BUREAU OF ELECTIONS BALLOT QUESTION CO COVER PA Report must be treasurer or des MMITTEE GE legible typed or printed in Ink and signed by the onate record keeper. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ll FOR USE oNLv 3.This Statement covers From: 04/17/17 . To 05/22/17 1. Committee ID. Number I 2. Committee Name Committee Green Michigan Ballot Question 4. Committee'stvtalting Address PO BOX 967 Mt. Area Code and Phone: Clemens, Mi 48046 (586) 305-4441 if the address in this box is different from the committee mailing address on the tatement of Organization, mall may be sent to the address by the filing ot?c at. 84 Lodewyck Street Mt. Clemens, MI 48046 Jsliy?g??gklame and Residential Address Area Code and Phone (586) 305-4441 Area Code and Phone 8. Treasurer's Business Address ennI or 17000 W. 10 Mile Rd, 2nd Floor Southfleld, MI 48075 Area Code and Phone (248) 4835000 7. El cIgnated Record Kee er's Name and Mailing A dress (lair has a estgneted Record Keeper 8. TYPE OF STATEMENT: El PRE- ELECTION OR POST- ELECTION 8a. Pro-Election or PostvElection Statement relates to: PRIMARY GENERAL El SCHOOL El SPECIAL [33 OTHER: Data at Election: 05I02117 8b. .FEBRUARY STATEMENT DAPRIL STATEMENT QJULY STATEMENT DOCTOBER STATEMENT ac. ANNUAL STATEMENT Coverage Year) 8d; DPost Petition Sample Filing under MCL 108.4882: (Required of Statewide Ballot Qu'estion Committees only after the submission of a sample petition prior to circulating the petition) 89' (Complete item Indicate which Statement ls being amended) 8f. DISSOLUTION OF COMMITTEE REQUEST Effective Date of Dissolution 05/26/17 By checking this Item, certify that the commit as has no assets or outstanding debts. Including late ?ling lees. Note: The disposition of residual funds must be reported on Echedulo 4B and the Summary ege? A co tiles that does not have 3 Reporting Waiver must tile all required Cam at Statemen a. The Campaign Statements must include all applicable Sche as. [31 act contributionsln-kl contributions, loans, expenditures an as standIng do is count 59 the the $1 000 Reportirg Waiver threshold. it any of the In ormatIon listed In Items 5, 6, or 7 has changed at co the Information was shown on the committee?s statement at. anizallon. an - amendment to the Statement of Organization should accompanyt Is Campaign Statement, If a request for 3 Reporting Waiver Is not received on or before the filing deadline of a required campaign statement, that campaign statement can not be waive . 9. Verii?i etio :i certif that all reasonable diligence was used in the preparation otthle statement and attached schedules (if any) and to the best of my now edge a belief the contents are true, accurate and comp ete. Current Treasurer or nated Record Keeper Type or Print Name 353$; MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT or STATE lb BUREAU OF ELECTIONS SUMMARY PAGE BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1w. I. 1.Committeei.D.NumberlZIiI 0_3 . I Green Michigan Ballot Question Committee 2. Committee Name . . . . . RECEIPTS 3. Contributions a. Itemized Contributions(ScheduIe 4A, Column 6) b. Unitemlzed Contribulione (less than $20.01 - no Schedule) c. Subtotal of Contributions 4. Other Receipts (Schedule 4A-?l. 6) 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Add Line 3 4? Line 4) CONTRIBUTIONS 6. In-Klnd Contributions 3. Itemized In-Kind Contributions (Schedule 44K. Column 7) b. Unitemlzed (less than $20.01 each - no Schedule) 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Add Line Ge Line 6b) EXPENDITURES Expenditures a. Itemized Direct Expenditures Schedule 43. Column 7) o. lteleed Get-Oui-The Vote (Schedule Column 6) c. In-Klnd Expenditures - Purchase of Goods or Services (Schedule 46-2. Column 7) d, Unitemlzed Expenditures ($50.00 or less-no Schedule) e. Subtotal of EXpendiIuree 9. Independent Expenditures (Schedule 4B-1. Column 7) 10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add Line Be Line 9) EXPENDITURES 11. Total In-Kind EXpendilurea-Endoreernents, Donations or Loans of Goods or Services (Schedule 48-2, Column 8) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 12. Debts and Obligatlone a. Owed by the Committee (Schedule 4E) b. Owed to the Committee (Schedule 4E) r- Column I Column II This Period Cumulative For Election Cycle (31) 5 48,250.00 3 NOT APPLICABLE 483250.00 (15.)5 48,350.00 (4.) 0'00 0.00 (5.) 48.250.00 (zoos 48,350.00 (6., 5 0.00 . (7.) 0'00 (21,)5 0.00 48,350.00 3 0.00 (So) 5 0.00 5 0.00 (36.) 48,350.00 (22mm- 0'00 (NHL (10.) 48.350.00 WNW (11-) 0'00 (250$ 0.00 (128? 0.00 (13,350.00 I BALANCE STATEMENT 13. Ending Balance of last report ?led (Enter zero if no prevI0us reports have been filed.) 14. Amount received dun reportin period (Line 5, Column I, Tota Ions 8. Other Receipts) 15. SUBTOTAL Add lines 13 and 14 16. Amount expended durln? reporting period (Line 10, Column I. Tote Expendi ures) 17. ENDING BALANCE I (Subtract line 16 from line 15) (11) 5 100.00 43,250.00 48,350.00 I a? 40,350.00 (17.) 5 0.00 . . ?lf your ending balance to negative, please recheck your math. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE4A BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee ID. Number 2. Commillee Name Green Michigan Ballot Question Committee middle Please enter contributors name and?addressd Is from an individual. enlerles?t name, first name. 6. Amount 7. Cumulative for Contribulor (Through date Of receipt) Election Cycle for Each 3. Oc'gnIrIbutIoniH ofRecelpt 05/01/17 Name 8. Address: Green Michigan 176 S. Main Street #4 Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 5. If OVer $100.00 curnulatIVB, please provide: $48250 548250 Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribulion: .D?Irect Loan from a person DFund Raiser 3. Contribution 2 4. Date of Receipt Name Address: 5. if OVer $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here tor Memo Itemlzallon Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution; Direct DLoan from a person Fund Raiser 3. COntrIbullon I: 3 4. Dale of Receipt . Name 8: Address: 3 5. If over $100.00 cumulative. please provide: Click Here for Memo ltemlzatlon Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct Loan [ram 9 person Fund Raiser 3. Conlributicn 4 4. Date of Receipt Name 8. Address; 5. If over $100.00 cumulative. please provide: Occupation Employer Click Here for Memo Itomlzation Business Address Type of Direct Loan from a person Fund Raiser Page 1 . $48.250.00 $48,250.00 Enter this total on line 33 Of Summary Page Page Subtotal Grand Tolal of All Schedules 4A mpleie on iasl page of Schedule) MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE is BUREAU or ELECTIONS ITEMIZED DIRECT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee I. D. Nomber 17-103 2, Committee NameGreen Michigan Ballot Question Committee No.0044 P. 5/5 8. Name and address of person to irrh'orn paid 4. State purpose of expenditure. 5. Identify the ballot proposal involved, indicate whether supported or opposed. 8. Cumulative for election 6. Date 7. 'Ar?nount EXpenditure 1 Name 3. Address: Byrum and Fisk Advocacy Communications 1501 N. Shore Dr, Suite East Lansing, MI 48043 4. Purpose: Eater Contact 5. Ballot Proposal; 05/03/17 $44,750 5443750 Date of Expenditure Byrum Fisk Advocacy CommUnicatlons 1501 N. Shore Dr., Suite East Lansing, Mi 48043 Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or Obligation Consulting - no other vendor 5. Ballot Proposal: County: Huron . Click for Memo Itemizelton Type Check box If expenditure is payment ofdebt or obligation CountyHUi? on reported on previous statement Support DOppose Fund Raiser Statewide 'Local EXpenditu're 2 4. Purpose: Name 8. Address: 05/03/17 3,600 3,600 Date of Expenditure Click for Memo Itemizetlon Type Name 8. Address; DCheck box if eXpendilure to payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Fund Raiser reported on previous statement 099059 Fund Raiser Statewide Locei Expenditure it 3 4. Purpose: 5. Ballot Proposal: County: DSupport Dstetewlde Oppose Local Date of Expenditure Click for Memo itemization Type Expenditure tit 4 Name 8. Address: reported on previous statement Fund Raiser Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation 4. Purpose: 5. Ballot Proposal: County; Support DStatewlde [j Oppose Local Date of Expenditure Click for Memo itemization Type Subtotal this page Grand Total of Schedules 48 (Complete on is at page of SChedule) $48,350.00 $48,350.00 Enter this total on Line Bar of the Summary Page FAX To: 1 Huron County Clerk, Attention: Elections From: Jennifer Suidan Fax: 989-269-6160 R_ages: 5 (Including cover) DateMICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE PAGE COVER FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Re ort must be le ible ed or rinted tregsurer or desiqgated trt?epigmrd kepeper. 3-Th'5 Statement covers From. 32L TO 07/20/17 1. Committee ID. Number 42721 2. Committee Name 4. Committee?s Mailing Address Box 31 Ruth, Ml 48470 (989) 312-3963 Area Code and Phone: Say YES to Huron's Future ogg. If the address in this box isdifferent from the committee mailing address on Statement of Organization, mail may be sent to this address by the filing 5. Treasurer's Name and Residential Address Glen Messmg 6777 Munford Rd. Ruth, Ml 48470 Area Code and Phone (989) 312?3963 6. Treasurer?s Business Address . (if the committee has a Gary Voimering 7721 Leppek Rd. Ruth, Ml 48470 Area Code and Phone Area Code and Phone (989) 312-3963 7. Designated Record KeeBer?s Name and Mailing Address seignated Record Keeper) 8b. 8d: 8. TYPE OF STATEMENT: under MCL 168.4838 88' ELECTION STATEMENT OR (Required of Statewide Ballot JULY STATEMENT Question Committees only after ELECTION the submission of a sample petition DOCTOBER STATEMENT prior to CirCUlating the petllion) Pre-Election or Post-Election Statement relates to: . A eel] ANNUAL STATEMENT 8e El GENERAL Coverage Year) (Complete item 8a 8b, 8c 8d. or 8f SCHOOL to indicate which Statement is a SPECIAL being amended) El OTHER: Date of Election: 8f. DISSOLUTION OF COMMITTEEBEQUEST Effective Date of Dissolution By checkintgegtis item, I certify that the commi has no assets or outstanding debts, including late ?ling fees. Note: The disposition of reSIdual fundsmust be reported on Schedule 4B-a'nd the Summary Page; -- A committee that does not have a Reporting Waiver must ?le all required CamJaai Schedules. Direct contnbutlons, loans, expenditures an ou standing debts count agai if any of the information listed in items 4, 5, 6, or 7 Statements. The must include all applicable ns has changed since the information was shown on the committee's Statement of_ rganization, an eportirg; Waiver_threshold. amendment to the Statement of Organization should accompany this Campaign Statement. If a request for a_Re?orting Waiver Is not received on or before the ?ling deadline of a required campaign statement, that campaign statement can not be waive 9. Verification: certify that all reasonable diligence was used in the preparation of this statement and attached schedules (if any) and to the best of my knowledge and belief the contents are true, accurate and comp Ie ?iessing, Type or Pn'nt Name e. Current Treasurer or Desagnated Record Keeper Signature 1112 FM ?aw 333$}: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS SUMMARY PAGE BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee ID. Number 42721 2_ Committee Name Say YES to Huron's Future RECEIPTS 3. Contributions a. Itemized Contributions(Schedule 4A, Column 6) b. Unitemized Contributions (less than $20.01 - no Schedule) c. Subtotal of Contributions 4. Other Receipts (Schedule Column 6) 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Add Line 3 Line 4) IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS 6. In?Kind Contributions a. Itemized In-Kind Contributions (Schedule 4-IK, Column 7) b. Unitemized (less than $20.01 each - no Schedule) 7. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (Add Line 6a Line 6b) EXPENDITURES 8. Expenditures a. Itemized Direct Expenditures Schedule 43, Column 7) b. Itemized Get-Out?The Vote (Schedule Column 6) c. ln-Kind Expenditures - Purchase of Goods or Services (Schedule 4B-2, Column 7) d. Unitemized Expenditures ($50.00 or less-no Schedule) e. Subtotal of Expenditures 9. Independent Expenditures (Schedule 4B-1, Column 7) 10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add Line 8e Line 9) IN-KIND EXPENDITURES 11. Total In-Kind Expenditures-Endorsements, Donations or Loans of Goods or Services (Schedule Column 8) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 12. Debts and Obligations a. Owed by the Committee (Schedule 4E) b. Owed to the Committee (Schedule 4E) Column I This Period (33.) 3:100 NOTAPPLICABLE (30.) 0'00 (4.) 0-00 0.00 (68.) 0.00 NOT APPLICABLE 0.00 (8d) :5 0-00 (33.) 0.00 (9) 0.00 0.00 (11.) 0-00 0-00 (12b.) 0-00 Column II Cumulative for Election Cycle (18.) 417,000.00 (19.)s (20.) 417,000.00 (21.) 0.00 (22.) 299,742.06 (231$ 0-00 299,742.06 0'00, BALANCE STATEMENT 13. Ending Balance of last report ?led (Enter zero if no previous reports have been ?led.) 14. Amount received during reporting period (Line 5, Column I, Tota 15. SUBTOTAL Add lines 13 and 14 16. Amount expended during reporting period (Line 10, Column I, Tota Expenditures) 17. ENDING BALANCE (Subtract line 16 from line 15) Contributions Other Receipts) (13.) 117,257.94 117,257.94 0.00 (17.) 117,257.94 *If your ending balance is negative, please recheck your math. 1. .m Page 1 of7 a MICHIGAN at snag BUREAU aeasnoa eevaa ease - .. . ..HUt0n Wdenergvcoahtlon Coverage Period 7 7505/23/2017 - 07/20/2017 -Committee waning" 144 E. HuronAveLowerSunte titted Axe, ?1.48.413 .. phat; - i- Treasurer Residential 2870 Dobie Rd .. . .. . . Masonm48854 - Phone 5(517) 525-4994 .- Treasurer Business 52870 Dobie Rd Mason MI48854 77 ?-Phone Recordkeeper Name - Recordkeeper Mailing -Phone Statement . .. . "7 . Date. .. D-ssolutlonDate(efect-ve) .. :77Annual Statement Coverage Year - c'Mary Doster Date 07/24/2017 A committee that does not have a Reporting Waiver must file all required Campaign Statements. The Campaign Statements must include all applicable Schedules. Direct contributions, in?kind contributions, loans, expenditures, and outstanding debts count against the $1,000 Reporting Waiver threshold. If any of the information listed in the items above has changed since the information was shown on the committee's Statement of Organization, an amendment to the Statement of Organization should accompany this Campaign Statement. If a request for a Reporting Waiver is not received on or before the ?ling deadline ofa required campaign statement, that campaign statement cannot be waived. Veri?cation: l\We certify that all reasonable diligence was used in the preparation of this statement and attached schedules (if any) and to the best of my\our knowledge and belief the contents are true, accurate and complete. Current Treasurer or Designated Record keeper: (Type or Print) Name: {bid/q i 2251(6/ Signature3%ate2 2 7/24/2017 BALLOT SUMMARY PAGE Committee ID Committee Name Huron WInd Energy CoalItIon DocumentNamem July Quarterly Contributions Itemized Contributions Unitemized Subtotal of Contributions -4. Other Receipts ;5 Total and Other ReceIpts KIND CONTRIBUTIONS In? ?Kind Contributions Itemized 3b. Unitemized (less than $20.01 each) EXPENDITURES Expenditures Itemized .Itemized GOTV .In Kind ExpenditurES? Purchase of Goods or Services .Unitemized (less than $50.01 each) .Subtotal of Expenditures "11 _n _cf'm Independent Expenditures .10. Total Expendrtures KIND EXPENDITURES ,511.In?Kind Expenditures, Endoresements, Donations or Loans of Goods and Services AND OBLIGATIONS ?12. Debts and Obligations Owed by the Committee ib. Owed to the Com STATEMENT '13. Ending Balance of last report filed _il4. Amount received during reporting Period :15. Subtotal 16. Amount Expended during reporting Period BAFANQE (4-) (7) (80.) (9-) (10) (11.) (12a. This Period 162,172.24 0.00 ,1 162,172.24 0.00 162 172. 24.: 10,500.00 0.00 1.0500299, 162,430.63 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 g(22.) 162,430.63 0.00 ??214392?3 0.00 134,598.25 0.00 (13.) (14.) (15-) (16.) <21) 1(23 -) (.2112. Page 2 of 7 Cumulative 438,272.24 0.00 3 3333.722?? 44 ,919. 18 419,726.75 0.00- 419,726.25 0.00 18,803.88; 162,172.24: 180,976.12; 162,430.63 .7 $815.35.:fi9? 7/24/2017 (4A) QUESWQN 427210; A . 99,!I1mittee Name Wi H91 Energy, anlitim Document Name Juiy Quarterly 4252- -Add Date of Receipt: 05/26/2017 Amt: 131,848.24 Name: Michigan Energy First Address: 2145 Commons Parkway - City: Okemos State: MI Zip: 48864 Type of Contribution: Direct Occupation: 4259- -Add Date of Receipt: 06/15/2017 Name: Michigan Energy First Address: 2145 Commons Parkway City: Okemos State: MI Zip: 48864 Type of Contribution: Direct Amt: 30,324.00 Occupation: Page 3 of 7 Cumul: 407,848.24 Employer: Business Address: City: State: Zip: Cumul: 438,172.24 Employer: Business Address: City: State: Zip: 7/24/2017 1, EM-KENS QSESHQN :rcwmiftsei? 427210 . C9mmi$tes News Wind Energy: Coalitim - Document Name JJuiy Quarterly 4257- -Add PAC Receipt?: Date of Receipt: 06/22/2017 Amt: 10500.00 Name: Michigan Energy First Occupation: Address: 2145 Commons Parkway City: Okemos State: MI Fund Raiser: Zip: 48864 Vendor Name: Doster Law Offices Vendor Address: 2145 Commons Parkway City: Okemos State: MI Zip: 48864 Type of In?Kind Contribution: Goods or Services Purchased by Candidate or Others Description: Legal fees; all in?house 'sch'equietaei Page 4 of 7 Cumui: 448672.24 Employer: Business Address: City: State: Zip: 7/24/2017 - A Li.) {48} BALLOT 1" Name Document Name :July - Quarterly 4253- -Add Date: 05/26/2017 Amt: 131,848.24 Name: DDC Address: 805 15th Street, NW Ste ih-house 300 Ballot Proposal: Wind Energy City: Washington State: DC Referenda Zip: 20005 Support or Oppose: Support State or Local: Local County: . Fund Raiser: 4260- ?Add Date: 06/15/2017 Name: Flagstar Bank Address: 1801 Grand River City: Okemos State: MI Amt: 70.00 Purpose: Bank fees Ballot Proposal: Support or Oppose: Zip: 48864 State or Local: County: Fund Raiser: 4262- -Add Date: 06/15/2017 Amt: 30,323.42 Name: re group Purpose: Production; all in?house Address: 213 Liberty Square Ste 100 Ballot Proposal: City: Ann Arbor State: MI Support or Oppose: Zip: 48104 State or Local: County: Fund Raiser: Page 5 of 7 Cumul: 386,987.01 Purpose: Consulting/Campaign Payment on Debt/Obligation reported on previous statement: Cumul: 0.00 Payment on Debt/Obligation reported on previous statement: Cumul: 0.00 Payment on Debt/Obligation reported on previous statement: 7/24/2017 EXPENDETURES BALLQT QUESYEGN 4264- -Add Date: 06/17/20 17 Name: Mary Doster Address: 2870 Dobie Rd City: Mason State: MI Zip: 48854 4266? -Add Date: 06/17/2017 Name: Sage Consultants LLC Address: 2870 Dobie Rd City: Mason State: MI Zip: 48854 4261- -Add Date: 07/17/2017 Name: Flagstar Bank Address: 1801 Grand River City: Okemos State: MI Zip: 48864 Schedule iota! Amt: 78.97 Purpose: Reimb FedEx fees; none greater than $50 Ballot Proposal: Support or Oppose: State or Local: County: Fund Raiser: Amt: 100.00 Purpose: Re?payment of amt to open bank account Ballot Proposal: Support or Oppose: State or Local: County: Fund Raiser: Amt: 10.00 Purpose: Bank fees Ballot Proposal: Support or Oppose: State or Local: County: Fund Raiser: AWD-UVA. Cumul: 0.00 Payment on Debt/Obligation reported on previous statement: Cumul: 0.00 Payment on Debt/Obligation reported on previous statement: Cumul: 0.00 Payment on Debt/Obligation reported on previous statement: 7/24/2017 QEBTS QUESWGN Committeem 5:42'7'2140 DocumentNa?me JVUIY Quarterly 4149- -Add Corp: Type: Funds advanced to open bank account Owed To: Sage Consuitants LLC Address: 2870 Dobie Rd City: Mason State: MI Zip: 48854 Endorser or Guarantor: 4151? ?Add Corp: Type: Consulting/Campaign management Owed To: BBC Address: 805 15th Street, NW Ste 300 City: Washington State: DC Zip: 20005 Endorser or Guarantor: 4254? ?Add Corp: Type: Consulting/Campaign management Owed To: BBC Address: 805 15th Street, NW Ste 300 City: Washington State: DC Zip: 20005 Endorser or Guarantor: Owe? T0 Cumulative payment to date on debt: 100.00 Cumulative payment to date on debt: 110,000.00 7 .10V y- . Outstanding Balance at close of this period: 0.00 Date Debt Was Incurred: 03/24/2017 payment payment Original Amt of Debt: 100.00 Date(s): Amt(s): 0-00 06/17/2017 100.00 Endorsed Amt: 0.00 Outstanding Balance at close of this period: 2,750.01 Date Debt Was Incurred: 03/24/2017 Payment payment Original Amt of Debt: 112,750.01 Date(s): Amt(s): Forgiven: 0.00 04/18/2017 110,0000 Endorsed Amt: 0.00 Cumulative payment to date on debt: 0.00 Outstanding Balance at close of this period: 13 1,848.24 Date Debt Was Incurred: 05/18/2017 payment Original Amt of Debt: 131,848.24 Date(s): Forgiven: 0.00 Endorsed Amt: 0.00 Payment Amt(s): ?3459825 @9962? 7/24/2017 1% .1 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE COVER PAGE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Re ort must be Ie ible ed or rinted tregsurer or desiqrgiat?i rIgcord kggper. 3131's Statement OWNS From. 04/17/17 To 1. Committee ID. Number 42721 2. Committee Name A Ph say YES to Future thi?%%x is 4. Committee's Mailing Address Box 31 Ruth, MI 48470 (989) 312-3963 _different from the committee mailin?giaddress on th?e Statement of Organization, mail may be sent to? this address-by the ?ling 0 mm . - 5. Treasurer's Name and Residential Address Glen Messmg 6777 Munford Rd. Ruth, Ml 48470 Area Code and Phone (989) 312-3953 6. Treasurer's Business Address (if the committee has 3 Gary Volmering 7721 Leppek Rd. Ruth, Ml 48470 Area Code and Phone 7. Designated Record KeeBer's Name and Mailing Address eSignated Record Keeper) Area Code and Phone (989) 312-3963 St). 