w pennsytvania DEPAiTIIEI{IOF S{VINONMEMA! FNOIECIA RESOLVED INVESTIGATION RIGHT TO KNOW REPORT 10/l 1/2017 8:19:09 AM Complelnt lntomtUon 8210 . EP DOGO NCDO D3tr Ofi R.l.t Complaitrl ld: 258959 Mwlcipality: Gounty: Susquohanna SourEe: Phons Call o.t R6eivad: 10/082008 Acknowl€dged: Walsr Oegradalion Long D€acripuon: Co.nplainanl has notic€d a changs in ta6t6. Compleinents esidence is pp€ars to conlain s€diment and has an odd an oiland gas drillang loceton Resoonslbb Plrtv lnformatlon V. 1. 1 D.t L€nox Townshlp Atter HourE (Y/N): N ER R.l.r.d (Y/N): N Ent€rod By: KIMBERLY M YEAKLE Abbr.vl.t d D!.cnption: d complalnt ld: work Phon.: 832-796-4487 Company: SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PRODUCTION Ert: Moblls Phono: Permit #: Munlclp.ltty: County: Addreas: PO BOX 12359 SPRTNG TX 77391-2359 Re3oont. lnfom.tlon Prio.ity: 2 Proglam: Oil& Gas Dat Rlrcred: OP EN _S OU RC E ComplalntType: Oet Reapon3a A33lgnGd: 10/08/2008 Rofcn d To: Data Rapon3€ Due: 101222008 Drt R!.olv.d: 0527/2009 oata Fll3t R6pons€: 10/09/2008 Sup.Nl.or: ANTHONY C OPRENOEK ln.pector MICHAEL T O'OONNELL Comment3i lnvstiorrbn ln om.tlon O.t A3sign3d: lGpector: oato lnv..tlglt d:10/09/2008 10/08/2008 VIoI.IION (Y/N): N MICHAELT O,OONNELL lnv.ltl!.tlon ld: .FACTS lBD.ctioo ld: TypG: sit€ visit 251914 home and pulled 2 samples using SAc 942. On€ sampl6 was obtained hom lhe homo pr& trEatrnont th6 s6cond afrer lrealrnent. The comDlainanl did not have infometion aboul ihe dedn of th€ w€ll Th€ complainant indic€lsd ihe changes in ihe w€ll b€gan in Apdl of 2008. Southw€slem Energy Produclion Companv was m6d6 awar6 of lhe situatjon and conduct6d sempling. lnvg.tlodlon Dcacrlpiion: Visited complainanl's Pennsylvania Depa rfi nent of Environmental Protecti0n 2Pulrllc Sqirere Yilres-Brrle, PA 18711-0790 May27,2009 s70-826-251 Northcast Rcgional Office I Rel V. 1. 1 Fax 570-830-3016 Act 223, Sectiotr 208 DetermiBatloD ComplaiDt No. 258959 Lenox Towrtship, Srsquehanna Coonty Deaa !o rcsponse to your coflplaint, llte DcpartrEotrt has irvestigated the possible pollution of your wEter suplly by oil or Bas driJliog activities, sample-d your water srrpPly. TIe samples \Yerc analyzed by our I laboetoryin }laoisburg, ond have included copiescfthe aoalysis reports for your use Also enclosed is a fact shect explaini[g maximum contaminsnt.levels End intorylgtations of sample results. I OP EN _S OU RC E OD Oclober 9, 2008' TLe ssrnplctakgD &om youl r?ter Yrell iodicated a cotrceDtBtion ofMarganese sbove maxirnurn cootaminant lovels. Dus to the prcxlhity ofyour water supply to the gas lYell' it is pre$med tlat yorr supply has beeo teBpo!&rily affe.ctcd by drilling, a)teEtion or opeEtion ofoil or gas r+e]Js, I{owever, ii is our undqstanding thar yolrr water supply has re(ulledto ootmal cooditiotrs and yoq are not cnnently expedeDciilg water qqality issuos, Ifyou have any questiols, please contad me. Sinccreln Michael T. O'Donnell Water Quality Specialist Oil and Gas ManagemeDt Ptograrfl Fllclosures AiRru opporuDityENnldF. www.dep.statapa.us f tutdron Bqcl$r r'{'6@ w bcc: 27,2009 A" OFerdelq WQSS Ryde[ WQSS NCRO File M. O'Donnell, WQS OP EN _S OU RC E MTO:sp WP: O3-8696.doo H(Ashare)P: SD 09;T(F): 5D7109 V. 1. 1 J. E 5 b V. 1. 1 t! g$ ;3 lt 3l z-, E €ts H T3 ? a er 5 aio 2 B ii J OP EN _S OU RC E b- E IE .5!