on the premises of the .DETAILS: A list cf all foreign diplomatic establishments with their addresses and telephone numbers was obtained jwom the Domestic Intelligence Division and?furnished to the Laboratory?s telephone company contact on 3-30-55. The contact was requested to add to the above list a? published telephone numbers all nonpublished telephone numbers serving any of the embassies. Later in the same day the contact supplied the following information: Some wires associated with and connected to the telephone lines af the oth mbassi do a ear on the premises of the an addition, wires associated with a newly installed White House telephOne line did appear on the premises of the until recently. However, the telephone company has since removed these wiresein the latter instance. In October, 1954, the Hbshington telephone company initiated its own security program consisting oj'a planned elimination of ewtra wires associated with telephones subscribed to by U. 8L Government governments which appeared in diplomatic establishments oj'dwviet and satellite governments. This'program was being carried on along with other regular telephone work. However; as a result of the Bureau's request, the company will accelerate this program, completing this phase of the work in appromimately one week; reporting the results to the Bureau. dithin this period evety d?fort will be made by the company to eliminate immediately any U. 3. Government and??amna?y government telephone wires appearing on the premises being occupied by Soviet and satellite governments. domplete elimination af such wires associated with U. 3. Government telephones which may be appearing in buildings occupied by?friendly governments will take a longer period cf time. complete elimination of such ewtra wires associated with lines of one friendly nation which appear in buildings occupied by other friendly nations may prove to be impossible without going into considerable emtra rewiring expense. For approwimately one year the telephone company has been making a quarterly chech'of 111 White House telephone lines, these particular lines having been specified by the White Hones. These lines do not have wires associated therewith which'appear at other locations where listening in might be accomplished. The company will examine the wiring diagrams or charts which show all White House telephone lines, in addition to the 111 mentioned above, and, if other lines do ewist, they will eliminate any estroneons appearances of wires associated with these telephone lines. ssoonrer or BUREAU Lanes: Security cheohs of the office and residence telephone lines of the ?irector and members of the Executives Gonjerence have been made quarterly by FBI Laboratory personnel for the past several years. There are no extra wires associated with any of these tele- phone lines which appear on the premises of Soviet, satellite" or friendly foreign governments. ?4 as seen sic . in O?ice Mememndam - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Tallinn I I To A. Branigcn D?m April 8, 1955 {Fi? Herbs Molar?.? I Eel-sans :9 I /?efrso?fii? mm sec-emcee seer-ere I mom R. J. Icmpke rewiri- ?av-I?m i - Nissan-rowel if can can? Gently I We maintain a file on technical security surveys which recounts the security cheese made both within the Hansen and within the offices of key officials for technical listening decices. Enis file is maintained in my office in its entirety rather than classifying the mail as Jane and filing it in my office. p: scenes.- It is recommended that this memorandum be considered as authority for the maintenance of this file in the confidential file room maintained by the Domestic Intelligence ?icision. inis memorandum should be rented to the Records Section for its informati on prior to being filed. RJL: em :1 ce-srsoe g? 523/? ?k qi? xj? 3' cisteccw 2?3 cce'r FILED 4,4- ,1 rye/cc" .. I :1 RE - 99133153 5g 1-- l1! 1 I 4m ea WALTER r. comes. MIRMAN 11am; rumour esteem. n. I. ALEthm 1.111. . .1. or. m. H. ammunzn so? . n. J. Jar-1N EFARKMAN, mum: n. 1W6 HUBER-T H. mum-1m. WILLIAM LANEER. N. MK. HIKE Mom. r. momma. CALIF. ,3 MEN w. LET. KY. eat-nee n. AIKEN w. JC ?11 a {(119 House 5. Wm?! . mm 5 a WAYNE HDFISE. OEEB- column-1E: on FOREIGN RELATIONS . - FRANCIS II. mm. CHIEF uF STAFF I I . i 5 5515-5 . 1 rem?Wd_ 1 area. we. Housman?? LIE-.33 Gander?m? .1 April 19. 1955. Jamaim Honorable John Edgar Hoover Director 554. ?2 $535in Federal Bureau of Investigation 3% 5..va United States. Department of Justice HaShiDg?b?n? Dog. Bear Er. Hoover 5U Chairman George has received your letter of April 18, 1955, oonoerning the security check made of the Goam?ttee Room and the adjoining office, on Saturday April 16,1955. The Ghai'man has asked me to them: you for . your fine cooperation, as well as that of the three agents who con-- ducted the security check. Your assistance in this matter is in- deed appreeieted. Francis 0.. Wilcox Ghiei? of Staff, Foreign Relations Gorouittee. 5'5 "2'5 .5 2,5 REGGRDED - 6i 55? 7.355 5 APR 251955 2819555 jig .-.-?Iii? - I-wnru. ?fan'- I II ,b6 $55II.15-I.wig; 19._1355' I 'l-inzr. - I. Gil ltd} II II I-'11 if 30:31-de D. Parana Belmont Sander? Whitman Branigtm D..Danohue Mr. W11 hm Rogers - ?aputy Afiam? Swami {orig :3 I) 13: 1955 ?ircctar, fin-IF What-911'? 3mm 91? mm mm: a? comm Am: 32343333133 Emma-arr, B. a. Brianna; in malaria the memorandum: to the ?t'aomsy (knew: from this Bureau data! ?ag 6, 1955?, furnishing the result: to date of that survey 7 being Md: by that company with rupeat to 1 possible appeaman If. S. Gawmmt Hugs or: ch: gamma-ca: of faraign in Ifaahingtan, Indra my bit a aubgtan?al amnion of ?am-?g manila-Ind if ?are an similar {appearances of Us 3. davcment almanac ?an in for?gn .1 missions in N31: York Gity and in ?her paints in . 1. the limited Banana: of ?u 1?an Nations in the field of acumen: ?ptra?itm3 and Government aamuntaa?ana. you. may wish it: "nansidlr 15h: trivia- ab ?g 131? 13:13th the: brand problem to the domittu an In?rmaz acaurity or am}: other body a: you my dam donpttent for an: gamma? af {Examining em proud?: and taking any mass-nary action. :x 3.5 an?? 62?9?308 (If a 4? Ln 33?:me j?r? if_ . 3 (11} ?3 . m? 3; (A cover memo from L. F. Baardmm to The Bins-tor was. "1?5 prepared by Ef?fjm on 5/12/55, in?ammation with this . outgoing mail.) ?5 a: 1. that? .: Irma-"? thy-m 4 4:17;: 5* (a INDEX a hair?) . in . ?a 37 1955 712 Hae1: Room I: 3.513? 19 1955 Of?ce Memo?; um - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To 3. HE. HI BEER-ONT DATE@3103 egg}. i. mm {Hangman omen eo FLEET enmeoweaxoaate?naeefig? 536? antennae ?Witt? 9.1.7? 1 Our technical coverage on the Soviet United Nations ~13: A l?elegation nae been dieoontinuea, for security 1&ebwavee a work: being performed on the cation eervicing b6 New York city. bit: I INew York Office, navieea at 2:50 pun? ?ag 6, 1955, that the repair work has now been completed and it has been determined that the appearances of the lines where we would cover them have now been transferred to the basement ofl which to the building occupied by the Italian console a. The N30, through its contact, is attempting to arrange for the appearance of the Soviet linee 'at some point where we eon effect coverage. You will recall that recently, through the telephone company in Faewington, (3., a survey was made regarding appearanoee of telephone lines in varioue It would appear from the above fact-e that there may well be a security footer involved in telephone company proceduree in ?ow for}: also, since we now know that the lines of the ?oviet Embassy appear in the baeement of the Italian consulate. OSEAM rt ?77 in Fiona EEG GREEN 1M TION In view of the fact there appeare to be a eubetantial invention of eecurity involved if tnereare appe aranoee of U. Government telephone lines in the or ooneulatee of foreign governments in New York and in other points in the United Etatee, -- it is recommended that a communication be reparea to the Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security I013) calling its attention to this poeeible eecuri'ty weakness for - appropriate consideration and any If you agree, [this will be done. INDEED-92 M- We? 333/ fi? -- 1 re. feat 55- unneooer: 7'1: val- eon-Er. Belmont con-Er. Hennrioh '4 a, ?ap; eculfr. Bran igan oak-Hr. J. B. .Donohue 6 3? i newer. Sandere If! 0 co r. ParsonL?zl?e?ri-d?g Go?) 241955 ?3 1143-113?; mgr-3,. [3:ng ir O?ice Memorahdam - UNITED sums I as?? rural-W?s: ?s 3?3 I TcIson lie memo from li'. Hennrich to A. H. Belmont, ?ag 6, l955, reporting that appearances of telephone lines serving Soviet 5W Relegation have been noted in the basement of the Italian Sonsulate building in New York City. It was recovvnenaed that the Inteiaepartwental ?ovvsittee $1 on Internal Security (1055?) he told that there appeared! to be .3 a substantial question of security involved if there are appearances of Government telephone lines in missions of foreign governments and elsewhere in 1013 can give the problem appropriate consideration and: take any necessary action. ff; You asked ?Just what can lE'l?S do ahsat it?? . lg . ?ertain of the agencies belonging tvgl?ls, such as Defense; State and Treasury Department's, havens primary interest. in the security of their eetahl ishm ?ts in areas such as New liorh. E?he 1015' agencies and _speot-ifically the Office oihefense Mobilization (aha) are responsible for the brash-planning regarding security of Government haeehaa the responsibility for in the security field aside from intelligence .gcnsiaeration? A: to the appropriate agencies of the \h 15 -IJ It would appear desirable, therefore, to place responsibility for any broad survey regarding security of Government convnunicaticns of the type involved on the .ZUIS. This is particularly true during the current period when C?cngressicnal investigations into wire tapping are in progress. enclose-ema- /4 (WY Lifefjm (10) ticklers lair. Boarriwwi . hir. Belmont i llr. Hennrich .er lir. Bran igan Mr. .Donohue 6 MAY 24 1955 lair. D. Parson ear-?15" 5 lir. Sanders i? lir. Whitson I) TD The Birectcr ?Hm May 1-9: 195 F?fn; ??ut mos L. r. saw-amen Eil.s__. . We; @?lcehvemerw $35333; tastiest" ampum Fania-EL swarms.- i .e We 5.3 ass-r FILED In (5-5 5? WOWIQN: It is respectfully that me po int out to ?eputy attorney General Rogers the substantial question of security involved in possible appearanoes of Government lines in foreign missions in New For}: and elsewhere and suggest to him that he may wish to raise this problem with the IBIS or another body as he may deem it desirable. Attacked for your approval is a letter to ?epaty Attorney General Rogers. ?Jami-1mm.? rim .L OF TELEPHONE LINES . Oj?ce Memo IR. A. H. HEM Harlan mom 3 HR- E. ?lms Runaw? a?omit?{SemicoequeweweewJ?. we it?? we ca. a - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Tahoe Nichols Helm on: 1ft;- DME: Kay 11, .1955 Tm. Shoo linterrowd Dr? iiF?ia-? I of the ?ctional Security council; called on the afternoon of Kay 11, .1955, regarding memo) of Hay 6, 1.955, to the Honorable ?illon Andereon, in which advieed we had recently learned that a White Hoaee em 1e line serving the residence ofl Appointment Secretary of the President, had a brand 1 connection appearing on the premises ?u??fj?l?dy I tated that endereon had referred the matter toh 13m, andl Ifelt that endereon should call this matter to the a ilitary Aide who hoe eecarity reeponeibi?lity for the ention of the Preeid-ent'e In El iW ?5 White House. I [tendered whether the Bareaii"'had any i- objeotion to 1. is eing done. - f5 . AGTIGH. *j {a I told that the Bureau will, ofoouree, defer 1 to the judgment of ?ndereon in this connection. pointed #1 out that the information had been obtained through a \3 confidential eonroe. eaid he appreciated this and 2 would eaggeet to Anderson that, of coerce, in furnishing the information to the Hilitary aide, if A?ndereon decided to do so, he (Anderson) handle the matter in each a way - that the confidential nature of car information will not be jeopardized. ?ower? 0 . E. . 