8d: smemswemw; EIFEBRUARY STATEMENT Post Petition Sample Filing under MCL 168.483a 33- ELECTION APRIL STATEMENT Effective Date of Dissolution 0R (Required of Statewide Ballot JULY STATEMENT Question Committees only after POST- ELECTION the submission of a sample petition ch ckin this item I certify that DOCTOBER STATEMENT prior to CITCUIBIIHQ the petition) commi ee has no? assets or Pie-Election or Post-Election outstanding debts, including Tate Statement relates to: fees. Note: The disposmon of 0" PRIMARY 8CD ANNUAL STATEMENT 8e. EMENT Page_ GENERAL Coverage Year) (Complete Item 83, 8b, 8c 8_d, or 8f SCHOOL to gndicate which Statement ts SPECIAL being amended) Cl OTHER: Date of Election: 05/0211 7 A committee that does not have a Re Schedules. Direct contributions, in- porting Waiver must ?le all required Cam if any of the information listed in its kind contributions, loans, expenditures an standing debts count . pany this Campaign Statement. If a request for a or before the ?ling deadline of a required campaign sta tement, that campaign statement can not be waiv dpaign Statements. The Campai Statements must in . ou. agents the $1 000 Reporting Wagverithreshold. ms 4, 5, or 7 has changed Since the Information was shown on the committee's Statement of, rganizatiqn, an amendment to the Statement of Organization should accom Reporting Waiver is not received on . clude all applicable 9. Veri?cation: certify that'all reasonable diligence was used in the pre my knowledge and belief the contents are true, accurate and comp Current Treasurer or Type or Print Name Signature [aeration of this statement and attached schedules (if any) and to the best of e. Designated Record Keeperg /8 Pl 865/}? 9/ sf? 344137537 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE .41 BUREAU OF ELECTIONS SUMMARY PAGE BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee ID. Number 42721 2_ Committee Name Say YES to Huron?s Future RECEIPTS 3. Contributions a. Itemized Contributions(Scheduie 4A, Column 6) b. Unitemized Contributions (less than $20.01 - no Schedule) c. Subtotal of Contributions 4. Other Receipts (Schedule Column 6) 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Add Line 3 Line 4) CONTRIBUTIONS 6. in?Kind Contributions a. itemized in-Kind Contributions (Schedule 4-iK, Column 7) b. Unitemized (less than $20.01 each - no Schedule) 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Add Line Ga Line Sb) EXPENDITURES 8. Expenditures a. itemized Direct Expenditures Schedule 48, Column 7) b. Itemized Get-Out?The Vote (Schedule 4B-G, Column 6) c. ln?Kind Expenditures Purchase of Goods or Services (Schedule 4B-2, Column 7) d. Unitemized Expenditures ($50.00 or less-no Schedule) e. Subtotal of Expenditures 9. independent Expenditures (Schedule 4B-1, Column 7) 10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add Line 8e Line 9) EXPENDITURES 11. Total I n-Kind Expenditures-Endorsements, Donations or Loans of Goods or Services (Schedule 4B-2, Column 8) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 12. Debts and Obligations a. Owed by the Committee (Schedule 4E) b. Owed to the Committee (Schedule 4E) Column i This Period NOTAPPLICABLE (36.) 341,000.00 (4.) 5 00? (5.) 341,000.00 0.00 3 NOT APPLICABLE (7.) 0-00 3 227,839.50 0-00 5 0-00 (M) 30.00 (8e) 5 227,869.50 (9.) 0-00 (10.) 227,869.50 (11.) 0-00 0.00 (120.) 0-00 Column ii Cumulative for Election Cycle (1a) 417,000.00 12m 417,000.00 0.00 (221$ 299,742.06 0'00 (241$ 299,742.05 (251$ 0-00 13. Ending Balance of last report ?led (Enter zero if no previous reports have been ?led.) 14. Amount received during reporting period 15. SUBTOTAL Add lines 13 and 14 16. Amount expended during reporting period (Line 10, Column I, Tota Expenditures) 17. ENDING BALANCE (Subtract line 16 from line 15) BALANCE STATEMENT (Line 5, Column I, Total Contributions Other Receipts) (13.) 4,127.44 (141+ 341,000.00 345,127.44 (15) 227,869.50 (171$ 117,257.94 *If your ending balance is negative, please recheck your math. 32%? MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Committee i.D. Number 42721 SCHEDULE 4A BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2. Committee Name Say YES to Huron's Future Please enter contributors name and address. if contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 6. Amount 7. Cumulative for middle initial. Election Cycle for Each Contributor (Through date of receipt) 3. Contribution #1 4. Date of Receipt Name Address: 04/17/17 Huron Wind, LLC 501 Abbot Road 341,000.00 341,000.00 East Lansing, Ml 48823 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo ltemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: 'Direct Loan from a person DFund Raisar 3. Contribution 2 4. Date of Receipt Name Address: 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct DLoan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 3 4. Date of Receipt Name Address: 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address 7 Type of Contribution: Direct El Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 4 4. Date of Receipt Name Address: 5 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person DFund Raiser Page Subtotal $341,000.00 Grand Total of All Schedules 4A (Complete on last page of Schedule) $341?000'00 1 Enter this total Page of on line 3a of Summary Page 3&3? MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE [.an .. BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED DIRECT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee I. D. Number 42721 2. Committee Name Say YES to Huron's Future 3. Name and address of person to whom paid 4. State purpose of expenditure. 6. Date 7. Amount 8. Cumulative El Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation 5. identify the ballot proposal involved. for election Indicate whether supported or opposed. 4' Purpose: Lambert Edwards Associates PUbliC relations 106 W. Allegan, Suite 200 5. Ballot Proposal: 04/20/17 55,995.30 $127,807.86 LanSIng, MI 48933 Support Zoning Amendment ZA 2016-03 Exiitgfure Memo itemization Below Larsen Graphics 1065 S. Huron Avenue Vassar, Ml 48768 Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement .Support D0 pose Fund Raiser Statewide DLooal Expenditure 2 4. Purpose: Name Address: - Signs 5. Ballot Proposal: 04/20/17 (1 ,462.80) 1,462.80 Support Zoning Amendment ZA 2016-03 Date of Expenditure County: Huron (Memo ltemization) 303 E. Whacker Drive, 8th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 DCheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Oppose El Fund Raiser Statewide Local Expenditure 3 4. Purpose: Name 8? Address: Radio and television advertisements KSM 5. Ballot Proposal: 04/20/17 (25,847.10) 25,847.10 Date of Expenditure Support Zoning Amendment ZA 2016-03 County: Huron (Memo itemization) Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Support DOppose El Fund Raiser DStatewide DLocal Expenditure 4 4. Purpose: Name Address: . PolIIng MRG 04/20/17 (8,676.75) 8,676.75 225 S. Washington Square 5' 83"? Pr?p?5a" Date of Lansing, MI 48933 Support Zoning AmendmentZA 2016?03 Expenditure County: Huron (Memo ltemizati0n) reported on previous statement 311990? 099036 DFund Raiser DStatewide El Local Subtotal thIs page Grand Total of Schedules 45 (Complete on last page of Schedule) $227,839-50 Enter this total on Line 8a of 3 the Summary Page of Page goo?: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE .. BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED DIRECT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee l. D. Number 42721 2. Committee Name Say YES to Huron's Future 3. Name and address of person to whom paid 4. State purpose of expenditure. 5. identify the ballot proposal involved. indicate whether supported or opposed. 6. Date 7. Amount 8. Cumulative for election Pinehurst, NC 28374 El Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation Expenditure #1 4 Pur ose' Name &Address: - - Loyel Radlo advertisement P.O. Box 3350 04/20/17 $(4.3125) $431.25 5. Ballot Proposal: Date of Support Zoning Amendment ZA 2016-03 Expenditure County: Huron (Memo itemization) PO. Box 12097 Lansing, MI 48901 Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Support DOppose El Fund Raiser Statewide Local Expenditure 2 4. Purpose: Name Address: - - . advertisement Such 5. Ballot Proposal: 04/20/17 (4,577.40) 4,577.40 Support Zoning AmendmentZA2016-O3 5 Date of Expenditure County: Huron (Memo Itemization) DCheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement I: Fund Raiser reported on previous statement El Fund Raiser Statewide Local Expenditure 3 4. Purpose: Name 3? Address? Television advertisements Audiograph 5. ll I: 04/20/17 15,000.00 15,000.00 2917 College Road 3 ?pm Ml 48842 Support Zoning Amendment ZA 2016?03 Date of Expenditure County: Huron Support UStatewide (Memo Itemization) DOppose Local Expenditure 4 Name Address: Warner Norcoss Judd LLP 900 Fifth Third Center 111 Lyon Street NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement DFund Raiser 4. Purpose: Legal fees and costs 5. Ballot Proposal: County: Huron 04/20/17 $131,694.20 131,694.20 Date of Expenditure Support Zoning Amendment ZA 2016-03 Click for Memo Itemization Type Page 01' Support DOppose DStatewide '3 Local Subtotal this page $131 ?694.20 Grand Total of Schedules 4B (Complete on last page of Schedule) $227,839-50 Enter this total on Line 8a of the Summary Page 392%? MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE .1-34 .. BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED DIRECT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Cemmittee I. D. Number 42721 2. Committee Name Say YES to Huron's Future 3. Name and address of person to whom paid 4. State purpose of expenditure. 6. Date 7. Amount 8. Cumulative East Lansing, MI 48823 1: Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation Support Zoning Amendment ZA 2016-03 Date of County: Huron Expenditure 5. Identify the ballot proposal involved. for election indicate whether supported or opposed. Expenditure 1 Name Address: 4' Purpose. Byrum Fisk Communications LLC relations 1501 North Shore Drive, Suite 5. Bampmposal. 05/12/17 40,150.00 $40,150.00 Click for Memo itemization Type Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Fund Raiser reported on previous statement Support DOppose I: Fund Raiser DStatewide EILocal Expenditure 2 4. Purpose: Name Address: 5. Baliot Proposal: Date of County: Expenditure DSupport Statewide Click for Memo itemization Type Oppose El Local Expenditure 3 Name a Address: 4. Purpose: 5. Ballot Proposal: Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement DFund Raiser 5. Ballot Proposal: Date of Expenditure County: Date of Expenditure County: Ciick for Memo itemization Type DCheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation Su ort ose reported on previous statement pp pp Fund Raiser DStatewide DLocal Expenditure 4 4. Purpose: Name Address: Click for Memo ltemization Type Support L?JStatewide Oppose Local Page of Subtotal this page Grand Total of Schedules 48 (Complete on last page of Schedule) $40,150.00 $227,839.50 Enter this total on Line 8a of the Summary Page 333% BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE COVER PAGE printed in ink and sig Report must be legible, typed or eeper. treasurer or designated record MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3.This Statement covers From: 05917? 