App LANDAVERDEWASQUEZ, Winiam A0: 0. anms, -- rm." 1 arm." Interpreter 51m: 1:03pm \'ylum Office: MR End: lnlerpruer Inrammnm. Lungungc: Spanish m. Lin: n: mass>> INTERPRETER OATH "ml/m mflumW/fcer um/lhuumuw' "MW/rm. mm"; mu[ "mu/m nun/Ht] murmur ,m MM, u/ <1 mm agamrr me a/I/rlimn! or 1/19 :wnlrum/ mm mummn'm, rm m/u'm/rw (r ,w-uunhu- \'uuml g: aup until/ml mu run/w \Iuml mm all "mum [/nunrwl micnwu um/uhnlm[mm today willsm- should speak bus") and cm. x; 2qu 31m wmcucu,>> mm son an keep up" A Immlmiuu; 0' Applmam. w} uznm: Olficcr Muuhcm and bu conduwng mm mum My mm" min; \xm "Ming mi~ unumcu mm.) Mme." - <> uominwrlitrmd mmhingwu ummdn} runfidcnual Arc pm apmv' A Onm puny)" undcrudflv, "Men 1""th |u mum- mm" Pk mam Down 5 my nrAfl'mn prmidcludn} ml! huuhnrulh" A. 0th mlminiurrml. Form E70. Paragraph 1.2 run]. lx'l EIWIEW APPLICANT no ouundm nd\\lmlu Jl 7 An>> m. 2|th undammd Yes Du \uu hm .m cum-mum Itprc Van'? Nu um you n: mmp) m" mm m- 1ch Yes scrum \ung u) pmuccd uhnul 2m anemic) rm min, 10 cummut cumulmm nmmu or mum \uu M: luw and our" Am Vuu alum u. um mumlilac" w, no mum" l)u\nu um- um nmdim! \mmd No .35 4 I Ihm .mnou hung" mam sum smuuqucmunmm'cm Mm 50m WNW The Lin) [armed hm ("mm m: red and I am: Mum uh} nhcnulrd mm mama Inc in mm>> Country. Asylum omce: ZAR erllaln Gilheno A0 I). Munhaws, zuuw Vou can ask an officer ubour why lhe dressed you in red Whal afl'Icu" An 'olficerm lhe racllil ldid and lhe sar an error 1u1orrnurion Na" 1 will ask you some quesllons abour your See 1-870 Whal rs your full narne7 lluye on ever been known by any olher names? See 1370 Whar is our oala ofbinh'! See 1-370 Have on ever used anolher dale ulbinh" See 1-870. no Where were you bum? See 1-871}. Papa, San San Salvadon E1 Salvador Are you a zen orrhis Sec 1-870; Yes Are you a cilizen orany olher eounlrias? See 1-8711; No Whal wae your address More coming to lhe Unired Slams? See 1-8711: Whal rs our raoe or clhniclty'? Whar is your rcligioll'! Sea 1-1171); Evangelical no you speak an orher languages olher man Spanish-v Sea 1-1970 Ar: you married ngla ng a pamwfl (Spous='s name, zenshi curreal loculionl Sea l-x7o Do you have any children7 (Children's nuns, dales or blnh. aunenl loculrons See 1-370 Do you have any rne leondhlons Lhal we should know about? The only medical problem is lha| have asked ro g0 lo lhe Arc Von loahng oku loan lo proceed? yes 1 feel well you anyone in lhe raeilhy ahoul your aondrlion? lryou are released from dclenliane who would you live whh7 (Names Addressos/ Relarionships/ Telephones I sralusesl Eula lulorrnallon When did you enler lhe Unllad Snares? 3/l7/ls Wus Ihis lhe llrne on anlered lhe Unired Slam? When ou leave El Salvador? nl ruphie lnformllion Did ou aneuo school in our home country? Yes How manyJ/cars orsehoon 1 ear Whu did ou do ror work in our home Eyaul o1 quinccanms. wedding. Huve ou eyar liyed in an orher countries? No Credrhle Fear Questions I'm flaw guirlg or ask you some one ns abour why you reur lemming lo your eaunuy. Tnke your rune ausuar the you can, During you ran ralk zhom any rmou you full ro your country Also. please bruk your responses aller one or two senlencas lo allow lhe inlerpreler 11ml: ro inrarprel. lryou provide rnora lesrnnony rhau 1h: lnlerprererean rully inle-prer, s/he will 5km you. lrrhur happens male sun you are able lo complere your leslimonye Have you ever been rhreurened or hunned in your They lhrearenod and ham-led you How mun llrnes7 Too many lime: Who rhrraalened and harmed you? The Maras and lhe unnod forces ofEl Salvador Can ou lell rne nbout wms| film? The worsl orrirne was lhis year ol'lanuary 31" Can you tell me whal happened men? The 50 lhe anned lorces gonna and pm me in a house rne naked and heal. hem me and heal me And rhey sold 111 reponed lhey would ppcarrne Ind no one would rne Appl an Country. Els udor Asylum onie ZAR LANDAVERDE-VASQUEZ. William Gilberto A0: I). Manhews, 4l|9I16 lnierpreler Sis 5w" Inierpreler End. 2.57pm why do you ihink ihey were hearing you? How can I