. Case.-ci;,flOQ34-JRH-BKE Document 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Page 2 of 81 FlleNumoer: Al-2173732 SECRBT,l,lNOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLY Recording Name: 170603_ 0l.WA \ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF. JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Source File Information 170603 01.WAV VERBATIM TRANSCRIPTION Participants: SAG SAT RW UM Special Agent Justin C. Garrick Special Agent R. Wallace Taylor Reality Lee Winner Unknown Male SBCRET//NOFOID-! UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08106 Abbreviations: [PH] [OV] [SC] [ill] [sic] [IA] [UM] Phonetic Overlapping voices Simultaneous conversation Unintelligible As stated Inaudible Unknown male SECRIIT//1'/0FORJ>! UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08107 AG: This is my partner W-partner, Wally Taylor. SAT: Hey, how are you? RW: [OV] Hey. SAT: How are you? RW: Good. How you doing? SAG: Good. How's your day today? [noises] ~ RW: Uh, it's pretty good. Just got some groceries. SAG: All right. SAT: Let's show you who we are. SAG: Okay, well, the reason we're here today is that we have a search warrant for your house. RW: Okay. [noises] SAG: All right. Uh, do you know what this might be about? RW: I have no idea. SAG: Okay. This is about, uh, possible mishandling of classified information. RW: Oh my goodness. Okay. SAG: [OV] Mm-hmm. So, whatwe've got is, uh-again, got a warrant. Uhm, and I'm happyto show it to you. WhatI'dliketo do is sit down, talk you with a-talk with you about it. RW: Mm-hmm. SAG: Kind of go over what-what's going ori. Uh, talk to you, kind of get your-your side of it. And of course, you-completely voluntary to talk to me. Uhm, we can-uh-we can talk here. Uh, our office is about five minutes away. Uh, if you 8ECRIIT//1'10FORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08108 want to-if you'd rather talk there, then we can do either one. It makes no differenceto me. RW: Okay. SAT: Do you have any pets? RW: I do. I have two pets. SAT: [OV] Because you've been gone awhile, sod-do we need to maybe let them out and use the bathroom and stuff like that? RW: [OV] I-I do. Would you mind ifI at least get some perishables into the fridge? SAT: [OV] And we can do that too, but what we're going to have to-Is it, do you live by yourself/ RW: Yes. SAT: Okay. What we're going to have to do is we're going to have to go into the house first and make sure it's-it's safe. We have a- RW: [OV] Absolutely. SAT: -search warrant and sow-we're a-we're going to. RW: Absolutely. SAT: Okay. And what we'll do is we'll keep you out here until we do that- RW: [OV] Uh-huh. SAT: -and once we secure it, we'll, uh-[noise] then we can kind of go from there, okay? RW: Of course. SAT: Is your dog friendly? RW: Okay, so she does not like men. SAT: Okay. RW: So. SBCRl-lT,',lNOFORl>IUNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08109 . CasEaiiiil-cr-DM3.4-.JRH-BKE Document 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Page 6 of 81 File Numl:ier:-Al-2IT3732 8BCRET/!NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLY RecordingName: 170603_ 0 I.WA\ SAT: [OV]Sothat'saproblem. [laughs] RW: Uhm. SAG: [laughs] RW: However, and she might, uhm, come towards you. SAT: Okay. RW: She's never bitten anybody. She's not aggressive. SAT: Okay. RW: She'sjust got, you know, a really good growl going. She'llprobablyjust hide under my desk. SAG: Okay. SAT: [OV] Okay. Do you have a-am-a leash or something where we could- RW: [OV]Ihavealeash. SAT: [OV] Okay. RW: [OV] lcangetherleashedup. SAT: [OV] So what we might want to do is maybe let you go in there with her. And you're not to touch anything else, you're not to do anything else but get the dog and bring it out here. RW: [OV]Yes,lcandothat. SAT: [OV] Are we cool? We-w- RW: [OV] I can move her straight to the backyard. SAT: [OV] Because other-otherwise, if-if we're going to have a problem, we're not going to do that. RW: Of course. SAT: [OV] So. 8BCRET/A>!OFOfil! UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08110 RW: [OV] I understand. SAT: Okay. SAG: Okay. SAT: Uhm, house key? RW: House key. [noise] SAT: We also have a warrant to search the car, too. RW: Yes. SAT: Okay. Do you have a cell phone? [noise] [pause] Okay. [noises] And we'll take that and then we'll-uh-we'll kind of go from there, okay? RW: Of course. SAT: Uhm, but like he said, we're-we're completely voluntary, completely up to you on. But, you know, I think maybe it-it'd beworthyourtimeto listen at least foralittle bit. RW: Definitely. Ubm- SAT: [OV] Okay? And we'll kind of figure out what's going on. RW: Definitelyhereto- SAT: [OV] Okay. RW: -uhm, comply. SAT: [OV]Uhm,sowhydon'twe. RW: Her leash is, uh, two feet inside the door where I left it this morning. SAT: [OV]Okay. RW: I can move her straight to the backyard. SAT: [OV] Are there any weapons in the car? In the house? SECRET//l'IOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08111 r;,,,",-r.