7 To 05/22/17 ned by the 1. Committee ID. Number 42719 4- Committee's Mailing Address 1897 Dobson Rd, MI 48432 Area Code and Phone "1 N) 2. Cogmittee Wm; {In? Huron ounty In esrs ance Area Code and Phone: (989) 874-4770 :3 -..4 a; :0 If the address in this box is different from the committee ma addresi?s?ipn the Statement of Organization, mall may be sent to tifs?add by .thefjrijlmg :31 [?e?f?sefe?'s Name and Residential Address r11; {~33 3; 1897 Dobson Rd. :f Filion, Ml 48432 59:; :1 Lo ii?- Area Code and Phone (989) 874'4770 if: 6. Treasurer's Business Address 7. Designated Record Keelger?s Name and Mailing Address; SAME (It the committee has a esrgnated Record Keeper) Area Code and Phone amendment to the Statement of Organizati or before the ?lin on should ac deadline of a required campaign 317- St. EI DISSOLUTION OF EFEBRUARY STATEMENT POSI Petltlon Sample under MCL 168.483a 8a. El ELECTION EIAPRIL STATEMENT Effective Date of Dissolution OR (Required ofStatewide Ballot JULY STATEMENT Question Committees only after ELECTION the submission of a sample petition By checkin this item I certify that DOCTOBER STATEMENT prior to the petition) the comm' ee has pd aS$ets or PIe-Election or Post-Election outstandmg debts. '?CIUd'ng late Statement relates to: ?lms fees. Note: The disposmon of gaggdt?all fuirgs mdutsg b4; reported on TT ue an ummary El PRIMARY ANNUAL STATEMENT 8e Page. El GENERAL Coverage Year) (Complete Item 8a, 8b, 8c ad, or at SCHOOL to gndIcate Statement IS beIng amended) El SPECIAL OTHER: Date of Election: A committee that does not have Reporting Waiver must ?le all required CamJoaign Statements. The Campaign Statements must include all appticabte Schedules. Dlrect In-krnd contributions, loans, expendituresan ou standing debts count agarnsi the $1,000 Reportin Wagver threshoid. If any of the information lIsted in items 4, 5, 6, or 7 has changed smce the Intorrnatlon was shown on the commIttee's Statement of rgaFIzation, am no receive on company this Campaign Statement. If a request for a_Re?ortmg Waiver is statement, that campaign statement can not be waIve . 9. Veri?cation: I certify that _all reasonable diligence my knowledge and ballet the contents are true, a Current Treasurer or Dealgnated Record Keeper aration of this statement and attached schedules (if any) and to the best of as used in the prept e. ccurate and comp 1? I - Type or Print Name Signature MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS SUMMARY PAGE BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1, Committee ID. Number 42719 Huron County Wind Resistance 2. Committee Name RECEIPTS 3. Contributions a. Itemized Contributions(Schedule 4A, Column 6) b. Unitemized Contributions (less than $20.01 - no Schedule) c, Subtotal of Contributions 4. Other Receipts (Schedule 4A-1, Column 6) 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Add Line 3 Line 4) IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS 6. In-Kind Contributions 3. Itemized In-Kind Contributions (Schedule Column 7) b. Unitemized (less than $20.01 each no Schedule) 7. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS Column I Column II This Period Cumulative for Election Cycle 1 ,923. 1 7 (38-) NOTAPPLICABLE (4.) (5) 1,923.17 (201$ 3,715-32 119-25 NOT APPLICABLE 14. Amount received during reporting pen'od 15. SUBTOTAL Add lines 13 and 14 16. Amount expended during reporting period (Line 10, Column I, Total Expenditures) 17. ENDING BALANCE (Subtract line 16 from line 15) (Line 5, Column I, Total Contributions Other Receipts) (Add Line 6a Line 6b) (7.) 35 119-25 (21.) 1?296'43 EXPENDITURES 8. Expenditures a. Itemized Direct Expenditures (Schedule 43, Column 7) (83.) 1 ?979'72 b. Itemized Get-Out?The Vote (Schedule 4B-G, Column 6) c. In-Kind Expenditures - Purchase of Goods or Services (Schedule Column 7) (80.) d. Unitemized Expenditures ($50.00 or less-no Schedule) (8d) e. Subtotal of Expenditures :5 1,979-72 9, 3171532 9. Independent Expenditures (Schedule 48-1, Column 7) (23.) 10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add Line 8e Line 9) (10) 1,979.72 (24.) 9 3715-32 IN-KIND EXPENDITURES 11. Total In-Kind Expenditures?Endorsements, Donations or Loans of Goods or Services (Schedule 43-2, Column 8) (11.) (25.) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 12. Debts and Obligations a. Owed by the Committee (Schedule 4E) (I 233$ b. Owed to the Committee (Schedule 4E) (12b) 55 BALANCE STATEMENT 13. Ending Balance of last report ?led 56 55 (Enter zero if no previous reports have been ?led.) (13.) (141+ 1,923.17 1,979.72 (15-) 1,979.72 (17.) 0'00 *If our ending balance is negative, please recheck our math. 3? DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE 4A BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2. Committee Name t. Committee LD. Number 42719 Huron County Wind Resistance middle initiai. Please enter contributors name and address. if contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 7. Cumulative for Election Cycle for Each Contributor (Through date of receipt) 6. Amount 3, Contribution 1 4. Date of Receipt (14/17/17 Name Address: Richard Stien 7860 Priemer Rd Harbor Beach, Mi 48441 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation retired Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: .Direct Loan from a person DFund Raiser 30.00 Click Here for Memo itemization ,5 130.00 3. Contribution 2 Name Address: Edward Koroleski PO Box 970 Bay?eld, WI 54814 4. Date of Receipt O4l19/17 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupationretired Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct EILoan from a person Fund Raiser $100.00 $100.00 Click Here for Memo itemization 3. Contribution 3 Name Address: Camp 9636 Perdy Rd Harbor Beach, Mi 48441 4. Date of ReceiptO4/1 9/ 1 7 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation retired Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person El Fund Raiser 100.00 150.00 Click Here for Memo itemization 3. Contribution 4 4. Date of Receipt 04/19/17 Name Address: John Henning 5086 Caniff St Hamtramck, Ml 48212 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation retired Employer Business Address Fund Raiser Type of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person 50.00 3 50.00 Click Here for Memo itemization Page 1 of 5 $280.00 $280.00 Enter this total on line 3a of Summary Dot-tn Page Subtotal Grand Total of All Schedules 4A (Complete on last page of Schedule) MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZE CONTRIBUTIONS 1_ Committee LD- Number 42719 SCHEDULE 4A BALLOT COMMITTEE 2_ Committee Name oumy 35's a ?39 Please enter contributors name and address. if contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 6. Amount 7. Cumulative fOr middle initial. Election Cycle for Each Contributor (Through date of receipt) 3. Contribution 1 4. Date of Receipt 04/21/17 Name Address: Karen Yaroch EKinde Rd 3 18_00 18.00 Kinde, Ml 48445 Click Here for Memo itemization 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: 'Direct Loan from a person EIFund Raiser 3. Contribution 2 4. Date of Receipt 04/21/17 Name Address: Janice Yaroch 1000 10.00 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct DLoan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 3 4. Date of Receipt04/18/17 Name Address: Nancy Sheward 42848 Matthew Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48313 5 200.00 200.00 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Ciick Here for Memo itemization Occupation retired Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct El Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 4 4. Date of Receipt 04/ 2 1 1 7 Name Address: Sheryl Dudzinski 2121 Rd Filion, Ml48432 30.00 5 30.00 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct El Loan from a person ?Fund Raiser Page Subtotal $258 .00 Grand Total of All Schedules 4A 2 5 (Complete on last page of Schedule) $538 '00 Enter this total Page of on line 38 of Summary Page MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS 42719 1. Committee ID. Number SCHEDULE 4A uron mm In BSIS ance BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2_ Committee Name Please enter contributors name and address. if contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 6. Amount 7- Cumulative for middle initial. Election Cycie for Each Contributor (Through date Of receipt) 3. Contribution 1 4. Date of Receipt 04/22/17 Name Address: Christine Krozek 2801 Minnick Rd 10_00 1 0.00 Bad Axe, MI 48413 Click Here for Memo itemization 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Empioyer Business Address Type of Contribution: .Direct El Loan from a person DFund Raiser 3. Contribution 2 4. Date of Receipt 04/23/17 Name 8. Address: Richard Stein 7860 Primer Rd 5000 180.00 Harbor Beach, Mi 48441 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo Itemization Occupationretired Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct [:lLoan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 3 4. Date of ReceiptO4/25/17 Name Address: Patnck McCollough 4843 Lakeshore Rd Harbor Beach, Ml 48441 300.00 300.00 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Attorny self Harbor Beach Busmess Address Type of Contnbution: Direct Loan from a person Fund Raiser Occupation Employer 3. Contribution 4 4. Date of Receipt 04/25/18 Name Address: Ermest Balcer 6082 Sand Beach Rd Harbor Beach, Ml 48445 5 100.00 100.00 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation farmer Empioyer self Business Address same Type of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person El Fund Raiser Page Subtotal $460.00 Grand Total of All Schedules 4A (Complete on last page of Schedule) $998 '00 3 5 Enter this total Page of on line 3a of Summary Page it?s? MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE 4' BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS . 