436~9147 (307) 258 1713 (Interconnectlon) fe'es Wasatch-1130 offers a bonus program the'quahty'of toiencourage the prospect to s1gn up, the prospect e-ma?ed a request for routme ?due informanon (See Attachment 6 formed the ba51s for the prospect?s date based on With the prospect Wasatch has not prov1ded any of Information except - I :2 I I Edlson (Wasatch?s collabor?or Spanlsh'Forks preject descnbed above? representatlon concernmg {the magmtude of landowners potentlal returns if and when Wasatch 0r 3.- transferee can arrange for and Install w1nd turbmes appears based On the end of the range of assumpuons concemrng the number of {Echo Mountam 3215 Enclosures