331% gt? .- MME oeeitt . cam-Hr. Boardman :1 acf?yra .Da J- Parsdn? in}: cauiir. ?elmont [41 oo-uHr. Hennrich . e: I in. ocuifr. Roach ?99" 35$ {to ocuiir. Whiteon memo-d out 64% . .: . mm? a? O?ic? Memorandum - STATES GOVERNMENT gem . MR. steam,st DATE: May 5, 1955??/?1n . mos l. a. county . ?utter?? Roman Shoo mum: Edith?: or contours-a nee tole- commerce - . it?; were? .Reference is made to my memorandum of_April l, 1955, reporting results at a preliminary check with the telephone company as to what 3. Government and friendly foreign government telephone lines might have branch connections appearing on the premises of Gbmmunist~oontrolled diplomatic establishments. telephone lines having such branches can be readily tapped wherever the branch connections appear. Inc inquiry was further extended to include any h; Govern- ment lines which might appear on the premises of.friendly fcreign government diplomatic establishments. At that time, the telephone company indicated that a survey would be made and steps would be taken to eliminate any undesirable situations. Jurye L??a You will recall that this matter was predicated upon a report i that a White House line branch connection appeared on the French Embassy premises. As reported in mg memorandum oj'npril l, 1955, the telephoner company confirmed the report relative to the White House line but advised that the situation had been corrected. With regard to the survey,.hr. Tolson commented "When this has been done, we should send memo to no and Rogers and write Dillon Anderson. The birector commented "Yes." The telephone company now has advised that although they have had a crew of men working on the project, because af the great amount at work involved, it has not yet been possible to complete the entire survey; however, at our request, priority was given to a check of communist?controlled establishments, and this portion of the survey has just been completed. Its results, together with the identity of the White House line,formerly appearing on the premises ef the Fran hla? GJca Embassy, are as fblloms: it 1. A recently in ephone line serving the residence of hppointment secretar to the President, had a branch cdnnection appearing on the ?a Whhj) premises ef the I Hashington, b. on, but the situation has been corrected by the RECDRBED - mum-3 deb. ?it? (259-; Lia-1E; Enclosurem ?'55 - rec/mes ?er i 8 (5) 1" CW telephone company. 2. no telephone lines ef the 8. Government had branch connections appearing on the premises of any Cbmmunist~ controlled diplomatic establishment. 3. Branch connections af eleven phone lines ef the District of ?blamhia Government appear on the premises of the lagoelav commercial counseloris Q?fice. e. Eranch connections ef a total of es telephone lines of ?friendlyiforeign governments appear on the premises of the carious communist-controlled diplomatic establishments. It is noted that telephone lines af 34 commercial companies and lines af 221 private individuals likewise appear on the premises af these diplomatic establishments. the telephone company has initiated a program to eliminate all telephone lines,from the Gbmmunist-controlled establishments esoept the specific lines which are serving the respective Communist- controlled establishments themselves. As of lpril 39, 1955, this program had been completed in the assist Embassy and thancery and in the Pnlish embassy. Gompletion er the program with respect to the remaining Semmunist?controlled establishments is in progress. Although, because of the nneepectedly large amount of work involved in mahing the survey and correcting the situations found, it has not been possible for the telephone company to complete the survey with respect to telephone lines which appear on the premises eftfriendlg foreign gooernments, it is suggested that we have suffi- cient to warrant furnishing a report at this time. AGTIOH: Accordingly, there are attached hereto ftr?approval communica- tions to the Attorney General and Rogers and to Dillon endorson. 3' wa?l?'i . . 33 0V1 SQEII 33:3 31313337I 3333r331-3 I3i1133 333 3r333. I.- -N ?3 .3 la- 333'333333 -33 333 "333333$33 3?fic3 33?13_ingI 3333333333, SI. -3. f?n?3r3?3, I . I I 1 T533333 3 333; 3333331 333333 33 333 33_33 3333 3 r3333313 .I-I 333333 1'3 3'3- '3333333 I 333 333333333I3f 33331333333 333r3333g . i 33,333-333aidanzl _3r333? 333333333 .33 -333 b6 - 333.33333'3f 333 II 'ib?c B. T313F3333 II3I333 333333 -3333 -3r333I333 333 33 . 3333313 33pp33 333I 333333 33333933533 .333I3 33333333 33'33- 333 331333333 3333333 r3133i33 33I I 333 I3333r333 3f 333- 333333, 33- 3333- I333i333 3333 3. 333333 31? . . 333 33; 33 33333 1:33 333' 33333333 I33 333 33333333 3f - . -333 I33 3 333313 33r331-331333333 2333 '333333333333 333333, 333. 333i 333 333333333 33333 333 3333 _?I33rr33333-I 33 333 331333333 3339333 333 .333 :3313 3 33333 .3133 33 '-_133333 333:33r3 33 3333 33 3:33.. 13 333 3333333 333 33 333 r3pr3- . -333333:33 3333 31333I333 333 33II333333 3333333 33333333 333333.133I 33333333I 333333 3 3f '3333333 3-1333 33333 11333 33: 333 I3333333 I3f?g 333 33333. 33333, 333 3333$f33 2333 in. 33333133- 333-333 3333 - - . Ti3323333 33 I333 1I133133333333 33.I I3 33 3333 33 E3333 I33 333 331333333 - 9,333333333333 33 33313333 333 3333331 333333333 33'33 I 3333333 Ir3233;33 33 3. 3. 333?I3333_nt lgn?? .333 3333~--' p333: $53 33 333133 3333333I 333333 333333f3313 Rf ?33 33333 113 33I33333333 331333333 23333- ##rggr?d 333- 33333333 33?333 ?393n3? 33333333 33333333 333 3333133 91 3333 3 33333.3 ?333f3r 33 33 33333333 3I3 3333333333 . "333i33333 3132333333 333331I333.33333 333 *hgigag?pgane 33- 33333 333 33133533: 11333 33?333 3, 33 333333?_ .3333 3333 .33333ring 33 333 333 333333333-333333333 3'r33x333._ 333 I3333333 333 3332333 3333 33333333 in'pragresaI 33- 33 333 33333I33 -33 -3 333333.3 33-31?3?3333 3333 1 3I3 333333333~333333333 33 3333333 33333133333333=3 1 3.31333333 13333 3333II3 3333133- I3II 333-33 i33I 53:33- I Mum-?our} I 33-333 3333 33y (6) ?3IHr3d to II II I -. 13333I33- 33333133333333. .i-J . .. .- JJII.?urI - . ..-..IIFJIJJH 'iJltInfadui?? JJ *5 tha r?ami a if Ja Iamr_Ja?JJ Jf wuuarnma?? J'insa JRJ ?rJaIaeJ qf fraan??y fara?gn uauwrn aneh aargay Jamplu II I.I . -I. Jae EEPBEQ {by asm?ang . .. . - . . lr??r31? ganfh?-.-..Iu' if 3? Tubes 10 Hr. Parsons DATE May 36, 195 nt? Annem, Roamanian Legation, Roamanian Chancery, Gseoaoslovakian Embassy, O?ice Memorandam - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT T: men e. ?32. Ri?es l/ ?21? mm SECURITY SURVEY OF TELEPHONE LINES 0F UOMMNIST AND E?gm" IN D. [tiff-k 14% Tole. Room {Bufile ee-ereoe) IF Re Hr. Gonrad?s memoranda to you of 4-1-55 and 5-5-55 regarding elimination by telephone company of branch connections of telephone lines of U. 15'. Government and friendly foreign governments from premises of Communist-controlled diplomatic establishments. These .1 branch connections would permit easyl tapping of telephone lines on 1th which. they appear. On sues?55 Laboratory 'e telephone company contactre'ported that company had on that date completed elimination of all telephone lines from communist diplomatic establishments emcept those lines aotnally serving the establishments. Following establishments were involved: Soviet Embassy and C?haneery, office of Soviet Military and Naval Attaches, Soviet Embassy School, Polish Embassy, Polish Embassy Hungarian begation, ingoslav Embassy, Office of Yugoslav military, Naval and Air Attaches, office of Yugoslav commercial counselor, and Residence of Yugoslav Ambassador. company is presently making survey of diplomatic establishments of ?71 friendly foreign governments to determine whether branch connec- tions of if. S. Government telephone lines appear in any of these establishments. Also to be determined is whether branch conn ctione of one friendly foreign government appear in establishments wither friendly foreign governments. ACTION: 7 a: We. Laboratory io?i?lid follow this matter closely to assnre that Bureau. is advised of completion of survey at earliest poeei his date. at . ?e (9&9 0/ 1 - Hr. Belmont .1 JIM 1 1cm: 1 - Hr. Papicn . i ml??I? u. I ?mm-mm? Of?ce A?jgd?M-r UNITED STATES Govannaennr Tahoe; 2, 1955 Emu? 1? FROM 3 N. P. CALMAN MJ Parsona? Roam Mr Qaaeuyn.g ?Sui_ ?Eh HolInman 1 ,9 Candy TO HE. Saturday, April so, 1955, pf the Home Appgg _atione committee, telephonically contacted the writer before g: tea haehington and stated that in view of the recent cieuelopb6 mente with reference tol lone of the clerical eta?f af the committee when you will recall had run an an in the paper to MC do typing more in the evenings and an a reeult, had been contacted by an employee cf the Soviet ?aual Attache'e Office, he and chairman Gannon would appreciate it if?the Bureau could again at this time Iran a security check of the uaricue Baaring roome af the Appropriations Gammitiee in the Capitol etrictly an a precautionary measure. stated that he would hand Ifollom through on th in in absence from the city and requeetea that we endeavor to do this as ae poeeible. If you approve, appropriate arrangements will be made with ar. Pareone of the Laboratory to undertahe thie project. For your information, in the past two years we have thoroughly cooered all of the Hearing rooms of the appropriations committees on a security check boats from the angle of any microphones or tape being inetalled therein and cheche in the pact have proved negative. 00: hr. Pareone (sent direct) 1x arcane ( Hummus.? O?ice Memrendnno T0 Hr. Parsons i ms I. s. MW ,1 mam Wager?! see new on oneness noose see one: one on songs erase, assassins UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: May 5, 1955 MW Re memorandum from Mr. Gallahan to Mr. Hohr dated. 5-3?55 concerning a seonriiy survey to be made of the hearing rooms and offices of the Hones Appropriations committee. and ?1 eonoealea. ?v?i 4? in snobaseneni, 323, 335, F3, 3 Office Building. ~33" m: It is recommended that Mr. callahan may wish to advise Iolerk of the House Appropriations Gononittee, the results of this survey. 19535: - -55 and 5-455 en's e, r, P?aman. ?orid teohnioian of 16' rooms used by the House Appropriations Gonni House wing of the H. Gapitol building. The rooms severed were as follows: F3, F16, PM, Pl, kitchen adjoining 194,95 and Rooms 228 and 33844 in the Old House assassin?#591 (?44 E7 QE {Elf/fl 2 JUN 3 1955 fia?g?? Token Boardman Nichols Holman; Itu'bo Hohr Parsons Tsmm? Sim Tints crowd Tole. Room Hollonnlu Goody made a survey ttee in the This search included an swamination of telephone facilities within the room and a ones}: of locations in which mieropnones would most likely be No eoidenoe of tamperi any with ins telephones or of the installation of oonoealea microphones was note . be two staff rooms P2, P3, P4, the 13?: ran-Y 1? 5163" 7:73; 's ??it-nah? . . 3? . :l O?ice Memorandzm - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Tallinn T0 i we. Possess g9 - DATE: ?ay 35, 1955 i the summon-son i i I ?m5 mow I. If. GOERA Sigmasmw set. comma JIWE gamu- IEB TELEPHONE mum,? gaudy As you hnoug the military presently has under considera i m9 the question of providing adequate security to its telephone installa- tions. Representatives of the Laboratory and Liaison have partic? ipated in prior meetings on this subject. an the afternoon of.hay so, 1955, at the telephonic request of Cblonel Sidney Rubenstein {Ebrmer Special Agent), l'attended a meeting in the office of Ralph Stohl, Director, Manpower and Personnel, Q?fice of Secretary of'hefense. In addition to eelonel Rubensteih and Er. Stohl, there were also present the following.