42719 1. ttee l.D. SCHEDULE 4A mm er BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2_ Committee Name ?my 95's am Please enter contributors name and address. if contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 6. Amount 7. Cumulative for middle initial. Election Cycle for Each Contributor (Through date of receipt) 3. Contribution 1 4. Date of Receipt 04/26/17 Name Address: Frank Drake 50 00 2426 Cross Rd Kinde, MI 48445 5 50'00 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Business Address Click Here for Memo itemization Type of Contribution: .Direct El Loan from a person DFund Raiser 3. Contribution 2 4. Date of Receipt 04/28/17 Name 8. Address: James Stacer 4945 Section Line Rd Harbor Beach, MI 48445 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupationretired Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct DLoan from a person Fund Raiser $100.00 100.00 Click Here for Memo Itemization 3. Contribution 3 4. Date of ReceiptO4/28/17 Name Address: Richard Stem 7860 Prierner Rd Harbor Beach, Ml 48445 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: 50.00 230.00 Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation TStIl'ed Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 4 4. Date of Receipt 05/05/17 Name Address: Margo Barry 1780 Elkton Rd leton, Ml 48731 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: 495.00 495.00 Click Here for Memo itemization occupation retired Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person Fund Raiser Page Subtotal $695.00 Grand Totai of All Schedules 4A (Complete on last page of Scheduie) $1 ?693'00 4 5 Enter this total Page of on line 3a Of Summary Page {?5351 f?igj MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS 1- Committee Number 42719 SCHEDULE 4A tyW? our] in BSIS ance BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2_ Committee Name Please enter contributors name and address. If contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 6. Amount 7- Cumulative for middle initial. Election Cycle for Each Contributor (Through date of receipt) 3. Contribution 1 4. Date of Receipt 05/06/17 Name Address: Andrew Volmering 2545 Rawsonville Rd 90_00 90.00 Belleville, MI Click Here for Memo itemization 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Business Address Type of ContributiOn: .Direct Loan from a person : Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 2 4. Date of Receipt 05/08/17 Name 8} Address: Don Rice 1897 Dobson Rd 40.17 340.17 Filion, Ml 48432 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo ltemization Occupationfarner Employer same Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct EILoan from a person DFund Raiser 3. Contribution 3 4. Date of ReceiptO5/08/17 Name Address: Richard Stein 7860 Priemer Rd 50.00 3 280.00 Harbor Beach, Ml 48441 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo ltemiza?on Occupation re? red Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct I: Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 4 4. Date of Receipt 05/09/17 Name Address: Lillian sheasby 4640 Hill Rd. Harbor Beach, Mi48441 50.00 5000 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation retired Employer Business Address Ty of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person Fund Raiser Page Subtotal $230 .1 7 Grand Total of All Schedules 4A (Complete on last page of Schedule) $1 ?923 '1 7 5 5 Enter this total Page of on line 3a of Summary Page ?Tel: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED DIRECT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2. Committee Name 1. Committee I. D. Number 42719 Huron County Wind Resistance 3. Name and address of person to whom paid 4. State purpose of expenditure. 6. Date 7. Amount 8. Cumulative 5. Identify the ballot proposal involved. for election indicate whether supported or opposed. Expenditure #1 4 Pur 036' Name Address: Clemco Printing print color copies 1168c0tt$t 04/24, Bad Axe, Ml 48413 5. Ballot Proposal: 47 70 $447 . Date of Expenditure Click for Memo ltemization Type Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation CountyHUl?Ol?i reported on preVIous statement DSupport . pp 0 El Fund Raiser DStatewide .Local Expenditure 2 4. Purpose: Name 8: Address: - Empire Sign, lnc- yard 51450 Schoenherr Rd . 5. Ballot Pro osal: Shelby Township, Ml 48315 04/ 25/ $422 .94 422 . 91 Wl?d Date of Expenditure County: Huron DCheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation for Memo Itemization Type reported on previous statement Oppose Expenditure 3 4. Purpose: Name 81 Address: adverti i Thumb Broadcasting, inc. 2 ?9 sassVanDykeRd- 5 3.10th 04/26/ 100 20 575 8( Bad Axe, Ml 48413 p0 Date of Expenditure County: Huron Click for Memo ltemization Type DCheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation rt 0 reported on previous statement uppo ppose Fund Raiser DStatewide Local Expenditure 4 4_ purpose; Name Address: - - Huron Daily Tribune advertizmg 211 Heisteran St 5 tP ar 04/ 28/ $250 .00 250 Bad Axe, Ml 48413 3 ?ms wind Date of Expenditure County: Click for Memo Itemization Type El Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement El Support Oppose EIFund Raiser DStatewide Local Subtotal this page $82084 Grand Total of Schedules 43 (Complete on last page of Schedule) $820 - 84 Enter this total on Line 8a of 1 2 the Summary Page of Page f3: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE jet-a BUREAU OF ELECTIONS DIRECT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B 1. Committee I. D. Number BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 42719 2_ Committee Name Huron County Wind Resistance 3. Name and address of person to whom paid 4, State purpose of expenditure. 6. Date 5. identify the ballot proposal involved. Indicate whether supported or opposed. 7. Amount 8. Cumulative for election Expenditure 1 Name 8: Address: 4' Purpose: Kevon Martis and Associates Facebook 11917 Wegner Rd Riga, 49276 5. Ballot Proposal: . Date of Expenditure Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation County:Hur0n Click for Memo itemization Type 05/08/ 1023.88 $10231 County: L?JCheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation El Support reported on previous statement I: Fund Raiser DStatewide I: Oppose I: Local reported on previous statement DSupport .Oppose I: Fund Raiser [:IStatewide .Locai Expenditure 2 4. Purpose: Name Address: Kevon Martis and Associates facebook 11917 Wegner Rd 5. ll l: Riga, Ml49276 a 0 ?9?53 05/21/ $135.00 11581 Wind Date of Expenditure County; Huron DCheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation one? for Memo itemization Type reported on previous statement Oppose Fund Raiser Statewide Local Expenditure 3 4. Purpose: Name Address: 5. Ballot Pro osai: Date of Expenditure Click for Memo Itemization Type Expenditure 4 4. Purpose: Name Address: 5. Ballot Proposal: Date of Expenditure County: Ciick for Memo itemization Type Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement I:IFund Raiser [:IStatewide Oppose El Local Page of Subtotal this page Grand Total of Schedules 43 (Complete on last page of Schedule) $1,158.88 $1 ,979.71 Enter this total on Line 8a of the Summary Page ?gs-Bit} 3?53? MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE 3H BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE 4-IK BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee I. D. Number 42719 Huron County Wind Resistance 2. Committee Name 3. Name and Address from whom received If contribution is from an individual, please enter last name ?rst. 8. Cumulative for Election Cycle (Through date in item 5) 7. Amount or Fair Market Value 4. Type of ln-Kind Contribution (Check applicable box) 5. Date of Receipt 6. Name Address of Vendor from whom goods or services were purchased Contribution #1 Name Address: KMA Assocrates, LLC PO Box 1048 Caseville, MI 48725 If over $100-00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Name Address: Fund Raiser 4. '3 Loan endorsement or guarantee EIGoods Donated or loaned DServices Donated .Goods or Services Purchased by Others EIGoods or Services Purchased by Others - LOAN 119.25 $204.95 DescriptionCOpieS 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: 04/27/17 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: Click Here for Memo ltemization Contribution #2 Name Address: If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Name Address: Fund Raiser 4. DLoan endorsement or guarantee EIGoods Donated or loaned EIServices Donated : Goods or Services Purchased by Others DGoods or Services Purchased by Others - LOAN Description 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: Click Here for Memo ltemization 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: Contribution #3 Name Address: if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Name Address: El Fund Raiser 4. DLoan endorsement or guarantee [:IGoods Donated or loaned DServices Donated EIGoods or Services Purchased by Others DGoods or Services Purchased by Others LOAN Description 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: 6. VENDOR NAME 8: ADDRESS: Click Here for Memo Itemization Page of Page Subtotal Grand Total of all Schedules 4?lK (Complete on last page of Schedule) 119.25 Enter this total on line Ga of Summary Page MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE COVER PAGE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in ink and signed by the 3.This Statement covers From: To 03? 7-1" 201?- 1. Committee ID. Number 4. Committee?s Mailing Address ?13.34? 303 C- Hut?Lou A04. 2. Committee Name 13" AWC e?I 3 I Area Code and Phone: - Le+ TIME, L'e' a" If the address in this box is_different from the committee'mailing address on of?mat. the Statement of Organization, mail may be sent to thisiaddress by the ?ling 5. Treasurer's Name and Residential Address hesetH -T 6 Hutu - Ri?e Ht ?189 90 Area Code and Phone 99 5-5-7 83 6. Treasurer's Business A ess 7. Designated Record Kee er's Name and Mailing Address A (a MM 3?6 gthe committee has a eSIgnated Record Keeper) ?Ru-I-k, MI If?? 5 '12,er if? A ILL DIL. . E?u??sij. MI 9?95?33 Area Code and Phone ?1 8?3 55"" /b 83 Area Code and Phone 5 5 4? Sb- 8d: DISSOLUTION OF 8. TYPE OF STATEMENT: BFEBRUARY STATEMENT EPOSI Petition Sample Filing COMMITTEE REQUEST under MCL 168.4833 . CTI .. . . . Ba PRE LE ON .APRIL STATEMENT Effective Date of Dissolution OR 05'- a 3 2/0 JULY STATEMENT ELECTION the submission of a sample petition checkin this item I certify that EOCTOBER STATEMENT prior to circulating the petition) ?13:3 commi ee has .nd assets or Pre-Election or Post-Election outstanding debts, INCIUFIIHQ late Statement relates to: ?ling fees. Note: The dispOSition of escalateSteamed?n 8e. A PRIMARY BOB ANNUAL STATEMENT . Paga GENERAL Coverage Year) (Complete Item 8a. 8b, 8c 8d. or at SCHOOL to zndicate which Statement Is SPECIAL being amended) OTHER: Date of Election: A committee that does not have a Reporting Waiver must ?le all required CamJIai Statements. The Campai Statements must include all applicable Schedules. Direct contributions, loans, expendituresan ou standing debts count agains_ the $1 000 Repomn Waiver threshotd. If any of the Information listed in items 4, 6, or 7 has changed Sll?lCe the information was shown on the committee's Statement of rganization, an amendment to the Statement of Organization should accompany this Campaign_Statement. If a request for a Regmrting Waiver is not received on or before the filing deadlme of a reqUIred campaign statement, that campaign statement can not be waive . 