explain ""57 ll would be very {or ine lo explain lhe reason for why ihe arrned (mes and mm heal me. ll would he very length lhis case? Can you rell rne ihe main reason you ihink ihey hear you? lain Lhe son his dead soldier ihai passed away manna. This happened in Balle del sol A Popa Can you lell rne ihe main reason you Lhink ihey heal you? Gilbenu Laudaverde, my fz|her and ihe reason ihe mom and the soldiers bear me is because lhey killed my ialhers and ihis ha nol been resolved Do uu know who killed our iazher? Ves Who di The Maia Ix from Del Sol killed him Ifmey killed him why do you lhink rhey wool to hurt you? The problem is Lhal ihe soldieis wani me lo repon iheni so rhey can pin ilieni in prison. know who killed him and ihey wani nie reoon ihis and ihe Mai-as iold ine slam in repon lhis ihey will kill ine Tne armed iorees dor invesngarion io find our Who's ar rauli sol nod ihai place so don ihave so do lhal. Who do lhe soldiers wall! ou lo "Dori" The ones lhal killed my failier You lold me earlier lhai lhe heal you correeltl Ves Why do you ihink rhey hear you? The reason Lhey beat me is because refused to reporl lhis because in do um will kill me Who will kill ou'! Morals How do :he soldiers know lhal you have informallon lo rayon? I am his son and [know who killed him and il was someonel weni lo sehool wilh lhai killed him Did you wiuress your ralher being killed? No didu'l see il but] know il because ihe deleclive who inves igaled lold me and he is a friend orlhe family How do The soldiers know lhai you know who killed our falheri The reason ihey know is because ihe snrrie rirne rhey killed my in killed a gang member who hanleipared in my Miner's killing Who killed rhe gang rnernberihai panieipaied in your raihers killing? li was ihe arined knees who rook revenge Thai doesn'i explain ro rne why the soldiers were aware you know who killed your iaiher. will explain more easily. The deieerive said ihe name onhe person who killed my iaiher and he asked me ill know lhenr and I said yes 1 know them. Thai-s where ihe onned rorees round our know lh=m nee-use iney gave me iheir names and iold me lo repon ihein. liihe anned lorees gave you iheir names why would Because in El Salvador ihe afrecled ones, she harrn ones have io go iile ou need io repan iherni areporr, lrrne soldiers already know who killed your rainer have io repon ihern bccaus: ihere are a loi orihern leh who have io be would you roll need or file repon ogainsi lhelTl? might Who do you mean? when I say ihere a loi oipeople leh to be caught I mean here are a loi orpeople who panieipaied in me killing The soldiers hear you because you wauidn'l reporr ihese peoplev The soldiers hell me because i wouldn-i repori and unis is where ihe problem begins and need io explain io you. The soldiers sian lo kill gang members in Bulle del Sol. They illed ihree more people, The olrhe 3 people who were murdered made a publicanon in a Salvadoran newspaper. in ihe ii said ihai the son onion i erio Landaveroesrun-ied irn over io ihe Mans Turned who over lo Lhe Mara:7 No me who is ihe son turned over my falher lo ihe Maras. Thai's where the biggesl problem sinned. The soldiers believed I was a miners and heal me even harder. When did ihis happenT The hardesi bearing [1/25/12 The soldiers ihoughr ihai ou were a gang membm'! Yes why did she lliink rhan Because orxhe news moi eanie om. on ihe newspaper why did ihe have your name in ii? in ihe publlcuion ihe inoihers oiihe 3 people ihal were killed knew me by narne, And ihe siaie an invesu'gaiion in ihe inorrienl tn find our in was wally a gang member. The hearing was on 11/15 ihey pin me in a house and began inierrogaie ine Who did7 The soldiers Can you lell me what kind oilhings rhey said in you? They sai in was a gang member and said no, hey gm anyy and said in don'i answer wiih ihe lruLh ihai lhey would kill nie and kepi saying wasn'l a gang member. They lei me go bul beiore lhey lei me go one onhein said he would kill me beeause no longer had a righl