-Rr..NlllU-lRH~ F1'l e Nunmer. fiT-L:l~{'j'/j,c-0ETJN RecordingName: 170603_01.WA'. Dae• RW: In the house, yes. SAT: What do you have? RW: IhaveanAR-15. SAT: Is it pink? RW: It's pink. SAT: Okay. RW: How'dyouknow? [laughs] SAT: [laughs] [background 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Pa.qe8 of 81 UNCLASSIFIED//FOKOFFICIAL USE ONLY -01 noises] RW: Uhm, I have a Glock Nine under the bed. SAT: [OV] Okay. RW: And a-uhm-a 15 gauge. SAT: You sound like my house. Okay. SAG: [OV] Okay. SAT: We're good then. SAG: All right. Just don't make any-any movements for that and then we're- SAT: [OV] And-and- RW: Yeah. SAT: Yeah,I mean, we're all cool. SAG: [OV] Yeah, I mean, kind of obvious. RW: Yeah. SAG: [OV] Okay. SBCRBT//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08112 SAT: [OV] You can p- There's a-that little fenced-in area is where you can put her? RW: Yes,yes,andyouwon'teven- SAT: [OV]Okay. SAG: [OV] Okay. RW: -you-you won't take your eyes off of me. SAT: [OV] And we'll get a water.We can get her water and all that kind of stuft',but let's-let's- SAG: Yeah, she's going to been in there- SAT: [OV] -let's go ahead and secure her, Ithink, and then thatway- SAG: [OV] Mm-Junm. SAT: -and then maybe we can put some of your stuff in the fridge. RW: Of course. SAT: And then we'll kind of- RW: Yes. SAT: [OV] -we'll go from there, okay? SAG: Okay. SAT: So let's do that. SAG: Good deal. [noises] SAT: And this other guy behinduh- SAG: [OV] Go on. SAT: -is with us as well. And we're probably going to have a few more people SECRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08113 . r.riseallili'-cr-0003<1..-JRH-BKE Document 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Page 10 of 81 File Numoer:-~l-2fTJTJ2 SBCRET,1/NOFOR\'lUNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Recording Name: 170603~01.WA'. showing up here [noise] directly. RW: [OV] Of course. [noises] SAG: [coughs] RW: Doo doo l0FORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08150 SAT; [laughs] SAG; So you're positive you've never printed anything out that was outside of your work role? RW; Trying to think. SAT: [clears throat] RW: Because I know. I mean, like, there's NSA Pulse, and every now and then I print articles from there like, as scratch paper. Like, it sounds really dumb. Like, now that I'm thinking about it, like, the things that I did were really dumb. But those always go into the, ubm, the bum bin. SAG; Okay. What kind of articles from Pulse do you pull out? [barking) RW: Uhm, usually reference material about, like, -Uhm,justmaking sure, like, so many references that I keep having to relook up- SAG; [OV] Mm-hmm. RW; -it's just-I'm verytextile, so ifit'sjust, like,rightonmy desk, I canlookatit instead of flipping through windows. SAT: Mm-hmm. RW: So that's probably fraud, waste, and abuse right there. [laughs] SAG: Okay. RW: [laughs] SAT: We're not worried about fraud, waste, and abuse. RW: [OV] Okay. SAG: No. RW: I use a lot of paper. Uhm, but nothing outside of, like, Iranian stuff or anything else out of that, and never outside of the building. SAG: Okay. Reality, what if I said that I have the information to suggest SECRET//NOFOIUI UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08151 that you did print out stuff that was outside of that scope? RW: Okay. I would have to try to remember. SAG: Okay. What if, uh, I said that you printed out information related to, uh, reports SAT: Reality-uh-you know-we obviously know a lot more than-than what we're telling you atthis point. And I think you know a lot more than what you're telling us atthis point. I don't want you to go down the wrong road. I think you need to-to stop and think about what you're saying and what you're doing. Uhmyou know-I-I think it's a-an opportunity to maybe tell the truth. Because, uh, telling a-telling a lie to an FBI agent is not going to be the right thing. RW: Mm-hmm. SAT; Okay? Uhm, you know-and again, we're here voluntarily. You're talking voluntarily. I'm not asking you-forcing you to do anything. RW: Mm-hmm. SAT: But think-that's-that's what I'm asking you to do, is to think. So, think about what he just asked. RW: Mm-hmm. SAT: Andlet,youknow. RW: - SAT: Hmm. SAG; Which one was that? And- RW: [OV]Mm. SAG: -mind the-the RW: [OV] Sensitivity. There was one I printed out because I wanted to read it. sensitivities SECRBTI/NOFORH of the- UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08152 SAG: Can you remember what day you printed it out? [pause] RW: I might mess up the date, but late-late March, early A-first two weeks of April. SAG: First two weeks of April? SAT: And what was it? RW: Itwasa[cough] RW: -it was an NSA Pulse article about RW: And yeah, I did-I did print that one out. SAG: Okay. Uhm, why, uh, why did you print that one out? RW: Uhm, I wanted to read it andljust-I-the way I downloaded it, it just was hard for me to read and I wanted to just look at it because-it looked like a piece of history. SAG: Mm-hmm. RW: You know? Uhm, so I wanted to have that on my desk for, like, a day. SAG: Okay. Did you, uh, how did you find it? RW: Uhm, so when you open up Pulse, it has the- SAG: [clears throat] RW: -uhm, there's a little window at the top right that says, uhm, top articles. SAG: Mm-hmm. RW: And sometimes I scan those. Uhm, I don't know if you saw the one about the miniature ponies, but that one was, uh- SBCRETJ/NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08153 SAG: I missed that one. SAT: [laughs] RW: Yeah, it was number one for, like, a