w pennsytvania OEPAAI!4ENT PiglEqllofl RESOLVED INVESTIGATION RIGHT TO KNOW REPORT O' ENVINONMEIIAI, 1U11t2O17 A:22:31 AM Comol.lnt 8210. EP DOGO COO Dstr Otf Complalnt ld: 258960 lnfor ttion Relat d Compl.lnt ld: Susqushanna EnteTod By: KIMBERLY M YEAKLE Sourcs: Phon€Csll Olt Rocslved: 10/08/2008 County: Munlclpality: Lenox Townshap Afr.T HouB (Y/N): N ER Relatod (Y/N): N Dato Acknowlodg€d: ADbr.viated D..cdptlon: Wst6r Oeg€dation Long Ds3cripllon: Complainanl has notrced a chanqe in hsr drinkrnq wat€r. Wat€r appearslo coniaan sed im€nt and has an odd an orland g;; ddllling locstion. tsste. complainant's resdence is V. 1. 1 wiunlof Re3o6ffi ibl. Partv lnrormrtlon Ext: Wo.* Phono: 832-79d4887 Complny: SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PRoDUCTION P€mlt#: unlcipal19: County: Addre33: PO BOx 12359 sPRtNG, TX 2391-2359 R6oon.e lnformetlon Prlortly: 2 Pro96m: Oil & Gas Dato Ret ned: OP EN _S OU RC E Comd.intType: DEto Raspon!. Asslgn.d: 10/08/2008 Drts Resolved: 05/2712009 Oats R6poma Due: 10t22200a Date FiBt Respon&: 10/09/2008 Sup6rvl.or: ANTHONY ln3pcctor: MICHAEL T O'OONNELL C oPRENDEK Comm.ntr: lnvBtiortlon lntom.tion Dalo A:slgnod: lnsp€ctoa: Dtt lnve30gated: 10/m/20O8 10/08/2008 MICHAEL T O'DONNELL Vlolatlon (Y/N): N Sile visit lnv$tigatlon ld: 251543 oFACTS lnlpec0on ld: lnv$llgation Doscrlptlon: Typ.: iied 2 The pl the nges th€ of th situali pl sing SAC 94 p la did 2008 b€Ssn ng lhs deplh ol lh En€Ey Th Pennwlvania Deoaftment of Environlnenhl Protection PublicSquare Wilke3-Bine, PA 18711-0790 Msy 27,2n09 2 Nor,fheast RegloDtl Ofiicc Rcl s'70-826.2s11 570-830-3016 V. 1. 1 Iax Act 223, Seotion 208 Determination Complaint No. 258960 Lenox Township, SusquebanRa County Dear' In response 10 your complairt, the DepartDent has inYestiga6d the possiblg pollulion of your watc! supply by oil or gas &illing activitics. OP EN _S OU RC E Oo Oclober 9, 2008, I sampled yortr watEr supply. The samples were analyzed by our laboratory in Hanisbulg, and I havo included copies oflhc alralysis teporb for your use, Also eocloscd is a fact sheetixplaining rnaximum contaminsltt lev€ls and interprctatio s ofsample [es$l6, The sample takelrfiobr your water well Indlcatqd s concentratiotl ofManga ese above B1aximum contaminant levels. Due to the ptoximity ofyour wa(er sopplyto tho gas uell, itis presuraed that your supply has beeo tempotariiy affected by dtillllg. attel"tio!1o! opgrstion ofoil or lEtumed to nollBsl conditions Lss rvells. How"ver, ii-is out understanding tbat youl vater supply has and you at! not curently e(periencing wEler qua.lity lssues. Ilyou baye any queslio[s, plesse coEtaot me. Siocctcly, //-zJ MichaelT. O'Domell Water Qualily specialist oil aDd Gas Managemelt . Ptogr@ . t^- Enclosures ,\n hoJ op!o*6b Enltqs www.dep,state,pa.us ,,*, - on,.o *n.@ Mq -2- bcc: . 2'1,2009 A, Op1Eodek WQSS J. Ryder', WQSS sltt I 09 OP EN _S OU RC E MTO:sp WP: O3-8697.doc H(Asbare)P: 5126 109; T @: V. 1. 1 NCRO File M. O'Donnell, WQS E V. 1. 1 2 3!1 ?B za gE e t3 ! 3 OP EN _S OU RC E It q= $. :oE B.< i!6 E a (: Q .9\ rii a N i3. ,s B .E E *E E 9 ; e E E: i EII! dSEi fiCh i BE E9 -F lq 5 = ;! 55 6t gI EB :5 CE E H EO o' dd I ex IE E! -oE E- tl !5esi T}Eii .9 ! E ? t E d flts ! E E I 8 I E e g R f E f f, € id ! e 3 I = ! {! E - o = 3 g s a 2 5 S 6 e o c I I V. 1. 1 I 5 c , g ! 5 a 3 I ts I s OP EN _S OU RC E E p 3E qE Ei' E6 i 6 6 8 E 5 I * B s IFj 8 ! 8 5 € e 5 c ;; tg 2;B j 9-E :. 3 ! E a 6 E e F k , E aE ? p E € ; E E e i3a I 3