- Brigadier General Barr aw - Rear Admiral R. Eice, representing Carroll, representing the air Force; and representing the Q?fice of ?pecial Operations in the Befense Department. Because of recent publicity on wire tapping and the use of telephones for microphone coverage, the Army had proposed to dissemi- nate very widely extensive instructions looking toward increased security of their telephones. The instructions included such things as placing telephones in desh drawers when the telephones were not in use, or if no desh were available, covertng the telephone with a . blanket, et cetera. General lesson indicated that he was most anwious that various branches of the Army be warned as soon as possible about the ultrasonic listening device and about proper measures to protect against it. Both colonel Rabenstein and_h'r. Stohl indicated that??they the approach should be uniform for the entire ?epartment of 'x Defense and they ftlt-that the proposed draft instructions woulgpedlr merely stir up a lot of curiosity and unnecessary concern. This vie was hared by Admiral Rice and General carroll: 3 . H. a ?Kaln response to questions, I indichted?thaty of course, 46 could not presume to tell the Department of Defense what ins actions should be issued; however, I pointed out that the ultra? sonic ening device had been developed by the FBI Laboratory, and that we were most anwious that it not receive any wider dissemination than absolutely necessary, and fer this reason countermeasure devices installed thus far had been restricted to top level duper meet . . use?: ens-f 1- - r? Inc/m a In :3 39% 141955 5 55" I .-- I Enclosure b6 b7C telephones. I further pointed out that, as has been reported in the newspapers recently, there are various ways by which a telephone may be modified to provide microphone coverage if physical access can be had to the telephone instrument itself, and that therefore, unless a relatively high degree of physical security were given to telephones equipped with countermeasures, the installation of countermeasures would not provide a solution. (Access to the telephone by an enemy would permit modification af both the telephone and the countermeasure and render the counter? measure useless.) Accordingly, I suggested that one basis on which a decision might be made as to what phones should be protected would he the consideration as to which phones warranted the necessary high degree oj?physical security. This seemed to be a new thought to them and it was generally agreed that this would greatly reduce the contemplated scope cf countermeasure installations. es the conclusion a the meeting, a revised draft instruction was proposed by consideration by all g? the military branches whic wou merely serve to alert the various military agencies to the general telephone security problem. lWie draft instruction, a copy of which is attached, received tentative concurrence from the military representatives present. b6 337$ hone. For information only. um H8355 seem: Security TD: Secretary of the my Chief of Staff, U. 3. new Deputy Chief of Staff for mastic: chiefs or Start chief of Psyumiagical Warfare Chief Signal Officer {311191 Of We chief of Engineers Chief thnical Officer Serenade:- in chief, U. s. w, Maps Generals Gsntinentsl Inlay 03mm Amy cement! Wumnms 3. gm Alaska use. Berlin Wmmim?mgg? U. S. Fences, Austria H. 3. My, Pacific Army Eight s. 3. am, Garibbesn Gen?nental sinus Military District of Washington Amy Security Agency Am Intelligence Gents? 1. Developents in the telephone communications field. have preved the susceptibility a: telephones to an increasing variety of eaves?- dropping techniques of such a nature that emitting branches of security are possible. These techniques see not all in em category of ate-called ?Hire taps? where the actual telephone conversation can he interceptee, but also involve nmnerous ways of utilising the telephom as even when the handset is properly?plsced on its cradle. In effect, norm]. conversation in an average sized office can be picked up by the teleyhons when the is not in use, are taken to insure the absolute electrical separation of the handset iron the telephone line. Not all Depermnt ef the law insta?stiom are at present taking steps adequate to insure against the security threat which these techniqu pass. (3 meg ?Ce seem: . 2. The Department of the Army is new participating in govern- mental study to determine the mu measure of the threat tc cur security through hostile explcitaticn at our telephones; in a part of this study, an cf telephenic safeguards n?l be formulated. 3. Pending the issuance of Department of the em instructions resulting from this study, the following suggestions are inr?shsd for presiding mterim cmnter?nnssures: a. Remote, where practicable, telephones, including intercom systems, from conference seems and wet- reams, whrein setters of or higher classification are discussed, or "$131116" the instments while ccnferences are in progress. Report informatics pertinent to this matter through 6-2 channels to m. 5. ?Ice will he kept advised of settlements. GapieE Furnished: 03D (060) NSA Fem New Ir mmu? - i O?ice Memom 2.4m- ., a, If.? 'ur? 1H FROM555* 55? .. .. Entoerr engage: peg agree *3 - wiry In with your request, there fellows an enplenetten cf (1) the manner in which telephone lines are normally rcuted.fcr the convenience and e?ftcieney qf the Telephcne Company, and {39 the manner in which the telephone conneptien?frcm.the White.chee switch? beard tc the residence "fnetclled which made 136 2370 1373 ffn~mcking to his residence, the mgjo?gw Lek-M. 6 ?rm-'7 063 er 7? End?s? y'euree {If cil?i'? . gag .. a INDEXED 75a JUN 23 1955 $3 1 GJUM Gilg" If: .- b?C In making security ohsoks on the folsphons lines of the Dirso?o?, yourself} and o?hsr Bureau offioiols, she Laboratory located the various extensions from the solsphons lines used by snob q?fioiols and had such sstonsions physionlly out q?f. 4) A 1 i . i appreciate your-calling this problem to my attention. Iris ETANoaao Fo "a I .. - "?33341; .1 Oj?w Memarn? em - UNITED STATES con?gmma??i/ QM I To Director Dare: 1.: 1? Federal Bureau of Investigation om: :Williem P. Rogers eputy Attorney General . .: 1 37.1an WOW LINE 1 1 n, EMBASS IES :r - n. o. . - This is in response to your cumuunioation to me of May 13, referring to your memorandm to the Attorney General of May 6, 1955 in which certain security problems were raised in connection with possible appearances of U. S. Government lines on the premises of a foreign establishments in Washington, C. __rdv? . which furnishes the buildings occupied by most Government agencies :1 15 also has the responsibility for f?drniShing adequate telephone communi- I cations and for the security of such telephone lines. It would understanding that the General Services Administration . I suggestion subject to your concurrence, that the information set ie' . forth in your memorandum of May 6 be furnished to the General Services; . Administration so that they may institute such further stops as Inst};r be appropriate. . need-ma ?5's In accordance with your suggestion I have taken this matter up *i?i?g/UJ 5\ with the IBIS which will subsequently follow the matter 1ufuth the Gener Services Administration. The Isle will also determine what 13? buildings are not serviced by the General Services Administration. I 1 1 REEL. 'lur a t-Nr'n r131}? FIL .6 . cc - Boardman . Belmont 1 Par-so as 57?? mic w, 2;;5 rm; .?r?ii?ic? we "Mira? . L?f??l?iy Limarnl??g and 1} . Hmicw; .1531 . .zf. 3? I Saul. a .. .. I fl.? 1 - r. - ?11; 1.13.15, .1 at .63 L. il rrnas 33m . Fe iJ yagr *R1?rrn?am tHJ'shi} ?44; ?lth- Ili?? an.? Hgi'; ?itting" it a. air 1: Hf". i351" is?: 1- $1.3 _n ?y 5, __Lrwih I??Pf?l? gsrurgi?K-L??q. .L .aumnnen? ?wt. L2. L25 .2171 ?11:3 ?I?;cha?L in 5&5, .L Ea 15 th ?Ln?r?l grained LdatmiatrpLianu LL: $3;g?g?i LhLi 13; rmnanui aaruicaL Liu??n?L*?r?gi?? is Ian tag a: atlaph:na I?r?e in The LgL?nma-ag if. juraisar? rm. ..- ii?h In; ia: $35 Lari L?u .ELHL .rLLn :ae an; {ta :Ln Tanm??1.gc an xaLcrnul {?uri? if 1 -LLHLIL 'fij?h. .aa naii?r izL .nnLrai ?ruir?a iLrT?i-Hi??E-F??i iQ?g Items $13 Lucinnw t: .fm-is is: Ly fa .Lrarnl {grui?aa @5351; it?; Liaise: gm; my L34. in. Manger Law}; m1; remain; .i'i?ffi #:1953555}; 333% 3.1.4: If? T551531Lang r51 airy; i} he 15? f. i hm; Liam we: 9,1 13F. 3' I If 33*; 1" -. 1 gzu?arfrvar. rm}; I . 1.. .. .F?vj bib Tolson 5.4 9. Wm; I E55 Nil-'huls 1321mm: "i Hal-Ibo Mal-Ir P31513115 Human Sizun . wintm'?wd_ I: U. 3-3 1 TalmFLonrn? f; 4? .. I Hellman 63m]? gt; 7955 I COPY FILED TN .3: 1 ft- "tr Jane 1955 lhrongh a confidential coerce it hot been learned that a recently tnotallea, high level U. 3. Government telephone line had an anneed branch connection emteting on the embassy of a.frienaly foreign government in the District of Columbia. Telephone linen having each branchee can be readily tapped wherever the branch connections appear. {the specific situation in queetion hae etnce been corrected. However, in order to evaluate the general attention tn thte respect relative to U. Government telephone lines, the telephone company nae regaeetea to con?ne whether branch connectione of any other H. Government telephone lines appear on the premises of any foreign government in the District" of S?umbta, We nozo have received the reenlte of each a earney? in? eofar as it pertains to Communist-dominated diplomatic eetabliehn mente and the telephone company hoe advised that there are on telephone ltnee of the U. 3. Government appearing on any of the Communist?controlled The telephone company further hoe advised that .111? has completed a program to eliminate from all of the Communist-controlled diplomatic eetahltehmente in the District of Golamhto all telephone line connections emcept Tcleoa Boardma gm;? those telephone lines serving the respective diplomatic catch-3;; . Harte? \fvrx ?4 liohmente. a nore- This to yellow of attachment to letter to nepety no :33: RM captioned "Beeartty Survey of ?fe-13PM? ?Tiff 0f and non-CommnW tn D. 0. ?3 Gently 3 . .. (J . A carrespsnaing survey by the telephone company with sespeat to possible appear?neeaqf U. 3? Government lines en the premises mf,fr?end1y fbreign governments in she District sf Uslumbie is currently in bus has met yet been complesed. 4'4 O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT I we . mu.? .m on. unscrew; new. July 14, .1955 ?rst. mi" mom i I. s. seesaw Jone $111" \f mm= ossosswnesieseouewoumur E?if?iim?T' Ehere is attached hereto an informal outline H) .Sgasin? :1 urnis basis by . a This outline .4 1y contains the various technigues which the Telephone company is considering in connection with its current studies of ways and,r means of improving the security at and specifically includes the various types of security checks which the Telephone Uonpany has 136 under consideration. b7C Tail) eaves; re ri?e/e a, a? [Ker ta ent - . .. gig/M was? Toll-an This outline has'been reviewed in detail in the Laboratory and contains nothing not already known to as in the way of security measures. It is noted that this document is marked on the basis the re erenoe her I I I You will . recall that we previously have been advised that the Telephon Company and representatives of Bell Laboratories are acquaint with this technique. eorroe: None. For information and record only. 63-12114 1 was use 510 .sr. Eillism P. Rogers August a; 1955 Assornsy General EB: ss ass? as magmas; mus gas; 3:191the dated shy 6, 1953; was fhrsishs? regsrsisy preliminary sf a ssiag made by ?ss company to determine there mess sf any U. 5; lines as ?ns sf,?srsigs diplumssis in ?sshw 1131;373:132, 12. If. sisal, by my is you rinsed .ilfsy .13, .1955, it is was suggested that sum might wish in refs? this master ts the . as Security far passible consideration sf skis problem is sew fork and ether si?iss? 1 This survey has saw been As is my sf say 6, 1955, no 3. government lines Hers jbun? so ss?Esmmuniss is 3. In addisisn, she company has slimins?ed from she premises of these ss?sblish- mss?s all lines ?hsse nasses so she The premises q? ?1 I have alas been surveyed. H. S. lines ass lines sf sissriss sf were found is appear an 1532;: premises of sis of these establish- 137m nests En 1 - Er. Belmont (debug a! RUE 1955 Emu-w??# a? N323: sag cover memo ms. ?illsn.%s Es. 8-3-55 ME iitemwd? I ?7 . ?1 L, {swam/ . . . slyWilma 4-.