CONSUMER COMPLAINT FORM A, .425, Office ohhelndiana AIIorneyGeneral Case Number.11371974 To prevent delay, please be sure in complete hour sides or "us In Tull Please clearry or type no "01 Incrude ynur Social Security Number an one [arm or In any accompanwng documents 1. YOUR INFORMATIU 2. WHO IS YOUR COMPLAINT [Mr I UMiss DMs, CID: II Address I Wm 7 any A 1'm Stanfile ZIP jaw 22 Counly flmf/V Phone '8 EsmaIIanL QWH--mja'm -- -- as; i A WHERE DIFTHE ARE COMPLAIHIHG Ariour TAKE (Check a I anre 7 memeIrrm'spIaceanusIness mMan 7 '73. WHETI DID uccum I El My name lntemeI/ermarl place urousrnesnwork convenrran' elc) DByle!ephone APR 2 ZUIE I Other 5. WHAT wAs THE VERY FIRST cumAcT BETWEEN vou Arm THE rum? 7 Be "m 59 Ell telephoned The firm EH responded lo a TV/ramo ad DA person came to my home Waived Inlurmarran By e-maIl renewed In the mall \j I mm In Ine lrrm's pIace ur nusrness I renewed a can 1mm me nun I responded In an olfer on (he Inremer I responded (u a advemsemenI Unmer s. on vnu To mscufim FOLLOWING To THE Humor 7 7 7. WHAT WAS THE THANSACTIEN The nature and slams 01 your cmrIpIaInt and me name or me firm? busmess Vaur name? as No My lamIly/nousehold Your phone number? No CI My Tarrn B. How DID vou fl Dflasn We" Card DMedIIzaid CIPrIva|e Insurance DCheck Tnsraumenr Loan El Medicare Earner 9. DID YOU SIGN ANY WRITTEN IF VES, PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE AGREEMENT. Ms am ML 1 Seen was Mr mthI/IEIH/beeflv For once Use Only. I Fran DYes 19i?0 12. HAVE YOU CONTACTED A PRIVATE ATTORNEY? DYes !BNo 13. HAVE YOU STARTED A COURl ACTION? IF YES, PLEASE ATTACH A COpy DF ALL COURT PAPERS. DYes BflO 14. HAVE YOU BEEN SUED DVER TIllS 'ISSUE? 'IF YES, 'PLEASE ATTACH A COpy OF ALL COURT PAPERS. DYes [)Mr 10. HAVE YOU COMPLAINED TO THE BUSINESS? (Check box when applicable) When? C}ltJf ~ ~ n r!bmafllJ h;tO~(TferJ ftJ (tVI 11. WITH WHAT OTHER AGENCY HAVE YOU FILED THIS COMPLAINT? Action taken? When? 15. DOLLAR AMOUNT ASSOCIA~D WITH YOUR LOSS, IF ANY. $ 356. ()() 16. PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR COMPLAINT IN DETAIL (ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARy) I Qr~ &tMr Com'P IIWS 6~ lu 6~ ~ , ~ rJe -hHlif1.l [etp1, . 18. CONSENT AND VERIFICATION I affirm. under the penalties for perjury. that the foregoing representations are true. I consenlto the Consumer Protection Divisionobtaining or releasing any information in furtherance of the disposition of this complainl. I consent to therelease of informalion included in this complaint to other public agancies attempting to di$covcr ongoing fra"dul3nt patterns or pr