io LANDAVERD App Connery. El5alvadur Asylum Olfice: zan ASQUEL William Gilberto A0: D. Matthews. unto? lnierpreier scan Interpreier End: 3pm live How did you know iliai ihey were soldiers:l The were in uniform Did ihey beai you wiih objeew wiih ihe buli oiihe Mic Were you injured" My iwo rihs were damaged bui didn'i go on a eonsulialiori because at rear Do on mean you didn'i go see a down? Yes Did you repon ihese soldiers? No Why now in repori ihem ihe deaili squadron, ihe exierminaiors ihai popped up in El salvador reoenily could kill me Why do you ihink ihan Because the have given ihe soldiers ihe lreedom io shooi an Jerson Who has given rhem Ihis freedom? The presiderii Can you iell me how you know mis7 Because ii was in die news ihai ihey were given permission io open fire Do you have any personal knowledge ihis happ=n?7 Personal, personal bui ihey have beaien me and ihey wouldn'l kill Has deaih squad killed an one {haw No bui i do know thI ihey parliaipaled in raiher's deaih Do you knou whyyour Iaiher was killed? There are a loi or reason lliai are innueniial Can you iell ine ihe main reason? There are iwo roam reasons. The first being abai i-riy was in eharge ora prison. He had in make sure illieii ihings didn'l make llwir way inlo ihe prison. And ihey olrered io give him money io allow drugs and weapons in go amongh bul he relused The ouier reason is ihai my faiher was in ihe armed Tore-s and he was in charge are group called heehosde eleeiivos and he was io disn-iai-ule Maras Since he was in ihei group he would invesiigaie ihe Mares and pin ihem in prison. Whai kind oi group was (his? Whai does ihe qucs reler lo? Was ii a eommoniiy group. was ii a group or someming else? We eould eall ii poi cal group because ai ahe iime ihe presideai impalsed ihai Whai do you mean by impulsbd? Because ihe presideni said ihai ahose groups would be called malladura. super manaduia. and managuierro The presiderii gave ihis group a namel yes ihe group was only in charge orgeuing airem and puuing ihem in prison. noihirLelse Haw would someone become a member oruiis grunp? No| ihai you would become a member bui ii was ihe armed forces working wiih ihe poliee lo gei ihe marero (Eggs) Was your raiaer a poliee ofi'lctr'] No he was a member onhe armed forces. He was a sub-sergeani. Ho was a snldicra Did ihe gang members ihai killed him know he was a Yes soldier: You said you were beaien by gang members wrucl" Ves When did ihis happen? There were several During any errhe urnes ihey hear you did ihey memion your iaiher? Yes ihey meniipried him a loi and said your falhtr was asoldierai-id you have in he ours. sun for you in undeisiaod ihink have io finish a linle more onhe slum Vou remember iheyinvesiigaied "i=7 Can an remind me who invesiigaied you" The soldiers 0k go ahead And ihe invesiigaiion ended and loaded our was innoceni was no in ihe Mans. Then ihe soldieis began in gei more Mareros in Maya del Sol. They killed some and ionored and killed oihers and because or ihai ihe Mereros liaied me. when ihe gang members beoi you whai kind orihings would ihey oy your falhu'! They said you are ihe son on soldier and you have in iell ihe soldiers io luv: dongs alone. Thai ean'i iell ihern who was responsible ror ihai. They said ihey were eiiher going or kill me or force me id be a marero by jumping mei he soldiers dldn'l siop ng Mareros. AI iliai rriomeni weni io go live in anoiher plaee. When did ibis happen. Mid 2o): Where did on go live? seni to live in La Were yoii sate ihere? was safe for some days bin ihe Maras ihu were ihere kicked me because was rrom somewhere else. Whai happened ihai made you leave El Salvador when on didi The reason i lerl Wu because on l/zl ihe so rs me and said had one week io repon or ihey would kill me or disuwear rne. During lrun El Salvador Asyhun omae: ZAR LANDAVERDE VASQUEL erlram Grlherlo A0: D, Manhewr, znmos hale: 4/19/16 Inlerprener lulerpreler End rhe bemillg on l/3l lhey knocked my braces reerh and but my rios again Iheu I did