year, so- SAG: [snorting noise] RW: -obviously Igo to check that now to make sure any other gems, and then that one was right there. And, you know ,just-I saw on the news, and I was like, I wanttoreadthis. And.Yeah. SAG: Okay. And what did you do with the article? RW: Ikeptitonmydeskfor,like,threedays. Uhm,l'mgoingtobehonest,I read, like, half ofit. I don't-it was, like, the stupidest thing ever. And then I burn bagged it in the box that's-has a little slat on it by the fridge. SAG: Okay. Uhm, how about any other times? RW: Any other times? SAG: Did you search for anything on the- RW: Uhm, that did spark my curiosity and so, like, I just kept tabs on reading those articles. Uhm, looking at, uh, the was interesting to me. SAG: [OV] Mm-hmm. RW: So I did reads-some of those. SAG: Okay. Did you ever go searching for them? Ever go digging? RW: Uhm, nothing more than, like, a [laughs] a ten-minute detraction from work, you know? any other times? SECRBTI/-HOFO!Ut UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08154 SAG: [OV] Okay. What, uh, what were you-how would you do it? RW: Uh, just type in the search box, - SAG: Okay. All right. Did you print out any of those articles? RW: Uhm, let me think. No. The-the only one was just the one that was, like, SAG: Okay. SAG: Was it, uh, what was the-talking around it. What was the. And you're pretty sure that it was late April, early March? Think about, uh, try to remember, like, details in your personal life and- RW: I know, I'm trying to-I remember that week, I got in a fight with the boyfriend that week. Uhm, April. Let's see, March, April. [sighs] When did I breakup with him? [sighs] Maybe we started dating in March, so. It had to have been sometimeinApril. Uhm. [noises] I'mjustreallygoing blank on what week that was. I'm trying to think what weekend-what the weekend was like after that. I'm so sorry. Uhm-- SAG: [OV] No. It's okay. RW: [OV] -I'm trying. Uhm. I mean, yeah, mid-April is, like, all I'm thinking. SAT: [clears throat) SAG: Okay. All right. What ifl told you that I know that you searched for and printed out a document on the ninth of May? and then scroll. - 8ECRET/l}IOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08155 RW: Ninth ofMay. [pause] Let's see, the CrossFit competition was on the 12th. Was it really that late? [pause] Uh, I guess I-I can't argue that Uhm. SAG: Okay. RW: If you-if you know-I mean-obviously you know. Uhm- SAG: [OV] Okay. RW: fmjust-I-1 can't imagine. [sighs) I guess we're already June already, so yeah. It's been a really bad month for me, so. SAT: This would have been three and a half, four weeks ago, roughly. SAG: [OV] Mm-hmm. RW: [OV] Yeah. [noises] SAG: Okay. Do you remember what you did to get to that article? R W: Other than either seeing it on the front page or linking it from another. I'm just. SAG: Do you remember what search terms you might have put in? RW: Probably Yeah. SAG: Okay. So, you printed out the document-you printed out a document, uh, intelligence report on-on this. You-you do recall that? RW: Yes, I do remember now, yeah. SAG: Okay. [sighs] What did you do with that document? R W: Like I said, 1-1kept it on my desk for three days because I just-I thought it was interesting and I thought I would read it. And then I said no, and I need to not leave it out on my desk, so I- 8ECRET//NOFORN: [laughs] l'mnotvery sophisticated. Uhm. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08156 SAG: [OV] Mm-hmm. RW: -put it in the burn bag. SAG: You put it in the burn bag? RW: [OV] Yeah. SAG: [OV] Okay, where's the bum bag? RW: Okay, so the burn bags are [sighs] in the break rooms and they're tbis little white box with the slat, and it's one over from the fridge. SAG: Okay. RW: In White Law. SAG: So you just-you slide it in there and then- RW: [OV] Youslideitinthere,yeah. SAG: And then it's taken care of/ RW: Yeah. SAG: Okay. RW: It's. SAG: All right. Reality, are you sure that's what you did with it? RW: Yes. SAG: You're positive? RW: Yes. SAT: You didn't take it out of the building? RW: No. 8ECREI/JNOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08157 SAG: Okay. You didn't take it out of the building and give itto anybody else? RW: No. SAG: You didn't send it? RW: No. SAG: You didn't send it to anyone? RW: No. SAG: Okay. SAT: [sighs] SAG: Reality, uh, can you guess how many people might have printed out that document? RW: No. SAG: It's not many. That document has made it outside. Okay? Obviously, because we're here. RW: Obviously, yeah. Crap. SAG: The most likely candidate, by far and away, is you. Now, I don't- [sigh] -I don't think you are, you know, a big bad master spy, okay? I don't. I don't think that. I think that-I've looked at the evidence [noises] and it's compelling. Now, I'm not sure why you did it, and I'm curious as to that, but I think you might've been angry over everything that's going on, politics-wise. Because you can't turn on the-you can't turn on the TV without getting pissed off. Or at least 8ECRET/A>,OFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08158 I can't. And I think you might've made a mistake. Now, why I'm here and why I want to talk to you, is to figure out the why behind this, okay? So, I ask you again-did you take it out and send it? RW: I didn't. I