cTS00112 Pennsylvania Depa.tment of Environmental Protec{ion lnveBtigation Report Paqe 1of 2 comolaint lnfonnalion EP NC Rgnl Off Williamsport ld: 275AO2 Municipality: Roulette Township Entered By: BARBARA L SANTONIm Source: Phone Call Date Received: 1112212010 Complnt Related Complnt County: ER Retated ld: None Potter (y/N): N Afrer Hours lndMN): V. 1. 1 Date Acknowledged: 11/222010 Abbrv Description: Water well degradation Long Description: In 2009, Guardian put in a gas well in the feldlcmpts house i . They guaranteed her $€ter well. Afler they drilled, they tested her water, Results showed a t€ce of methane. A few months ago PGE dug a water \^,ell next to her property approx iiom cmpts well. Alter they put jn the water well, cmpt wBnted her water iested. They tested in August. Cmpt receiEd results on 11/19/10 which showed radon, methane and aresenic. Cmpt contacted Guardian and they are gcing lo test her water again (probably some time this \ €ek). Cmpt is also going to contact PGE this week. Ihey VERBALLY guaranteed her w6ter. Cmpt is contacting her lawyer today. She thought Guardian and PGE were related comoanies but bund out they are not Site Location: Name: Address: OP EN _S OU RC E Corlrplainant lnformalion Seq No: Company: e{/lail: Confidential Yes (Y/N): Mobile Phone Home Phone: Date/Tlme Received: Ert; 1112212010 10:01 AM Resoondble Partv lnformation Name: Home Phone: Company Name: Municipality DANIEL SCHOEN WorkPhone: GUARDIAN D@LORATION LLC PO BOX 225 HUNT, ry 78024 83G.367{022 Permif#: Counly: N Out Of State Ext: Penns,ylvania Dopartnsnt ol Environmental Proteclion lnvedigalion R6port cTsoot 12 Page 2 o12 Resoonse lnformalion Priority: Program: 2 ComplaintType: Date Resp Asdgned: Water Supply Oate Response Due: 12J08t2010 Oil & Gas 111291m10 01t21tm1l try Supervisor: ROBERTW EVEREfi lnspector: lnvesliqation lnfomation Date lnvestn Asrigned: ln+ector: 11122010 EVERETT ROBERTW eFACTS lnspection ld: DAVID E ENGLE Dab lnvestigared: 11/292010 Violation(Y/N): lnvesrigationld: Type: Site Visit No 274942 Sampled pd\6t6 water well aiter Mike Pan€ttieri, Bob Young and I inspected nearby Guardian Exploration gas wells. See attached email dated /1U11 with inspection details. * * OP EN _S OU RC E lnvedigalion Description V. 1. 1 Date Fi6t Response: Date Resolved: Date RefErred: Refe.rEd To: CommenG: 11t222010 End ot Report := I pennsytvania OF ENVIBO\t'/iIN'Al PPOTEC'ION Street' Suile 101 Third West 2t8 Wi[iamsport, PA 17 7 07-6448 JaouarY 21, 2011 nFpaRlMtNI Fax Re: 570-327-3565 V. 1. 1 Northceutral RegioDal Oflice Act 223, Section 208 Detennination Complainr ID# 275802 Roulette To*'nshiP, Potter County Dear of your watel suPply well located at' The Department has investigated the possible degradation recert oil and gas wetl drillia€ activities :, Pennsylvania, in rcsponse to an 11/22lt010 comptainl that collected samples ftom your home water rriuv nuu"-uff""-t"a yo* water well. On 11/2912010, the Departmetrt for analysis Atable-frr"."-rf1,, *ere submitted to the Departorent's l;boratory in Harrisburg plillgs of your water weu is other sam. .rfioiJing tt" ,rrtltical results ftom that smnpling and the variousrhose resuJts' aocuments Lhat will assist you with interpreting ur"ra"f f io"lra.a. OP EN _S OU RC E .ffil, ^ above DeparbneDt standards Alseoic' which was Our sample lesdts showed sevetal compounds elevated conlamir:anl level $4CL) of 0 01 mgll' and ton aud ,'r*""i":t 6.i,sss -g,1, exceeded the pimary maxirnumare intended to leflect poteotial dangers to humau .econdary MCLs Pdmaly MCLS ..""ra"ry MCLs reflect the aesthetjcs ofwater (i e tasre' smell' elc ) i"aL**"frf""r,"""a"i lr-n*"." and gas well drilling has impacted your home water The Department investigation does trot indicate t}tat oil additional clarification' please contact me at 5'7 A-32'l -3680 qu"rtioo., ot flor"" rrppV'SfrJ 'equire y* Sileerely, -y Robert W. Everen [II WaLer Qua.litY SPecialist NCRO Bweau of Oil and Gas Management Sa:apling Enclosures: Tabte Summarizing Aaall'tical Results ftom Watq Supply Report" Copy of "How to lnterpret a Water AI1alysis cc: Supervisor) David E. Engle (DEPBOGM Easte'tr Operations Water Quality SPecialist William J. Kosmer @EP BOGM Professional Geologist) NCRo Complaint File Pnnt.d on R!.Y.red Paes !5d F t 4<4444ddd ol, !l El l,m&iod t,]>&d,.zdddd or!r.rrrtrrl!dEldo ItrOLlrrlooddd Fl .EBBBBsB V. 1. 1 5 OP EN _S OU RC E "'EEEAEEAE \ \\!lLt \;(J3D\DDO oFioo\5,r \ (, 3F zo>oo to(Jo= !5 ot i', o. -o E :' Ei ! q >.; OE o. FFF F,>EE',] T< H = P IJHHHE] tsoEi(rz:jDtrd' zaza4laa EJ.ooz(9at)zd tadEozdJaa h frB6SCS3*3 I <<