go Io lhe docror and have inc pmofanhe rnuhiple in,- and slayed in my house unriI when I wenr shopping And Ihal day when I wear rhe srore I was in La Papa hecause couldn'lnv pruolernswuh lhe Mareros They said rhcy would jump me in by force ihe soldiers had already killed a of Moreros I have um I have said. Even Ihouyr ynur laiher died 4 years ago me soldiers warrl lo harm you because you dida'l repon who kIl led him? You m-n Lhe soldicl's wanl Io kill me because I didn'l repon? Yes. isn'| lhal whar you loId me Yes I was making sure Ihars whar you mean why do you lhinlr lhe soldiers slill war-ll la hurl you 4 years Inrer? 4 years law? The Iusl beaung rhey gave me was lhis year They're nor going lo be comronaole unlil my laurer's murder is cleared up. And if lhey rexum rne ro El Salvador il will be much worse ror me. The Mareros would find our io ls minules because lhe police and rnareros are allied. Why do you "link polrce and rnareros are allied? say Lhal because Ihey slapped and checked me one lime and Ihe police olrIcer had Ille IaIloo Is on Ihe insidc orhis Irp. And Ihe olher is Ihal when Iirere is a murder and Iherc is a whims: Ihe wilness ends up dead irhe leslirles againsl Ihe olher person. in olher words Ihey'usxice in El Salvador doacn'l work. ls lhere anylhing else [hat you ll-u'nk I should be aware nflhal we havcn't ulkcd alwul? ldoll'l Ihlhk so. I Iried Io explain my fear in r=|uming no El Salvador Can you cell me one more rinre why you Ink fl; members chose lo harm you? Can you txplain lhal ouesirou (n ma" Can you reII me why lhe gang rnernhers chose Io |arg=l you? Due lo Lhe reason ure invesrigarion orrny falher's murder hasn'l finished. They wnn'( he salisrred unril lh: rnareros kill me Who won'I bc salisfl=d7 The nrareros won'l he salisned unriI lhe killed rue and lhe so be unriI lhey find rhe person responsible {or my [alher's murder "on! Farm Harm Qaacrr'onr Did anylhing happen aner you Ierl your counlry lhal you rh I should know ahoull Whar do you mean7 anyllung place aher you Ierl rhaI you "link I should know? My molher roId rne zflerl Ien lh: soldiers and mareros have oecn looking ror rne do you mink would happen rryou wear hack Io our conmry now? ldon'l know irlhe soldiers would hear me again or lhe mareros would kill me. The suresl mil-lg is mar lhey would kill me Is lhere any olher reason rhey would wanr lo hurr you orherrhan whorl you'v: already told "i=7 No only lhal wilh rhe suldrers Ihey mm In and die mareros Ihey dun'l slop rnoniloring, They warn Iojump me in and don'l wanx Io Are you afraid oranyone or anylhing elsel The mighiharmm rarnily Is rhere anywhere in your counrry man you could live sorely? No, luaveled in another place like I laid you earlier hul can'l be safe in El Salvador Why do you rhar you can'l be sure anywhere else in El Salvadofi Th: mason is no mailer whrre I go lhcr: are soldius and Mans and rigm now El Salvador is divided in rhree pans bmwun Is Sureuos, Ia Revolucinarios and MS. Since I live in a place where Revolucionarios arc I cannot go roa place where Ia Surenos or MS are Could you seelr prorecrion rrorn rhe police or Jovernmenl'! No I am why do you Ihinh lharv The police are oonnecled lo lhr: Mans and I un'l asked rile governmeni because Ihese groups have popped up, lhe exrenniualors and lhe squadmn. The oresidenl croarcd Applic-nl- LANDAVERDLVASQUH. William Gilberto Counlry: EISalv-dur Asylum omee: 2m A0 I). Dllz: l/I9/l6 lnlerpreler lupin lnrerprerer End :S7pm lhem. Hove you ever been Manned or rhreocened or do you leer on will be harmed or lhreolened bccause olyour race? i don't lhol quesrlon Do you mnsidcr or Hispunic'? You repealed lhul queslion and now mink oboul ll i am lorino Hove you ever been harmed or lhreorened or do you leor _you will be honned or lhreurened beans: you ure lnrinol ldon'l know how in answer lhol Do you lhink you could be harmed in El Salvador because on are la|ino7 llhink so. l'm conrused now. Lel me see in con reword lhe oueslion to help you undersundg Has