9. Veri?cation: certify that all reasonabie diligence was used in the preparation of this state edul (if any) and to the best of my knowledge and belief the contents are true, accurate and comp ete. Current Treasurer or Designated Record Keeper ARK ,1 Type or Print Name Signature er MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE - .3. BUREAU OF ELECTIONS SUMMARY PAGE 1. Committee ID. Number 9 BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2. Committee Name 1 kc. 3360p Le. bah 4U RECEIPTS Column I Column II This Period Cumulative for Election Cycle 3. Contributions 3 a. Itemized Contributions(Schedule 4A, Column 6) (33.) b. Unitemized Contributions (less than $20.01 - no Schedule) NOT APPLICABLE 0. Subtotal of Contributions (30.) 9 (18.) ?5 4. Other Receipts (Schedule Column 5) (4.) 9? (19.) .21 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS 9/ 9/ (Add Line 3 Line 4) (5.) (20.) IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS 6. ln?Kind Contributions a. Itemized In-Kind Contributions (Schedule 4-IK, Column 7) (63.) b. Unitemized (less than $20.01 each - no Schedule) NOT APPLICABLE 7-mtg-g;taggerwm I we. 219.51 EXPENDITURES 8. Expenditures a. Itemized Direct Expenditures Schedule 48, Column 7) (83.) 2/ b. Itemized Get-Out?The Vote (Schedule 4B-G, Column 6) ?a c. In-Kind Expenditures Purchase of Goods or Services (Schedule 4B-2, Column 7) (80.) d. Unitemized Expenditures ($50.00 or Iess~no Schedule) (8d) e. Subtotal of Expenditures (8e) (22.) 9. Independent Expenditures (Schedule 48?1, Column 7) (23.) 55 g] 10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add Line 8e Line 9) (10) .9 (24.) EXPENDITURES 11. Total In-Kind Expenditures-Endorsements. Donations or I Loans of Goods or SerVIces (Schedule 48-2. Column 8) (11.) (25.) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 12- (Schedule 4E) ?239$ b. Owed to the Committee (Schedule 4E) (12b) BALANCE STATEMENT 13. Ending Balance of last report ?led (Enter zero if no previous reports have been ?led.) (13.) 14. Amount received during reporting period (Line 5, Column I, Total Contributions Other Receipts) (14.) News 15. SUBTOTAL Add lines 13 and 14 (15.) 16. Amount expended during reporting period (Line 10, Column I, Total Expenditures) (16.) - 17. ENDING BALANCE (Subtract line 16 from line 15) (17.) *If your ending balance is negative, please recheck your math. ct be}, - BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE 4-IK BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE :32? MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1. Committee I. D. Number (7?73 I 2. Committee Name Tl?f? 3. Name and Address from whom received If contribution is from an individual, please enter last name ?rst. 4. Type of In?Kind Contribution (Check applicable box) 7. Amount or Fair 8. Cumulative 5. Date of Receipt Market Value for Election 6. Name Address of Vendor from whom goods or Cycle (Through services were purchased date in Item 5) Contribution #1 Na LLC. 7.90 unaubsoBh-r?. June Beau-4+; 73?? 33?? If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Name Address: I: Fund Raiser 4. : Loan endorsement or guarantee L?JGoods Donated or loaned .Services Donated EIGoods or Services Purchased by Others DGoods or Services Purchased by Others - LOAN 63? $19pr Wm Description 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: 05- ?20! 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: . . r' Qt Camus ?05-?70 #3 1:70: Dr Lanai-MU I Click Here for Memo ltemization 9'38? 23. Contribution #2 Name Address: If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Name Address: El Fund Raiser 4. EILoan endorsement or guarantee DGoods Donated or loaned DServices Donated DGoods or Services Purchased by Others El Goods or Services Purchased by Others - LOAN Description 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: Click Here for Memo ltemization 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: Contribution #3 Name Address: If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Name Address: I: Fund Raiser 4. DLoan endorsement or guarantee Donated or loaned DServices Donated EIGoods or Services Purchased by Others DGoods or Services Purchased by Others - LOAN Description 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: Click Here for Memo ltemization Page of Page ubtotal 3? $09.0 0 Grand Total of alt Schedules 4-IK (Complete on last page of Schedule) 63, SUV-00 Enter this total on line 6a of Summary Page MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE COVER PAGE Report must be legible typed or printed in ink and signed by the treasurer or deSIgnated record keeper. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3.This Statement covers From: 05/23/17 To 07/10/77 1. Committee i.D. Number 42717 2. Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government 4. Committee's Mailing Address Box 162 Bad Axe, MI 48413 (989) 269-5806. . -- is?: Area Code and Phone. - :77 . . If the address in the box Is_dIfferent from the committeemaIlIng address on thf? Statement of Organization, man may be sent to this address by the ?ling 0 ICE. 5. Treasurer's Name and Residential Address Arlene SchIpInskI 3151 Tomlinson Road Filion, Ml 48432 Area Code and Phone (989) 658-2574 6. Treasurer's Business Address Area Code and Phone 7. Designated Record Keeger's Name and Mailing Address (lf the commIttee has a Brian Pawlowski . . 3162 E. Filion Road . . m3 Filion, Ml 48432 esignated Record Keeper) Area Code and Phone (989) 269?6377 8b. 8. TYPE OF STATEMENT: EFEBRUARY STATEMENT 8a. PRE- ELECTION OR .APRIL STATEMENT ELECTION .JULY STATEMENT OCTOBER STATEMENT Pre-Election or Post-Election Statement relates to: PRIMARY 80.. ANNUAL STATEMENT SEESEEL Coverage Year) SPECIAL OTHER: Date of Election: 05/02/17 8?13 sf. DISSOLJJTION OF Post Petition Sample Filing COMMI-TTEEQEEQUEST under MCL 168.483a . Effective Date. of Dissolution (Required of Statewide Ballot 071;] 0/17 Question Committees only after the submission of a sample petition prior to circulating the petition) By checkin thiS-item, certify that the commit eehas _no assets or outstandIng debts, Including late ?ling fees. Note?; The disposition of resrdual funds'must be reported on Sihdl 4B Releases Em ummaw (Le-3? (Complete Item 8aIndIcate Statement Is being amended) A committee that does not have a Reporting Waiver must ?le all required Camfaign Statements. The Campai Statements must include all applicable ou Schedules. Direct contributionshin?kmd contributions, loans, expenditures?an If any of the InformatIon lIsted In Items 4, 5, 6, or 7' has changed sInce the InformatIon was shown on the committee's Statement of standing debts count agains the $1 000 Reportirg; Waiverthreshold. rganIzatIon, an amendment to the Statement of Organization should accompany this Campaign Statement. [f a request for a ReJJorting Waiver is not received on or before the filing deadline of a requ1red campalgn statement, that campaign statement can not be waive . 9. Veri?cation: I certify that all reasonable diligence was used in the pre aration of this statement and attached schedules (if any) and to the best of my knowledge and belief the contents are true, accurate and comp Current Treasurer or Designated Record Keeper 4W1, Type or Print Name Signature Rest; MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE @333 BUREAU OF ELECTIONS SUMMARY PAGE 1. Committee ID. Number 42717 BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2. Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government RECEIPTS Column I Column II This Period Cumulative for Election Cycle 3. Contributions a. Itemized Contributions(ScheduIe 4A, Column 6) i b. Unitemized Contributions (less than $20.01 - no Schedule) NOT APPLICABLE 0. Subtotal ofContributionS (3c) (18.) 6200-00 4. Other Receipts (Schedule Column 6) (4.) 0'00 (19.) 0'00 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS 6 200 00 (Add Line 3 Line 4) (5.) (20.) I CONTRIBUTIONS 6. In-Kind Contributions a. Itemized In~Kind Contributions (Schedule 4-IK, Column 7) 33 3240-00 b. Unitemized (less than $20.01 each - no Schedule) 3 NOT APPLICABLE 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Add Line 6a Line 6b) (7.) 53 3240-00 (21.) 37:155-75 EXPENDITURES 8. Expenditures a. Itemized Direct Expenditures Schedule 48, Column 7) 325'00 b. Itemized Get?Out-The Vote (Schedule 4B-G, Column 6) 0-00 c. ln-Kind Expenditures Purchase of Goods or Services 0 00 (Schedule Column 7) (8C) d. Unitemized Expenditures ($50.00 or less?no Schedule) (8d) 0'00 e. Subtotal of Expenditures (8e) 325-00 (22.) 5751-20 9. Independent Expenditures (Schedule 4B-1, Column 7) (9) 0-00 (23.) 0-00 10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add Line 8e Line 9) (10.) 325-00 (24.) 5751-20 IN-KIND EXPENDITURES 11. Total In?Kind Expenditures?Endorsements, Donations or 0 00 00 Loans of Goods or Services (Schedule Column 8) (11.) (25.) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 12. Debts and Obligations 000 a. Owed by the Committee (Schedule 4E) (I 289$ b. Owed to the Committee (Schedule 4E) (125-) 0'00 BALANCE STATEMENT 13. Ending Balance oflast report filed 901 15 (Enter zero if no previous reports have been ?led.) (13.) - 14. Amount received during reporting period 50 00 (Line 5, Column I, Total Contributions Other Receipts) (14.) - 15. SUBTOTAL Add lines 13 and 14 (15.) 951-15 16. Amount expended during reporting period 951 15 (Line 10, Column I, Total Expenditures) (16.) - 17. ENDING BALANCE 0 00 (Subtract line 16 from line 15) (17.) *If your ending balance is negative, please recheck your math. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE 4A BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee ID. Number 42717 2_ Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government Please enter contributors name and address. If contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 6. Amount 7- Cumulative for middle initial. Election Cycle for Each Contributor (Through date of receipt) 3. Contribution 1 4. Date of Receipt Name 8: Address: 3 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Click Here for Memo Itemization Business Address Type of Contribution: .Direct Loan from a person EIFund Raiser 3. Contribution 2 Name Address: 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer 4. Date of Receipt Click Here for Memo Itemization Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct DLoan from a person 3. Contribution 3 Name Address: 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer 4. Date of Receipt Click Here for Memo itemization Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct '1 Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 4 Name Address: 5. if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Employer 4. Date of Receipt Click Here for Memo Itemization Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct El Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3 12 Page of Page Subtotal Grand Total of All Schedules 4A (Complete on last page of Schedule) on line 3a of Summary Page Enter this total MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED OTHER RECEIPTS 42717 SCHEDULE 4A-1 1. Committee ID. Number BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE Citizens for Fair Government 2. Committee Name 3. Name Address From Whom