put it in the burn bag. SAT: [sighs] RW: I mean, I'm trying to deploy. I'm not trying to be a whistleblower. That's crazy. SAG: Hmm. So how would you think that a document would end up getting out? RW: I-I mean, there's-there-I mean, I-let's-let's bes-straight-there's security on documents. Nobody pats you down. SAG: Mm-hmm. RW: You know, and we talk about it all the time because it's like, oh, I have to show my food. Oh, "you eat so healthy," like, every day, you know? A-and people about it at work. You've got a building full of geniuses, right? Like just. I guess I'm nervous and talking, but no, I mean, the I-that's the last thing I would've wanted to do with that. Especially with, you know, right now, trying to get somewhere else, trying to increase my clearance. SAG: Mm-hmm. R W: You know? It was an article on and it was very sensitive and I thought I would be cool ifl had it on my desk for a couple days. SAG: Okay. But you remember-you said you remember putting it in the burn-in the burn bag? Sliding it in there. RW: Yeah. SAG: Okay. SBCRBT//NOFORN little to no UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08159 RW: [OV] Folded in half. I mean, I remember it. SAG: Folded in half? RW: Yeah, uh, it's-it-because it didn't-yeah, I folded it in half. SAG: [sighs] Okay. What ifl tell you that that document, folded in half, made its way outside ofNSA? [pause] RW: Idon't-ldon'tknow-that. SAG: It made its way- SAT: [clears throat] SAG: -out in an envelope, post-marked Augusta, Georgia. See, things are starting to get a little specific. RW: Okay. SAG: It made its way to an online news source that you subscribe to. Getting really specific. So, I'm going to ask you again. [pause] SAG: What is very, very, very compelling. I'd like to know the reason, because I don't think-I don't think you make it a habit out of this at all. At all. I really do. I think you just messed up. Now, I'm not quite sure why you did it, and gi;cRETJ/J>!OFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08160 I'd like to hear from you on that, butw-the what and the how is-would you agree, looks awfully bad? RW: Itlooks really bad. [pause] SAG: If you're angry about what's going on, if there's something that. Look, you've had a good career. You have. If there's something that just pushed you over the edge on this, now is the perfect time. This is a podium. SAT: You know, like he said, 1-1don't think we're coming in here to say you're some big bad mastermind- RW: All right. SAT: -prolific spy kind of thing. I-I think what we both think is that maybe you made a mistake. Maybe you weren't thinking for a minute. Maybe you got angry, like he said. I mean, that-that's-that's what I'm hoping. If that's-that's the case, then that makes us feel a little better knowing that we don't have a-areal serious problem here. You know, uh-uh that's something that concerns us, too, this isn't an ongoing problem. But we need to figure it out. And ifit was a mistake, let's deal with it. [pause] UM: Is this-is this a room? ls that a room? [UI] [background conversation] SAG: So how did you get it out of the office? RW: Folded in half in my pantyhose. SAG: Okay. [sighs] And what did you do with it? SECRBT,('NOFOID>I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08161 RW: Put it in an envelope and sent it to SAT: Anybody specifically there? [pause] RW: I don't think I put a name on it. I just put- SAT: Hadyoucornmunicatedwith RW: No. I wasn't trying to-wasn't trying to be a Snowden or anything. SAT: And that's what-I don't think you were, either. I really don't. And that's. But, uh, I-I think you made a mistake. But I th-th-I don't think either one of us thinkyou'retryingto be Snowden. RW: No, it was just that one document, because like you said, in SAT: Right. Mm. RW: [OV] The proof that-you know. And I guess it's just been hard at work because. And I've-I've filed formal complaints about them having Fox news on, youknow?Uh,justatleast,forGod'ssake,putAIJazeeraon, or aslideshow with people's pets. I've tried everything to get that changed. SAT: [OV] That would probably be a good thing. Unfortunately,it doesn't matter side you're watching, I think they're all [laughing] pretty bad- RW: [OV] I... Yeah. SAT: -right now, but- RW: [OV] Just. SAG: [OV] Uh. SAT: -I thinkthepetsmay bethewayto go. priortoyoudoingthat? With- thellllllllll SECRIIT//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08162 [noises] RW: The pets would have been great. Uhm, but just having that every day, and then SAT: [OV] Right. RW: Yeah. SAT: Where did you mail it from? RW: The mailbox is on Bastonne [PH] Road. SAT: Okay. RW: It's in a shopping center with a bank and an Earth Fare grocery store. SAT: Okay. I know where you're talking about. RW: Uhm, intersection of Bastonne [PH] and Furys Ferry. SAT: [OV] Furys Ferry. Okay. SAG: Mm-hmm. RW: I can never say that, Furys Ferry. SAT: And it was just a mailbox sitting out in the middle of the parking lot? RW: Metal box, yeah. SAT: Okay. SAG: [OV] Okay. RW: [OVJ And, uhm, it was- SAT: [OVJ Do you remember what day that was? RW: [sighs] What day of the week was the ninth? SECRBTIINOPORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08163 SAT: [sighs] Let's see, it's- SAG: [OV] We'll check. Do you need