- . . - TWW WampumWg?t?m_ TWW Inf WWIW ain-T?r-EI =Way 13,.1955, wiWW- WW Waving W-F IW-vf'? Wu.rUWy WW -WW ?4*nf IFWT IWW I Wf -IWW-W. WW uduaaed ,Wy rI. - l-rl,?agw'WW i 3 I n. I iu??a? ?onarable ?sllan Anderson ?peainl *9 ?ne Preaident azeau?iae Q?fiae ?nilding 5: mashing?nn, 3. Q, /g 61 ?g dear Jar. Andaman: 7?57? ?52 In my let?er mf.?ay 3; 1955; yau were aivised that teleahane canpany had bean requested ta max: a surveg a? the premises a? ?iplomu?ic Establishmen?s qf Eumnuniat and nan?Gammunis? jbreiyn governments in ?ashingten, u, E., is determins whe?her any H. S. Eauernwen? lines paasfd thraggh ta t?eae establia?menta. a $hia snrvey has ?aw b?an camalcted; Ea rquE??ed ?uff-a mg Ze??ar qf.?ag G, 13??g ma W. 3. Juncrn?en? Zinea nere?faun? ?a ewi?? ?n the prew?aes aj?any 05 ?ha 13'Ea?mnni3? diplomatic es?ab??$hmen?s in washing?ant She telephane can?any, in 13km? a??i?ian ?a co?iacting survey, hum Lus eliminated fv?m {?239 13 esfahl?shman?a all ?elepknne Iinea gmnept those a matrally Headed to serve the ea?ablishmen?a thenaalvesh f; - 3 Ehe dinl?ma?ia es?ahlis?men?s'qf ?1 nanu??mnunia? i a) g?vern?enis in ??aking?a? have alga bash completely 1:5 f?ir?cen E. J. lines and ??ree lines a? ??a?wic a? uauyrn?en? were g?aa? ta unrear an f?e a? at: aj*??esg eefablis?menis m3 jbllams: H3: Lines have rauen? bgghur?men? imisasgq Him-*9 Ling. ,??anm Tolson Boardman Mel-.1913 Belmunt . Hal-ha Muhr P3159135 Emu If; (V TamLia-.1307: .. '31- Timmwd? 1 - Hr. Belmanf: (detached) {wt ?:51 i x. Tele.Rnom_ Baud}- I 1 KOBE: abs cover memo M?..Eillen to Parsons 8-3?55: miff?f I - E. liblIn. Honorable rupEcIEI --EII EHIEHEHE - . .IZ. II . -..I EE EE EEIE EE :Ef Eue' EE- destruction 'I?f E. IEHEE InEErnaI EEJ -.JEEPE.Inl i. .13. I I a -I-- 1 . Ef EE Eb.? if: E: l- -. .- I..- ?mammals.? Of?ce Memorandum - UNITED sari-ms GOVERNMENT Taken . 1:0 as. reasons my" 12? 195 Mg ha exam 1 l; is $235 Tamm' I . b6 maa? mamas: names I 1. Hall?mn . :th1 an August 9 and ll, 1955,.Hessrs..aillen ana matter and the 4D I writer conferrea mithl and colonel Bliss a? the i in f? local telephone company ih connection with telephone security pro - . ticn with the gen ral pro?lem of a?foraing Government_telephone lines. He further stated that the GSA representa- tith'h?a Been the telephone company in this regard by the Attorney General. lea will recall that.the FBI has recently made i a request of the telephone company'jtr-a survey reflecting any appear? ances (branch connections) of 8. Government lines which might emist 3 on the premises oj'foreign governments. The results of this survey - upon the Director's instructions were furnished to the White House and a the Attorney General. In addition, at the suggestion af the Domestic 'k Intelligence ?ivision, it was suggested to the Department that the . hepartment might wish to present the broad general question of the security afiU; 8. Government lines to the Interdepartmental committee ?l on Internal security (ISIS). The Bureau subsequently was advised by the Department that lt??'mas considering the matter and that see was ~i understood to to responsible fur telephone security in buildings unaeri?g GEE control. b?C If: 1? Istatea the telephone company by seen a iveg?gj?n?hgigj {use} in connec? :advisea that he was greatly concerned over the fact that after having made a survey of e; e. Government lines in Washington, .D. ah,+ftr the the results apparently had been disseminated to other Government agencies with the result that he was new receivin similar requests from such Government agencies. We remindeal that the request for the survey had been made as an official out that he had been advisea that it might become necessary to dissemi- nate the results, depending upon what the survey revealed. he further pointed outthat the Bureau had been advised that GEE haa general respon- sibility the security of Government buildings, including telephone serviceJ in those situations where GSA controlled the buildings it? contract the services. Hines, the reference of the problem by Department to sea appears to be a perfectly proper proceeding. if and colonel Bliss both indicated that one of the vii. . Ito/mes it 5 fr? 7 . at? 1.3 ?if1955 i a; :3 If} [Tilly's pu?au-rgq LH b6 ?ame to or. Parsons 5733/55 b?C he: lelephone security principal problems present lay in the,fact that neither the local telephone company nor the Bell system as a whole had yet adopted any specific policy with regard to how,far the telephone company would go in removing unused branch connections and whether the company would ewpect the Government to bear the eepense of such security measures. pointed out that since GSA controlled Govern- ment buildings throughout the ?nited States, the problem could he ewpected to arise at many points. so was advised in reply that the problem of security of 3. Government lines throughout the country appeared to be a penfectly proper question for use to raise and that 'we could not presume to tell him what action the company or the Bell system should tahe in response to dad?s inguiry, either with regard to the specific local inquiry or with regard to the broad question, should it arise on the scale which he anticipated, while appeared greatly disturbed over the prospect of having to discuss ephone security_prohlems with representatives of'GB? and possibly other Governmental agencies, and stated that he would much prefer to hand all such matters through the FBI, it was pointed out to that it would not be proper or possible for the Bureau an or a the over?all problem. We did indicate, however, that in addition to our own telephone security problems, we would ewpect to continue to come to the company for assistance in occasional security checks as we have done in the past, Etc telephone company representatives advised that they would, of course, provide the Bureau with the same cooperation and services which the company has ewtended in the past. acff??e hone. For iaformation only. -2. Hummus.? O?ice Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Belmont Toleoo 1?0 Mr. Parsonscp ?15' AUQ- 11; 1955 mi? mom I R. Milli: WEE mm= ssooTsT To essences scatterer geese: INTERNATIONAL eooeneeTTon nonTTISTse Teen Reference is made to July 29, .1955 memo In. .-I- . to iir. Belmont in which is set out a request by ?of the International Cooperation Administration . or a secur chech of the office telephone lines of sir. EffollisterdI Director of :S?peci cl Agentl lundl I conducted a securiin;r survey of four office lines and one White House eutension working out of Hr. Hollieter'e office in Room 513 of the b6 Eciatico Building, 806 Connecticut suenue, Northwest, Washington, 1) 0., on No evidence of tempering was observed on any of 337?: on these fine lines. However, a branch entension of the White House line was found to appear in Room 613 of the Haiotico Building. Arrangements were nacie with the telephone company to heoe this branch extension removed so that no access could be had to this White House line except at the telephone company exchanges. REUOMNFA 231' ON .1 That the Liaison Section may wish to advisel of the results of this security she-ch. 1?33: [J?uy 1 wilt: .. ?g 62-9?306 ?h (31? 1 - Hr. Belmont 1 Er. Roach Jim: 74 em; gen-3? 12?5?; tense aggbigw .3: ?mmu? O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT T015 on To a m. e. H. newer .- FE, mm 39: 1955 331133"? 3) FEDM 1 2.13. E. E. 6 mm BEST FOR SEGURITY CHECK FOR JOHN HOMSTEE GR IETEENATI 6? OOPEEA TI OH 2111th HI STREET I OH On July 38,1955, Inf the Internationgg cooperation Administration (Ion) called Liaison Agent :and stated that Hr. Hollieter, the new Director of ISA, had Ina ued into his permanent ojjnoe tn.Roon 513 of the hatattoo Building at 806 Gonneottaut Avenue, huh} no. Hollteter has a thte Houee direct line 3,1335? off}: ELE- letatea he would appreetate if the Bureau I could make the telephone eeourtt check of the phones in b6 Hr. Hollteter?e offtoee I Iota-ted that if the Bureau by: could do this he would be glad to arrange the time convenient to the Bureau. neuron.- 1 It to recommended that the Bureau noise a telephone eeourtty oheoh of the phones in Hr. office. (in- .r [3555? 4,15,? 3. . b. . (153 f3 dog: I - Mr. Belmont 3H Mr. Pureone if 1 - Ltateon section Mr. Butee in? . *7 ?$3331 5 ;th: 5 er?d''rfr-e?i a ?r3 55' ,9 $8.313qu AUG 191955 ?i WTI Belmont Barbe 7/ Parsons Ruse-n Tamar 55" hUGZoj? 7 7: see es Of?ce Memomzd E. HR. PARSONS 2 pm: Aug. 31, 1.955 Bun-rim Mahala Wheat .4u mom I. W. Roses TELEPHONE SE [interfaced Tale. cam MIMI: Glad}! .Reference is made to my memorandum er August 12, 1955, relative to the above-entitled matter rej?ecting the results af an interview with ojjtcials oj'the local telephone company. You will recall that at the request a? the the telephone company recently made a survey to determine whether any swtra tele- phone connection ef 5% Government lines appeared on the premises er foreign governments. one results er this survey, upon the bireotoris instructions, were furnished to the white abuse and to the Attorney General. It is noted that as a result of the survey, 13 S. Government lines and 3 District oj'ctlumbia lines were found with ewtra appearances on the premises af friendly,foreign governments as previously reported. . I- .- .et the time of the completion of the survey, the telephone company 93 representative advised that these ewtra appearances would not be elimi? nated ewcept upon specific request. b6 .. b?C 3 Since informal discussions had indicated that the telephone 1 company might change this policy, I contacted Ion ?a August 30, 1955, in order to keep in touch wi'h the situation. I -n advised in response to my inquiry that the telephone company has matter under consideration with the objective ef removing the apparent 1; U. S. Government and District of thumbia'telephone connections which appear on the premises of foreign governments at this time. I requested to be advised when such removal had been completed on the 16 lines 3, mentioned above. indicated that this job was approwimately 50% completed and eepec all of the worh to be done by the end of the week. He further indicated that he would advise} the Bureau upon completion. --3 estate: ltlephone company progress in removing U. S. Government and District ef Columbia linestfrom the premises af?friendly fwreign governments will be jwllowed by the Laboratory and ;3 reported upon completion. Ca: . Ire/mes JP Plat}! -, (5) so? - .r fife/??5?? 76? 935% 19' SEP 7 we: 1- Hr. Belmont MIL . I ?59 Si?a so 59 - autumn-Inga.? O?ice Memo?ndam - UNITED STA 5 GOVERNMENT Talecn i 33. burn: Aug. 3o, 19.55 . ?ner?? man I u. L. emcee 3 Emma-? . 1 Rocco I 3* 3'3: mm or mac Emit or ecu uou? someway g. IN reeumcrou, o. o. 3? (Bufile ee?oreoe) Reference 8/2 55 memorandum from Mr. Milieu to Mr. Parsons and 8 13/55 memorandum from if . Nichole to err. Pareone regarding above subject matter. Referenced 8/13/55 memorandum requested that a memorandum be prepared from the Director to the Attorney General which the Director could take up with the Attorney General on hie return. AOTION: Attached is a euggeeted memorandum eummarieing all Ithe information concerning this particular eeourity eurcey. Encjoea:e . _f . Jim IRE mere 1 (5) Jeff 9* a: a 6.- 03 7.22$.51 . git, able <51 in! i?a dataraey General aap?aabar a, 1255 .1 15 if]: '96 Gt? BI . . ?:1'"magma-r manta} a? rma?eaea ?13333 GJHIIUEFIJT .1373 Semi-U WIS 5' 53?. $3 I advised gun in my memorandum af any a; 1955; ?ats learned a source Wait? Ham :3 rim-nap :11" 3:36 12m: f??pan af aha ?ala? b?E) we were ahat ahia had aaia?aa, aa a af taa manner in which aha Horn wally lines in gain a service* bat ahaa it E?ia incidaat ., ta aha $0 survey . their system and whether a?har H. S. lines .1 appeared aa aha ar any af aha iiplan aatia in Hashiag?an, H. a. I?a survey qr ea establiahaanta raj?aata tha fbllawiag.-.. I. Ex? dict" appear on aha premises af aka fagaalau ?aanaalar?a Q?f?aa, but this has been aarraatade fhmv; . 3; The telephone company has ranaved all taleahana . Haas framl Iamaap?i: aa?aa ad ta serve these a, In Ia a; i -l Iliaea were the it: appear an '?za are? aia: reign iijy??iahaanta. Theaa 1a lines are as man: ?5 'e?s 1-H N. - Pusan; . . $21? 