Received 4. Date of 5. Type of Receipt 6. Amount Receipt Receipt #1 Date of Receipt Name Address: DLoan from a Lending Institution Interest Click Here for Memo ltemization Type I:IRefund\Rebate Fund Raiser Other (Specify) Receipt #2 Date of Receipt Name Address: Loan from a Lending Institution Dlnterest DRefund\Rebate Click Here for Memo ltemization Type I:IFund Raiser [IOlher (SpeCIfy) Date Of Receipt Loan from 3 Lending Institution Interest DRefunmRebate Click Here for Memo ltemization Type I:IOther eci I:IFund Raiser I W) Date Of Receipt Loan from a Lending Institution Dlnterest Click Here for Memo ltemization Type Refund\Rebate Fund Raiser Other (Specify) Receipt #5 Date of Receipt - - - Name Address: Loan from a Lending Institution El Interest Click Here for Memo Itemization Type Refund\Rebate DFund Raiser Other (Specify) Receipt #6 Date of Receipt . . . Name Address: Loan from a Lending Institution Ulnterest Refund\Rebate Click Here for Memo ltemization Type I: Fund Raiser CI Other (Specify) Page Subtotal $0.00 Grand Total of All Schedules 4A -t (Complete on last page of Schedule) $0.00 Enter this total on 1 2 line 4 ofSummary Page of 399 3134.1 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE 4-IK BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE Citizens for Fair Government 2. Committee Name 1. Committee I. D. Number 42717 3. Name and Address from whom received 4. Type of ln?Kind Contribution (Check applicable box) 7. Amount or Fair 8. Cumulative 5. Date of Receipt Market Value for Election lf contribution is from an individual, please enter last 6. Name Address of Vendor from whom goods or Cycle (Through name ?rst. services were purchased date in Item 5) Contribution #1 Name &Address: 4. I: Loan endorsement or guarantee DTE Energy DGoodS Donated or loaned .Services Donated One Energy Plaza EIGoods or Services Purchased by Others Detroit, MI 48226 l: Goods or Services Purchased by Others LOAN 1 08-00 13,828-84 lf over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Description Staff time mneage Occupation 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: 04/15/17 Emp'oyel Name 8? Address: 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: Click Here for Memo ltemization El Fund Raiser Nigetri; 23:12:25. 4. EILoan endorsement or guarantee DTE Energy : Goods Donated or loaned :IServices Donated A One Energy Plaza .Goods or Services Purchased by Others Detroit, MI 48226 DGoods or Services Purchased by Others LOAN O. 00 16 367.56 If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Description Legal SONICGS 5 5- DATE OF RECEIPT3 04/16/17 Click Here for Memo Itemization Employer Name 8? Address; 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: Doster Law Offices 2145 Commons Parkway Okemos, MI 48864 El Fund Raiser 4. : Loan endorsement or guarantee DTE Energy DGoods Donated or loaned DServices Donated One Energy P aza .Goods or Services Purchased by Others MI 48226 EIGoods or Services Purchased by Others - LOAN 0 00 2833 40 if over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Description Land agent SGWICQS I Occupation 5. DATE OF RECEIPT: 04/16/17 Click Here for Memo ltemization Employer Name Address: 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: Atwell Group Two Towne Square CI Fund Raiser Southfield, MI 48076 Page Subtotal $1 08 00 Grand Total of all Schedules (Complete on last page of Schedule) Enter this total on line 6a of Summary Page Page of Kit-.3 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE . BUREAU OF ELECTIONS Ma ITEMIZED DIRECT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee i. D. Number 42717 2. Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government 3. Name and address of person to whom paid 4. State purpose of expenditure. 5. identify the ballot proposal involved. indicate whether supported or opposed. 6. Date 7. Amount 8. Cumulative for election Expenditure 1 Name Address: USPS 133 N. Hanselman Bad Axe Ml 48413 Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement 4. Purpose: Mass Mailing 5. Ballot Proposal: Lincoln Township Ballot Referendum - Planning Commission Creation County:Huron County I:ISupport .Oppose mlwoo $98.00 Date of Expenditure Click for Memo itemization Type 133 N. Hanselman Bad Axe, Mi 48413 : Check box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement El Fund Raiser Fund Raiser Statewide .Locai Expenditure 2 4. Purpose: Name Address: . . Mass Mailing USPS 5. Ballot Proposal: Lincoln Township Ballot Referendum Planning Commission Creation County: uron DSupport I: Statewide Oppose Local 04/26/17 0.00 127.40 Date of Expenditure Click for Memo itemization Type Expenditure 3 Name Address: EIGheck box if expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement I: Fund Raiser 4. Purpose: 5. Ballot Proposal: County: Support [:IStatewide Oppose Local Date of Expenditure Click for Memo itemization Type Expenditure 4 Name Address: Check box if expenditure is payment ofdebt or obligation reported on previous statement El Fund Raiser 4. Purpose: 5. Ballot Proposal: County: Support DStatewide Date of Expenditure Click for Memo itemization Type 12 Page Of Subtotal this page Grand Total of Schedules 48 (Complete on last page of Schedule) $0.00 $0.00 Enter this total on Line 8a of the Summary Page BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ?7g- if MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE ITEMIZED INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee ID. Number 42717 2. Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government Complete this form to report Independent Expenditures made for or against a ballot issue. Do not use this schedule to report direct expenditures to Ballot Question Committees, or the provision of in-kind goods or services to Ballot Question Committees. 3. Name and address of person or vendor paid Check box if expenditure is payment of Debt or Obligation reported on previous statement Expenditure #2 Name Address: I: Check box if expenditure is payment of Debt or Obligation reported on previous statement Statewide 4. Purpose: 4. Purpose (Describe speci?c purpose.) 5- Date 7. Amount 8. Cumulative for Election 5. Ballot Proposal Information Expenditure #1 . Name Address: 4' Purpose. 5. Ballot Proposal 95 Date of County Expenditure Click Here for Memo ltemization Ballot Proposal Oppose El Statewide 1: Local m? Expenditure Click Here for Memo ltemization Expenditure #3 Name Address: I: Check box if expenditure is payment of Debt or Obligation reported on previous statement 4. Purpose: 5. Ballot Proposal 5 Date of County Expenditure Support El Statewide Oppose El Local Click Here for Memo ltemization Expenditure #4 Name Address: EICheck box if expenditure is payment of Debt or Obligation reported on previous statement 4. Purpose: Ballot Proposal Date of Expenditure I:l Oppose Local Click Here for Memo ltemization 2 Page of Grand Total of all Schedules 4B?l (Complete on last page of Schedule $0 - 00 Subtotal this page 00 Enter total on line 9 of Summary Pg. ITEMIZED IN-KIND EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 4B-2 BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS 1. Committee I. D. Number 42717 2. Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government Ballot Proposal: Statewide County Local El Goods or Services Purchased - LOAN Description 5. DATE OF EXPENDITURE: 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: 3. Name and Address of person or committee 4_ Type of ln?Kind Expenditure (Check 7. Amount or SalESIILoinket to whom goods or services were donated or applicable box) Money Spent Endorsement (Throighon loaned, or for whom goods or servrces were 5- Date of Expenditure (Purchased or Guarantee, date item 5) purchased. Goods or 6. Name Address of Vendor from whom Services) 080 9f goods or services were purchased 800:?00 Of 00 or service) Expenditure #1 4~ Loan endorsement or guarantee Name Address: Goods Donated or Loaned Services Donated Goods or Services Purchased Click Here for Memo Itemization Expenditure #2 Name Address: 4. Loan endorsement or guarantee EIGoods Donated or Loaned El Services Donated Goods or Services Purchased Goods or Services Purchased - LOAN 12 Page of Grand Total of all Schedules 48?2 (Complete on last page of Schedule) $0.00 $0.00 Enter this total on line 80 of the Summary Page Enter this total on Description 5- DATE OF EXPENDITURE: Click Here for Memo Itemization Ballot Proposal: 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: '1 Statewide Local County Expenditure #3 4. I: Loan endorsement or guarantee Name Address: El Goods Donated or Loaned Services Donated ElGoods or Services Purchased Goods or Services Purchased - LOAN Description Click Here for Memo itemization 5. DATE OF EXPENDITURE: Ballot Proposal: 6. VENDOR NAME ADDRESS: DStatewide El Local County Subtotal this Page $0 00 $0 00 line 11 of the Summary Summary Page ?ng MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE (?333) BUREAU OF ELECTIONS EXPENDITURES FOR GET-OUT-THE VOTE ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE 4 - BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 1. Committee l.D. Number 42717 2. Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government USE THIS FORM TO REPORT EXPENDITURES MADE FOR ELECTION DAY BUSING OF VOTERS TO THE POLLS, FOR SLATE CARDS, CHALLENGERS, POLL WATCHERS, POLL WORKERS, AND VOTE ACTIVITY. Describe the Speci?c Get?Out?The ?V0te activity In Item 4f. ALL EXPENDITURES ARE REQUIRED TO BE ITEMIZED. For Activity Type b-f, check one: C, ln?Kind Independent if in support of, or in opposition to, a ballot proposal, check one: Support Oppose :ICheck box if this expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Statewide Proposal Name d. Poll Watchers e. Deon Workers 3. Name and address of person or vendor to whom the expenditure was made. I 4. Type of Activity 5. Date 6. Amount Expenditure #1 Name Address: ,1 I: Election Day Busing of Voters To The Polls Slate Cards c. DChallengers 3 Date Click for Memo itemization Type f- Get-Out-The Vote Activity (Specify): Cumulative for Ballot Proposal Local Proposal Name Indicate County Expenditure #2 Name Address: For Activity Type b-f, check one: ln?Kind El Independent If in support of, or in opposition to, a ballot proposal, check one: DSupport Oppose Check box if this expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Statewide Proposal Name 3. Election Day Busing of Voters To The Polls b- DSlate Cards c. El Challengers d. Poll Watchers Poll Workers Date Click for Memo Itemization Type f- I: Get?Out?The Vote Activity (Specify): Cumulative for Ballot Proposal 35 Local Proposal Name indicate County Expenditure #3 Name 8. Address: For Activity Type b-f, check one: ln?Kind El Independent Ifin support of, or in opposition to, a ballot proposal, check one: El Support I: Oppose El Check box if this expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Statewide Proposal Name a. Election Day Busing of Voters To The Polls b, DSiate Cards 0. CI Challengers Date Click for Memo Itemization Type PollWatcherS e. :1 Poll Workers f. Get?Out?The Vote Activity (Specify): Cumulative for Ballot Proposal Local Proposal Name indicate County Subtotal this page Grand Total of all Schedules 4B-G (Complete on last page of Schedule) $0.00 $0.00 Enter total on Line 8b of the Summary Pg. 3:553:19 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE 61?; BUREAU OF ELECTIONS DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS - 42717 1. CommIttee ID. Number SCHEDULE4E .. BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2_ Committee Name CItIzens for FaIr Government This Schedule itemizes: (Check either a or b. Use only for the purpose checked. 