ET . 1. I wmapnul 173-1 to but I unwith?r. c. Pi?? c-mmin; ?ruin ?tun routing In If pupal: cf .1 Inca-ml. of an c1 surf and it: notl?un 1954;?. am: Ind w. am:- luming or wm?rwmu hulk taut-dill thl?omm at 17' Arriving at. ban", and nrur - than tour at 1:11- am hi lin- :l.n unit-at, on than 1.: hum". HI {and 1111.11 Aha-ut- dentition. I. Itmuummrmuu purl. uutw?uttn mun 91101.]; in mutant with at pull-qt Ill-d had an "hum nib-Mom:- ta my than: ?tug-mm bring I nun-hid it In:- "bum in u- mam-:3: anal-whim, ?Imm?mwmim Hal-immensi- tau ?an Ill-pun: about mum and I u? nun- um. rumr had 1: WI dual: Im- a ?0an Ira-Harm about Hy m1 and 51.1m- Ful?l-in ?Mutt-hm, ulna ta run-in I'd- rull in ?at GI ?uff, cumin and l'ml hi- paint. art ad upon-1h In "union the and!? or u: mun? Lat-H3 alumni {In an only" privacy 1m: H'me Jutland rm- CIA. and man Puttin- u: an Gaunt with cmurmulumc nan-n}. Thu preclu- m-igzna at thin. 43th mt. I?m 1.11:. but [My ?flat. that. hid hunch 60 with HI vma bush?: and than-furl mend b-I Ana-:- PM Illa ?u EI staff null-urn: an Gan-run 1:1 affairs; hi had, an" 111, It?td th! chic! CI ?f?tur in which. but {muf?e}; Ha.- uainl; email-Md Eli-inn with I'm-a 193.9 until 1939. Hg 157.3 rotum-d to on tho Gama an}: um mum-arm ital-lad .n-iving, and than urn-Id 5 thru your aunt {1963445} n: SI officer a: Uta Dirn- Shlim. In addition in writing an Ban-4n affair: in {1-4 cr gtu?fl which he an "sign-d Ln haunt-r 195-5, marked {luau?1; mu. (cg-?31 an the vmcmurmm lam-in. th: 1nd. train; out. up H. u? mu; emu-u fur run-{thing and cart-tint: ml at tho 'Lnnir circll' in CI Stiff {lain hi Ina-apt flu-H H?mn tally-d in La gtficl for .- Ipnill briefing at can? in 131.?: 1966]. [11w mm ?pull-u- dentin abut 001.1151?, ?up? w: ban this; at rats-mm, mu I can whith h- it :bmlut?r ?tm?nud u" I pma-num In! an}. nu: pique: I limi?cmh m?h with m- armu; "Mm, an 1n partinlpotln in Hair hunt. fur - Juana-11.; HI wu mu; inform! an dun. 1- at Ha ?Ha, m- but and mud .. LII Ind ding-I?ll: nminadlh "actions 1 to mutigatm? or pun- . 3:153. 11-1 . .g .-. .. - Hinil} 1.: 2a: urn-1:: ?zz-m gix-r'l . 1-.) rad. 1. Fart-1'! "~13 393?? m" 1 1'21; 1?21: .3. ugl'?l uh: ta thjzu :?1133 in Vul'ff'n 01kt. 3?61I33n Hiler, 397'?? halm?h'o: 1?1: in It?. 'Jo ail-i nut gut. in?) inglebon'n ".otii'dim, but Eri'I'I'f nail-yd that, 31514.31 in 'u strains and a waxy ainisior I 1.. th?n ua'md u, more Dr 103: out In!? th- hlul? 11' I hunt About my: Tandy amthr acute-ya. than I nip-lied that I ?mw at it, h- unk-:1 if the reruns pm or mu-Gautarn; I ?plied that th much; dam wry-ugh in favor of mutm'l hon: fidn that he ii I tannin data-clot}. Pm new: tun-rind. ma mulm?: dictum-bod at this mun. Ha than hum {411111; Ibou'l. hill magician- which had humped tin-1n. I'd: Bari: CI HI laid ha cum-thud that ?th? I in tho that. manna-u hirlar high an and" much n. point but than-?ht. WI In Hi1?, but he discardbd that. that: and tutu-d an lulu. p?pn?d I papa: an 31:14: a? {m caudal-rid my sawduh-Itngm msurrm nu ma clan-t. ninth? during th- In! an mm mill: Milne-u"- mum mall: Ihtmsu?m?hu will: nan-In} Hugh ho Ill Huh-d no that-amt fur mil-n1 unth- mt 1 an. a; onu- I 1m; uncut-1m huh-Mm Just Mutant and mm Milli-an I Hind tantrum tn H111: ?m it not a 31:3." mm 4111 Hunt duh I1 hill pup-Ir or thin talk, but 1 mm nth-ta thug both In" in th- hh M's (LI. uhlh 85511: was :uu u. 1h: aid hm. itwhtubomudl 4 mark that tum-Id to lad: at In?ow-n a punch-?Inn. mun:- am, ha 41:: and pray-dad to 1.011 hrio?; album his apart-Inch to Uh sailor Imh far an ?dim to air MI View at. th- at. just. hm: his "Hunt. whlah in turn ?cult-d in ?at. h- u'ual 1mm of tm' than Ill huinl in Uriah ho ??nal '11 ?glam, th- unlmum 131' for Hid-nu, ltd. HI 1 Mini: mrpriud thtImI-Imuf this, HmutWM th- apt-,1 "indu- cum-udmmnodthutl mummo thorium-t. Imumh?m m: .- 39-h ~Vn'm - ?at HT. I135 if121-: hie, A: 315:3? brand: Ur Ili: I. a a. 11.11 Verbal h-d 121 I: kind 01? 11151.3?; 1-331." an L11. $3 an 'I-Iinilcicht Ind.? hut- . a ray hm by: cci-?tnt or cut of ah?? CI csu?b-nm In: at. my raw. 9. was not bipW??d, occurt?ltng ta and it scan: to raw bum-1 deli'mrnte. or course, it. an ?u atanr about Writ-3hr? L511. trig-?nd L1H inn-tigntim of Bum-H. which 1rd to hit ultllam Maniac-:1 rm PM and?. Th! paint bar! in that his fallow attic" tool: it. upon to ram]. information an I. can 1.0 I foreign ?Mu without. pump-Ir upturn-:1 mi!? thu- ulu?ur mun- whit}: had ta bl lupp?laid tin tint but. with]: bod-r in will?; tn rind. 6. Mathirnjor?au'hym, mmIMmup,mmuIt-um? nth-2km Emu mu ?famou- or given nu mm in but: dam-hm mung? it in ?tting ht! Ind th- lath-him Ink. 1m Ilium-aim t-ht?nmknuu. Intuit aft-Ill Miami-05d. Iunnm,1 mum Mbq?ntuulmim? Inn-tin! mm}. Irina 4 inl'll?h'l'?. wu- unantmtum Mm Lumuptimud'pucmuun lm-hlutunmul mm, Wand - mint-1H? high-nu I'l- lat-Irwin with?, gully. militia-01' vim shunt ?gluten mdlu in until-011 to male .mmrumu luau-uh, on till numeral-mum?.