63-9?308 ,z NOTE: See cover memo .8-30?55, Er; -Hi?llea to a - j- g? Hr. Parsons, JHEKMB. {h *1 I when-Elf: MB .. . Jk?9?? Deputy Af?ar?gy a ra a, i *3 "v?rl? i f' - 1, S'??ra I 3379 Ho: gt: Ling; Songs-keg. ens ?ggersnens Enos on Li es one In my memorandum ef'loy 13; 19551 in oceans Asfornen Genersl ?ees-rs it was sngqesiod ins-o he signs roish is refer is one Inierieonrinenenl on Internal Jess-ring; from) one question of possible sinilsr opoesrenoe of if. or. Government lines in foreign eeioblishnenis in Movies other shes e?nsoinqoon. Hr. ?ngers easiest! no so nseornncise. of Jnne 13,. 1955, their inis noose-r nod been inset: up with; $13.?st zonieh would enbsesnenily follow one noisier wish Ger/ere}: services Adsinisirsii 933:: Itm?? will also determine shstaonernmen-o buildings ore not nnier- General unrniees jnriedisnisnI also informed ire Rogers of one appearance of of, so eonernsen?i lines in sin: friendly fo reign governmeni esonbiisnnen?s by dated segues E5 1955; Hr, Miles sn?erson, is one Fresi?eni, nos been advised of one results of this snrsey by letters tidied Eng 1955, and exegesi- 8, 1955. We have been advised by one local telephone company than its present policy is is remove the existing estro eonneo? sions of U. 5. Government telephone lines from foreign govern- .nen'o premises. fhis matter will be followed with the telephone company to insure removal of? the obese-listed lines. -p ?(Eugen-HEM; . . 3 Of?ce Mememndam UNITED GOVERNMENT Tolson 1?0 Mr. Parsons DATE: flag. 3, 1955 Belmont?? Harlin mom I R. JUM maps . gm mm: Steamer? easier or TELEPHONE LINES Eli'?i? 0F EHBASSIES IN WASEINGTON, D. Gear -. (Bufile ee-ersoe) we! Reference is made to my memorandum to you dated 5?36-55 advising -.. on company was making survey of diplomatic establishments of ??creign governments to determine whether branch connections I overnment telephone lines appear in any cf these establishments. rl?_mga_aloo to be determined whether branch connection government appeared in establishments af otbeA governments. :3 Survey now completed ILaboratorg it telephone company contact, indicates a, 362 lines serving telephone, teletgpe, radio and other communication facilities checked during survey. lbbulation a? data reflects: b6 b7C 1. Total of aranones o. e. and District of C?olumbia 127?s aka Government lines appear in riendly government establishments 4; as fellows: . as. of Lines Government Department Embassy Where Ling ?3 <3 i L3. Branches governments appear in diplomatic establishments cf otherl Igovernments. 3. Branches of telephone lines of inn: commercial companies also appear in premises o? diplomatic establishments. 9% Enclosar 3- ?ii/g - Hr. Selmant WC, (Ll? a, a - Er. Whitman m? - Hr. Roach 19 SEP 21 1955 for - mi}, fit if? .u q. Jl?em - f3 memorandum to or. Parsons The telephone company contact has advised that telephone company has no program the elimination of these branches and does not contemplate such program because of tremendous cost involved and the destruction of their system flemibility. Telephone company will eliminate branches on any highly sensitive lines if specifically re- quested to do so. It is noted that telephone company has already completed program of'eliminating all telephone lines.from the communist-dominated aiplomatic establishments emcept those serving the respective diplomatic establishments, at cost estimated by Hampton in encess of #5000. This survey was initiated at the Bureau's request following receipt of information set forth in memorandum af R..R. Roach to ?oat 3-24-55 re I lInternal Security - b6 b?C A?lf?N: b?D Attached hereto, for approval, are communications to em. William P: Rogers, ?eputy Attorney General.ana to as. Dillon Anderson advising them of the results of the survey of telephone facilities in diplomatic establishments of Communist and non- Communist governments in Pennington, D. C. ?i662 ??ora We vi" I If a- fab fr-i, Tulsnu Bum?man Nithu?ls Eehnunl; Hat-1m Moi-H Pumas Ell-5:11 Tamra Siam Harem-1rd Tcle. Roam Gandy Eepte??ar-Z?; 1353 . .5. 'n :32; Janarnbla Hillan Anderaan. -. . ?keaiql ?ssfaian? *0 the rrea?d5Ht i :Jec inua U_r. Pica J?il?ing . 4 8. . I Jg Sear.fr. ??gw Ia; mire aiataed in my iatier 9; ?335 ?fa? p5 sxrzey ?f t*s jha?iifiea qf ign di?lnr -atic wen?a ii :53 Icara?d tin; I. b. Savernrc?? -15 3 niatr?c+ 3f Jolu??ia Jovernwen? Iinea warfared an ?fe urE? tars qr a? ii fig i?e tal?uhunr atat?i it Javi? E?t eii?ina%a 9+9 unteararces aj?any if ?he?e 16 lines nulraa rqurs?ri in in so; ugbaeQLently, ?33 teIEh?a?e wan??nh {cling 1" ac. Hii? regcra {a el?iinatian if such ling? :aauchan?cd. Jcaurdinplg, tie a . araaee?ei #3 work am ?ne elimina?ian qf ?heif;j?inea mentiane? and ran pur?ad an ?eaienher H, 1955, ?ha? Zinea no Ianqer an the premis?s a? Foreign Aha re+jrfea action 9r +ha rar? a? ?ciaw :a?i gnome cam3le?ea ?hia itaase 9? any in its euexf anyt? isvclo?s I 3; ?1 ?553 uam Gilli-319d? if"; . Jaime-rely Laura, NUEE: See cover memo Hr. E?llen #0 Parsons, 9-14-55, mam-:3. f; 5* 1 - EV. Roach (Liaison) {attached to Eggy 1 - f_u .. 1 - Hf. Whitson - h? (9) {? moimamroaiflnm some a pee O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 1 T0 .1 Hr. DATE: Sept. 14?. ?ll. mu . R. L. Millewu one ?1 Parsons En or if: 1- Sam mm: can, 0? AND Holler I1 Measlee'lli In. 0.. _d ile oe?e'rsOs) r: Re my memorandum to - ?rth data of completed security survey of diplomatic ?lish? meats in Wasnin on which re looted telephone company listed . 45'. Government anal District of Columbia Government lines as appearing in sin: of the above establishments. Referenced memorandum also covered transmit-5&1 of a letter to Mr. Dillon Anderson, Special A sistant the appearance of these lines in and the fact that the telephone company would mina appearance of these lines only if requested to do so. a) ghee now advised that as of 9-12-55 tn 1 atelephone company a comp these linos no longer appear in the Attached hereto for approval is a letter to Mr, Dillon Anderson, advising him the telephone company has eliminated the appearance of all of to ?7.19. and District of Columbia Government lines from the premises of foreign ?establishments. Enclosurelg?t??!? - -llr. Belmont - REBURDEB - err. Whitson l-?fr. Roach 7? ii? ??5?gw ?mm! '1 see 1955 mum/y a? a; all.? $353}? :3 JelaMfo/ ?men-um.? O?ice Memormzdem In! 1'0 Hr. Parsons i'Tfi'lt' DATE: No D. 31319 i 99;? s. L. 3:!th Jens mm walleye; ssesexrr asses or Hose Teseesoess Jose rsonereme, oreseros; ?smear-:3; same es sneer? ersseros mm more ATIDNAL nemersrse?os rem a. security check of ihe home ?be 14' Bireoi-or of? IGA 0 if: I Special Ageni G. If. Mayo Ioondne at security survey of all telephones oppesring in both residences. evidenoe of tampering on any of these lines. 111?: the sine thei- Hr. Mayo and male iheir cheek at Hollisier's residence there was no its ones phone present. Special Agent of the Liaison See's-ion was isle-? phonioo?y advised of the oonpleiion of the security check. None, for info milieu only. results were negati vs. Liaison has advised I021 shei- - Er. Belmont I. - Mr. Bosch ee-eesoe s?smss a L. ULJJEIJ - :54/ i? I 3135512 1955?: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Token ?at-?lm? Parsons i'eci No [far If, '?ae .mw .?edcral 5.12-3.23 m" Inimntigntim Asalatmt Irihmtw f?m-?na J. ukltar Imglayr 13.25am: Rumamtatt? an H313 See-wit}? nf ?lmimm 1.121533 Emmi.? and Han-Cum mm: (m m: Hanna in 'Taa-imtan, "a if, Parmat. this the minim in your mama ?13; 1531-13, in km amt}! hunt-nay Marni; th? ambit-net! matter ma ?rmly! the Len-mitt.? Intarml far that remma? {if ?mining: this whim M51 taking any naturism i?i?h in a unlit. that Cami?hm wasted thu rant-m3. Sawing AM'M?tm?on ta ?etemina this mm: to Male: thin; mum mm in mm Stat? #1113: mm tram Zin?im?nn, 1.. anti dim-her any prohlm may aid? in mtinn with af?m wits?) mat. aim-cw by With: melam? For 3mm inf?amatim in a ran-5t? it? a my}? ?ats latter? mm tho ?trim a: "arena ?bilimtian; data Emma-war 35"?23 Ci) um FERN ran. an .e3 To MR..A. more November 14, 1955 15,233 .5 Tolsun FROM HR- H. Rl BOA-EH 33:23? Belmont 0 Harbor SUBJECT: nee veer more more we GHEGK 35 Home :35? JOHN B. HOMSTER, Rom elem, movie INTEWTIONAL 35?; Hangman On the morning of 11-14-55 Ioj? the Goody International Gooperation Adminietrao on oa Agent and asked if it would be poeeible for the Bureau to make a eeouri'by oneou of the home telephones of Mr. John; B. Holliener Bireo'bor, and meme Sage, Deputy Direo or seemed that Mr. Hollie'ber reeidee at I ?Ir. Hollie-oer has two ewueneione on this teleonone as we as a ire-oi: White House line. Mr. Sane roe-rides at Mr. Sage has a downstairs euteneion on enea telephone. aau?ood if the Bureau could make these checks and would em in know beforehand, he would make the arrangements for the Bureau to get into ens homes. AGTION: It is recommended that: the WW security oheak?e of the telephonee of . 7 44 egg; :?olgl/ if" InghUI'iyElg 2313' n? F135 ET 9% - Hr. Pareone - Hr. Belmont - Hr. Eat-oer ii; 33;: 3010355 1 - Sea-Hon - Mr. Bat-If?) if 3:26 b7C Wren-nu O?ice Memoramgum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ani 1 To Hr. Pareene DATE: 11-38-55 fag" Halo FROM 1 I. Kilian Parsons gusto. b6 mm: woe SEOURITI SURVEY EQUIPEEIJT 3?75 Hellman 9111 TEST SE21 comparative neete between a Western Electric 9.24% Test Set of; (Jews amplifier, earpiece and 513A tool) and the Bureau' 3 .S?eeartoy {grit were made by gall Ito determine whether the 911i 331'; 'be more -_&effeon11oe than the Securing for Bureau purposes. The following :reenl'be were obtained. b?E k. '13! ?1 e. - E?n Recommendation. In -. 0353*} ?g ?53? 1 (?e-eases I .5. oo - .oana Recording a Detecting) .- Jl?f: neg972W .1115 gamma-9mm? 3 _f :5 5? O?ia? Memorandam UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ii" 1 Taken Tb? Hr. Parsons 390- 31: 1955 Eli?? Hoar more e. L. HMIEW ?22? Tamm' Siam mm: seesaw Genoa anal PEI mea- or enema On November 28 and 29,1955, the appearances of telephone lines utilised by Bureau officials and members of the Ewecutines Conference were checked at the central offices of the phone company involved and between the central offices and the residences of the officials. In addition, on December 20 equipment in the residence of Assistant Director Mason was one-eh: on a I: to made by EA George Mayo, Jr. and No irregularities or evidence an er ng was oun . rut- 1-1191: b6 i REOOM 01F . a; None, for information. ti gee-(4) 0) 1r it 2? ?if ?23? REE, [mu . g} 3 .97 47:43-55? ?v If, 235 0 I 1 4 mm. 22/53. ?general: 32* 12, 1915.5 J: 5 51" war Eirentar, "5569551 Fiuwnu Invest-Tatiana?! 95, v. in "510153: Reins: arms is ma?a ta previaus cnrmagmn??gm. regarding {aha- E?f'u't??gy telrphona lines in" whammy-,1; gm: nm?mmi?t 1). f3. (rue-m amiam i?aiei: my 19:15 from the WI hr? the Jimmy? feneml; mama-mm ?ned Hay 13: 19:35; the the 59131111? ?ttarney Fenernl; drama Jul?? 13: 113375: 1' mm 5% ?ttarmey to ?the A5 11 renul-h 9f ronrriciamtinn u- this mizvr the: 101's mate tn the it?il?l?ti??f?rj Rem-r31 ?dr?n?at-mtinn, 23? 195353; requestinr $111.1? 14: b: advise-2:3 as its: the: cxbe-rm tn irrh ma tamhlm in Haired Fiat-:2: cities; athcr than?; ?whim-tn: "s t? any P5531513 $311951 3135* with in ?ann??tiC-? aim Swarm-mt. az?fices t?xivh aw mi; by an. i I wish to a?vi?? rim; that 51?. Emma Tamsiu, 11mg? :52. $316: Tm?ra?tiwzitints inF?nrras? me :11: 29, 19:55: We! M11115 Park-131;" Eervim m" that wag-nay is in make {th- the survey requeate? or: a madam}. basis than warn {the i. canals-tar: me IBIS will be Mviaad w. Hazlitt-1*. ck Surat-?13 wars I \3 5. =11 er Ie--a:-ley filmiman, Intenhn?::mnfal Fawittce an Internal Pemmrity 9755?? ?if . If. I :a'1 .H .I . .r-h ICIJQ "mm-min.? . O?ice Memrnkinm - UNITED STATEQGOVERNMENT i Belmont Mason mom i R. L. HillenW gins $3.5m manor: 0 5 timed- some Etna? - aroma; anemonnosewm- seafi?mlf?o is i Go :Zonnozu ?3 and an? r, 1956, $5 136 and made a survey of the land line ibTC we w! RE I'm? GORDED . my 4 3 ins just that some service is routed through the Washington area is well known to the Records and Communications ?ioision in that at the time the original installations were made the telephone company had no alternate routing available emcept at senoroitant costs. It is understood that the telephone company will discuss alternate routing with personnel of the Records and communications ?ioision just as soon as other possibilities in this area open up. The attached technical information would be of assistance in discussing any proposed changes voiced by the telephone company at a later date. REGQMHEERAEIUNS: Accordingly, it is recommended that 1. This memorandum be reviewed by one Records and communications Bivision and a copy retained for assistance in further discussions with telephone company personnel. sat . . 