ooyone in El Solvodorever hurt you because you are lallno'.' ll'lhey hurl-ned me? Yes lhe soldiers lhe Mons hon-med me from El Salvador? Have you ever been hamlcd or flirealened do you rear V=s I'm nlrnid you will be banned or beonuseol your nerionoliry? You're ornid someone will hurl you only because you're Ves lorl lhere lhey hove been btnfing me Have you ever been hormed or lhrenrened or do you lea. you will be honored or lhreolened becans: ol'your relig n? To be precise me soldiers have even gone lo church lo lake me oul und heal me The soldiers have gonen you our orchumh lo ball you? es When7 in me middlc ollal 'cal and in mi: Whal were lhey saying lo you when lney beul on? The same rhingns olwr s. For me lo rile reporl. Hav: you ever been or lhrealened or do you I'm! you will be hal'IMd or because mere is samcLhing nbonl ynu Ihzl is special or litmus: nf group on all: pun or' Yes Whol is oboul you? i grew up in where lhere is lor ondl never panicipaled a 1 Queer as If you relul-ned lo your oounlry, do you {w you would be harmed lhe govemmenl or police? he. The police eon honn me in file repon heuus: lhey are conneeled lo rhe Morus. And lhe slnre is lhe rorees. Vou don'l moi lhe con proleel you? None oflhem con proleer me Why do you drink lhol? Because lhere hnve been mes where Salvadorans police or armed forees for proleoll'on and lhey don'l gel ls were any olher reason you would lhe police lhe are oonneelcd or workin logelherz They're oorrupl lhey oocepr money How do you know unis? Beeouse lnere hnye oeen lors olcusee where my hnve invesligoled eonneelion belween police Moreros Or even lhe very police are maums. Do you have any reoson lo mink lhe police or governmenl would ask. allow. or give permission lo someone lo harm nu? Ves Why. The soldiers wam lo me and irsorneone repons lhey don'l do They nre nlroid ollhe mareror, 0r lhe police call lo loll lhern who reponed rhem Do you have nny reason lo "link are police or govemrnenr would reluse lo help you, or ignore you lryou asked for help? They would ignore me Why do you lhink lhol? If] asked lhem lor help rhere is a slcreorype over lime. lryou ore young on ore-gong member Bar questions Office: 2m ASQUEL er am Gilberto AD n.M-nnews ZAMD Dale Lila/lo lnlerpreler Slur: 03pm lnlerpreier End- Have you liyed in any olhc! No Do you hav: [0 live in my olhereounlry No besides our wumry? Have you averserred in llre rrlililary or received rn rary No uain 7 Have an ever lrarrned or him unoliler person? No Have you ever been a member oi or in any way mucialcd No wilh a gmlu'l mar uses nice in your cnumry or in ilie Have an ever eorumilled an crimes an counm'.' No anc you ever provided any money or supparl lo people No wllo harm curlers/groups use violence? Have you been arresled {oi any reason in any No eouulry? ND Have you ever eornrnilled any erinres anywhere in rile world? is anyliring else lnal you would like ro add ilral uunk we llayc noi covered lodayi Nnjusl We nlready lalked aboul my rear OFF CER READ SUMMARY TO Tm: APPLICA Now 1 wire a shoe summary onne infnmulinn Ihat Na ussed ioday and will Ind back lo you onoe Im Please allow are lew minules to do llr' My rallrer was a memoer ollne mililary who was killed in ZOIZ. Deleeliyes inyesligared llis death and roe lire narnes oflh: gang members responsible iur me murder Soldiers pin me in a house. inierrogmed me, and bear me will. die aunorau Mlo beans: wnuldn'l me a reporl ou lire gang members responsible rar killing reporl an gang members because llrey lilrenieaed and h=al mc marry limes niey bear me because lne oirny {alhel's murder was nol eonlpleie and lirey did nol wanl me la reporl rlieru. The police Cannol proleel me because ilrey and lire gangs are eannecied. lam arra'd dial in reiunr lo my century 1 will be bearer. a lie soldiers by gang members ls dial a correcl summary? Ves ls mere anylhing inul you would like io add llrai you lirink we have noi eoyered today? No lhal's all you very much Did ou undersland all my queslious ladxy'? yes