some water or something? [noise] RW: I would like some water once I find out what day of the week it was. SAG: Okay. SAT: Let's see, I want to say it was. lfl can figure out this crazy phone. I want to say it was a Tuesday. SAG: [coughs] RW: Tuesday. SAT: It was a Tuesday. RW: Tuesday. SAG: Is there something significant about- SAT: [OVJ Uh-- SAG: -the ninth in other ways? RW: No. The ninth must have just been the first day I saw it. Uhm. [sighs] SAT: So you. RW: I roight've-it-either the 11th or the 12th. lfl subbed yoga on the night of the 11th, then my yoga studio is right there. SAT: So it would've been Thursday or Friday? RW: Thursday or Friday. SAT: Okay. What yoga studio? SECRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08164 RW: It's called Oh Yeah Yoga. Uhm- SAT: [OV] Is it where Earth Fare is or is it somewhere else? RW: It's right across the street behind the CVS by the laundromat. SAT: Okay. Okay. There's, like, some limos- SAG: [OV] So- SAT: [OV] -or something, isn't that, there? SAG: [OV] Okay. Yeah. RW: [OV] Yeah. SAT: Yeah. SAG: So, you-you said you mailed it maybe Thursday or Friday? RW: Mm-hmm. SAG: Okay. How did you know to, uh-uh, mail itto RW: SAG: RW: Yes. SAG: Okay. So you wanted-you wanted, uh, this? RW: Yeah. to be able to publish SECRJIT,l/NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08165 [pause] SAT: Is that the only thing you've sent them? RW: Yeah. SAT: Did you send it anywhere else? RW: No. SAT: No? No other publications or anybody else that you've shown it to or given it to? RW: No. SAG: Is there going to be anything here that we're going to be surprised to find? RW: No. I- [sighs] I never took the document out of my car. SAT: Okay. Is there anything on your phone or your computer? RW: The phone might have a. I don't know ifl deleted it, but I'm sure you~ see all of that anyway. It's going to have a screenshot of the address to - SAG: Okay. SAT: Okay. SAG: You mentioned you want some water? RW: Yes. SAT: Yeah, why don't we- SAG: [OV] I'll make it. Uh-I'm just going to get somebody out here. Hey, can I can have somebody in here, please? UM: Uh, yeah. SAG: Uh, do you want a bottle of water? What's-what's your preference? RW: Uhm. SllCRBT/JNOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08166 SAG: Do you have a filter in the fridge, or do you just want tap water? RW: Tap water. There's a glass or a mason jar by the sink. SAG: Okay. Can I get one person to just stand there so I can [IA]. [background conversation] UM: Do you guys [Ul]. I don't think you'll fit in there anymore. She won't fit in there anymore. SAT: [laughs] She still under the bed? UM: Huh? SAT: (OV] Cat? Is the cat still under the bed? UM: Oh, she's a big girl. SAT: [laughs] RW: Oh yeah. We're trying. SAT: How old is she? RW: [sighs] She's three years now. Uhm, she's actually on my lease as Queen Latifah. SAT: [laughs] RW: We're trying to get her down to, like, a Beyonce size ten. SAT: [laughs] RW: But girl likes to eat. UM: [OV] Oh yeah. RW: She likes carbs. UM: She's gotalittleslimfitonher. SECRETl~IOFORJ>I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08167 r.":,c:-,,.M..nDLl?..t-lRH-BKE Doc~ent 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Page 64 of 81 F1.le Nurrroer: r.T-£1-fj,jC SBCRBTJ/N ORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOROFFICIAL USE ONLY Recording Name: 170603_01.WA\ SAT: That's right RW: [sighs] UM: When she came out, I was like, whoa. RW: Yeah, she will snatch bread right out of my mouth, like-- SAT: [OV] Wow. RW: -girl, you don't need those. SAT: [laughs] SAG: Water. RW: Ah. Thanks. SAT: So other than the screenshot on the phone, there shouldn't be anything else? And there should be nothing on the laptop? RW: Nothing on the laptop. I do have a TOR browser. SAT: Okay. SAG: [OV] It's a- SAT: [OV] Uhm- RW: [OV]Whichprobablylooksbadbutl- SAG: What do you use-what do you use the TOR browser for? [clears throat] RW: Uhm, there was one day when I was interested in WikiLeaks and then I opened it up once, I shouldn't have done. I was in betweenjobs,justhad gotten out of the Air Force-and, uhm, I opened it u-1 was at a Starbucks. And it was just. I guess I was really underwhelmed. There was just nothing there. [laughs] I was like, oh- SECRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08168 SAG: [laughs] RW: -Idon'tknowhowyoucanmakeuseofthisshit,butokay. SAG: [laughs] RW: Uhm, so yeah, that's why I have a TOR browser on the laptop. I don't think I used it again. SAG: Okay. RW: It was just more b-you hear so much about it. SAT: Right. RW: Icouldn'thelpit. SAG: [OV] Oh yeah. SAT: [OV] Most definitely. R W: [OV] Like, soon as I was out of the Air Force was like, that's what I'm going to do. SAG: Yeah, it's- RW: [laughs] SAG: -it's am-it's amazing how many people-it's like, I got to go see. Um. RW: [laughs]Yeah.Great. SAG: [OV] The-your computer has a [noises] password on it. Uh, would you mind giving us the password? RW: SAG: Okay. [pause] SAT: [sighs] SECRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08169 SAG: Have you had any contact with anyone from reach out? RW: No. I. Yeah, itjust. [sighs]Li-likeyousaid, ? Have you tried to Ijust,I-Isawthearticleand was like, I don't understand why this isn't a thing. And it-I just-SAT: [OV]Itmadeyoumad. RW: Itmademeverymad, SAT: [OV] Sure. RW: -it's right there. Uhm, and I don't care about. I-I just-I guess I didn't care about, like, myself atthatpoint, and just. Yeah. [noises] I guess. Yeah, I screwed up royally. SAG: Well, [sighs] [noises] that, uhm, like I said before, I don't-I don't see you-I believe you when you say that you didn't take anything else. I do. I think you made a mistake. RW: Mm-hmm.Yeah.Uhm- SAG: [OV] Has-have you ever-before you wetehere, when you were. Uhm. Actually, this wasn't necessarily before you were here. It depends on your TDY. Uh, wherever you. Like, where did you finish up in the Air Force? Like in November of this past year. RW: In November when I out-processed, I was up in Fort Meade. SAG: Okay. Uhm. Did you ever have any-do anything with a thumb drive? RW: Mm. [sighs] and- [background conversation] RW: Thumb drive. [sighs] SAG: Shortly before you left? RW: Shortly before I left. [sighs] [pause] Yeah, I was curious to see what would happen and the administrator thing popped up, and I was like, okay, whatever, and then threw the dumb thumb drive away. SAG: Okay, so you-you put a thumb drive into one of the computers? 8BCRET//'.NOFORPT UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08170 RW: Mm-hmm. SAG: What was the classification on the computer? RW: It was Secret. SAG: It was a Secret computer? RW: Yeah. SAG: Okay. Uhm, w- .. Yousaidyouwerecurious. RW: I guess I wanted to see how people were getting unclass pictures onto the high side. Like, I thought I would figure it out. SAG: You-you guess or? RW: [laughs] SAG: I mean-- RW: Yeah. SAG: You're equivocating on that. So-so. Because you were just aboutto leave, so what's the point of- RW: [OV] I've- SAG: -plugging a thumb drive in a computer? You see where I'm going with this? RW: Yeah. I just. Yeah, I figured if there was a day to try to figure that out, I Why were you curious? mean. Yeah. But. SAG: Did you put anything onto the thumb drive? RW: No. SAG: Did you plan on putting anything into the thumb drive? RW: No. I mean, ifl was really lazy, probably my resume, which had just SECRET//1'10FORJ>I UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08171 been approved, but. No. SAG: Okay. SAT: So otherthan this-this one document, there was nothing else, either here or there- RW: No. SAT: -that you accessed, took out, put on a thumb drive, printed and mailed any of that? RW: No. SAT: No? Okay. SAG: Okay. [coughsJUhm, in regards to the documentthatyou did put out, when you did you realize that-the technical capabilities in that article? RW: Sources and methods. SAG: Sources and methods are valuable to adversaries. RW: Yeah. SAG: Did you know that before you printed it off, as you were taking it out? RW: Yes. SAG: Okay. Uhm, did you know that if that got out, that those sources and methods could be compromised? RW: If they haven't been already, then yes. SAG: Okay. W-with that in mind, why did you make the decision to send it anyway? RW: [sighsJ I had figored that, uhm, SBCRET//NOFOID-r UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08172 • that it didn't matter anyway. Uhm, honestly, uh, I just figured that whatever we were using had already been compromised, and that this report was just going to be like a-one drop in the bucket. SAG: Now, did you know that thatbeen compromised for a fact? in that report-did you know that that had RW: No, I wasn't smart enough to check that. out. SAG: Okay. And [sighs] you're-you are aware that sending-that not have, uh, authorized access to classified information? RW:· Iamawareofthat. SAG: And you were aware of that at the time that you sent it? RW: I was aware. SAG: Okay. does [pause] SAG: [sighs] Okay. ls there anything else that you want to tell me about? Say? Talk about why? [pause] RW: No, it was just. Yeah, just that-that day-that week, it was just too much and justs it back and watch it and think, why do I havethisjob ifl'mjustgoingto sit back and be helpless and, youknow,just-itwasjust. [noises] Oops, sorry. Uhm, yeah. I just thought that that was the final straw. [IA] 8ECRETJ/NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08173 SAG: [OV] Was there something that-that just kind of [fingers snapping] did it? SAT: [cough] SAG: Because you don't seem the type to do this. 1-1believe it. I want to believe it. RW: I-I'm-I'm not. 1-I'tn not. You know, I-I want-I want to go out with our Special Forces. That's why I got out of the Air Force. I mean, that's why I'm here in Augusta. I wanted my clearance back so I could get a deployment, and it was just at a time when I wasn't applying for deployments. I had, you know, seven, eight months left of ajob that didn't mean anything to me because it's Iran, and I'm a Pashto linguist. Like, what am I doing translating Farsi? Itjust-itjust - I felt really hopeless and, uhm, seeing that infonnation that had been contested back and forth back and forth in the public domain for so long, trying to figure out, like, with everything else that keeps getting released and keeps getting leaked-why isn't this gettingwhy isn't this out there? Why can't this be ublic? SAG: Okay. Were you surprised to see us today? RW: Yeah.Actually, I thought that, [laughs] uh, you were people coming to ask about the