3. on further security checks of these lines be schedulea I unless there are changes due to the nature of the material which was transmittea.ouer hem and the relative security against tapping? I: )5 ??m?37 We Enclosure? an, 1 - er. sceuire {$36 ?31151", 3; Web/m: ?1 ow?? Hummus! a O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . Hing; 13:1th 4 . n: HUM I R. L.- H3116 Earauns Siam "313m repossess seaweed sen ginseng?Z J. ill :3 pea-mm cF Te fa Janna. Scotland. may 0n Ftbruary 39 and March I, 1956, Pad oon as a security survey of the telephone.facilities of all members of the Ewecutives Conference and the Director between their residences and the central a?ficee. an evidence of tampering on any of these lines was discovered. b6 b7C In addition to the above, since you had advised that the telephone service supplied to you had been changed since the previous check, the central q?fice records and equipment with respect to_your line were ewamined and jtund in order. During the course of this check it was discovered that the service as well as the telephone number sf had been completely altered by the telephone company on 1-34-56 due to co 1 tion of a new telephone ewchange at Annandale. In the case the equipment and records of the new central d?fioe at IweFe checked in addition tb all physical appearances of his to ep one ine. Had this change been known, on earlier security check could have been conducted. JCTION: Above is and record. se-e'reoe - at .13 was a was its: i w- m? f5 3 ?museum no. a @Esezi??s O?ib?i Memorehdhm- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT we L. r. nosesuev um: Hersh e, 1956 Qy?sscw A. H. Belmont E0 JHLNE WTW f? we ?f?g imm% much sesame? sense or sense Hoses sees #2?qu cos sexes er STAFF es soreness Renew Emma 3 his 3"ng? r- Colonel Andrew Stuff Secretory to th 2% 3? President, contested Philoow of Lisison 3/9/56. He etc 3; i there is sensitive work going on in some as} of the rooms occupied by the staff of Governor Herold 1 . i the Specidl Assist-cut to the President on Disarmament. He i. an ushed if it would he possible for the Burecu to moire 2] security check of these rooms to insure there are no microphones or other listening devices hidden. as stated. k) g5: that this would include aS'tcssen's office, :1 conference room, we: and possibly several other rooms. He ?uted similar b6 lsensitive worh is being ?gried who recently replaced Nelson Roche eller scid no request has been received fromg?offie? but if I78 possible that such request cos received in the future. is colonel cehed if the Bureau can units such as security chest and if so whet ore necessury to hove it done. This was discussed with nee istunt Director 13. J. Persons of the Lenoretory, who J. stated the Horses is equipped to conduct such survey .I and that we are in :1 position to this for the White 5? 301533. - .3 ssoolsd'eos?'cn: It is recommended Licison advise colonel that the Burecu is in position to hundle this request for the White House end that the Le oratory will work out the . necessary details with represen ctives of svernr gun?gn a: q?fiee. EN Wells (8) la?elwont .J- l?Philoon Persons 1 l?Hecti on Tickle? Lil we: vane-w J, 6 WE ?13m b- 0' I O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT T01 yr. Parsons DATE: 3H30-55 em .1 FROM i . i a a so Mill?g?flt EoLenns yogi: mm seem sense on ocean AREA 6E "532??;3?35 OGGUPIED BY STAFF 0F GOVERNOR HAROLD STASSEN Tia ammo. Secure-<3 aSeaonavrv?' an aim] onentnl la a Robert F- Pfafman, with all of one Electronics section, on arch 1956, of the area occupied by Governor Harold scassen in the White House Executive q?fice Building, formerly one old seats oeparomenv Building. b6 lspeciol Projects Group, not WC the Bureau representatives at the Guara?s Q?fice on one above date . and procured one necessary keys ana ladders. The conference and chart room, Room 272%; one a?fice af Governor a a i mba aaor Amos J. Pecslee, were the our rooms covered by one necropnone securo?y survey. Pursuant with instructions relayed by Liaison, was done during June search that would damage the premises. Everything was found in satisfactory condition, with no indication of tampering or microphone coverage. ACTIQM: Liaison should advise colonel Andrew occupasoer, gta?f Secreoary so one PTesident, that the security check requested by him for Governor suassen was made on one morning oj'unrch 195e, and conditions.fcuna satisfactory, with no evidence of tampering. CI. ?neness-Ea ?nesse?, 5/ x. .. mm; 3:135:35 ?2 egyg?y? 92? i we uFPectw UV (4) 571% ?'53 ete? i .q a. o. - um remain, an: Memamndam - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT T0 Mr, A, H, DATE: April 23, 1956 at- 3:15:11 FROM Mr. R. R. Roach 345131;, I SUBJECT: REQUEST EOE. TECH -CHL Fm? anon BUREAU suns)? 01? DEPARTMENT gig?, or ARMY ?aawr T?i? /af1Aa/J? inairyl?c and? By emoranduln dated April 20, 1956, from Mr. M?len to Mr. Parsons in captioned matter, it was recorded that two Counter Intelligence Corps representatives had discussed with Bureau representatives the general procedures and equipment associated with searching a room for ?clandestine listening devices. O?April 20, 1956, Wendell Merrill, Chief, @erations Branch, Special Operations Section, ACSI, advised SA Liaison Section, that he wished, through Liaison, to extend his personal thanks to: the Bureau and the. Bureau?s representatives who handled this matter. 335 He stated that the briefing given the 010 representatives attached to his unit 3376 was most beneficial and would be of great assistance to them in any future operation. He tharlhedl: heartedlyr for the cooperation extended to ACSI by the Bureau in this matter. ACTION: For the information of the Laboratory. .J - i manual; 00?? 9/ . h- Mr. Parsons 75? Y, ?15 -. 1 -- Mr. Belmont I assets so has as Isa-r: -- as as 11955 ERA ass I *9 O?iw Memrendem - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To I Mr. Parsons DATE: 4?20-56 .. DIME WEED FRIDM I - i 0 115nm re?ne?, mm: REQUEST FOR TECHLTIGAL eselerseoe re oe ASSISTANT sures or STAFF, messages OF THE ARMY :9 or? refeq?ise 5ermo f. In dance with the ugproved recommendation in the Harsh 30, emoruudum from Hr. Reset to er. Belmont, of the E?eotronios section on 4-1?-56 disoussed the general prose es and equipment associated with seurouiug room.for clandestine listening devises. b6 The are representatives werel lend who stated that they oppreoiuted the opportunity issues mo -er with Bureau representatives and thus the discussion had been of considerable-desistovoe to them. series: This memorandum is submitted for your end for record purposes. .5 .4 J. {fL?t,f "If I ?t Res-3K ?52535 1 j, of Kim Regeotw (4) i? ?g u! hi E. tees; Of?ce Mema%dam Tc: Mr. a. a. DATE March 311, 1956 ,1 ,fw FROM Mrit? macr- REQUE s'r roe TECHNICAL Asasrancs 4? FROM BUREAU BY ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, INTELLIGENCE, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY On March 28, 1956, Colonel M. ..A Quinta, Chief, Securityr Divisionand Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, (ACSI), Department of the Army, advised SA 1). J. Sullivan, Liaison Section, that the Chief of Staff of the Army had put a requirement on ACSI to check certain offices and conference rooms in the Pentagon in an effort to ascertain if they were secure from by Major General Gaither, ACSI, to ascertain if the Bureau might be able to help ACSI in this matter. . Corps had certain detection equipment for "sweeping" but that both he and Goneral Gaither were of the opinion that the Bureau would be much more efficient and would no doubt have better techniques than the C10 agents. Colonel Quinto stated that he was not requesting that the Bureau do the actual physical "sweeping" in this instance, but was requesting that if at all possible the Bureau allow personnel of the CIC to be briefed by Bureau technicians as to methods and procedures of such an operation and to give the CIC personnel the benefit of an};r experiences that the Bureau might have in such matters. of?. 1-..- This question has been discussed with the Bureau Laboratory and Tatum! his?? 4% Holland a Man; Parse Rnsen Tatum Noose Tele lino" Hollom UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Huhr Q's-e? clandestine listening devices. Colonel Quinto stated that he has been requested Colonel Quinto stated that the Counter Intelligence it is" thought that the Bureau could be of material assistance to ACSI concerning . Colonel Quinto's request. apconnsuoa?rion: C10 personnel in methods, procedures and techniques used in a ?sweeping" That Colonel Quinto he advised that the Bureau will brief designated operation. ?93 Ji RECORDED 33 21?? 13.35;;111? so 1113122313 1sE-z?1 . - 1 - Mr. Belmont .. . Emu)? 1 Mr. Parsons L?C?f-f; ?if: ?if" 1 Mr. R. L. Millen 1? Liaison Sectionf . . - .1- Mr. Sullivan Home 1? 1 . 11519111111 mam 1:?if Memorandum for Mr. Belmont 2. If the above recommendation is approved, arrangements will be made through Liaison with Colonel Quinto. Oj?ce Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 1 {huf- To Hr. Parsons oars: d-lB-v-S?? 2' '1 Ethols if}: or Hem Bohr FROM R. In. Hillen?a?g? (no: jar- SECURITY DISC area were . weave WILLIAI. - as coerce or erg?IAL luresrleerroes, Mm UNITED senses are roses -- eraorsrs: screwy; Major ifann called at the Laboratory to discuss security precautions to be taken by U. 8. Air Force officers during their visit to the air show at Moscow, U. S. R., on July 24. Mann indicated that he was responsible for briefing this group of 14 officers for 20 minutes on the subject of security prior to their departure the United States. Br Special lfann that the Bar .. could not presume to indicate to the e?ir Force how? their officers He? Jr .- should conduct themselves from the stand security during their forthcoming visit to lfoscow but that he, would be glad to answer specific questions. lfann inquire a. on microphones in general, about the use of surreptitious photography, the use of closed circuits, the use of miniature transmitters, the possible destruction of film, and the possible use of drugs in order to a re information from the officers during their stay in Moscow. :i?ewplained that microphone development was such that effective coverage could be had with units ranging in siee from the sine of a dime to those 6 feet in diameter utilising a parabolic reflector. As to photography, indicated it was possible to secure good photographs from conceals pos tions with either still or movie cameras and that concealment of a TV camera wasb not beyond possibility. It was pointed out that with the development 13W: of transistors, transmitters had been reduced to a sine even smaller than a cigarette package and that small amplifiers were available on the market no larger than a cigarette lighter. f3]? As to the destruction of the film, it was pointed out that the use of X-ray or radio-active material could very well be employed to dama new or eaposed film without the user being aware of such destruction. Iil indicated that the use of drugs was more or less a medical question which should be discussed by the Air Force with qualified persons. tee-eases . . Mic?w me?w ff m?m?a f? 1 if. 3% .l ?ags. 6 illnesses, a} a we 1 b6 memorandum.to er. L..Hillen ib?C indicated tnat there would be no security survey of quarters occupied by the q?ficers and asked whether or not there was any simple equipment which could be used by Iron-technically trained high-ranking a?ficers which could protect them. He was told that the process of making a security survey was a time?consuming one and that persons who were to gain any benefit,from the detecting equipment usually had to be trained over a considerable period of time. It was apparent that Hana was concerned about his responsibility in briefing these high-ranking.air Force a?ficers and was attempting to secure specific information as to-what to aaoise them. For information only. Me 53th in? Hummus.? . . . Of?ce Memorandum- UNITED STATES GOVERNMEN eh it? Mr. Boardmanjgil/S?LJ? DATE: J1me 22,195? {Ilium A ROSE S: . tillage; as assert?? 