PARAGRAPH ORM [-37 . READTO APPLICANT Do you have any oueslionsr- Yes wiral (an I do wilh lne pioorlnal cankd here wilh my belongings please hold on meru in ma ease you will have lo see so 0k irnrniglelilmudge, Do ou uudersraud wnar wnsjusl read ID on? '15 You're going or receive yo decision in rile nenl rew days. llyou a pusi ve deelsran. you will receive a nuiice lo appear in Conn. and some uliler in lire rruil, Tire dale and lime ollne eourl hcamlg will nol be sex yer. When ii is sei. you rnusl nope-r ror ine hearing in lmmigmlion Colin or a deeision [19/16 Cnuntry: El Salvador inierpmer Sur Asylum om": zm inmpmer End: may be mad: wilhaul you. lfyou receive a negaiwe decision. in nexi few days an officer on me phone will ask "you want an immigmion Iudg: no review Ihc decision or b: processed |a be deported back In your counlry. The officer on me plum: wm explain in: apiions in nu 351i". Thank yuu {or your iime. We er: finished for day. Pleas: give the phone back no me ofiiur. Hes: of luck h) you. 00thqu 'pm 2 AI rhe conclusion ofme inlerview. lhe asylum officer must read lhe following lo Irihe orHomelaud Security deieonhies you have is credible rear olpeiseeuciori or ionure, your case will be rererred ro an immigration courr where you will be allowed zo seek asylum or cfremoval based on fear or pcrsecuririri or wirhholding of removal under rhe Againsl Tom": The Field Office Direcior in charge orihis dcremion facility will also consider you may be released from dereniion while you are preparing for your hearing [me Lrylum o/ficer dciemirncs rhai you do rial have credible fear a/persemlion ur Iarlure, you may ask an Immigration Judge io review lhe decision, I/you arejmmd rioi ro hove crediblerea, afperseculmn or 10771472 oudyou do not request rel/I'm you may be removed from the UniledSIaIe: a: roon In lroucl nrrarlgamdnl: can be made, Do you have any questions? 3 AI die conclusion orihe iriierview. ihe asylum omccr musi redo summary orihe claim. cansisxing orihe responses ro Quesucris 3 ac and recorded ihe Additional seciiorie Io applicani Quesiiori and Answer imeryiew rioies urid a summary and analysis orihe claim musi be aiiachcd io ihis rorm for oil negaiivc credible rear decision; These QM noies musi reilcci ihoi ihe uppiicam was asked io :xplain any or lack ordeiail on moierisl issues and iliai ilie opplieuni was given eyery io esroblish credible rear. SECTION IV: CREDIBLE FEAR FINDINGS A4 Credible Fear Delerminatlon: gredib iy 4 i There is a sigriincuril possibility char ilie assenions underlying |hc applicant's could be round credible in is full asylum or orreiriovul hearing. 2 Applicam found not credible because lcheck boxes 34.5, which apply): 4 [j wax inrernally inconsistent ori ri-ialeris Issues. Tesiimuuy lacked sulricierii derail on mnu'rial issues. 4 Tesiirriony was nor conslsieui wiih counuy condilions on muicriui issues Race 4 7 thg'mn Mi Naliooaliiy 4 9 in a Panicular Social Gmup (Definc rhe social gruupl: "0 Politicalovimon 4" Nochus Credible Fear 'ng {em or persecuiion established on Credible {ear unorrure esxablished. OR I I5 Credible {car oipersecuiion NOT esublished and mere is nor a possibiluy lhai could eslablish cliglbilily ror wuhholdhig of removal or deferral or removal under me agaiusI Toriure, 8. Pas le Bars: M6 |j Applicaru could be subim lo a harm in asylum or wilhholdirig oirernoval (check lhe boxles) rhru applies and explain on rhe sheen- a 17 Serious Crime 4 ll scourny Risk Aggravakd Felon 420 Perseculor 5.21 Terrorisl '1 22 Fimily Rescnled a 22 smous Non-Po Crime nuuide Uniicd sures 4 1o Applicam does nor appear io be subjeci io burrs) io usylurri or wiihholding or removal Form uni/ml PlgeO C. Idenm}: 42* Ann uI\ncICdlb' (Hmnmum AH Mm; mvhu "rem T'dwpufl Much app mun-mu 3 Lunar New mpmm': I'm-mm [j (prlmIIunLlu'umlnumumvdunI SECTION V: ASYLUM OFFICER SUPERVISOR NAMES AM) SIGNATURES II DnmeHe MnIIheus MR 459 ,quum and mm. Ipnmy =4 Klifi'o O?ufl huncruwn Jwflum ulI'Icuthmw 5' 4mm mwuu Re) 9 dqu-II [mm mm Hm mm mm