St.o.te of New Jersey Cxnrs Cnnsnu Orrtce or rHs.ATToRs.'D\ GnsER.{t, Dsr,.rrtrussr or L.rtt .rsr Pt'rrlrr: S.-*'crr Drrrsros or L,rw Itrrr Gr',ro.,rcso 25 M,\nIDTSflIl:nl' Cnnrsropson S.Ponntso :Ulotn$ (i, $ l Nlcurir,r,u :l(tirt PO Box 112"-. NJ 08625-Ol t2 (609) 292-J965 L October 6. 201 7 Paul Zoubek. Iisq. Montgomery McCracken Walkcr' & I{hoads. LLP 457 Haddonlield Rd. Suirc 600 Cherry l-lill. t.\J 08002 Relention lbr l,cgal Sen'ices lirr the Administralor ol' the Departmcnt ol' Larv and I'ublic Sat'ety Regarding thc lldna Mahan Con'ectional lracilit] lbr Womeri Ilc Dear Mr. Zoubck: 'l'his lettcr is to confimr our rctcrllion ol l,our lirrn to provide legal counscl and anal) sis t() the Administrator oi the Dcpartnrcnt ol'Lau' and I)ublic Sal'et)'. State ol'Nerv Jcrsel' regarding the administrativc protocols and invcstigatory responsc involving the lrdna Mahan Correctional Facility lbr Womcn. Your firm will assist this Oflicc irr the rcview olthesc matlers. l'his letter rvill also conlirm that you will bill us lirr your serviccs at thc lbllowing ratcs: 535O/hr. lbr partncrs and counsel at vour linn: 5295/hr. lbr associates: and 590/hr. lor paralcgals As part ol'this retention. you and your firm agrcc to abide by thc l)cpartmcnl of Larv and Public Safbty Olfice of Attorney Gcncral Outside Counscl Cluidelines, January, 1.2015. availablc al:. http://rrri s'. n j.gor,/oaro/lar."-r ptll)r'lqstoaru-dol-( )utsitle and incorporatcd into this lettcr. -Counscl-(iuitlclincs.ttd l' -l-hese guidclincs address conllicts ol' interest. your responsibilitics as counscl, conlidcntiality, casc managemcnt. reporting and budgcting. settlement and usc of altemativc dispr.rte resolution. stalling and billing policics. and rncdia policies. I.x Je,spJ /s..l,r Eq ol Ot\x\1unib' Entplq\\' . l\'ill?d o llcctcled P.ttx\ e d lt?crcktblc Nftr,r,nn l)i,?(to, October 6,2OI7 Paee 2 Regarding conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety, your firm should be guided by the standards set forth in Cuidelines, pages 2-3, regarding the ethical obligations of special counsel retained by State agencies and employees. If you have any questions about whether a proposed representalion by your firm of another client would be in violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct or the Guidelines, we encourage you to notiry us in writing in advance so that we can discuss the issue. As noted in the Outside Counsel Guidelines, your primary contact within the Division of Law will be Division's Designated Attomey, who for this matter will be the undersigned. If this changes, you will be promptly notified. We understand that Paul Zoubek will be the primary contact on this matter. changes, please promptly notifr your primary contacts. If this New Jersey Law contains additional requirements applicable to this retention agreement. Those requirements are set forth in detail in Exhibit A, Additional Requirements for Office of Attomey General, Division of Law Retention Agreements, attached hereto, and are incorporated into this Retention Agreement. Please note that several require additional information be submitted on the forms indicated prior to this Retention Agreement being executed or your firm beginning work. Please complete the forms referred to in Exhibit A, and retum all documents to the undersigred as soon as possible at P.O. Box ll2, Trenton, N.J. 08625. Please note that you cannot be officially retained or be paid for any services rendered until this offrce has obtained final Department of Treasury approval ofyour Chapter 5l Certification as explained in Section E of Exhibit A. Official retention will be signified by the receipt of a copy of this letter with my additional counter-si gnature. This letter also confirms our right to terminate your retention as counsel at any time by simply advising you either orally or in writing that your services are no longer needed. You further agree that once you receive our notice to terminate, all services that arise from your retention shall be immediately terminated and the State and our office is not responsible for the payment for any services provided by you beyond the date of termination. If the terms and conditions set forth in this letter are acceptable to you, please acknowledge your acceptance ofthem by executing the enclosed copy and returning it to me. October 6,2017 Page 3 If you have any problems or questions regarding the terms and conditions of your firm's retention, please call me at your earliest convenience to discuss them. Very truly yours, CHISTO S. PORRINO ATTO EY GENERAL OF NEW JERSEY By: Attomey General Encl. cc: Michelle L. Miller, Acting Director I hereby acknowledge and accept the terms set forth herein this -.19-dayof 1'. ja,h"--, 2017. Paul Zoubek, Esq. Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads, LLP I 7,,,t v By, ( Jespersen Attomey General As Dated rl,lft I