15 Cr. 867 (RMB) DATE: October 6, 2012 at 9:24:44 PM CALL ID: 1704615951 PARTICIPANTS: Ozgur Erker (“ERKER”) Reza Zarrab (“ZARRAB”) ABBREVIATIONS: Overlapping (“OV”) Unintelligible (“UI”) Participant ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER English Translation Original Language Hello. Hello. How are things? How is it going? How are you, brother? Thanks, how are you? Thanks. And you? Well, good. What are you guys doing? What to do, we are dining. Bon appétit. Still no news from the bank, right? No, he/she didn’t get back. Okay. Umm, I spoke with Halk -with Suleyman. Uh-huh. Okay. We agreed about the job that we had discussed. Did you mention us? I did, I did, my dear. Okay. Should I not have mentioned? No, I was just asking. No. I did mention. He just said “There are two Indian companies. They should take those two and send them over to us.” He said “Hand washes hand, then the hand washes the face.” Say again, what did he say for us to do? There are also two Indian companies, Baharat and H -- H-M-E-L, okay? Alo. Alo. N’aber? Ne var ne yok, QDVÕOFÕQ DELFLP? 6D÷RO VHQ QDVÕOVÕQ, VD÷RO, sen? ø\L valla, QH \DSÕ\RUVXQX]? Ne \DSDOÕP yemekteyiz ya. Afiyet olsun bir haber yok de mi bankadan? Yo dönmedi. Tamam, Halk’la NRQXúWXP Süleyman’la. He he. Tamam RNH\OHúWLN R NRQXúWX÷XPX] LúL. Bizi söyledin mi? Söyledim V \OHGLP FDQÕP. Tamam. Söylememeli miydim ki? Yok sordum. Yok söyledim, sadece iki tane GH úH\ Hindistan úLUNHWL YDU R LNL WDQH\L GH RQODU DOVÕQODU EL]H \ROODVÕQODU GHGL, el HOL \ÕNDU GHGL HOGH \] \ÕNDU GHGL. Bir GDKD V \OH QH \DSVÕQODU dedi? øNL tane de Hindistan úLUNHWL YDU Baharat’la (Bharat) Eçemiyel (HMEL), WDPDP PÕ, Yes, yes. Evet evet. He said for those two, they should help O ikisini de RQODU EL]H \DUGÕPFÕ ROVXQ us. dedi. So I will receive Euros and then send Ben alacam yani Euro olaraktan, the funds over to them? RQODUD PÕ J QGHUHFH÷LP SDUD\Õ? You will send TL to them -- to the account they have with them. Oh, okay. Let me check those companies and then I will respond accordingly. 2 Onlara, RQODUGDNL KHVDEÕQD TL yollayacan. Hee, L\L EDNÕP R ILUPDODUD GD RQD J UH söyleyim. ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER Well, you know one of them is Baharat. I got it, alright, let me see. Alright? Are your guests gone? Huh? Are your guests gone? No, they are here. Bahmani will come on Monday. Oh, you had said they would be leaving tomorrow evening. That’s why. You had said you were boarding. No, some of them have left. [UI] is coming. Oh, okay. Now, we started Ziraat and Vakif as well. Uh-huh. We received approval. Uh-huh. As of next week, Ziraat and Vakif will also be engaged. I understand. With whom did you speak in Ziraat and Vakif? I did not speak with them. Who is speaking? I spoke with Ankara. Uh-huh. Mr. Prime Minister and Ali Babacan gave approval. It’s finished already. Oh, okay. We have a meeting with Mr. Huseyin on Monday, you see, -Uh-huh. I understand. That’s good. -- together with Bank Merkez. It’s good that they got into it as well. That should give you some relief. Well, absolutely. They wanted to get into it anyway. Numan is there. Numan has transferred to Vakif. Uh-huh. He was thinking about how they could do it. I mean, that’s good. If they get into it, that is good. 3 ùH\ ya biri Baharat (Bharat). $QODGÕP, WDPDP EDNÕP. Tamam PÕ? Gitti mi misafirler? Hee. Senin misafirler gitti mi? Yoo burdalar, daha pazartesi Bahmeni geliyor. He \DUÕQ DNúDP JLGL\RUODU GHGLQ \D onun için, biniyoruz dedin ya. +D\ÕU ELU NÕVPÕ JLWWL, ... geliyor He tamam. ùLPGL =LUDDW ile 9DNÕI¶Õ GD EDúODWWÕN. He he. Onay DOGÕN. He he. Ziraat ile 9DNÕI GD JLULyor önümüzdeki haftadan. $QODGÕP, Ziraat 9DNÕI¶da kimle NRQXúWXQ? Ben RQODUOD NRQXúPDGÕP NL. Kim NRQXúX\RU? Ben Ankara LOH NRQXúWXP. Hee. 6D\ÕQ %DúEDNDQ`la Ali Babacan onay verdiler bitti zaten. He tamam. Pazartesi Hüseyin Beyle WRSODQWÕPÕ] YDU LúWH. He DQODGÕP, iyi. Bank Merkezi ile beraber, iyi oldu RQODUÕQ da girmesi, biraz seni UDKDWODWÕU. Yani kesinlikle, onlar zaten girmek istiyordu, Numan var orda, Numan 9DNÕI¶D geçti, He. O QDVÕO \DSDUÕ] GL\H EDNÕ\RUGX \DQL ama, L\L ROPXú \DQL JLUHUOHUVH L\L ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB ERKER ZARRAB They won’t be able to pull it through. They are hesitating because they have their things in New York, you know, their affiliates. Uh-huh. I know. Both of them do. Vakif has it also. Uh-huh. They are hesitating because of that. I don’t think they will be able to pull it through. I really don’t know. May it be for the best. I mean, it may work out. Let’s see, we’ll talk about it. Once the guy gets back, I will let you know. [UI] You just couldn’t pull that one job through. My dear brother, I mean, I’m waiting to hear from the guy. What can I do? It’s not my bank. If it were, -Uh-huh. I will try to resolve it. Okay. Okay. Umm, how are we going to do the thing? We hit over to you, you hit TL, TL is on its way. The related expenses -- let’s talk about those as well. So, you -- you tell me what will be left afterwards, overall. Tell me that and I will do the research accordingly. Okay. Is it okay? Go ahead. Alright, then. See you later. Bye-bye. 4 Beceremezler onlar. Onlar úH\GHQ oHNLQL\RU Newyork’ta úH\OHUL YDU \D, iútirakleri. He biliyorum ikisinin de var 9DNÕI¶ÕQ da var. He ordan yani, ordan çekiniyor. Bence yapamazlar. Bilmiyorum YDOODKL KD\ÕUOÕVÕ olabilir yani koQXúXUX] EDNDOÕP, adam dönsün sana söylerim ben hadi ... Bir R LúL NRSDUDPDGÕQ KD. Abicim yani, adamdan haber bekliyorum, QH \DSÕP EHQLP GH÷LO NL banka, olsa. HÕ hÕ. Halletmeye oDOÕúDFD÷ÕP. Tamam. Tamam. ùH\L QDVÕO \DSDFD÷Õ], vurduk sana, sen TL vurdun, TL gitti; PDVUDIODUÕQÕ RQODUÕ GD ELU NRQXúDOÕP. øúWH sen sen toplamda ne kalacak onu söyle de, ona göre DUDúWÕUPD\Õ \DSD\ÕP EHQ. Tamam. Tamam PÕ? Hadi. Oldu KDGL J UúU]. Bye Bye