9F fa/sf?eed Ssirel?i? i - . I of Senator Green called this morning ?931?; Senator Green II - mode Island) is. Chairman of the Rules Committee of the Senate and I wider-stand will also succeed Senator George as Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee. :2 .l MW .- e: ?is new btates that in Congressional Record this morning if?? Senator Doug as on page 9631 refer a wiretap in the office oi the Senator from New York meaning Sena llama. This matter was recently 73:" publicised. understm Senat?a" Douglas was directing a letter to. Senator Green requesting that the entire Senate building be checked and was wondering who would do such a thing, whether the FBI could 1?36 be of assistance. He did not want anyr answer except to know in what 137123 direction he should. go inasmuch as he had to get in touch with Senator Green this morning, who is in Rhode Island. REQUEST Fen canon FOR LISTENING DEVICES in CAPITOL .54, series TO BE Tessie? wanted to know if the. FBI could be of assistance. We obviously cannot tell the Senator's of?ce that this is a matter that ought to be handled by some commercial contractor, audit would appear that a request will he directed to the FBI ?just as soon as the Coogressionsl Record statement is digested. in 6 Under the circumstances it might be well to sense Senator 107 GreenTs of?ce that we, of course, do not know the extent of the speci?c request and that it will protablj.r be well to discuss the matter with Senator Green or Senator Douglas to determine whether he~had any specific areas it} in mind which have been subjected to installation of any listening devices. Obviously to cover the entire Capitol would be a tremendous job and would give no assurance to the persons on the Hill that once the building was checked 5 a listenin device could he installed immediaterr after the shoe wasggag. ?Peg? I told I would submit his request for appropriate donsid his 9 33:25.11 - -- .JLIL '5 n. ll 15;; nee Mr . ParSOns if W, Memorandum to Mr. Boardman ADDENDUM (6/22/56): I think we should stay out of this. I suggest we tell that he might want to have the Capitol Police arrange with the telephone companyr to check for any possible wire taps. company does make a check for wire taps, upon request, and tine would seem to be a normal procedure to follow. am A.H. Ma The telephone 136 I . O?ice Memommkm - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To Mr. Tolson DATE: Gig/55% Tel ole FROM L. B. Nichols ., a re: ?72? sis? SUBECT: (.9 fr/ 0; ?14536 Rom Talon] Nessa In View of the hullahaloo that was raised on Capitol Hill 1-11.. 011 3/21/53, with regard to the search of Senator Lehman's office by the man Defense Establishment for recording devices, I think that we should in future decline to make any securityr checks unless it comes from sour wherein we could not avoid it. I think, for example, that ii the Appropriation Committee, the Judiciary Committee or the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy should make inquiry of us there would be little we could do but accede. Other than these, I think we should decline all such requests. 1 CC - Mr. Boardman gf?? f\ Mr. Belmont (4) - :1 I 313* 1111i?)??- . i: if Q?mj JUL :1 see- eW? 5 Wi?? . ?h?aau L-ADER LINDON D. JOHNSON CONDENNED AS THE SEARCH OF UFFICE RT TNO DEFENSE DEPARTNENT SEOURITT RETIRED HINSELT TERNED THE INCIDENT ODTRACEODS DICRII DANCERODD.N LEHNAN TOOK TO THE SENATE FLOOR ON A POINT OF PERSONAL PRIUILEGE I TO TELL THE SENATE NON TESTERDAI TNO DEFENSE.DEPARTNENT SECURITI -: OFFICERS, ACCORPANIED DI A-CAPITOL POLICENAN, INTO DIS OFFICE AND SEARCHED TNRODCR ONE OP HIS ROOMS. IRE TOO SECURITT OTTICERS -- CLARK N. NORCAN AND BERNARD S. INTI RAD NOIICED DONE LOOSE INSULATION AROUND A . 1 TENTILATOR IN TNT HEARING ROON AND TRACER THE RENTILATOR BACK TO OIEICE. THEY SAID INTI LETT THE SENATORIS ROON -- A STORE- ROON IN A SUITE OT OTTICES AFTER CHECKING TOR CONCEALTD LISTENING DERICES AND FINDING NONE. DININCTON EXPRESSED TD LERNAN ON THE SENATE FLOOR TNT APOLOCIES. - - STRINCTON SAID IT NAS EIANPLE OT BUREADCI AND GUER- EARER TLATEOOTED - ATTER LISTENINC TO THE EXPLANATION AT THE DEPARTEENT OTIICERS, SEN. IEDERITT SALTONSTALL CONNENTID THAI IRE . INCIDENT RAD DEER ONT OI PROPORTION AND THAT TNT TNO MEN NEAT ONLI CARRIINC DDT THEIR RESPONSIBILITI SORT TRAT TRE- . NEARINCS RENE NOT DEINC ?in" ON THE SENATE NONEPER, THERE NAS DI 3 PLAT DONN THE INCIDENT. JOHNSON SAID RE NAS AND SHOOTER i TO.NEAR OT THE ACCORDTD LENNAN AND SAID .4 3 LERNAN IS OI AN APOLORIE TRON TNT DEFENSE DEPARTNENT. . 1. DESCRIBING THE SEARCH AS STNEIDITI, JOHNSON SAID THAT IT RAD . DETEN DE ARTIENT A II . - TO THE OTTICIS OT IRE SENATE. i I I READER OP-TNIS DODI NILE DENODNCE TNT EOHNSUN TOLD TNT 5 mg LE C/Ryg SDITP - w- IL DD 2 JOHNSON SAID HE HAS CALLED FOR A CONPLETE REPORT ON IN INT - IRE CAPITOL POLICEA - I LENNAN TOLD THE SENATE THAT THE INCIDENT RD y? INDEPENDENCE 0F.THE SENATELEHNAN SAID IRE IND DESI SE GFFIEERS RAD INTO HIS NT EECRETARY AND SAID TREE NITRIC TO INSPECT A 3 I CERTAIN PART OT HIS OFFICE. TEE M?gng? sglg,TDI? NOT SRON THEIR I CIT AR NILDRED DID NOT ASK DIS SEARCH HIS GFFECESA LENNAN REMANDED TO NNON NNO IN THE DEFEND .THIS INSPE I I A DIRECTED NDRCAN RAD TOLD INT SDDCONNITTEE THAT THE OP IRE HEARINCS HAD BEEN ORDERED DI THE LECISLATTDE LIAISON OFFICE IRE SECURITY SERVICES DIHISIDN. NORCAN SAID ANINS AT FIRST SEENED OT ALLOWING. THEN INTO INA-OTTICA, DDT SHONN SEEMED TERI TO HAVE THE INSPECTION NADE. THE FLOOR CONTROTERST DROUGHT CRITICISM OR THE INNASION OT DFFIGE AND SUGGESTIGNS THAT DONE DNALIEIED GRGUP RARE A THORODCN SECURITY CRECN OT THE CDARTERS. SEN. ROBERT ND NONPRRET ID-NINN.) SAID RE NODLD LIKE TO FIND OUT NEITHER NAILS ARE LIKE TO TIND CDT TILE: PHONES ARE TAPPED, IF ANT ARE. I KEEP HEARINO THEY SEN. PAUL H. DOUGLAS SORCESIED THAT THE SENATE ROLES ORION HANDLES SENATE CONDUCT . .n AN INSPECTION TD DETERNINE NEITHER TELEPHONES ARE TAPPED OR OFFIGES A.D CONDITIEE.ROONS RUGGEDO A, ?51?23?353223? - . arms man a O?ice Memorandam - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Tolson MR. M01511 DATE: Januaryr 10, 195'? N. P. CALLAHAN Hiptriads!? unwell? Noose Winterrowd ile discussing other matters witli lot the 3:1; House Subcommittee on Appropriations which an .onr appropriation Guild? hearings, this afternoon, he inquired as to whether ?or not the Bureau 453? we'- cared to make a technical security survey of the hearing room in which the Director will testify such as has been done in past years. ul fox} Mr; I inquired of he felt such a survey was necessary or desirable and he indica ec. that whether or not we would want to make such a survey. Last year the Director approved us making a detailed survey of this hearing room which included ceiling and wall screening for hidden devices Since there has been no alteration to these areas this year, a similar would not appear necessary; however, I do feel as a b6 precautionary measure favorable consideration should be given to running 31375: a cursory technical survev of the obvious points in the room such as telephone instruments, wall outlets and the like. Iindicated that the best time for such a survey; if desired, would be r1 3. as the Subcommittee was commencing hearings Monday, Januaryr 14, 1957. 8k xi If approved appropriate arrangements will be made with the Laboratory and the writer will accompany the men assigned to this survey? in connection therewnzh. PM: 4? 5?1 cc?: Mr. Parsons ng?qu 1. a? I its?: H.- 4151': NFC: earn (3) w? HEW 4? sediment? wr- tea? any, hp!" I. 33:33:: I ESE -- a O?ice MEWd?d?m - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 4 i 4 Mr. Parson:g% mum; January 3, 1957 Till? - - a. L. muggy?? 333;? train? new THEODURE GREEN Elli (RHGDE ISLAM) -.- n) - ?Sea ?les/??g 53" 5:3 in?amed?? Reference is made to the neuoranduu of Mr. Rosen to Hi? amt. Boandnan dated 12*11-56, relative to the_ahore ?atter. 533?? he appointment node by Mr. of Senator Green's office conferred with at 11:30 am. on - Senator's offi Senate ?ffice Building. IQ indicated that a telephone security check was des Senator's a artuent in the Universit Club Building at 1135 16th Street, to determine the nu nerd- it; hility of said lines. - Agent Pfafuan advisedl:lthat several days 1% would he required to make arr amen With the telephone company for access to their cab books md blueprints but that eye] 1 should be ready by Wednesday morning 1-9-57. 1: however indicated that he would be out of town b6 i on 1-9-31, as 1-10-57. Accordingly, native beg i schedule was set up for Bureau Agent to neet at one I a To. the part-neat on Pride at l: [1 agent 's to call office early Friday morning on ascertain his return to ashmton as the latter wishes to be at the apartment in person. MW This is for information only. The survey will be made - at the time indicated. . 1436b- 97:35 Fe 1/ NOT PEEPDRDEE 136 JAN 17 195? vi .. I JLEI . 1] . Lug! ?"Er . . .35? x'K? Memorandum - UNITED 11-! .35" i? to MR. L. V. MARBMAN oars: FROM A. ROSENR, were: SENATOR THEODORE eases (asoos ISLANIL o. 1. to. of Senator Green office. He advised 2?31?? 3 [me that yesterday the ea or mentioned his concern over the possibility of his telephone conversations being covered by unauthorized persons. The Senator resides at the University Club. He has an apartment on the 4th floor, front corner, which is immediately next to the area which divides the University Club from the immediate building to the south on the 16th Street side, which in the Russian Embassy. b6 b7C The Senator is going to be the Chairman of the most important a committee of the Senate the Foreign Relations Committee. The State Dopartmeut has asked that he establish a private telephone line so that he might be able to receive urgent telephone calls on important matters of state. 1 At the present time he receives all of his tele hone calls through the Quiversity Club The Senator askeddii twas possible for the Russians to monitor his conversations in any manner and wondered whether he ought or; to take any stops to more from his present location. The Senator stated that 1: he would not like to make any changes as he has lived there along time and likes "the setup. 1 was inquiring on behalf of the Senator as to whether any further steps should be taken and whether he should evidence angconcern over QM the matter. He did not want to do anything which would allowr masthorised persons to listen in on conversations or otherwise monitor conversations taking place in the Senator's quarters, and he also did not want to alarm the Senator who at this point indicated he was most cautious in his manner of conversation over the phone but that he could not vouch for persons who might be calling him. He was concerned lest anyone calling the Senator might in an unguarded statement disclose important information to persons who are not entitled to receive it. The question of whether a separate line is to he put in has not been answered. The security of the telephone calls coming through the switchboard is under the present arrangement, ver ti: ?352 Side quT PWf?n?l?liln or Mr. Parsons U5 1'3 1'55195:: gr 1 . 