us. Department of Justice Executive Office far Immigration Review Board ofImmigratmn Appeals Ofllce afrhe Clerk 5I07Ltunurg we Suite 20:70 rlz/Ixcmm, mm". 2204: Beckett, Eduardo Office 0' Chiel Counsel - ELP Beckett Law Firm, PC 11541 Montana Ave Suite 0 PO Box 971067 El Paso, TX 79936 Physicah 1611 Beech St, Suite 3., El Paso, TX 79925 El Paso, TX 79997 Name: GUTIERREZ som, -- Dale of this notice: Enclosed is a copy ofthc Board's interim decision in the above-referenced case. Sincemly, CW Donna Can Chief Clerk Enclosure Panel Members: Guendelsberger' John Userteam: l. a: .. Us. Department at Justice Decision ofthe Board of Immigntion Appeals Executive Otfioe for Immigmtion Review Fills Csurch, Virginia 22041 Tiles .1 P350: TX Date: DEC 2 2 21117 In re: Emilio GUTIERREZ SOTO Oscar GUTIERREZ SOTO IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS MOTION ON BEHALF OF RESPONDENTS: Eduardo Beckett, Esquire APPLICATION: Reinstatement of Proceedings INTERIM ORDER The respondents have filed a timely motion requesting the Board tecnnsider our order of November 2, 2017, in which we deten'nined their appeal was untimely filed, The record does not contain an opposition from the Department of Homeland Security. Upon consideration of the arguments and evidence presented with the motion, we agree that reinstatement of the respondents' appeal is warranted in the interest of fairness. Acwrdiugly, the Board's previous order will be vacated, the appeal will be reinstated, and a decision on the merits of the appeal will be forthcoming. ORDER: The Board's order dated November 2, 2017, is hereby Vacated. INTERIM ORDER: The appeal is reinstated. FURTHER WTERIM ORDER: A briefing schedule shall be set to afford the parties an opportunity to file a brief. THE BOARD