20. 20 7 Via Email: Miewsonai? thelensnolanrg Marta Jewson Education Reporter The Lens 4344 Earhart Blvd. New Orleans, LA 70125 Re: Public Records Request Dear Ms. JEWSDH3 \Nr: Write to you on behalf of The Einstein Group1 lne- (?Einstein?) in response to your email eon?espondenee, dated Dee-ember 18, 2017, wherein you submitted the following questions: 1. Did Einstein provide the theuments requested by Orleans Parish School Board in a notice of non-compliance, dated November 2.017; l?r?so, please provide a copy ot?the assurances Orleans Parish School Board requested; Did Einstein return to good standing; Were any additional students discovered: and Does Einstein still enroll ma?s?w In response to the request identified in Item No. 2, Emit-em submits the ettelosetl caricatpomlenee sent to Orleans Parish Seltool Board in reply to it?; uotiee of non-eomplianee. Einstein deelines to respond to your inquiry into the mam-15 identi?ed in Items No. and. 3.5* sinee there are no re?tiwmsive records to tho?o i?Ba?h?SH. The Louisiana Public. Rewards. Act, La. Rev. Stat. 44:3. ci $5413.: deer", not require publie et?tlities to create new rettorda or lo eomluet l'?b?c?di'tfll, analyze data.) or Lms?wer queationa when respt?mding to t'eqtleeztal ?Cx'ith Engage regards. Wt: are Vet}: truly yours. "Yell? Sh awn line i 0 sure Wif?uma Lm-t' Firm 35!. of p. ?4 l'Lal. ,J?pr. Cir. {14 E73 L757. 5-53: [The eurstodian tired only produee. or make wailable tor eupj'ging. reptoduc?on. ot? 'itlspeetion {he existing memos eonrainmg the lamented information: and not tesguiretl to meat; new durum-ants to respond to pnblie reemxls tiling, Morgana? firm-m. "La. Mi? 5:3, 3d {03f}. .7: 1 it} 1 ?31.?i'zt 1. =9 1"1; ?11? ?1?13? 1. aI? 1.31.53 32.1111, ..1-.. .1 131115?. MHHME - .1113!? (?11.1.31 Ll? Dear Dina As a reminder, Einstein ?Group, inc. votuntarity agreed to participate in the EnrellNOLA a year eartier than required, which shows Einstein?s commitment to fat-t and equitable enrollment practices. We are new in receipt of your tetter dated, November 7, 2017. Einstetn Charter School assures that all front office staff at each Einstein Charter Schoet has been intonned at this vioiatien and intermect of the expectation and accompanying practices that they must verity a student assignment in Schoochrce prior to registering any student. if a student is not assigned in SchoetForce, he or she does not have a valid assignment and should not be entailed. This assurance- inciudes. the signatures of all front office staff indicating that they are aware of the foregoing procedures. Einstein wilt track notices received from Enroll Nela. indicating that students have transferred out of Einstein Scheeis and update Einstein?s accordingly. Einstein will enumerate instances of misatignment where children attending Einstein Charter School who are not assigned in School Force. else, let it be known that Einstein Charter Schools did not deny students access to any of its schools and that this nen?cemptiance notice has been issued due to accepting students whose parents chose to attend EinsteinTran ..1 i 1? Date - 1.11.12: Jessaea Pnam - 1. Date. . Malinda Ly . 5f . .. Date: Sincerely, 1 41'. . .1 'f 1' Shawn Tarante hi; <1 "13? ??I?tlr wit} 3' in?? 1131141611: Iiiuhttz? 15111.- 1111 Tit-H1 1 111' 1 111.11 51": 11:11: i 3.31 Exactly-1?11 1: it: Page ?44.11115 - :33 1' 12:11. i if. 5 5 135-3-- 3 31.1 4; 35- 7' December 18, 2017 Public Records Request by Marta Jewson