house, because it's still for lease online. Uh- SAG: [OV] Because you did not seem srnprised when we pulled up. [laughs] RW: Oh, God-well, 1-1have a resting bitch face, so I was just like, maybe they're going to turn around. SAT: [laughs] RW: And then FBI. I was just like, what is going on, you know? And you showed me your badge right up, and, uhm, I submitted a security packet yesterday, uh, for my clearance on E-QIP. So, uh, that's what I thought it was for. I'm like, why are you guys going to question me for my own clearance? But. .. SAG: Okay. 8ECRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08174 RW: Yeah. SAG: [sighs] So. RW: [OV] Guess that's not going to happen. SAG: [sighs] Well. [sighs] SAT: Anything else you can think of/ Okay. SAG: Okay. Uhm, what we have to do is we have to do the search. RW: Of course. SAG: Uhm, now you said that. [coughs] I'm sorry. I have a sinus infection, so I sound- RW: [OV] It's okay. SAG: -l'm-solsoundawful. RW: [OV] This is the best room to be in with it. [noises] SAG: RW: Yes. SAG: [OV] Okay. RW: [OV] If it's there. SAG: Do you remember the site from memory? RW: Uhm, it's just the- and if you go, scroll down, at the bottom- uhrn-contact. It-it's not as obvious as you think. [noise SAG: [OV] Mm-hrn. ggcRBT//NOPORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08175 SAG: How long did it take you to find it? RW: Ulun, uh-uh, probably like three minutes of scrolling, which probably felt like an eternity sitting in my car. SAT: Mm-hmm. SAG: Okay. RW: Yeah. SAG: You said that the document stayed in your car- R W: Yes. SAG: -whole time? Okay. Did you have a-a-where did you get the envelope? RW: Box of envelopes is, uhrn, in the backseat of the car, behind the driver's seat. I just, uhrn, had a bunch of forms I needed to mail out last December, so, ulun, they'd been sitting back there since December. SAG: Okay. And the stamps? RW: Stamps. There might be one or two left, but I keep my stamps in my glove box, in case I need to mail things out, like bills and stuff. SAG: Okay. In your glove box? RW: In my glove box, yes. SAG: Okay. [sighs] All right. Trying to think ifl've got anything else. UhmThe-the search-the guys will continue the search. Uh, they'll search the vehicle and the house, and, uh, uhm, and the photograph-they'll photograph everything. Uhm, and, uh, you, uh, the search team leaderis going to sit down with you and go through things that have been seized. Uhm, uh, your passport. Where is that? RW: My passport is-it is either on the trunk in front of the TV or on-in the center part of the desk, or in the closet in a camouflage backpack in the top front compartment. SAG: Okay. SECRET,1/~!0FORN . UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08176 SAT: Yeah. RW: Sorry. SAG: [OV] Reason- RW: [OV] I OCD-ljust [UI] these things. SAG: [OV] Okay. Reason-reason I ask is that, uh, you went to Belize. RW: Belize. SAG: Did you meet with anybody in Belize? RW: No. I stayed at a resort. Uhm, a family of four. Uhm, if you have my phone or my computer, you11see the emails back and forth with the family. And, uhm, they picked me up, took me to the resort and then took me back. SAG: Okay. Uhm, did you include anything in the envelope that you sent to. - [background conyersation] RW: SAG: RW: SAG: Okay. So, did you include any notes or anything like that? RW: No. SAG: Okay. Any identifiers? RW: No. SAG: Did you-mm-ps-put in anything that would, uh, give them a way to contact you or that you were traveling to Belize? RW: Absolutely not, no. SAG: Okay.All right. So. [sighs] S:OCRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08177 UM: [UI] [background conversation] SAG: Do you have any questions for me? RW: So many. Uhm. SAG: Mm-hmm? RW: This-this sounds really bad. Am I going to jail tonight? SAT: [UI] SAG: I don't know the answer to that yet. RW: Okay. SAT: What was your question? Sorry. SAG: [OV] If she's going to jail tonight. SAT: Oh. SAG: Said I don't know the answer to that- RW: [OV] Okay. Of- SAG: -quite yet. RW: [OV] -course the search is going on. Uhm, in any case of that, I do not have memorized, uhm, the woman-her name is Cathy-she works at the Augusta Humane Society. · SAT: Okay. RW: Uhm, she can come and pick up the dog in the case that I, uhm, uhm, am not going to be here tonight. SAT: Yeah. Well, let's don't- SAG: [OV] Okay. SAT: Yeah. 8ECRET/~IOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08178 RW: [OV] You know, and that's- SAT: [OV] Let's don't get the cart before the horse right now. SAG: [laughs] RW: Okay. SAT: [OV] Okay? RW: [OV] That's-that is my only concern- SAT: [OV]Iunderstand,i-it- RW: [OV] -is getting her[noises] SAG: [OV] Yeah. RW: -and then maybe one more phone call to get the cat covered. SAT: We'll figure that out. SAG: [OV] Well- SAT: [OV] If-ifit comes to that, we'll-we'll- SAG: [OV] -if-if that. SAT: [OV]-figurethatout. SAG: [OV] And I don't know the answer to that yet. And I'm going to- RW: [OV] Okay. SAG: -I'll-we'll-we'll-we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. RW: Okay. SAG: So, uh, [sighs] what else? RW: Well, my green NSA contractor badge is in the front seat of the car where I left it yesterday after work. Did not bring it into the house because I was lazy. Uhm, I guess I'm