8- ElDebts and obligations owedgy or forgiven the committee OR b. Debts and obligations owed t_o or forgivenby the committee. 4. Type of Obligation 7, Date and amount Of 8. Cumulative 9. Outstanding 3. Name and Mailing Address of person, vendor or (Description) each payment payment to Balance at ?nancial institution to whom debt is owed. date on debt close Of - period If debt is a bank loan, please provide information Siggnc?fgg date debt was (Item 6 minus regarding the endorsers or guarantors, if any. . . lt 6. Indicate orrgInal amount em 8) of debt Debt #1 4. e: Owed to or by: yp 5_ Date Debt Was Incurred 5,0riginal Amount of Debt If bank loan, name of endorser or guarantor: Amount Endorsed: 33 Debt #2 4 Owed to or by: 5. Date Debt Was Incurred 3 6, Original Amount of Debt FORGIVEN If bank loan, name of endorser or guarantor: Amount Endorsed: Debt #3 Owed to or by: 4? Type: 5. Date Debt Was Incurred 6. Original Amount of Debt FORGIVEN If bank loan, name of endorser or guarantor: Amount Endorsed: Page Subtotal (Outstanding debt) $0 . 00 Grand Total of all Schedules 4E (Complete on last page of Schedule showing amounts owed by or to the committee.) $0 . 00 A debt or obligation must be shown on this Schedule if there was an outstanding amount owed on it at the closing date of Enter this total this Campaign Statement or it was forgiven during the period covered by this Campaign Statement. 535;?; :33? or line 12b "owed to? of the 1 1 Summary Page Page of 1 2 ?and MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE :3 BUREAU OF ELECTIONS FUND RAISER 1. Committee 1D. Number 42717 SCHEDULE 4F . . . BALLOT QUESTION COMMITTEE 2- Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government USE A SEPARATE SHEET FOR EACH EVENT - 3. Date Event Was Held 4. Number of Individuals Attending 5. Type of Fund Raising Activity 6. Address and Name (if any) or Participating (whichever is of the place where the activity greater) was held Private Residence 7. Total Contributions 8. Other Receipts 9. Gross Receipts (Add lines 7 and 8) *lnoludes ln-Kind Contributions and All 10. Total Cost of Event Expenditures Made For the Event 11. I: Check if event was a joint fund raiser and complete the following: Co-Sponsor(s) Contribution Split Expenditure Split We) The committee is required to file a separate Fund Raiser Schedule for each fund raising event held during the period covered by the Campaign Statement. . Receipts and expenditures listed on a Fund Raiser Schedule must also be reported on the Itemized Contributions Schedule (4A), itemized ln-Kind Contributions Schedule Itemized Expenditures Schedule (48) and the Summary Page. . Each committee that participated in a joint fundraiser must file a Fund Raiser Schedule for the event. page 12 of 12 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS CANDIDATE COMMITTEE COVER PAGE Report must be legible. pad or printed in ink and si ?ned by the treasurer (or deSigna ed record keeper) and can idate. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. This Statement covers From: 04/17/17 to ?740 i7 1. Committee ID. Number 42717 2. Committee Name Citizens for Fair Goverment 4. Candidate Last Name First Name MI. 4a. Of?ce Sought Including District or Community Served (If applicable) 4b. County of Residence 5. Committee's Mailing Address PO Box 162 Bad Axe, MI 48413 Area Code and Phone (989) 259-5806 If the address in this box is different from the committee mailing address on the Statement of Organization, mail may be sent to this address by the ?ling of?cial. 6. Treasurer's Name Residential Address Arlene Schipinski 3:27; 3151 Tomlinson Rd Filion, Ml 48432 15:1 Area Code Phone (989) 658'2574 7. Treasurer's Business Address Area Code and Phone 8. Designated Record keeper's Name and Mailing Address (if the committee has a Designated Record keeper) Brian Pawlowski 3162 Filion Rd Filion, MI 48432 (989) 269-6377 Area Code and Phone 9. TYPE OF STATEMENT 9e. Dissolution of Candidate Committee 93- I:IPre-Election 0R 9b_-Post-Election DPrimary EIGeneral DConvention DSpecial DSchocl EICaucus Date of Election, Convention or Caucus Pre-Election or Post-Election Statement relates to: Required ONLY if candidate is not on the ballotfor the current year: DJuly Quarterly El October Quarterly 90' I:IAnnual Statement Coverage Year 9d. Amendment to Campaign Statement (Complete Item 9a, 9b, 90 or 9e to indicate which Statement is being amended.) checking this item llWe certify any outstanding debt by the committee to the candidate or his or her spouse is here by discharged and forgiven, and no longer collectible from the committee. The committee has no oustanding assets, owes no lates fees or has any oustanding debt. Further, if the dissolution cannot be granted, that this be considered a request for the Reporting Waiver. Effective date of dissolution 7-10-51?! Note: The disposition of residual funds must be reported on Schedule 18 and the Summary Page. 10. Veri?cation: l\We certify that all reasonable diligence was used in the preparation of this statement and attached schedules (if any) and to the best of my\our knowledge and belief the contents are true, accurate and complete. 1 Current Treasurer or Designated Record keeper Arlene Schipinski Type or Print Name Candidate Signature I Date Type or Print Name Signature Authority granted under PA. 388 of 1976 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS SUMMARY PAGE CANDIDATE COMMITTEE 42717 1. Committee ID. Number 2_ Committee Name Citizens for Fair Government RECEIPTS Column I Column This Period Cumulative this election cycle 3. Contributions - . a. Itemized (Schedule 1A Column 6) 3; 5 - b. Unitemized (less than $20.01 each - no Schedule) NOT APPLICABLE 0. Subtotal of "Contributions" (18.) 4. Other Receipts (Schedule 1A Column 6) (4.) (19.) 5? 0 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND OTHER RECEIPTS (5.) (20.) (Add Line BC Line 4) IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURES 6. In-Kind Contributions (Schedule Column 7) (6.) (21.) 7. In-Kind Expenditures (Schedule 1B-IK, Column 6) (7.) (22.) EXPENDITURES 8. Expenditures . 5 a. Itemized (Schedule 18, Column 5) 55 (I I - b. Itemized Get-Out?the-Vote (Schedule 1B-G) 0. Unitemized (less than $50.01 each - no Schedule) (80.) 5 9. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add Line 8a Line 8b Line 8c) (9.) 5 I (23.) INCIDENTAL EXPENSE DISBURSEMENTS (Of?ceholders Only) 10. Disbursements a. Itemized (Schedule 10, Column 6) (10a) b. Unitemized (less than $50.01 each - no Schedule) (10b.) 11. TOTAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSE DISBURSEMENTS (Add Line 10a Line 10b) (11.) (24.) DEBTS AND OBLIGATIONS 12. Debts and Obligations a. Owed by the Committee (Schedule 1E) (12a.) b. Owed to the Committee (Schedule 1E) (12b.) BALANCE STATEMENT 13. Ending Balance oflast report ?led (13.) 5? 0 I . (Enter zero if no previous reports have been ?led.) ., - I.) 0 14. Amount received during reporting period (14.) 5 - (Line 5, Total Contributions Other Receipts) 15. SUBTOTAL Add lines 13 and 14 16. Amount expended during reporting period (Add lines 9 and 11) - 17. ENDING BALANCE (Subtract line 16 from line 15) (15): I S: (957.15 (17.) ?51 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS 42717 SCHEDULE 1A 1. Committee ID. Number CANDIDATE COMMITTEE 2. Committee Name for Fa? Government Enter contributor?s name and address. If contribution is from an individual, enter last name, ?rst name, 6. Amount 7. Cumulative for middle initial. Check box to indicate if contribution is from a Political Committee or an Independent ., Election Cycle for Each Committee (PAC) Report a_H contributions regardless of amount. 5 0 Contributor (Through date of receiptContribution #1 PAC Receipt. YES 4. Date of Receipt Oct - ac, ?l [a Name Address: 0 DD 3. 60-? 50. 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo ltemization' Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution #2 PAC Receipt? '1 YES 4. Date of Receipt Name Address 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: DDirect Loan from a person Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 3 PAC Receipt? YES 4, Date of Receipt Name Address: 58 Click Here for Memo ltemization El 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct El Loan from a person El Fund Raiser 3. Contribution 4 PAC Receipt? YES 4, Date or Receipt Name Address 5. If over $100.00 cumulative, please provide: Click Here for Memo itemization Occupation Employer Business Address Type of Contribution: Direct El Loan from a person '3 Fund Raiser Page Subtotal 2 0 Grand Total of All Schedules 1A 50. 0 (Complete on last page of Schedule) Enter this total on line 33 of Summary Page I of Page. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE Jc. BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 1B CANDIDATE COMMITTEE 1. Committee I. D. Number 2. Committee Name ?g (- GT0 L/a7l?7 3. Name and address of person or vendor to whom paid 4. Purpose (Required Information) 5. Date 6. Amount Expenditure #1 Name a OIMM Address WA @053 I7 IthFancILnJr #29411) mi" 484)?) 2&4 4&6 4 5 Um Purpose: Click Here for Memo ltemization Type Check box if this expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Expenditure #2 as ?ad Name Address El Fund Raiser 1/2; 547$ Z3390 . . . Dt Purpose: 490341136 [Ml/~53 m? I 88 Click Here for Memo ltemization Type gCheck box if this expenditure is payment of tor obligation reported on previous statement Expenditure #3 QSPS Name Address I: Fund Raiser 2C), 4D . Date I Purpose. ID 05 a ma 5. than Click Here for Memo ltemization Type I:ICheck box if this expenditure is payment of debt or obligation reported on previous statement Expenditure #4 Name (3 zen ?9 Z1.) [Ad 6 n?i?g?bl Address '0 0- 60X AM A25, #8413 Fund Raiser . ?aH7 so 7 Date EL Purpose: 2&0 a 0T Click Here for Memo ltemization Type El Check box if this expenditure is payment of debtor obligation reported on previous statement Expenditure #5 Name Address Purpose: Date Fund Raiser Click Here for Memo Itemization Type Check box if this expenditure is payment of debtor obligation reported on previous statement Page of Subtotal this page e251". '5 Grand Total of all Schedules 18 (Complete on last page of Schedule) 9571/5 Enter this total on line Ba of Summary Page