1 Memo to Mr. Boardman In view of the importance of the Senator's position as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and the fact that numerous telephone calls will probably be coming to his quarters and the possibility it is not unlikely that calls may emanate from the White House to the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, it might be well to have a check made of his lines. It would appear that from the Bureau's standpoint it would be advisable to make-such a check and also be aware of the Senator's setup in the event any changes in his communication's arrangements are effected. RECOMMENDATION: It is suggested that we make a preliminary check of the Senator's lines to determine whether any effort has been made to menitor his conversations in his present quarters. I have taiked to Mr. Parsons and he has indicated this could be done with little c??iculty at this time. w/r? - ?mm-?t wn-"I-I- 51mm no.5; .: n. I UNITED EL ?114.12 933?. yr. Parsons Augunt Hg, E.I8 nzc. - Ii I - R. miller: Mb I if gill A Man . SUBJECT: lPunons .. Flu-sen I-. '1'an . I 7? . Honor Honorandun to A. H. Boluoni? fro: R. n. Hooch cacao W: Indy 3-23u56 conc rnin cool for ito visit 6* on - - for conference concerning microphone i and countortochniocl talkcd to I Inf the Electronic: Section of tho Laboratory on that date concorning ioohnicol licrophonc mobile radio cqnipncni and security checks. Jo highly clocoificd Burton or techniqnoc more diooucud with Man. 13% En. =t . b?C _.uJ 12173 Hons. For only. I 'r 1 4 . NOT RECORDED a? 199 SEP 201955 Hr. Banana 3079 - I Root ?34? oc-m ran- .r 330305337 4, 520 Emmlmu Of?ce Memorandzm UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 0 Mr. Parsons R. L. M?lew SECURITY SURVEY, ROOM 1325 U. S. CAPITOL BUILDING HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMLMTEE 3/ The memorandum from Mr?l?ml Mohr dated 1-10- set forth a request made by of the Hon Subcommittee on Appropriations, for a technical security hearing room in which the Director will testify. DATE: January 14, 19 57 FRDM Hesse Winterrowd Tele. Room Hellman the SA's G. W. Mayo and concealed microphones on Janu Building. At the request of conducted a check for 11 1957, in Room B25, U. S. Capitol this check was limited to a search in places most likely for microphone concealment. No evidence re?ecting cancealed listening devices was discovered. ACTION: For information. 6* ?le staccato?? (.2 qQ 62-97303 MQ is: Eli-1.72 .. . a? JAN 16195? . . . "Weremnmm?; 1 E3 {1.131, I, I ?i January as, 195*: ?in . i d) 369?? Honorable Theodore Francis Green United Staten Senate Waehington 25, D. C. ?y deer Senator: In reference to your letter of January 13, 19 5'2, wherein you requested a security check of the Foreign Relations Committee Room in the Capitol, I one pleased to advise that technical personnel can be made available for this purpose during the week oi February 3, 195?. Accordingly, unless advised to the contrary, FBI laboratory personnel will he in content with your of?ce for the purpoee of setting the meet suitable thee one date ior the survey; Sincerer yours, "j?carom-m 5 ff .-. . I \?1x - 'b fj' 1 i T111504: Nichols . . I 1 I Beet-time . 1 Belmont . . Mason Huh: Parsons Roe-ea Helene Hinton-nod Tale. Room Hellman: Goody ILI. mum?: wt 13:31 Evinmom.m amuse mew. Rmnu, H- Amunnm EMITI-I, N. I. mm?m. mm. WILLIAM mom. M. mu. MLLJAM s. KnowLnNo. CALIF. Elma: D. AIKEN. w. MMER manner. IND. muse-r H. Hu MFHHEY. HINN. HIRE MANSFIELD. ?our. WAYNE Manse, an?. nus H. Lot-I13. LA. JOHN F. 113mm. MASS. GIRL. IF ETAFF IE. o'om, CLERK Mr. . .. Bird I?ll 1- .1: J1 rhea-'5 i Tole. Room ?ends Mr. Hall Josh? coM on some" RELATIDNS Miss Goad? 5 g. - .. anus 18 195?. - 9 IT .3 fee-raft 41 Honorable John Edgar Hoover Director Federel Bureau of Investigation Department of: Justice Hes?ngton, 13.3. Deer Hr. Hoover In February of 1953 "and in April of 1955 he personnel of your Bureau made a security oheok of the oreign Relations Gomrittee Room in the Capitol. If It will be appreciated if sim?lar check of the offices may be made at this time. Thanking you for your assistance in this tt I me. or $111 OSEQLLTIVT 0J3 Tgln?a??f?gw Since rely yours, a Chairman. Theodore Frangi-gEbI-een eggRECORD . ED I ?315's: 111033} ~33 Jug-a! . (alglf?w 8;;er Febrilery 21, 195? ?enerabge TheeQere Francis Green United ate-neg. benete u. C. .353 clear Seeater: Reference is made ta year 1etter of Janeen 13,!31937, requesting a security check b6 ef the frames: fereign iieletiene Cemeittee ii} the ?agitel, In emu 1 i. Le survey was made 13:: 1-1: pereemel en ?eturdey, February 1-5, 1957. . A. check was made ef the Chief Clerk?s of?ce eat well ae_ef the ?eenittee Eugene and both here team; to be 111 erder ?lth m: evidence of tamer-13:3. . It was ig?ec?'30:1 111 the meter. .. =3 .. Sinner-e13? genremien?w, Fr" *3 1' 12-7?9? RECEIRDFD ?FELtragic, i Addendum: Memo free Hillel: te Parsons de?ed 4'92 4 7 Belmont 333;? re: ?ecurigy Cheek Senate Foreign Relations Parsons.._ Cemuttee hem at 5. Capitol? $212: Sized lln?uman Gandy Finterrn-ml? Address per our rep, to Senator Green?s letter of 1-13-57 dated 1723*513. ..-.. - '5 Ff; . in?ll b7C :1 51mm:- man Me. 64 . . Of?ce Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to Mr. Parsons one: February 20, . $15 at 311011 R. L. ?1111211 jS'?'k .1 .1 oardman - Mariam; 1M SUBJECT: SECURITY CREE 335 i FBEIGN by: $331: R??hi AT U. S. CAPITOL Nease Tale. Room 511?s I !eondueted a 3:33}? a" microphone seeun ea 0 nos 1 3; places in ?wxi the heari room of the Senate Foreign Relations Comittee Mitten as the office of the imediately joining. Thi Cheek; was made on Saturday morning, February 16, 1957, and the results were negative. W: I1: is recommended that the gnagm letter be forwarded to Senator Theodore Francis Green, chairman Senate Foreign Relations Comittee, to advise him that the security check has been made and everything was found to be in order. m; 4/631 1/553/ ?In? i RECGRD FEB 271957 A g5 EPIEZ W: armor mu ma 2? O?ice Memoranjum- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ro T013011 mm; February 18, 195'? To] FROM D. J. Parson%r Wk). my a- RITY CHECK REQUESTED BY BE 11 woman 1* Tatum SE ATOR JOHN MCCLELLAN Trotter Hesse Win 3 owd Pursuant to arrangements made by the Director, I saw Senator metham? McClellan Saturday afternoon. He said he didn't know enough about the when technical aspects to really know what he wanted until he had talked to the Director. He did now feel that he wanted the hearing room of the Committee on Government Operations checked his office and home phones, as well as those of Committee Counsel Robert Kennedy. He asked that countermeasures he put in the Committee room phones and his home and office phones. I assured the Senator that we would be glad to do this and we would get started immediately. I explained to the Senator that the countermeasure did not prevent a ?tap to overhear conversations?over the telephone line but did prevent the telephone from being used as a microphoae to pick up conversatioos in the room. He said he understood this and that frankly he was not concerned. about his conversations over the phone even to the extent that when he got annoyed he told some of the people he was talking to to go ahead and record his conversations. I did tell him that we would, of course, check all of the telephone lines and determine whether there were any taps in existence or any indications that the phones had been tapped. Messrs. and Pfafmau of the Laboratory started the check of the premises in the Sena we Building immediately and made a search for micro phones insofar as it was possible without damage to walls or fixtures. Nothing was found. Countermeasure devices were installed in the Senator's office phone, four phones in the Committee room, four in Kennedy?s office. This work was {completed Saturday night so that we are now through in the Senate Office Building premises. It will require two to three days more to complete the check of the telephone lines and cables but we expect to complete all of the work including the Senator's and Kennedy?s home phones by Wednesday evening. Senator McClellan also asked it we would make a recheck of whatever we thought was necessary at some reasonable period and I told him we would do this. The Senator was most appreciative and said he realised that it was desirable from our standpoint as well as his not to have this sprda'?'dfdun?d he and Kennedy were the only ones aware of our security check 13 measures. Pu rm Md: ACTION: BEQDRDED-SB :2 . This work will he completed gsedd as po osibl . 3 an additional 9 232.. memorandum will be; submitte setting forth the r3533.'1 fig. 1w 611 _11 $13 if Vt/ DJP: KMB 5 git! -. b6 at O?ice Memorandzm UNITED srarss GOVERNMENT if: ro Mr. Parsons?g? oars: February 26,195? 3110315 R. L. Mag/Gal maj?/X WW ?3 5/ Walnut Mason sum-nor: SECURITY CHECK BY Lily/Vigil,? SENATOR JOHN L. MCCLELLAN sen Tame} Hesse Reference is made to your memorandum of 2?13?57 to Mr. Tolson Egg; setting forth a request WW Senator John, ,chf?ellan for installation of Hollcma I countermeasure devices and the making of security checks in; his Committe - room, of?ce and residence, and in the of?ce and. residence of Robert FkKenued Chief Counsel of the Senate Select Committee on ImprOper Activities in the. Haber or Management Field. be On February 16, 19 and 20, 1957, SA SupervisorsR. F. Pfafman and sec 3 completed all work in connection with the Senator's request. No evience concealed microphones or of tampering with the telephone lines was discovered A total of sin man days were required to perform the following Work: Microphone surveys of three rooms in the Senate O?ice Building- the Government ?1 Operations Committee room (Room 357), the Senator's of?ce (Room 137A), and ,1 Kennedy' office (Room 103) (2) Telephone security checks of lines involving 19 instruments in all of the above rooms and at the apartment of the Senator in the Fairfax Hotel, Washington, D. C. and the residence of Kennedy at McLean, Virgmiaa (3) The installation of 15 countermeasure devices in telephone instruments at the above locations. I r" The telephone security check necessitated the entering of six telephone exchanges. In. the Senate Office Building the Exchange Foreman had to spend three hours with Pfafman and :50 that they could enter restricted areas without question and get into looked cabinets and rooms to check terminal appearances. 6.1- f. .I In addition the Senator has requested a check of his of?ce in the Capitol x3 Building This. will he done. However, the actual check will not be made until later in that the office is not currently in use. A separate report will be prepared covering the results of his office check. 3 I g? - - 62?9'?308 1 . is are 'r 1957 306 i - Mr. Boson, attention Mr. K. UNRECORDED FILED IN 1- 30-160 (arm tints) MM ?kmb/art w'attwmaa?o? -I not than Ll? a! tilti imi?iy?s?/ Eire; 1g ?d Memo L. Millento Mr. Parsons. Re: Seemity Cheek Requested by Senator John L. McClellan b6 62-97308 EEC RECOWEMATIONS: 1. That Senator McClellan be advised of the result of the security checks made at his request. 2, In View of the amount of effort involved in making the complete check it is recommended that the FBI LabOratory perform periodic spot checks of the areas and lines in which the Senator and Mr. Kennedy are nzterestetw '1 :1 1/ as}; seer: es g; O?ice M6771 . ?21133372 - UNITED Mr Persons snort R. @191, 4' 5/ ecejscr: TELEPHONE SECURITY CHECK EXECUTIVES CONFERENCE On March 5, 6, 8 and 13, 1957, the residential Cl" DATE March 15, 195?? P?icho \Bon an Belmont. Mason Hotn- Parsons Etc-sen Tatum NEHEE Winterron-d Tale. Room Holloman telephone lines of Mr. Hoover and members of the Executives Conferdeyzre were inspected. All appearances of these lines between the residences and the central offices were examined. No evidence of tampering or other improper activity was discovered. RECOMMENDATION: None, for information. . r. 3r. at?: 3 "in wax rut?! -. r? er"? . 4 fer-.1- if: time 4. 1957; 5" an? meow-Rose 9 Mia? 201957 my