not going back to work, uh, on Monday, 8ECRET,l/l'!OFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08179 SAG: I don't have anything to do with that. RW: [sighs] Okay. SAG: Uhm, a lot of that might, you know-we'll-we'll figure that out, so. RW: [OV]Yeah.Okay.So. SAG: Is there anything at the-at your desk at work that I should be worried about? RW: I have an Anderson Cooper photo that is signed. It's not legit. Uhm. SAT: [laughs] SAG: [laughs] RW: It's-it-it-he's quite good looking so that is something that you must contend with. SAG: The m-the-the-the man cuts a figure, what can you say? [barking] RW: Yeah. Uhm, no. However, onmy keychain, uhm, I can give you the key to my locker. I use the locker directly to the left side of the desk, only the top portion, and it is locked. [noise] Uhm, if that is where you are searching, there's a grapefruit in there. SAT: There's nothing that shouldn't be-like that we would concerned about? RW: Oh,no. Classifieddocuments?No. SAT: [OV] Yeah, I'm not- RW: [OV] There shouldn't be any reports in there. SAT: [OV] -I'm not worried about a grapefruit or a picture of- SAG: No. SAT: -Anderson Cooper. RW: Okay. [laughs] Uhm, yeah, other than that, there's just a bunch ofrecycling. 8ECRET//NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08180 Uhm- SAT: Okay. R W: -and a folder of in-processing documents. SAT: Okay. SAG: Okay. [coughs] Uh, what else you got for me? What other questions? RW: [sighs] Uhm. [pause] Imean,justltold you that I sent a report, so. Yeah. And I feellike you're-if! ask you, like, what's going to happen to me, you're going to saythatyoudon'tknow atthispoint, so that'skindofmy only concern. And my ability to keep these two animals alive, uhm. SAT: We're going to take - If-if-if it-if it comes to that- SAG: [laughs] SAT: -Ipromiseyou- RW: Okay. SAT: [OV] Uh, everybody in this house will take care. SAG: [laughs] [OV] We're-we're not going to do the- RW: Yeah. SAT: Uh, we're not going to leave these animals, I promise you. RW: [OV] Okay. SAG: [OV] No. SAT: And it is-we truly don'tknow atfuis point. Uh-uh, youknow,he's going to have to go talk to some people.We're going to have to make some phone calls. RW: Mm-hmm. SAT: And we'll go from there. Uh-uh, I don't know that it's really our decision at this point. 8ECRIIT//NOFOR.N UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USA0-08181 SAG: It- RW: [OV] Yeah. SAT: [OV] Uhm- SAG: [OV] -and it's not. It's not. SAT: But. SAG: [sniffs] RW: Yeah. All I'm saying is I-I know, uhm, what I did, and so. At that point, I'm not thinking about myself anymore, so. SAT: [OV] Right. Well, why don't we, uh, start making some phone calls. SAG: Yeah. [sighs] SAT: So. Give you a break. If you want some more water or something. RW: I would love to use the restroom. How is that going to work? SAT: [OV] Okay. SAG: [OV] Oh. Yeah. SAT: [OV] Let's, uh, let me s--let's see- SAG: [OV] Let's- SAT: [OV]-uh-whereweare,ifwecan- SAG: [OV]Here,letme- SAT: -make that happen. [noises] SAG: [sighsJ [background conversationJ SAG: We just got to make sure that they're done, out of the bathroom, so we can give you privacy. 75 SECRET/~lOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO USA0-08182 Case 1:17-cr-00034-JRH-BKE Document 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Page 79 of 81 SECRET,l/NOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO File Number:-AT-2173732 Recording Name: 170603_01.W AV SAT: Hey, I'll stay in the bedroom. She can use the restroom. SAG: Okay. There's nothing in the, uh, in the restroom as far as weapons? RW: There's a nail clipperin the orange bag. SAT: Okay. SAG: Okay. SAT: I1hinkwecan, SAG: I think that's okay. UM: [laughs] RW: Okay. uh- [noises] UM: They taught us how to deal with those in the Academy when we were. UM: And we'll go stand here to the [UI]. UM: [OV] [UI] RW: Yes. Uhm [IA]. UM: You turn it off? SAG: It's still recording. Well. UM: [UI] two [UI]. SAG: Okay. [noises] UM: The ammo [UI] right next to the [UI]. [noises] [IA background conversation] 76 SECRET//NOFORl>I UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO USA0-08183 Case 1:17-cr-00034-JRH-BKE Document 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Page 80 of 81 8BCRilT/JNOFOR1'! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FileNumber:-AT-2173732 RecordingName: 170603_01.WAV [noises] [pause] UM: Rock River [PH]. [IA] [noises] [background conversation] UM: Did they take a picture of that? [noises] SAG: Okay. So for one, uhm, we'll, uh, we have a p-uh, would you like to sit down somewhere? RW: I'm fine. SAG: You're fine? RW: Yeah. SAG: Okay. Uhm. All right. Uh, obviously been recording. I'm going to, uh-uh-uh. SAT: What's up? SAG: Going to end the recording. SAT: I think so. SAG: [OV] And stop the interview. · UM: SAG: I think so. So this is at, uh, five-let's call it 5: 17 PM, ceasing recording on June third. [end of recording] 77 8BCRilT/JNOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO USA0-08184 Case 1:17-cr-00034-JRH-BKE Document 99-1 Filed 09/27/17 Page 81 of 81 8ECRET/JNOFORN UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO FileNumber:-AT-2173732 RecordingName: 170603 01.WAV 78 s:i;cru:m/NOFOfill UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO USA0-08185